Dear Mr. President,

In the words of Your speech before the on October 22, we could recognize the contents of the proposal put forward by the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) “New Deal 4 Europe” , calling for the urgent implementation of a European special Plan for sustainable development and employment.

On that occasion, you declared: “This investment program (€ 300 billion in three years) is very important for me, and the attempts initiated to make me deviate from it will come to nothing”. You also added that the program “cannot be financed by new debt” and that you “intend to present it before Christmas, because we are in a hurry”.

That commitment links the destiny of your mandate to the success of your investment plan that must provide a concrete answer to what the citizens are expecting.

We observe, however, that in your proposed Plan it is not clearly specified where the necessary €300 billion will come from. In the EU budget there is no trace of available resources of such a magnitude. The unused funds of the EU budget and the EIB resources you referred to are an inadequate answer: the former are not sufficient, the latter require a co-financing at the national level, where resources are notoriously scarce. Such a financing system has the same limitations of the Compact for Growth and Jobs of 2012 (€ 120 billions) which remained on paper.

The current dispute over the 2014 still unpaid invoices confirms the governments' inability to take concrete and shared decisions, jeopardizes the financing of expenses essential for the Union and makes the gap between citizens and European institutions even deeper.

The failure of these negotiations and the obligation for the Commission you preside over to present a budget project different from that of the Barroso Commission represent the occasion for including in the 2015 budget the essential elements of a European special investment plan for research, renewable and alternative energies, the green economy, which is founded on Union's new resources and on guaranteed loans.

The social and environmental emergency cannot wait. A Tax on Financial Transactions (TFT) , promoted by 11 member-States of the euro-zone, through the mechanism of an enhanced cooperation, represents the short-term answer to the need to make public resources available and to your investment plan take off without necessitating a revision of the Lisbon Treaty, and without waiting for the revision of the multi-annual financial framework.

If those resources will give sustenance to a European special Fund for sustainable development and employment, especially for the young, the embryo of an additional budget for the euro-zone will be created. While, if the TFT revenues go directly to national budgets, the citizens will be presented with umpteen inter-governmental proposals, which do not answer the need to implement a European special plan. A success on this front will create the conditions for widening the EU own resources through euro project bonds and, later, a carbon tax (alternatively, a financial instrument could be created as proposed in the “Blueprint” document of November 2012).

Mr. President, the TFT is the main avenue to finance Your plan with new own resources, and to progress towards a federal budget, which can only come about between the euro-zone countries.

The European Committee promoting the ECI New Deal for Europe

Philippe D.Grosjean

Deputy Representative

1. The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) New Deal 4 Europe (as per Lisbon Treaty, Art 11.4), calls for the urgent implementation of a European special Plan for sustainable development and employment (see and its Annex), financed through European investments amounting to at least € 400 billion. It has been promoted by Committees in many countries of the , Federalist Movements, civil society organizations, trade unions, personalities in the world of culture who have signed a Manifesto in support of the ND4E (Appendix 2), Mayors of important cities who launched an Appeal (Appendix 1), Members of the European Parliament who endorse the ND4E.

Organizations promoting and supporting the European Citizens Initiative (ECI) “New Deal 4 Europe” A European special Plan for sustainable development and employment

European Committee

REPRESENTATIVE Fausto Durante Segretariato Europa Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) -Italia DEPUTY Philippe D. Grosjean Forum Permanente della Società Civile - Belgio MEMBERS Jean Francis Billion Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF) – Francia Elena Rodriguez Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF) /Horitzò Europa – Spagna Ivo Kaplan Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF)–Repubblica Ceca Nikos Lampropoulos Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF) – Grecia Giovanni Rastrelli Unione dei Federalisti Europei (UEF) –Lussemburgo


