Help Catch The Assailant ACoach Recalls The Past S'poits/P:tge5 Sam Pennica. a ball-boy for the football team. has attacked at a game. You can help hitti. Opinion/Page 8 Wednesday OppositesAttract Happenings/Page 3

Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920

Volume LXXII, Number 15 Wednesday, September 25, 190] Raleigh, North Carolina Printed on titl'm rem led paper Editorial 315-2411 Advertising 515-2029

I ercent

84 fewer crimes committed this year than last By Erie Liebhauser Safety." xaid crtitte pit-\cittioii 'l'i'adttionall). crimes committed $thf Writer otlicet' lair} Iallix on lllL' L‘ltttlptlxcx ttcl'itxx :‘tlltL‘l'lL’ll Overall crime rates for the NCSU campus are down Although crime rates lt.i\c xecii a liaic been xltt'ottded iit xecrcc) for the 1991-1992 school year, as compared to the (‘rime on the N.(‘ State general dcci’caxittg tt'citd. l‘tililic l ititct‘xit) police were tteier 1990-1991 year. Numbers below indicate the total ldlnt‘t‘xll) campux xo far ix dottit Salct} otficcrx are tittttk to poiitt ieiiitired to divulge any facts or llg‘ front laxt _\ear. \\llL‘ll coitiparing otit that a noticeable tli't'tt‘dH‘ til iiiex to the general student body number of reports of each offense listed, as reported Augitxt I‘lxllahigiixt I‘l‘ltt \vith ct'tmcx each month \\ ill be unlikely ('oiixeqiiently. when it came to in the most recent Uniform Crime Report. Auguxt IVUll-Augllxl I‘l‘H (‘ritttex fluctuate \iildli lioiii kiioiviitg hovi safe they actually According to Public Safety. tlte month to month. police xav. tlieie ticie. America‘s students viere iit total number of crimcx cottttttittcd tore making a coittpaiixoti \\ itti pie tltc dark lltix _\car ix th‘tx'. tltl\\ll from last \ toiix tlliltlllls \ioiild be tixclcxx loda}. tltitigx are different because )eat'R 072. The number of stolen lt \ioitld alxo be difficult to com ot the Student Right to Kitovv aiid property caxcx ix dotin troitt ‘HI to pare N(,‘Sl"x crime rate \\tllt that ot (attipiix Security Act. The federal 4 Xbl. other xchoolx l'ttltl laxl )car there |a\\. enacted on Nov. 8, It)‘)(t. ]\ —6 —6 _6 1- I... Violent crimes were alxo dovv n. were only some 320 xchoolx cotit |ltt\\ beginning to produce results. lit’.)l vtl Wuaoon Robbery Drug Law Agg Bicycle Simple BurglaryI Ate. LawLarcony ”The decrease iii crime could be piling uniform crime repoi'tx. l‘lll\ l":ll .at.ttoii Violations Assault Larceny Assault 8&5 Violations ”mm froitt increaxed student avvarenexs or said. Hovvewr. this ix all about to Si‘i‘ CRIME, [‘tixt' 3 t‘i'i. Brtori J. thtto/ intpro\ed relations vtith Public change.



for town

council llv10]“MarkM9H 'l‘osezak lt‘l'l‘) llltll’llc ix a t'itth»)ear xcnior iii iiiat'ketiiig education He's also 3“ yeatx old '\lltl lie x running for (‘ary town iottitctl Actually 'l'hoi‘iie ix continuing an education he started here more than ‘tl _\i-.irx ago He transferred to .\' (‘ State l'niverxity after spend- mg .i V\L‘.lf at \k‘iltttiiigton College. no“ l'\'(5\\ltlttilngtott But the mine didn't turn out quite the \\ a_\ lie planned After he got to \("Slfl he uax drafted attd went to Vietnam l'hornc \tax part of a Marine xuppl) battalion. but he xavv combat during a limited tour. l‘he beginning of ltix military career \‘\ ax also the beginning Of his coaching career. After he \i ax firxt drafted. he ended tip ax a trattitng instructor at ('amp l’endleton, That didn‘t last long. though. because most of the camp was sent to Vietnam, \VhL‘t‘l he got back. he didn‘t return to xcltool. ltixtead he went looking for Milk i'mi Mitt? "l ximpl} “cut around knocking ii'trr, on doorx.” lllilt‘llc xatd Killing Time lle e\et‘ituall_\ got a job with a diattiiie firm Htx firxt da\ on the Students wait in line for tickets to the football game against traditional archrival UNC- Stadium. The game will be regionally televised on the \lldllllt ('oast (onterente network iob tie \\ ix xeitt to -\tl.inla to meet meet the 3-0 Woltpack Saturday at 12:10 in Carter-Finley and will appear locally on WRAL-W, ihannel 'i. \\|lll one of the firmx clientx. Chapel Hill. The Tar Heels, 2-0, "l \\ ax baxically an account exec— iiti\e from the beginning." he said. »\lmoxt all of liix It) yearx in that companv xaiv hiiti iii .xentoi' man- .igetiicitt lit Noveittber |989 he \l Shopping New recycling bin fittall_\ dccidcd he “tutti happy :\lUltltll .»\xxociatioii 5 B} Mark 'l‘oxclak tit llatt \lictt lltt\c .titd liatciitio \\ llll \\ll;ll he \iax doing. He left the Al) Nehuit'k 2 S’ott Writ. ., (litlll. bctxvccit llati ix .ittd lloivcit \ oittp.iit_\ Clarke ck -\xxociates 3 .‘ 'tl l‘t‘l.\ t'x'l' illk' lllltltlL' ll.tll .tltil "l tillll there and decided there (‘ollege Bewiage 4 To make it lil.i:'.t\t \\.t\ xoiticthtttg elxc l named to do (‘oxi ('iitieix 10 eaxici to beat EnViroment llti' xtlttml ti‘t\i li‘\ tlit' tttoxl ‘.\ ttlt it:\ ltlc.” ltc said (‘oiir'lttey x 10 l'.\'(‘ ('liapcl ‘ i iitzm \xill "t'l lllt‘ ,‘Iitit‘i‘tl\ He .le. ided to go back to the same (.Ill\\\\lll‘Ll ‘\ltx\\cl 9 lltll in tlie ( "will the \ .lll\ .l\ 't.\i'|l .tx ‘t \lllflll thing he had oiigiiially planned on ('iiitiite l dee \VRlll' lartlt donation [1‘ the ‘iklltllll>\ lllHal) doing betoie he \\ ax sent to (‘tcle l itgtt 2 BillllllL" lll'ill human Icailttng l)l \Mggitix 1O l \( l1.t‘x tillli'tlt‘il Illi'lt' .tlit He looked at l'NC-(‘hapel Hill l’llhkl'pill ('ltiiit h 6 Bovi l. ot‘ga .iitd .it \(‘Sl attd decided NCSU ni/eix ti.i\e ittiittim than \t State I lIl\L‘l\ll_\ had the bcttei education program. (iteal Mtxtakcx lO tttade it pox xo llt. .it-. otdttt}: to \tixait llolt. x‘mce he had been doitig market— Harrix leetei 9 xiblc to rec) ptittttotiitttx dtit‘itoi at llaiiix ing and .idicttixmg for nioxl of his Hatchet l’iodiiitioitx 2 cle alittttiitiiiti \\ ltolcxali' cati‘t‘t. llk‘ ilt‘t'ltlt‘ii lllt‘ marketing llokclx ('.ilctttig 4 Cowtesv NCSU tntormottor. cattx .it on lli'lta \tcttia l‘ltt \\t|l hc lakitte all cditcatioii ciiirtciiluitt mix for him Hunt (ieneial Inc 1 0 Narayan was awarded for his research in diamond-thin films. campttx locattitltx .ix dell tti iliiittiitiitit lttllll their l.i\\itp.irtj. .ittd entered ll lrll‘gilftllLNx (iillc 6 Mtxxioit \allcy tliix paxt \.ittttda\ .tiid tccylttig it l‘llitt'ttL‘ .tlxil decided to indulge in lt'ittt‘x l)clt 4 The bittx ate totaled at the it‘lllt'l toda) xomeittiiig that‘x been a theme itt blt’lfitlldldK 9 i Professor honored for work his life. coaching He chose that as Minn .\1iixic 5 i ltix mmoi N( 'Sl' l‘L‘lliI“ x 4 i Diamonds are Narayan’s best friend l'ttoi‘ne xaid he hax learned a lot in Ncptitne‘x 2 it ltix coaching courses. Nev» Bar 4 'l‘eehnieian News Service Research at the National Science “lt'x .iii e\cellent curriculum." he NC“ Bar 5 foundation. said Pil/a Hut 6 l .lagdtxlt N \.it‘ti_\.iit has been lit anttouttcing Narayan'x Currently. he coaches youth- Rich. (iraham 4 appointed ”*——*“—"‘—*“ .ippoiiitiitent. Chancellor Lan') K, leagiie haxkelball and in Scoot-thrii 6 d i x t I it Monteith xaid Narayait's recent (‘ary lle hax also coached football. Sela 5 g it i x h e d ad\anccx iii the area of diamond Since he entered the university in Sherrill‘x Hair 5 r e x e a r ch that films could one day result itt Will). the “year-old has been tak- Subtia) 10 professor of enormous changes in the micro— ing 30 or more hours every Thelma at l otiixe 5 materials electronics titdtixtry. semester. And e\cept for one math 'l‘hompxon l‘heatre 3 science and ‘ Narayan'x viork drew interna— i". will Bennett. Special to technician elaxx that he failed. he‘s made all T.J_ ('innamoit‘x 6 engineerw tional attention last spring when As aitd Bx. UAB ing. he announced significant progress If you know the name that goes with this face, Public Safety would like “It‘s really not that hard.“ he said. 2 N ara) an i,__. .v iit developing an inexpensive. “You really have to be able to pri- l'ntierxil) lltmng 6 ix on leave easy »to~eoittrot method of produc- your help. This person allegedly atlatked Sam l’ennica, a ball boy for the l'l’S 6 front the (‘ollege of liiigittcering ing cotttinuottx. single-crystal Wolfpack football team. Pennii .i was attacked while trving to retrieve a orttt/e." US. Army 6 aiid is currently serving ax director football after an extra point. l’enniia wasn’t hurt, but Public Safety US. Army 9 l)i\isioii ot Materials IAMYMI, Page 9 would like your help in identifying his assailant. If you have any informa- Village Inn 5 of the Si't‘ tion, please (all St 5-3313 or 313-2498. You may (all in anonymously. Si‘i' 11'0““, Page 2 2 September .‘3 NW] it‘ti"t1t1.111 \mx 1 Center Oct 0. 41 D 1111.1. .11 the “1.ii 1111111111111 _,1 1t~ 11011111111111: .1111 \\111net1\ 1.1111.“ (11:11.1.‘1 .l.111 Reg-en \\\‘=‘i‘ii‘n.\ (‘L‘III'L‘I C°"““°"S and Thome Sill] 1‘ N€W head Ct‘t‘ftiiiidit‘l'. B-I‘ \elwn HA“, Clarificafions . 1. c.1111pt1~ mm ‘03:. 11: phone 5H- A hart 111 the int.“ ‘4“ «.1 0. “\\e :e 3.111111; 111 \ee .1 dtttelent d for ‘~1il_‘ i] It 1111\11: pe11r1'1;'.11111111g i1“““"-. 1"" i 1.‘FLA1'e 11'. T':Lfi"\.1 \\ 1111'Liwrre\t..11 COaC \.tu.1t.t.1111~_Ii1.11.i~1‘ -i\r"' ‘ 1 11 »1" i1 1 (.11'\ .\ . . ..' ' ' . ‘_ H .111:‘ ixrnten. New1 1k 111:. the '1:~.. r‘1 11‘ 51.1111111‘. .1111mL CT“\.L. "‘m .1111;11*1'111‘1 . . sept- 25: 1991 liit‘ 13311.1 1 K ‘11-“ ”1691‘ U'w‘ 1'1i.‘ 1.: - .‘1' ‘1;:1 1:: R11t". 1'11 -. 11; 111‘“1 ....-.Ntzdent.... .11.\111.‘1111r~-,. 1 ".‘' InnM‘ 1.:1 1~SC 1“..:.:\.1 11 11111 1111' 11‘ +1»1-- mISt }_‘ \. . K \‘h‘ ‘ , [\“\}:‘\ Ai““"‘\ ‘1" k“ ‘Kf‘k. _~__—_—___1 iii'.\ ‘11. (9“;ch, dud 1111,11‘\\ \\ii1‘ mmtut ones no , 9:11| L .1711:“ 5:1111-\‘ ».. .11: \‘C.’ .1. . 1--1-1.1.1-~" 1:13; L_.1‘ ,1. . 11...-1 . . , . .. , .. . 1. ., ..1 .-.111.111._1 111.111.».- AINUUNCEHE'TS ‘ H \k'n‘h 1'“ V‘ . ‘I '_-' :7?” He .1l~11tt1tnk\ tint btmnwwx .. II. i T".“k‘ .r.1111 i' .1 F13,“15“““1‘\.r .1,‘- C..1;1.;i_ .‘' -.‘~t1e.1.111}'1 111. m.- lt:.t.11,:_1.e.. 1 .11.:} .1 Stubint (1 1\ Lr1111.1L11t 1 0111\ \1r L I”;-....‘,.\k \L L“1‘1“'1 :1...“1‘ "i i .~k‘ 1\ ‘.1:1::.1:‘;. 1111'. 3.1111111»;5,33:. _.L 11'“5.3..L“: “f 1; ._\1‘ ..: ~ ;. .. \ ;' 513.11‘1-111.1:11t‘i.1\"l~ 11;~'11\ :11 Revenuh' 111 e.i‘.1.;1111111ir1.11‘1«;1.- ..let-human. . \uu Strum1- -" In.C “L\1111...L11 Th\_‘L.‘ l1‘Li .11. \L\t. .1x 1 .... ‘1.11.:..\....,...; m ..g1 _. ..1'.. . ,1..' |::11)ir:.‘..1\ '...... Ll”. 11‘ \LL”- F‘I-v-.1;...1.11..11.1“ - 11.” -\ 1111...‘‘1. RA!“‘ ii.1... 1 ["'i"~', \‘ .1h "\“k L“‘7 ’IrL L‘\ .\ V, \\ ifl'.. 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L.111.1 ‘11:.1 L . . -L L .LL1:‘ L L ’ non 45111.1: \L‘Si R .111111.‘ nun:‘_ 11:1. . F ‘\1.... 1.W17;. v ;r.'. 1 ., s»""'t1.‘1—111t11".:.‘i>‘Tfim ..111 h‘ ‘ ‘i ‘ '“ ‘ ergzzteez‘ztig .11: enu‘urqged :11 .1..: 51 ~- needs "t ‘ . . . .11‘pi) For more 1111111'111.1111111. ;1ie.1.~e . . .t i i pho'ographers! V1111 in \1111‘ [110311.111 11: F 3.7. 1 The new 111eet1n1 111 St:denh 11‘1‘ [“1 1 k \‘11. 1.... 1- i i I alth Axure11e~~ 1111; iLlil 311111111 .1.“ _ ‘..‘ )‘L'Lt‘..n. .LAU’L., l . . . ~. ‘ _ .. Ewen‘er ed “ 1h Fx \ 3_ 11111111\.. ti1.1_t1te1 M11210:y “ 1 f (1113111135 311 .i put h )t1u .11. muquuL_ tdll L‘ L n 1 P I‘ M . 1W “ “Vi 11- 1“” 1. t1t\111r11tt C \11t L Ct 1111i ;1 I '1m'- or \1111 “"1t ‘13-‘14” or affectingmental. hulthand "mm“!.11 -. 7 _. . . ‘ Compiled by Mark Tosczakl‘ 3 come h} \Uiic 333 of the toda) at 5 31! p m 1111 the 1.11.:11': 1} .1. .. i‘e >mt1king VUUT head 1 Student (“enter Annex to fill Forno”111!orm.1t1111‘..01‘ the L Mk .‘11ti'..;.'HM [find-ii H V . 1”i5 ‘ 1‘- . ~~. '~' .i\\'.i\'.. ‘. t1t1t11n .1PPilcut1nn. Attarm .11 >1>»_."H- . ‘ _ . 1- .‘. .;...k. \1‘“H . “any“L. 1 1.1..-1-.. .fi..\1;...... « ——~————1 ,_ 000115.111 .11 \FV-"I‘W ----- ‘------1 : I HELP WANTED | “Attention NCSU Siudenis” I r. In.ca1‘19: Shou .x "1' '0' 1.11' we Trente \\e.‘...e | I ‘11.AV. : vs, he 1: u' GUI.. >~ t‘.. .\. ..LL13...... 1. ALL \"()L C AN FAT I 3 kw 11-1. "1 "r‘uatoc‘ ,r: I I t to m s :v 4: orvocmm" SEAFOOD SPECIALS 3' no": '95 '1‘ i :' '50 an ThPy.1\oL:\11 .e' “11.1 51.111 A Frengh Fr1e~ : h1? :1yoMun":[I' *9 :vo'rwPump.In Cun-'0 Nina's."luv D1\‘.\20". 1‘? \'...\1:".'. 3.7...“ ‘ . i.‘ A .:- 1 want-nu n avatar-1mm \UU KO .a{i'L’..\. 1.33 51‘" T’.‘ "3.35- .. _\‘7 “\ h"-g R‘ 1" I S4 91) “ “\jf;\” ‘ " 'S4.99: 3M1“;.1”. s,r.,',~,::.N4,.-§g:m~s:n".u~; )r 9.1.?" head. 01'- .V C 514:: L :11.» r H \ ‘ d : :‘L‘.’K.“ lw. u. per PLH.111 I uk‘r‘zré:11’ Who“; : w"x13‘2':5-Wmal'b'1.3 tort- 1 I ‘0'.'DCI l'.lva" ~:r‘.‘u-uJ ram:2115’10'Mr:runner..H «.11 I Nepiune' S Galley I fa'fi'srfic:y "-3" T’Smf"mun a" :1 M. .11 II I I | \it).\'D.\\ THRL THLRSDA\ NIGHTS I AMERICAN PASSAGE (mt-01111.1 Hit/z Cuupnn 071/1 NETWORK 1 ‘1 11 “ext-em Bixd.61-4911? : 1-800487-2434 I I hum.”I findNA "HIJWYMIMI.

