E-mail:[email protected] Office Tel: 046 907 3805 Fr. Andy Doyle. P.P. Mon-Fri 9.30-1.00

‘Jesus is our best friend, and we share God’s mystery and love with each other.’ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello everyone,

A Big Welcome to all our online parishioners and to all of you who look in from different parts of . You are all most welcome.


WORLD MISSION SUNDAY - SUNDAY OCTOBER 18TH – The world is in crisis. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. In many of our poorer parishes in Africa, Asia and Latin America, it is missionaries who are on the front line. These men and women already do so much; walking hand-in-hand with marginalised communities, long before and long after any emergency. However, they desperately need our help and if there was ever a time when World Mission Sunday was more needed, it is now. With that said, I am acutely aware of our own struggles throughout the parishes in Ireland. However, we simply can’t ignore the surmounting needs of overseas missionaries and the people they serve. This year, World Mission Sunday, a celebration of truly epic proportions and global solidarity, will take place over the weekend of 18th October. On this day, all Mass collections, including those from the most impoverished churches in the developing world, will be offered to help further the reach of missionaries and mission. The day is a lifeline, not only to missionaries, but also the future of the Church. Please support our missionaries by prayer and donation on Or you can put your donation in an envelope and drop it into the parish office. Envelopes are available in the churches.


Masses ‘While Masses are suspended, the voice of prayer should not be silent’ (Bishop Deenihan) All physical in person attendance at mass has been suspended until the end of the current emergency. Through the wonders of technology you can attend mass and receive spiritual communion on a daily basis by going to the parish website or

Mass Intentions for week 18th – 25th October 2020

Bohermeen Masses Daily Mass at 10.00am ~~~~~~~~ Saturday 17th October at 6.00pm-for the people of the parish ~~~~~~ Sunday 18th October at 11.30am-Kevin Gilsenan-1st Ann. & his father Thomas Gilsenan Mary Clarke and deceased members of the Harmon family-Ann.Mass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday 24th October at 6.00pm -MM-Joseph Reilly Theresa Casserly-1st Anniversary Derek Brady-Anniversary Mass ~~~~~~~ Sunday 25th October at 11.30am -Marcella O’Brien-1st Anniversary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cortown Masses All Masses have been suspended until further notice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boyerstown Masses All Masses have been suspended until further notice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ministers of the Word-Bohermeen: Sat.17th Oct. Kevin McCormack. Sun. 18th Oct. Terry Connolly Sat. 24th Oct. Kevin McCormack. Sun. 25th Oct. Terry Connolly

Confessions by appointment. Tel. 046 907 3805.

Baptisms have been suspended until further notice.

St. Ciaran’s Community School, Kells are now accepting applications for 1st year September 2021. Prospectus and application form are available on Closing date is Friday 23rd October.

LIST OF THE DEAD –Masses on 1st Fridays throughout the year and on All Souls Day (2nd Nov.) are offered for our faithful departed. For the List of the Dead we ask you to use the purple envelope and name sheet from your weekly box of envelopes. If you cannot locate this envelope, there are some envelopes and sheets available in the Church. The envelope should be returned with Mass offering to the Parish Office as soon as possible for inclusion in the Book of the Dead which will be in all Churches during the month of November. The REMEMBRANCE TREE will also be in the Churches. You should write the names of your departed ones on the tags and hang them on the tree.


Prayer- Theme-Reach Out and Spread the Joy On this World Mission Sunday, we reach out and offer our love, our support, prayers and joy to all the Christian communities throughout the world.


Protestant, Renegade, Idealist, Transformer, Englishman turned Irishman It was my intention to write about this person last week, but that inspirational teenager Carlo Acutis who was being beatified last weekend, jumped in ahead of him. This week I lay out the story of a person who fascinates me.

Have you ever attended or heard in the news of a wedding at University Church St Stephens Green ? Does Newman House sound familiar to you?

What have these got in common? They were all established as part of the first Catholic University of Ireland. Over the years the college expanded first around the corner to Earlsfort terrace and then circa 1970 moved to its current location of Belfield in the south city. The brains and driving force behind the established of the university was John Henry Newman.

