The Weather Serving the State ~ Fair wlUl ~ tempera­ University of Iowa tures toda,. Fair ... wanner Thursda,. man Campul and toda,. 54; 1_, II. Hlp Iowa City 01 owan Tuesda)' , 41; 1_, 11.

Eat. 1868 - AP Le.xaed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Ocl 29, 1952 - Vol. 87, No. 25 UN Infantrymen .Gra~ Rebe·lling .PrisonersAgree

2Chinese BaHalions Lewis Orders Miners to Work inashed from Crest o e ease ostages SEOUL (Wednesday) (,4>}-Al­ Ued infantrymen smashed two OIinese ba ttallons off the crest of South African Terrorists Rounded Up bloody Sniper Ridge in close­ Make Promise quarter fighting today on the blaz­ ill' central Korean front. The United Nations forces re­ After Speaking pined the height at 10 a.m. alter five hours of bitter battIe against two Chinese battalions-some 1,- With Newsman 500 men. It was the seventh time tbe UN troops had taken the hill I CHESTER, Ill. (JP)- Rebellious In 18 days of vicious battle. pri.!!oners at riot-torn Menard state Allied troops-after losing most prison Tuesday nleht agreed to of the ridge to a moonligh t Oh Inese release three ot their hostages and assault-stormed back in an eerie meet with prison and state orn- fog early Wednesday. claIs. Sun Dispels Murk " Agreement between 37 prison­ A bright sun dispelled the murk ers in the psychiatric division and tbls morning and AlJIed troops the prison otficials was negotiated blasted their way to the crest, Pin­ by an unidentJlled press repre­ point hill, before noon. They were sentative. He said the inmates agreed to relea.~e the three host­ supported by a thunderous artil­ ages prior to the conference some­ lery barrage. time tomorrow. The Allied infantrymen used UNITED MINE WORKERS PRESIDENT John L. Lewis (leU) and Harry Moses, bituminous coal operators as oelation bead. stop lor a This was the Iirst break In Ule hand grenades to blast the Com­ day-old riot, but some 300 inmates ' munist defenders from the steep ialk outside the White Uou e in Washington. D.C. last Sun­ da, tollowin, a conference called by Pre Ident Truman. Followlnt still held seven other hostages be­ slopes, after yielding Pinpoint hlll hind barricades thrown up within to the Chinese less than 12 hours the conrerencll Lewis ordered bis 375,000 mine worker to the 'PIts until a final decision on the pay ra Ise Is reached. l;ewls, a bitter the east ceU block, which stands before. across the courtyard trom the The surprise, moonlit assault By enem, of Truman In the 19(8 campal,o, was taken 00 a personal White House tour by the President. psychopaths' stronghold. an estimated 875 Reds Tuesday PsyehopaWca Storm K.Itdlen night was the sixth time in 16 days Tbree hundred inmates in an tbe Chinese had driven Allied The Campaign Parade - OME OF THE lUAU MAU TERRORI T U PECTS rounded up at Nairobi, South Arrlca. were tak­ exercLse yard of psychiatric divi­ forces off Pinpoint- and the Al­ en away In a police caa;e tor Questlonlnt la t Tue dal. The Mau Mau is a ecret loctety whote member. sion stormed their ceU block's lies' early morning counterattack are sworn to do ever, thing po Ible to drive lobe whUe man out 01 Kenya, Brltl h crown colony. In the combination kitchen-dining room ~8S the seventh drive to regain last few months 45 persons have been murdered an d the BrUtAh have proclaimed a .tate of emerl'ency shortly after 1 p.m. Tuesday. Most Uii! height. Thousands of New Yorkers in the r'liony. of the inmates were subdued after Quiet Reporied Elsewhere a brief, hard struggle with guards Comparative quiet was reported end policl1, but 37-many armed elsewhere along the Korean baiUe with butcher knives-managed to !tont Tuesday night. State Employes Favor Glockler to Receive overpower three guards and barri­ One division sector was visited Hear Adlai, Ike Speeches cade themselves in the kitchen. by Oen. Mark Clark, UN com­ Chemistry Award The lirst outbreak o( the riot oc­ mander, and Robert Murphy, U. S. curred Monday when 300 inmates NEW YORK (JP) - Dwight D. NEW YORK (.4')- New Yorkers Joining Social Security Ambassador to Japan. They ar­ Eisenhower paraded through 65 seized control of the east cell block rived in Korea Tuesday. Clark vis­ by the tens ot thousands turned More than 90 per cent of the Dnd captured six guards and a miles of crowded Long Island At November Dinner the tront periodically but it out Tuesday to give Gov. Adlai in Its Tucsday. telling people they have " ... There htlve been at least near 700 persons attending the of University professors and by For the second tIme tbree prison . was MUI-phy's lirst trip. years an SUI professor nas been The press representative. who been let down by on administra­ Stevenson a thunderous ovation four inslances where soldiers were Old Age Survivor's Insurance the University council. While the struggle for the hlOs and the Democratk nomin~~ without provocation brutally meeting In Macbride hall Tucsday cho en to receive the Iowa Award talked through a small opening In tion that has "robbed" them of Another proposal WaS presented nor~ulnbwa se~ the pacE' pl.Qmised, It elected, tl) devote his beater. 01" killed by melllbcn. of night voted In favor oC junkirlg ot the Iowa sectil)n ot the Ameri­ the barricade whUe stAndln&. In. analler Iigh ts flared Tuesday a~ their pride in government. whole "heart, mind and soul" to by Dave Dancer, representing the cal Chemica I society. side the darkened kitchen, carried the Hopkinsville police depart­ the prt-'!l nt Iowa OASI and going state board of education. other points along 100 miles of the The Republican pl'esidential attempt to end the Korean war. ment." under the federal social security Prof. George Glockler, head of three pages of convict demands 155-mile front. nominee kept on repeating that Speaking in the ballroom of the The grand jury did not idontify program. The necessity to repeal the the chemistry department, will be back to prison officials. Warden In the west, U. S. marines he intends to go to Korea. He present retirement laws was em­ hotel wbere Gen. Dwight D. Ei­ any soldiers who had been beaten Another 50 per cont indicated presented the 1952 award for out­ Jerome E. Munle is to set the time inopped up the last die-bard Reds wooed independent votel's with B phasized through visual charts, senhower. his GOP rival, main­ or kiHcd. preCerence tor a slate supplemen­ standing achievement In chemical of tomorrow's conference, which from "The Hook" - a cu;vlng declaration that he hasn't changed depicting the financial condition education and research at a din­ to include the newsmen. tains headquarters, the Illinois The report followed a 14-month tal plan in addition to the adop­ Is rldgellne guarding main Allied de­ a bit. For the most part, he just oC the present system. Charts ner here Nov. 7. State Ofnel~" governor said 'neither he nor any­ Investigation conducted In co­ tion of the federal social security Eneetec1 fenses 10 to 12 miles northeast of kept his hands waving and his showed a prospective deficit of The 1950 Iowa award was pre­ Ex~cted to take part In the one else can promise that there operation with the U.S. district plan. Panmunjom, scene of the now re­ smJle going through more than will be peace. $240,826,000 as of Dec. 31, 1951. sented to Prof. Henry A. MaUill, conference are Frank Trapp Jr., cessed armistice talks. At least attorney's office. The OASI meeting Tuesday two dozen towns in Queens and Continuing the criticism he has retircd head of the department of superintendent ot state prisons, ooe-third of 1.500 Chinese who The grand jury said that the night was the twelfth held Nassau counties. Gov. Thomas E. voiced previously or wha t he hJ~ biochemistry. and Lt. Gov. Sherwood Dixon, struck The Hook Sunday night safety commissioner ond pollce throughout Iowa' and the second Dewey of New York rode with called Republican pledgcs of a department had knowledge 01 Physics Building To Give Talk who was reported to be en route were wiped out, the marines said. held in 10WD City. Glockler will deliver an address to the prison. him. "quick and easy" end to tbe Ko­ widespread prostitution and had on "Bond and Resonance Ener­ In an earlier attempt to deal Ike m Republican Land rean war, Stevenson said: done little to slop It; that they everal PrOPosals PresenU;cl To Be Enlargecl Eisenhower was campaigning in "I can't promise you any of Several proposals were present­ gies" 10110wing the presentation with the psychopaths. State Sen. knew or bootlegging. gambling Construction designed to allow Jnglish Educators Republican territory. Queens, on thcse thlngs and no one \;an and ed to the Iowa study committee oC of the award at the dinner. Head Milton Mueller and Michael Far­ and Illegal traffic in narcotics. of the chemistry department since Long Island but part of New York no one shOUld." the OASI system, seated on the more room for an atom smasher rln. administrative assistant to elty, is the only large county in stage of Macbride auditorium. loca