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”ANNUAL. 01/ (/Hf/1f/1/1f/ October 3,1991

Univ. Student Center “....e.

9:15-3:30 pm.

Over 100 com anies will . 9. 5 S EEETE Am... be represente ' 0’ get BUED] s 1ne\ttoC.1rterFiniex 51.1111111111 those resumes together now! 7.11.1111r #1111e. .011ier\ .S. i.1\\11ei‘..11r\ .1lltmtd 11111i.1\\11'1.11.1 Doors Open At 30.0 Concert Begins \t 4: 00 Sponsored by Black Students Board/UAB. lickets: $8 Donation. S7 with a .‘TATUL.\'( ticket stub For mOi'e information: 515_2453 111eket~ .1\.11i-.1b1e .11 the g.1te1 HI I) DR) will donate $1.000 to the library ofthe school that mllc‘rh th. mm! ulumumm "Please Bring A Designated l)ri\er-- Opposites am“ By Joseph Foley the show as Felix linger. drew on staff Writer some personal experiences he had from freshman year. He had a The teehmeal rehearsal before an roommate who would play ”l.ul\a" opening mght is a pressure cooker. by Suzanne Vega all day. Director 'l'ei‘ri Jaime) tries to irott "You ltiiow'...”l.ul\a. l live on the out the last wrinkles in 'l‘hompson second floor“ Well. pretty soon l Annex Thursday 8 pm. Free Theatre's production of Neil wanted to throw her out the sCL‘Uiltl Simon‘s “'l‘he Odd Couple." floor." (‘ulpepper say st Act by art. she corrects and (‘ulpepper said anyone who Ines improves the show. All the atten- together. whether spouse. room- tion to tletail makes the production mate or family member can antler~ Annex Saturday 7. 9 11 pm. $1.50 live tip to its l‘astspaeetl antl lulari~ stand this play. ous tradition. And the estra pres- “We all haye pet peey es about sure of the llt'sl weekend‘s shows other people. But there‘s got to be LAWRENCE 0F ARABIA being sell outs. some give and take." (‘ulpepper Annex Sunday 3 & Sound el‘f'eets. lighting and props says. 7p.m. $1.50 are all under close serutiny. Mary Bensal'ato. props master in charge 'I'Ii'ltets [or "The ()(lll (‘oii/t/i'" of "everything on stage that is not (an be pm‘r/iuu'tl in IllUHI/Hitll nailed down on a piece of furni~ ‘llllt'tlll‘t’ ture." takes meticulous notes as 'I‘llt' .\/ll’lt‘,\ from I‘ I'll/try In lanney points out problems. .S'imt/uy Inn-v ulremli .\U/tl our I ighting tlireetor Ttltltl ('ampbell Tic/ten un' \Ii/l .lt‘ui/dh/t' for times the entrances and e\its of the futile/i! um/ 'llimiulirv. uml I/It‘ actors and actresses, He must keep ()i'l. 3-5 per/ii/‘mum m Ilium/non iohn :tzhoeter Staff the scene elianges llltltlL‘ll and 'I'lit'rure but (if/ire plume number quick. It 5/5303." ”The Odd Couple“ is scheduled to play Thompson Theatre this week. "Alter toutglit. we‘re Ill perfor- mance inoile" .lamiey says. The cast and crew are e\liaustetl at the end of [his rehearsal. But they are pleased aml ready for tonight Now llie east can i‘elas and talk about why stutlents sliotiltl eome sCL‘ "'l‘ltc ()tltl Couple." Neil Simon's play has been per- formed on Broadway. adapted into a nimie. a 'l\' siteom and a Saturday morning earloon. “The Odd ('ouple" esplores the proli- lems that oeeur when two people with clashing personalities mine in together. In the play. anal»retenti\e lieln linger mo\es ill with Illst'llsllHC slob ()sear \latlison. llk‘ longtime buddies quiekly reali/e theirs is not an easy cohabitation Robert Raglantl. who plays pokenhutltly \inme. sees a l’k‘lJ' [Ionship between " l'lie Odd Couple" and dorm life. "As any freshitian \\ill tell you. nimmg in with someone ean be disastrous oi sueeesstul.” Raglantl says. Ralph Station. who plays \lui‘ry the (‘op. agrees. 1 ,z‘ "Everyone has differences. and ‘. \ ‘1‘\. .(Vi the play emphasi/es that. ltut at ,_ / .A A the same time. strange pretlitw ' y l .A 1‘ 2:” e merits can bring people together.” \i\‘4e_ ":74e,, . Starton says. ' i, ’ 4/ ,i Bill (‘ulpeppeiz one of the stars of t , l": I,' L13. v , V , '7“;~~"‘k3'A/ \ x, v Share a hilarious , 1‘ “l t ' ‘7‘) /' k‘ ’ ,“sJ time with us and ‘ v ,1 - UV. 25 it? I‘ (NI“r,o.,i 54'l. t /, 5 I II’ l l . (J- il

/ =4 ’ \V.3: , At*‘"'1 ll‘fl't‘ tttl‘iV" ‘ ,1] / ‘ v Neil Simon's comedy premieres fl ’ 1/ // Thompson Theatre's I '.’ ‘ l99l-92 Season! C 1 4— ‘- Sept. 25-28 Oct 2-5 8 PM Sept. 29 at 3 PM it. For reservations call St 52033 ttt Adults $7.00 Senior (itizens, Students, Imagine 3 Fiber That Went to the Moon and Back. Faculty/Stall $6 NCSU Students $2.50 Imagine Yourself at Hoechst Celanese.

