St. Parish

Second Sunday of Lent

March 8, 2020

335 Dover Chester Road Randolph, NJ 07869 Phone (973)584-1101

Served by We Invite You to Celebrate

Rev. Brian P. Quinn, Pastor (Fr.Brian) Eucharist: Saturday - 5:00 pm Permanent Deacon Edward Keegan (Deacon.Ed) Sunday - 8:00 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am Permanent Deacon Richard Brady (Deacon.Rich) Moira A. Dziomba- Dir. of Faith Formation (Moira.Dziomba) Weekday Mass: Monday - Friday at 8:00 am Carol Lindsey - Faith Formation Assistant (Carol.Lindsey) Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 pm - 4:45 pm (*or by appointment) Jim Hill - Youth Group Director (Jim.Hill) Kathleen Burke - Music Minister (Kathy.Burke) Adoration: Third Tuesday - 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm David Southerland - Assoc. Music Minister (David.Southerland) MaryAnn Spagnuolo - Parish Secretary (MaryAnn.Spagnuolo) Our Mission Karen Loveys - Office Assistant (Karen.Loveys) Greg Schrader - Maintenance & Facilities We are a Catholic community seeking out and welcoming all in a spirit Beth Hart & Charlie Stoia - Trustees of hospitality and empowering people to grow in discipleship in

*All email addresses are (name) Christ. Masses Intentions for the Week Second Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 8, 2020 Saturday, March 7 Karen LoSapio Claudette Matrisciano First Reading: Genesis 12:1-4a Intention for Hector Ramos God calls Abraham to leave his family and people and go to a new land. God promises to make the people of this new nation great and to bless Abraham. Sunday, March 8 8:00 am Harry Kime Second Reading: 2 Timothy 1:8b-10

9:30 am Thomas J. Jakubowski Paul, from his place of imprisonment in Rome, writes words Maryann Librizzi of encouragement to Timothy, telling him that Christ is for them everlasting life. 11:00 am Francesco & Pasqualina Carbone : Matthew 17:1-9 Wishing to reveal His glory to Peter, James and John, Monday, March 9 Intention for Stephen Co & Jesus takes them to a mountain where He is transfigured Anthony Mahavoric before them. When Peter exclaims that he will build three tabernacles here in honor of Jesus, and , a Tuesday, March 10 Peter DeSalvo voice from above proclaims: “This is My beloved Son on whom My favor rests. Listen to Him.” Wednesday, March 11 Thomas Patrick Murphy Thursday, March 12 Tom Baron Second Sunday of Lent Daily Readings week of Sunday, March 8, 2020 Friday, March 13 Jim McGrane Elma Fontana Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a; 2 Tm 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9 Samson Choa Kok Sui Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Lk 6:36-38 Saturday, March 14 Joan Donnelly Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20; Mt 23:1-12 Peter Conroy Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Lk 16:19-31 Sunday, March 15 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 8:00 am Ann Duane Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

9:30 am Robert Bird

11:00 am Ladislav Palfi

Stewardship of Treasure - January 2020

Envelopes & Loose Cash $18,692 We Share Online Giving $16,958 Total $35,650

July 1, 2019 - January 2020 YTD Budget $253,750 YTD Offering $244,151 YTD Deficit ($ 9,599)

December 2019 - Collections Building & Maintenance Fund $ 2,239 Christmas Offering $ 26,371

Stewardship of Treasure Second Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 8, 2020

“Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.” ~ Genesis 12:1

God calls all of us to leave behind our old ways and to follow Him, placing our complete trust in Him. Some of the old ways that we may have to struggle to leave behind might be materialism, selfishness and greed. Yet God promises to show us a new land and a better way to live. Remember what St. Teresa of Calcutta said, “God does not call us to be successful, God calls us to be faithful.” In Our Parish Our Parish Prayers The Week Ahead