ted in the phYSics building be­ 1940, he is currently on a year's Gov. Adlai Stevenson. were un­ To Be SUI Visitors IntrOduced by. Mrs. Roosevelt Asic Nominations leave of absence as director of the successful during their talk with New York city that has wound up gan Monday. Stevenson was introduced by ' Paul Scannel, president, local science division for the army's of­ the two Inmate representatives. Two English educators, guests of in the GOP column In presidential the government, will Mrs. Franklin D: Roosevelt at the No. 12, of SUI non-academic em­ The room, in which the smasher fice of ordnance research at Dur­ At that time the Inmates de- elections. Eisenhower obviously For Alumni Dad visit SUI this weekend, Dean E. C. lUncheon. at whIch more than 2,- ployes, presented eight recom­ has been in operation for several ham, N.C. manded II conference with new~­ hoped to swell the Republican Peterson of ,the college of educa­ 000 members of the women's di'Vi­ mendations in behalf 01 non-aca­ years, is beiog extended more His chief research interests men during which they would vote there to reduce the city's Ralph Frelty, A4, Des Moines, tion, said Tuesday. sion of the Volunteers lor Steven­ demic employes who are members than 30 feet ~n the direction ot have been in the !leld of physical state their Itrievances. The prison­ over-all Democratic .margin. son gathered. chairman of the student Dad's SchaerIer ho 11 to provide more They are Alice H. Sklllieorn, Day committee, Tuesday again of local 12, state, county and chemistry, while his work has ers originally said they would not principle of Homerton college :l t Eisenhower'S speeches were Previously, the Illinois govern­ municipal employes. space around the target end of been on the precise determination release their hostages until after urged students to submit nomina­ the smasher. Cambridge, England, and Tobias much the same as thosc he made or had promised at a rally In New tions for the Alumni Dad of 1952. One of the proposals stated: "In of molecular structure of simple the conferen<:e. B. Weaver, public relations oUlcer across Pennsylvania Monday. York's garment district to make case of terminated employment A larger room will reduce the compounds. . Convieta Mue Threat revision of the Taft-Hartley act Nominations must be turned in and head of the information and They gave a sort of capsule re­ to the oUice of student aUairs by prior to retirement age, the em­ back scattering of the nuclear ra­ He has measured the distance The convicts answered by mak­ general branch in the Ministry the "first order of business" on diation which is given off from the ot view of the campaign. ploye llhould be gri1nled a refund betwcen atoms with an accurllCY in I( threatening motlons with !ducation, at London, England. thc domestic Cront, if be is elected. 5 p.m. Friday. target. With tbe election only [l week Any SUI studcnt may nominate of contribution including interest, closer than one ten-billionth of an kitchen knives. Mueller sold, and Weaver will speak on "National away, Eisenhower reverted to the As contrasted to the Eisenhower The sma.her is being used for inch. He has also measured the shouting: "We'll release nobody." and Local Responsibility tor Pub­ "crusade" Stevenson said his is his, her. or somcone else's dad, or it the employe has at least 15 theme with which he opened it on Fretty sa id. years coverage he may alJow his nuclear physics research. strength of the forces holding Unlike the 300 convicts bottled .fie Education" at 3:10 p.m. Thurs­ Sept. 2 in the deep South, the "the peoples' cause." them together. The written applications must contribution to remain in th~ More thnn hal! of the money up in the cast cell block, just op­ day, in the house chamber of Old Stevenson rode triumphantly Makes Cbemlstr, FoU, theme of "mess in Washington." includc the following: name and system and draw at retirement for this re earch is appropriated posite the psychiatric division, the Capitol. t;stlmated 18,000 P.eople through almost unruly crowds in to the physlclI department by SUI. Despite the compUcated nature address 0( nom inee; year of grad­ age, a retirement benefIL based on 37 men barricaded in the kitchen Weaver is visiting the U. S. to a blizzard of home-made confetti of his research work, Glockler is To an estimated 8,000 to 10.000 uation from SUI; names of chil­ covered Ume." The remainder oC the money have plenty of food. learn and discuss how educational people swarming over Ihe Old tossed out of the skyscrapers. It comes Imm the atomic energy very much the "layman's chem­ problems common to the U. S. dren, if any, now attending SUI, Zopl Proposes Principles In the east cell block the pris­ Court ' ijouse lawn at Mineola. was New York's version of the full commission. ist," being known for hLs ability and England are being coped with and the reasons the student who oners have been without food Eisenhower spelled It out Ihis treatment and by far the biggest L. C. Zopf, chairman of lhe SUI Completion of the exp.lIlded fu­ of making chemistry understand­ there, Peterson said. • makes the nomination thinks the since the original outbreaK yester­ way: welcoming show of thc tScvenson commitlee on refunded retirement eilities in expected in a month. 'I!le able to all, according to his col­ Miss Skillicorn will &'serve campaign. nominee should be selected. plans and dean of the college or day. Frank Trapp jr., superin­ "part of lhat mess, my friends, new area will not be used untfl leagues. tendent of 11I1nois prisons, said: teaching methods at the Univer­ Frelty suggested civic service, pharmacy, proposed six basic He helped lay the ground work has been subversion, disloyalty in Spectators Applaud vll'orowdy winter, Prof. James Jacobs, di­ "We're just going to let them Sity grade school and address the service to SUI, or accomplish­ principles, endorsed by the SUI rcctor of nuclear research at SUI, for a ,erles of popular lectures on education classes, Peterson said. government. Part of it has b en There was no doubt the massed sweat It out." ments as reasons. chapter of American Association said Tuesday. atomi~ and molecular subjects waste and extravagance in the crowds came to sec and e.tpplaud She will speak Nov. 1 at 12:15 sponsored by the college of liberal If the hoped for riot-ending expenditure oC your tax money. Stevenson and were not just p.m. at an American Association arts in 1949. The lectures wcre so conference wilh the psychiatric of University Women's luncheon Part of it has been fumbling and caul(ht in a traffic jam. Spectators division inmates is successful, applauded vigorously as his 'car­ Girl Critically Injured in Fire successful that they were repeated ill the Iowa Memorial Union. stumbling in the foreign field. at Marengo, Davenport. and Cedar Munle said, Farrin is to threaten avan wound its way through the the east cell block holdouts with heart of the garment district. . Rapids, and were highlj praised by the atomic energy commission prosecution ullder the Lindbergh Introduced there by David Du­ as a successful experiment in kidnapin, act unless they sur· binsky. Stevenson drew a big hand adult education. render thetr, hostages. World News Briefs Crom the crowd when he attribut­ ed present American prosperity to the policies of Franklin D. Roose­ SUI Invited to Join - A Condensation of Late Developments velt and Harry S. Truman. The Illinois governor said the PAILIS (JPj-France, Italy and Britain got the biggest shares or a Democrats arc "not just sitting $729 million melon the United States has split up among European back, counting our blessings." He (ouncil Sets Hearing on NSA JIllions this year lor defense weapons under its olf-shore procurement said the party is moving (orward. A public hearing will be held al proaram. The program is aimed to bolster Euro!lC's economy, build The first order o! business, Ste­ Its productive capacity and furnish arms Cor the North Atlantic Treaty 7 p.m. tonight in the house cham­ City; Connie Hastings, A3, Iowa venson said, will be chanl(es in the ber of Old Capitol to determine nations. Italy got the second largest share, with $140 million and BI'i­ Taft-Hartley labor law. He called City, and Bill Iscnberger, A2, tain was third with $75 million. the possibility ot 8U1 joinin, a Sioux City. r • ror social security revisions and student government organization, .. . • tor action on civil rights legisla­ The Bill Ten Student Govern­ David Stanley, L4, Muscatine, TOKYO (JP)-A prominent Japanese newspaper executive and au­ tion. ment -all6OClation is a tentative or­ thor Tuesday said the American people were becoming sp wrought up stUdent council m e m b e r, an­ ganization which has not yet been over a possible third world war that they were "driving themselves nounced Tuesday. officially oraanized. Sponsored by Into a state of mind In which they feel the sooner it is started the Marine Recruiters The feasibility