Legislative Assembly Hansard 1965
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 25 AUGUST 1965 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 120 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions WEDNESDAY, 25 AUGUST, 1965 of bedroom furniture or similar articles to the purchasers of certain type refrigerators? Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. D. E. Nicholson, Murrumba) read prayers and took the chair ( 3) What steps does he intend to take at 11 a.m. to curb the trade practices of these "Refrigerator Racketeers"? QUESTIONS Answers:- RENTS AND ACCOMMODATION CHARGES PAID BY PENSIONERS.-Mr. Aikens, pursuant ( 1 ) "It is recognized that there are to notice, asked The Minister for Justice,- unhealthy practices developing in the electrical goods retailing business, but I What action, if any, does he propose to cannot take notice of generalised allega take under the Landlord and Tenant Act tions such as that made by the Honourable or in any other way to ensure that the Member. However, should the Honourable increase of 10s. per week in the rent and/or Member furnish details, I shall be pleased board and lodging allowance (known as to have the matter examined." Supplementary Assistance) as provided for in the recent Federal Budget for certain (2) (a) It is well known that large pensioners, is not grabbed by predatory discounts and gifts of varied descriptions landlords in the form of increased rentals are offered by some distributors in order to and charges for accommodation? promote sales of refrigerators and other electrical goods. While this is a matter which obviously should be taken into Answer:- account by a prospective purchaser in con ''The Honourable Member's question sidering any deal offered to him, it would contains imputations as well as being hypo be an unwarranted interference with the thetical but I might here say that matters rights of the individual to attempt to lay relating to "The Landlord and Tenant down by Departmental edict the precise Acts" are constantly being kept under view nature of any arrangement which might be by my Department." entered into by a purchaser with the sup plier of the article he desires to obtain. (b) "The Trade Coupons Acts, 1933 to 1947," prohibit the issue of coupons and, SUBSIDY TO YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN briefly, the gift of goods contingent upon AssociATION.-Mr. Aikens, pursuant to the sale of an article to a purchaser made notice, asked The Premier,- at the time of issue or delivery of the article ( 1) Does the Government subsidise in purchased. Again, no action can be sus any way the work and activities of the tained, unless there is proof of a particular Young Women's Christian Association, sale made and of the making of a gift of and, if so, in what manner and to what goods in terms of the advertisement. There cost annually to the State? fore, if the Honourable Member can (2) If no form of subsidy is granted, furnish such proof, I shall be pleased to can he inform the House if a subsidy is have the matter investigated." granted in all other States and, if so, why (3) "See answers to (1) and (2). It is has his Government adopted a contrary also thought that any legislation which the policy? Commonwealth Parliament might enact, relating to trade practices, could possibly Answers:- also have a bearing on this matter." (!) "There is no direct subsidy paid to the Young Women's Christian Association by the Government; but I understand that TRAINING OF AUSTRALIANS IN PEARL the National Fitness Council make an CuLTURE.-Mr. Duggan, pursuant to notice, annual contribution to the Association as asked The Treasurer,- assistance towards Leadership Training." (!) Is every company indenting Japanese (2) "I am not aware of the practice pearl-culture technicians required to agree adopted in other States." to instruct local labour in the techniques of pearl-culture production? UNDESIRABLE PRACTICES IN SALE OF (2) Does this mean that local labour ELECTRICAL GooDs.-Mr. Sherrington, pur must be trained in the fundamentals of suant to notice, asked The Minister for the nucleus-insertion operations and also Labour and Industry,- in other techniques basic to the industry? ( 1) Is he aware of the ever-increasing (3) Are any steps taken to ensure that volume of false and misleading advertising such training takes place? relating to the sale of electrical goods? ( 4) How many Australians have (2) Are any steps being taken by his definitely been trained in all, or any, of Department to investigate (a) the huge the techniques involved? discounts being offered in connection with (5) Has any consideration been given the purchase of refrigerators, washing to (a) reopening, as a basis of training machine~ &c., and (b) the gift of a suite for Australians and especially Torres Questions [25 AuGusT] Questions 121 Strait Islanders, the experimental pearl tax payable where the Railway Depart culture station established many years ago ment finds itself unable to cope with the at Thursday