Please remember the sick members of our Parish Saturday, March 7 - Marthas & Marys 8:00 am, Study community who have requested our prayers . . . 9:30 am, Mass 5:00 pm Sunday, March 8 - Mass 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, Bill Attinello, Fran Brooks, Joann Campo, Faith Formation 8:30 am, 10:00 am & 6:30 pm Kristin Carr, Gina Ceva, Janet Conhaim, Monday, March 9 - Rosary 7:25 am, Mass 8:00 am, Tim Connors, Crowley, Connie Friends of Bill 9:30 am, Reconciliation 7:00 pm D’Angelo, Ruth Dorney, Betty Dubinski, Tuesday, March 10 - Rosary 7:25 am, Mass 8:00 am, Noelle Farmer, Felinda Felix, Nicholas Friends of Bill 9:30 am, Scout Troop 109 6:30 pm, Scout Troop Ferroni, Marie Ferroni, JoAnn Frank, Mary 901 6:30 pm, Rosary 6:30 pm, SEARCH 7:00 pm. Women’s Frattarola, Perla Garcia, Mark Goebel, Cornerstone 7:00 pm, Stations of the Cross 7:15 pm Chris Groh, Toni Kearon, Sandie Keegan, Wednesday, March 11 - Rosary 7:25 am, Mass 8:00 am, Leonard Legg, Joyce Lifshin, John Friends of Bill 9:30 am, Baptism Preparation 7:00 pm McAndrew, Michael Pasquale, Arminda Thursday, March 12 - Rosary 7:25 am, Mass 8:00 am, Pastilha, Joyce Peterson, Henry Rogers, Friends of Bill 9:30 am, Choir 7:30 pm Lee Schaffer, Sam Scotto, Joseph Friday, March 13 - Rosary 7:25 am, Mass 8:00 am, Friends Soranno, Elva Soto, Lucas Soto, Bernie of Bill 9:30 am, Healthy Bones 10:30 am, Children’s Choir Stelmach, Winifred Swiss, Christopher 4:30 pm, 7th & 8th Grade Retreat 5:00 pm, 10th Grade Torney, Joe Venezia, Nat Witmer & Reconciliation 7:30 pm David Whitaker Saturday, March 14 - Faith Kitchen Prep 10:30 am, Mass 5:00 pm Please remember those who have died . . . Sunday, March 15 - Mass 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am,

Barbara Brown - Mother of Kelly Varga Calendar Raffle Final Drawing 9:00 am, Hospitality Sunday Marion Carroll - Mother of Mary Lynn Crosta after 9:30 am & 11:00 am Masses Seamstress Needed for Parish Linens Lenten Schedule The Parish is in need of a seamstress to sew Linens for the Rosary church. If you are available and would like to help with this Weekday mornings at 7:25 am important task, please contact MaryAnn in the Parish office Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm (973) 584-1101 x 205.

Stations of the Cross Tuesday evenings at 7:15 pm (following the Rosary)

Sacrament of Reconciliation Welcome Home The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered on Monday evenings - 03/02/20 - 03/30/20 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Ministry Schedule - March 14 & 15 Please remember to sign in upon arrival. If you are unable to serve, kindly find a substitute. Please contact MaryAnn in the Parish office to update your information for the Ministry listing: [email protected].

Saturday, 03/14/20 Sunday, 03/15/20 Sunday, 03/15/20 Sunday, 03/15/20 March 14 & 15 5:00 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am Joe Judith Debbie Ehrenbeck MaryAnne Smallwood Rich Smith Eucharistic Ministers (6) Peg Wagner Marion Brooks Zeke Fernandez Kathy Smith *open* Tom Meola Rosa Fernandez *open* *open* PeggyAnn Meola Wendy McClought *open* *open* Karen Sammond Frank Gaudioso *open* *open* *open* *open* *open* Lectors (2) Loretta Dougherty Al Regner Anthony Fusco Debbi Tavares Beth McNeilly Denise Thornton Elizabeth Robinson Sophie DiFusco Altar Servers (3) Thomas Judith *open* James Fusco Chiom Okoye Emma Visivoccia *open* Elizabeth LaDieu Nnedi Okoye *open* *open* *open* *open* Ushers (3) Tom Brayton Charlie Stoia Roald Almero *open* Jim Loveys Walt Peterson *open* *open* Carol Curry *open* *open* *open* In Our Parish

Liturgical Changes Per the Diocese of Paterson & St. Matthew’s Parish

With ongoing concerns due to the flu and Corona virus, the Diocese of Paterson and St. Matthew’s have implemented the following liturgical changes:  Reception of the precious blood has been temporarily suspended.  Please consider reception of the Blessed Sacrament on your hands, not on your tongue.  At the beginning of Mass and during the sign of peace, kindly refrain from shaking hands. Please choose another appropriate greeting.  During the Lord’s Prayer, it is suggested that you refrain from holding hands. While there are many false claims with regard to the spread of these illnesses, we remind you to make sure your wash your hands with warm soapy water or use anti-bacterial hand sanitizer. It is also suggested that you exercise discretion, if you happen to be exhibiting flu-like symptoms, in choosing to come to mass.

