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[email protected] Website : www.Jpmgroup.co.ln G.P. HSIIDC !NOL. 14, ESTATE, CIN: L52110DL 1986PLCD25118 SECTOR-18, GURGAON-122 001 HARYANA (INDIA) February 06, 2019 To BSE Limited Corporate Relationship Department, 1,, Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P.). Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -400001. Scrip Code: 513252 Subject: Submission of advertisement published in newspaper for the meeting of the Board of Directors Dear Sir, In compliance with SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 we are enclosing herewith advertisement published in the Statesman (English Newspaper) and Haribhumi for the (Hindi Newspaper) meeting of the Board of Meetings to be held on February 14, 2019. Thanking You, Yours Faithfully Jay Ushin Limited J>'+'?o.V' Amit Kithania Sr. Manager Finance & Company Secretary REGO. OFFICE: Gl-48, G.T. KARNAL ROAD, INDUSTRIAL AREA, DELHl-110033, TEL. :011 43147700 'i!iht-Statesman MamataBanerjee is known 4 undemocratic behaviour ... Modiji as CM also made himself available to agency. Law of land shd b respected SIDHARTH NATH SINGH NEW DELHI, TUESDAY 05 FEBRUARY 2019 UTTAR PRADESH MINISTER 07 THUMBNAILS Opp parties question CM dharna stance State BJP, CPI-M and Cong condemn Mamata for her attempt to rescue police commissioner, violating laws and constitutional provisions STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Metro channel on Sunday ident’s rule in the state, he chief minister was trying to surprising, people are left KOLKATA, 4 FEBRUARY night over the CBI’s attempt replied, “We won’t say anything evade her arrest hence play- clueless about the chief min- to question Kolkata police as of now.”Wondering how ing out a political drama.