When NASA needed the besl lives' during‘ a plane crash. Hoechst “lam“.For morecommInformationthe Univenwabout HoechstRumw fire-retardant material for astronauts‘ Celanese is a major force in fibers mg Director, Hooch“ Come“ Corpow surts they asked Hoechst Celanese and film manufacturing, creating "on, aundmg 0, ”out. 202.206, p0 Bo, North Carolina State University to develop it. Now widely used in products that are used in outer 2500, Somervillo. NewJersovanS-tzse- firefighting suits and in military and space...under the sea...and all °'r°""‘°'”'°°=1‘300'445'5255- Season Tickets Available: industrial apparel markets, our PBI points in between. If you want to SHOWS... fiber in the fabric on passenger make this kind of difference in the HOGChSt Celanese (This may be the best deal seats was praised by Federal safety world, imagine yourself in the world you get all year!) officials as instrumental in savin of Hoechst Celanese. g Hoechst E Adults $25.00 Senior Citizens, Students, Watch this publication for career fair dates and other pertinent information. we "mm nar:a:?ai:%::o':cgd:°$ Faculty/Stuff $20.00 NCSU Students Sl0.00 VISA/MASTERCARDAHMED F0! "DUNE/INFORMATION (All Sl 5-2405 4 September 2‘3, 1991 Technician Happenings

ARTS\\V1||{|{ 9| College Bowl results and Johnny Quest By Joe Corey Linversity students. has released their debut NCSU cultures itself this week Happenings iditm album on Mammoth Records Ken Bowers (Trainw reek guitarist) is a cool Time to pay tip on iity bets about last guy to chat with at parties. Who else has a copy with the cultural event of the year Saturday‘s College Bowl Intramural of Herbie Mann with the Stay horn section'.’ Ken Torrrnarncnt talks about great underground records and By Mark Tosczak Chunk \Veasel. the team 1 captained. was twice "Sofa" is one to go up with the best. Staff Writer WEDNESDAY defeated by Minds in Motion. Producer and engineer Sean Slade was able to [is so easy for me to make eycuses. So I will. capture the Trzianrt‘L'ls"\ guitars at their distorted There's more to NC. State 1 1:30 Univoroity Choir My team w asn't really beaten by the other team. peaks. There‘s always a feeling that a speaker is llanL‘rSlI} than computers. agricul- 12:00 Airioan-Amorloan It was a batch of had questions that made us look about to blow. titre and engineering. stupid. Bass and drums are also gryen a good working \CSI' is once again alive with Danoo Inoomblo If only there were more questions about Rob over by Slade. the arts. Lowe. Lyrically "Sofa" is on the weak side, But the ”'0“ :ouriesy of M80 Management Artswork '01 is a mix of dance. 12:45 mu Marching Minds in Motion featured Andrew "Alex" guitars more than make up. Vanilla ’l‘rainwreck art. music. theater and poetry going land Chilton. Marlow “Thomas" (iates. Jeremy lives up to the precedent set by Band of Sus.iris lohnnv Quest will play at The Rialio Theatre on today and tomorrow. "Irons" McCallum and Rob “1" Ziemba. I don‘t and Sonic Youth. Saturday. Today events will be on the 1210 N000 Danoo want to take any thing out of their y ictories. [just The band will be having an album kickroll \ssisrani l‘iolt- sor Angela Davis—Gardener Brickyard from 11:30 run. to 3 wish they hadn‘t taken those \ ictories out of thy show at the Fallout Shelter this Saturday night. will be haying a reading and book signing this part. NCSL' perfomiing groups will company Sunday at 4 pm. at Wellington Books in Cary. dance. sing. act and present cre- 1:30 Dunn-In with MD! team. Enjoy them live before they become hotter than ative w ritrng. The ultimate winner of the tourney was Ultra the Connells. Her latest rioy cl “Forms of Shelter" was recent- The I'nryersity Choir will lift its 2:00 Ilaoi: noportory Violet Catastrophe. This team won last year‘s ly I'L‘lL‘tiscrl. \oices at 11:31) am. The African— tourney (when l was a memberi. so I guess Faulting Saturday l)‘.l\l\7(lill'tlllt‘l' will also be signing at the \ineriean Dance Ensetnble will Thoatro they're slowly becoming the nest Chuck Wessell Saturday night also has Johnny Quest perform \(‘SI' llooksrorc today at 11:30 pm. But shake in the lunch hour at noon and 2:40 Vanity ilon’o Gloo and family dynasty. Ralph Craig. Yvette ing at the Rialto. \Vc‘lllllgltllhs sery es ttllllklt‘s and juice. return for a “drum-m" at 1:3(1p.m. Boyaiian. Ryan Baldwin and Eric Sharpe make Mary on the Dash and the lubricarors will be The racket flap describes the book. shall Club tip that l'ltra Viy id intellect. opening for the triangle funk kings. The \CSI' Marching Band Frit/ Kttnt/e and Jaime Vasque/ were the other It's always a sw‘eatathon as lack Campbell and “Angela Day islitii'tlrier weay es a haunting tale step in at 13:45 pm. The NCSU 0:00 Arto'alk - loot at members of Chunk Weasel. Maybe I can blame of tl|\1tlt.‘tl loyalties and family secrets. As Beryl Dance Company will move to the the losses on them. That's it. Joe Farmer get on with that “lriesporisibility " l‘onteyn recounts her upbringing. the disappear~ music at 1:15 pm. Grotto Contor Tickets can be purchased at School Kids on ance ol her lather .lac k. ltcr narratrye slowly and The Black Repertory Theatre will 1:30 Oaiiory tor puidod Hillsborough Street for $6. The night of the surely circles and closer to the betrayal at act ottt a scene or two at 2 pin. The Tracks of grunge show: $8. its center." Varsity Men's (ilee Clrtb puts on a tour of oampuo oxalat- Vanilla 'I‘rarnwreck's “Sofa l.l\111. Dreamazine" siesta serenade at 2:45 pm. proyes that you don‘t lime to buy damp records My nut copy lioy that's a inotrthlrrl. Tents with displays from campUs tiono rofrooiimonta from Seattle to get the guitar grunge sound. ()ne of my favorite professors has finally had She's a fine cieatrye w riting teacher. It you like \ isual arts orgarn/ations will be set The Raleigh band. made rip of NC. State her book come out. the book. you can always sign up for her course. up. .-\11 eyerits urtder the tents are THURSDAY free. Students cart tour campus art 1 1:00 Nov: Horizons Choir 861 cyhibitions with Artswalk from 5<7 12:00 Danco West pm. The tour will begin at the Vialono Crafts Center (iallery with the 12:00 TIA Morgan "Needle Expressions" exhibit pre- 1:00 Pootry mm It Street sented by the Council of American Raleigh FRESHMEN ! lirnbroiderers. Modiovai Tomorrow. the events on the Spoctator Magazlno't Brickyard open up with the New 1:00 N680 clogging Toam 1991 Butin tho Trionglo for Best N CSU Fellows Program llori/ons Choir at 11:30. Dance 2:00 Thompoon Thoatro Danco Floor Dost Place to Make a Visions w ill be moving at noon Fashion Statomont AND”SortPloco to lo Soon! There will be some sort of enter- 2x30 R080 Plpoo It Drama tainment or a rnUsical group named 0:00 Thompoon Thoatro - HERE'S OUR CURRENT Mm IJNEUP desire. .1 l.Izll I)[L'RSHIP DEVELOPMENT TBA at 11:30 pm. Oponlng‘ WEDNESDAYS OPEN BARAll; NIGHT! All International and medieval poetry of “Tho Odd members get in FREE 'til 10:06pm. Than it's 58 for speaks loudly at 1 pm. The NCSU Coupio" Admission mornbort S10 for uosts. ( '()N( 'If/"I" N0W IN ITS Clogging Team will beat the bricks 0800 “Viacom: Tho Lita FRIDAYS- TGIF CELEBRATION! $2 covor for o I until half an hour later. 10pat. $1” shooter specials. WhyAskWhy? 51" Bud Dry! 207‘]! 1'12".th .11" NCSl ,r The NCSI' Pipes and Drums will and booth at Vinoont Van p-SATURDAYS WE GET DOWN! Como Got Down march around the Brickyard at 2:30 pm. Oogh" 8t. Ctr. Anna: with us at coma oarly to avoid tho wait! In the escnmg. students have a ' :1 Also A Application Deadline choice of either attendrng the open Tho last Thursday of ovary nth tho nowbar trig performance of The Odd Ali daytimo ovonto an on transforms into it: altarago, tho hydoout. Sept. 30 (ouple at Thompson Theatre or a tho Brickyard and aro Thursday, September 26, Tho Usuali"WI“ oppoor at tho' free showing ofVincent: the Life hydoout and Thursday, Octobor 31st,Mr;Potatohoad Will and Death of Vincent Van Gogh" at Froo. hauntE”,our.In t.lowaon Bash! Applications Rm. 2120 Student Services Center the Student (enter Annex 1hr events were kicked off last 832-2752Q 900 night with a banquet and a musical com:."—v-s—0---OO--m--“--“‘C"Q-Q parody titled "Artists and Attitudes." NCS Students for the After the banquet Chuck Davis's- Attention Fans of African-.»\merican Dance Ensemble Ethical Treatment ofAnimals celebrated African and African- American dance and music in WOLFPACK FOOTBALL Stewart Theatre. present Events on the Brickyard are free Hoke’s Catering and open to the public. An Evening of Music So skip those boring technical presents: labs. pack a lunch and enjoy art in the al‘temoon. with LEON'S DELI & FINE CATERING 20 Ct Off with student ID Homemade Chicken Salad t‘i Potato Salad (ameron Village River Phoenix 832—8015 Rain Phoenix Richard A. Graham Attorney at Law Helch Heichy, Jay Mcrnkitcr 833-3232 " Nofightingin ' DWI & Traffic longhires. . . ' Family Law & Divorce Ctimeearlyto Criminal & Misdemeanor beatthetraflicandFlijtly Free 1/2 Hour Consultation ahotll'liyinekS " inCaner- mlev.’ 16 W. Martin St. Suite 608 - Downtown Raleigh Served in the Carter-Finley Stadium [at

to buy Kegs 1988,1989,1990,1991

Comedy-with Rae C. Wright 8: Mr. Tim Milwaukee 8 est Light Saturday, October 5, 8pm Stewart Theatre. NCSU Campus Kegs at $57. 95 plus tax Students $10, General Public $12 Tickets available at Stewart Theatre Box Office Phone 515-3104 Made possible with the Support of Culture & Animals Foundation Technician September 25.