Lenten Abstinence & Fasting Guidelines & Reflections

Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14 years and older on all Fridays during Lent. Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are bound on by this may fast from one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted if necessary to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but eating solid food between meals is not permitted.

Lent calls us to be with Jesus. Making Jesus our focus and placing ourselves in His Presence will bring us closer to live as resurrected Christians at Easter. Choose these forty days to live with Christ who was nourished by prayer and fasting and lived in communion with God.

For daily Lenten reflections, please visit: Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday, March 17, 2020 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Stations of the Cross The Risen Lord is asking, “Could you not spend some time with me?” (:40) Your Lenten Journey March 10, 2020 Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration and spend time with the Lord on Tuesday, March Stations of the Cross will be prayed on Tuesday 17. Please see the sign-up sheet in the evenings March 10, 17 & 24 at 7:30 pm (following Gathering Space. Walk-ins are welcome! If you the Rosary) in the church. Please join us for this have any questions, please contact Tom and simple and personal reflection on the passion of PeggyAnn Meola at (973) 277-7906. Christ’s journey to the Cross. Matthew’s Men Hope Builders SAVE THE DATE To our St. Matthew’s family we say, Thank Saturday, March 21, 2020 You! Once again we have been overwhelmed All men of St. Matthew’s are invited to join Matthew’s Men with your generosity. Through the raffle ticket on Saturday, March 21 at 8:00 am in Bauer Hall. sales we raised $1,000 toward our mission trip to Kentucky in July. The winner of the Further details will be available shortly! dinner for 6 was Ticket # 194674. Thank you! In Our Parish

Prayer Support for Our Gospel Meditation St. Matthew’s Confirmation Candidates Encourage Deeper Understanding of Scripture Saturday, March 21, 2020 Psychology has taught us a great deal about family The St. Matthew’s Confirmation Candidates are dynamics and how we have come to be the person we find completing their 2 year preparation process for ourselves to be. We are comprised of such a mixed bag of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop blessings and obstacles with their graced moments and Serratelli will confirm the candidates as fully sinful ones. Think back on the journey of life and how the initiated members of the Catholic Church on many different and varied choices that you made influenced Saturday, March 21, 2020. the direction your life. If you didn’t go on that first date with your spouse, who would be beside you today? If you chose We ask you to pray for our Candidates, especially the to be in one place rather than another, what would have candidate named on the flame that you took. Blessings and happened to the course your life has taken? We are on God’s peace to all candidates. We are so proud of you! such a wonderful, exciting journey. What is most incredible and awesome is that we are not alone! God is with us. He Family Movie Night inspires, heals, opens doors, and calls us every moment of our lives. The very life we have is due only to Him. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Social Committee is hosting Family We can all sit down and list adjectives describing who we Movie Night following the 5:00 pm Mass on are. One may find him or herself more artistic than another Saturday, March 28. Come see The Secret or quicker with wit. We have unique gifts and talents and Life of PETS (the original) and enjoy friends, have the great gift of free will, which we treasure. Our food and fun! Details to follow! Stay tuned! histories come with more baggage for some and less hurdles for others, but we all have to find our way through the path we are on. However, have you ever given much St. Matthew’s Annual Easter Basket Collection thought to who you really are? That question has more In Support of Holy Trinity Parish, Passaic merit than may at first appear. Donations collected through Sunday, April 5, 2020 We know ourselves as we live out our earthly journey. But Continuing our mission to support our sister Parish, Holy do we know our heavenly self? What we know here is only Trinity in Passaic, NJ, our Parish community will be one small part of who God has made us to be. The collecting items to prepare Easter baskets and goodie bags disciples really thought they knew Jesus until they went up for 400+ children. The following items will be collected the mountain. We also may think we know our true selves, through Sunday, April 5, 2020 (Palm Sunday): too. We know that in eternal life we shall not only see God, but become like Him. Medium sized Easter baskets Easter Grass Who will you be? Candy filled plastic eggs What surprise do you think God has for you? Empty plastic eggs Small wrapped Easter candy Small chocolate bunnies Small Easter toys Cellophane bags to wrap baskets Goodie Bags

