C Y M K C Y M K AM UDY|JNAY 9 07 | O.3 | N.2 REGD. NO. E-mail : : epaper.glimpsesoffuture.comJM/JK [email protected] 118/15 | | /17 NO. | 28 JANUARY | 29 VOL. 2017 32 | SUNDAY |   imposes Rs25900 penalty surprise inspection, LMD Sambaconducts o a i Agriculture, Talab Tillo and adjoin- T B D r ment has proposed development of h p s C Gani Lone today said the govern- the said today Lone Gani f a m rocky the in parks solar mega two of development the for Centre the with MoU an signed has ernment Inspector with N along Verma Kumar Ajay Controller Assistant Department, Sambaheadedbythe h near him attacked leopard a when o ( a present on the occasion. were officers judicial and Lawyers Association, Bar General, the of Advocate Members Court, High on 29 January 2017. Judges of the J&K Attar is retiring on superannuation Justice here. Court Justice’s the Chief in organized function a at off High Court was accorded warm send- Kashmir and Jammu the of Judge warm sendoff warm accorded Attar Justice come upinLadakh' capacity of7500MWto 'Solar parkswith in complex shopping at Massive fire breaks out Doda in attack Man injured inleopard shutdown Power                ++2 ,  $&#&!! '$#$) #!!)"*(#" &'"( )"'  No action taken to declare Mughal Road ‘National Highway’ 55) was attacked by the wild animal r cec & ehooy Sajjad Technology, & Science or ng areas fed from 11 KV TT-4, TT-2 hopping hopping complex in a busy market ushed to the spot to control the /', % / ,  n January 29 from 10 am to 1 pm. total capacity of 7500 MW. Minister MW. 7500 of capacity total utside his house in Gandoh tehsil nd C-8 feeder shall remain affected   nd Kashmir today. Nazir Ahmed Nazir today. Kashmir nd lace of the city near Amira Kadal & "#/4 & ,  ere ere today as fire brigade personnel is is home in Doda district of Jammu lo ap Gl Gujral, Gole Camp, illo ON International Ltd under R-AP- hagwati Nagar, Nitco Lane, Talab RP scheme, the power supply to supply power the scheme, RP arinder Makhnotra conducted ountainous region of Ladakh with (&) + 4  *+!'",0&* 1*" ."-1"/0&*  +20/"*0 D  To carry out works by M/s IR- M/s by works out carry To J gov- Kashmir and Jammu The A A A      ustice Muzaffar Hussain Attar,   middle aged man was injured was man aged middle massivefire brokeout at a team of the Legal Metrology AILY  ## 00'3#-,. %#   ##-* /-,. %# ## -,. %# ## ,-,. %#                   ting extra burden on the only nects landlocked valley to the con- that highway national uhl od ‘National Highway’ in a limbo due to the Road Mughal elr Mga Ra a na- a Road Mughal declare et t nd f declaring of nod its kept Highways, GOI, asking it to it asking GOI, Highways, Buildings and Roads the a 13-06-2016, On world. outer ok n h poet y the by project the on work the of execution pace snail’s iity f rnpr and Transport of Ministry and Jammu Ministry (R&B) detailed communication from ahi ws et o the to sent was Kashmir state government, hence put- /', % / , nation, nation, 7P Government of has Hari Singhascommunal motions and appealed Government ing benefits of reservation in pro- in f iur s rhbtd I te video, the provides equal rights In to all, Constitution but we (BSF jawans) prohibited. are "Our said, is Choudhary liquor of tion Gujarat is a dry state, where sale and consump- Security Force at Gandhidham in Kutch district B p towards the Civil Secretariat after (JKRCEA) here and they marched r p h which a civilian is seen carrying liquor bottles. of Gujarat, uploaded the video on January 26, in Rajasthan, who in works at 150 Bikaner battalion of Border of resident a Choudhary, Poonch. being served to the personnel in 29 Battalion in BSF a of jawan's video heels who alleged poor the quality food was on close comes claim The complaint. his into inquiry order would it said am Ksmr Reservation Category Empowerment Alliance Kashmir Jammu e slammed "attempts to brand" the state's der police station Bus Stand. foiled at Indira Chowk falling un- towards the Civil Secretariat was C T S baton charge after a protest rally of today injured in stone pelting and police men including a DySP were i declar- resolution Council Kashmir Legislative and Jammu the welcomed a be tkn A te ie b te clerk, the by video officials the BSF viral, went Choudhary, Navratan As taken. been has that despite his complaint in this regard no action claimed and outsiders to sold being was sonnel which he has alleged that liquor meant for its per- Hari Singh as a state holiday, even as he  1 $$#.