of joining either a Il'OUp of Purdue university SOoner it will be over." Dr. Ryuzaburo Sblkiba, president of the Tokyo To Visit SUI Today the National Student association students, Its 1081 Is to or,anize "mes, toid a news conference that fear of a third world conflict soon or the Big Ten Student Govern­ the student government bodies of may reach a stale where it would justify; In the mines of the Ameri­ Representatives of the U. S. ma ­ ment association wlll be discussed. all the Big Ten school~. A confer­ Can people, that the initial step be taken by the United States. rine corps for both men and wo­ The NSA is a nationwide or­ ence to otft.eiaUy organize it, to • • • men will be in the board room of ganization of colleges throughout which SUI bas been invited. Is to , VIENNA, AUSTRIA (.4')-An American court in Salzburg Tues­ Old Capitol today from 10 a.m. to the country. The advantages or be held in November. Stanley day sentenced an AUJtrlan woman to 18 montlla Imprisonment lor ob­ 3 p.m. They will lnterview st.. ,. disadvantages of joining a student said. \Iln1ng U.S. military information and passin, it on to the Czechoslo­ dents who may be Interested in the association will be discussed by The dlleusslon on whether to .1It espionage service. Marianne. Sed:!, 38, 01 Mauterndorf, confessed officer candidate program 01 the four students who atlended an join either or both a! these grOU'pll ~ had supplied a Czechoslovak agent with military information, corps. All SUI students are in­ ,0\ OIUM-FACED FIREMAN, ROSARIO roTO (rll'bt), carries ~tx-year-old Anita Dearocbera towa1'd NSA m e e tin g last Auauat In is open to all SUI studl'llts; and U.s. army ma,azinea, and other army publications from 1949 until vited to consult with the repre­ poUee Srt. Stephen Smye (len) who ruahed &be I1r1 to a hospl~ alter a IIIIUIky blase ,,"aM Uae rear or Bloomington, Ind. "anyone wilhln. to speak on Ule jt&I, tor 8 total of about 25,000 achUUnp-$96l. She said she had re­ sentatives, Reilstrar Ted McCarrel a Ulree-story wooden apartment bulleUnr In Auburn, Me. AnIta ad a ' ve&eran rue eaptaba wbo Vied They are Peter Van Metre, lA, subject will be recoanJzed by tbe ceived the publications trom an Austrian contact man. alll1QlII1c~d Tuesdar. to n'~Ue ber Were bo~ burned a&1d alll£erecl from amoke IlIhalaUon. Waterloo; Tom Brown, A., 10WJ. commUtee," S~ler "'d. •

1 PAGE TWO - THE DAU.Y IOWAN. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 29, 19:;2 Interlude with Interlandi Interpreting the News- Nixon Property ' " aII O~ Former famb'l I' T WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1952 Valuation Set

Pub1llhed dally except Sunday and re,etW:d b, I:. & .• m. Tbe Dan, 1...... fre. K. P .... U. Monday and leJaI holidays by Studmt dlealaUo .. oiep... tmeDl, In tJae rtar ., Lead ing Revolts' ~"b'''.~ Public.UoM. Inc., l26 Iowa Av~ .• Iowa Old J •• rn.lIam buUdln" Dabuqae aD. DAlLY rOWAN BUITOatAL STArp City. Iowa. i'ntereol .. seeond cia... mall Iowa IlI_. I. open from" • ..aI. ,. Il .... Editor ...... WlUlam c1abby At 5250,000 tna\1H at the postoUlce at Iowa CIty. aa4 ',em 1 •..DL 'til 6 p.m. dan,. Sa'.r­ Ilnder the act af conr.teu of Marrb I. lila,. b •• ra: 4 a.m. to U N •• n. , .lliaD"IIIn, Edltor ...... Joseph Meyer In Middle East ~:s~~IO~~~~ WASHINGTON (JP) The 18'7lI New. EdItor .. .•.•• .. :... . . Jim Foster When this I 'C=-all:-"- 1-9-1--'r-.-m-D-'.-D-(e-III-I'-Jl-I.-k-. AUL He\\l! E'dJtor . PhIl O'Connor Democratic national committee By J . M. ROBERTS JR. 'IE~mER OF THE ASSOClATElJ ... 8ESS City Don Mapes ~t imported The AMocla\ed J>re.a Ia entiUe I ex­ .o. re,.rt Dtws lIems. ".lDeD'. pale Edllor ...... said Tuesday that Sen. Richard Associated Press News Anal,. Asst. CIty EdItor ...... lion Vailine r.:and, along clul h'ely to the uae 1 relJul)Ucstlon Item.), Dt ADoo.Deemenh t. Tbe Oall7 Nixon and his relatives own real of .U the locI I oewa priMed I.. Uu The Communist infiltration lewan. Edltor'al .tUetl are 111 lb.e b ••e· Spor" Edllor ...... Jack Bender estate "conservatively valued at CJIIle the ancie ... well .. aU AP neW'tt Society Editor ...... Mary Bates campaign in North Africa and th/ dlopatcbo•. meal .f East OaU, norlb'aaee. more than a quarter of a million anee, the CbJe1 Pholorrapher .. .. Dick Lynch Middle East is being co-ordinaled Treat." NIIIBI .. dollars." directly from Moscow, accordbt OAlLY IOWAN 8U~INE811 STAFF AUDIT IIV.IrAU does not know the road to peace," in the Shambaugh lecture room.!n WASHINGTON (JP) - Tracy organized materialism of lhe Wes~ careers in medical research. sives. The program is slated for Rnd ~tel1e therefore will vote for the new library. A film, "Govern­ feeding and selling and grain ele­ whicb aims)p use the economlt lJ Shambaugh lecture room, Univer­ Eisenhower-"A leader in whose North, a Vail, Ia., real estate and ment Is Our Business" will be Supreme Court vator operations, and relied on resources of Africa to bolster tM TUERE WILL BE A CELEBRA­ sity library at 8 p.m. Oct. 30. The hands I can trust the future of my cattle dealer, agreed in tax court shown and a debate between SUI's memory in making out his tax re­ strength of the western democr.J· tion of the Holy Communion 'serv~ program will include (l Question ~ix grandsons and nf millions 0' here Sept. 30 to pay the govern­ Young Republicans and Young To Review Case turns. cles. ..." icc nt Trinity Episcopal church at Dcmocrats will follow. All who period. WASHINGTON (IP) _ The su- grandsons and granddaughters ment $14,314 civil tax fraud pen- To offset this 'situation, MRA 6:45 on Oct. 29. Following the have a Christian concern for po­ r,..nme rOllrt agreed Monday to de- throughout the free world." allies. North reported no net income for 1945 and for 194'1'. The govern­ has sent teams iTjto many o( th& service breakfast will be served. litical responsibility arc urged to THIS SUNDAY AT WESLEl' cide whether it was all right to Steele was Illinois governor In the same stipulated settle- countries, seeking an answer to altend. ment asserted he had a net income house the single students will have - a umon truck driver for re- briefly in late 1940, moving up ment the bureau of internal rev- in 1945 of $15,381 and in 1947 of local conditions through the appli· EN. BOURKt· B. IUCKEN­ a debate and discussion on the two • t th' , from lieutenant governor after the cation of moral principles. looper will speak to the Yl)ung Re­ f usmg 0 cross ano er umon s enue dropped fraud claims against $55,321. MEETrNG OF THE FRENCH presidential candidates ,.given by line to make deliveries for death of Gov. Henry Hornor. North for 1945 and 1946. publicans at 2:15 p.m., Friday, plcke~ The revenue bureau said it com­ ,. club at Prof. and Mrs. LeVloyes, an additional 1'h to Wednesday, OctobtT Z9 7:00 p.m. - Hick Hawks Square limited to not more than two IrUn. In of the student newspaper's Satur- 3\f!-cent increase to workers in 4:10 p.m. - Meeting of :Ill Dancinl(, Women's Gym. an" 8(a ...." perlo•. e anti .b•• ld limit day morning "Homecoming Spe- CALENDAR southern plants, increased night Graduate students interested in Wednesday, November 5 tbelr leUe~. t. SQO word. or leiS. o,inloo.l expreaud d. net neees• • rll-7 cial" joined the pall-eearers and Wed ••• d.y. Octob.r :tI, 19.~2 tiiflerentials, improvements ' in teaching positions next year. 221 A 8:00 p.m. - Graduate CoUe«e represeal tIIole .1 The Oally 'e.8D.) Morning Chapel slated that Iowa didn't have t~ News seniority, vacation. and i n~urance Schaefer HaIJ. and Department of Physical Ed,,· enough "to even be an outside bet 8:30 Protestant Thought programs and other benefits. Thursday, Oct. 30 cation for Women sponsoring Lee- TO THE EDITOIl: to top the invading Ohio State 9:20 Etchlnl" In Poetry 9:30 The Booksbcl! Thp UPW said the alleral1'e 10:00 a.m. - The University ture by Lady M. D'Arcy, Sena~ Let's hope that the wonderful team in Iowa stadium at 1:30 p.m." 9:U Baker's Dozen hourlv wal1'e ra te under the old Club, Coffee Hour, Kensington O. C. victory over Ohio State delivered We all know and believe that 10:00 Newl 10: I,. European Conversation contract was $1.68. and General Business Meeting, 8:00 p.m. - Conoort by "nlver- last Saturday by our University Coach Evasbevski is going to do 1 ~:50 Music You Want In negotiations with ArmOl1!" Iowa Union. sity Chorus, Iowa Union. J of Iowa football tet~ will quiet the job right in building up a ll!oo FrolllY Hollow lrarm 3:00 p.m. - Graduate College Thursday, November 6 Communlty Chest Interview pnd other major packers, the UPW the crepe hangers while, pre- ~reat team for Iowa. Now is the :U~ (hind you, fellows. ,:00 OImpus Shop a new constitution provldln,( for self-government in the Internal af­ I:/overnment ur$!ed the film cen­ Ohio State. Mayhe Iowa hasn't Ne\\CJ taln of the ADI"lo-£Cyptian Sudan. The new constitution Is Iched­ (For Informallon re,ardln, dates beyoad this IIC\hed\lle, BEAT MTNNESOTA! "':::g Spor" H I~ I1 . h " ters to ban any 1ilm that mi'lht got a chance. But if there be post- Robert L. Sutherland 10:00 SIGN OFF uled &0 be put In&o effect In about three weeks. encourage crime and Immorality, lee retervaUODI ill tire oftlce 0' \he Preside at, 014 Cap!