Items may be dropped off in the marked container in the Gathering Space. Faith Formation students are Live the Liturgy encouraged to each bring one item to donate and drop it off Inspiration for the Week before class. Have you ever given much thought to who you were really created to be? Our lives are the product of various circumstances, choices, predetermined scenarios, and a whole host of events and inherited baggage. All of these We would like to thank Noreen for her years of dedication to components come together and form the person we this wonderful program! Thanks to her hard work, we have understand ourselves to be. Jesus knew who he was and been able to provide Easter treats with the children of Holy who he was becoming. He showed his transfigured self to Trinity. This will be Noreen’s last year heading the ministry. his disciples on a high mountain and revealed to them who We are hopeful that someone will prayerfully consider he was really meant to be. The weaknesses, imperfections, working with Noreen this year and volunteer to lead this fears, and impressions that we carry with us often color our ministry so that we may continue this service in the future. choices and hinder us from really seeing the greater picture Note that assistance is needed during Holy Week to deliver of who we are. the baskets/donations to Holy Trinity Parish in Passaic. What do you imagine your transfigured self If you have any questions, would like to volunteer to assist to be? Jesus promises a new life in heaven. with basket assembly or delivery, please contact Noreen Have you ever given much thought to what Cassidy at [email protected] or call (973) 610-3065. that may mean for you? In Our Parish Celebrate the Sacraments Parish Ministries & Contact Information

Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Altar Servers Deacon Ed Keegan (973) 927-1146 month after the 11:00 am Mass and on the 4th Sunday during the 11:00 am Mass. Please call the Parish office at least two months Bible Study Suzanne Johnson (973) 361-1028 in advance to make arrangements. Bridges Debbi Tavares (973) 895-8874 First Reconciliation & First Communion: Our Faith Formation Program begins with Grade 1. First reconciliation and First Church Environment Tom & PeggyAnn Meola (973) 895-4437 Communion is a 2-year program. Please call the Faith Formation office to register your child. Cornerstone - Women Joanne Morrone (973) 229-4915

Confirmation: Confirmation is a 2-year program beginning in Eucharistic Adoration Tom & PeggyAnn Meola (973) 895-4437 9th grade. Students will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring of their 10th grade year. Eucharistic Ministers Andy & Doreen Guzo (973) 451-0814

Matrimony: Couples are asked to contact the Parish at least Faith Kitchen Andy & Doreen Guzo (973) 451-0814 one year in advance. Finance Council John Potter (973) 543-5757

Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish office at anytime Food Pantry Bill Ruane (201) 787-0029 for Communion calls or visitation of the sick or elderly. Holy Communion may be brought to the home of any person who is Fundraising Bob Sciarello (973) 584-3983 temporarily or permanently homebound. Funeral Ministry Chris & John Groh (973) 328-3203 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): RCIA prepares adolescents and adults for Baptism and full Communion into the Greeters Darcy Ronchi (973) 328-4573 Catholic Church. Please call the Parish office for information Healthy Bones Shirley Kraft (973) 252-7393

Interfaith Furnishings Mary Jo Welch (973) 361-1666 New Parish Registration Lectors Ro Peach (973) 584-1041 As we begin a new year, St. Matthew’s invites everyone to participate in our spiritual, educational and social life. Liturgy Fr. Brian Quinn (973) 584-1101 Please complete a registration form and join ou1r Parish family! Forms may be found on the Parish website, in the Marriage Preparation Deacon Ed & Sandie Keegan (973) 927-1146 Gathering Space or you may contact the Parish office and Marthas & Marys Beth McNeilly (802) 384-3026 we will mail/email the registration form to you. Registration is required for Religious Education Programs and for the Matthew’s Men Bill Ruane (201) 787-0029 reception of all Sacraments. Only active, registered members of the Parish may receive sponsor forms for Meals on Wheels Gene Cottrell (973) 722-7733 Baptism or Confirmation. If you need a sponsor form, Music Ministry Kathy Burke (973) 610-5654 please contact the office an we will be happy to assist you. Parish Leadership Team Kathy Dowis (973) 927-8554 ************************************************ Prayer Chain Debbi Tavares (973) 895-8874

Updating Parishioner Registration Prayer Shawl Chris Groh (973) 328-3203

Registered Parishioners, do you have a new email RCIA Deacon Ed Keegan (973) 927-1146 address? mailing address? phone number? Please be sure to contact the Parish office with any changes to your Shopper’s Club Winifred Swiss (973) 960-6005 contact information. It will allow us to continue to provide Scout Troops TBA Parish and community news and updates in a timely manner. Do you have an adult child who no longer lives at Ushers Joe Venezia (973) 895-4669 home? It is important for young adults to establish their Women of Faith Moira Dziomba (973) 584-1101 own registration. Please contact the Parish office with any questions (973) 584-1101. Youth Group Jim Hill (973) 584-1101

