CTHE TUFTS DAILY7 Medford, MA 02155 Thursday, January 18,1990 Vol XX, Number 1 Housing Eight students stage planned protest- in Goddard silent throughout the service we for juniors symbolized the Church’s silence by STEPHENDaily Editorial NEWMAN Board by BILL LABOVITZ on the issues of AIDS. condom Senior Staff Writer For the first time in four years, dormitory housing will be open to about 250 of next year’s jun- iors. The exact number of rooms available will be known after the March 1 housing application deadline, when the Housing Of- fice can determine the number of seniors-to-be who want housing. The office will post the list of juniors granted housing March 6. Fewer incoming students and

increased availability of rental The front lobby of Curtis Hall suffered only minor damage- during- housing have contributed to a a fire over winter break. surplus of dorm beds, said Direc- A . 200tor of beds Housing were John vacant Darcey. in Decem- Some Police suspect arson ber, up from 140 in September,he said.In contrast, more than half of inafireat Curtis Hall the freshmen lived in triples three - extinguisher empty, Sullivan tried years ago following the enroll- by JANINE BILLY to break up the fire by hitting the Daily Editorial Board ment of at least 100 more stu- papers with the extinguisher. When dents than anticipated. The Curtis Hall lobby sustained the fire was somewhat subdued, Darcey said yesterday he ex- minor damage in Jan. 9 fire when he retrieved a fire extinguisher pects this year’s sophomoreswill a pile of newspapers was deliber- from the second floor and fin- want to live in the school’s 13 ately ignited, according to Tufts ished putting out the fire. dorms next year, noting that about Police Lieutenant Brian Clifford. WMFO features director Eric \ half of Tufts’ seniors usually re- The fire damaged parts of the Bove used the empty extinguisher turn to campus. walls and ceiling of the lobby and to flag down Officer Moms Ely “I think having all four years the building received other smoke of the Tufts Police Department living in the residence halls is a and water damage, Clifford said. +whowas driving by at the time of good thing,” he said. “I would The damage has since been re- the incident, $ullivan said. love to see the day we have a paired. According to a Medford Fire pretty good mix of classes in all Dave Sullivan, the WMFO disc Department report, Tufts Police buildings.” jockey on the air at the time of the alerted them from a telephone Juniors were first closed out of fm, said he and three others heard box outside Curtis Hall. When the dorms in 1986 but were per- a fire alarm at 12:49 a.m. When the fire department arrived they mitted to select rooms in special they left the station offices on the wet down the area and checked interest and co-operative hous- second floor thev found the area the rest of the building for other ing. The co-op option was elimi- “filled with smoke” and went fires but found none. downstairs. see HOUSING, page 3 After finding a nearby fire see FIRE, page 15 Planning director post eliminated Mildred Eastwood leaves University after 17 years to reduce the size of the admini- tion. by EMANUEL BARDANIS stration,” wrote Dean of Admini- Eastwood said that she was Daily Editorial Board stration and Finance Larry Ladd not informed of the plan to re- As part of an effort to reduce in a prepared statement explain- duce the Administration or of- the size of the administration,the ing Eastwood’s dismissal. fered another job in Arts and position of director of planning “[The] decision is not areflec- Sciences. and facilities, held by Mildred tion on her abilities, which are “There wasn’t any position Eastwood, was eliminated this extraordinary, nor her perform- open that matched her skills and - December. ance, which was exemplary,” Ladd qualifications. If there had been, In her 17 years at the Univer- said in his statement. she’d be in it today,’’ Ladd ex- sity, Eastwood worked as a sys- “The dean told me that he plained. He said that Eastwood tems analyst in Computer Serv- decided to eliminate my posi- could be rehired if a suitable position became available. two-fold.“By wearing ‘Silence= ices, as registrar, and most re- tion,” Eastwood said yesterday, Death’ T-shirts and by remaining see PROTEST, page 3 cently as director of planning and adding that she had not been aware Ladd explained in his state- facilities. She was also approved that her position was in jeopardy. ment that Eastwood’s duties “have by the dean of undergraduate Ladd likened the situation to been reassigned within the re- studies to serve as a student advi- the November elimination of the maining staff in my office.” sor. position of vice president of plan- Eastwood said that her advisees, “[Wle are making every effort ning, formerly held by John Dunn. which consisted mostly of upper- Following the elimination of classmen, will be responsible for Dunn’s position, Executive Vice finding another advisor them- President Steve Manos explained selves. “That makes sense, as the Inside I Administration does not always that the move eliminated an un- hit one hundred percent in match- Features ...... P.5 necessary overseer position and Colin Woodard returns from Eastem ing students with their advisors,” was part of a management reor- Europe to report on the fear of the Polsih she said. and Romanian peoples. ganization. In the statement regarding Registrar Linda Gabriele de- Arts ...... P.7 Eastwood’s dismissal, Ladd wrote clined to comment on Eastwood’s Reviews of a whole spectrum of that the Administration was dismissal, saying only that “as a music, including Animal Logic, Art of “working to focus [their] priori- valued col1eague;I will miss her,” Noise, and the Kings of Wyoming ties on those purposes most di- Eastwood’s husband, William rectly related to faculty and stu- Eastwood, the director of finan- Sports ...... p.9 dents.” Dave Saltzman previews the NHL cial aid at the University, said he Ladd declined to comment as has no plans to leave Tufts be- All-star Game... or so he thinks. Sports excavation of the-residential quad as construction of the Olin Briefs rounds up the Tufts spolts scene. to whether more positions are cause of his wife’s dismissal. under consideration for elimina- ~ Center for Language and Humanities began over break. page two ,. THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, January 18,1990 JOIN THE TUFTS DAILY THETUFTS DAILY The Tufts Daily, the campus’ student-run vol- movies, exhibitions, records, and other arts and unteer newspaper, welcomes those students inter- entertainment events. Arts writers interested in any Bob Goodman Ediror- inChief ested in reporting, writing, editing, photography, one of these areas should contact Jill Grinberg, Colin production, and business to attend the Daily’s Woodard, or Laurie Jakobsen. Managing Editor: Lauren Keefe semester recruitment meeting on Tuesday at 7:30 Associate Editors: Anna George, Geoff Lepper F?M. in The Daily offices. Our offices are located Sports: Sports writes game reports and features Editorial Page Editor: Christopher Ball in Miller Hall, through the back entrance. Our about Tufts varsity and intramural athletes. In the Production Managers: Beth Geller, Markus Mueller phone number is 381-3090. spring semester the department is looking for writers NEWS interested in intramural activities or in-depth sports Editors: David Spielman, Stephen Newman . Assistant Editors: Constantine Athanas, Emanuel Bardanis The Daily welcomes both students who have features.Thoseinterestedshouldcontact MikeFried- Wire Editor: Ron Graber experience in some aspects of newspaper journal- man, David Saltzman, Kelley Alessi or Geoff Edg- Assistant Wire Editor: Jason Salgo ism and those who wish to learn. The Daily ers. OP-ED depends on the participation and interest of stu- Editor: David Rothenstein dents to operate. Weekender: Weekender is The Daily’s weekly arts Assistant Editor: Eric Hirsch and entertainment guide to weekend events in the FEATURES The Daily has four main divisions: the writing Boston area. It appears in the centerfoldon The Daily Editors: Jena Gerstel, Jamie Bronstein departments, the photography department, pro- on Thursday’s. Weekenders seeks writers interested Assistant Editor: Dan Ferat duction, and business. The Daily’s operations are in reporting on off-campusactivities for the weekend ARTS overseen by Bob Goodman, editor-in-chief; Lau- and restaurant reviewers. Those interested should Editors: Jill Grinberg, Colin Woodard ren Keefe, managing editor; and Anna George and contact Elaine Rose. Assistant Editor: Laurie Jakobsen SPORTS Geoff Lepper, associate editors. Editors: Mike Friedman, David Saltzman, Kelley Alessi Assistant Editor: Geoff Edgers PHOTOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT WEEKENDER WRITING DEPARTMENTS Edhor: Elaine Rose The Daily photo departmentcovers all the people, PHOTOGRAPHY News: News covers all important campus and off- events, and stories that The Daily writing depart- Editor: Karl Schatz campus stories and events for The Daily. For ments cover. Photo welcomes both experienced Assistant Editors: Jonathan Grauer, Nathalie Desbiez, Julio Mota, Mara Rimer Weekender Photo Editor: Denise Drower example, news monitors the activities of the stu- photographers and those who wish to try photojour- dent government, the administration, and other nalism for the first time. Those interested should PRODUCTION Layout Editors: Janine Billy, Michelle Frayman campus organizations. It seeks writers interested contact Karl Schatz. Graphics Editor: Rich Auerbach in reporting on these subjects. Those interested Classlfieds Editors: Laura Walker, Michele Pennell should contact David Spielman, Stephen New- man, Constantine Athanas, or Emanuel Bardanis. Javier Macaya PRODUCTION Executive Buriness Director Wire: The Associated Press wire enables the Business Manager: Lany Azer The Production Department is responsible for the Office Manager: Heather Paddock Daily to provide the campus with national and design and layout of the paper. The Production Payables Manager: Sandra Giordano international news. Wire editors select stories for departmentwelcomes both experiencedlayout hands publication. Those interested should contact Ron or those who wish to learn how to produce a paper. The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published Monday through Friday during the ademic year and distributed free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entirely student-run, and Graber or Jason Salgo. Anyone interested can contact Beth Geller or Markus marenopaideditorialpositions. TheDailyisprintedatCharlesRiverPublishing,Charlestown Mueller. A. The page is a forum for commen- The Daily is located at the back entrance of Miller Hall at Tufts University. Our phone numb Op-Ed: @-Ed (617)381-3090.Businesshoursare9:00a.m.-600p.m.. MondaythroughFridayand 1:OOp.m. tary and opinion writing on campus, local, na- Graphics: The Graphics Department furnishes art- i:OO p.m. on Sunday. Subscriptions are $25 for a full year. Our mailing address is: The Tufts tional, and international issues. Op-Ed welcomes work for all departments of the paper. Graphics lily. Back Entrance, Miller Hall, Tufts University, Medford MA 02155. The policies of the Tufts Daily are established by a majority of the editorial board. Editorials unsolicited articles from students, faculty, and ad- particularly welcomes editorial cartoonists. Those :established by a rotating editorial board designated torepresent a majority of editors.Editorials ministratorson a wide variety of issues. Interested interested in graphics works should contact Rich pear on this page, unsigned. Individual editors are not necessarily responsibile for, or in writers can call The Daily and ask for David Auerbach. Those interested in editorial drawing can reement with, the policies and editorials of the Tufts Daily. The content of letters, advertise- :nts, signed columns, cartoons and graphics does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the the Rothenstein,Eric Hirsch, or Chris Ball or drop off also contact Chris Ball. fts Daily editorial board. . their submissions with their name and phone number Letters to the Editor Policy We welcome ktters from the readas. The letters page is an open forum for campus issues and -- -.- - at Miller Ha!!. - __ __ mments about the Daily’s coverage. BUSINESS Please include your name and a phone number where you can be reached. We have to be able Features: Features reporters focus on a specific get in touch with you to verify authorship and ask any questions we have before your letter can campus or local subject and write in-depth stories. 1. The Tufts Daily business department is responsible from Features regularly covers the numerous campus Letters should be typed or printed an IBM or IBM-compatible computer in letter-quality for selling advertisements, accounting, and purchas- near-letter-quality mode. Letters written on Macintosh computers should be brought in on disk lectures and special events. Those interested should ing for the newspaper. There are numerous practical iles should be saved in “text-only with line breaks” format, and disks should be brought in with contact Jena Gertsel, Jamie Bronstein, or Dan opy of the letter. Disks can be picked up in the Daily business office the following day. business opportunities in sales, bookkeeping, and The deadline for accepting letters for publication in the following day’s issue is 3:OO p.m. Ferat at The Daily. other financial activities at The Daily’s business Letters should address the Tufts community and not a particularindividual. While letters can critical of an individual’sactions, the should attack someone’s personality traits. department. Those interested should contact Javier not Arts: Arts reviews campus and off-campusplays, We cannot accept anonymous letters or pen names except in extreme circumstances if the Macava or Larrv her. ecutiveBoarddetermines thatthereis aclearandpresent dangertotheauthor. Wecannot accept .em about other publications regarding ieir coverage, unless their coverage itself has become ewsworthy issue that has appeared in the Daily. While we accept letten of thanks, we cannot mn letters whose sole pu’pose is to advertise an Kremlin sends thousands of troops :nt. Due to space limitations, letters should be no longer than 350 words. Letters should be :ompanied by no more than eight signatures. to halt civil war in Azerbaijan We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity or not to xun letters. When writers havegmupaffiliationsorhold titles orpositionsrelatedtothetopicoftheirletter. will note that in italics followinr! the letter. This is to orovide additional information to the MOSCOW (AP) -- More than thing,” he said. gorno-Karabakh.” The govern- readers and is not intended to detradfrom the letter. 