Michel Aglietta , economista, Università di Parigi Michel Albert , economista, segretario accademia delle scienze morali e politiche Enrique Barón Crespo , Presidente Parlamento Europeo Ulrich Beck , Sociologo e Scrittore Josep Borrell , già presidente del Parlamento europeo José Bové , portavoce di Via Campesina, partito verde europeo Eric Bussière Università Parigi Sorbona Roger Casale , Cofondatore New Europeans UK Jean-Marie Cavada , Presidente del Movimento europeo Francese Mauro Ceruti , Filosofo, università di Bergamo Don Luigi Ciotti , Fondatore del Gruppo Abele Daniel Cohn Bendit , scrittore già presidente del partito verde europeo Gérend Collomb Senatore, Sindaco di Lione Roberta De Monticelli , Filosofa Anna Diamantopoulou , presidente centro studi To DiKtio Jean Baptiste de Foucauld già Commissario al Piano francese Guillaume Duval redattore Alternative economiques Matilde Fernández , Università di Madrid Monica Frassoni , CoPresidente Partito Verde Europeo Emilio Gabaglio , già Segretario Generale sindacato europeo CES-ETUC Baldasar Garzon Giurista Olivier Giscard d'Estaing , Prés, Ligue européenne de coopération économique Sylvie Goulard , saggista europarlamentare ALDE Ramón Jáuregui , europarlamentare PSE , europarlamentare, e presidente partito verde europeo Alain Lamassoure , europarlamentare PPE,

Pascal Lamy , Economista, già direttore generale WTO Bruno Latour filosofo , Presidente del Movimento Europeo Internazionale Alain Liepietz già vice presidente del Parlamento Europeo Ken Loach , Regista cinematografico britannico Henry Malosse , Presidente del Comitato economico sociale e europeo (CESE) Norbert Mappes-Niediek, Giornalista Robert Menasse , Scrittore e saggista Gerhard Mensch , economista Università Humboldt Yves Mény , presidente Scuola superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa Cristina Narbona , economista, ambasciatrice OCSE Claus Offe , Sociologo Università di Francoforte Paul Oriol scrittore Moni Ovadia , Attore teatrale, drammaturgo, scrittore John Palmer editorialista The Guardian Romano Prodi , economista, già presidente Commissione europea Javier Rojo , Presidente del Senato spagnolo Pedro Sanchez , economista, Segretario partito socialista spagnolo –PSOE Ewa Safin-Jacquemart direttrice Green Zone Foundation Poland Gesine Schwan , presidente Humboldt-Viadrina Salvatore Settis , Archeologo e storico dell’arte Dusan Sidjanski , Politologo, Presidente Centro europeo della cultura Javier Solana già Segretario NATO-Alto rappresentante politica estera e di sicurezza UE Barbara Spinelli , Giornalista, scrittrice europarlamentare Partito l’Altra Europa , leader del partito europeo Tzvetan Todorov , Filosofo, storico e saggista Guy Verhofstadt , presidente Alleanza Democratici e liberali per l’Europa Carlos Westendorp , Diplomatico, Segretario Club di Madrid

Promoters of the network “European Mayors for a New Deal 4 Europe” (Appendix 1):

Gérard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon Piero Fassino , Mayor of Turin and President of Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani (ANCI)



Associations and organizations promoting the National Committees for the ECI “New Deal 4 Europe”

MEMBERS OF THE ITALIAN COMMITTEE Presidente: Paolo Ponzano - Movimento Federalista Europeo (MFE) Vicepresidente: Michele Consiglio - Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani (ACLI) Coordinatore: Grazia Borgna - Centro Einstein di Studi Internazionali (CESI) Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani (ACLI-FAI), Association Europeénne des Enseignants (AEDE), Associazione Italiana Consiglio Comuni e Regioni d’Europa (AICCRE), Associazione Mazziniana (AMI), Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani (ANCI), Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana (ARCI), Altramente, Network Europeo di Ricerca e Formazione (ASEGE), BIN-Italia, Centro Studi sul Federalismo (CSF), Centro Einstein di Studi Internazionali (CESI), Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL), Centro Italiano di Formazione Europea (CIFE), Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo (CIME), Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori (CISL), European Alternatives, Giovani Federalisti Europei (GFE), Legambiente, Libera-Gruppo Abele di Don Luigi Ciotti, Libertà e Giustizia, Movimento Federalista Europeo (MFE), Syndacat Autonome de Travailleur (SAVT), Società Italiana per l’Organizzazione Internazionale (SIOI), Sindacato Transfrontaliero Piemonte Arco Lemano, Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL),