St. Matthew the Apostle Parish

Homebound or Hospitalized 335 Dover Chester Road Randolph, NJ 07869 If you have friend or loved one who is Phone (973) 584-1101 homebound or hospitalized and would like a Fax (973) 584-0499 visit and the opportunity to receive Holy Website: Communion, please contact the Parish Office (973) 584-1101. Thank you for helping us Office Hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm support those in our Parish Community. Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm In & Around Town Seasons of Hope Program Spring 2020 Living Simply in a Complex World Bereavement Support at St. Mary’s Church, Denville Resurrection Parish Wednesday - beginning March 11, 2020 Saturday, March 21, 2020

Seasons offers support in a confidential caring atmosphere Does life seem too complicated? Whether you are a teen, where we come together with others who have experienced young or older adult, don’t miss this opportunity to learn loss to face the challenges of our personal grief journeys from the wit and wisdom of this world-renowned presenter- and explore the ways that grieving helps us return to life. Fr. Anthony Ciorra. Learn how to find happiness and peace The program is designed to help participants navigate the in the midst of everyday ordinary life. Fr. Anthony is a physical, emotional and spiritual challenges of separation highly regarded international speaker, author and producer and loss. Seasons is an interfaith program. of spiritual topics. He is a Professor of Theology and Catholic Studies at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, CT. The Seasons program begins on Wednesday, March 11 and continues for seven weeks. If The seminar will be held at Resurrection Parish on you have questions or would like to register, Saturday, March 21 at 12:00 pm. Registration forms may please contact Peg Feyl, Pastoral Minister and be found in the Gathering Space. Please contact Lorraine Seasons Facilitator at (973) 886-4001. Scandariato [email protected] with questions or call (973) 895-4224 ext. 104. SEARCH RETREAT Sacred Heart Retreat Center, Newton St. Virgil Community Theater Presents March 13 - 15, 2020 Friday & Saturday, April 3 & 4, 2020 The SEARCH Catholic retreat weekend provides an opportunity for teens to understand, deepen and share their Let us help lift your spirits this Easter season, GODSPELL faith while meeting new people and enjoying a weekend is a fast paced, uplifting, hilarious and ultimately away. Teens give talks and lead a variety of activities heartwarming musical retelling of the parables of St. under the guidance of experienced adult mentors. Matthew with a little contemporary twist. With comedy, and

The retreat runs Friday evening through Sunday evening: an eclectic blend of music ranging in style (from folk, rock & March 13 - 15, 2020 at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center in gospel), a small group of people help Jesus Christ tell Newton. The program fee is $155 which covers all program different parables by using a wide variety of games, costs, meals, lodging and memento. Registration forms may storytelling techniques, and a hefty dose of comic timing, be found on the table in the Gathering Space. If you have the show is an emotional rollercoaster, including not only questions, please email Dolores Hallock in the SEARCH the aforementioned lightheartedness, but following Jesus office: [email protected]. into the and his Crucifixion. Jesus's messages of kindness, tolerance, and love come vibrantly to life. Boasting a score with chart topping songs, a book Loyola Jesuit Center conceived and originally directed by a visionary playwright Day of Prayer (John-Michael Tebelak), and a feature film.

The Loyola Retreat Center invites you to attend a Day of Join us for three public performances at Prayer. Each day is an opportunity to be renewed in the St. Virgil School cabaret Auditorium, energy, spirituality and in your relationship with God. 238 Speedwell Avenue, Morris Plains.

Day of Prayer – Ignatian Discernment Showtimes are April 3 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, March 15, 2020 - 9:30 am – 5:00 pm April 4 at 2:00 pm AND 7:00 pm. Cost: $40 Includes breakfast, lunch and Mass Advance tickets are $10 for the general public, students, and seniors. For Day of Prayer – Hope reservations or further information, contact Friday, March 20, 2020 - 9:00am – 3:00pm the Box Office at (973) 895-2725. Cost: $40 Includes breakfast, lunch, Reconciliation, Mass

For additional details on any of the Loyola Day of Programs Marianist Family Retreat Center or register, please visit Women’s Spirituality Retreat April 3 - 5, 2020