&ot) ,.~ .. !'BE DAILY IOWAN, WEDNt:SDAY, OCT. !D,19S! - PAGE TRail. California Designers Exhibit Materials Pi Lambda Theta alloween Time Means Announce Pledges You ng Pol itica I Parties Has Informal Tea Treat Time Of Delta Sigma Pi t's Trick or In the River Room Present Campaign Issues The observaoce of that gay fes­ Tuesday Evening "The Current Status of the ------tIVal, Halloween, seems to h.ave World the joke-playing sprites be­ An informal lea sponsored by Campaigns" will be under discus­ Iowa City, will summarize the is­ ~c full circle in these UnIted came willftes, b.lack-clad with Twenty-four men were pledged Pi Lambda Theta national educa- sion by the Young Democrats and sues of the RepUblican campaill1. tes peaked hat, and complete with lo De lIa Sigma Pi pro! siolla I eta . Uon society, was' beld from 4 te Young Republicans. Tbe Rev. Alfred Henriksen, When this happy holiday was .)roomstick and ebony-hued cat. commerce fraternity Tuesday eve­ t imported to our shores from It didn't take the inventive Am­ 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the River Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the minister of the Unitarian ch urch, rung. The pledging ceremonies land, along with it, naturally, ~rican mind lon, to find a suitable room of he Iowa MemorIal Union Shambaugh lecture room of the wllI be the moderator. were held at the chapter house, ~CJIIIe the ancient cllstom of its ob­ subst.itute for the goblins of old. Special invitations were ex- library the YMCA will sponsor a The speakers will present a ~vance , the business of "Trick Pumpkins are ripened at this time 115 E. Fairchild st. summary to the campaign to fit of year and almost anyone can The new members h ve begun tended to members oC other chap- voters' raUy. the individual citizen into the " Treat." ters who are now on the ('ampus. Student council pre idenl Peter In the hands ot succeedjng gen- ~asily convert one with a few deft a six weeks training program un­ Van Metre, L4, Waterloo, will pre­ scheme of politics, focus the ex­ knife strokes Into a first-class jack \Ions of inventive and mis­ der the direction of Richard San­ Plan~ [or thE:' coming year were sent the status of the Democratlc amination of the election issues, )' lantern. and explore the Christian concern ~eviou s American boys, how­ dell. announced by president Martha campaign to date. Tom Brown. A4, Today the pumpkin head. grin­ tor politieal responsibllity. "er, Halloween became mostly The following are m('mbers of Norman. They include a talk on !'Irick" and very little "b"eat." To­ 'ling into thc night from many a A 30-minute non-partisan film, window as his candle flickers the pledge class: Edwin Bartholo­ education by Prot. T. Z. Koo of ~ Halloween vandalism has Hickenlooper Set " Government Is Your Business" ,.runk to a n a !most negligible within, is the accepted symbol ot mew, C3, Iowa City; .Tohn Beek­ the d\?partment of Oriental stu­ wlJl introduce the pragram. (lcior and "b"eat" far overshad­ Halloween. man, C3, SIoux City; Robert Blos­ dies, ano a discussion of education To Speak at SUI ofolS "trick." Unknowh is the name of that ser, C4, Des Moines; Gordon in France by Prof. A. H. Moehl­ [irst American who turned a This is not necessarily due to "The Case tor Eisenhower" wiJl VARSITY prosaic pumpkin into a cheerful Campbell, ca. Des Moines; Jack man of the department of educa­ ~unior possibly being a better­ tion, lack o'lantern, but you can bei to Carson, ca, Britt; Duane Clark, be presented by Iowa Sen. Bourke ~8ved boy than Grandpop was CLEANERS children he must rank a cut or ca, Indianola; Tom Colglazier, C3, Dr. Moehlman has just returned B. Hickenlooper on Friday at 2: 15 the same age. Chief reasons 17 E. WaahlDQtOD pi Wapello; Joseph Conklin, A2, from spending the year in France p.m, 10 the Shambaugh lecture lIay be that houses have changed two above Robert Fulton and Marquette; Gordon Ellison, C3. on a Fulbright Fellowship. room or the library. the automobile has complete­ Thomas A. Edison as a truly great inventor! Carthage, Ill.; Al Gatchell, C3. Also speaking during the com­ 24 hour uperseded thc old one-hoss Adel; Ronald HuH, C3, Davenport; Sell. Hlckenlooper, a graduate ini year u Pro!. Margaret G. Fox of the SUI college of law, is serv­ Lowell Kair, AI. Clinton; Dick I of the ...omen's phYSical education ing his second term in the United couple ot generations ago, McConnell, C3. Nevadil Service le. aa. department who vill comment on States senate where he Is the e shutters really worked as Announce Sorority lb." ,. Ph.'., Jim Maggert, C3, AfielD; 0011 THROUGH THE COURTE Y OF TilE San FranclAco Museum, the her el(perience~ as an exchange ranking ' minority member and IIIth and almost every home was Informal Pledges Martens, C3, Niles, 111.; AI Mathi­ home economic department of I Is able to exhibit to aU Interest­ teacher this past year In Great past chairman of the Joint Com­ Free Moth Proofing lIftTOunded with a picket fence as, C3; Harlan Newkirk, C3, ed, the deslfns of two top fabric designers from CalJrornla, Maxwell Britain. mittee on Atomic Energy. He also ~, of course, a gatc. Gramps and Twenty-three girls ha ve pl~dged Homestead; Kcith Shearer, C3, Hawher and Trudy Gomomprez. ]\li5 Keye, (lett) IJlItructor In the Members of Pi Lambda Theta serves on the Foreign Relations Dial 4153 pals just couldn't resist re­ \lis soci al sororities. Sioux City; Jerry Slibiska. C4, home ee. depart",ent, and Miss mJlh , (rl(ht) assistant profeuor of were hostesses for the tl:a. and Agriculture committes. dlc)Ving a neighbor's shutler or Pledged to Alpha Chi Omega, We..t Liberty; John Stcwart, C3, the home ee. department, are s hown u:amlbinlf some 01 the ma­ '110 and his fence gate' and hang­ Lois Power, N2, Manchester; Al­ Cedar Rapids; John Van Ree, ca, terials which are In the San Francisco exhibit. The display will run ill' them in trees or high from a pha Delta Pi, Sally Schacht, AI, Independence; Roger Whitacre, until the 31st of tblli month. ~ltgraph pole. Durant; arolyn Gee, AI, Inde­ C3, Dallas Center; Gordon Wills, \lauiing the family buggy up pendence; Kay Putney, AI, Wa­ C3, Des Moines, and Bill Young­ p?to a barn roof was the task for terloo; Pat Wi est, A3, Mason City; man, C3, Winfield. . D1der boys with more muscle, but Lois Meinhardt, A3, Sioux City; San Francisco Museum IbII too was accomplished. Oddly J eanne Burns, A3, Oxford; Chi SUI St cI t fIlough, it never seemed to occur Omega, Arlene Krocning, AI, Ma- U en Grandpappy that he worked a rion; Clairmann Beckman, AI, Presents Exh,'b,'t Presents Fabric Display arder getting a surrey atop a Ida Grove; Gretchen Yungclas, SHOE SPECIALS: Ie roof than the owner would AS, Webster City; Peg Neft, AI; The State University of IOWU,\ SHOE DEPT. 2nd FLOOR Jack Roth, G. Iowa City, a stu­ to in getting it down again. Joliet, III. . through the courtesy of the San Professional Weavers association dent in the art department, ay the picket fence and its Delta Zeta, Symanthi a Svoboda, sur Francisco Museum of Fine Arts, of San Francisco at the request of AI, Cedar Rapids; June Lyman, presented an exhibit of his own has on diSPlay in room 2 of Mac- are gone from the urban BEGINNING TODAY AND AI, Cedar Rapids; Esther Lewison, paintings Sunday night in the art bride hall, a collection of woven the San Francisco Museum a~d ne and any house shutters you y ., AI, Sioux Rapids; Kathy Kornesel, /Callery "5," located in the Burk­ fabrics from the pallerns of Max- shown he~c at the unlversl: RUNNING THROUGH CITY-WIDE may see arc just part of the tdm AI, Britt; Erika Erich, Nl, Peoria, ley hotel. well Hawher, a fOremost Calilo~'- t~rough MISS Lula E. Smlth, a~­ and fastened securely to the wall. nia weaver, and Trudy Germon- slstont prot ssor in the Home Ill.; Gamma Phi Beta, Dorothy Roth, one of the founders of the And did you ever try to hoist a Borts, A I, Iowa City; Elaine Dls­ prez, director ot the Pond Farm Economics departme~t. %.OOO-pound or so eight-cyli nder art gallery, also owns and oper­ Workshop, near tos Angeles. Samples woven by the students tel horst, A,3, Burlington; Dianc ates his own photogra phy studio 1952 model atop a garage? Included in the display arc fab- in the Home Economics depart­ Schoop, AI, Algona; Sigma Delta in Iowa City. He has studied un­ Soaping windows continues to T,lU, Bobbie Glantz, AI, Chicago, r'cs of casement cloths drapcrv ment is also being shown with the der several leading con(emporary be a Hallowcen stunt but this, too, Ill. ~aterlals, and some tdr panels, Museum exhibit. is disappearing as more and more Pi Beta Phi, Gwen Johnson, AI, artists in San FI'ancisco, and has upholstery and also some types ot ------:-----:-­ presented ."one-man" showS in 'Thrift Days communities embrace the custom Clear Lake; Zeta Tau Alpha, Lila yard goods tor wearing apparel. several San Francisco galleries. ot offering prizes to school chil­ Schrader, C3, Guttenberg; John­ The types shown by the Museum , . dren for "artistically" decorating sine Muhl, A3, Oskaloosa. The paintings viewed by guests are of wool, rayon, linen, and me­ THIS WEEK ., mop wiJ1dows. Most shopkeepers at the exhibit Sunday were of the tallic fibers. t heartily coo'llerate and let the kids WSUI Features non-objective type. The purpose ot the exhibit is AND ENDING MON., NOV, 3rd : Imear a way to their hearts con­ Roth's exhibit is the first in a to show a selection ot designs for '''",I . hI. series of exhibits to be presented general 'USage lind Lo point out MODtl j So It's back ' to "Trick and JeHerson Series by the gallery. Included on the just what a successful weaver reat" again and lots of parties at ClaUde Raines will be heard to­ gallery's calendar arc a Christmas combines in the process of making TELEVISION OR RADIO !hich apple-bobbing and costume night at 7:30 over radio station exhibit of art works contributed a good design. The basis of a ~earing are the features. WSUI in the fifth of a radio se­ by Iowa City residents nnd a good design depends largely upon t!4I.t 2239 Halloween as we know it ori­ ries, "The Jeffersonian Heritage." spring exhibit of paintings, sculp­ the designers knowledge ot color, Dress, Sport and Casual~ ginated in Ireland (give Scot­ The noted actor will take the ture, and prints contributed by technique, research, and the weav­ SUTTOI RADIO land an as~ist, too) and it is only part of Thomas Jef[erson in "Re­ mcmbers of the SUI art depart­ inJl of II design. III It. ltarket hatural that its clement of turn of a Patriot." ment. The display Is arranged by the VALUES TO 12,95 witches and goblins form such a The sketch is a dramatization of lnajor part, for these are really Jef[erson's return from France BROKEN lOTS AND DISCONTINUED STYLES AT ," , modern coun terparts of the elfs or and his acceptance of the post of Major In Marriage Profe~siona I-Honora ry l.iUle Folk of the Emerald Isle. secretary of state in his own coun­ ledure to Be Today The su,erstitious among the old try. Fraternities Irish believed that any mischief The narrative is based on re­ The fourlh Major in Marriage that occurred at Halloween was search, writings and advice of Dr. lecture will be given in tile Chem­ • Luncheon-Dinner • the result of pranks by the Wee Dumas Malone, professor of his­ istry auditorium this afternoon tory at Columbia university. He at 4:10. Dr. Woodrow Morris will Ones. Transplanted to the N~w provides a running commentary ll"Ctur':! on psychological Ilspects of Meeting Groups for the dramatization. marriage. 'I. LETS and ~tevenson Backers MEET IN THE

~pen Headquarters "Helps people of ,I _ The Iowa City Volunteers-Ior­ p-ne -Room' ~tevenson have been organized many nations understand A rr:w STYLES 7.84 and 8.82 '.' have opened their headquar­ luncheons 8Sc up rs at 116 S. Linn st., with the rn of "helping elect Stevenson to each other," Dinners $1.00 up HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE ON NEW FAll SHOES Ee presidency of the United soys ANDRE MAUROIS ptale6." Authot, lectur." PINE ROOM at REICH'S CAFE (Open Monday Nlqht TW 9 A.M.) , ' Attorney Clair E. Hamilton, 9o,mb ... 0' the ft_nch AcQd.",'f airman for the group, said that orga nization has sought in the "I oongratulate you on excellent international remaining before the eJec­ work . You have helped people of many languages ion to promote Stevenson's can­ . cy clively here ill Iowa City and nations to understand each other. You also ~ause all of us in the orga niza­ gave them good reasons to believe in mankind, ~ believe that Stevenson is the in freedom and in themsel ves ~ " 000 [j]llt OIllY'lime WiD Tell - )0 • /!lost abJe candidate in years." At­ - - Iomey Hamilton has invited all ~oters, regardless of their party THE MAN SAID IN 4B HOURS LOOK AT THOSE CLAWS! A ,fflliation, to join in and to vote VERITABLE T/GER ... OFTHE In the· coming election. "THERE WOULDN'T BE A The funds raised by ;he local MOUSE IN FELIS GO-6ETTEM TYPE! Il"CBnization will go directly to the il!mocratic headquarter~ for the 'THE HOUSE! ~venson ca mpaign with the ex­ :eption of the local expenses for ~ ,Iowa City organiZ'lltion. I The organizing committee in­ es, Attorney Hamilton, chair­ ; George P. Dvorsky, treasur­ ; Miss Elizabeth Halsey, Miss Ibrtlc E. Kitchell, the Rev. Al­ CAMELS are America's most pop­ lred J. N. Hendriksen, Mrs. Don ular cigarette. To bnd out whYI \.ewis, Dr. R. T. Tidrick, Wayne ~uey and Clyde C. Walton. test them as your st-1IIi1 smoke. lite headquarters space, at 116 Smoke only Camels for thirty days, ;, Linn st., has been donated by. ~old Foster. Mrs. Gladys Jus- See how rich and fiavorfuL they are 4te-is In charge of the office Head­ - pack after pack. See bow mild lUlrters. The office is open daily ~om 8 ' to 5, and can be reached CAMELS are - week after week r ~ phone at 8-3961.

0Nlv TIME WILL TELL HOW GOOD A\\fN)USeFt' IS. Each month, Reader's Digest editors comb through more AND ONLY TIM£: WILL TELL A80UT A CIGARETTE ! ~jALII FREE r.~T:" lID•• publications than anyone person could read in two years, TAkE )OUR TiME ... MAKE THE: SENSIBLe 3O-DAY and Ilelect whatever seems of outstanding interest. 112 PAGES Of GREAT CAMEL MILDNESS TEST. SEE HOW CAfJB.S SUrf AlTISTS - ORCHESTRAS Each article is carefully condllnsed to preserve both its YOU AS ~ STEADY SMOIutclue by 9 get a pass away. Press poll were well split between nix. Ariz.. next December. all over Northwestern by 12 ChelC became a defensive reg­ Coach Biggie Munn's Michigan owners would promise - in a sort rl5C~ on8In over RIce by 9 ular in mid-season of last year of "gentlemen's agreement" - not Indiana by 1 and since then he has established State powerhouse and the brilliant to ofter more than $6,000 to it over UCLA by 1 himself as a smashing tackler and Maryland team that has I'acked up player. The controversial bonu~ I.h.·.... · • over MI om by 3 smart, all-around lillJ!man. six straight wins. rule was repealed by the samc owners two years ago. and base- over Marquette by 3 • • • Michigan State clung to the No. baseball has operated without any st. over Wuhlnrton by '7 Tuesday Coach Forest Evashev­ I spot for the third successive SMU by 9 ski put his Iowa football squad rIllJnln~.n state over Idaho by 9 through a long hard practice be­ week by knocking off previously Iowa Schedules over Paclflc by 13 hlnd closed gates. unbeaten Penn State. 34-7. Satur­ over Penn State by 12 day for its Wth straight. That Defense Anlnsi Gophers name over Navy by 9 performance won 38 (irst place Missouri Harriers The defensive team worked votes for the Spartans. HUNTERS ATTENTION I ~ nImes.see over N. Cuolln& by 14 A cross country meet with the Kansas state by 25 a~ainst a freshman group using Maryland drew 32 tirsts after Minnesota plays. The offensive University of Missouri to be JON-E Boston U. by 27 bombing Louisiana State, 34-6. run over the Iowa course has , Utah by Sf team ran through its plays. also against freshmen. The point race. based on LO lor been scheduled by the Hawkeyes over Iowa State by 30 a first place vote. nine for second for Nov. 6. MEYER MAU EVDshevski used lour reserves and so on. is real tight wi th only Coach Francis Cretzmeyer said Minnesota in the offensive backfield. They 26 points separating the first two it is the first meet between Tigers MIchl&'an were Don Inman at right hal!; clubs. Michigan State has 1.042 and Hawkeyes in several yean. l\l1chlrali 8t. Paul Kemp and Jack Hess alter­ points. Maryland 1.016. The Mi ssouri tcam is one of ~e l)ilting at Quarterback. and Jim HERE'S DON CHELF. named "Midwest Lineman of Ihe Week" by OSU the United Presl Tuesday tor hi' neal defensive play In lowa's 8-0 The 10 leaders (season records strongest in the Big Seven con­ Wisconsin Mil ani at le[t half. ference. .J Evy hopes that Burt Britzmann, uPset ot Ohio State last Saturday. Chelf is the firs! Hawkeye 10 n in and first place votes in paren­ PUt the honor since end Bob Hoft In 1950. theses). Iowa beat Wisconsin Oct. 18 HA.NDWARMEBS UCLA the senior quarterbnck. will be and next Saturday runs against Missouri ready Saturday. He has a bruised I. Mlcltlgan Stote '~·Ol f301 . 1.042 Minnesota at Minneapolis. $2.95 - $4.95 Marquette hlp and shoulder. Jim Hatch. who 2. Muryland (6·01 (32) .. 1.016 FLUID - 4Sc Orcr:on State hurt a leg. is okay now but the 3. Oklahom. "·0-1 I (20. 830 BADGER IN LONCo DRILL 4. Georala Tech 16-01 ,1. 761 Texa!l condition of lett halfback MilanI, 4' Touch Football Teams MADISON. Wis. (IP)-Coach lvy St Wll8hlnc1on St­ is uncertain. He has missed the 5. 'Southern C,I 16·01 (7) 745 110, Williamson threw everything but COP last two games with an ailing G. Duke 10.0) 888 7. UCLA 16.0. 16. 