
Commercial television networks have met their Australian content obligations in 1996 under Content Standard.

ll commercial televi­ get. Australian children’s sion networks met drama levels will increase fur­ their Australian content ther from 28 hours this year, obligations in 1996 underto the 32 hours in ] 998. Australian Content Standard‘ continues to lead established in January 1996.the world in developing qual­ AThe calendar year 1996 was ity television specifically for the first year of operation of young audiences. Our chil­ the standard. The object dren’s television standards are of the standard is to promote the foundation of this suc­ the role of commercial televi­ cess,’ said Mr Webb. sion in developing and re­ Commercial television licen­ flecting a sense of Australian sees are required to broadcast identity, character and cul­ 260 hours of C classified chil­ tural diversity by supporting dren’s programs each year, at the community’s continued least half of which must be first access to television programs release Australian C programs 10 hour minimum requirement tralian Broadcasting Tribunal. produced under Australian (130 hours). In addition they for first run Australian docu­ creative control. must broadcast 130 hours of mentaries, with some having Australian Content ‘Each of the networks met Australian preschool children’s shown twice the required Standard Compliance the 50 per cent quota for over­ P classified programs. amount.’ 1996 all Australian content, with The Ten network achieved The first year of the new Australian viewers assured of the highest level for first re­ documentary quota was 1996. The attached tables headed a continuing high level of iden- lease Australian C programs, It aims to ensure a place in Australian Content Standard- tifiably Australian programs broadcasting 30 hours over the commercial television sched­ Compliance 1996 present the when the transmission quota quota. As well the Ten net­ ules for this significant cul­ performance of the Seven, increases next year from 50 to work broadcast the most chil­ tural form. Nine and Ten commercial tel­ 55 per cent,’ said ABA Chair­ dren’s C classified programs, The new standard continues evision network stations man, Mr Peter Webb. The exceeding the overall C quota to support Australian drama against the Australian content Seven and Nine networks with by an additional 46 hours. programming by guarantee­ requirements. their strong line up of Austral­ ‘The Ten network’s achieve­ ing a minimum amount of first The tables do not include Nine ian sports performed particu­ ment in Australian children’s release drama. The Seven net­ network affliated stations in larly well against the programming was exceptional work achieved the highest and . transmission quota.’ in 1996, well exceeding the score for Australian drama. The Australian content stand­ The Australian children’s minimum requirements,’ said The Australian Content Stand­ ard has two main mechanisms: drama requirement increased Mr Webb. ‘It’s also gratifying ard replaced the previous an overall transmission quota from 16 to 24 hours in 1996. to see the Seven and Nine standard, inherited by the ABA and minimum quotas for spe­ All networks met the new tar­ network stations exceed the from its predecessor, the Aus­ cific types of programs. t>

O c to b e r 1997 3 ABA ^Update

The transmission quota for grams in the following cat- achieved by network Ten, with 19-5 hours, 1996 set the overall annual egories: drama; documentary; a total of 306.75, 46.75 hours The attached tables headed minimum level of Australian and children’s (C classified) more than the requirement. Children s Television Stand- programming at 50 per cent programs, including children’s All licensees met the mini- ards present the performance between 6.00 a.m. and mid- drama. There is also a re­ mum drama score requirement of the Sevn, Nine and com- night. (First release sports cov- quirement for a minimum for 1996. ATN 7 achieved the mercial television stations erage commencing before amount of Australian pre­ highest score for drama, 335.7. against Children’s Television midnight and finishing before school (P classified) programs. The minimum annual re- Standard (CTS) 3- 2.00 a.m. can also count to- All networks met the mini­ quirement for first release Aus- CTS 3 requires licensees to wards the quota.) The trans- mum children’s C Australian tralian documentary programs broadcast 260 hours of chil- mission quota will increase in drama requirement for 1996 was 10 hours. All licensees dren’s C classified programs 1998 from 50 per cent to 55 of 24 hours. Ten network met the requirement for the each year, half of which (130 per cent. achieved the highest level of year. ATN 7 and HSV 7 each hours) must be first release There are specific quotas for drama, 24.25 hours in 1996. broadcast 20 hours of docu- Australian programs, and 130 annual minimum amounts of The highest total for C classi- mentaries, with the Nine net- hours of Australian preschool first release Australian pro- fied program s was also work stations broadcasting P classified programs.

