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20Th Year of CUPP CUPP 20 0 NEWSLETTER CANADA-UKRAINE CUPP 200 NEWSLETTER 20th Year of CUPP CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 20th Year of CUPP CUPP 200 NEWSLETTER 200 CUPP NEWSLETTER CUPP at 20 ......................................... "And Here We Are..." .........................7 CUPP Interns ......................................9 Landmark Photos ............................23 The Language of Freedom ..............30 Мова свободи ................................32 The Challenges Young Ukrainians Face in Present-day Ukraine ...........34 What Are the Most Damaging Legacies of Soviet Totalitarianism in Ukraine? ......................................36 The perception of Ukraine and Ukrainians by Russian youth .........38 Education and Knowledge will Ensure a Future for an Independent Ukraine .............................................40 Gogol Haunts the New Ukraine ......42 Привид Гоголя переслідує L to R, back row: two graduate students from Kyrgyzstan, Oleksandr Pankiv, сучасну Україну .............................46 C'08 (Boston College); Maksym Klyuchar, C'06 (University of Texas); Roman Is Europe Losing Ukraine?.............50 Tashlitskyy, C'02 & '03 (Ostroh University); Evhenia Viatchaninova, C'09 & '0 Європа втрачає Україну? ...........54 (University of Kyiv); Inna Volkova, C'05 (Michigan State University); Iryna Krasnoshtan, C'09 & '0 (Kyiv Polytechnic University); Serhiy Opanasenko, C'08 Мовна політика, чи мова політики ..........................................58 (Rochester Institute of Technology); Lyubomyr Regush, C'07 (Old Dominion University); Andriy Khomenko, C'96 (University of Kyiv), Atlanta; Roman The Language Policy, or the Didenko, C'96 (V. Dahl Eastern Ukraine University of Luhansk), Washington; Language of Politics .......................6 Andriy Oleniuk, C'06 & '07 (Georgetown University); Inna Viriasova, C'05 Review of the Iryna Berezhna's Ar- (University of Western Ontario); Oleksandr Pertsovskyi, C'07 (Brandeis ticle «Мовна політика, чи University); Vyacheslav Tomenko, C'04 (University of Southern Maine). мова політики» ..............................64 L to R, front row: Andriy Semotiuk, Los Angeles; Ihor Bardyn, CUPP Director; Comment on the Article by Iryna Professor Henry Hale, Director of Institute for European and Eurasian Studies Berezhna: "Language Policy or George Washington University; Olha Kroytor, C'07 & '08 (George Washington the Language Policy" ......................65 University); Tetiana Orlova, C'05 (Brandeis University). Comment on Iryna Berezhna's article «Мовна політика, чи мова політики» ..............................66 «Модель України» – новий History of CUPP students an opportunity to work and майданчик для обговорення th study in the Canadian Parliament, «українських» питань? ...............68 On July 16 , 1990, the Ukrainian and gain experience from which CUPP Alumni Gathered to Shape Parliament adopted the Declaration generations of Canadian, American "Model Ukraine" ...............................69 of Sovereignty which declared that and West European students have Меценати/Thank You Donors ........7 Parliament recognized the need to benefited. On the basis of academic build the Ukrainian state based on excellence, knowledge of the English Will CUPP survive till 200? ...........72 the Rule of Law. On August 24, 1991, Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary or French and Ukrainian languages, Program ............................................73 the Ukrainian Parliament adopted the and on interest in the parliamentary Declaration of Independence, which CUPP Alumni Pursuing Graduate system of government, university Studies ..............................................75 the citizens of Ukraine endorsed in students from Ukraine can apply for the referendum of December 1, 1991. a CUPP scholarship. It is hoped that Also in 1991, Canadians celebrated CUPP will contribute to the education the Centennial of Ukrainian group of future leaders of Ukraine. Contact Us immigration to Canada. To mark the Chair of Ukrainian In 2009, during the 19th year Centennial, organizations planned of CUPP's operation, 25 students Studies Foundation programs and projects to celebrate arrived from Ukraine to complete a 620 Spadina Avenue this milestone in Canada's history. two-month internship with Members The Chair of Ukrainian Studies Toronto, Ontario, of Parliament, Ministers and Senators Foundation of Toronto decided to (please see Issue 1 of the Newsletter Canada M5S 2H4 mark the Centennial by establishing for complete list of CUPP Interns). In Tel.: (416) 234-9111 the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary the course of the Program, the Interns Program for university students Fax: (416) 234-9114 meet with political and social opinion- from Ukraine. The Canada-Ukraine leaders of Canada. www.KATEDRA.org