605 an actual scrimmage at his Wis­ ~'IIJ~ Pen1\ knee. consin football team Tuesday in a Drill TJ\ursda , 8. Purdue 13·1-1 1 111 164 SPfJRTING GDfJDS Nolre Dame Clinch Spofs in Playoffs 9. Kansas 15-11 138 rugged workout that lasted near­ Open- Saturday anifMoiiday Niles Tenne.. ee The Hawkeyes will get in a 10. VlllanO"R .0-01 • 134 ly 2!4 hours. Kanaa Thursday drill this week because Phi Delta Theta nipped Phi Maryland the squad docs not leave for Min­ Gamma Delta. 8-6. Tuesday. to Omega, have rescheduled their Colorado neapolis until that evening. The clinch a share of the Secllon I game for later in the season. , Oklahom~ plane takes off from Cedar Rapids championship of the social fra­ e • • I at 9 p.m. and arrives in Minne:.­ temity touch football league. Phi Delta Phi meets Phi Alpha polis at 10:42. to the* Ohio * State * game there The Phi Delts now need only a Delta Saturday that will decide plenty of mention of defen­ A workout is scheduled for the win over Delta Tau Delta to ~ake the Section II champion in the THIS WE .' EK ONLY! frustra lions concerning Iowa Gopher stadium Friday at 3 p.m. first place outrlght. team had yielded an aver- The return trip will start Satur­ The DeUs lost an 18-6 game to professional fraternity touch fool­ 424 yards of territory in day at 10:15 p.m. and the party Delta Chi in another Tuesday ball league. Should Phi Alpha Del­ conference games. will be home about 12:10 ll.1n. game. to em erg\! with a victory it would Sunday. havc to get past Theta Tau the defense is talked about in Sigma Chi. already assured n g terms around Hawkeye following Saturday for a cledt MINNEAPOLIS lIP) - Minne- place in the all-university play­ title. The championship race ,·",,"""·· ..'rs because. In beating * * * of(s. stepped out of its own sec­ ~ota 's Gophers appeared to be in would be all over, however. it HERE'S State last Saturday. 8-0. high spirits and hopeful for a vic­ tion to defeat Alpha Epsilon Pi. Phi Della Phi wins. displayed one of the most 40-0. in the third game Tuesday. tory as they prepared Tuesday fot' Psi Omega remains as the last defensive improvements shbuld Phi Kappa and Sigma history. thelr Big Ten clash with Iowa hUl'dle in Alpha Kappa Kappa's Saturday. The contest will be Min­ Nu lose their games to Phi Epsilon actually was graduully im­ road to the Section 1 crown. Delta ne~ota's homecoming. Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha. respec­ Sil1ma Delta and Phi Beta Pi. both its defense a~alnst run- The defense spent the practice tively. the Sigs would clinch the plays and opponents were with three won. one lost records. session worklng on Iowa ru hinl( Section II crown with their 3-0 meet Saturday in a game that will g fewer carries as these fig­ 'lnd pass defense. The ot!ensive record. Phi Kappa and Sigma N'l compiled by Sports Inior­ decide the number two position in Hneup concentrated largely 0"1 have lost one game apiece. this section. If AKK falls to Pii tion service show­ Minnesota scoring plays. Thetn Xi surprised Sigma Alpha Omega. thc winner of the lalter Play. Yaru~ Expectations were that Ron Epsilon in an overtlme tilt in Sec­ contest will gain a title tie. 'J~ 306 Wallin. Valley City. N. D .• may get tion IV action. The game was 62 256 a 1I0n's share of fullback dut.y knotted 6-6 at the end of regula­ • • 51 239 Saturday. He turned in a good tion playing time. the Theta XI Sigma Chi. with two wins and .1 now look at the Ohio performance against MichiJ(an last made the most yardage in the forfeit. has won Its way into the total- week. making 13 vard. in four overtime and was awarded thc final o.f the social fraternity vol­ PlayS Yards tries. Sophomore Phll McElroy. a win. leyball tournament. The rest of 33 42 reserve up to now. likely will the volleyball schedule has moved Phi Kappa Sigma won by for­ slowly with forfeits marring t~:) Big Ten opponents have E;F .~ ..:- " connected on 19 passes the fi~ure was 63.517, largest to · .~, e average gain was only 9 see a Gopher-Hawkcye game. er was upheld and the game went ... ,1Ilf'1... 091 NO MU ~~ into the books as a 1-0 Acacia win. l~- - .'r. ~ NO FUSS nd the Hawkeyes broke up S, -p..-- ., ...... Co . :. ~O BOTHER. fo thp long ones. . SAXTON WINS TKO The other teams in the section. MILWAUKEE (IP)-Johnny Sax­ Beta Thetn Pi and Alpha Tau I ASK YOUR DRUGGIST statistics show 1.247 net ton of Brooklyn. N. Y., won his oP.9onents·* * 1.989 * and kick 33d straij[ht victory Tuesday night of 462 to 365. Iowa has with a fourth-round TKO over 18 limes and lost the ball Mario Trigo of Mexico City. Trigo rivals' 17 and 12 and have was saved by the bell in the sec­ well in the penalty depart­ ond round and was felled by a with 24 for 215 as compared right to the chin just as the third SHAVE 44 for 373. round ended. " ·CLINIC for FALL THURSDAY f ,.,,"' .. I' FRIDAY it's HI...... ,'" .1._ .... , CUtr",..". AND nu 1Itt, .. - II'" WW"tf'I FREEMAN ... • .. ,.re SATURDAY

NEW ~ ~ FRtEt FACTORY new a's tomorrow's assignment SERVICE . Your Remington deaned, • oil ... an" adiust ... by Van Heusen's new shDft collar s·tyle Factory Technldans Fretl Imported Van H.u ••n· . ... rand n.w Van Dritain co llar i8 a 811'\8rt, . .' Grown abort bllnon-down 8ty l ~ that "ill htlf) 'ou collar lilly ,:al. Albion grain • • • Comfortable enollgh to weat to c1ul!t's .. . the .. ,. .r~:~ Sole $1696 Van Britain iA perfcf:t for thnsc 8redal dale~·. too. I .." a 11I118t in every complete coUegl' "'lrdrolM'. A TUII, \'an lI euRl·nfree .. if YOIlM! ("'er shrinks OIIt of sisI'. In I, hill', colors and stripee •.• line broadcloth. Ewers Foo\wear Shop $3.95 I 107 5. Clinton 19 South Dubuque 'BILLIPS.JONIS C~ll' .• IUW fOlIC 1. N. f. , , . • . 29. 1952 - PACE FI VE Involved 5 Boys Iowa Progre~s;ves In Morals Charge ' Route Set. for riday. Night's Schedule Meeting State Requests Hunters' Help Five members of the Io",~ City MrS. Edna Griffin, Des Moines. high school football squad were state chairman of the Iowa Pro­ charged Tuesday morning with Annual City Halloween Parade gressive party, will discuss the conspiracy involviog an immoral The annual Halloween parade election issues and the program act. and party for Iowa City children In pnrade will receh'e noise makers of the Progressive party in tho Combating Fire Outbreaks The charge was tiled in Johnson will be held Friday at 6:00 p.m. and apples. Prizes will be awarded Shambaugh lecture room of the / county district court on a county The parade will begin in iront library Thursday at 8 p.m. 8J THE AS OCIATED PRESS for the 15 most outstanQ~ng cos­ attorney's Information. of the Community buildirig. Grade Iowa ou/cials called upon the tumes. Larry Ross, Al, Lake City, SUI school children in costume will Young ProgressIve president, said state's hunters Tuesday to serve Airport Building to Be Completed by 19S3 The five are accused or con- march. up College sl. to Clinton IS a volun teer army of fire war­ The prizes will be displayed in the meeting is open to the public. dens to guard against the out- spiring "to abuse and carnally st .• 011 Clinton to Washington sl., store windows and the numbers The program will include a 1Ireak of fires in the drought­ know" a 13-year-old girl. The girl then on Washington to Gilbert and on them will match those on the question and answer period. dur­ stricken countryside. was baby sitting ir. a southeast back to the Commulty building. pledge cards of the winners. ing which Mrs. Griffin will an­ The appeal went out from the Iowa City home on October 8, Grade SChool children will see Associated fraternal clubs in co­ swer questions on peace and civil state conservation commIssIon whcn the alleged ineldent oc- cartoon movies in the ballroom 01 operation with the Iowa City re­ rights, Ross added. curred. the Community building, and ~ tbe state fire marShal's office creation commission will Penalty for the crime is not older students will have a party 15 a weary group of men bnttl~d a I the parade and parties. dInIerous blaze along the Mis­ more than three years in the in the lounge after the parade. SIIuri river blu!fs near Thurman penitentiary. Students who ar" parlicipating PASTURE NEEDED II Fremont county. Earlier charges against the five in the parade or planning to at­ Although North Carolina has a SchOOlboy Blamed brought in juvenlIe court were tend the party must have pledge million acres of improved pasture, ~;~ .... i.~('iI hecau~e thn I''lurt h<>lr1 .,--n ,...." i"h will be distributca she needs twice that many, farm This fire, believed to havll been it did not have jurisdiction this [ by school teachers. experts say. dused by n schoolboy playing at lith matches and dry leaves, ,Ime. .