The formula for scoring drama programs forms part of the standard, and can be expressed as: Score = Format Factor x Duration of program. The format factors for drama are: 3.2 for one-offs (including feature films, telemovies, mini-series); 2 for series/serial produced at the rate of one hour or less per week; and 1 for series/serial produced at the rate of more than one hour per week.

Australian content standard compliance 1996

Station Transmission Quota Australian Drama Australian Documentary Australian C Drama

(p e rc e n t) [total annual score) (total hours of 1st release) (total hours of 1st release) (total hours of repeats)

Minimum annual 50 per cent 225 10hrs 24hrs 8hrs requirement ATN 5 6 .4 3 3 5 .6 9 20 24 16 HSV 5 7 .35 3 3 4 .6 3 20 24 16 BTQ 57.61 3 3 1 .6 9 19 24 16 SAS Adelaide 6 0 .9 8 3 2 4 .2 9 17 24 16 TV W Perth 6 0 .5 4 3 2 7 .6 9 19 24 16 T i f l TCN Sydney 6 0 .6 2 6 8 .7 19.5 24 81 GTV Melbourne 59.1 2 7 1 .7 19 5 24 81 QTQ Brisbane 62.5 2 7 0 8 19.5 24 81 Ten network TEN Sydney 5 1.32 2 4 8 .4 10 2 4 .2 5 27.5 ATV Melbourne 5 1.32 2 4 8 .4 10 2 4 .2 5 27.5 TVQ Brisbane 5 1.32 2 4 8 .4 10 2 4 .2 5 27.5 ADS Adelaide 51 32 2 4 8 .4 10 2 4 .2 5 2 7 .5 NEW Perth 5 1.32 2 4 8 .4 10 2 4 .2 5 2 7 .5

4 1996 First release Australian drama 1996 First release Australian documentaries

Program name Format factor Total hours broadcast Drama score Program name Total hours broadcast

Seven network i s t i i i i Seven network Home and Away 1 115 115 Across the Sea of Galilee14 1 Blue Heelers 2 42 84 Angels of the Sea - Parts 1 - 215 2 Fire 2 13 26 Great Characters of Queensland15 1 Full Frontal 2 3 0 1 60 Greg Norman's Sportsfishing Adventure 1 Cody 3 2 6 2 1 9 2 Jack Abalsom: Journey to Lilliput14 1 The Crossing 3.2 1 .2 5 3 4 John Farnham. Time in Paradise 1 Dangerous Game 3.2 0 .4 2 4 1.34 Malcolm Douglas Special: Islands of Arnhem Land17 1 Love in Limbo 3 2 2.17 6 .9 4 Malcolm Douglas Special: Macquarie Marshes17 1 Natural Justice - Heat 3.2 2 6 .4 Malcolm Douglas Special: One Wet Season 17 1 Rikki and Pete 3.2 2.25 7.2 Malcolm Douglas Special: Season of Snow 17 1 The Silver Brumby 3.2 2 4 6 .4 Malcolm Douglas Special: Survival 17 1 The Sum of Us 3.2 2.17 6 .9 4 Malcolm Douglas Special: The Canning Stock Route17 _ 1 f f Malcolm Douglas Special: The Pearling Coast17 1