Lenten Retreat for Women The Marianist Retreat Center will host a Women’s Sister of Charity of St. Elizabeth Spirituality Retreat from April 3-5, 2020. Join with other Saturday, March 21, 2020 women in an exploration of your own story and stories of women in faith. Come alone or with a relative or friend. A The Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth are hosting a Lenten team of women has planned the weekend of prayer, rest Retreat for Women on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Join us and renewal. for Mass at 8:00 am. The program begins at 9:15 am and If you have any questions or would like to will be led by Rosemary Carroll, SA. register, please call (609) 884-3829 or visit If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact Louise Pechello at (973) 290-5470. TUTTLE FUNERAL HOME Dean T. Tuttle, Founder - Randolph Twp. ~ N.J. Lic. No. 2405 • Dean G. Tuttle, Mgr. ~ N.J. Lic. No. 3987 Todd M. Tuttle, Dir. ~ N.J. Lic. No. 4344 • Ralph S. D'Agostino Jr., Dir. ~ N.J. Lic. No. 4329 S. Templeton Tuttle, Founder - Dover 272 Route 10, Randolph, N.J. 07869 Established 1936 973-366-7400 HELP WANTED SUMMER 2 2 Lifeguards With 914-747-9294 Certification, CPR & GO WITH VARSITY! First Aid Required. Money at Work, LLC An Independent Firm GEORGE J. KELLER An Exceptional Selection of Fine Wines, Spirits & Beer Varsity Interested Applicants Please Contact: & SONS, LLC 120 US HWY 206 South CHESTER Nick Burbano, Head Lifeguard Registered Investment Advisory Firm NO CLUB CARDS OR MEMBERSHIP FEES Driving Just the LOWEST PRICES on the Brands YOU WANT! Call/Text 973-452-5571 OR WE MATCH PRICES School ROOFING • SIDING (as allowed by NJ ABC) Crescent Cove Beach Club 973-398-5139 908.879.5352 973-377-5645 WINDOWS • SOLAR 6 Hour Behind-the-Wheel Lesson Licensing & Driving Test • Hourly Services Edward A. Metz, CFP®, CPA/PFS 973-927-0963 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Call Big "E" or Spencer For All Business & Personal Tax Needs Visit our website Registered Principal Randolph, NJ · 973-895-1133 390 ROUTE 10 WEST • RANDOLPH PATRICK LEBER - MANAGER NJ Lic # 13VH00221900 NJ LIC. NO. 4900 Raymond James Financial Services, Member FINRA/SIPC 973-366-9606 IRREPRESSIBLE K.J. Alexander To her, she’s just another foster kid. To them, she’s the queen who will save them all. AVAILABLE NOW! Scan Here or Visit PEACH J. Recchia WET BASEMENT? BROTHERS Septic Systems - Installed - Built - Landscaping Inc. Repaired · Engineering - Soil Testing Complete Property & Irrigation Maintenance • WATERPROOFING & FINISHING Residential - Commercial - Industrial Landscape Installation · Walls & Patios • FOUNDATION PROBLEMS  Over 40 Years Experience  Gutter Cleaning · Tree Service Contact us for a FREE ESTIMATE! (973) 538-1457 · (973) 584-4343 • HUMIDITY & MOLD CONTROL Pot Hole & Curb Repair 1-800-427-4543 Snow Plowing (Commercial Only) 866-588-8317 • NASTY CRAWL SPACES (908) 850-9222 · Fax: (973) 927-7092 GRANVILLE PEACH ~ President 973-598-9202 · F 973-598-9203 NY Lic # 1274423 • NJHIC# 13VH01833300 P.O. Box 280 · Succasunna, NJ 07876 375 US Highway 46 · Mine Hill, NJ 07803

908-684-4680 Residential Commercial Anthony Nardone Lic# 14463 PJ’s Auto Body & Coach Works Family Owned & Operated FREE Estimates • Pickup • Delivery 25 Route 10, Succasunna 584-1008 B L U E O U T B U L L Y I N G NJ Lic. 02312A YOUR AREA REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL United Together In The Fight Against Bullying ... Douglas Tucker GOD Don’t Just Teach Kindness ... BE KINDNESS! Properties Unlimited BLESS CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS (973) 440-8657 • [email protected] AMERICA It’s easy to join our mailing list! Just send your email address by text (973) 769-1563 message: Text MALLORYSARMY to 22828 to get started. * 1 M a d i s o n A v e n u e · M o r r i s t o w n , NJ *Message and data rates may apply. 071B (MV) St. Matthew, Randolph For Advertising Information Call: (800) 364-0684 Bon Venture Services, LLC • PO Box 850, Flanders, NJ 07836