Pack hooters

top Maryland Ih lodd I'l.Il/gr.II \IIII InIIII (iemge 'lammini II" ~..' IIIIIlI III IIIIeIesIIIIg change in the llllt‘llli III \lill'l the second hat". ACC ROUNDUP It \\.I- III _I .I |||.IlII’l III [IIIII' \IIIIIIIIIIIIIIe goalkeeper Mart llII' I‘Iz'lIllI I lllI,I II \t \I.II\' (I.II|e_\ I'IIII‘IL'II IIW gillll‘ III! ”avid I lll\I'l‘.ll\ lllI'lI‘ III-II'I II'.IIII \\.I\ I\Illt‘tl I Bailey started three "meta-s Cities bid for ACC II.III'I\ Il\\'l.l“ll|" IIIII .l "I|.|l III'I IIII Illt‘ l'.II-lI .I year ago. and played g'.IIIIe IIII- ~II'.I~IIIII ‘I\I|I ll lIlt'\ I'IIII'II'II I I IIIIIIIIIex .IpIIIIIsI Illinois State baseball tourney ('IIIII'HI' l'.III. III l.III' \l.II\|.IIIIl IIII\ Illlx \eIIwII. I.l\l \\eel\. IIIIII L'IIII'\ III.IIle IIIle IIIIxt \IIIIII.I\ \lIeI t'ttllllllp out for the second III Iltl\l the \("I‘ II.I\elI.Il| IIIIIIII.I IIII' l’.IIlI IlllIl\I|\'Il the II ll"- I II II.IlI. IIIe Wollpaek didn‘t let up. In IIIeIII. \IIIIIII ll.|\ been held III l\’l|\ I.I\\III'I ~IIIII'II IlllI'I‘ t'II.II\ |Hk‘\l|tll\ IIIIIIelIes. State‘s tendency (iIeeInIlle. .\' (‘ \lllk't‘ I'IS‘ III lIII IIII l|l\l Il.lI IIIII, \\lIIlI .It \I.III' ll.I\ IIeeII to get tired and give IIP .IIIIIIIIIIII III I.IIIIlIl.l\\L'L'. II.I. llllt'L' .lIlIl I|\'lll\ IIIIIII’III‘z’ \II‘I‘I'II II t'ILII 3;”.le III the second period. N (' \‘lllt‘\ /eIIIIlIIII. ('h.II|IIIIe .IIIII ll.IIIIlI'Il IIIII IIIIII~ .I‘ IIxtm III |I.II e .IIIIl (llk‘t‘lhl‘t'lt‘ eIIIeIeIl l‘lt‘l‘l‘\ the .lII.l\l\ \I'lllt‘l IIIII.\.IIII .I~.\III'I IIIII the trend was stopped as the .le (iIeemIIle. \\llII\\' I‘IIIIeIII I’IIII \|.IIII'II llII' l‘.lll.I"I‘ III IIII.‘ ‘llh WIIIlpaelI Ilelense. led by swwpfl II’III'I e\[IIIe\ Illlt‘l the W”) IIIIIIIIeI. llllIIllII’ IIII .I ll.l-‘. IIIIIEI IIIIIII'III‘/ SI’IIII SelmeII/er. held Maryland to \IIll IepIIIIeIIII III III IeI.IIII IlIe l.I\\Il\‘I IIIIIII. the [hem III.IIIeII\eIeI| .I \Inyle \llol III the second half. e\eIII “uh .I .|.IIIII.II‘I [‘ltlllti\.ll llII .I \III‘I III IlII IUll III the IIIII. .IIIIl III the h‘lml ”Home. the i'aeI ‘\(\'t‘|lllll“.‘ III I)eL‘ IIIIIII. Illk' IlIIllI'II IIIt' II.Ill Into the lelt \ltIt‘ III \ lll\t'(l Illt' \L'Hl'lllp. II Was a ,\('('\ IIIIeI'IIII III \'Il.l|ll[\lllll\lll|‘\ the III‘I IIII .t I It lI‘.IIl (iIItIeIIe/ III hustler emllwuiofl IlIe IIIe.IIIIIII lIII the llI‘\\ \‘IIIIIIIII'I I.l‘~‘»||\'l \‘IIIIIIII .IIIke .I;'.IIII \\Illl IIIIII \I'Ult‘ll IlIe game‘s final goal. \Hll Ik‘ llC\l\lt'\I \l.I_\ I II IllI‘ II.I\ ‘I'vI’II‘ I'IIVIIIIIIIII IIIwI .. . In. . I,; lex» III.III t\\II IlllllIllI'\ II’IIIJIIIIIIE' III Sure Hlll\IlUI IlIe 'l‘errapins N-‘l. alter the W": IIIIIIII.IIIIeIII IlII* lI.Ill (IIIIII'III'/ IIII\" .I:'.IIII IIIe\\ IIII lIIIlIIIy .I 7~| advanlage in the O O lorlner toothall (0.“ II I.Irle ldvmrds IIt'Ill was an honored guest at N.( . Slate’s ”Meet the I’M I\ Day.” IIl\ tIl'It'Il\\' III lIIIlI 'I\llI'II III‘ I III\\I'II \L'LIIIIII llttll ACC ranks high In III\‘ l‘.lll III IIII\II\I \\IIII IlIeII VIIIII .I goal and three assists. I O O II\ IlIIII‘Il IIII' lI.IIl III\\ .IIIIl llllII lllt' IIL'III) (IIIIIL'I’I'L‘I now has 93 eauu'l defensive statistics Edwards" legacy filled with tradition IIg'lII IIIIIII'I III the net lot the ‘xt't INHIIIN, which leaves him seveulhou 'l'he IIIIIe IIIeIIIheI \( 'I ' I‘IIIIIIIIIII‘N IIIIII :'II.Ii III the III.III II SIIIII-‘x .‘lllrlllllL‘ scoring list. . III IIIIIIIIII.Ile llIIIIUIIIII IleleII~II\e Ii} Brooke Barbee IIIIILIIJIII IIIIIIIIII III \INIIh .l\ .I lI.I~. Ilk‘tltlt‘tl III IelIIe Illlllllf.‘ |II~. \\IIII IIIII\ ll IeIIIIIle lell III the Mate. now 5 2 overall and l-l in lIIIIIlIIIll \l.lll\ll\ x IIIIII \Illl.ltl\ I.IIIII III" "III.Il|I'Il:'e H III IIIL' l.l\l \I\ \k‘.l II'.II\ IIIIIIIII.IIII|III}.' IIII' \\II|||I.IIII IL!“ tlIe l’.II I\ \ II-.IIIIIIIeII then lead the L‘IIIIIL‘I‘CIICC. will return home [or .IIIIIIIIg: IlIe IIIII .‘Il lt‘.llll\. \\l|ll \tlll\ IIIII\ IIIIe Ie.IIII ll.I\ 'N'\I\'II .I |II~I \t]ll.ltl\ II.I\I' e.IIIIeIl .l IeIIIIII III (Illllt‘llI'/ |II.I II‘II .I ‘Illtll IIll .I II IIIIee game series. 'l‘olllormw. the ('leIanIII IeIIIIIIIIIy IIIe \Illllltf£'\l llII \e.II |\ I‘HI .lllIl .IIIIIllIeI \IIIIIIIIILI lk'tlIIII the I‘Htl le.IIII /' SN .\' \\l.IIIIl III'II‘IIIII'I \ llt‘IIII llllll IllI' Wollpaek will lace Mercer College IIII.I| Ilelenxe III the II.IIIIIII \( III.II II Il.l\ III\I .IIII\I-II .It \ I \I.III‘ IIIIII llllhllt'rl \\llll .I * I |\I.IIII|III;' ('eII.IIIII\ l'Il\\.IIIl\‘ \\|lllllll‘,‘ llt'l III‘I lI'I 'I'II.II III 1 p III III Method Road Stadium. Stale I‘III\I'I\III IIIIH. llIIIIIl.I I lll\\'l\ll\ III 1.le.- lIlI’ III'IIII III the I II.II|I l.II|e I'tl\\.lltl\ lI.I~ Il|\ IeIII.I;'e l\ IIIII IlIe I-IeaIeaI III .III State I‘lhI .IIIII l \I' I'lmpel lltll lIIIIIII.I|| IIIII:'I.IIII “Ink I'III IIIII IIII llllll IIIIIe. IIIII llIe .III'IIIIIIIlleIIIII-IIII III' tltlllII IIIIIIIIl ”III the IL“II III IlIe lIIII he IIIIIII.IIIII I\IIII l \l.l\ It'llf' O O O Il.l\ .lIIIllllL'tI Itll \' (‘ State IIIIItlI.III [Melt IIII\|II}1 .IllImeIl IIIII) IlIIee Il\e| IIII' II.le IIII \I'.|I‘. lllt' .l\I'l .IIe .l\lt>lllltllllj.' llIe \NIIIIIIJIII ptlllll\ Ill IlIIee games. \(‘Sl .II'I' IL‘IIIIII‘ III \I \I \ I|.II IICH lI.l\ l‘.I'II lIII\\.IIIl Ill |U7tl \IIIIlIl\ III the top \INII II.IIIIIII.III_\ lll I‘I’I‘Il III\I IIIIIleI IlIIee \I'Il‘wltll\ \t the I‘IIIIIIIIeIIIIII III III\ I'IIII .r EDWARDS, tum. t' \eoI'Ine IleleII~e \\lllle ('leIIIxIIII l\ III‘\IIII‘\. lllI‘ IIIIII II In IIIllI‘lIllll‘.‘ .I \e.I\IIII .II \(‘Slfl l‘IIIlI' I'Il\\.IIIl\ , fierrlll? ranked \eeIIIIII UNIVERSITY OF HAIR STYLING CAMERON VILLAGE mum . Hoircuts $3.50 33.00 VILLAGE INN PIZZA PARLOR . Hoirshoping with $4.50 3.75 IAI-You—Can-Eat Shampoo and blow dry .I'IJ” (curling iron $3.00 extra) 6 9 DINNER BUFFET $3 MINNEAPOLIS MUSIC SCENE Perm with condition $1650 SIS.” Includes pizza. spaghetII, lasagna. soup. salad bar, garIIc bread. and one cone of Ice cream Info. On Prince. FLYTE TYME 8: Others 821 -2820 DEMO SENDING INFORMATION NII ('][)[)()IEIImenl necessary GOOD FOR 1 - 4 PEOPLE ANYDAY! All I IttI-rs VIIIId with student ID 3993 WESTERN BLVD. EXPIRES 10/2/91 851 "6994 1-900-776-2441 $2.99/mln. I I; war: I VI ‘lllllI It, I may lllt’Sde, Wednesday. and Thusdoy


Now’s your chance


Hem-tile MI The Senior Class Program ’92 gets underway today with activity #I — FREE Coca-Colas! Stop by the brickyard, or the area between Mann & Broughton Halls between 9am and 3:30pm and receive your Coke in the official senior logo stadium cup, and a senior logo keychain. Please present your Senior Red Card.


SUSAN SARANDON I1 - . 7“ REMINDER: Please turn in your local A RIDLEY SCOTT FILM address to Registration and Records if you wish to “WISE receive mail, future notices METRllfillLDWl'N-MAI'ERmm II’ERCY MAINmm. IRIDIEY SIXTI'IIII SUSAN SARA‘IDON GEENA DAVIS “THELMA& LOUISE" on the free senior activities, HARVEY KEITEI. “3.“: ELIZABETH McBRlDE““HANS ZIMMER urn-mm DEAN 0BRIEN«ICALLIE IIIIOURI WCALLlEII KHOURI m’I-R‘THOM NOBLE we NORRIS SPENCER mam ADRIAN RIDDLEIII rs. and a permanent “Senior Ifim FE WIIIIIDLIIsccrrIIIIIIMIIOLIW.aluminium: «LR-MMmvnmmIIIIIIIIIISIIIII'II]I‘m...“ mo- Mm. “a... Red Card” which identifies you as a senior. COMING T0 A THEATER NEAR CAMPUS 0N SEPTEMBER 27 6 Septemliet _‘ I I‘i‘ll let hittt taii Sports l-inanctal troubles compounded the prob— you don‘t start producing results soott. )ou (Not). Who. I‘lti'lt. In No}. the Pack I'I(I\\ill'kl\ also helped to l.t\ llic ' lematic \llllttllttli. “on‘t be around lot long ” made it‘s first post-season appearance III tIon tor construction ol a lien \tmia Edwards Riddtck Stadium. \Iith a seating capacit) ll} NS". lidIIaIds had begun a “tuning lb ,\ears. p|a_\mg Mississippi State III the The last game III Rnltlitk \\.|\ t‘ ot on|_\ ltktitlt). could not lure top cotnpetie tradttiott MM“) Bowl. liottt' _\e.its latet‘. State l‘ttIF beloie pctntancntl} IIII' i, non to Raleigh. so road trips It ere a llL‘k'L‘s’ 'I'hat )eat' his squad \Ient ’ l 3 and \Httl capped oft a 9~2 record \xith Its first met (‘ai'tet‘ I‘llllk‘) Stadium lot the t‘tiii L t'ttriiiznt.’ “tutti i act I sIt_\ tor the budget. III general. se\en ol' the tlte -\(‘(' title Included iii the “ms was a btml “in. a I45} \ictoi'_\ met (ieorgta III I O O program Is no“ otdeh icspected lot Its [U games \\ere p|a_\ed on the road. 7i) \Ictoi'} o\er .It‘clt I'I\al I'N(‘r(‘hapel the l.ibert_\ Bowl. l'odav l’duat'ds. \\lto \\lll It t it u mtegrtt} on .Iitd oil [he held l'nl’orttmatel). the ten home games did ”III III the t‘Irst game ot tlte tear . . . Slt‘d birthda) this tall sttll ht. . i-. t, Some maiot changes hate occuried since not drau much I'exenue The Importance ol the \Ictot') “as not Yet. despite all his achte\cments. some ol and keeps up \sith the _L'.1"t. I054. “'l'he tickets were onl_\ Si \Ihen \\e it\ c‘t'lttokctl the greatest contributions lzduards brought (‘eleltl'allltg Illll \eats \Mtllpat} l I Q I pla_\ ed at Riddick." liduards said. "But no III the teats preceding lid\\.u'ds arrnal. to N(‘SL' football occurred oil the licld. Dinner \thtch “Ill be held on In. \\hen I’duai'ds tirst took tltc posItion at one paId that price. Facult) metttbers on|_\ the lat lIeeIs dotntnated the rnalr}. ha\mg During the 17 years that lid“ aids the ('ai‘olma State game. ltluaia Nt‘Sl‘. \Voll'pack teams \\eI'c dettnitel} had to pa_\ halt—price. so e\er_\one \\ ho deteated tltc \\o|lpack 43 III the last 47 patrolled the sidelines the longest met oItc otthc guests ol ltoitoi III on o . not perlorming at a compctttnc Ie\eI The came to see its pla_\ had a I'acult) member times l'nder l-.d\\aids. tlte series took on a by a State , mm 00'; ot’ his pla) his coIItIIbtttIott to \\o||p.tck liltlll‘u: MS} team stillered a to season in tlte last buy their ticket " tie“ le\cl ot leIocIt} as Nt'Sl' barely ers graduated. "\Ve ne\eI set the “call: o- year ot' play in the IIeIIII tormcd \tlantic 'I‘he t’cbtttldtttg process would he a long edged oIIt (‘atohita ”VS during his )eat‘s. "As a eoachittzsy stall." l{d\\ards said. “\\e l:d\\ards \atd. "but \\c had a lo: i I‘ititst ('ont'ei’ettce \\ItII only 1‘ scholar- one. but the immediate goal \\ as to turn the I I I tried only to recruit those boys that \\ e l'elt games and good teams \s I to It. I ships to attiact duality l‘l.l)t‘l\. l'tl\\.ll\l\ team back to “Illlllllg I‘VUllt‘\\lll:_' the .51 season. Ittl\\‘.tl‘tl\ FURL could succeed in the classroom]. Once the) ieall\ glad I came lIcIc " not onl\ ltad to build a Ittnnittg team. but “lit the coaching business. _\ou ne\et' ed his teams to out other outright .-\(‘(' got here. \Ie stuck uith theIn and pushed ¢\nd so ate the lll.tll\ peopi. also a NII'UIIg‘ iectuiting base lot lutut'e knou ho“ long ~\ou'll sta_\ \\lIlI a team." titles I No4. l‘lttb‘l. t\\o shared titles i No.1. them reall) hard. I-ortunatel). had good been .I paIt oi the \\‘r I clubs. I-dnards said. "But _\ou do l\IIU\\ that ll I‘loit aIId tht‘ce second place tinishes results." IIUII

