[email protected]. 2020/2021 ROUND 2 ONLINE ADMISSION SCREENING EXERCISE SCREENING/CHANGE OF COURSE FOR PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES WHO ARE YET TO BE OFFERED ADMISSION 1. APPLICATION A. In furtherance to the Statutory law of Lagos State University, with respect to the Admission Quota given to the Indigenes of Lagos State, the University wishes to inform the general public that, in the ongoing 2020/2021 Admission Screening Exercise, there are some vacancies to be filled, by ONLY Indigenes of Lagos State, who chose LASU as Institution of First Choice, in Regular without COMPREHENSIVE Entrepreneurship Training Programme. The Tuition Fees for the programme is Sixty-seven Thousand, forty-eight Naira, Fifty Kobo (N67,048.50) only, per session. B. Applications are also invited from suitably qualified candidates for the Lagos State University 2020/2021 Admission Screening Exercise (Regular with COMPREHENSIVE Entrepreneurship Training Programme), for ALL candidates seeking admission. This ONLINE screening exercise is a mandatory requirement for admission into the B.Sc./B.A. WITH CERTIFICATES IN ENTERPRENUESHIP PROGRAMME of the Lagos State University. The Tuition Fees for this SPECIAL PROGRAMME is One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N150,000.00) only per session, on first come, first served basis. 2. ELIGIBILITY FOR CHANGE OF COURSE/SCREENING A. Prospective Candidates who chose LASU as Institution of First Choice and have participated in the recently concluded online Admission Screening Exercise of Lagos State University OR Candidates of Lagos State Origin, who have proved their claims before the Independent Indigeneship Verification Committee (lIVC) set up by the Lagos State University.