MEMBERS OF THE BELGIAN COMMITTEE Philippe D. Grosjean - Forum Permanent de la Société Civile Européenne), Roberta Carbone Giovani Federalisti Europei (GFE) Philippe Bioul, (Ex-fonctionnaire de la Commission européenne), Massimo Gaudina (Association Palombella), Angelo Raffaele Consoli (T.I.R.E.S.-C.E.T.R.I.), Yorik Bonsangue (UEF Belgique), Catherine Vieilledent (UEF Groupe Europe), Vlassios Sfyroeras (Vice- président du syndicat U4U), Mark Dubrulle (Président Club de Rome-Chapitre UE), Bruno Boissière (CIFE), Roger Vancampenhout (Ex-fonctionnaire de la Commission européenne), Vincent Obozinski (Pensée libre pour l'Europe), Jean-Paul Soyer (GRASPE), George Vlandas (Syndicat U4U), Pierre Loubières (Europe Solidaire), Alberto Lampasona (Forum permanent de la Société Civile Européenne), Alessandro Manghisi (Forum permanent de la Société Civile Européenne).

MEMBERS OF THE FRENCH COMMITTEE Coordinatore: Jean-Francis Billion , Segretario: Jean-LucPrevel Organizations: Action fédéraliste - «Socialisme et Liberté» (Maurice Braud), Association Puissance Europe- Weltmacht Europa (Bernard Barthalay), Europe Ecologie Les Verts Saône-et-Loire - 71 (Carole Bonin et Mourad Laoues), Alternatives européennes / European Alternatives (Elena Dalibot), Associazione Cristiana delle Lavoratori - ACLI France (Raffaele Fiore et Eggle

Carpa), Europe Avenir (Jean-Paul Guth), Jeunes Européens France (Chloé Fabre), Jeunes Européens Lyon (Alexandre Lemonon), Le Pacte Civique, Mouvement Européen Pas de Calais (François Vié), Freedom Legality and rights in Europe (FLARE - Délégation en France), Mouvement Européen France (Dominika Rutkowska-Falorni), Presse Fédéraliste (Jean-Luc Prevel), Union des Fédéralistes européens - France (Alain Réguillon), – UEF Rhône-Alpes (Jean-Francis Billion), UEF Nord Pas de Calais (PhilippeDoucet) Members: Michel Albert (Président d’honneur UEF France), Florent Banfi (ancien membre du Bureau de la JEF Europe), Michel Boerez (memdre du Conseil syndical Nord Pas de Calais CFDT), Ulrich Bohner (ancien Directeur du Conseil des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux du Conseil de l’Europe), Myriam Cau (Vice-présidente du Conseil régional Nord – Pas de Calais), Fabien Cazenace (ancien Directeur du Taurillon), Yves Clément (Membre du Conseil de la Confédération européenne des syndicats), Jacques Fayette (universitaire honoraire – Modem), Olivier Giscard d’Estaing (Président d’honneur de la Ligue européenne de coopération économique), Jean-Guy Giraud (ancien Directeur du Bureau du Parlement européen à Paris), Pauline Gessant (Présidente JEF Europe), Jean-Pierré Gouzy (ancien président de l’Association européenne des journaliste), Pierre Hémon (adjoint au Maire de Lyon – EELV), Michel Herland (économiste), Philippe Jusselme (Président LECE France), Michèle Lindeperg (ancienne parlementaire européenne – PS), Alain Malégarie (ancien Directeur de l’Institut de l’euro), Laurent Moccozet (Mouvement région Savoie), Paul Oriol (auteur de Résidents étrangers citoyens ! Plaidoyer pour une citoyenneté européenne de résidence), Jean-Marie Petitcollot (membre du Conseil syndical Force Ouvrière Action Sociale du Nord), Robert Toulemon (auteur de Aimer l’Europe), Catherine Vieilledent (membre du Bureau de l’UEF Europe)

MEMBERS OF THE SPANISH COMMITTEE Domenec Devesa (UEF-Spagna), Oliver Soto (JEF-Spagna), Elena Rodríguez Espinar (Horitzó Europa - UEF-Spagna), Oliver, Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), Ricard Bellera (Comissions Obreres de Catalunya; CCOO CAT), Kolja Bienert (Horitzó Europa), Mesa del tercer social sector, Fundación Catalunya-Europa, Guido Ramellini (Horitzó Europa), Max Vives ((Horitzó Europa), Mónica Clavijo Zarate (European Alternatives), Armando Ferrari (INCA-CGIL Spain), Max Rumignani (Presidente Altraitalia).