Island and (b) any other heavy numbers of stock being forced on steps to train and encourage Australians to the market as this applies particularly to set up pearl-culture farms so that the to Central Queensland and the Burnett industry will cease to be completely River districts? dependent on Japanese interests? Answer:- Answer:- "The Government is aware of the diffi ( 1 to 5) "My Government has agreed to culties facing primary producers in the the entry of Japanese pearl culture tech drought-stricken areas in Queensland and nicians into Queensland on condition that has rendered substantial financial help in no work should be allotted them which alleviating their position. Rebates allowed could be performed by local labour and through the Railway Department in freight that Australians (including Torres Strait on fodder and starving stock during the Islanders) should be instructed by the months of April to July last totalled Japanese specialists in the various tech £278,212 whilst the road permit fees waived niques of pearl culture. Whilst the funda for the transport of fodder for starving mental techniques of nucleus insertion stock from July 5 to August 8 last totalled operations are no secret to Australian technicians they remain a specialist's task £10,260. Whilst every effort is being made and the Japanese operatives are, in the by the Railway Department to supply all main, University graduates or of similar the livestock wagons necessary to shift the academic achievement. It is regrettable to livestock offering, the great demand for date that candidates for instruction with the wagons is causing some delays. However, necessary educational background and no railway system can be expected to have qualifications have not been forthcoming to reserve stocks of wagons to meet abnormal test the availability of this tuition. The requirements. Consideration has been given pearl culture industry has been established by State Cabinet to a reduction in road with success in the Torres Strait with the transport fees but it is not possible to draw use of Japanese technical skill. It now a line between the normal road movements employs over 500 Australians compared of livestock and those which are specifically with about 35 Japanese technicians. A con siderable number of the Australians have caused by the lack of rail wagons without received training in the general nursery creating a problem which could involve the procedures and associated functions. In my State in legal difficulty and possible loss of opinion, the industry has a more pressing considerable revenue from other sources. need for research into pearl shell farming The fees being charged for the road move than for training of Australian technicians, ment of livestock generally are half or less and my Government has decided to pro than half of the fees levied for the trans mote and participate in such a programme port of general goods which, in itself, of research. Steps towards promoting this represents a concession of over £250,000 programme are now being taken by the per annum to stock consignors. However, Department of Harbours and Marine with State Cabinet has requested the Railway the Commonwealth, the Island Industries Department to take every possible action Board and C.S.I.R.O. I cannot say at this to ensure that in the allocation of rail stage, whether this programme will call for trucks due regard is paid to the most the re-opening of the experimental pearl drought-stricken areas of the State and that culture station at Thursday Island." severely drought-stricken stock are given priority over movements of primarily a EMPLOYEES IN RAILWAY DEPARTMENT. marketing nature." Mr. Duggan, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Transport,- What were the numbers of employees in CONSTRUCTION OF ARMY BASE IN ToWNS each of the South-eastern, South-western, VILLE AREA.- Central and Northern Divisions of the ( a) Mr. Tucker, pursuant to notice, asked Railway Department at June 30, 1965? The Premier,- Answer:- ( 1) Has he seen the statement by the "South-Eastern Division, 12, 160; South Deputy Mayor of Townsville, Alderman Western Division, 2,945; Central Division, G. V. Roberts, as reported in the 5,203; Northern Division, 5,514; Total, Townsville Daily Bulletin on Friday, 25,822." August 20, 1965, pledging the full support of the Townsvil!e City Council to the Commonwealth Constructing Authority REDUCTION IN TAX ON ROAD TRANSPORT and the Army in the construction of the OF STOCK.-Mr. Hewitt, pursuant to notice, new Army base in Townsville, but depre asked The Minister for Transport,- cating the methods of negotiation employed With drought conditions still prevailing by the Army and stating, inter alia, "The in most parts of Queensland, will he fact that the Mayor's letter of six weeks consider a substantial reduction in road ago has not been answered by the Minister, 122 Questions [ASSEMBLY] Questions indicates that the Army will not be satis NEW SUPREME COURT BUILDING, ToWNS fied until it gets every demand.