11,000 newly arrived troops The Armenian news agency, ment newspaper Izvestia reported struggled today to end battles Armenpress, said some 1,500 16 attacks on weapons depots in between bands of Azerbaijanis refugees were arriving daily in Due to a decision of the Registrar’s and Armenians, who reportedly the Armenian capital of Yerevan. guns. were armed with everything from On Tuesday, the official Tass The troops have been instructed Office, the Daily will not be printing submachineguns and grenades to news agency said 2,000 people to get tougher with the fighters, commandeered artillery. armed with anti-aircraft guns and Seleznyov said, and soldiers this semester’s classroom listings. A The official death toll from other artillery were massing on opened fire Tuesday when an the clashes in the southern repub- hills around Nagorno-Karabakh, armed group tried to take five partial listing is available in the lic of Azerbaijan stood at 56, the flashpoint for theneighboring armored personnel carriers near mostly Armenians, and new groups’ ethnic hatreds. the village of Tazikend. Registrar’s Office in the basement of clashes were reported. President Mikhail S. Gorbachev “Since then, attempts to take Azerbaijanis staged protests in declared a state of emergency in APCs have stopped, because Ballou Hall. If a course’s classroom is theirrepublic’scapital, Baku, and the strife-tom mountain area before this they weren’t used to elsewhere to demand they be Monday night, empowering the having weapons used against not included in that list, call the armed and allowed to defend their governmentto deploy units of the them,” he said by telephone. claim to the disputed territory of Soviet my,navy and KGB to Combatants in the Nagorno- appropriate academic department for Nagorno-Karabakh, an predomi- protect lives and guard vital in- Karabakh region had sei” stores nantly Armenian enclave in Az- stallations such as railroads. of hand grenades, the Interior information. erbaijan, newspapem and officials More than 6,000 additional Ministry said. said today. internal security troops were sent The flareup is the most violent In bordering Armenia to the Tuesday to reinforce existing between mainly Moslem Azer- As a result of beginning of the semester west, people were still breaking Interior Ministry detachments, baijanis and ‘mostly Christian into police stations and other arms Tass said. To assist them, more Armenians. since their decades- stress, The Tufts Daily will only be repositories in search of weap- than 5,000 Red Army soldiers, old feud over Nagorno-Karabakh ons, said Dmitri Seleznyov, an who traditionally carry heavier erupted in bloody clashes two publishing on Thursday this week. We Interior Ministry spokesman in weaponry, also were dispatched, years ago. Moscow. Tass said. The enclave has been ruled bv will come out on Tuesday, Jan. 23 and Seleznyov said that in the past Soviet media did not say how Azerbaijan since 1923 and-& 24 hours there had been 64 at- many troops already were in the current troubles were sparked by tacks on Armenian homes in Baku, region. its demand in February 1988 to where the bloodletting exploded Tass said that in Armenia, be annexed by Armenia. Saturday night with mob attacks “demands are being made to arm -WAR, page15 on Armenians. “It’s a terrible citizens and send them to Na- I Thursday, January 18,1990 THE TUFI’S DAILY page three Owner of the Somerville Theatre plans to become theater operator subdivided into more theaters or “He did negotiate. There’s no by be preserved as a single stage. question about that. Did he ever Daily Editorial Board Fraiman now Dlans to run the intend to cut a deal? Richard would Somerville Theatre owner theater as a single-screen,family be the guy to answer that. I al- Richard Fraiman has decided to movie house, suggesting that ways felt it was a real longshot.” operate the theater himself, after communityand political pressure However, Fraiman said, “We negotiations with a potential buyer have had an effect on his plans. never even got to talk about a fell through in December. FISST members had previously price. You have to have what’s The future of the Somerville supported the proposal of Waltham called binding consideration, a Theatre has been in question since playwright Paul Hapenny, who check. Unfortunately, they did not Jan. 12, 1989, when Fraiman came forward in November with submit a bonafide offer.” locked then tenant and operator an offer to purchase the Hobbs Fraiman said that he then de- Garen DalY Out of the theater Building and turn the theater into cided that the best course of ac- after a check from Daly bounced. the home of a professional, mod- tion would be to keep the Hobbs According to Daly’s statements em drama company. Building and operate the theater at that he, did not renew Hapenny had proposed to buy himself. “We had no alternative. his lease, which was scheduled to the theater from Fraiman for $2 The whole process reached a point expire at the end of December. million. Fraiman explained that of no movement.” Fraiman and Daly exchanged the Hapenny proposal had fallen Now that Fraiman will be the a volley of charges, with Fraiman through because Hapenny never theater’s operator, FISST mem- claiming that Daly had previously made a formal offer. bers believe if the single screen bounced ten checks and Daly “We’ve been working with doesn’t prove to be financially man with purpose- them over a period of several successful, Fraiman might again ter fall into months. We were waiting for a seek to divide the theater. receive tax written offer from them to con- “I’m afraid that he may try to r is housed template the transaction. We never divide the theater down the road,” s Building received a bonafide offer.” said Toumas. Hapenny is in New York until Margin Kelsey, executive di- eculation that the end of the week and could not rector of the Historic Preserva- Photo by Jonathan Grauer the be reached for comment. tion Commission, said, “It’s a Although the marquee says the theater will always be open, ter into a tri-plex, he did FISST member Stephanie as ’ really unusual situation because the theater is currently closed for renovations until February. e Capital Theatre. In the Tournas suggested that Fraiman there’s not all that much the city ~~ issue of The Boston Busi- never actually intended to sell the can do right now. At the same plained. tional Services can approve the mal, Fraiman’s attorney theater. “It seems like Mr. Fraiman time, there’s no guarantee for the Fraiman had previously been balcony for use. Workers are in- said Fraiman never had any intention of receiv- future.” criticized by FISSTfor letting the stalling proper ventilation in the to renovate and divide ing a Hapenny proposal,” she Fraiman, however, said that theater fall into a state of disre- bathrooms, fixing the heating erville Theatre into three said. he does not intend to divide the pair. Kelsey said that she is casu- system, and laying down a new Somerville Alderman Jack theater. “Our plan is to keep it a ally dropping in every now and carpet. ese develop- Connolly voiced similar senti- single screen.” then to see what’s going on. She Fraiman plans to develop the riends in Support of ments. “Quite frankly, he may Asked what would happen if described the renovations as third floor of the Hobbs building, Theatre (FISST) never had any intention of selling the single screen format was not “long-overdue, basic repairs.” possibly with a single tenant, al- the and just went through the mo- successful, Fraiman responded, SomervilleInspectional Serv- though he said that he was “not at ded tions. That would be consistent “Right now, we’re totally com- ices has issued Fraiman permits liberty” to provide further de- a one-stage, one-screen thea- with his company. They tend to mitted to keeping it a single-screen, for minor asbestos removal and tails. acquire property and hold on to it single-stage theater. Why talk the installation of a new projec- Although Fraiman hopes to Fraiman’s decision to become for a while,” Connolly said. about the future?” I tion booth. open the theater after renovations than Steve Post, outgoing Somer- Construction is currently under- The balcony, which Inspec- in February, theopening couldbe comes ville director of community de- way for several interior renova- tional Services had previously cited delayed by a new licensing ordi- dialogue velopment, said that Fraiman and tions tothe theater. “We’reclean- for possible structural problems, nance requiring all new theater FISSTover Hapenny had been in the negotia- ing up the mess that was left and will have to be certified by a owners in Somervilleto apply for would be tion process. sprucing it up,” Fraiman ex- structural engineer before Inspec- an operator’s licence. ower enrollment yields extra beds- - Incomplete course room listing year’s freshmen enrollment is continued from page l expected to be similar to the cur- rent 1,098 level. causes confusion among students nated two years ago. problems they should contact the takes three to four days to receive me mm selection bMet will Next year’s freshmen and by STEPHEN NEWMAN department or the Registrar’s all the grades,” she explained. Daily EditoriaLBoard be Out early next month and stu- mphomorecl~sWill total about Office. Once all grades are in to her of- dents will pick lottery numbers at 2,300 students -- 300 less than the At least every other call to the In an effort to streamline the fice they are then processed, the end of March and first week figure three Years ago. Darcey Registrar’s Office Tuesday was registration process and other printed and sent out. Gabriele said OfApril, Darcey said. Housing is said, however, that the open bed from a student asking, “Where responsibilities of the Registrar’s that this year grades were ready to freshmen and mpbcount for juniors is 250 because are my grades?” according to a Office, the office is using a new to go out on Wednesday, Jan. 10, mores. he is reserving an extra 50 beds woman in the office. But the calls computer system. Gabriele ex- but did not leave campus until for seniors-to-be. didn’t stop there. Yesterday, stu- plained that they are changing Thursday, Jan. 11. At most, the Juniors eligible for campus dents had another question, from the present Digital computer grade packets were ready only a housing number will be permit- There are a total of 3,063 beds “Where are my classes?” to an IBM mainframe, a process day later than they were last year, On campus*he said* ted to participate in the special According to the woman, who that was completed over the she said. interest, co-op and dorm selec- In 1986,a committeemade up declined to give her name, the Christmas holiday. Gabriele also said that the first tion process. The others will be of administrators and students Registrar’s Office has received The use of the new computer registration with the new com- placed on a waiting list. estimated the University was 600 several calls over the past two system did not delay the release puter was successful. The new beds short of meehg student days from students concerned of last semester’s grades, accord- computer system was imple- The open beds for next year demand for on-campus housing, about fall semester grades and ing to Gabriele. mented for registration for the came about because this year’s Darcey said. He noted the new course room assignments. Despite students’ frustration first time, and according to Gab- freshmen and sophomore classes 378-bed dorm next to Latin Way, for having not received grades Some students have called the riele the system responded well are smaller than those of the past expected to open in September from last semester before return- despite students having a little several years, Darcey said. Next 1991, will ease the deficit. Registrar’s Office confused be- cause the course announcements ing to school, Gabriele said that longer to wait. But Gabriele added published by the Registrar’s Of- grades are not late. “The grades that all went as well as could be Wong: Protestors did nothing wrong’ fice and available in Ballou Hall are not any later this year than expected for a new procedure. they were last year,” she said. PROTEST similar to an incident which oc- are missing many of the room Students who do not have their The system offers two new 1 curred on the same Sunday in assignments for courses offered continued from page grades can pick up copies the features which work to the ad- New York City by the AIDS this semester. in Registrar’s Office, she added. vantage of students, according to Coalition TO UnikashPower (ACT Gabriele. The computer now said that if disciplinary action is Wachsler Registrar Linda Gabriele said Gabriele said that many stu- vp>. however,that catches a situation in which a nothing more that new procedures for transfer- dents incorrectly assume that they than notal1 the participants in theTufts ring information from the new student registers for two courses probation I be handed down. protest were aware of the protest will receive their grades immedi- offered at the same time. computer program for the an- ately after their last exam. She Wong said that it is her belief in New nouncement and departments’ explained that students finish A feature was also added to that the protesters did nothing failure to clear new courses with ensure that studentsare signed up Though Wachsler added that exams around Dec. 22, the last wrong. “we did not br& any her office before the announce- day of finals, and subsequently, for all componentsof a particular rules -- state, city or school -- and the New York demonstration at ment was printed resulted in an class. It does not allow a student St Patrick’s Cathredral was much those who expect all grades to disciplinary action is not war- incomplete room assignment list. appear right away are making to sign up for a chemistry course, ranted,” she said. more disruptive, she believes her Gabrieleadvised students first incorrect assumptions. for example, without also regis- group’s protest paralleled ACT to pick up a copy of the course tering for the lab or dissertation The protest at Goddard was UP’ssentiment. “Grades from the faculty are announcements, and if there are not due until January 2 and it that accompanies the core class. mge four THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, January 18,1990