-/1#/ #4 #*&' ,   ,"&'"& +2( ,  ++2 , ng ng the birthday of his father Maharaja Another BSFmanposts Over two dozen among 10 police men eached at Indira Chowk. swie ue a "omnl. The "communal". as ruler rstwhile video, claimsliquorfor le assembled under the banner of assing though the Gujjar Nagar Gujjar the though assing cheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled (SC), Caste cheduled uge rally of SC, ST and OBC peo- ie S) n Ohr Backward Other and (ST) ribe lasses lasses (OBC) members was foiled ig, ua ae ad then and area Gumat ridge, force sold to outsiders to sold force The protesters were demand- were protesters The A a eyewitnesses, to According Over two dozen protesters and Rajya Sabha MP Karan Singh today        BSF clerk has posted a video on Facebook in Facebook on video a posted has clerk BSF Karan Singh slams Singh Karan attempts to brand to attempts ## ,-1&#/-,. %# including SDPO North injured government government is mulling to once ficial in R&B told. been kept in has abeyance,” an of- nod The far. so nessed wit- issue the over opment devel- any been hasn’t However, there GOI. Highways, iity f rnpr and Transport of Ministry to sent was highway tional claring Mughal Road have as a na- months de- for plea the since passed eight “More than limbo. in approval sation, the centre has kept its be removed by the JK dispen- ous ous bottlenecks that are yet to work on the project and vari- the of execution poor the to tional highway. However, due e de ta te state the that added He t ae Amd aa ex-MLA Rana, Ahmed Javed by the leaders like MLA Mendhar I a al pse tog te chowks the though passed rally Gujjar, the prominent leaders SC/OBC Bakkerwal, by Led ty. the down trodden section of socie- o revisit decision in the interest of ndira Chowk, they were addressed d ece Idr Cok At Chowk. Indira reached nd 'Jammu-Kashmir aur Maharaja Hari -- books the of launch the at Speaking c who ruler progressive very a was He It is very wrong to call him communal. there were always Muslims in his staff. and Muslims were friends closest His h m k looted. In the firing, some people were K only once...that too because the shops of y d t a ble ble for spreading "poisonous rumours" N the that alleged also leader Congress he state. "Peace prevailed in the state rid eea rfrs h added. he reforms" several arried bout hisfather and theDograrule in ears of Dogra rule, bullets were fired 100 In Dogras. the of rule the uring illed and that is being celebrated as celebrated being is that and illed e had said that his religion was justice. ashmiri Pandits were probably being ational Conference (NC) was responsi- artyr's day," Singh said. "When Hari Singh came to power, to came Singh Hari "When  ## / ,',%&-,. %# the road is being maintained being is road the tion sent to GOI has stated that government in its communica- funds requisite stand already released. The JK the and 17 under the Capex Budget 2016- Road Mughal the of tenance ear- marked Rs 5.00 has Cr for the main- government the state that reveal Documents istry has kept its nod awaited. due to which the central min- Road Mughal the at on going satisfactory execution of work further that there hasn’t been a informed was it Meanwhile, it. from sought be will plea the about report status latest and ministry concerned the with issue the up take again bu te frsi matter aforesaid the about apprised be may Minister Chief the that desired has Governor The here. Centre 'At Home' at the Convention the at Home' 'At Bhawan Lady Usha Vohra had hosted Raj a spokesperson said here. tion, inability to attend the fucn- the attend to inability not even care to convey their did absent were who those said. It was also noted that all 'At Home' ceremony, a official celebration's Day Republic es i nt ted the attend not did cers large number of invited offi- noted with deep regret that a today Vohra N N Governor  ++2 , ceremony a miss in J&K Senior Senior officials give 'At Home' The Governor and First and Governor The The Jammu and Kashmir &" !