Cleveland Indians’ troubles based in economics, not losing l \Iasn‘t going to “tire this col Indians. all ot sports, The Yankees “on to Ne“ York ('it_\. bat'cl} edging ottt ttc\ct lt\ed lli..i . umn. 'l‘eu _\c.Iis Is a long enough You'd think being an Indians tan more games III the ‘h'tis than an} Don ngt, Yankee tans descIIe Ito (‘Iewlantl . cat'eet \\llll an} college llL‘\\\t\ttIc[_ Bruce “as enough punishment b} Itsell. team III eithet‘ league. \Iou t\\ o di\ l’ more \_\IIIpath) than Imelda Marcos ll‘.ts is the III: -' men in \IaItmte. and as ot last Ha). WI nk‘worth but no. People lime to dump on me sIon cltatttptottslttps. one American or Leona lIclnIsle}. ('lc\e|attd Is a I became li‘c‘lllllc‘dlh iettred tIoIII unccastngl). ()i' noise. the} it} to league pennant and “etc in\ o|\ ed Watt? It gets \\ot‘se. It‘s not bad \\ith a bad hast u.- [his papci This “I” be m_\ patting commtset'ate “fill me. Please don't In the pennant race altttost e\er) enough that people hate to abuse \«Ill-I l‘iailtt Ill. ' shot. Sports (‘ttbs attd Red So\ tans like to think year .\l| ol .I sudden. the) finish me. or tr} to eIIIpathI/e \\llll Inc. Mlllct“ \'l tits; Columnist tltt')'\e ltad it pt'ctt} tough met the last once tust once and it‘s. The ultimate Is \\ hen the} stop and \\hen said with. )ears. Much Is complete nonsense. ‘Ycah. I inII\\ e\.Ictl} him you leel. tr) to tell me \\hat the} think Is ttttttttctttiptoli .; . This summer. I hate taken more but It) tellittg theIII that The} tind I'm a Yankees tan." Itrong \Hlll the Indians :\s II I lititk Ill '1 iI“ crap about the ('lcwland Indians this Indians tan III particular. and bi out someone me Is all llttltgttts don't already kno“. The problem Is tans think lbw ie\en mote than IIsuali. ‘llltl It's rooting tor an underdog Is llltllL‘tlr tan and the} ‘i'e IIIIIIIediateh sa_\ Ing. that most ol them hate Ito Idea attd no one ha. tttne to .Insxtei‘ the critics \cs. the tI\e ol' some gI.I\ c character Ila“ Wcah. I knit“ e\act|_\ ho\\ .‘”“ tcel It a Red So\ tan or a (‘ubs Ian \Ihat‘s urong \\lllt the (‘le\eland \tttk til l‘cllo.‘ .~ " Indians are Ith‘t‘s' ”H‘s'llll‘lk' ”H" a sign ol incurable \Ieakness I‘m a Red So\ tor (‘ubst tan " doesn't knots how an Indians l'an Indians. other than the tact that l‘ltll 33H elicits 1.1. e\ er. as II that could happen. Allsl l‘his Imphes. ot' course. that rooting leels. hou on earth \\ould a tlte_\‘re the (‘le\elattd lttdi‘atts tldllct‘ limit] I‘“ .‘es. tltc‘MI‘e on a pace to lose sums" tot a Ill'fl’lllglCL‘ team Is the Yankees tan knoo 1’ 'l‘heyre exen \Ihich Is probabh enough allcttdattcc trout " \\ here in the neighborhood ol llH :\ltlc‘l'|L‘.llI \Ia\ “Inch ltrlllt's to Yeah. right. Like losing those staitmg to I'elei' to lhetttsel\es as Here are some ot' the reasons l'\e 83 \\as \e.- y. . games. a ne\\ lt’anchtse tccot'tl. mind those on the political Tlt'lll playotl and World Series gatnes long sutl‘eiing Yankee tans. Mitch gotten this summer tor the man} toun dining III For sunlL‘ reason. though. peopls‘ \\ ho hum re\erentl\ mm the likes “as so attt‘ul. What‘s \Iorse. tum is a complete contradiction. I‘thlllltN ol the Tribe: I'he) tust had lute; ' seem obligated to abttse me about ot l\an Boeskx andhl)onald 'Iruntp Yankee fans are starting to look III_\ listening to them uhine makes me The Indians lia\e had too man) Is a gteai spu‘ thic. as it': at 3: _\cai's “I I‘llllll'th'JKI )et shim cotttplete disdattt aitd con. \Ia) tor sympathy Big mistake Ieali/e ho“ much the} desened p|a_\ers like -\lbert Belle and .loe ('Iexeland. .lllil tt\\ttcr\lllp in ('IeIeland Is the latilt ”ml“ tor the homeless. “ ho ha\e Yankee l'tllts are [he IIlU\l spoiled. (‘Ieorge Steinbrenner tuho. by the (‘harboneau \Yt‘ong' The Indians Is by detiiuiioa . of Indians lilll‘ I“ i—Wlls'lsll 4”“ “I often been mistaken tor (‘IeIeIand pampered. mer-prntleged tans III “at. “as (‘leu‘lrutd‘s greatest gilt lIa\e had too many players like Jack to\\II

THE CUITING EDGE “We Carry Nexxus 8r Paul Mitchell" 832-490 I Hungry Like 3 Wolf? $2.00 off Haircut - guys gals 832-4902 $5.00 off Bodywave Hours: .'V“‘.. $5.00 off Sculptered Nails Mon. Fri ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Bum-9pm II.,"-~.-oy>.en~pf

Meal Plan UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Participants! PART TIME EMPLOYMENT MALE/FEMALE MONDAY-FRIDAY WORK WEEK THREE CONVENIENT WORK SHIFTS 5 p.m.-9 p.m. ll p.m.-3 a.m. 4 a.m.-8 a.m. The Atrium offers Dinner, EXCELLENT WAGES Monday —Thursdoy from .I....IIIIIIIIIIIIII STARTING PAY $8 PER HOUR I I APPLY AT: 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. I EMPLOYMENT SECURITY COMMISSION I 700 Wade Ave. for all meal plan a Medium! 8:30 a.m. ~ 4 p.m. Pins:mention(tarponwhoa Pizza 3 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Pin-(loam hmHm.restaurantsordennandUL ()nodolmrvcouponunnmgmfitmaxyr it t holders. . dump.otherotterI199!ImttcdPtzu_ deliveryHut. Incareat/IOIPricecashdoes”naturals:not tml de ‘Mdown DELIVERYI I AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (Move-Dues 11/11/91 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I meeting meeting tit X p.m. minim-IE mates at 8 pm. Add Some \péttt‘ time In your liusy sprint; NI-I-d pruqrdrnirier wrth IIBASE I’XDPTIET‘III‘ LIKE NEW EFFICIENCIES Fully Schedule relax Iind let us do your 15 to 20 II“, wk Computer and Each has IuII klICITPII and truth Airturn-shedcarpet RAISE $500 $7000 ST500 FULL IOR srummrs IIINIIISIO tied“ :IIIIIIMRIR 35 ()I IOBER 916,23 The typing word processirig' Student rates on “(,HLWHHIIUII rut’lttlfed Prowde security IIIuniIry Easy HIZIIPSS to campus PROOF FUND RAISER FOR YOUR CAREER (HOTEL OR IARI I II riI'I'IIiILa, ,I, I,Insn, Innis I enter Gallery has ”Needle Innkgruund In letter In PROGRAMMER PO On CAT dud Wiilllirie routes From $350 FRATERNITY SORORITY TEAM OR OTHER RELATED I() YOUR MAJOR A Ii .iI I» III IIITII‘\'\IllIl\ ‘50‘ till IIISIHHV VIsIt us in the LaserIE‘RM PAPERS‘pflITIITTg RESUMES‘High speedCO“\PI’UXR LETTERScopiuc BOX 907 L‘ARY th‘ 27511 WESTGROVE TOWER 859 2100 CAMPUS ORGANIZATION ABSOLUTELY wiirkshriti wIll Melt, , II. ,III' I w ' I! .W- I I. l- w»! Iwml I ‘ 1’ i Ihpsrrrr Bldg MWE 2 Fax WE SHIP UPS AND FEDERAL tXPRESS' Part time i‘IittrIw needed It)! downlown law Roommate Needed Grad Student or recent NO INVESTMENT ITEOUIRED‘ ACT NOW and dsm-ss skIll‘I Sir-”MI ‘1 I‘» ' "“"‘ 1 II‘” H III" “Ill'l‘ in SS 12 3O 5309m Office Solutions Mission Valley Shopping In,“ 9am 2pm Must have own car graduate (jlose- tri campus Available FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN A CARIBBEAN pIIIIITIITTII III‘III RHII I‘I‘ wr', it , II" I . :r' "IIIIIl5"I(‘II by the National Center ( near Kerr Drugs) 834 7152 MC Pdf'lll‘u trrnvutud Great opportunity Tor Irnrneditttely Deposit retiiured (919) 821 CRUISE AND FABULOUS PRIZES' (All 1 ()LIUIIE’IVI II 8 III II HI“ I A'I“"I'l " 'ilII'il IIIIIIIIJ III AmerIcan vrsa ArrerI‘Iin Express Hours 8'30IIIII p”. ldw snub-[115 Send resumes to 01/4 leave L1 I‘IH‘StsdgE 800 9501039EXT 50 I,RI'IJI’stvr tit,.I.iIIII}§,I>,‘I,t_,,.'.,,Ii air, X In iiiIiiv-"IIIVIII' ItI I“‘ I“ 1' ""‘~ 7pm M E Ram Iprri SIII pt‘I‘HIIIITt-‘I AdrriinIsIrIIIdt PO BOX 1151 .____.______STUDENT SPECIAL on ImISIfS signed now VVIIL PAY CASH ALI SPORTS CARDS AND AUQAPUIIH I» M A' M K’L‘ L‘ ‘I “H ‘ u. I Il’.’IIg1liI‘v|I ATIONS WORKSHOP lI do I‘uIrIpII-II- resume packages tirtsklnp RdIt'IgIT NI: 2/602 Tor IIIII occupancy Call Inr detail-5 MEMORABIIIA DAYS 821 2000 EVES 781 IE TI'REL’I II‘A' ”It; ”‘1‘“ r" , iI'IIr N" .I-iivi- TIl desigr PIIectIve publishing CIIII 859 3595 WESTGROVE TOWER 859 2100 5857 WIII Iolr Its w» ~\ “‘A‘ V I, ‘ 1‘ ,, ,, ,iIIII IIiyw letters IT()'11 speCIaIIst at lTyping word processing' Students rates on PIRIEI’T PART TIME JOB for students Wanted Female RITOIIIIIII’IIE WakeIIeId Iritldys III 4 1"‘i 'I ' ' , ‘ i ,III II~ Pl ii I Ivti IIITII PIIII HIIIPITT TIIIS Tree TERM PAPERS, RESUMES, COVER LETTERS SIX AND SEVEN dollars and hr guaranteed ApdrIlttt‘nIS Woltline Servrce rI IITTIT'Q‘IIR I "I 'i‘v’UI'I'“; "“‘ mm I III s It 1‘, HVQ'TIIIIQ 515 5150!“, Laser prirtlittg High stir-ed XIIIUI lititm-s plus ltlllltl“ EII‘XIITII‘ ltriurs Call 781 8580 Laundry Pool Courts Etc $220Gymper iIIIrIrrrIIIIIIIII IIIr‘IIIIII ‘I II' it" I‘ " " .III,..l l Fax WE SHIP UPS AND FEDERAI EXPRESS‘ I'AMPUSSPORTS CARDS Nt‘t‘lI THREE DYNAMIC month plus 1 2 utilities Contact Maria al N7!) II II'W‘IMLIIII s that i'IIdITCO-l Interested In ONICL‘ Solutions Mlssuih Valley StitiripirIIi LIMITED I DITIONREPRESENTATIVESmoney making cardNew 2500436 IGSU SIIIIIIIIII (IIIIII; r. l‘ 'I‘I‘I'I P-Iv' . ‘II'I ’IIII I i' I. III AII IN V OIIILer through Center 834 7152 program It s rIWt‘bOI‘H‘ Cull Bob 870 8554 III 73OIIII' MIIIIIIIIIH I,.”It'i,,..., ",I vHM,”IJI'IIIIIIIIIIeIIII,ir IIII LUSIIUTIIIeAerospaceAir Force WORD PROCESSING TNT!“ [minus thusis Strut III IIIH IIIp' (IIHIIT ‘Ii-sI on October 4 and write edit resumes letters Open Mon lr‘)‘)l)TIUT‘lT\ III NIITII‘ExcitingCarolinanewIII retailbusrnessand LearnSENIORSriiiw ANDIII Inn(IIIII1’ I‘ IIH l"'ti,‘lIIJII HI‘NII""'\. ir‘I‘ (iI‘IIN Itvh,I :III-IJIIIIIIIIII it NI‘SII This erI be the last VISA MC ROGERS WORD SERVICE 1304 \\,"lllIl‘\flIv‘ lII‘SIIlhtlTIIIII Work your own t-.II' wt ,il.»- I, -~ ”I iIII - .IIIII tIIr ‘slIITI‘IlJITIUTE'S to apply Hillsborough St 834 0000 hours Parking 1 2 In I IiluIlI IIllTTl yIIitr (”truerIII II w.,rksI»I»t,PIIIIIIIIIII; .IIIIT I)IIII up w I. Iw ‘IJII I aim III unturu In person With 0317 ITIIIIIIIIg provrdrut Call 919 571 For Rent dorm or your class bldg (,‘(Ill torltiy 834 This 90 IIIIITIIII’ wIilII II~ ~II-III,IIII IIIII-Il It HIII l-IIIII iI- II Rr-yrtrilu‘s Coliseum room Telemarketing Evenings 5 30 900 Easy 5180 OLI 1 J 5 30pm iII ( III .114 14‘; {)1'1 241/ W.III( III HIIISI‘OTUUQIT SI iiTIice 829 1234 Parking 3210 Hillsborough Street Call The Upper Crust II gourmet cale 833 8917 ask tor LOIS Parker store and Iood Furnished Apartment Tor 2 nudt (.Itrnpus, tune [NISITIUIIShas. Iipt-IirriqsCashiersIII! theretailIullowmgsales clerk,part transportation, $430 utilities 851 1875 iHTII evvnIrIri host person Apply In person IIW’UT!‘ 11.Irri or dITt-‘I 3pm At Six Forks at $10 25 to start guaranteed All mutors SITII Hand 84/ 8088 18,500tochoose Irom -— all subjects I )ctitllincs 10 a.m. ()nc Publication Date I‘orISIdered HHKIIIII» HI‘ITI’LIHIIA\ TII‘NI TRAVEL SALES REPRESENTATIVE STS Ilrr: Ordor Cnialoq today wllh visa/MC or COD (Thu BITNIIIL‘\\ Days) III Advance transportiiriuri Apply It T)P'\III1 \\ I‘SIQ‘II‘I II‘.111t‘I II I IIIr'lildIt‘ ITIILI‘I Volunteer Blvd office 851 7422 ITT|1|\‘»IITIIII‘ .InII groupsneedsIII ITIUIIVEIIPLIpromote 000-351-0222 I\T‘|II‘.' I ml .IIIII l-IIuItII Attention Education Miiitirs‘ Alter st‘IIIiIII \VIHTPI sprint; hiIIIIk trips For inlormatron Or, rush S2 00 to Racecrch Anlctznco IIIIp \\..IIII-Il I’I‘tsiiltitls teacher needed I(‘T DIIyIIIre (I‘IIIth 2 30 IIIII STUDENT TRAVEL SERVICES Ithaca NY Services 11322IdahoAve nos-subsAngeles,CA90025 IIIIIc\ \IIII-~ IIII \III‘ RIIIL'sI'RIIIL‘rs 6pm Mon Fri Great Exponent e' 460 0601 III I 800 648 4849 Custom researchalsoavailable-all leyels I-It \ilI \IiscclluriI-Iius BabVSIITPI iithtI-Ii It)! .III'IissIIIImI WANTED Eiirliiismsric energetic RIII‘Ill‘ I\’II.III'1II.I|.‘\ Tutoring.- dlternoons Iind Weekends prerII-rwrx "ITITIIII'.E‘O“~ RIWARE) $5 $6 per hour to VOLUNTEERS MAKE THE I III RI III \I'H ILL‘\ prplerrvd North Rhiniti'» Phat-w Ilill 782 st irt tIt'IHT iIIItI IIII-iittly environment which ROUND' CHECK THE TECHNICIANWORLD GO \IIIIIIIIIII \I‘IIIII'~ Thinking 2343 III work (ITIII-IITIIITITIr-“I II-r advancement CIASSIEIEDS FOR YOUR CHANCE TO GIVE I(I,’.II I \I.IIL Campus MIIriIIIIIId-srnu Ciiiriuriiriiiii Ii! Apply III Iii-IinrI Linudlwrry s Creamery THE WORLD A SPINI IIII‘L'IIII}: Autumn in II‘ITIIITIIIL] Sales III 8 p.III. great I'TUIH‘\ III your sIIIIrI-Reps TIIIII’EIIIII PHONATHONWHERE S WAIDOI‘ AT THE NCSLI RIIIL‘s rep'eSI-nlihu Ililiuloiis line 'II Iustmn BIT; OPPORTUNITIESWHERE EISE"BIG TIMES‘BIG BUCKSCALL lingerie IreeI 800for6/6‘TIITII3471Iirtd IITTDIILIIIIIIIT IIIII Itili 515 COALIIOR MORE INFORMATION’ Lost & Cary Blue Printing (TIIIIIIIIIIIL has ItTH‘TIlTIQfi "THE WORLD'S EQUILIBRIUM IlIlTIl limm Iiihimrun rlst IIIII 1'IIIIUI\|' IIIIr M Th IIII titirl Til'tb‘ \IIIIIII‘T\ IHHI prnduItIIirI upSEI through the vrlirating IIIIIueIIII- .iI II‘I\ InIII‘IIIIIIIII‘I-our IlatssII'II-ds.Ill) yirudtittsI-I'IIIIII.II(I\I’I‘II\I'III'I'IIIIIA’IIH IVIIII 4 hr ‘JITITIS Found most great ITIIE. new World OIIII~i' willt IIII'rI‘IIIInde Iir wriitr should preferet1460N0 «nutrient. t‘U333IIPIIESSIIWInr IIITt‘TVIt’W (Bitha‘u‘llah 1863) Discover rrIorI- .ItIIiut he (IIrI-I'trtI III IIIrrIpanI Ill I'm-shun. CHAR CIRllL Crithtriw Anni Help VVIII‘ITPII Baha'u'llah and the. new World Order at Part Time Call Toni (II L‘harlir- rII 781 2945 Watch Iound In Dunner, 12-1 Please toll and Baha'r Club Friday September 27 III beiore Harv: or utter 2pm describe 836 1586 7 30pm, 107 Student Center Anrivx CHILDCARE TOR LEARNING DISABLED /' Canterbury Club (IIIers worship rind YEAR OLD GIRL NEEDED SATURDAYS OR Bahamas (fruisr $150 2 TIHISUITS 5 days 4 InterestedIellowshipinquirersIor EplSCODdIIiIIISon Thursdays Iitand4 30pm.ill SUNDAYS TIEXIBLE HOURS NEAR -———————-—-.