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Morgan Stanley is an Equal Opportunity Employer Thursday, January 18,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES Tufts student witnesses upheaval in Eastern Europe Ceausescu’s twilight: In Romania, the bloodbath seemed inevitable minimum, and light only one room by COLIN WOODARD at a time with a lightbulb of 40 Daily Editorial Board watts or less. Inspection teams BRASOV, Romania -- A little were allowed to enter and inspect boywasbeggingforgumorchoc~ homes at any time. In Brasov the late as I waited for the Orient streetlightsremain unlit. Even so Express toarrive from Bucharest. there were frequent shutdowns. I keep remembering him. This year Romanian homes went He looked to be about seven virtually without heat. Even at years old and was dressed poorly, the first class Hotel Postavarul even by Romanian standards,but there was not heat at night. he expressed only smiles and Although Romania is rich in laughter. It was maniacal, insane oil and fertile farmland, there are happiness though. “Chokolade?” acute shortages of foodstuffs and he inquired again. He had a little electricity; much of this is the Birkenau: Poles remember the German occupation all too well. Photo by Cdin Woodax portable flashlight which he kept result of the Ceausescu regime’s flicking on and off in is own face uncompromisingcampaign to rid Poles distrustful oIf dialogue betweelI the Germanies at one second intervals. The light the foreign debt by exporting most illuminated his tiny face with its if its food and oil. ’ event which lead to the commence- own memories of the German odd, crazed smile and sleepy, “Food is scarcer in the coun- by COLIN WOODARD ment of the hostilities in Europe. occupation. Perhaps the greatest Daily Editorial Board distant eyes. Eyes that had seen tryside than in towns like Brasov The Soviets occupied Eastern nightmares of the occupation took too much and were trying not to or Bucharest,” a factory worker KRAKOW, Poland -- Stand- Poland to prevent the Germans place right outside the city. see any more. “Gumba?” he asked said in the relative safety of a ing in front of the memorial to the from doing so. To the west, Gen- The Reminders of Oswiecim again, laughed and then rambled train car. “People travel for food. Soviet Liberators in this south- eral Guderian’s panzer divisions Josepf works asa taxi driver in on in Romanian, unperturbed by They go to the cities, fill their westem Polish city, a young Jegiel- crushed the Pomorska cavalry Krakow and regularly drives tour- the knowledge that I couldn’t bags with food and return home. lonian University law student brigade’s heroic charge, which ists to Oswiecim to earn hard understand him. But it is illegal. Why? Because announced that the next language pitted medieval lances against currency. The tourists come to Finally one of the other pas- He says so.”The factory worker, he would like to learn is German. modem armor. Oswiecim, a tiny farming com- sengers took the risk of being like all the Romanians I spoke Six million people died in With the cement &ice of a Soviet munity in thecountryside54 kilo- seen talking to a foreigner and with, never referred to Ceausescu soldier looming overhead, he Poland during the German occu- meters west of Krakow, to see the began translating for the littie boy. by name -- only as “He,” “Him’ ’ explained “It’s good to know the pation -- one fifth of the country’s twin concentration camps of “He wants to know your name,” or “The Big Boss.” language of your enemies.” population. Half of the people Auschwitz and Birkenau, where explained the man. The boy’s name On the television set, there was “What about them?” an killed were Jewish. In Warsaw four million perished. Josepf of- was Adrian. He was 12 years old, only static. To further conserve there were two heroic uprisings American student asked pointing fered to give a guided tour. He his growth had been stunted by power, Romanian television broad- to the flag-totingstatue. He shook which were put down brutally by moved and spoke methodically some sickness. He had no parents casts only two hours each day -- his head. “We don’t like the SS forces. After the 1944 upris- as he dashed from building to and was travelling alone to what “One hour about what the [Ceaus- Russians, but Germany has al- ing, &-of the inhabitants of Warsaw building faster than one can try to the interpreter described as “a escu] family did today, the other ways been our greatest enemy.” were expelled and demolition take in the huge heaps of hair, home for hopeless children” in about what they would like to do The Polish student already teams levelled the city street by babies shoes, dresses, shaving kits, the Moldavian region. tomorrow,” in the words of one knew a couple of phrases in Ger- street. gold teeth and other personal items As we talked other Romanians Romanian. man: “Put your hands up!” and Many older Poles remember of the dead. by the train continued to stare at In the bookstore encyclopedic “Don’t shoot me.” Even for col- retuning to Warsaw after the Nazi At first it seemed that the cab me with unblinking eyes as if I volumes of Ceausescu’sspeeches lege students born long after World defeat to discover a deserted “lunar driver was rushing so that he could had dropped from the moon. They and writings filled the shelves: War I1 and in the midst of the landscape” of rubble and bodies. move on to the other fare-paying had been doing so for over an volumes on political science, atrocities and hardships of Soviet “There were no living people,” customers. But standing in the hour. “I could be arrested for economicsand philosophy. Titles rule, the reminders of the Ger- recalled an old man in a cafe in overgrown fields of the Birkenau talking to you,” the man said at in the window offered compari- man occupation remain most Warsaw, “none at all.” camp, Josepf‘s face betrayed great one point. “The police will take sons between Ceausescu and deeply etched in the Polish con- emotion despite attempts to con- me and force me to tell them Mikhail Gorbachev, between sciousness. 7tain it. He had avoided most everything I said.” Elana Ceausescu and Gorbachev. Few people here are happy questions, giving short answers He looked the other way as a The same flattering 1965 photo- about the opening of the Berlin and moving. The camps obvi- policeman with an automatic rifle graph of the dictator adorned most Wall and imminent closer coop- ously bothered him a great deal, walked by. “I want to leave covers. It was difficult to find any eration between the Germanies. even after a thousand visits. Birke- Romania,” the man whisperedas books that were not written by or The Frenchman Francois Mau- nau was the larger of the two the policeman left. “There is no about the dictatorial family. I riac is said to have captured the camps, There is no museum, no freedom here. ’’ picked up a book of poetry only mood of his countryman when he snack bar, and on that day there It was mid-October and, as to find numerous odes to Ceaus- decreed ‘‘I love Germany so dearly were no other visitors. It was very everywhere else in Romania, the escu inside. that I hope there will always be quiet. Brasov train was dim, cold and “There are Western-stylerock two of them.” To the question of when he gloomy -- power rationing had bands,” a Romanian refugee in In Poland people feel they was here, Josepf answered, “Right left the train station, the hotels, Budapest assured me. “They sing cannot afford to be as subtle. “East after the Russians came. A month stores, homes, even the streets of ‘Romania is so wonderful, Ceaus- Germany is the most dangerous afterwards. ’’ the country in an eerie medieval escu is so good!’ and such. They country in Europe now,” said a And what did it look like? twilight. My memories of the aren’t well liked.” Even at the native Krakovian student. “They “Just like this.” Transylvanian night are of grey train station and along most high- are the Prussians and the Saxons Like many others, Josepf was and drab rooms lit by tiny ways there were enormous signs -- the ones who start the wars.” a member of the underground lightbulbs. It is post apocalyptic. praising the dictator. Along one Like France, Poland shares a resistance in Krakow during the Like stepping onto the Planet of highway, a sign read simply long border with Germany -- a war. When the Soviets liberated the Apes or into Orwell’s 1984. “Ceausescu is Popular.” border of which both the Federal the Auschwitz camps he was only Citizens were required to dis- I had left my hotel that morn- and Democratic Republics still The Lenin statue in Nowa Huta 17 years old. “We had known connect refrigerators, keep the see ROMANIA, page 12 question the legality. While a something was going on in use of electrical appliances to a normalization treaty was signed But Krakow was miraculously Oswiecim, but we didn’t know in the 70s to legitimize the post- spared the destruction that flat- exactly what,” he recalled. “When war borders of the two German tened Warsaw and Gdansk (then I first heard what they had found states, many Germans still point Danzig). Many of the buildings at I did not believe it.” out that a peace treaty has never Jagiellonian University remain Closer to Krakow, in the sub- been signed concluding the sec- much as they were when Coper- urb of Nowa Huta, the students of ond World War. nicus studied there. The medie- Jegiellonian University had made “Technically there is still a val walls, streets, buildings and another of their almost daily at- state of war in effect,” noted a churches remain. So does the royal tempts to tear down the mono- Hungarian professor, “which castleon WawelHill with its 13th lithic statue of Lenin in the town means that the present borders of century cathedral, and the 14th square. The police had to use Germany are temporary ones.” century Church of Our Lady -- water cannons to stop the stu- Far-right parties in West Ger- one of the most holy places in dents from ripping down the huge many insist that Germany exists Europe. reminder of Soviet overrule. In today in its borders of 1936, not Terrible pollution from the the morning the statue and sur- 1945. This includes the third of Lenin Steel Works in nearby Nowa roundingsquare are covered in Poland ceded to it in the Oder- Huta are slowly melting these the ice and dripping paint. Resi- Nesse settlement after the war. structures away, but Krakow is dents stopand look, smiling. “It’s Legacies of the Occupation now the historical center of Po- only a matter of time before ei- land. Hungarians stand queuing up for shoes. In neighboring Romania Poland was the first country to see POLAND, page 13 be invaded by Nazi Germany, an But the Krakovians have their the lines are for bread. page six THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, January 18,1990