%)" &"&#!((#& (#      h Cif iitr Mehbooba Minister Chief the the protesters then appealed that appealed then protesters the c t dresses, both the leaders appealed the poor people and instead listen the government should not ignore ad- their In leaders. OBC/SC/ST M o the concern over the reserved the over concern the o ategories. An eyewitness said that hme Saif Naiz, Sharief ohammed                   minister minister chief raised the issue with Kashmir and Jammu road. Reports inform that the Weather All an as Highway nel if approved would make the Chattapani Chattapani to Zaznar. The tun- construction of a tunnel from Highway is also discussing the National as Road Mughal ing pursuing the matter of declar- the state government besides government state the documents reveal further that official The patches. in face cross barriers and repair to road sur- of drainage works, fixing of crash constructions damaged R/walls/B/walls , re- ance of drains, construction of clear- slips/slides, of moval by way of snow clearance, re- R-Day celebrations as part of sta- tioned at Sector Jammu to attend the (PSUs) Public Undertakings and ment all officers of the state govern- upon impress to partments cular on January 10 to all de- the government had issued a cir- 26, Januray spokesperson said. "The state on PM 4.00 at Home' 'At the attend ay n has f depart- ments of stationed at Jammu to heads and tary secre- special of level the to had invited senior officers up Secretariat Governor's The echelons echelons of the state, he said. senior the at those ticularly to be visibly disciplined, par- g all goals its achieve to has a overnment employees need nd stressed that if the state sports, sports, 9P stones at the police force and others f f to move towards the Civil tried Secretariat protesters agitated the one came following which some of tive to listen their demands but no M rom the protesters allegedly pelted o Idr Cok “Someone Chowk. Indira rom ufti should send her representa- ry. (KNS) impediment in its success 2007. sto- biggest the was construction March However, its till repeated delay in pleted 255 crores was ought to be com- 2005 at an estimated cost of Rs The project started in October higher than the Banihal pass. tude of 11,500 ft (3505 m) that is Panjal Mountain range, at alti- state of India. It passes over Pir road is 84km long, and situated n h Jmu n Kashmir and Jammu the in The Poonch. Bafliaz through Jammu connect to road tive the best option and an alterna- Pertinently, Mughal Road is considered as 2016. 12, April the Highway Ministry GOI on from the function. of and IPS officials were absent Leader IAS top and Ministers some and Opposition Omar Abduallah, Minister Chief department release said. J-K Information an programme, oni Hj Iaa Ali the attended Inayat others among Haji Council himn Legislative Assembly Gupta, Chairman Kavinder Singh, Speaker Kumar Minister Legislative said. Chief Nirmal spokesperson Deputy the of government instructions, government of tion of duty and disobedience derelic- as construed be will t f ailure to attend the function heir official duty," he said. ##'-*#,!#-,. %# The order also stated that ' !& '#)(# &)!$'"'#&&'(# $#"    rs sple hv nt ar- not have supplies fresh the closure of the highway as have run out of stocks due to cooking LPG claim that they cent in the past week. a seen sharp increase of 80 also to 100 per have etables day. The prices of other veg- last week to Rs 50 per kg to- kg per 50 Rs to week last Rs 20 per kg before snowfall gone up by 150 per cent from locally food known as haakh, has essential lettuce, of price The grains. of prices aly n sep ie in hike steep and valley the commodities essential ed in depleting stocks of the national highway has result- ficials schedule, said. The closure of the per Airport as Authority of India of- on ing days of suspension, was go- was suspension, of days at s operation re- which airport, Srinagar flight the their destination. However, destination. their to movement for cleared be c w s highway. The official said as restore traffic on the arterial to efforts hampering was er ece prto was the snow track leading to the operation after immediately launched rescue cial told PTI here. He said the for treatment," an army offi- and wereshiftedtohospital alive rescued were soldiers traffic in view vehicular of landslides at for closed main C a hs onn. Al h five the "All morning. this leading to their post caved in track the after trapped got soldiers The said. officials J t h where prices of commodities ply of essentials to the Valley tive day today, choking sup- consecu- fifth the for closed r l c road. The road is slippery in many places along the 294-km etr ln te ie of Line Valley, Kashmir in Control the along sector hours under snow in Macchil ter being trapped for several were today rescued alive af- t Highway, National Jammu /', % / ,  /', % / ,  from undersnowinMacchil Five army personnelrescued alive n bten ahi and Kashmir between ink he past week. "The Srinagar- e ny l-ete road all-weather only he est est of the country, remained umed yesterday after three o a te od s traffic- is road the as oon les along the highway will highway the along les ran nwon areas," snowbound ertain ofca o te Traffic the of official n ammu road continues to re- ave more than doubled in doubled than more ave ontrol department told PTI. rh, h srne vehi- stranded the orthy, &* /+)"."/ 3.*&*$#+. 2(* %" !*$". "!&1) aa dsrbtr of distributors Manay He said inclement weath- ie ry personnel army Five Srinagar- arterial The 4 44%*'+.0#0-$$212/#!-+ essentials hit closed, supply of NH remains Srinagar-Jammu d o d r sion last night as the mercu- lc i te ahi divi- Kashmir the in place gion was the coldest recorded y s K f r ece fr comment. a Meanwhile, rains and snow- for reached Administration could not be o ports were received. still snow-bound was continuing when last re- which snowfall fresh of of view in Valley Kashmir parts have issued a high danger av- . Authorities been killed since Wednesday lnh wrig n hilly in warning alanche in deaths fall-related due to avalanches and snow- including 15 army men, have said. As many as 21 persons, official the jawans, trapped n mngd o ece the rescue to managed and weather inclement despite hard worked rescuers The five soldiers getting trapped. ot ae i, eutn in resulting in, caved post all all resumed in most parts of un un shone in the valley skies ived ived from Jammu. Officials y plummeted to minus 10.1 minus to plummeted y us night's low of minus 5.1 minus of low night's us te Divisional the f egrees Celsius, an official of esterday. esterday. Leh in Ladakh re- egrees Celsius from previ- from Celsius egrees ashmir a day after bright after day a ashmir flights cancelled in Srinagar, 8 snowfall Fresh i a Srinagar t at I fic day affected the air traf- lgt, fiil said. officials eight flights, of cancellation continuing. 1300 hours and was still around started which snowfall fresh enced other parts of Kashmir and experi- Srinagar After a day long respite, snowfall. to due days yesterday after remain- Srinagar Airport International at sumed " c ate after 1230 hours got were scheduled to oper- ing suspended for three rains. The air traffic re- ed till 1215 hours despite said eight flights operat- He here. PTI told India the Airport Authority of of official an weather," /', % / ,  nternational Airport as he bad weather forced weather bad he ih fihs which flights Eight neld u t bad to due ancelled P ###"'2+-,. %# rice rs sofl to- snowfall Fresh 2 .00 Pages : 12 world, 8P

