
Acts 7

Empowered to Keep Faith April 7, 2019

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Bible Study/Discussion Questions

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Read 1 Peter 3:15 1. says you should, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” What steps can you take to ensure that you are fully prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have in Christ?

Read Acts 7:1-50. 2. A marriage engagement is one of the closest things we have to a covenant in our culture. When the marriage happens, the engagement is fulfilled. Stephen is making an argument that Jesus didn’t destroy the covenant with God, but that he fulfilled it. The same way that a wedding ceremony doesn’t destroy an engagement, but rather fulfills it. What did the religious leaders miss?

3. Stephen’s detailed historical account was presented to a group of highly educated religious leaders. Wouldn’t they have already known this information? Why do you think he took the time to spell it out to them in such detail? What was he trying to show them or what message was he trying to convey? Look back at :13-14. What were the charges against him, and how did his response address them? What narrative was Stephen trying to build?

4. It must have been very challenging for Jews in those days who were so deeply engrained with the strict tenets of the law to understand and accept this new covenant were preaching. They were so accustomed to sacrificing, rule following and working to earn God’s favor; this new idea of grace and forgiveness apart from works and sacrifices was a tough pill for them to swallow. Some Christians still struggle with this today. Discuss some ways the members of your group may struggle with feelings of falling in and out of God’s favor as a result of good or bad behaviors.

5. In verses 39-43 Stephen explains why God sent Israel into exile in Babylon. What was the main cause? Is this still a danger to people that follow God today?

Read Acts 7:51-53 6. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen turns the tables on them and delivers and indictment of his own, accusing the Jewish leaders of rejecting God’s plan and His servants. Though thoroughly versed in the scriptures, they had somehow missed their own anticipated Messiah! What do you think was the root of their disconnect? What beliefs, motivations or character attributes stood in the way of them seeing the truth about Jesus? How can you stay firm in your faith while remaining teachable and open to correction in areas of your belief system?

Read 7:54-60 7. This is the third time the has heard the gospel presented by Spirit-filled believers. Stephen has openly challenged them for their repeated rejection of God’s “Righteous One” and they responded in blind fury. How often, when confronted with our own sin is our first reaction to become angry and turn on the one who exposed it? How should we properly respond when confronted with an area of sin in our lives?


Stephen stood up with boldness, courage and faithfully witnessed to the counsel. What is God calling you to do? What has God pressed on your heart this season? Take time to think, maybe split up and write it down.


Pray for wisdom and a filling of the Holy Spirit. Pray for courage to boldly proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ.