Help Catch The Assailant ACoach Recalls The Past S'poits/P:tge5 Sam Pennica. a ball-boy for the football team. has attacked at a game. You can help hitti. Opinion/Page 8 Wednesday OppositesAttract Happenings/Page 3 Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LXXII, Number 15 Wednesday, September 25, 190] Raleigh, North Carolina Printed on titl'm rem led paper Editorial 315-2411 Advertising 515-2029 I ercent 84 fewer crimes committed this year than last By Erie Liebhauser Safety." xaid crtitte pit-\cittioii 'l'i'adttionall). crimes committed $thf Writer otlicet' lair} Iallix on lllL' L‘ltttlptlxcx ttcl'itxx :‘tlltL‘l'lL’ll Overall crime rates for the NCSU campus are down Although crime rates lt.i\c xecii a liaic been xltt'ottded iit xecrcc) for the 1991-1992 school year, as compared to the (‘rime on the N.(‘ State general dcci’caxittg tt'citd. l‘tililic l ititct‘xit) police were tteier 1990-1991 year. Numbers below indicate the total ldlnt‘t‘xll) campux xo far ix dottit Salct} otficcrx are tittttk to poiitt ieiiitired to divulge any facts or llg‘ front laxt _\ear. \\llL‘ll coitiparing otit that a noticeable tli't'tt‘dH‘ til iiiex to the general student body number of reports of each offense listed, as reported Augitxt I‘lxllahigiixt I‘l‘ltt \vith ct'tmcx each month \\ ill be unlikely ('oiixeqiiently. when it came to in the most recent Uniform Crime Report. Auguxt IVUll-Augllxl I‘l‘H (‘ritttex fluctuate \iildli lioiii kiioiviitg hovi safe they actually According to Public Safety. tlte month to month. police xav. tlieie ticie. America‘s students viere iit total number of crimcx cottttttittcd tore making a coittpaiixoti \\ itti pie tltc dark lltix _\car ix th‘tx'. tltl\\ll from last \ toiix tlliltlllls \ioiild be tixclcxx loda}. tltitigx are different because )eat'R 072. The number of stolen lt \ioitld alxo be difficult to com ot the Student Right to Kitovv aiid property caxcx ix dotin troitt ‘HI to pare N(,‘Sl"x crime rate \\tllt that ot (attipiix Security Act. The federal 4 Xbl. other xchoolx l'ttltl laxl )car there |a\\. enacted on Nov. 8, It)‘)(t. ]\ —6 —6 _6 1- I... Violent crimes were alxo dovv n. were only some 320 xchoolx cotit |ltt\\ beginning to produce results. lit’.)l vtl Wuaoon Robbery Drug Law Agg Bicycle Simple BurglaryI Ate. LawLarcony ”The decrease iii crime could be piling uniform crime repoi'tx. l‘lll\ l":ll .at.ttoii Violations Assault Larceny Assault 8&5 Violations ”mm froitt increaxed student avvarenexs or said. Hovvewr. this ix all about to Si‘i‘ CRIME, [‘tixt' 3 t‘i'i. Brtori J. thtto/ intpro\ed relations vtith Public change. Senior running for town council llv10]“MarkM9H 'l‘osezak lt‘l'l‘) llltll’llc ix a t'itth»)ear xcnior iii iiiat'ketiiig education He's also 3“ yeatx old '\lltl lie x running for (‘ary town iottitctl Actually 'l'hoi‘iie ix continuing an education he started here more than ‘tl _\i-.irx ago He transferred to .\' (‘ State l'niverxity after spend- mg .i V\L‘.lf at \k‘iltttiiigton College. no“ l'\'(5\\ltlttilngtott But the mine didn't turn out quite the \\ a_\ lie planned After he got to \("Slfl he uax drafted attd went to Vietnam l'hornc \tax part of a Marine xuppl) battalion. but he xavv combat during a limited tour. l‘he beginning of ltix military career \‘\ ax also the beginning Of his coaching career. After he \i ax firxt drafted. he ended tip ax a trattitng instructor at ('amp l’endleton, That didn‘t last long. though. because most of the camp was sent to Vietnam, \VhL‘t‘l he got back. he didn‘t return to xcltool. ltixtead he went looking for Milk i'mi Mitt? "l ximpl} “cut around knocking ii'trr, on doorx.” lllilt‘llc xatd Killing Time lle e\et‘ituall_\ got a job with a diattiiie firm Htx firxt da\ on the Students wait in line for tickets to the football game against traditional archrival UNC- Stadium. The game will be regionally televised on the \lldllllt ('oast (onterente network iob tie \\ ix xeitt to -\tl.inla to meet meet the 3-0 Woltpack Saturday at 12:10 in Carter-Finley and will appear locally on WRAL-W, ihannel 'i. \\|lll one of the firmx clientx. Chapel Hill. The Tar Heels, 2-0, "l \\ ax baxically an account exec— iiti\e from the beginning." he said. »\lmoxt all of liix It) yearx in that companv xaiv hiiti iii .xentoi' man- .igetiicitt lit Noveittber |989 he \l Shopping New recycling bin fittall_\ dccidcd he “tutti happy :\lUltltll .»