C Y M K C Y M K Glimpses of Future 2 obituary JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 BARKHI 10TH DAY KRIYA 10TH DAY/KRIYA 10TH DAY KRIYA Barkhi of our beloved Late With profound grief and sorrow, we With profound grief & sorrow, we in - With profound grief & sorrow, we Capt. Krishan Lal Kesar S/o Sh inform the sad demise of Smt. Janak form the sad demise of our beloved inform the 10th Day Kriya of our Chanda Ram shall be per - Rani W/o Late Janki Nath Sharma Thakur Virender Singh Bhadwal S/o beloved Sh Omkar Nath Tiku S/o erstwhile resident of Khanda Late Sardar Govind Singh (Zaildar formed on 29.01.2017 Lt. Sh Ram Joo Tiku R/o Shalla Wanpora A/P G-54, Shanti Nagar Ghati) R/o Ghati Tehsil & District Kadal 2nd Bridge Srinagar at (Sunday) at 12.00 Noon at our Capt. Krishan (Below Govt. Qtr) Jammu on 21-01- Smt. Janak Rani Kathua. 10TH DAY will be performed Thakur Virender present Opposite H.No. 32/B Sh Omkar Nath residence H.No 110, Lane No Lal Kesar 2017. TENTH DAY KRIYA will be at Village Ghati on Sunday 29th Jan, Singh Bhadwal Lane-I, Ekta Vihar Gangyal, Tiku 5, Greater Kailash Jammu. performed on 31-01-2017 (Monday 2017 at 12:00 Noon and KRIYA will be Jammu. The Tenth Day Kriya will GRIEF STRICKEN at Akhnoor Ghat, Assembly will be performed on Wednesday Ist Feb, 2017 at Village Ghati. be performed at Akhnoor Ghat at 8 am on 29-01-2017 GRIEF STRICKEN Smt Geeta Devi -Wife held at 11.00 A.M. at Directorate of and Assembly will be held at our residence stated School Education Muthi Ghat. Smt. Urmila -Wife Sons & Daughter-in-laws above at 12.30 after noon on 29-1-2017. IN GRIEF Daughter & Son-in-law GRIEF STRICKEN Lt. Col Mohinder Kishor Kesar & Swati Sharma Smt. Monika and Kr. Vikram Singh Jamwal Sh. Tej Krishan Sharma-Son Smt Santosh Tiku -Wife Ms Sandika Rajput - Daughter Mr Karan Dev Kesar & Preeti Kesar Smt. Veena Ji Sharma-Daughter-in-law Smt & Sh P.L Tiku -Brother & Bhabi Kr Nikunj Singh Jamwal - Grandson Daughter and Son-in-law Daughters & Sons-in-law Smt Nancy Tiku -Bhabi Bhabhi & Brother Mrs Sharda Sharma & Mr Rakesh Sharma Smt. Reeta Ji and B.L. Razdan Sh Ved Lal Tiku -Brother Smt. Tosha Ji and R.K. Dhar Prof Kailash Rajput & Former Minister Thakur Randhir Singh Smt & Sh B.L Tiku -Brother & Bhabi Mob: 9596789005 Smt. Babli Ji and S.K. Zutshi Mrs Sarita and Dr Rajpal Singh - Daughter-in-law & Nephew Smt & Sh S.N Tiku -Sister & Brother-in-law Smt. Guglee Ji and K.K. Pandita Naresh Singh Jasrotia - Cousin Sons & Daughters-in-law Smt. Veena Ji and R.L. Pandita And all Bhadwal, Manhas, Bandhral, Jamwal, Jasrotia, Jhina Mr Deepak Tiku & Mrs Sushma Tiku Grand & Great Grand Children and Rathore Families. 10TH DAYKRIYA/RASAM PAGRI Contact :- 0191-2586183, 9419836222 9419192677 Mr Amit Tiku & Mrs Neenu Tiku With profound grief & sorrow we Grand Children: Sheen, Ronak & Aarpit inform the sad demise of Smt Samast Parivar of Tiku’s, Koul’s & Bhat’s Pushpa Bali W/o Sh Vishnu Dutt Mob: 9419299321, 9761731097 Bali who expired on 25th of 10TH DAY KRIYA January 2016. 10th Day Kriya will 10TH DAY KRIYA With profound grief and sorrow, we in - CHANGE OF VENUE be performed on 3rd of Feb 2017 Smt Pushpa Bali form the sad demise of our beloved TENTH DAY KRIYA of Late Karamyogi and Rasam Pagri on 4th of Feb Smt. Pushpa Tak dated 25-01-2017 Shri Rugh Nath Pandita of Waterkhani OBITUARY/10TH DAY 2017 at our residence, W.No. 8, W/o Sh. Kundan Lal Tak of new Colony at present H.No.138, 139, With profound grief and sorrow, we in - Near Matt Mandir Parliwand Kathua. (Kmr) A/p 86/3 Anand Nagar 140 Lane-4, Dreamcity Muthi shall be form the sad and untimely demise of GRIEF STRICKEN Bohri, Jammu. The 10th Day Kriya will performed on 29-01-2017 (Sunday) at Sh. Rattan Lal Suri S/o Lt. Sh. be performed on Friday 3/02/2017 at Smt. Pushpa Tak Shri Rugh Nath Maheshwar Nath Suri, Resident of Sh Vishnu Dutt Bali (Rtd Inspr of J&K Police) Akhnoor Ghat at 8 AM and thereafter Pandita Son & Daughter-in-Law 8:00 am at Akhnoor Ghat which will be prayer Assembly shall be held at our Ram Ghat/ Kanli Bagh A/p followed by an assembly at 12 Noon at H.No 5, Lane 22, Surya Vihar, Patta Sh Vinod Bali (Edu Deptt) & Mrs Veena Sharma above residence 11:30 AM Dream City Sh. Rattan Lal our residence. Muthi Jammu. Bohri Jammu on 21-01-2017. Tenth Sh Dharminder Bali - Son Suri GRIEF STRICKEN GRIEF STRICKEN Day will be performed at Akhnoor Ghat Sh Manoj Bali (PDD Deptt) & Mrs Rashmi - Sh. Kundan Lal Tak -Husband on 30-01-2017 (Monday). Assembly Son & Daughter-in-Law Smt. Koushaliyawati Pandita - Wife Smt. Sheetal & Sh. Kamal Tak -Daughter-in-law & Son Sons & Daughters-in-law will be held at our residence at 12 Noon. Sh D R Bali (J&K Police) Son-in-laws & Daughters Smt. & Shri Rattan Lal Pandita