(b applications for 1990 are due by 1Q:OQ amm Friday, February 2

forms can be collected from and returned to the dean of students office (bal-lou hall) and the housing office (72 professors row) information session January 22, 7:OO p.m., barnurn 0@8 Thursday, January 18,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven ARTS Sound the Alarm, tie up the animals and eat gulyas by COLIN WOODARD music. This self-titled debut is longtime friends. “We wanted a songs. tracks with his whiney, self-pity- Daily Editorial Board certainly one of the most formi- mainstream band,” notes During “Elijah,” Copeland ing vocal style that would lead dable of the past year and Copeland, “and to do that we delivers a wild piano solo and L. you to believe every word is Animal Logic is a musical milestone to mark needed a singer/songwriter.” Shanker steps in to provide an- causing him pain. But compared Animal Logic the opening of this new decade. After a long search for a vo- . other on violin. On the sad, jazzy with their last LP, Eye ofthe Hur- I.R.S. Stanley Clarke revolutionized calist, the pair chose Deborah ballad entitled “I’m Sorry Baby ricane, this new release is sur- jazz bass playing as a solo artist Holland to fill out the mo. “Rather (I Want You in My Life)” fusion prisingly diverse, bordering on This is the start of something but had never found the opportu- than going the usual route of trumpet player Freddy Hubbard interesting. big. Former Police-man Stewart nity to explore a band setting. strange musicians trying to be makes an appearance. Change is about the dramatic Copeland and bassist Stanley Copeland, arguably the best drum- more mainstream, we found An amazing debut for the band erosion of culture and identity in Clarke have joined forces with a mer in the music industry today, Deborah who speaks honestly hm with the three-dalmatian logo: it regions like Wales. Impressively, previously unknown piano teacher has evidently wanted to put a a mainstream voice,” explains certainly isn’t beginner’s luck at The Alarm has literally paid “lip- to create what I.R.S. is touting as band together for some time. Copeland. “We took her material work here. service” to the ’s theme. the most formidable trio in pop Dialogue ensued between the and applied our own weirdetude TheLPhasbeenentirelyin Welch to it.” Kings of Wyoming and released in Wales under the The steering wheel was handed Kings of Wyoming translated title Newid. over to Holland, who wrote virtu- Community 3 “With English the predomi- ally all of the album’s material nate language for international and servesas Animal Logic’s lead Strangethingscomein strange communication,” explains Peters, singer and frontperson. She adds packages and the folks at Comm “a lot of countries are losing the a rural flavor to Copeland and 3 in Brooklyn have provided the very fabric of their uniqueness. It Clarke’s kettle of cosmopolitan music world with a lot of both. becomes harder and harder to jazz sound, creating the freshest The trio calling themselves the interest people in their native dish in rock and roll’s sweltering Kings of Wyoming are no excep- culture.” The band picked the kitchen. tion. Their self-titled LP has an copper-mining .town of Butte, From the opening track the underproduced, home-made Montana as the site of their first listener is pulled through a won- sound. video (“Sold Me Down the River”) , derful tour de force that manages One of the Wyoming high- because the city’s plight reminded to combine accessibility with nesses, Albert Garzon, who plays the band of Wales. 1 artistic perfection. Holland’s guitar, piano and sings on the The album contains its share powerful vocals are followed by album, also arranged and pro- of familiar Alarm material: “No Clarke’s funky dan&s on the bass. duced the entire effort. Rough Frontiers” is vintage Alarm, but Copeland keeps the time and and rustic, their shoestring sound “Change 11” is the most riveting changes the rhythms when you is their greatest advantage. of the familiar material utilizing aren’t looking. Buttressing her Kings of Wyoming is an inter- classic rock n’ roll bass and guitar Doing things in threes -- Animal Logic is Stanley Clarke, Deborah country influence on the LP, esting cache of unpolished avant- riffs and Bon Jovi harmonies. It Holland and Stewart Copeland. Holland picks up a banjo for several garde gems. The New York trio works. Really. combines atonal harmonies and The most impressive cuts sound pleasingly ragged vocal styles with little likc any of the band’s previ- While takes listeners dragging percussion and bass line ous material. A standing ovation timing, jamming out eight diverse for “A New South Wales,” which away, Echo’s McCulloch returns tracks. “It Was Wonderful” re- was recorded live with the Welch calls the Violent Femmes. “Jan- Symphony Orchestra and The Elizabeth Frazer weaves a haunt- elle” is almost 60s folk-rock. Momston Orpheous Male Voice by LAURIE JAKOBSEN ing back-up vocal on the title Daily Editorial Board Then suddenly Garzon trans- Choir backing the band up. Pe- track -- Must be nice to have forms into Mick Jagger for the friends in high places. Other than ter’s voice improves when ac- Candleland stanzas of “Land of Lovk,” until companied by piano and violin. Ian McCulloch the two songs Williams plays on, the were programmed the chorus when he becomes Hats off also for “Rivers to Cross,” Sire/Reprise Records drum tracks himself again and Cathy Crane by Ray Shulman, who also handles in which the band calms down (bass, guitar and vocals) tries to and takes When McCulioch Echo keyboard and shares duties on out some acoustic in- Ian and sing out of her range. The effect is struments. IfThe and the Bunnymen parted com- bass with Michael Jobson. Alarm issearch- interesting. You’re sure her voice pany a few years back, wasn’t “Candleland” has a guitar and ing for a new direction, they’ve there is going to fall to the ground in a outlined some attractive options exactly panic in the streets. Still, chimes lead into the tale of a heap but it glides to safety many people were upset. The band heaven or a fairyland. “Faith and -- here. behind the cover of GarLon’s was breaking up just as they were Healing” picks up the pace of the Jagger impersonation. Balatoni Nyar becoming recognized as one of album a bit, as does “In Bloom,” KFT the best “new music” bands “I need a desert that looks like a more drum-oriented piece, spiced a desert,” Crane announces pro- Profil around. But have no fear, Can- up with oriental-soundingguitars. foundly in the sing-song “Chap: dleland is here, McCulloch’sfirst String arrangement changes the arral Hill.” What does that mean? As fascinating and cosmopoli- solo effort, and it’s not that far tone of “I Know You Well.” The No idea, but it keeps me listen- tan as the Hungarian capital is, album is rounded out very well ing. Budapest’s rock scenc is pretty by “Start Again,” where it is real- Below the Waste bland by Western standards. Still, ized that McCulloch has resolved compared to Prague, Moscow or his own questions put forth in the sized and acoustic music: gener- Change Bucharest, the Hungarian rock songs through the existence of ally an intriguing effect. “Yebo!” , The scene is as strong as the Danube, this album, which leaves the lis- features Mahlathini and the 1 I.R.S. and significantly less polluted. tener on an optimistic note about Mahotella Queens on vocals. Even Hungary has been quietly re- his or her own fate. forming itself since 1968. While Candleland marks a shift for their socialist neighbors to the McCulloch, no major schism from east, north, and south were de- his earlier work, but a subtle VI LIIC, JUILIVII. nouncing rock and roll as a CIA change. It shows both his contri- “Chain Gang”a1soare composed Change offers a long overdue plot to poison the minds of their bution to Echo and the Bunnymen in fas’onl and are ‘@Vdreprieve from The Alarm’s seem- youth, Hungarian bands were and his and his growth since then. throughout the LP, so the listener ingly endless penchant for developing a cult following. Po- It builds directly on his earlier doesn’t get tired of the sound. brant,, and emotionally driven,, litical songs were rejected by the accomplishments, rather than “Catwalk” is a musical stair- rock songs. Mike peters still case, with each element coming starting back at ground zero. One manages to destroy a couple of see BALATONI, page 13 can only hope that his other ex- out and taking over -- piano, drum, bandmates will have the same grooving bass. “Dilemma” is auspiciousbeginnings to their new similar piece, with some vocali- from the format of his former careers. zation and classical bits inter- band. woven with synth and piano. Thealbum, which is dedicated Below the Waste There are two bonus track on to the singer’s father, is about a Art of Noise the cassette, in the spirit of their soul finding purpose. Starting with China Records past hit, “Peter Gunn”: “Robin- “The Flickering Wall,” son Crusoe” and “James Bond McCulloch’s iambic voice and Art of Noise has come out Theme,” the latter being particu- easy guitars set the pace for a with another amazing conglom- larly interesting. It’samazingthat mellow LP. The lyrics are best eration of orchestrated pop, and no matter how long that theme described as subliminal -- the this time out, toss in some Carib- has been around, it can be made listener knows what these songs bean influences for good meas- to sound fresh and original. are about, not by literal interpre- ure. Below the Wmte is a good album tation, but instead by feel. “Dan Dare” introduces the style to have playing when you want to Boris Williams, the drummer of Below the Waste, with tribal relax and go on a musical vaca- for The Cure, plays on “The White rhythms, snatches of what sounds tion. Keep it on file for those Hotel,” and the first single, “Proud like South Seas languages, com- days that are too in The Alarm: Will they ever Change? to Fall,’’ and Cocteau Twins singer bined with bird sounds, synthe- coming. Page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, January 18,1990