Pacific Drive 1 6 3 .9 5 6 3 .9 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in Broome18 1 Banjo Patterson's Man 2 2 6 6 52 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in Japan 1 From Snowy River Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in The Kimberley19 1 Law Of The Land 2 7 14 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in Tasmania17 1 W ater Rats 2 26 52 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in the Top End 1 Custodian 3.2 2 2 5 7 7.2 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures in Vanuatu18 1 Day Of The Panther 3.2 1.42 4 .5 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures Out of Africa20 1 Deadly Chase 3.2 1 .838 5.9 Touring Australia14 1 Dingo 3 2 1.42 4 .5 Tracking the Rainbow Serpent14 1 Feds: Betrayal 3.2 2 6 .4 Southern Belle Parts 1-4 1 Feds: Deadfall 3.2 2 6 .4 Yindi - The Last Koala?21 1 Halifax f.p.: 3.2 2 .0 8 9 6.7 Nine network Cradle and All Brian Naylor's Australia. Lady Nelson - Unsung Hero22 1 Halifax f.p.: 3.2 2 6 .4 Deep Probe Expeditions. Underwater Discoveries23 1 Sweet Dreams Has The Weather Gone Mad 1 Halifax f.p.: 3.2 2 6 .4 Next to Nothing 1 Without Consent N othing To Hide 1 Incident At Raven's Gate 3.2 1.17 3.7 Pandas - A Giant Stirs 1 Inspector Shanahan's 3.2 1.25 4 RPA 6.5 Mysteries Sharing A Dream22 1 M ary 3.2 1 .5 10 4 .8 Submarines' Sharks Of Steel - The Nuclear Family 1 McLeod's Daughters 3.2 2 08 6.7 Submarines: Sharks Of Steel - The Submariners 1 Nun And The Bandit 3.2 1.33 4.3 Submarines: Sharks Of Steel - Wolf Of The Sea 1 Signal One 3.2 2 .0 11 6 .4 Sunset Boulevard & the Palace of Dreams23 1 Singapore Sling: 3.2 2 .0 12 6 .4 Tim e To Live 1 Midnight Orchid Vietnam Journey with Ken Done 1 Strike Of The Panther 3.2 1.58 5.1 Zoo Doctor 1 Traps 3.2 2 .0 8 6.7 Zoos - The Bigger Picture 1 network TEN network l i l i i l l l l l Neighbours 1 120 120 Big Hair W om an 1 Heartbreak High 2 26 52 Bhutan - Land of the Dragon 2 M edivac 2 11 22 Field to Fabric 1 Ocean Girl13 2 11 22 Forty Fun Years 2 Sw eat 2 13 2 6 ' Ozone: The Whole Story 1 Little W hite Lies 3 2 2 6 .4 Spirit of the Carnival 1 True Colours - John Howard 1 True Colours - Paul Keating 1

Notes on following page

O c to b er 1997 5 ABA FS Update

1996 First release children's Australian Notes C drama 1 HSV broadcast 31 hours, resulting in a drama score of 62. i 2 HSV and SAS only broadcast 2 and 4 hours respectively, with i Program name Total hours broadcast drama scores of 6.4 and 12.8.

3 Not broadcast on HSV. Seven network 4 Broadcast on HSV only. Adventures of Bush Patrol 1 5 GTV and TCN only broadcast 63.3 and 63.5 hours respectively. i Big Ideas 2 6 GTV only broadcast 24 hours, with a drama score of 48. New Adventures of Black Beauty 13 7 Only claimed towards 1996 compliance by GTV. TCN and QTQ You and Me And Uncle Bob 2 broadcast this movie as make-up for 1995 compliance shortfall. Nine network 8 TCN and GTV only broadcast 1.5 hours, with a drama score of C rocadoo 11 4.8. Ship to Shore 3 13 9 TCN and GTV only broadcast 2 hours, with a drama score of 6.4. - Ten network •10 TCN and GTV only broadcast 1.42 with a drama score of 4.5. House o f Fun 4 11 Not broadcast on GTV. Mission Top Secret 12 12 Broadcast on GTV onl Rainbow's End 1.75 13 Broadcast as a G';pfppam rather than as a Children's drama Silver Brumby 6.5 14 Not broadcast on HSV. 15 Broadcast on TVW and BTQ only. 16 Not broadcast on HSV and SAS. 17 Broadcast on HSV only 18 Not broadcast on SAS. 19 Not broadcast on BTQ. 20 Broadcast on SAS only, 21 Not broadcast on HSVand TVW.y. 22 Not broadcast oh GTV, 23 Broadcast on GTV only.

Children's Television Standards

Station Australian C Classified C Classified Australian P Classified (total hours o f 1st release) (total hours) (total hours)

Minimum annual requirement 130 260 130 1 Seven network ATN Sydney 144 261 131 HSV Melbourne 144 261 131 BTQ Brisbane 144 261 131 SAS Adelaide 144 2 6 0 .5 131 T V W Perth 144 261 131 Nine network TCN Sydney 133 2 6 8 .5 131 GTV Melbourne 133.5 2 6 9 .5 131 QTQ Brisbane 133 269 131 Ten network TEN Sydney 16 0 .2 5 .0 6 .7 5 131 ADS Adelaide 1 60.25 3 0 6 .7 5 131 N EW Perth 16 0 .2 5 3 0 6 .7 5 131 ATV Melbourne 1 6 0 .2 5 3 0 6 .7 5 • 131 TVQ Brisbane 16 0 .2 5 3 0 6 .7 5 131