~~ ~,u"el.1.S jJarti~:pallng in the burned over some 2,500 acres in •••••••••••••• the area north of Sidney before it PARSONS • tal brought under control at noon ... ------:. Mail This Ad. ------••• TUesday. More than 100 volun­ • OWee EquIpment :I IItI1 using bulldozers fought an "SOUTH PACIfIC" II And Supply • aII·nigh t battle against the tlames. r • • • e • I Addinr Maebfues • The U.S. Weather bureau in Des "OKLAHOMA" Jioines reported that Iow<1's • • moist ure deficiency in September "SHOW BOAT" • • and October, during which there • • RENT A CAR "I no appreciable rain, amount­ • :I HERTZ ed 10 4.10 inches. And no rain is • , iamediately in prospeet, the rore­ • DRIVE-UR·SELF tlSters said. LOWEST 25 ecrcIt • Buters' Assistance Asked TilE NEW AIRPORT ADMINl TRATJON BUILDING, located at Iowa City municipal aIrport on • '. ' SYSTEM highway 218 south, and vahltd a1. approximately 100.030, j - cheduled for completion b th first of . . The conservation commiSSIon . : ·I COMMERCIAL urged each of tbe state's 350,000 the year. Plastering has been completed and work has begun on the acou tical lUe c illnr. 'the 32 b PRICE AHER BROS. Imnlers who lakes to the fields to 110 foot structure i s OD e story high except for t hl' maIn lobby which will have a meeilnr room on the 4 LP's for $4.75 ; I MIMEOG RAPHING keep a sharp lookout lor fi res and se~on d floor. The outside work such as the sidewalk Is near cnmpletlon. The buildln .. , begun in l\fa , is 304 S. GUbert a !lart of the airport Improvement prolram. EVER! ; pilt them out, or summon help 8 LP'. for $9 : .II 122 Iowa Ave•• Phone 2511 .= "'ere necessary. The agency Just Phone 9696 asked hunters to carry wet sacks , ...... Dr blankets, and spades in their Initial Experiment Truman to Speak BRAND NEW • NATIONAllY fAMOUS automobiles. State oHiciais said U1e two­ At West Liberty IDOnth dro'uth has not yet caused Pre. idcnt Truman wll1 muke a 1 lDyacute water shortage in Iowa. Play Gels Capacity Crowd LONG·PLAY 33 /3 rpm \lit farmers with shallow wells livc-minute "whistle-s40p" ap- I lid those who depend on sma 1I pearanc!' fit West Liberty (hI The University theater's initinl "grandma," handles such lines as Jlreams to water their stock are * * * * * * morning at 11.15. ALBUM-LENGTH RECORDS having ·trouble. Most small experimental play of the season, "With all this campaignIng, it's (( Sherwood Collins' G. Dwight. pity I didn't keep up with my Democratic leaders Scott Mc­ streams are drymg up and there Mahon of Wcst Liberty, Mrs. bave been reports of some shal­ Kan., "Where There's Smoke," hog-ealUng" with a SIDOOtn !Iour- • ' PlAY UP TO opened Tuesday night to a c~pa- I ish. ' ------,. low welis in central and south­ Charlene Mencn"m 0" Nirhols, 30 MINUTIS .I WANT AQ RATES I Work Wanted west Iowa starting to go dry. city cr?wd Of. 500 "fl~st n.ighters." I A most notable cast-me:n~~r Is and Ford Hllto~, LClliuera •. c ccn­ The play Will hold Its fmai per- Susan Wood. A3, Racine, Wis, who tral commitlee chairman {or Mus­ ! .... UNDRIr.s. Phone 6778. • Great 'bow. • • formance tonight at 8 p.m. in the plays the candidate's campaIgn catine county, will board the train One day ...... 80 pu word WALL .... hlnll. pnlnlln. ond yard work. WSUI P,lans Weekly University theater. manager with much exhuberance. at West Liberty. • Compl... Three days ...... 12e per word Phon. 7347. As the fIrst attempt of the dra------Symphonl.. Five dllYS ...... 150 per word IRONING. Dlnl------7802. News Commentary rna department to produce a play Ten dayS ...... 200 pu word IVritten by a student, the come.!.)' • Ovem.... ODe month ...... 390 p r word Help Wanted was a success. It presents a mid­ DARE • lallet. &Unlmum char~ 500 Beginning this week, WSUI will MOTOR S 1I'r1 P WANTED Thurl'day morn I", from leature a weekly news commen­ dle western housewife who is de­ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 2~ a.m. $1 an hour. Dlnl 8·2151 or nP­ termined to run lor mayor, her • Wa..... ply at Th . D fly lownn t"lrculntlan of­ tary program each Friday evening ane InsertIOn ...... 98c pel' Inch IIt~. In the rear of Old Journalism bulld­ at 7:45. The commentator will be Chief aims being to buy the town NO ANNIVERSA RY • Plano Solo. Five Insertions per month, In,. a new fire engine and to add two Arnold Rogow of the politicllI •·Clalllcai PCI' Insertitln ... _ .... 8Rc per inch rUl.L.----- or part Urn' h .. lp'. Mlmcoqraph fX- science cjepartment. men to the town's water depart­ ren insertions per month, pcrhmcc.'. Por.ona Oftlce EQulpment & ment. - SA l E Suppl)·. The new program will present per insertion ...... BOc per Inch the highlights of the week's news, Involved in her scheme to rev­ Equal In quality to LP's selling up to $5 each Dally insertions during month, WANTal: Insurance [napector In row. interpreting tWQ.,.Pr t)lr.l!e of the olutionize the town ~r~ ,her biol­ rHlS W~ ROUNDS OUT OUR SECOND ytAR AS , Cltv· \Ilre. to lour houri d.llv. MIlOt I per insertion ...... 70c per Incl' h" nbh' '0 tyPC- nnd 1\8Vr un auto. AJ.e most important events. This Fri­ ogy professor hUSband, tier cheer­ YOUR P.A:CKARD AND WItLYS DEALER. WE ARE ALL CLASSICAL MUSIC RECORDED IN EUROPE , 22 to 3S. Wrlle R tail Credit Co. P.O. day the shoW' will featur~ a pre. leader daughter, her reticent son, CELEBRATING THIS EVENT BY OFFERING YOU THE , ntlX 2~'l Davt·nport. [OW8. I DEADLINES view to the coming national elec­ and her aging. but sprightly, EEST BUYS THAT YOU HAVE EVER HAD. IF YOU BY FULL SYMPHONY ORCHESTRAS! , 4 (,l.m. weekdays lor insertion MALE .tudent help w.nted d.ily Irom I tions. On November 7, Rogow wiil mother. I in following morning's Daily p.m. and all da y S.turdaYI. Apply 01 ARE CONSIDERING TRADING CARS, IT WILL 1S 0 SOUTH PACIFIC. comple.e .core (yocol.,. I once. Student Supply &. To;, Center. review the Nov. 4 election. Her campaign gets off to a start PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. 66 0 OKtAHOMA, complele .core (vocol., Ii, I' Iowan. Pl 'ase chpck your ad Rogow came to SUI this year. when the present mayor, infuri­ I 81 0 SHOW BOAT, complole score. in the tirst issue it appears. He was an undergraduate at the ated by his opposition's move, is­ We will offer two new PACKARDS on a basis thaI will 11 0 7 PIANO SOLOS - Clair de Lune, Rhapsody in 81u', POIOllOls8 . e.c. The Daily Iowan can be re­ University of Wisconsin and did sues a statement denouncing her interest you if you are considering any new ear. Fil'st C:Jme - 3 0 CHOPIN WALTZES AN D ETU DES. Eorl Wild. sponsibilc 1.,1' only one incor­ ErCOR 5-lnch llIpe recordrr. Call 8-0373. 31 0 1812 OVERTURE plu, CAPRICCIO ITAL IEN. grad uate work at Princeton. He as "a pathetic little thing follow­ first served. rect insertion. ANTlQUES 819 RIY'r. has traveled in Europe and also ing the call of the siren." 2 63 0 IARaER OF SEV illE O VERTUR E plus FLYING DUTCHMAN. OF.. aulomnUC' dishy-usher, service (or O. sludieci there. Sonya Goering, A3, iVajcott, in 30 0 TANNHAUSEIt OVERTURE plus lOHENGRIN "ElUDES. Two WILLYS AEROS on the same basis. These curs on hand, 49 0 SCHUBERT'S "UNFINISHED" SYMP HONY. Brlnr A ...... II',elltt.' . I. Phone 4314. the leading role of the aspirant to l b. 0011, IOWID SUlln... O U ... ready to go and subject to prlor sale. One is new and one S4 0 BEETHOVEN'S FIFTH SYMPHONY. I Balen1eol •••• nlll .r FOR ... I~: Double bunk bed. oomplote. the mayoralty, is competent and 50 0 SWAN lAKE BAtLET plus ROMEO AND JULIET OVERTUIE. Phone 8·1689. 2Army Engineers charming. receiving the aid of an 2 a demo. 48 0 TSCHAIKOVSKY AND GRIEG PIANO CONCERTOS. REFRIOERATOR. C.II 8-3704. experienced actor, Robert Paulus. L2te Modei PACKARDS in exceptionally good condiiion. A 59 0 DIE fLEDERMAUS OVERTU RE plus INVITATION TO THE WAtTZ. CALL 41 91 To Confer at S'UI A4, Iowa City, as her battle-fa­ J95J the very latest style and a 1950 with the 39 0 ROSENKAVALIER. WALTZES plus JOHANN STRAUSS O~re "a Music. MlsCELLANE~US used fUrniture. Dnv: 2 0 8 STRAUSS WALTZES - Slue Donube. Emperor, You ond You, elc ('nportl, b "<1J:. dreuer., chafrs. chc.t., tigued husband. Joyce Stevens, A 1, pianos.. Tf"frlgeratora. tovel, rug. "tast back." Ali tho prestige of a new PACKARD. 25 CANDLELIGHT MUSIC - None Bul The lonely Hearl. Souvenir, elc Music and Rndi" Col. Walter E. Sewell, prr;fessor Delmar, N. Y., a newcomer to the 2 0 Trantl~r Thompson & Storale Co. 23 0 8 WORLD FAVORIT ES - Hora Slaccalo, Meadowlands, Sor, ....o . elc. of SUI ROTC military sciencc and theater, is fresh and amusing as 1949 PACKARDS. Both in excellent co:-.dition 3:1d gU:lranteed. Ptl'XlLIC Addr.,.. .y.tem.. Also with - tactics, announced Tuesday that the d(lughter. 21 0 NUTCRACKE. SUITE - Wollx 01 Ih.. Flower., elc. """orcIJ rn. do".e.. woodbura Sound FOR sole. Dovol1oort. eMirs. ond Ma- Take your choice. There is no better used car buy than a 22 0 P~ER GYNT SUITE - Anilro·, Dance, elc. Service. 8-0151. leslie Console. DIa l 9408. Ll Col. Haggard of the depart­ Rosemary Waylana, I;;, 7ipton, 2 used PACKARD. 