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PHILOSOPHY 024WI ETHICS BEDAU 4-7 AND 0-4 An Exploration of changes in the perception 01 PHILOSOPHY 12 611 THEORIES OF HUMAN WHITE A-3+ EXT. TO 5:30 NATURE time and the organization of human activity ir selected societies, both western and non-western POL1 SCI llWI AMERICAN NATIONAL BERRY A-3+ EXT. TO 5:30 POLITICAL SYSTEM Topics will include the rediscovery and re-use af the past, slaves' time, women's time, worker? POL1 SCI 192RG-WI SEMINAR ON RACE, 8 GLATER Z-2 EXT. TO 5:30 GENDER, AND THE LAW time and the effects of industrialization,and the POL1 SCI 194UP-WI COMPARATIVE URBAN COLCORD new perspectives afforded by biological Z-4 AND D-1 POLITICS 5eological and atomic time. Extensive use oi literary texts, films and slides. Taught by an interdisciplinary team of faculty.

Vo pre-requisites. 3-7 Block. :or further information, please contact Steven lirsch, 320 Eaton Hall, tel. 381-3213 Thursday, January 18,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine SPORTS Eighties proves to be heady decade for Tufts sports Thefollowing article was writ- A coach in the New England women’s crew 2-4, golf 4-4 men’s women’s tennis team went 10-0 a no-hitter against Boston Uni- and thewomen’s volleyball team versity. - ten by Boston Globe Staff mem- Small College Athletic Confer- lacrosse 4-7, women’s lacrosse ber Bob Monahan and appeared ence (NESCAC), of which Tufts 13-0 ECAC New England cham- was 17-11. Softball pitcher Kate van on January 1, I990 and is being is a member, can keep a job for- pions, co-ed ding 53-5, women’s There were plenty of individ- Keuren threw back-to-back no- reprinted with the permission of ever if he or she just works hard sailing 28-2, men’s tennis 8-4, ual highlights too. Last March hitters and catcher Kirstin Losen the Boston Globe. and has maybe a SO0 winning women’s outdoor track 7-0 and Teresa Allen of Preston ,Conn., was named to the Academic All- Tufts athletic director Rocky percentage. There’s no pressure men’s outdoor track 4- 1. became the all-time women’s America team. Can0 and a friend took a walk from the alumni to go undefeated When the students went back basketball career scoring leader The women’s lacrosse team, around his compound. Carzo in football every third season or to school last fall the success with 1,259 points. Swimmers Mark led by Melissa Lowe of Greenwich, checked the swimming pool, fear for your job as it is in Divi- continued.The field hockey team Bobbin and Paul Kraaijvanger Conn., won a fifth straight New basketball court, indoor and out- sion l-A. Do a decent job and was 12-2-2 and won the ECAC were named All-Americans as was England title and extended its door tracks, football field and that’s it. NESCAC colleges hardly title. The football team was 6-2 swimmer Maureen Monahan of winning streak to 30. baseball, soccer, lacrosse and field even bother with NCAA team and was ranked fourth in the Belmont, who broke seven school Tennis player Dave Ober quali- hockey facilities. events. Individuals, however, country in rushing offense. The records. fied for the nationals for the sec- “This was one hell of a dec- compete in the nationals. fall sailing programs were sensa- Vera Stenhouse was superb in ond straight year and football adeforTuftsathletics,”saidCano, Carzo ran his finger down a tional again as the women went the long jump, high jump and quarterback Matt Guanci of Read- a University of Delaware gradu- list of sports records going back 26- 1 and the co-ed team 52-2-1. triple jump and won the triple ing was the leading passer in the ate who came here from the Uni- to the stan of 1989. It read women’s The men’s soccer team was 6- jump in the nationals. NESCAC. versity of California to coach basketball 13-11, men’s basket- 6-2, its first non-losing season in In baseball, Dan O’Neill of Carzo looked at his fact sheet - football. ball 13-11, women’s swimming 10 years. The women’s soccer Salem andTom Walsh ofWalpole and grinned, “Wonder what would “And this past year without a 10-0 and New England champi- team was 7-4-4 and lost to Trinity were named All-Americans and have happened if we gave out doubt was the finest all-around ons, men’s swimming 7-3 and in the ECAC tourney final. The Kerry Callahan of reading tossed athletic scholarships?” athletic year as far as wins and second in the New Englands, men’s losses go in the history of the indoor track 14-7 and women’s university. indoor track 11-0 and a second AWL All=Stars:Wales vs. who? “The only way I can explain it place finish in the ECACs. The It’s not easy being a hockey fan. There’s so point, they’re both pretty even. How well they is that we’ve been lucky. Then we hockey team went 14-8-1,men’s nuch information available about baseball, foot- each play in this game will depend upon how well had two excellent back-to-back squash 10-7 and women’s squash )all and basketball, but precious little about the they can interact with their new teammates. classes that just happened to have 11-7 Vational Hockey League because much of the Carzo flipped a page to the Fortunately for them, they will each see famil- plenty of outstanding athletes. And :ountry, particularly the South,just isn’t interested iar faces starting on the ice with them -- Lemieux’s the other classes had excellent spring sports. The baseball team n the sport. It’s impossible to tune in a good was 20-11 and won the Division fellow Penguin Paul Coffey will start on defense athletes, too. We weren’t chasing hockey game on for Wales, and Gretzky’s linemate Luc Robitaille them ... they just came and I think I11 ECAC title. The list went on: men’s crew 5-3, Dave Saltzman TV unless your will take his usual spot on the left side while ex- it’s wonderful.” home team is teammate Kevin Lowe of Edmonton will start on The Neutral Zone playing on UHF. defense. Undoubtedly, the two titans will both put Network TV on a beautiful show, but neither one should be able Sports Briefs iasn’t featured any games since 1974. Until now. to master the other. It n a one-shot deal, NBC will present the NHLAll- At left wing, Robitaille gives the edge to compiled by Kelley Alessi Star game on January 21 at 1:30 p.m. Campbell over Wales’ Brian Propp of the Flyers. 2 But who is going to be playing? Sure, Robitaille gets a lot of points because he I Thestartingplayers(having won theirpositions plays on Gretzky’s line this year, but he usually )y being voted by the fans) have been announced, wasn’t last year, and he still scored46 goalsand 52 tnd I found a copy of the Prince of Wales confer- assists with a 19.4 percent shooting. Counting :nce roster in my local newspaper, but I can’t find only up to Jan. 8th of this year he already has 61 1 list of the Clarence Campbell conference repre- points and is shooting an amazing 26.7 percent. sentativesanywhere. Not in the newspapers, not in He is quick, knows how to score, and has been he Sporting News, not in the Hockey News, nor playing well all year. mywhere else. Propp, seven yearsthe King’s senior, missed Still, you can kind of figure out who is going to six weeks of action after undergoing microsurgery E on the team when you consider player reputa- on November 22. A vein on his left wrist was ions, individual statistics, and the fact that every removed and grafted in an effort to help repair his VHL team must be represented by at least one hand where a blood clot existed. Returning to skater. So, basically, boys and girls, what we are action in the minimum time recommended for zoing to do here is compare the Wales and Campbell .such an operation, he now wears a special pad to All-star squads. But we aren’t really sure of all the help him shoot comfortably. He’s been back since players. January 2, and has indeed been playing well, but Something we can be sure of is who will be you can never be too certain about a player com- starting the contest. Taking the opening face-off, ing back from an injury, especially in a contact It’ll be Le Magnifique vs. The Great One, Pius- sport like hockey. This season,he has scored seven burgh’s Mario Lemieux for Wales vs. Los Ange- goals and eight assists in 23 games with a 10.3 les’ Wayne Gretzky for Campbell. shooting percentage. *- Again. The Campbell Conference also has a slight The confrontation of these two always seems to advantage at right wing, where St. Louis’ Brett be the focus of the annual match-up. The debate of Hull goes against the Bruins’ Cam Neely. Both of who is better has raged on and on and on and them are on paces to surpass their scoring marks of probably won’t stop until long after they’re both last year (Hull went 41-43-84, Neely was 37-38- dead. They’ve skated against each other four times 79, but Hull stands out more with less help from in All-star games and, not surprisingly,neither has his teammates. He has produced 36 goals and 23 been able to dominate the other. Lemieux won the assists with a plus-11 rating for the Blues, who are contest’s MVP twice (in 1986 and 1988) and hovering around the SO0 mark. Neely, leading This weekend the Jumbos will Gretzky won it once (in 1989). Boston in goal-scoring for a fourth straight year, be looking to get back on track, But it seems like Lemieux, 24, can do more has scored 30 goals and 19 assists with a plus-8 travelling to Vermont to take on with less. Throughout his career, Gretzky, 28, has rating for the team with the best record in the Norwich College and the Panthers played with other exceptionalplayers Jari Kurri, 1 I -- NHL. They both score a lot of goals but don’t tally of MiddleburyCollege. Bob Sheldon Daily fi/e phoro Esa Tikkanen, Glenn Anderson, Paul Coffey, Luc many assists. That should change in this game. Robitaille -- while Lemieux has played Now, while a good offense will win you many Tufts to host Chowder Cup tournament wi th... um ...er. ..well, he’s played with Paul Coffey games, a good defense will win you more. Both The fourth annual Chowder Cup Tournament will be held on Jan. for a coupleof years, and Rob Brown is pretty good teams have comparable offenses, but the Wales - 20 and 24 at the Veteran’s Memorial Sports Center in Arlington. The now, too. Gretzky is a great player, but he also gets has a better defense, with Montreal’s Patrick Roy teams scheduled to compete are Curry College, Suffolk University, a lot of help with his stats. Lemieux, on the other starting in goal behind the line of Coffey and Bentley College and Tufts. hand, is the mainstay of the Penguins. Without Boston’s Ray Bourque. It will be the sparkling The Colonels of Curry have won the event the past three years, and him, Pittsburgh is nothing. play in their own zone which should enable the their 6-1-1 conference record puts them atop the ECAC North Last year, the Penguins were outscored by two Prince’s team to exit the Civic Arena as winners. Division again this season. Suffolk is currently posting an overall goals overall, 349-347, but Lemieux still boasted If your opponent doesn’t score, you can’t lose. record of 6-4, while Bentley checks in at 6-6-1 in the ECAC South a plus-minus rating of plus-41. Gretzky’s Kings But not only do Coffey and Bourque limit the - Division. Meanwhile, the Jumbos record stands at 2-7 overall and 1- outscored opponents 376-335, but his plus-minus amount of opponent’s points, they produce many 4 in conference action. rating was only plus-15. Lemieux led the league in more points themselves. Coffey finished as the Last year, Tufts beat Suffolk in the opening round after a shootout goals (85), assists (1 14), points (199), power-play league’s sixth highest scorer and top scoring de- in order to break a seven-alldeadlock followingregulation play. Curry goals(3l),andshorthandedgoals(l3),butGretzky fenseman last year (30-83-113), 38 points ahead snatched victory from the Jumbos with a 6-4 win in the championship still won the Hart trophy as the league’s MVP. of the nearest defenseman, LA’S Steve Duchesne. - This year, the Great One is once again leading Some people don’t consider his defensive skills to -- A round. This year, in the opening round of play, Curry will face off against the NHL scoring race. He may only be scant be better than average, but if these people watch Suffolk at 4:45 p.m., and Tufts will play host to Bentley at 7:30 p.m. taillies ahead of Le Magnifique in the points col- him play, they’ll see that they’re wrong. His stats Admission is $2.00. umn, but his plus-minus rating is significantly are not as good this year (15-3 1-46 and a 0 plus- better. However, Lemieux has gotten over his early SeaSOn slump and is catching up. At this see NHL, page 11 see ROUNDUP, page 13 I

