Type of approval sought Full Planning Permission Ward Netherton, Woodside & St. Andrew's Applicant DMBC – Duncan Lowndes Location: LAND OPPOSITE NETHERTON ARTS CENTRE, HALESOWEN ROAD, NETHERTON, DUDLEY, WEST MIDLANDS Proposal ERECTION OF REPLICA ANCHOR WITHIN NETHERTON MARKET PLACE Recommendation APPROVE SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS Summary:


1. The 20 sq m application site is located in the centre of the triangular ‘Market Place’ area of Netherton which lies at the junction of Northfield Road and Halesowen Road. The Market Place is located opposite to the locally listed Netherton Arts Centre and the entrance to Netherton Park and can be seen as a gateway to the town from the north.

2. Retail premises on the truncated Halesowen Road to the south face directly onto the site, whilst apartments and shops are located on the opposite side of the highway. The site is currently grassed and accommodates a small raised flower bed centrally. Pathways, dwarf walls and benches surround the grassed area.


3. This application seeks to permanently locate a full size replica of the Titanic Anchor which was originally manufactured by Hingley of Netherton, within the footprint of the existing flowerbed. This location will utilise the same setting used for the anchor in the Channel 4, August 2010, television documentary series Titanic: The Mission.

4. Netherton is well known for its involvement in metal heavy industry and in particular, as the location of the Hingley factory which fabricated both the anchor and chain for the Titanic. The replica anchor is therefore intended to act as a celebration of the former industry of the area and its historical connections. The site will provide a permanent home for the anchor, which has been temporarily based at the Black Country Museum since the television programme. The anchor will utilise the ground works previously installed for structural support that still lie beneath the flower bed.

5. The hinged crown of the anchor will repose in a steel cradle at a height of some 2m, on top of a steel support column to ensure structural stability. The shank of the anchor will then incline back to a base support where the shackle will also be restrained. A clear anti-graffiti coating will be applied to the structure and the base will be surfaced with resin encapsulated Bauxite chippings.


6. No relevant planning history.


7. Following the posting of a site notice and direct notification, three representations have been received as follows; • A letter of support for the return and siting of the anchor in the Market Place has been received from Netherton Regeneration Strategic Group with 23 members stating allied support. • A letter observing that the anchor would be better sited in 2012 for the 100th anniversary of the Titanic and also better sited the opposite way round to fit the triangular shape of the site and allow for the suggestion of a ships prow or deck to be created around it. • A letter of objection stating that the structure would detract from the views and vistas of the centre, being unfamiliar, out of historical context and detrimental to both highway safety (with no tourist parking infrastructure) and the open space/setting of the Market Place. The objector also considers that the anchor would be better sited at its place of manufacture and that no historical assessment for the context of the anchor has been undertaken. Further concerns are raised with regard to structural stability, potential vandalism, hazards to children, loss of the Market area to markets, deterioration to form an eyesore, that an excess of public art exists and that it is an unnecessary waste of public funds.


8. Group Engineer (Development): No objection raised.

9. Borough Artist: No objection raised.

10. Historic Environment Team: No objection raised.


National Planning Guidance • PPS1 - Delivering Sustainable Development • PPS5 – Planning for the Historic Environment

Black Country Joint Core Strategy • ENV 2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness

Saved Unitary Development Plan Policies • DD1 Urban Design • DD9 Public Art • HE5 Buildings of Local Historic Importance


11. The main issues are; • Principle • Visual Amenity and Public Safety • Heritage Assets

Principle/Policy 12. Saved Unitary Development Plan Policy DD9 Public Art gives in-principle support to the installation of art stating ‘The Council will promote the creation of new works of art as part of the enhancement of the built environment and the open landscapes of the Borough: • In public spaces and buildings; • In important and prominent townscape and landscape locations; • Which increase the diversity of initiatives and range of locations in the Borough; and/or • That widen the involvement of all members of the community in public art’

13. It is considered that the location of the anchor as a public art feature will address all of the above policy elements by reinforcing the historic links of the area to a world renowned event that can be identified by all members of the local community. The anchor will not take up the whole of the public space, which will remain available for local specific events and uses.