MEMBERS OF THE GREEK COMMITTEE Nikos Lampropoulos UEF-Grecia (Unione Europea dei Federalisti), Petroula Nteledimou (UEF-Grecia), Georgios Psathas (UEF Grecia), Georgios Boskou (Università di Atene) - Dimitris Papasotiriou (Presidente di Cyprus Logistics Association), Maria Xatzidaki (Presidente dell’ONG “Life B Care”), Antonios Zairis (Professore presso la Città Universitaria di New York e giornalista de l’Economist) - Georgios Stamatis (Professore presso la Città Universitaria di New York), Papandreopoulos Thanasis (Associazione dei Giornalisti Europei) - Ilias Xatzilias (Consulente economico), Christos Nikezis (Imprenditore), Georgios Papapavlou (già membro dell’UEF EB), Georgios Papadam (Ingegnere chimico), Ioannis Mazis (Professore di Geopolitica presso l’Università di Atene).

MEMBERS OF THE CZECH COMMITTEE Ivo Kaplan (già Gruppo Spinelli), Edvard Outrata, (Senatore, Vice-presidente del Movimento Europeo RC), Karel Schwarz (Vice-presidente dell’EAPN già presidente dell’Associazione delle ONG già direttore di Diakonie), Hynek Rehak (Sindaco di Pobezovice), Antonin Homola (Giovani Democratici Cristiani), Pavel Cerny(collaboratore del primo Presidente della ex Cecoslovacchia Tomas Garrigue Masaryk, storico), Jana Simkova (UEF- Repubblica Ceca e membro del Consiglio del Movimento Europeo in

Repubblica Ceca, esperta di sviluppo regionale), Jan Solta (Università di Praga), Josef Brecka.

MEMBERS OF THE LUXEMBOURG COMMITTEE Giuseppe Rastrelli (Corte di Giustizia europea), Alain Calmes (UEF Lussemburgo), Chiara Cipolletta (UEF), Francesco Ferrero (vicesegretario UEF).

MEMBERS OF THE GERMAN COMMITTEE Presidente Dieter Rügge (Vorsitzender der Europa-Union Detmold, Rechtsanwalt, Vors. Richter i.R., Detmold; stellv. Sprecher), Peter Osten (ehem. europ. Vorsitzender der JEF, Mediator, Verwaltungsrichter i.R., Wernigerode; Sprecher), Emanuele Caminada (Universität Köln), Guido Barbi (Doktorand, München), Ulrich Bohner (Exekutivdirektor des Kongresses der Gemeinden und Regionen Europas des Europarates i.R., Straßburg), Prof. Dr. Alessandro Cavalli (o. Univ.-Prof. i.R., Genua/Berlin), Michele Fiorillo (Doktorand, Berlin), Dr. Konrad Hummel (Konversionsbeauftragter der Stadt Mannheim),

OTHER GROUPS are forming in Hungary, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Finland.

EUROPE Alda - Association of Local Democracy Agencies European Movement International Plateforme pour une Europe solidaire

EUROPEAN MPs who supported the ND4E during the European electoral campaign

Philippe LAMBERTS , Bart STAES , Mark TARABELLA , Guy VERHOFSTADT (Belgium),

Michael CRAMER , Ska KELLER , Jo LEINEN , , , , Gabi ZIMMER ()

Brando BENIFEI , Mercedes BRESSO , Renata BRIANO , Silvia COSTA, Nicola DANTI , Elena GENTILE , Roberto GUALTIERI , Cécile KYENGE , Curzio MALTESE , Alessia MOSCA , Gianni PITTELLA , Elly SCHLEIN , Renato SORU , Barbara SPINELLI , Dario TAMBURRANO , Patrizia TOIA (Italy)

Pervenche BERES , José BOVE , Jean-Marie CAVADA , Karima DELLI, Jean-Paul DENANOT , Marielle DE SARNEZ , Pascal DURAND , Sylvie GOULARD , Sylvie GUILLAUME , Yannick JADOT , Eva JOLY , Alain LAMASSOURE , Vincent PEILLON , Michèle RIVASI (France)

Nessa CHILDERS (Ireland)


Appendix 1

The Mayors of Europe for a “New Deal for Europe”