———nights 851 3794 In the Nut) All Welcome NORTH‘ HIT L s SHOPPINGRf (IENTERCAL 781 rim-I,BROTHERless WOW)than 2 PROCESSORyrs ago an.6‘30condition,buug'" Collegiate ntUSlclanS Gurld at NCSII Is II.“ I nggspomm'or“ “0‘” ID I sann III 80 APPLE KEYBOARD bought In ‘53 Personals progressrveCome tom andandfunbe groupa parton ofLdIVII)Il\the mustWe 9-30 CRYT’I‘OQUIP —\————‘———-‘—-—,“———‘—-SurrsII III: I,.‘IIITTI‘IT LImII-I LCIIIM ”“51"“?MIIy TH‘VI‘T481 3172used $7“ \‘T 80 Leave are open to all musrcrans Monthly Ihr‘r‘re quntryI I r. I .. Is I at FURNITURE‘ FOR SALE LOW MILEAGE Idrns. bimonthly meetings Get our IIIIII he OYERTJWD’H I’JQHB SJL IILIIIIStiring partII'Ir ihllngeIrrw tetistudentsltI issist IIIFor ‘T1ITTI')1 I the muSICIan you want to be For lI‘IlI IIill InIorrrIdIioIi IIIII 859 2828 LA/V BOY REI‘IINING CHAIR $75 00 Eating Disorders Support Group meets Curt at 829-7216 or Alan at 839 5688 lDowntown law IIIrIi nut-(ls ITIdIo' iLIIl'Ie-I ST‘LISH I'IiSHIONED LIVING ROOM CHAIR Weekly 1 I 2 hr sessions Fee L'H‘ngd Confused? Frightened’ Alunv’ The IRQT’YQEWT)OR I4.JI.AB SR approx 22 26 his p wk IIII IITIHIIIIIIITT‘I $3000 NII'I: GLASS TOP COEEEE TABLE Insurance accepted Call Iriu Mallard BSN Lesbian and Gay Student UnIon stitipIIII Copying making (IR‘IIVD’TH'S and some IIt'iIV\ S80 00 I‘ALL TRIP 832 6131 LEAVE Ior Irw evaluation 856 1361 group Will meet at 7 30pm In Ptlt‘ 214 IIiI QJTTCRT (318A IQYSCREH. Must have 0er trtinspIirtaIiIv. MESSAGE 3777 Adults only Monday, Sept 30 mileageIIIIIrIg DJIII tit III'I" Miist TIP lIIIQ‘ rt, L~.IIIII JVC INTEGRATED AMP 65watts per LIVI’$2 50Talkmm 190010 min773rnrnirnum Coniused’ FTIgITIEHPO) Alone7 Thr- LIzgtIItIrI untII 6 pm T'ttll AIIIIIInnItrIItur 821 7052 I‘IIIrIrrI-I 5 inputs EC $175 834 9376 Pregrldnl and Contused’ We care. We” and Gay Student UTTIOn support group wI‘Il ISPRINT: BREAK TRIPSr III bTIILIQ’ITTSi III KING SIZE WATERBED Good condition alternatives PTUVIOP reterral meet at 7 30pm In Poe 214 on MIITHIIIV sluderitFREE Iirgar‘Iiz.ttiuiis Iitomtitrng our Sprint) 3150 (Trill 847 4174 AIII’r 6pm inIIIrIIIaIiIInlisten ExploreCall Loveline 832 2500 Sept 30 Break PaIkitges Linc-II Put It. Fun Call (lMI PAY IN~$TATE TUITION7 RI'I'rd RQSIQGHCY Baseball and other sports cards Crier runs FREE every Wednesday Iiir Today's Cryptoquip (IUL': Q equals R 1~800 423 5264 Status and Tuition, IIII) III-It'lltdl paIanIIet WANTED 467 4432 campus organizations and student IIIIII“ The Cryptoquip is a substitution L‘iphcr 'In which one In~stdle WIII Ive cash and Inn deal Crier only runs non proIII al‘nttllnl‘t'lni'ttlf‘ FREE TRAVEL (ASH AND EXCEI LENT W'TIIII‘II In ttl‘ attorney processon the NOW Irir puhIiI: InIurmaIIon letter stands for another. If you think that X equals 0, It BUSINESS EXPERIENCE"studentOpeningUngtTlldIlUITSavailableto 't‘suieruty applicationBookstore will equal (1 throughout this puzzle Single lcttcrs, short for indivrdiialstItr‘ countryUT s IIIOSI SPRING BREAK dVdIIBbIe at your NLZSU words and words using an apostrophc givc you clues to promotetows Cdll IIIIt‘! Campus Programs 1 800 NJPLANEOCTTICKET11 $115ONE829WAY3971RDU TO NEWARK locating VOWcls. Solution is Irv trigil and cum. 327 6013 ._ SIIII making Inr SUPERMAN7 HIS new FULL AND PART TIME HELP NEEDED adventures Ily In every week Why dont 10th ANNIVERSARY 451991 by King Feaum Sychcale lnc TEXACO FOOD MART {CLOSE TO ItAMPUS \‘IIII7 Nf'w ItIrItIt‘s ALWAYS DISCOUNTED -_I 0‘” AND ““5”” “Em“ NEEDED 6000 III CAPITOL COMICS 3027 Htllsblllough sI WORKING (CONDITIONS 833 3596 832 4600 2 table lumps $10 00 etuh sldlttjittg lamp JANUARY SEMESTER BREAK Heathy males and Iemttles 18 35 Iron TICKETS BUY SELL TRADE , All $24 00 like new 3 utility TV wheeled TOURNAMENT tables $18 ()0 erIII Suridrive 515 2751 5"")thneeded III purlN" I'IITIIII’AII‘H’II‘WIll [PA“I Air”wm“””m“PUIIUI‘UII PACKAGESConcerts .IIInt'IwSportsavdllahlvA(Z(Z Nana' Box 859-662.} CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer StudIPS at UN(‘ Must have IIL‘IIITII‘ OIIICK‘I 800 899 0970 Bahamas Vacation Cruise Irom Ft schedule AITIIH'Ilvtf Tut-s paid 929 9993 and Iour nights accommodation STEAMBO‘T ACROSS tive votes 59 Strong 16 — Paulo Lot InIormatIuri_ __ , atLauderdaleVICTOTIK‘I Inn plus three nights in Orlando mum:it IS son mom 0... 1 American 38 Take a urge 20 Purposes Help Wanted Part time employee IIII and two Disney tickets $93 90 per couple educator spouse DOWN 21 Disney men‘s clorlirng store 20 30 hows per week 919 876 2128 BRECKENRID" Derek 4O Malay 1 "Ich - ein dog Must be dvillIder Mon Fri 1pm 6pm Call FAST FUNDRAISER $1000 In one week JANUARY 2- 0 5. 6 OR 1 NIGHTS 4 Plumed Isthmus Berliner” 22 Fencing Tor intervIew (thunkey s 850 3261 KIsk for Greeks clubs or ANYONE No risk bird 41 Anagram 2 Miner's sword R0 er (800)748-6817 Ext 50 9 Leprdop- oI spar quest 23 Offices HELP WANTED Looking Ior experienced MD/ PhD FELLOWSHIPS The Medical IAIIurtIIr I-iz s on 7NIGHTS \ I...‘£1] Bartenders COCIlIrIlI WaItrI-ssvs and Unwersrty of South Carolina otters stipends terist‘s 43 Actor 3 Suburb oI Ior 9 Waitstatt Apply In person at Mission Valley mm studies leading to 10"! ANNUAL trap? Raymond London Down Inn between 2 309m and from Mon FrI NO Asking $2000 or twst nIIer (9191821 0174 wcombinedIIOOOO MD15,000)PIID fordegrees In each OI the CO LIOIATE ' 12 Wrath 45 Love 4 "The 27 Born CALLS ACCEPTED Leave It Itres‘stqgel basic biomedical sttiences and molecular ‘I’EII SKI ‘ J5 13 Watered token Strikes or boy Need more cash Make money out III yOur NISSIIIT Pulsar NX 86 5 speed sunroot' and cellular biology medicine Contact IREAKS silk 47 Compass Back” lead-In dorm room Eur Iriluririation send self $3600 481 9889 AIter 5pm DIrector Medical Screntist Training 14 Tokyo, reading (movie) 29 History's addressed envelope to P O Box 2161 Olds ’83 Delta 88 Rtiyale V 8, 2 door Program College 01 Graduate Studies rou. FluINFORIA‘I’IOI i RESERVATIONS once 48 Chinese 5 Small Virginia Greenvrlle N C 27834 (iTUISP tilt vinyl root Excellent Good 78k MUSC, 171 Ashley Ave, Charleston, SC 1-800-321-5911 15 The Daily leader beards 30 Corset Stringer Tor the tennis team is needed 515 275106» 859 6623 29425 ORDER Planet, 49 Television 6 Fictional support immediately also (I tor the mens VW Superheetlv ‘71 Lt Blue 1 100 0th 851 for one programs sleeper 32 Calen- team IS needed 515 2493 3794 17 Come in 54 Ending 7 Upright dar's first Ior Iore 8 Intense duration 18 River or fire tear 34 Region or island 55 American 9 They domain 19 Bad- diplomat work Ior 37 Exhausts ‘Paahwood Guam tempered 56 Hasten 15 Across 39 Fred dgant place to Oral 21 Poe's 57 "Spring -— 10 Remove Astaire, maiden Sprung" the errata for one ”FIT: ‘7AI‘CUTN Or? 24 Non- 58 More 11 Danza or 42 Anagram *** 98% NCSU student community I “ NI'S‘TH CAROLINA sense! in crafty Curtis oI sleet *>I<* We‘re on the Wolfline 'QISIS‘L‘ITSLH 25 LondonPrimate Solution time._ 27 min. 44 CoralRed or dependable maintenance 1» I it III ‘l‘l'l,’ 26 It 45 Eastern *** 24 hour '1 \‘\I‘I' A I might be nanny *** Close t0Lcampus ‘ electric 46 Naomi's l I I‘ 28 Interprets chosen *** Countless activities for students 31 Refresh- Find ADSWCI'S name I ~iIIIIL ‘1’ Ing T0 50 One- —— (pestle) Today’s Puzzle 509.91 832—761 I 33 Turf on 51 Timid 2729-A Conifer Drive i I'I'I ‘I‘ ‘I \I'I Tl 35 AntI- 52 Even terrorist Page 9. the team, for score illlx‘ \ IiixIIIIII RI short 53 Capitol 36 Affirma- VIP ASTHMA STUDY FOR CHILDREN 19W) 80- 783] I \( [mil l'lL't‘ 'hIIII) RSI-PARK ATTENTION PARENTSII ITIIII a~I’I iIIlIIiI: ' \\ III‘IHS‘J- III~I~I .‘ If your child has asthma takes daily asthma . medication and'sIs between the ages oI (WA-MW 4 and 18 he or she may quality for a In research study. Paid incenIIVL iI qualified. RALEIGH WOMEN'S HEALTH fill: fl III-II PAID VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: General Anesthesia ‘(YII'II Ellllll‘ Individuals 12 years and older on daily asthma ”Ilrruiiiiit't' 'l‘IésIIiIL‘ studies. \l medication needed for research “Abiil‘l lIIlIs 110111 $300 to $600 paid incentive Ior those chosen to participate. 13 \I'I‘t‘lts III TII‘I‘QIIIIIII‘I' Call CAROLINA ALLERGY and III.-IIE ASTHMA CONSULTANTS at 881-0309 Office Hours 9am - 5pm 3613 Hawgrth Dr. Raleigh 783-0444 l Techhician Arr: You