GRIEF STRICKEN Mob No: 9419152155, 9419213645, 9419217507 Sh. Sanjay & Smt. Kanchan Mantoo Smt. & Shri Veer Ji Pandita Smt. Usha & Sh. Raj Nath Suri -Bhabi & Brother Sh. Ravi & Smt. Kalpana Shah Smt. & Shri Tej Krishen Pandita Smt. Nirmala & Sh. Nana Ji -Bhabi & Brother Grand Children Smt. Vijay & Shri Piyary Lal Pandita-Daughter & Son-in-law Sh. Makhan Lal Langoo -Brother-in-law Khushi, Ishu, Pari, Tuja and Kamesh Kundan Grand Children & Samast Pandita Parivar Smt. Mee nakshi & Sh. Vika s Mattoo -Daughter & Son-in-law Sh. Surinder Koul -Brother Mob: 9419789149, 9419331301, 8493863550, 9469279185 Children : Neha, Nisha, Vicky, Kavita & Vikas & BARKHI Smt. Pyari Khah -Sister-in-law Samast Suri, Langoo, Mattoo & Ganjoo Parivar Barkhi of our beloved Late Sh. Jai Smt. Jai Kishori Khah -Sister-in-law Mob:- 9419133904, 9018332622 Dev Sharma S/o Pt. Nehal Chand Brother & Sister-in-law Sharma shall be performed on Sh. Maharaj Krishan & Smt. Ashwani Khah Sunday, 29th January, 2017 at our Smt. Jaishree Tak -Sister-in-law 10TH DAY KRIYA residence Upper Roop Nagar, Brothers-in-law & Sisters-in-law With profound grief and sorrow, we in - 10TH DAY KRIYA Sh. Mahraj Krishan & Smt. Santosh Tak form the sad demise of our beloved Jammu. Sh. Jai Dev With profound grief and sorrow, we in - Sh. Bhushan Lal & Smt. Lajwanti Gareeb mother Smt. Lakshmishree Kher (Pitty DEEPLY MISSED BY:- Sharma form the sad demise of our beloved Sh Sh. Shamboo Nath & Smt. Nancy Tak Ji Bhan) wife of Late Sh. Niranjan Nath Smt. Kamlavati W/o Lt. Sh. Badri Dwarika Nath Dhar S/o Lt Raug Nath Sh. Inderjeet & Smt. Veena Tak Kher on 25/01/2017, originally resident Nath Sharma - Bhabhi Dhar originally resident of at Sh. Rohit & Smt. Basanti Tak of Alikadal, Srinagar, Kashmir Smt. Raj Kumari Sharma - Wife Smt. present TRT Migrant Camp Nagrota Ph: 8493858796, 9086778048 presently residing at 901-2, Iris Tower, Block-K, Q.No.05, who left heavenly Sons & Daughters-in-law Omaxe Green Valley, Faridabad, Lakshmishree abode on 20- 01-2017. 10th Day Kriya Sh Dwarika Nath Dr. Vinay & Dr. Anuradha Sharma Haryana. Tenth Day Kriya will be per - Kher will be performed on 29-01-2017 at 8 Dhar Sh. Rajesh & Dr. Kritika Dubey formed on 3/02/2017 at Garh am at TRT Migrant Camp Nagrota Sons-in-law & Daughters Mukteshwar Ghat,Uttar Pradesh. near Community Hall. 10TH DAY/KRIYA GRIEF STRICKEN Sh. Vijay & Smt. Naresh Lata Sharma GRIEF STRICKEN With profound grief and sorrow, we in - Smt. Rajni & Sh. Autar Krishen Kher Sh. Ajay & Smt. Sangita Sharma Smt Rani Dhar -Wife form the sad demise of our beloved Smt. Sarita & Sh. Ashok Kumar Kher Grand Children: Ghandharvi, Neha & Krityansh Sumit -Adopted Son Durga Shori Koul (Mohini Koul) W/o Lt. Smt. Hency & Sh. Shiban Krishen Kher Ph.No: 9858211943, 9419221759, 9419226332 Son-in-law & Daughter Durga Nath Koul of Chandpora, Habba Smt. Nirmala & Sh. Subhash Kaul Smt Santosh Pandit & Sh Piraya Lal Pandit Kadal, Sgr, presently at Morinda, G.T. Kher's, Bhan's, Bhan's, Kak's, Pandita's, Amit -Grand Son Road Chandigarh. TENTH DAY will be Kachroo's, Malla's & Tickoo's. Durga Shori Koul Contact No. 9086350818, 9858338978, 9796615345 performed on Jan 31, 2017 at 09810704491, 09419612486, 09419252668 10TH DAY KRIYA/13TH DAY KRIYA Morinda, Chd. With profound grief and sorrow we in - GRIEF STRICKEN form the sad demise of our beloved Sh. Sons & Daughters-in-law Charu Ram R/o Sita Kutir, Hr. Sec. Surinder Koul & Sushma Koul 10TH DAY School Road Garhi, Udhampur, who Ravinder Koul & Nirja Koul 10TH DAY KRIYA With profound grief it is informed that left for heavenly abode on 20 January, Daughter & Son-in-law With profound grief and sorrow, we in - Smt. Asha Bhan Nee Kaki Dubey W/o 2017. 10th Day Kriya will be per - Surinder Malla & Veena Malla form the sad and untimely demise of Shri Y.K. Bhan, resident of 5513 formed on Sunday, the 29th January, Sh. Charu Ram Grand Sons our beloved Karamyogi Shri Sham Lal Modern Housing Complex Mani Majra 2017 at Shiv Mandir Gahri at 11 AM. Sumit Koul & Neeru Koul Pandita S/o Late Shri Dina Nath Chandigarh passed away on 21-01- 13th Day Kriya will be performed on Rahul Koul Pandita Chinigund () Distt. 