33 0 8 VIENNESE WALTZES - Merry Widow, Sari, 2 Hearts In Ti.. . e lc. ANTt-FREEZE 7ge ,IJlQn. Buy now 01 men t of army corps of engineers, a natural scene-stealer as the spry , 27 0 l'ARLESIENNE SlIlTE plus MIGNON OVERTURE. Places To Eat Onmbles. Washington, D.C., and Maj. M. R. 28 0 EINE KLEINE NAC HTMUSIIC; (Moxortl plu. EGMONT ovn1'tlaE. WILLYS 4 WHEEL DRIVES. J951 pick-up like new. Also - FOR 6fI1c ... typpwrltrrs. slide Tu1eB. Peer, M the fifth army corps of 14 0 JEROME KERN'S lEST - Smoke GelS In You, Eyo., Who, tong Ago •. elc. LOOKING lor a ~ood meal1 Try our vonr 1948 Jeep in excellent condition. Take your chOice. We want round drlve-tn IIf"rv'C~. O:.tlnct(vll' fountain ns And penc.Il'). RadJoll. Flat 12 0 CONCERT TIME - Segin Ihe Beguine, Nlghl ond Ooy. e'e. I- Irons. Study lamps. LUilll~II •. HOCK-EYE engineers. Chicago, Ill., will vIsit to keel) one. dIning room H'rvlcc. ExccU"nt rood. Fre" SUI Friday. THE 2 6 0 8 RUMBAS - TANGOS - La Cumpo,.l!o, Tico Tico. S"Gma Mucho, ,etc. delivery. LOGHRY'S RESTAURANT. LOAN CO. 60 0 TH E MIKA DO AND TH E GONDOLIERS (vocals). Hlahwny 6 W.,L. Dlnl 8·2812. ---- They will discuss engineering FOR used Chevrolet parts &. 15 Inch CHEVROLETS. A J946 Stylcmaster 2 door and a 1939 2 door. 64 0 PINAFO RE. IOLANT HE AND YEOMAN OF THE QUAID. tire.. Dial 8-2881. problems with L t. Col. Robert W. DUNKIT We also have several other good used cars on our lot. 'p 0 WIlliAM TELt O VE RTURE plus MAIIIAGE OF fiGARO. Wa nted To Buy Fritz senior engineer ROTC in­ COCKER puppies. Dial 80243. 2 -~­ !troctor, and with Dean Francis JeHerson Hotel WANTED to buy' 4 good Uckels to GOOD Standard Model Underwood Typc- MlnnellOllI foolball aame. Phone 41511- wrll.or. See It and make an oJler. 717 M. Dawson, of the college of en­ THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE AN EX­ Jlsk lor Clark. Iowa ave. Phone 5713. gineering. CEPTIONALL Y GOOD BUY - SO TAKE ADVANTAGE .BRIUDWAII R~~~~D --- DOUGHNUTS FLUTE wnnted. Dial 6761. l!ONARCH electric ron/le. Thor dutomn' OF IT. IF YOU CAN'T COME IN - PHONE US AND 255 W. 34th St., New York 1, N. Y. tie wuher for nl•• Dial 33UO. PAPER OUTPUT INCREASES WE'LL MAKE ARR ANG~ENT S FOR YOU TO SEE W E PAY PO TAGE on all orders lor. tp's or more. Add 35 c .... Apartment tOr Rpnt CAN... RIES and parakce-----,--- • Dial 2662. Production of coated 5 tock pa pe!' by the THE CARS OF YOUR CHOICE. THANK YOU FOR 10 cover pocking 0 posloge on ord~rs 10' t ESS THAN 4 LP ·S. increased in the United States AVAIl.ABLE 500n. 3 room (urnlshed i\.K.C. (""k~n. 0 141 4600. !rom 334,000 short tons in 19451 YOUR BUSINESS OF THE PAST TWO YEARS. No C.O .O: S Pl e asel SATISFACTION GUARANTEED apartment near campus, Private en ~ DOZEN .. Iran"" and both. Phone 5848. to 1,022,000 short tonS in 1952. EDWIN J. DARE Please send me the record, checked above. 1\ ___ Typin·~2l.______I om enclosinQ check Mo ne y Orde r I ' SM ... LL (urnl.hed _"arlment. Studenl 0 0 I I ',couple or graduate lady. Phone 9681 TYPING. Neat. accurate, promp/. 8·2m , betwee.n 8 a,m, - • p.m. cvcntnp. HAMf .••••• , ••• . •• , •••• , •••• • ••••• • •• • •• , •• • ••••• • • , • • , • • DARE MOTORS ,I THIRD floor nicely furnished small TYPINO,==~------leneral. ."""rlencell. ADDRESS .••••••.••.••••• • •••• • • •• • • •• • • • •• • ••• • • • •• •• ••• • , apartmenl. Quiet people, no chllclren '-2106. or pets. 81' N. Dodile. PHONE 5543 ------.------~ FNERAL t)Oplne. 01"1 82881. !nsil uction TYPING. proofreadlnK. Edllh P arman. 11 6 Quonset Park. P hone 8·0237. BA LLROOM dAne. lesIOns. Mlnu Youel' ryplNG. mlmeolrophlTll. r ,tary p\lbllc:. Wurlu DIa l . 485. Mory V. Burn •. 601 Iowa SllIte Bank. ')101 26~. House for Renl '}(PERT typtn,. Mia. AVAIL ... BLE November 1.t. Almo.t new . _------new five room home. Fire pJ, walJ GENERAL typlne. D f i 8-3108. to "'aU ru." Venetian bltnds. Gas heat, /l:arage. $100 per month. cau 2G87 DUer Eiltertafument 8 p.m. Just push the KJ.:~G·S KO:\!BO - T he e Ol \bo that valve ... out pleauJ lbem aU. Dill 4941 . ~ DOUBLE room. Men. Very c!.,.e I.n. INSURANCE Dial 8·2222. comes --- FlRE and a uto In.jUan... Whltlna-K ... ROOM for rent. Man. Dial 8·2693. Co. LfGHT housekeepIng room. Rt:a.sonable. lather! Clothes washed. Dial 7114. Persondr Setvices ROOM for IIIrLl - Dial 4954. KEYS made. Gamble•• VERY nice room. P hone 8-2518. PAINT. glo ••~ ,,"paper, controct dcc ROOM lor rent. Man. DIal 8·2G93. oraUng. Byron Ropkln•• 20 W. Dur IIn.llton. Dial 3212. Open ,"venln," ·tll DOUBLE room l or men. $15. Near SUr - 1_:_30_._~_c-______rio,. can 8·2580. EXPERT wall washl"r. popcr cleanl",. FOR onon ... large double room. 115 N. 7P.n . Clinton. DIal 6336. ':LEAN[N(O I ml" \f.pllr on JUt\U'O. do..... • ROOMS - , raduate atudenll. Phon.. spouts. fUm""",.. J>none 5270. Get sl1\OOlh, slick shaves the /1rfJfes. 4 ~ 74. JiOl14/ way ... .ntb AERO SHAVE! Gives FULLER bnahe. - Debutante Coamellca. Phone 8·l7:19. you ricb, sUI,·",oist lalher for shavi ng AUIOS lor Sale - Used comfort~ Contains 3 beard softeners STORMS up. Screen. down. Dial "10. plus soothing lana-Lolion! Try)t! 11141 4-<100. FORA. Phone 7304. I • Lost and Found Ignition CARBURETORS LOS'r: ladles' gold Gruen w rJlt watch with expansion band . Reward. E xt . GENERATORS STARTERS 3125. Briggs & Stratton Motors .... BabY Sitting PYRAMJa SERVICES JUJU .lIulll. bral 4S07. 220 S. Clinton Dial S7~ PAGE SIX TIll! DAD.Y IOWAN, WEDNESDAY, OCT. n, 1'1S! Iowa City Stores Plan I!: . · '. . S · 'T I Highlanders Boost U.S. Special 'Thrift Days' -t Local stores will present "Tbritt Days," their annual city-wide Slit' u.s ~ Brands. , .-0 rl.11e r ergeant ral or Good Will, Strayer Says cial selling event, Thursday, fli· "Good trav lers" was the way day and Saturday. The prograa \ Gordon Strayer, news editor of people in Europe had about the is under the sponsorship of the ft­ Welcomed Japanese Riverda ~ e Village Is ,Now Deserted the SUI information service, de­ typical American girl, he told tail trade di vision of the Iowa CiI1 Christian Mission scribed the Highlanders at a Ki­ them. Chamber of Commerce. Invading Philippines wanis club meeting Tuesday. "It was good lor the Highland­ Almost every store in the cil: will feature special seasonable Brings Frenchman They created good will for the ers to have a chance to stay in u.s. and changed the idea many values for men, women and cbi!. In World War '11 the homes," he said. "They were dren as well as values for tile home. NEW YORK (A') - The govern­ For Speech at SUI able to get mutually acquainted and get rid of mistaken ideas on ment Tuesday branded a l!ormer Dr. Gabriel Georges Nahas, citi­ Salesmen Needed American Army sergeant a trai­ both sides." tor, who welcoJ'(led the Japanese zen of France and former medical For '53 Hawkeye Strayer said some of the Aber­ enemy to Corregidor with the oWcer in the French army, will be deen citizens followed the High­ ~?!.' i,njl &T~~, Stud words, "I am at your service." the second in a series or speakers Students are needed to sell 1953 landers to Dundee to see the per ­ However, the defenae described at the University Christian Mis­ Hawkeyes dUring the last sales formance there. One ot the women ~'''''\''\'''''//II/lI~~ the veteran, John David Provoo, sion, Nov. 9 to 13. campaign which will begin Tues­ said, "Aberdeen looked forward to Grou as a patriotic American prisoner Nahas will address the faculty day, Nov. 4, and extend until their coming for so long. The girls Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. in the Thanksgiving vacation, Jim Vick­ brought gaiety and light. Some­ [VOUFORMi1 of war, forced by ~n of death to ::. 'TAatflO do the bidding of the Japanese. medical amphitheater, general ery, A4, Des Moines, announced thing precious will be gone from Rejoi hospital, room E3SI , on the topic Tuesday. Vickery is business man­ our lives forever when they Cbarl'ed WUb 'l'reUOJl of "World Relatedness:' He also ager of Hawkeye. - PETER LAWFORD leave." JAM GREEl • GIG YOUIC The sUI Provoo, AmericaQ·born, but has several other speeches sched­ Commissions amounting to as IIIillee on apparently poSseSlled of a weird uled here. The Scots and the British were much as 40 cents per book will be impressed by the. healthy and oriental twist of mind, is on trial An agent or the French under· voted paid to those interested in selllng, happy appearance ot the students, Di,bl to for his life on 12 counts of treason Ifround forces from 1941 to 1944, he said. growing out of his world waf II Strayer said. t/lIt It Nahas received his M.D. at Tou­ The '53 Hawkeye willieature aU tiona) imprisonment by the Japanese. louse, France, and .his M.S. at campus activities with more color He accompanied the group as 11 After welcoming the Jat'anese, Rochester, N.Y. in 1949. He also and pictures than in the '52 book public relations representative. the government said, Provoo has been. the recipient ot several Those interested in buying or sell­ shaved his head, donned the robes war decorations and citations. ing the books should go ot the of a Buddhist priest and set about Positions he has held arc re­ Hawkeye office, behind the Clin­ betraying his American fellow­ search fellow ot the Rockefeller ton street temporaries, or phone captives. He c