4 Thursday, January 18,1990 page ten THE TUFTS DAILY

Spring 1990

1. /24/90 Pr ~1si dent J'cian P'layczr ''Hunger- In Rmei- i ca E and fibroad" 1 ,'3 1. ficv. Scot ty 1lcL.ennaii "Facing the Mi 1 leni-tiunt" IJri i ver-rs it y Chap 1 a i n

2 / -7 Celebratiing Black History Month

2/19 Rev. Sco t ty IIcLenrian "Taking Romantic Love IJn i ver-s i 1;y (.:hap 1 ai n The Next Step''

2/21 Rabh i Jeff1- ey Summi t "Ref.lect ions on The SABBATH: Assac i ate Chap 1 ain Spiritual Aspects of Stress Management

.3/7 Chr i !stopher Ki m A '88 "Tufts Revisited: Cln Asian- Admissions Counselor- Amer i c an ' 5 Exp er i enc e ''

3/14 Fa t I-) er- 1'1 i c h a E: 1 Hun t "Religion and Ethics Are Assoc j a Le- Chap 1 ain No t The Same Th i rig "

3/28 Rev. Sco t; t y PlcL.erinan "Communi tarianism & IJn i vel- 5 i t y CI-I ap 1 a i 17 lndividual ism: Balance or Choice'!"

I\lanc y R i c tia r d so 1-t "Take Counsel And Speak" Co-Director The Women Ei The0 1 og i ca 1 Center

Rev. Scot ty PlcL.ennan "Where 'To Go Next? University (311aplain On Mapping Life Goa15"

I-oil i :>E? Gi- eeii "A Healing Ministry: Chaplaincy lnter-n I-iomosexuali ty, AIDS 1L The Church"

4/25 Pro.f-. Noi. t;on t\Jicl:erson "Environmental ism As Uio loqy Department A Faith"

WEDNESDAYS I12 - 1 11. 11?. Thursday, January 18,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven . , The Neutral Zone NHL ing title outright (with 31 points) the best in the league and so is he. Richer deserves to be on the The Devil slumped last year (3 1- and be named the Conn Smythe team, leading Montreal in scor- continued from page 9 Vemon,startingforCampbell, 43-74, minus-23) but has come Trophy as playoff MVP. The caw is good, too -- you don’t get elected ing with 23 goals, 27 assists, and roaring back to lead New Jersey minus rating in 41 games), but he of his decline are mysterious, and to the All-star game without being a plus-16 rating in 44 games, but into first place in the Patrick. This still has the talent. I don’t even want to attempt to good -- but he also benefits by the selection of Corson is ques- year he already has 18 goals and Bourque, who has been named tackle them. being a Flame. He is dependable tionable. His stats are respectable 32 assists along with a minus-2 either First or Second Team All- Lowe, on the other hand, is and usually comes through in the (17-18-35, plus-15, 42 games), rating in 42 games. He just has to Star in each of first 10 seasons, doingbetterthisseason.Lastyear, clutch -- he was, after all, the but New Jersey’s Patrik Sund- remember not to drift too much to owns the record for the most as- he tallied seven goals, 18 assists number one goalie of the Stanley strom (14-33-47, plus-12, 42 the right. sists in an All-star game with and a plus-26 ratio. This year, he ‘ Cup champions with a 37-6-5 games), the Rangers’ John Hartford’s Ron Francis, Que- four. Already to surpassing already has four goals, 19 assists record, 2.65 GAA, and .897 save Ogrodnick (26-11-37, plus-8,43 bec’s Joe Sakic, and the Island- his season marks of last year (18- and a plus-23 after 42 games. percentage -- but he is not in a games), and Philadelphia’s Mur- ers’ Pat LaFontaine will be the 43-61,plus-20in60games),heis Hockey Digest had called him class by himself, like Roy. Ver- ray Craven (14-32-46,plus-8,43 three other men playing in the the highest scoring defenseman “steady but unspectacular” be- non’s 14-9-6mark and 2.94 GAA games) have played better this middle. All are the lone reps from so far this year (8-42-50, plus-20 fore the current season started. this year are very good, but his season, putting up better num- their home teams, but each de- in 43 games) and leads the Bruins Nodoubt they take that back now. .878 Save percentage is Only bers on worse teams. serves to be there in his own right. in points. He is a tough checker At age 30, he may be one of the slightly better than average. If the Buffalo is sending four Sabres’ The Whalers don’t need to wow and is considered by most to be oldest players in the league, but Wales All-stars keep pressuring to the game, three of whom were much about plummeting past the the best defenseman in hockey he’s still got what it takes. him with shots, a bunch of them selected for the first time: Darren pathetic Nordiques into the Adams’ since Bobby Orr. The third and key man in the are going to go in. Puppa (G), Pierre Turgeon (C), cellar, but it is thanks to Francis’ Their Campbell counterparts defense is the goalie, where wales The players on the benches and Dave Andreychuk (LW). effort (19-36-55, plus-1 in 42 are Lowe and Calgary’s Al Mach has the clear-cut advantage. Roy also Play important roles, espe- Teammate Phil Housley will back games) that they are still able to nis, with the Flames’ Mike Ver- is simply the best netminder there , cially in games like this one where them on defense. Puppa was not tread water against the rest of the non in the net. MacInnis can score, is. He won the Vezina Trophy as everyone is good and gets plenty even assured of the number one league. but he’s playing nowhere near as the NHL’s best goaltender last of ice time. Half of the players goaltending spot on his own team Pity poor Sakic. He’s young well as he was last year. He has year with his mark of 33 wins, 5 that Wales coach Pat Bums of before the season, but he doesn’t and has talent, but he doesn’t get notched 15goals and 31 assists in losses, and 6 ties -- he was an Montreal selected to the team are have to worry about competition support. His scoring (23 goals, 26 43 games this season, but his plus- amazing 29-0-5 at home in the from his own Canadiens and the anymore. His numbers are mighty assists) aren’tbad, but his minus- minus rating is only plus-2. Con- Forum. His 2.47 goals-against- Buffalo Sabres. Stephane Richer impressive (16-8-5 record, 2.80 15 ratio is. That would be sure to ’ sideringthat he plays forcalgary, average and .908 save percentage (RW) and Shhyne Corson (LW), GAA, and .905 save percentage rise on good team, but he still a team which has outscored its led the league as he led the Ca- making their first All-star appear- in 31 games), much better than wouldn’t strike fear in opponents’ opponents by 3 1 goals, that plus- nadiens to the stingiest goals-al- ances, and Chris Chelios (D) were last year’s (17-10-6, 3.36 GAA, hearts. 2 is not impressive at all. Last lowed total by a team in nine chosen from the Habs, but Che- .889 save percentage). Because LaFontaine does. He keeps year he was 16-58-74withaplus- yeaf~.His record and GAA not as 1iOS pulkd a groin muscle a short of him, the Sabres’ have been juggling the league’s goal-scor- 38, and he became the first de- good this year (14-9-1,2.60), but while ago and will probably miss able to continue baling the Bruins ing lead with Hull and is sure to fenseman to win the playoff scar- his .909 save percentage is still the game. and Canadiens for the top posi- be around, if not at, the top come tion in the Adams Division. Tur- playoff time. Like Sakic, he scores gem (19-38-57, plus-11), Andrey- a lot of points (36 goals and 20 chuk (20-24-44, plus-7), and assists in 42 games) but suffers Housley (13-30-43, plus-8) are from being on a poor team -- his Buffalo’s top three scorers, each plus-minus is minus-14. He has having played in 43 games, and little trouble finding the net, so are sure to help this squad. don’t be surprised if he puts the The Flyers’ Rick Tocchet is puck in a few times on Sunday. the team’s final right wing. Al- Washington’s Kevin Hatcher ways a standout, he leads Phila- and the Rangers’ Brian Leetch delphia in scoring again with 21 are the last players on the team, goals, 32 assists, and a plus-7 rounding out the defense. Hatcher rating. Tocchet is an asset to any may not be a big name, but he’s team. knows how to play well. He has The Devils’ lone rep, captain only notched 3 goals and 19 as- Kirk Muller, will be making the sists in 42 games, but his plus-2 trip for the fifth straight time. He rating is pretty good when you and Lemieux have played in all consider that the Caps have been four All-star teams with each other outscored. Leetch is a big-name since they both entered the league player, but he’s having trouble five and a half years ago (there with the sophomore jinx. His seven was no All-star match in 1987. goals, 23 assists, and minus-20 in The two-game Rendezvous ’87 43 games this year is a far cry in Quebec against thesoviets was from his 23-48-7 1,plus-8 Rookie played instead), but unlike of the Year showing last season. Lemieux, Muller is always get- ting bumped onto the left wing. see NHL, page 15