2017. Tenth Day will be performed at Wednesday, the 01 February, 2017 onward at our residence. Amit Koul Kashmir. At present Lane Shanti Ghat near Golf Club, Smt. Asha Bhan Shri Sham Lal GRIEF STRICKEN: Grand Daughters No. 21. Block No. 123 Flat No. 2 and 3 Panchkula on 30-1-2017 at 9 am. Pandita Sh. Bodh Raj (Dy SP) -Son Rashiv Koul Jagti Township Jammu. THE TENTH GRIEF STRICKEN Dr. Jagdish Mehra, KAS -Son Sapna Malla DAY KRIYA will be performed at Akhnoor Ghat at 9.30 A.M. Bhan Family & Dubey Family Smt. Veena Kumari -Daughter -in- Law Surbhi Malla on date of 3rd Feb. 2017 (Friday) and Assembly shall be held Tel: 0172-736377, 011-27875332, 09901491286 Smt. Poonam -Daughter -in- Law Mob: 9417211122, 9419262434 at Muthi Ghat on 11.30 A.M. Smt. Anjana -Daughter -in- Law GRIEF STRICKEN Sh. Om Parkash & Smt. Ram Payari -Son-in-Law & Daughter Sudesha Pandita-Wife Sh. Sudesh Kumar & Smt. Leela -Son-in-Law & Daughter Sh. Naranjan Nath Pandita & Smt. Nancy -Brother & Bhabhi Sh. Jia Lal (Ramkot wale) Nephew KRIYA/UTHALA Sh. Autar Krishan Pandita & Smt. Teja -Brother & Bhabhi OBITUARY Munish & Ashish -Grand Sons Sandeep Pandita & Sheetu Pandita-Son & Daughter-in-law With profound grief and sorrow, it is in - With profound grief and sorrow, we in - and All Nears and Dears Shravan Pandita & Sheetu Pandita-Son & Daughter-in-law timated that our beloved Ashok Kumar form you of the sudden and sad de - 9419211014, 9419270222 Shakti Pandita & Vinod Kundan-Daughter & Son-in-law Mattoo S/o Sh. Bansi Lal Mattoo origi - mise of our beloved Smt. Mohini Gupta Late M.K. Bhat & Smt. Jeeta Bhat-Sister nal resident of Dalhassanyar, Habba W/o Sh Krishan Kumar Gupta, R/o 76, Smt. Nancy Bhat & Sh. B.L. Bhat-Sister & Sister-in-law Kadal, Srinagar A/P Janipur Quarter New Rehari, Jammu on 19th January Smt. Rajni Bhat & Sh. Sanjog Bhat-Sister & Sister-in-law No.176-J, Jammu left for heavenly 2017. Kriya shall be performed on Ashok Kumar 10TH DAY KRIYA Smt. Mohini Gupta Ph. No: 9796439245, 9419200989, 9717965111 abode on 21-01-2017 at Delhi. Tuesday, 31st January, 2017, at our Mourning is being held at Sai Aistha Mattoo With profound grief and sorrow, we in - residence (76, New Rehari, behind Apartment Flat No.205, Opposite NSIT College near Shani form that Smt. Kundan Khar W/o Lt. Shakuntla Theatre, Jammu) at 12.00 Mandir Dwarka Mode. The Tenth Day Kriya will be performed Sh. Bushan Lal Khar R/o Mattan Noon. Uthala shall be performed on Friday, 3rd February at Nigambodh Ghat (Kashmiri Ghat) No.10, near ISBT New Anantnag A/P H. No. 158, Shanti 2017, at Gurudwara Shri Kalgi Dhar, B.C Road, Rehari 10TH DAY KRIYA Delhi at 9 AM on 30-01-2017. Nagar, Near Ram Sharnam Ashram Chungi, Jammu at 4.30 pm. With profound grief and deep sorrow GRIEF STRICKEN Lower Toph Sherkhania, Jammu who IN REVERENCE AND GRIEF we inform the sad demise of our Sh. Bansi Lal Mattoo & Smt. Kishni - Father & Mother left for heavenly abode on 21-01- Smt. Kundan Khar Sh Krishan Kumar Gupta -Husband revered Karamyogi father Shri Moti Lal Smt. Susheela Mattoo (Bitta) - Wife 2017. TENTH DAY KRIYA will be per - Sons & Daughter-in-laws Khatri S/o Late Dina Nath Khatri of Daughter & Son-in-law formed on 30-01-2017 (Monday) at Rajesh & Neeru Gupta Checki Narayan Dass Mrs. Komal (Puja) & Ranjit Singh Rana Akhnoor Ghat. THE TENTH DAY ASSEMBLY will be held at Naresh & Nitu Gupta (KAS) Baramulla A/p 112/4 Anand Nagar Kajal (Khushboo) - Daughter our residence H. No. 158, Shanti Nagar Jammu at 10.00 A.M. Shri Moti Lal Daughters and Son-in-laws Bohri on 24-1-2017. The 10th Day Smt. Mohini Fotedar - Sister GRIEF STRICKEN Khatri Bharti & Raman Mahajan Kriya will be performed on 2nd Feb., Smt. Muni & Pran Nath Mattoo - Bhabhi & Brother Sh. Rajesh Bhushan & Smt. Romi-Son & Daughter-in-law Anu & Ajay Gupta 2017 at Akhnoor Ghat at 8.00 a.m. Assembly will be held at Smt. Sarla & Kanya Lal Mattoo - Bhabhi & Brother Sh. Anil Kumar & Smt. Seema Ji-Son-in-law & Daughter Grand Sons & Grand Daughters Muthi Ghat near Director Education at 11.00 a.m. sharp. Smt. Anjani & Kundan Lal Mattoo - Bhabhi & Brother Sh. Vinod Raina & Smt. Sarita Khar-Son-in-law & Daughter Sulakshan, Samriddhi, Divyansh, Sumant, Mahim, Sanyam, GRIEF