Born in 1801 John Henry became an Anglican priest. From the time of the and King Henry, the protestant “Anglican” faith was closely tied into the English state. The protestant faith and John Henry Newman himself were fiercely anti Catholic. He became a theologian, poet, author and academic at Oxford University. However over time, there was a complete transformation. An important thought leader, in the mid 1830’s he was both influential and controversial. As a leader of the Oxford Movement he advocated returning many Anglican practices of faith back to Catholic beliefs and rituals – with some success. This created both ardent followers and fierce critics and haters.

In 1845 he left the Church of England with some of his friends, was received into the and ordained a priest. Based in Birmingham he was a prolific writer and composer. Some of his prayers remain popular to this day, including the lovely prayer included in the box above. Later in 1879 Pope Leo appointed him a cardinal.

In Ireland after Catholic emancipation in 1829, there was still no university education path for young Catholic people. The University of Dublin (Trinity) and Queens University (Belfast, Cork and Galway) had a very solid Anglican ethos and Catholics were not allowed enter by their own faith.


At the request of Bishop Cullen, the then Fr Newman came to Dublin in 1851 to help found a new university along the lines of Oxford. This dream was realised in 1854 when the Catholic University of Ireland (later to be renamed UCD) was established. Interestingly the first student to be registered was the grandson of Daniel O Connell (the Liberator). It was initially based on St Stephens Green and Harcourt St. The beautiful university church was commissioned at the same time.

John Henry Newman died 130 years ago at the ripe old age of 89. This time last year he was proclaimed a saint by Pope Francis. Last Sunday 11 October was his feast day.

Thank you, St. John Henry Newman for your ideas, inspirations, prayers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Laughter is the best medicine On the wrong side of the law ??????????

My family and friends know that I admire many of Donal Trumps actions and positive results (he’s just the same as me and has his short comings), still my friend Donald is good for a laugh ……


Tip of the week Ummmmh ……. Who am I?

Where is my energy at present?

Values is often an understated word. Have I figured out what are the key values in my life – in family, in marriage, in faith, in work?

Where do I stand? Who am I?

My values determine who I really am. My values determine how I lead my life – for good or for bad, for lazy or for energy, for negative or for positive, for selfishness or for love.

Thinking about the stories from the gospels, what values did Jesus display?

Could I take some of those values into my life?


Young people (and for the young in heart and mind)

Last week’s puzzle

What number goes in the last triangle?

Answer 3

New puzzle

Have a go at this genius puzzle. Can you puzzle it out?

Answer next week.

Video – did you enjoy Fr Andy in disguise last week?

Does life happen to you or for you? Are you lucky? or do you make your own luck? In a quiet moment think about it.

In the kind-time (not meantime) have a look at this amazing video – all lucky incidences ….


Finances - Thank You-We wish to acknowledge and thank all those who have sent in their Offerings and weekly envelopes and all those who pay by standing order. This really helps our finances. Thank you for your help. It is greatly appreciated. Offerings can be made by; • leaving your weekly envelopes into the Parish Office. • or better still if you can go online and do a weekly/monthly direct debit to Bank of Ireland, , IBAN IE04 9035 0980 5974 24 Building Fund €250.00 Priests Offerings €40.00. Offertory Collections: Bohermeen: €230.00 Cortown: €0.00 Boyerstown: €0.00

Big Thank You ……. to all our readers and contributors

This bulletin could not be produced without the constant stream of ideas and images coming from so many of you. Thank you for constantly lighting up our day and bringing so much fun and joy.

Everyone ….. can you help to circulate this bulletin further by passing it on to some of your family members and friends … both within the parish and further afield.

Better still ask your friends to simply email the parish office [email protected] with the word “Bulletin”. It is emailed out each Friday. Currently over 600 families receive this bulletin.

The traditional short version is also available in the 3 churches and in McHughs, Greetiagh and Gala Stores, Allenstown.

Final thought

Make your weekend great. Make it happy.

Take care and God bless.