Parliamentary Program gives Ukrainian 2 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CUPP 200 NEWSLETTER 20th Year of CUPP CUPP at 20 CUPP founder Ihor Bardyn, outlines the program's history The 1990s, the decade in which of the Ukrainian Parliament Stepan the Canada Ukraine Parliamentary Khmara was arrested for exceeding Program (CUPP) was founded, began his authority in carrying out a citizen's with important milestones in Canadian arrest of KGB Colonel Ihor Hryhoriev. and Ukrainian history. On November 14, 1991 the Ukrainian Parliament voted to strip Khmara of Governor-General Ray Hnatyshyn, his parliamentarian's immunity from the renaissance in Ukraine. I have a patron of CUPP arrest. It was a vote that was flawed good knowledge of Ukraine's history, In January 1990, Ray Hnatyshyn as there was not a quorum in Parlia- both contemporary and past... I am the first Governor-General of Ukraini- ment when the vote was taken, nor looking forward to my stay with im- an ancestry was appointed by Queen was the matter about Khmara's immu- Elizabeth II to serve as her represen- mense anticipation." nity on Parliament's daily agenda, as tative in Canada. Although largely a Ukraine's first independent step required by law. (Unfortunately such ceremonial office, the Governor-Gen- In February 1991, at the session disregard for the Constitution contin- eral plays important roles in the for- of the United Nations Human Rights ues to this day. For example, when mation of Canada's governments and Commission in Geneva, Ukraine's on April 27, 2010, the Ukrainian Par- is an important symbol as official Head delegation distanced itself completely liament voted to ratify the Black Sea of State. from the Russian delegation and of- Accords extending the lease of the ficial policy of the USSR. During the Declaration of Sovereignty Russian Naval Base in Sevastopol discussion on the Soviet Union's bru- In Ukraine on Monday, July 16, there were not a quorum as required tal crackdown in the Baltic Repub- 1990, the Parliament of the Ukrainian by the Constitution. The Law that was lics, Ukraine's spokesman Volodymyr Soviet Socialist Republic, one of the passed is not valid.) Vasylenko, spoke out against the bru- constituent republics of the USSR, At the invitation of Amnesty Inter- tality of the Soviet Union and stated adopted the Declaration on State national in London, UK, I was asked to that it should develop into a new com- Sovereignty by a vote of 355 for and travel to Kyiv and conduct an investiga- monwealth that respects freedom of 4 against. The Ukrainian Parliament tion and prepare a report to Amnesty choice and rejects the use of brutal recognized the need to build the Ukrai- International on the treatment of Ste- force against peaceful civilians. The nian state based on the Rule of Law. pan Khmara by Ukrainian authorities. significance of the Geneva session, Ivan Pliushch, Speaker of The report would determine whether attended by 43 countries, was that Amnesty would adopt Khmara as its Ukraine's Parliament the session was convened to discuss At the invitation of the Ukrainian- Prisoner of Conscience. After submit- the right of people to self-determina- Canadian Professional & Business ting my report, Amnesty did adopt him tion. Vasylenko read into the minutes Federation (UCPBF), Ivan Pliushch at- as its Prisoner of Conscience, for the Ukraine's adoption of the Declaration tended the Federation's National Con- second time. Khmara was considered of Sovereignty. He concluded his pre- vention in Halifax, Nova Scotia. During a Prisoner of Conscience first in the sentation by stating that history proves his weeklong stay in Toronto, we met 1980s for speaking out for Ukraine's that people determined to achieve every evening to discuss events in the independence and for so doing was freedom will inevitably do so, citing the deteriorating USSR and in Ukraine in imprisoned for eight years. example of Namibia. This was the first particular. As well Pliushch met with Amnesty's decision meant that it occasion where one of the two So- the editorial board of the Globe & Mail would send official observers to Kh- viet Republics (Belarus and Ukraine) newspaper, which resulted in an in- mara's trial and would champion his spoke up at an international forum to freedom throughout the world wher- depth article about Ukraine. At the take issue with official Soviet policy. convention Pliushch reiterated that ever Amnesty chapters existed. changes were underway in Ukraine: Canadian Consulate-General First anniversary of Sovereignty Ukraine was emerging from Soviet in Kyiv The Ukrainian Weekly newspa- domination and independence was Nestor Gayowsky was appointed per's, Chrystyna Lapychak reported coming. Canada's Consul-General in Kyiv and from Kyiv that Ukrainian citizens marked the first anniversary of the
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