The Use of Nationalist Propaganda in the Struggle for 'Northern Epirus'

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The Use of Nationalist Propaganda in the Struggle for 'Northern Epirus' This article was downloaded by: [Canadian Research Knowledge Network] On: 3 April 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 783016864] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37- 41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Power politics and nationalist discourse in the struggle for 'Northern Epirus': 1919-1921 Triadafilos Triadafilopoulos To cite this Article Triadafilopoulos, Triadafilos(2000) 'Power politics and nationalist discourse in the struggle for 'Northern Epirus': 1919-1921', Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2: 2, 149 — 162 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/713683343 URL: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Volume 2, Number 2, 2000 Power politics and nationalist discourse in the struggle for ‘Northern Epirus’: 1919–1921* TRIADAFILOS TRIADAFILOPOULOS On the surface it seemed reasonable: let the People decide. It was in fact ridiculous because the people cannot decide until someone decides who the people are. Ivor Jennings Introduction By most counts, the validity of nationalist propaganda and its use in scholarly debates is limited. Overtly nationalist literature serves a political purpose and need not conform to general standards of scholarly writing. However, to be effective, it must advance a particular cause while remaining within the realm of seemingly ‘legitimate’ discourse. In other words, its success depends on how well the nation’s advocates understand and anticipate their audience’s precon- ceptions, values, and worldview. In short, nationalist literature must possess the potential to persuade. Consequently, even the most partisan and seemingly preposterous nationalist writings may illuminate particular questions or de- bates by providing the discerning reader with unique insights into the ideals of nationalists and their target audience. This paper examines the writings of Greek and Albanian nationalists regarding the question of ‘Northern Epirus’1 between 1919 and 1921. Part of the material under consideration was originally published in pamphlet form and was presented to representatives of the Great Powers at the Paris Peace Conference in February 1918. The remainder consists of ofcial statements made by both the Greek and Albanian governments. At the Conference, both Downloaded By: [Canadian Research Knowledge Network] At: 23:00 3 April 2010 sides sought to expand their state’s territory through revisions to the Greco- Albanian border. Differing interpretations of the ethnic identity and national consciousness of the territory’s population were used to support their claims. *I am grateful for helpful comments from and conversations with Elzbieta Matynia, Adamantia Pollis, Barbara Syrrakos, Jane Cowan, Isa Blumi, and Shaun Young. I would also like to thank Dr. Vassilis Fouskas and the journal’s two anonymous reviewers for their criticisms and suggestions. Special thanks to Tina Tzatzanis for research assistance. An earlier version of this paper was read at the Modern Greek Studies Association’s 1997 Symposium in Kent, Ohio. 1‘Northern Epirus’ extends northward from the northern boundary of Greece to just south of Valona on the Adriatic to the lakes of Ochrid and Prespa in the east. It constitutes approximately one-fourth of the total area of Albania and includes the towns of Gjirokaster (Argyrocastro), Korce (Koritza), and Himare (Chimara), as well as the port of Sarande (Santi Quaranta). See Laurie Kain Hart and Kristina Budina, ‘ “Northern Epiros”: the Greek minority in southern Albania’, Cultural Survival Quarterly, 3, Summer 1995, p. 55. ISSN 1461-3190 print/ISSN 1469-963X online/00/020149–14 Ó 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/1461319002000041 8 150 Triadalos Triadalopoulos However, the contested region possessed a mixed population that did not easily t either Greek or Albanian ethno-national categories. As such, the Great Powers were amenable to arguments ostensibly presented to make sense of this ‘complicated case’.2 The general climate of international relations also worked to the nationalists’ advantage. The victorious Allies were committed to carving up the remnants of the fallen German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires. Woodrow Wilson’s championing of the right to self-determination and equitable treatment for small states held out the promise that territorial claims constructed around the question of nationality would be considered favourably by the Great Powers.3 Indeed, for the rst time in the history of European diplomacy, the primacy of the nation was recognized as the key ordering principle of states and interstate relations.4 Not surprisingly, then, Greek and Albanian nationalists seized the opportunity to present their posi- tions to the world’s self-appointed arbiters. After presenting some background to both the problem of ‘Northern Epirus’ and the role of nationalism at the Paris Peace Conference, I examine the Albanian and Greek sides’ arguments, citing similarities and differences in their demands and rationales. Specically, I analyse each side’s conception of the nation and note how it was tailored to meet the criteria of the Great Powers. Both Albanian and Greek nationalist writers presented arguments that would resonate with individuals wielding power. Their espousal of what today would be dubbed ‘ethnic nationalism’ captured their era’s understanding of the legitimate grounds for claiming the right to self-determination. In other words, their claims corresponded to the ‘universal code’ of nationalist discourse, understood and employed by diplomats, political leaders, journalists, and scholars. Hence, I contend that these pamphlets tell us something about the quality, status, and general reception of nationalism during this period. The paper’s conclusion summarizes the study’s arguments and ndings while also drawing attention to the role of nationalist discourse in contemporary cases. Before proceeding, it is worth noting that this paper does not claim to present an exhaustive appraisal of all relevant materials. The difculty in obtaining such sources cannot be overstated.5 A truly comprehensive study would require archival work and a thorough review of newspaper articles, editorials, and other related material in several languages. Hence, what will be presented should be taken as a model for further research and analysis. Downloaded By: [Canadian Research Knowledge Network] At: 23:00 3 April 2010 The ‘question of Northern Epirus’ from 1912 to 1919: a brief sketch Greek claims to ‘Northern Epirus’ preceded the First World War and were present from the very founding of the Albanian State. Albania was granted independence by the Great Powers at the London Conference of Ambassadors 2E. P. Stickney, Southern Albania or Northern Epirus in European International Affairs, 1912–1923, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, 1926, p. 75. 3For a sample of Wilson’s rhetoric see H. W. V. Temperley (ed.), A History of the Peace Conference of Paris Vol. III, Oxford University Press, London, 1920, p. 53. 4E. J. Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992, p. 131. 5A comprehensive bibliography of this material simply does not exist; the closest one gets is contained in Stickney, op. cit. Themes—Power politics and nationalist discourse 151 in December 1912. The Conference appointed two commissions to delimit Albania’s northern frontier with Serbia and Montenegro and its southern frontier with Greece. Greece’s success during the Balkan Wars rekindled its dream of reconstituting the Byzantine Empire in the form of a greater Greek state.6 Proponents of the Megali Idea (Great Idea) argued that all of Epirus, including those districts claimed by the Albanians, should be ceded to Greece.7 They defended their claim by arguing that the population of this territory was overwhelmingly Greek, both in descent and national consciousness.8 Albania countered by calling for the incorporation of Northern and Southern Epirus, or ‘Chamuria’, into Albania, on similar ethno-national grounds. Both sides ig- nored the fact that the territory they demanded contained a mixed population. According to a British Foreign Ofce research report: Under Ottoman rule, before Greece became an independent Kingdom with a frontier to defend, the population of the whole district of Epirus seem to have thought of themselves as Moslems and Christians [rather]
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