Interested in working in Washington, D.C.??? The 2-L CONS OR TI^ may be for YOU...... No one can guarantee your acceptance to medical school. Please attend one of the ortr?ntation meetings listed below if yoll are interested in intervieving with any of the 90,folloving But we can guarantee that you’ll score your highest on the organizations in washinqton. D& on Fridav. Brch 9. 19 MCAT. Our unique Test Your BestTMguarantee is your harican Management Systems Raker 6 Hostetler insurance policy. If you’re not completely satisfied with Davis Polk h Warduall Economic consulting services your MCAT score, we’ll let you repeat the entire course. . .at ICF Incorporated no charge! John llopkins school of Nediche naret School We offer expert live instruction, innovative home study nercershurg Academy Nordood School materials, unlimited review in our TEST-N-TAPE@labs and potomac School putnan, Hayes 6 Bartlett lots of personal attention. That’s why Stanley H. Kaplan has sidley 6 Austin u. s. Department ot Labor prepared more test takers, and produced more top MCAT scores, than everyone else combined! Tuesday, January 23, 1990 4:on p.m. career Planning Center SMNLlYH.KAPW Wednesday, January 24, 1990 7:OO p.a. Career Planninq Center Take Kaplan OrTakeYour Chances Deadline for submitting resumes is Friday, February 2, 1990. For your top MCAT scwe, call (617) 868-TEST page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, Jpuary 18,1990 ’ Secret police fear reigned- in Ceausescu’s Romania ROMANIA They wore blue greatcoats, white currency in the country;the equiva- nothing for me here. Living here difference between us and the continued from page 5 cross-straps and toted fully auto- lent of a rolled up $20 in the is no life... you Americans are so Polish people,” he answered matic assault rifles. United States. Moments later all very lucky.” quietly. “Even in Bessarabia [a ing to change money at a govern- As in the train station, people of these people had the same stone- On the train from Brasov se- Romanian region annexed by the ment bureauacross town, where1 on the street didn’t merely stare walledexpressionson their faces. cret policeman identified himself Soviet Union] they are asserting would receive less than nine lei, at “strangers”: many stopped and A militiaman passed by. The air to some peasants guilty of “trav- themselves. There are only one the Romanian currency, for a glared menacingly for long peri- seemed much colder. elling for food.” He stopped threat- million Bessarabians and there dollar. The black market rate was ods of time. The Transylvanians A young university graduate ening them only after receiving a are 23 million of us.” He paused around 140 lei for a dollar, but rarely saw Westerners, except announced that he too wanted to bribe. Shortly thereafter the con- as a plainclothes secret police- this was an especially dangerous glimpses of obviously happy leave Romania. ‘‘I love my coun- ductor approached, demanding US man“We passed hope by. for change. All we practice. The secret police were Americans on VIP bus tours. try. It is the most beautiful coun- dollars from me in return for a everywhere -- and invisible. It is Eventually a Romanian made a try in Europe.” The 26 year-old seat reservation -- he did this very can do is hope,” he said. “We are believed that one in five Romani- hurried approach towards me. His man has never seen anothercoun- discreetly though, as if he too was afraid to do anything else,” he ans worked for the Securitate. menacing expression changed to try, but he may well be right. afraid of being watched. said. Anyone could be an informant or one of fear mixed with hopeful Beyond the Hades-like industrial “Corruption is everywhere,” While the rest of Eastern Eu- a member as I learned when I expectation. “Kave? Gumba? complexes, the Stalinist housing the young university graduate rope was changing radically this arrived at the exchange office. Chocolate? Ciggaretti?” He of- developments and the billboards reported as the conductor made fall, the Romanians did have hope The teller looked at my passport fered a lot of money for these praising Ceausescu, there are his way down the car. “People and handed me the travellers things which have been missing beautiful medieval buildings, surviveby stealing anything they for change. “In ten years,” I heard again and “when He checks I had given the hotel clerk from shops for years. A tired- churches and the stunning Carpa- can from the factory.” Police- again, dies.” “And when it happens,” one earlier. “You forgot to sign these.” looking young mother also of- thian mountains, decked in foli- men took bribes, conductors lived man predicted, “the people will The dreaded militia were de- fered money for candy to take to age. The latter reminds me of the on them. One Romanian refugee the secret policemen apart -_ cidedly more visible than the her children. Seven and eight year- mountainsaround Strong,Maine, in Budapest revealed that he had tear Securitate. On each streetcorner, olds offered money for cigarettes, where I grew up. But the young escaped his country by bribing a with their bare hands.” there were a pair of tall, uni- especially Kents, which served mancontinues by saying, ‘‘I want border guard. At the dawn of this new dec- formed guardsmen were seen. as a sort of unofficial second to leave this country. There is I asked a man in his mid-thir- ade, perhaps now, with Ceaus- ties why the people didn’t rise up escu’s overthrow and execution, against the regime, as they had the Romanians can now hope for done numerous times in Hungary a future. I hope there is one for We’re looking for the Rupert 2Murdo.chs and Poland. “There seems to be a Adrian, wherever the little boy is. and Ted Turners of the 21st Century. Mid City Gym 50 Regent St., Cambridge, MA “354-0096 The Business department of The Tufts Daily is looking for Tufts men and women interested in gaining some management and business experience (and make a lot of extra money on the side).

Come next Tuesday, January 30th to. the Zamparelli Room at the Campus Center at 7:OO p.m.-

Semester Special - January 15 to May 15 THE TUFTS DAILY Only $130.00 (With College I.D.)

*If you cannot attend and are interested please call Javier Macaya at 381-3090.

ATTENTION STUDENT ORGANIZATION OFFICERS!!! 1 YOU MUST REIREGISTER YOUR Sludenr ActwtmlMaycr Campus Center - ORGANIZATION EVERY SEMESTER, INCLUDING THIS ONE, IN ORDER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR YOUR SENATE FUNDING AND TO PARTICIPATE IN THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES FAIR! ALL ORGANIZATIONS CAN RE-REGISTER IN THE STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE IN THE MAYER CAMPUS CENTER FROM 8AM - 4PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY. Thursday, Ianuary 18,1990 THE TUFTS DAILY page fifteen The Neutral Zone NHL Messier (23-44-67, plus-6, 44 an Oiler, and his plus-6 should be At right wing you’ll probably he’ll probably choose either games) could pop up. better considering that Edmon- find Edmonton’s Jari Kurri (20- Winnipeg’s Bob Essensa (8-3-2 continued from page 11 Yzerman has been Detroit’s ton has outscored opposing teams 34-54, plus-21, 43 games), record, 2.72 GAA, .904 save per- He’s been performing better in brightest spot throughout its dark- by about 30 goals. Toronto’s Gary Leeman (25-26- centage) or Edmonton’s Bill the last few games as the Rangers est hours. Even on a team as bad The Oilers’ EsaTikkanen (19- 5 1, plus-11,43 games), and Min- Ranford (15-9-5,2.89, .899 save overcame their pitiful 18-game as the Red Wings, boasting the 18-37, plus-18, 43 games), Red nesota’s Mike Gartner (25-24-49, percentage). Crisp may choose slump with two wins in two days, third-worst record in the league, Wings’ Gerard Gallant (20-22- minus-2, 43 games). Kurri just Essensa because the Jet has better but it takes more than that to he can still play brilliantly. Nicholls 42, minus-2,37 games), and Maple recently notched his 1,OOOth point, numbers with a worse team and convince the critics. is the best number two center in Leafs’ Mark Osborne (14-25-39, accomplishing the feat with the there is no one else on that team Now comes the fun part. Rat- the league. He leads the Kings in plus-12,42 games) will probably fourth fastest pace in history. who deserves to be an All-Star, ing who you think Calgary coach scoring right behind Gretzky, but fill the vacancies on the roster at Playing away from the Great One, but then again he may not be- Terry Crisp will name to the All- his plus-minus could be a bit better. left wing. Tikkanen is sure to be Kurri has shown that he is great cause Essensa is a rookie and Star team. Remember that he can’t Olcyk may not be a scoring ma- there, as he’s proven to be effec- himself. Leeman is the third wouldn’t trust him in a real pres- simply choose the best players chine, but he still gets plenty of tive in any situation he’s put in; member of Toronto’s front line sure situation. Ranford has done because every team in the league points and his plus- 17 is tremen- his plus-18 rating is one of the and leads that team in scoring. a tremendous job taking over for must be represented. dous for a team which scored best in the league. Gallant is the Gartner came to the North Stars the injure Grant Fuhr and has a The reserve centers will proba- almost 10 goals less than its op- Red Wings’ other good player, from the Caps last year and started very good chance of remaining bly be Detroit’s Steve Yzerman ponents. Messier is having an- teaming up with Yzrman to score scoring over a point per game. number one even after Fuhr re- (29-32-61, plus-l,42 games), LA’s other sterling season, but he may most of the team’s points. Osbome This yearhe’scontinuedthe pace. turns. He’s an experienced net- Bernie Nicholls (27-4 1-68, plus- miss the All-Star train this year. makes up the left side of Toronto’s He’ll probably be the only one minder having an amazing sea-’ 1, 42 games), and Toronto’s Ed He always scores a lot -- he’ll high-scoring offensive first-line from the Stars on the team. son, so there’s a good chance that Olcyk (20-29-49, plus-17, 43 score plenty no matter where he and is fourth on the Leafs’ scar- Chicago’s Doug Wilson he’ll be in crease during the third is -- but it doesn’t hurt him to be period on Sunday. games), but Edmonton’s Mark ing list. sprained his left knee, so he proba- , bly won’t be playing with the rest of the defensemen. That leaves If you find that you can’t get Calgary’s Gary Suter (10-29-39, enough hockey, you’ll at least get plus-4, 40 games), LA’s Steve the chance to watch the best “IT’S HERE!” Duchesne (11-24-35, plus-7, 42 compete against each other on games), Calgary’s Paul Reinhart Sunday. Both t&ms have impres- (7-29-36, plus-2,37 games), and sivc offenses, but neither has one Introducing the new “Multicolor Copier” now some other lucky skater. Neither is significantly better than the of these people are truly impres- other. That’s when the defense located at Copy Center in Braker Hall. For sive, but thcy’re better than the comes into play. The Wales has a rest. Suter and Duchesne are not stronger, tighter defense which as effective as they were last year, can stop opposing offenses and details, please call extension 3064. but Reinhart is doing better this support their own better than the season. 36 points isn’t an eye: Campbell’s can. The Wales de- catching statistic, but his plus-2 fensemen can score all by them- is great for a last place ~eamwhich selves and often do, but the has been outscored by about 20 Campbell defensemen can’t say 8 112 x 11 1-50 copies $1.50 each goals. However, his health is ques- the same thing. It’s sure to be a tionable, so may not be the lone tense, close game, but I think that and 50-100 copies $1.25 each Canuck at the Igloo after all. the Wales Conference will put The decision of backup goalie out a win over the Campbell 8 112 x 14 100 or more $1.00 each will be a tough one for Crisp, but conference in the end. Reports on Curtis fire differ FIRE Conn said yesterday that he be- continued from page 1 lieves the police “did not respond 11x17 $3.00 each to the fire alarm.” Though a policeman stopped Sergeant John Flaherty of the when flagged down by Bove, Tufts Police was unsure as to Media Advisory Board chair and whether thealarm signal reached WMFO General Manager Adam the police department. Conn and Flaherty agreed that the location the fire directly under the alarm panel may have prevented a sig- . nal from reaching the police department. SYRACUSE ABROAD Captain Ronald Repoza, the only officer authorizd to release the full police report, was un- available for comment. In response to Sullivan’s dis- covery of an empty fire extin- * guisher, Edgar Gilbert, Director of Buildings and Grounds con- firmed that one of the fire extin- guishers in Curtis Hall was empty, despite having been inspected and refilled in the summer of 1989. Clifford said that Flaherty is in