Visual Amenity and Public Safety

14. It is considered that the scale and appearance of the anchor is appropriate to its setting, notwithstanding that the purpose of the art is to be viewed by all. The very shape and context of the overall site, as noted in the public consultation responses, resembles the prow of a ship and whilst there is no objection raised to the siting of the anchor by the Borough Artist, it is acknowledged that his preference would have been to rotate the anchor by 180 degrees, to enable future enhancements to be made to the setting. A revised siting would, however, have financial implications for additional ground works, the funding for which is not currently available. Notwithstanding this point, the siting of the anchor is considered to be appropriate and not overly dominant within the context of the site.

15. The Group Engineer-Development has confirmed that there are no concerns arising in terms of highway safety and structural stability has been assessed in the design of foundations for support. Appropriate edging and planting species around the anchor will be provided to deter climbing on the structure.

Heritage Assets

16. The scale and siting of the anchor is not considered to have any adverse impact upon the setting of the locally listed Netherton Arts Centre buildings on the opposite side of Northfield Road, being sufficiently removed so as not to impose upon their context. In terms of the historical context of the anchor, it must be borne in mind that the public art feature is intended as a popular celebration of the historical links of Netherton as a whole, to world events and not to suggest that this specific location is of significance.


17. It is considered that the location of the anchor as a public art feature will reinforce the historic links of the area to a world renowned event that can be identified by all members of the local community. The scale and appearance of the anchor is appropriate to its setting having no adverse impact upon historical assets, highway, or public safety. The proposed development is therefore considered to comply with Black Country Core Strategy Policy ENV 2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness and saved Unitary Development Plan Policies DD1, DD9 and HE5.



It is recommended that the application be approved subject to the following conditions:

Reason for approval It is considered that the location of the anchor as a public art feature will reinforce the historic links of the area to a world renowned event that can be identified by all members of the local community. The scale and appearance of the anchor is appropriate to its setting having no adverse impact upon historical assets, highway, or public safety. The proposed development is therefore considered to comply with Black Country Core Strategy Policy ENV 2 Historic Character and Local Distinctiveness and saved Unitary Development Plan Policies DD1, DD9 and HE5.

The decision to grant planning permission has been taken with regard to the policies and proposals in the adopted Black Country Joint Core Strategy (2011), the saved UDP (2005) and to all other relevant material considerations.

The above is intended as a summary of the reasons for the grant of planning permission. For further detail on the decision please see the application report.

Conditions and/or reasons:

1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plan: Job No M197 DRG 1E Rev A

Netherton Market Place

Site Location

Timber/Steel Edging Resin Bound Gravel Surface

Replica Titanic Anchor Secured to existing Base (as per DMBC Engineers approval)

Bedding Out Plants (as per DMBC Green Care Approval) Job: Titanic Anchor

Drawing: Layout Proposals

Job No: M197

Drawing No: L1

Revision: A more bedding EXISTING GRASS Notes: Layout subject to minor revisions depending on extent of existing base which is buried under existing planting.


Date:June 2011

Drawn:NC © Crown Copyright and database rights 2011. Ordnance Survey 100019566 Checked:

Titanic Anchor Public Art Installation Netherton Market Place Netherton

Images of Anchor in Netherton Market Place (PP01531825)

June 2011

Image showing Anchor located in Netherton Market Place.

It is proposed that the Anchor will be in the same position as detailed here – within the footprint of the existing flowerbed.

Structural Supports for the Anchor.

View of Anchor from the Halesowen Road (west) side of the Market Place, looking east towards Northfield Road (opposite Netherton Arts Centre).

Flowerbed planting will surround the Anchor.

View of Anchor from the south end of the Market Place View of Anchor from the south end of the Market Place, showing the flowerbed levels.

The link at the end of the shaft will be laid down flat on the ground