The social and economic life of our cities is deeply dependent on the choices decided at the European level in the field of monetary and budgetary policies. The redressing policies, although necessary, have proved inadequate to put a mechanism capable of relaunching economic growth and employment back in motion. Local bodies, with less financial resources made available to them, have difficulties in providing public services to their citizens. This affects the levels of social protection and cohesion in our cities, those of education and training of the new generations, and those of the protection of the environment and the territory. The local policies too aimed at furthering the development of small and medium sized businesses, and of handicraft and trade are affected. It is necessary that at the European level, at which an effective economic policy could be carried out, a “European Development Plan” be initiated, aimed at overcoming the recessive phase which is choking the European economy. Only at the continental level can efficient and large-scale productive investments be made in the strategic sectors which Europe's future depends on (research and development, alternative energies and environmental protection, great infrastructures of material and immaterial networks, etc.), so as to make it competitive in the world. Only a “European Plan” aimed at putting in motion those investments can transmit to the economic and political actors the indication of the goals and which direction to take to pursue them. Only a “European Plan” fueled by the Union's own resources can be seen as credible in the eyes of investors. A strong initiative is required in that direction: the European Citizens Initiative for a “European Special Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment” , aiming at collecting one million signatures in at least seven EU countries, places itself in precisely that perspective. Promoted by the European Federalist Movement and by dozens of civil society organizations in many European countries, it is also supported by the National Association of Italian Cities. We, the Mayors of Europe, • give our support to an initiative that makes our citizens the protagonists of the request for a Europe oriented towards “sustainable development and employment”; • we share its goals, convinced that such a demand of participation constitutes also an important element for the establishment of a “European democracy” in the perspective of a democratic and federal Europe; • we ask the cities of Europe to create a network in support of the ECI New Deal for Europe , also providing help in the collection of signatures among citizens, with a view to further citizens' participation in the pursuit of a European Union that produces development, growth and progress, for the benefit in the first place of the young generations.

THE MAYOR OF TURIN (Piero Fassino)

Appendix 2

MANIFESTO For A European Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment

Six years have passed, but the severe crisis that Europe is experiencing is not yet overcome. The euro, a pillar of the single market, is not yet in a safe condition. The risk of economic policies being re-nationalized, a disastrous event for the economy and welfare of every country of the Union, no one excluded, is serious and real. The emphasis of governments on budgetary rigour, albeit necessary to face the debt crisis, has aggravated the depressive spiral, due also to time compression of the achievement plan, jeopardising the healing of the financial system. It is necessary to think in new ways. In a serious and continuing recession phase, along with the completion of the single market, particularly in the essential field of services, and with the most indebted countries committed to put in place policies aimed to redress their national budgets, we must consider a special plan for relaunching development. A sustainable development, based on the realization of European infrastructures, on new technologies, on new energy sources, on the protection of the environment and cultural heritage, on cutting-edge research, on advanced education and professional training. Such a plan must in the first place promote employment through such an amount of resources earmarked to investments in European public goods as necessary to generate a few million jobs, in particular in those countries where the social emergency of mass unemployment has reached alarming levels, up to the point of putting at risk their own democracies. These additional financial resources can be found by providing for new Union's own resources (for example a European tax on financial transactions and a tax on carbon emissions), private capitals (with Euro project bonds ) and resources made available by the European Investment Bank. The inter-governmental cooperation has proved to be utterly inadequate. The European Parliament is taking some action, also in view of the 2014 elections. But in order to impart a decisive thrust to a too slow process, it is necessary that a voice rises up at last from the European citizens. Hence the importance of the proposal, put forward by a large lineup of forces, from the federalist and pro- European movements to trade-unions and to many civil society associations, of the European Citizens Initiative (ECI), as provided by the Lisbon Treaty (Art. 11), For a Special European Plan for Sustainable Development and Employment ( This proposal deserves to be strongly supported. The European integration has been the great contribution to civilization that Europe has offered to the world, after it was torn apart twice for its fault in two bloody World Wars. Its unification process has ensured peace in Europe for more than 60 years now, and a wealth without precedents in history. It has also been a model for the entire planet. Now all this is at risk. Europe is perceived by its citizens as the primary source of the difficulties created by the crisis, and more specifically as a source of inequality between citizens and countries, no longer as a hope for our future. The comeback of nationalism can be tackled only if the European citizens will demand that Europe proves to be capable of answering to their needs. The time has come to open the road to an active presence of the European citizens in today's and tomorrow's