charge of the arson investigation rT- for the Tufts Police Department and that no suspects have been named. There was nothing more than smoke damage to the small print media space next to the lobby, Study in one of SU’s academic programs in England, France, Italy, according to Conn. No one was Spain, Austria, Germany, Israel and other locations for a semester, a injuredalthoughSullivan said the year a summer of study abroad. four people in the WMFO office f or complained about the thick smoke. Troops sent SEND TODAY FOR OUR CATALOG! WAR continued from page 2 Internal security troops already Name in the region have been incapable Address of halting the most protracted

7. ethnic conflict in Gorbachev’s LltY - --St at e Zip nearly five-year tenure as Krem- Phone lin leader. e “We can’t bring ourselves to ~ - School pronounce it out loud, but what is happening now ... can unambigu- SYRAClkSE UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS ABROAD ously be termed a civil war,” correspondent 0. Shapvalov 119 Euclid Avenue, Syracuse, New York 132444170 (315) 443-3471 zzw,8mmt wrote in the newspaper Komso- molskaya Pravda. page sixteen TI1E IUM'S DAILY Thursday, January 18,1990

l Classif iedsclassif iedsclassif iedsclassif iedsClassif iedsclassif iedsclassifiedsclassif ieds Communications and Media Angela 81 Gioia Paul McCartney Tickets Studies Happy New Year!, I hope you en- Feb 8 at Worcester Centrum. call Advisory Board mtg Tues Jan 23 at joyed your Christmas Holidays. 508-263-9149 4:30 in Miner It. Everyone we:- Come by The Daily and say hello. Personals Lost& . come. Javier: Services FOR SALE 1 set of 125 watt stereo speakers. Hey! Spring Rush Jane, Mary, and Suzy Found Brand new. Must sell. $250/bo. is only one week away! Join us, You see gals, even babes like you Call 776-6262 . members of Chi Omega, AOPi, and read personals. So come on down The Processed Word Alpha Phi, at Panhellenic Day -Jan to The Daily and tell your pals TERM PAPERS, resumes, cover Housing 25,3-5pm, Faculty Lounge, Mugar something so many bloody times letters, theses, dissertations, THE AUDIO CONNECTION Hall. Get psyched for Rush!!! for so little money. Hey, you like tape transcriptions. W 381-3371 LOST - that. RETURNS! H 387-0101. Please call for fur- 2 brown winter gloves from For the 8th consecubve year, The Dear Beverly... Florence. You found them and ther info. Reasonable rates. Quick huh,Connection provides the Room for Rent I'm looking for you. Elisabeth turnaround. Done right here on called my house last semester. Tufts community unbelievable 1 bdrm in 3 bdrm apt. 2 male grad I know you aren't going to read campus. Your #was lost. Pretty please call savings on all major brands of new this but I need to fill the space. again. 391-9548 - Paul Ruderman students looking for responsible 105, AvdeStOven 75017Paris stereo equipment. Located rlght person to rent Nice. clean and Miss you. Lazy? on campus, list complete sys- Javier. we friendly. $233/mo. 15 min from I So am I, but I've got to start lifting tems and every conceivable com- Matt weights again (new year resolu- campus. Call 3956395. 'Hey. This is another useless per- Songs, flowers, personals ponent at discounts even better 'sonal because you don't read this tionlbet) and I'm looking for a part- than "sales" at local and New Babe, what can I say but, thank ner. Call Howard 629-8231. "'AMAZING HOUSING"' lpage. I've been trying to reach you you, for not. Sorry. York stores, all with full manufac- Rent $275. Big completely fur- but you're not home --- is it be- turers USA warranties. Maxell nished rm 30 SBCS from campus. cause you've moved? To the Welcome Back! XLll tapes are $1 99 each in cases Great roommates, TV, micro- Crafts House maybe? Or did you Tell your friends how much you For Sale of 9 and TDKs are in stock. Call wave, LR. kitchen, hardwood just die? Call me (629-8934) and missed them. Take out a personal Otis at 666-9443 or Rich at 776- floors, attentive landlord. Female let me know. Laura in the Daily for only $2. Our busi- 3242 now for mre informanon. nonsmokers call 391-9252 or 396. THE AUDIO CONNECTlONlii ness office in Miller is open to take Wanted Nassau, Cancun, Jamaica 3666. Larry your Classifieds! The LOWEST prices on campus for 7 Whitman How you doing, dude? You went Spring Break 90. Call now because home so you didn't get to find out We need a fourth person! Pleasf space is limited. Call Greg at 391- call 666-3509. Cheap rent. fur that there was a whole bunch of 8457 and let him tell you all about empty space in the classifieds Want to switch housemaid.nished. comes with Latin Americar any lap-top computer or elec- our unbelievable travel packages section of the comics page. So for college students!! Notices instead of writing personals for tronic typewriter with disk drive Events for a MacPlus and hard drive and you I decided to write a really long 1981 Honda Civic 1 Pbdrm and 2 3brm apts one to you. It'll look kind of silly but printer for six months??? Call Avail immediately. $670 2bdrm Jason at 395-6395. Hatchback, 77,000 mi. Reliable, it has a lot of heart. And some TUFTS BRASS ENSEMBLE $870 3bdrm. Heat and water incl ir dependable, painless transporta- the rent. No fees. newly paintec really poor English, too. Hmmmm, tion. Asking $1100. Call Jason If you play trumpet, trombone, 3rd Annual CAREER NIGHT Camp Counselor and renovated. 12 Pearl is this baby long enough yet? I 395-6395 french horn. or tuba you are wel- S guess so, so this is ... Association of Tufts Alumnae - HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR Medford. Call 396-8386 days LIFEANDGETPAIDFOR IT.TOD3- come to play. Rehearsals on Monr Farewell, Laura Representatives from 20 indus- day eves 7pm in Cohen room 5. 483-1045 eves. Ask for eithe tries. Come talk informally. Tues camp organization in the Pocono FUTONS, FRAMES AND Herb or Armand. Jan 23 at 7pm in the Campus Ck. Mountains of NE PA. Our 59th COVERS!! Tom, Dick, and Harry year. Positions in all areas-water Direct from factory with Free STUDY ABROAD Hey guys, even dudes like you Awesome Sublet! and land SDO~~S.Fine Arts and Delivery. CoVfoam futon 8 in. General Info Mtg. Mon Jan 22 read personals so maybe you Study Abroad Returning furnished Wrms in bdrm ap Students Outdoor Adventure. Please call 1- thick $119. Full all cotton $89. 11 :30, Eaton 201. Representative should come down to The Daily and from Washington Int'l Study Ctr Orientation Dinner Thurs Jan 18 4- 800-533-CAMP... ~~~ ~ 121 5887-9700 in Guaranteed lowest prices. If you ~$cl~~ei~~$$&~~~~~ tell someone something 5.000 PA) or write 407 Benson East. can find a better deal -we will beat present to talk about study in times for only $2. It's a bargain! 6pm MacPhie Conference Dining dition. $350/mo w/o utils. Call SUI Rm Jenkintown. PA 19046. it!!! Call 6242339. Oxford, England. or Joe at 666-3552.

THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson


Sunset in the vampire army.

The Daily Commuter Puzzle

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