September 2.), I ‘l‘tl \lem rlrtrr tv cim'r'lv the['It’tllll r n! Illr' vim/i m l't‘rh lrc. «wiry rrr rt/l.t tilt . i’frt i.1/ riigrri 'It Iliouglrli. (he in mm tmrl l/I [tit I [lie it"v Me or Mr . .rItI/irrv .m '( c/v'. it .I t . 1.3, or ..’r it rf‘rrwr .' blank

Editorials Do your duty, students or the past week. Technician‘s front page has displayed a photograph of the Ball-Boy Assailant. We and Public Safety have politely asked students to help identify the culprit. But no one has had the guts to do it. We are no longer just asking. We urge. We challenge. We dare students to do the right thing. And it is the right thing: for you. for your family. for your friends. for your school. How is it the right thing'.’ First of all. it is right for you because it is a matter of self-preservation. If you continue to allow assailants to go free. vvhether as a result of friendship. apathy or protection. you. too. will one day become a v ictim. Your lack of action is a lack of condemnation. But the crime has got to stop. and it has got to stop now. Now. Before you are assailed. before your family members are assailed. before your friends are assailed. Criminals need to reali/e they will be stopped. that you will turn them in. Columns and that you do care. You care about yourselves. and you care about your loved ones. You also happen to care about your school. Acid rain danger is over estimated And that is the second reason to notify Public Safety if you have any ()v er the past decade Americans have effects of acid rain. the VAPAl’ study infonnation concerning the assailant H school loyalty and pride. been rritrridated vvith predictions of Paul received only scant attention by the media eriv ironmental catastrophe. and congress and has even been totally Episodes like this damage our schools reputation. liach day vv e promote an linvironmentalists and other purveyors of Daniels ignore by envirorinientalisrs. image of a modern. caring. forvvard institution. The image of a university that doom have prophesied that nature is being Because of pressure trorii lobbyists amt turns out the future "movers and shakers" of sociel}. imperiled by man‘s activity and. unless the \\ liilc llotrsc to pass a clean air bill. the But even as tomorrow ‘s leaders are turned out. they refuse to turn in. drastic actions are taken. the world vvill Opinion Hi year \ \l’.\l’ study received only a one- become desolate and unable to support life. Columnist hour hearing before ('ongress put together They refuse to take a stance against violence. against crime. against Topping the list of environmentalistsi the ('lean .\ir Act. the riiost costly and decency. griev aiices is the emission of sulfur dioxide vvild vegetation and at idic soil comprehensive environmental legislation lf tomorrow 's leaders won‘t do it. it's up to others. and nitrogen ovidcs which cause a It has nothing to do vvith ernrssions‘tiom ever. So be a leader today. For all of us. phenomenon know it as acid rain. coal burning factories in the northeast lhc trcvv lavvs vvrll ctit acid rain-causing Reports frorri erivrronmentalists and the The stttdy also concluded that. evcept for emissions by half. at a cost of about $6 Take a stand and give Public Safety the information they needfoui‘ media portray shocking scenes of red spruce trees at high altitudes. .tk id ldllf billion a year to businesses and consumers anonymity will be protected. unparalleled destruction -._. lakes dying by has had no noticeable impact on \nierica's and could put tip to ltNLfttltl people out of Don‘t be a chicken 7— get oft your ass the thousands in the .-\dirondacks and slovv forests. Ironically. scientists noted that vvork. moving clouds of acid rain settling ovct' naturally occurring phenomena such as \oivviilistandmg its enoniioUs costs. only forests and quietly krllirig them off. ambient «mute and frost have .i more severe about ’5 out of the thousands of lakes in the (‘onccrned by these reports. Senator irripact on the forests \diioiidacks are \k'lldlll to benefit from the NCSU aids environment l’atiick \loynihan rl)r\ \fi introduced Indeed. nature itself may be largely regulations hanks to NC. State University ‘s vvood and paper science legislation to study the impact of acid rain. responsible for mitt h of v\ hat ltespite the fact that the largest. most 'I he resulting lffryc‘ar $537 million National env ironmentahsts blame on man tostly environmental study ever done department. another environmentally dangerous substance may soon \cid Precipitation \ssessment Program \\tlliam l’irovvii. an energy enviioniiieirtal tout hides the effects of acid rain are subtle become a thing of the past. t,\.-\l’-\l’i concluded that. although acid rain \Pclellsl. has pointed out that llrc I‘ll and tllllly iilt to litid. the federal government =1§23sarr4rri~~ The department is researching ways to decrease the production of is Indeed a problem. it is nowhere near the iiiillioti tons of acidic bird droppings is detei'iiiiiied to spend gobs of our money dioxin. a hamiful substance produced when pulp or tree fibers are bleached to apocalyptic crisis many have alleged. produced each year is a much greater to do something about it. produce white paper which comprises nearly half of all paper. Specifically. the NAPAP study concluded danger to lakes and forests tliati the SH liitoitiiriately. Washington's that the acidity level of Adirondack lakes million tons of sulfur diositle produced in iiiivvillingiiess to embrace any thesis that Although the paper industry only produces 3.3 percent of all dio\itts. with and streams is approvimately the same as it \ttierica. does not translate directly into votes or even the majority being produced by incinerators. the paper industry has vvas Ill years ago. \nothei studv sponsored by \ \S.\ found rely on lltctt own research has left much of recognized that even that small amount could be harmful and is seeking for Only about 2 percent of the vvater is that the \iiia/oti rainforest produces siilftir \meiua laboring under the belief that. in ways to reduce this figure even more. affected by acid rain arid many of those that bathcs the forest in a "mild acidic rain” the vvot‘tls ol ('hickerr l.ittle “the sky is lakes died from natural causes long before as vvell as large quantities of nitrous ovide. l.tlllllL' ’ NCSU‘s research is concentrating on both the treatment of dioxin by the industrial age began. tine (ll lltL‘ g‘dst‘s \\ltl\ll l‘lt‘tltlcc tlte products and in changing the general process of production. Scientists also found that in lilorida. gtccrthotisc cllt'tl _ I'aiu' l’rma'rv t\ if ei'iIt/irrrlc virulent Ill Ilre One of the processes under research is the reduction of diosin levels by vvhere the highest percentage of lakes and Although it is the most thorough and ll/l/l I‘M ierrlnr changing the pulping process. streams are acidic. the problem is caUsed by c\pcnsr\c tll\t‘sll}_‘.fllt‘tt c\cl tlttltc I‘ll llfc This would include reducing the amount of lignin lll the pulp before bleaching. Because lignin reacts with chlorine to produce diovin. less lignin means less dioxin. Stay off welfare, use birth control There are other ways to already available to reduce diovin and although they from day one it vv as apparent. the little old ladies vve see on TV. every are a bit more expensive. the industry seems to be accepting them very well. from Adam and live in the (tarderr ot Van other week. \oii kiiovv the ones they We applaud the efforts of the wood and paper sctttcc department as vv ell as l€den to the love escapades of today. it is a match in front of medical clinics with given that males and females will attract Monroe picket sfgtts l’hc ones that should remind the paper industry for their concern about this environmental issue. and we and be attracted to each other. all of us of the chances we are taking when hope other industries will follow suit. As an evample. let's take vv hat happened vve .iie lav in our protective responsibilities. The paper and pulp technology of NCSL' is bttlsl another admirable evample to me just yesterday. Opinion lt you don't understand what I'm talking of our university's devotion to the environment and the future. was minding my ovvn business. walking Columnist about. think of your friends back home through the tovvn square bus depot vv rtli kids and vvellat'e. downtown. vvhen all of a sudden I felt an or that you are having problems with class l'leasc do us all a favor and protect urge to speak to a lovely lady sitting near or t'oortttrratcs. but soon that pct'sotl sitting yourselves .iiid your companion. u;c , _s,, me. I tossed a very sincere line her way. she ncvt to you starts looking a little better the physical differences may be different, gave rrie the lip code. and I'm at her place Yttlft’ \ltlllc fit“ .I lllllc cheesicr \‘tttt ‘vyrit‘l‘y but isn‘t it the emotional feelings that make Quote of the Day by 5 pm. There l kicked some serious about your hair arid clothes. \ou start lltc lcdl difference .' original lyrics and ncvt thing you know sending cye messages lr'iist me. a levy minutes down at the well maybe you don‘t need to know. Before I let your feelings get the best of ”dummy could save you a few years with "The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win. you‘re The point is that this is college and with )0“. l ltlttsl warn you lltct'c are sttlllt‘ no money and no degree. college comes a certain urge to ptill needed precautions to rake. ' still a rat'.' ,. someone close. It's not that there are serpents hiding in l.1// ”mirror I\ (4 Horror mil/wring in ALI/v low/III It could be that you are away from home. the trecs. btit maybe it is time to think of imam/urn .monv

sacrifice for the forgiveness of evervone‘s Jesus wants Rock ‘n’ 'Ibchnlcn''an \lll\. ' TECHNICIAN Fmt‘r '; t""tt""-r Important point here to us Lutherans: Srri'mg ~0thCum/mu Stair ’mvmv:lv on. .- NIH Rollfreaks Cgmoreq . . M... i‘ ('hiist's love is for everyone. not Just us! Editor in Chief In response to "A Bird‘s liye Perhaps the staff of ’l‘echnician does not William L. Holmes View of \v hat your condition. \nd he cared enough recall three years ago when many on the Heaven" cartoon in the Sept. lb Technician for you to give \(‘Sl' campus Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor in which the author seems to have his very best his life. the dropped their subscriptions Heather K. Cool misunderstood the redemptive power of the choice is yours. to the \evvs and Observer because they Brian] little Lord Jesus ('hrist: new printing editorial-type continents on News Editor... .l. Keith Jordan Advertising \Mrtttcd: .-\ll As'rirosv I.. (‘ook the front page as new s. Sidetracks Editor...... lrll Hebert Business Manager . . lim Ellington (iradtiate Strident. lilectt'ital litigincering Happening Editor loe Corey Classifieds Manager . . . ltiv Stokes Rock 'n Roll Freaks to the best of my knowledge. the Sports Editor.... .Joe lohnson Sales. . .l Isa (iflllr in lflt \atinders. Dav-r- tlolm. llorrrosevuals hidetracks section is not the Minn! Sports E or .Bill Overton Charles lltllll i\nn Sullivan, ’ymv ( oulter Drug Addicts Opinion Editor...... Kimberly Tenai Business Office . kareri Mt Nr-arv Fraternity Members lutherans recognize liditorral/t)prnion page. Editorial Staff.... .Nazla Guzman, Chris Hubbard, Angie lift-WP! tisa Boson. Rina langda Sorority Members Ill)on‘t make the same mistake Rhonda MCCluney Circulation . . Brian Smith lawrem 4' apt-er other religions the N&() Photography EditorLarrv Dixon Production lingineers lt . Wt Photography Editor ...... Ann Kenton Production Manager...... Daryl Pittman Liars I am writing this letter on response to an Graphic Editor...... Grey Blackwell Assistant News Production Manager. ..Ken Russell Lawyers extremely »\s to your article Miss Stev. next time ChiefCom Editor: Robert Tattle, Bob Steffey Assistant Ads Production Manager .vtarv Stephens Thieves misleading artrtlc tl'echriiciarr. research your topic more thoroughly before Com Editors...... loe Foley, Dwala Sutton Classifieds Production .. . . tripp Alley Seprl‘i on page i attacking ll. Suzanne Thompson, Karen Fox, lulie Thompson Layout Artists. lltittst' Ad ( )lst’lt, I aura Alton, Doctors While Kathleen Stey 's article attempted to Service [when 5. Garrett Chris Parks, .-\ndv M( Kee. lohn Moore lztc. rrrake a valid point. her riietliod of ln nevvsvvritirig. the rriost important point System Engineer Trainees... .Keith tones, Bill Hicks Ads Productions ...... Ernestine Cornian. Jesus loves yotr. lle accepts you right presenting her ideas is cvtrenrely offensive. is act uracy. above all else. Typesetting Coordirulor...... Kelly Huffman Kelly Bridges, Ann Sullivan where you are. TypesettersBeth Merrill, Parke Strong Proofreaders . . , . [Mala *utton, Angela Rhoe l am a Lutheran student on this campus. .\s a human. my primary urge is to walk Matt Dubois Archives...... Susan Russell, Chris Parks, Your mistakes won't keep you out of and lam both proud and fond of my chosen tip to your face Ted (Thu. Vinh Lou, Vurr lrr Hattori. Sherri Young heaven. religion. and argue you into the dirt. Hiroki Yamaniuto, Jennifer Updike The only thing that will keep you out of To the best of my knowledge. no I titheran .-\s a (‘hristiaii. and a Lutheran. however. WMMJRMWHIMMJflMJ cartoomandmhnnnsappearingin technician heaven is rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ I am acquainted with has said or will say my response is in spite ofevervthing. we donor Mmhm1:!thStudentGovernment. administration. txutryor staff. Opinions and the fact that he shed his blood and paid "I'm a Lutheran and you‘re going to Hell forgive you and we whumumarmmmmmmmmumommMarimba. the penalty for your sins and mistakes on because you‘re not." love vou. MMMMmlontheleflmlheophionoflxhnkianmduethemponstbttitvotthe Editortnchiet. the cross. One of my main reasons for being technician (USPS 455-050) '- the offidd Mot W of N.C. Slate and is published every Monday, Wednesday and (iod does not condone sin. but he will Lutheran of their acceptance of others We kawmmmefiumptdmgxhedudearvdevanfinatbnpermm forgive you of it through Jesus~ shed blood. don't make judgments of other religions. or .\tv\ \1. H \II ,lrt. md‘mhMmWMMMayWmofl‘cambcafedinsmte 321 of the University death and resurrection. people. lunioi. .\griculturc and Life Science rodStudent'5“5Cahr9. you.MRI,Prinud“Avenue,by”Hon”I,Pres, Mane,NC 27607.NCMyPOSYMASTEI:Me.toSendlo:any8608,addressRaleigh,changeNC technician,SubscriptionI0: 8600, Jesus loves you. Yes. we take stands based on our belief. 'lreasiiret‘ ISM Ral was, N.C.ares-m Even now. no matter where you are or but that belief centers on ('hrist's love and ()iitreach ()f'licer LSM Blue Ridge Region \t‘lllt'lrilro' .’r l‘l'll lt‘t lllll' ll' .. 9

N31”ayan L’.r;ii.zrrmgrfir:'iarrange- ~ , ____..___ ljlatflSTeBIet __ __ your bdrmydrd, . gets award

ton/:umn’ trriru I’aer'l I'EEI'EII MEANS diamondthm trlrn Diamond lllllls \uurld be \aluable for man} eormrrercial applications from \llpL‘l't‘tllllplllIll): to rapid and compact eomrrrumeation s_\srems LOW because ol lIlL'Il heatrcouduclingr \\ear'~r‘esrsrarrt properties, Nahum] is a natne ol Kanpur. India. He earned a bachelor‘s degree In rrrelallutgs in India and U.S.D.A. Choice master's and doctoral degrees in material \clL‘llL‘L' and engrneer'mg London Broul l’r'om the l'('rl¥erl\elev\. Bel'or‘e pruning the NI". ~State l'niwrsrt} laeulr} in I‘m-1. he \KUl'GCtl at the laurenee Berkele} Laboratory at Iter‘lxele} and at Oak Ridge National laborator} in Oak Ridge 'lerm

If you've seen i------this girl and I "\ ' ' . ,1 you would I "I5? House Ofokaéfordzr- ‘ ‘1 like to know I Self-Bastrn Grade "Nagm T how to get in I touch with : MM" WITH her, you : ADDITIONAL B ' PURCHASE should place I reds Lb. an ad in the l I personals I «£1216?- I I Sectlon 0f the I All members in FREE before 10:06pm Technician I Members $8. Guests $10 I I Doors open at 9pm I 861 W. Morgan Street I I 833-8356

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