\xxociatioii 5 B} Mark 'l‘oxclak tit llatt \lictt lltt\c .titd liatciitio \\ llll \\ll;ll he \iax doing. He left the Al) Nehuit'k 2 S’ott Writ. ., (litlll. bctxvccit llati ix .ittd lloivcit \ oittp.iit_\ Clarke ck -\xxociates 3 .‘ 'tl l‘t‘l.\ t'x'l' illk' lllltltlL' ll.tll .tltil "l tillll there and decided there (‘ollege Bewiage 4 To make it lil.i:'.t\t \\.t\ xoiticthtttg elxc l named to do (‘oxi ('iitieix 10 eaxici to beat EnViroment llti' xtlttml tlt.it ti‘t\i li‘\ tlit' tttoxl ‘.\ ttlt it:\ ltlc.” ltc said (‘oiir'lttey x 10 l'.\'(‘ ('liapcl ‘ i iitzm \xill "t'l lllt‘ ,‘Iitit‘i‘tl\ He .le. ided to go back to the same (.Ill\\\\lll‘Ll ‘\ltx\\cl 9 lltll in tlie ( "will the \ .lll\ .l\ 't.\i'|l .tx ‘t \lllflll thing he had oiigiiially planned on ('iiitiite l dee \VRlll' lartlt donation [1‘ the ‘iklltllll>\ lllHal) doing betoie he \\ ax sent to (‘tcle l itgtt 2 BillllllL" lll'ill human Icailttng l)l \Mggitix 1O l \( l1.t‘x tillli'tlt‘il Illi'lt' .tlit He looked at l'NC-(‘hapel Hill l’llhkl'pill ('ltiiit h 6 Bovi l. ot‘ga .iitd .it \(‘Sl attd decided NCSU ni/eix ti.i\e ittiittim than \t State I lIl\L‘l\ll_\ had the bcttei education program. (iteal Mtxtakcx lO tttade it pox xo llt. .it-. otdttt}: to \tixait llolt. x‘mce he had been doitig market— Harrix leetei 9 xiblc to rec) ptittttotiitttx dtit‘itoi at llaiiix ing and .idicttixmg for nioxl of his Hatchet l’iodiiitioitx 2 cle alittttiitiiiti \\ ltolcxali' cati‘t‘t. llk‘ ilt‘t'ltlt‘ii lllt‘ marketing llokclx ('.ilctttig 4 Cowtesv NCSU tntormottor. cattx .it on lli'lta \tcttia l‘ltt \\t|l hc lakitte all cditcatioii ciiirtciiluitt mix for him Hunt (ieneial Inc 1 0 Narayan was awarded for his research in diamond-thin films. campttx locattitltx .ix dell tti iliiittiitiitit lttllll their l.i\\itp.irtj. .ittd entered ll lrll‘gilftllLNx (iillc 6 Mtxxioit \allcy tliix paxt \.ittttda\ .tiid tccylttig it l‘llitt'ttL‘ .tlxil decided to indulge in lt'ittt‘x l)clt 4 The bittx ate totaled at the it‘lllt'l toda) xomeittiiig that‘x been a theme itt blt’lfitlldldK 9 i Professor honored for work his life. coaching He chose that as Minn .\1iixic 5 i ltix mmoi N( 'Sl' l‘L‘lliI“ x 4 i Diamonds are Narayan’s best friend l'ttoi‘ne xaid he hax learned a lot in Ncptitne‘x 2 it ltix coaching courses. Nev» Bar 4 'l‘eehnieian News Service Research at the National Science “lt'x .iii e\cellent curriculum." he NC“ Bar 5 foundation. said Pil/a Hut 6 l .lagdtxlt N \.it‘ti_\.iit has been lit anttouttcing Narayan'x Currently. he coaches youth- Rich. (iraham 4 appointed ”*——*“—"‘—*“ .ippoiiitiitent. Chancellor Lan') K, leagiie haxkelball and baseball in Scoot-thrii 6 d i x t I it Monteith xaid Narayait's recent (‘ary lle hax also coached football. Sela 5 g it i x h e d ad\anccx iii the area of diamond Since he entered the university in Sherrill‘x Hair 5 r e x e a r ch that films could one day result itt Will). the “year-old has been tak- Subtia) 10 professor of enormous changes in the micro— ing 30 or more hours every Thelma at l otiixe 5 materials electronics titdtixtry. semester. And e\cept for one math 'l‘hompxon l‘heatre 3 science and ‘ Narayan'x viork drew interna— i". will Bennett. Special to technician elaxx that he failed. he‘s made all T.J_ ('innamoit‘x 6 engineerw tional attention last spring when As aitd Bx. UAB ing. he announced significant progress If you know the name that goes with this face, Public Safety would like “It‘s really not that hard.“ he said. 2 N ara) an i,__. .v iit developing an inexpensive. “You really have to be able to pri- l'ntierxil) lltmng 6 ix on leave easy »to~eoittrot method of produc- your help. This person allegedly atlatked Sam l’ennica, a ball boy for the l'l’S 6 front the (‘ollege of liiigittcering ing cotttinuottx. single-crystal Wolfpack football team. Pennii .i was attacked while trving to retrieve a orttt/e." US. Army 6 aiid is currently serving ax director football after an extra point. l’enniia wasn’t hurt, but Public Safety US. Army 9 l)i\isioii ot Materials IAMYMI, Page 9 would like your help in identifying his assailant. If you have any informa- Village Inn 5 of the Si't‘ tion, please (all St 5-3313 or 313-2498. You may (all in anonymously. Si‘i' 11'0““, Page 2 2 September .‘3 NW] it‘ti"t1t1.111 \mx 1 Center Oct 0.
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