STRICKEN Mobile No: 08375815577, 09419125855, 08375956876 Grand Children Sumanyu, Sunitee Smt. Sheel Ji- Wife Aadesh Raj Bushan Aayushi M/s Music House, Residency Road, Jammu Sons & Daughters-in-Law Paarth Vedansh M/s Pioneer Electronics, R.N Bazar, Jammu Sh. Mohinder Kumar and Smt. Anita Samast Khar Parivar M/s National Electronics, Leh Sh. Prem Khatri and Sunita M/s Natraj Agencies, Talab Tillo, Jammu 10TH DAY/KRIYA/UTHALA Smt. Veena & Sh. Satish Kapoor- Daughter & Son-in-Law With profound grief and deep sorrow M/s National Cargo, Jammu. Smt. Rita Kar and Dimple Kar- Daughter & Son-in-Law Mob: 9419135448, 9 419178001, 94 19178002, 9086550400 we inform the untimely sad demise of And Samast Khatri, Khera, Kapoor, Kar Parivar our beloved Mr. Sunil Sharma KRIYA/UTHALA (Mintoo). Tenth Day will be performed With profound grief and sorrow, we on 31st January 2017 Tuesday at 10 regret to inform you the sad de - a.m. at Shri Guru Ravi Dass Ji Mandir mise of our respected and beloved 10TH DAY KRIYA 10TH DAY/KRIYA Sabha Krishna Nagar Jammu. Kirya Mr. Sunil Sharma Smt. Tara Devi W/o Late Sh. WITH PROFOUND GRIEF AND SOR - With profound grief and sorrow, we in - will be performed on 1st Feb.2017 (Mintoo) Girdhari Lal Gupta (R/o H.No.42, ROW, I PRATHVI NATH TICKOO IN - form the sad demise of our beloved Wednesday at 10 a.m.at our residence 290 Krishna Nagar Rajinder Nagar, Canal Road, Smt. Tara Devi FORM THE SAD DEMISE OF MY mother Smt. Prabhavati Yatri (Gagroo) Jammu. Uthala will be performed on 3rd Feb.2017 Friday at 3 Jammu). Kriya will be performed WIFE SMT SHARIKA TICKOO R/O wife of Late Sh. Dinanath Yatri p.m. at Shri Guru Ravi Dass Ji Mandir Sabha Krishna Nagar TRICHAL/KOIL (KMR) AT (Gagroo) original resident of Zaindar Jammu. on 29-1- 2017 at our residence. Uthala will be per - PRESENT H.NO. 451 SEC-2, Mohalla, Habba Kadal, Srinagar, DEEPLY REMEMBERED BY: formed on 3- 2-2017 at our residence at 4 PM to 5 PM. VINAYAK NAGAR MUTHI NEAR SMT SHARIKA Kashmir. She breathed her last on 20- Smt. Prabhavati Smt. Koushalya & Sh. Chaman Lal Sharma (Parents) GRIEF STRICKEN MATADOR STAND MUTHI ON 20-01- TICKOO 01- 2017 at F-671, Camp Road, Talab Yatri (Gagroo) Smt. Vaneeta (Wife) Sons & Daughters-in-law 2017 FRIDAY NIGHT. 10TH DAY KRIYA WILL BE OB - Tillo, Jammu. Tenth Day Kriya will be Sisters-in-law & Brothers Sh. Amrit Lal Gupta & Smt. Saroj Gupta SERVED ON 29-01-2017 SUNDAY AT AKHNOOR GHAT observed on 29th January, 2017 at Muthi Ghat near Smt. Neelam & Sh. Ashok Sharma Sh. R.D Gupta & Smt. Bachani Gupta AND ASSEMBLY WILL BE HELD ON MUTHI GHAT NEAR Directorate of School Education Time: 8:30 AM. Smt. Sandya & Sh. Kuldeep Sharma Daughters & Sons-in-law DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCAETION AT 11 AM ON GRIEF STRICKEN Smt. Shardhaa W/o Late Sh. Sudesh Sharma Smt. Sharda & Lt Sh. Prem Gupta 29-01-2017. Daughter & Son-in-law Smt. Indu & Sh. Rajesh Sharma GRIEF STRICKEN Mrs. Beena and Rajinder Koul Sisters & Brothers-in-law) Smt.Kamlesh & Sh. Raj Kumar Gupta SH PRATHVI NATH TICKOO (HUSBAND) S.P Yatri & Neelam Yatri - Son & Daughter-in-law Smt. Tripta & Sh. Madan Lal Sharma Ankit Gupta - Grand Son SMT PRABHA WATI TICKOO (BHABI) Sameer Yatri - Grand Son Smt. Ritu & Sh. Suraj Parkash Sharma M/s Amrit Electricals - 9086046667 TICKOO’S, PANDITAS, BHATS, RAINAS AND KOULS Ritika Yatri - Grand Daughter Contact: 9086787982 / 9796220892 / 9906176904 / M/s A A Enterprises, Canal Road, Jammu – 9906078064 MOB. 9796455559, 8803769443 Contact No: 9811303029, 9419190813, 9419110752 9086353535 / 9796606785 Glimpses of Future 3 local JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Govt. blames PSC, SSB Sat Sharma raises concern over large number of unemployed for delay in finalising youth in Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh region Jammu jan 28 : of unemployed Doctors, ment in all three regions and Engineers, Diploma Holders, stressed upon providing Raising one of the utmost Post Graduates, Graduates more jobs in all three re - selection of candidates important issues of Jammu and others as on year 2014 gions, especially Jammu and Kashmir, State end and at present date.The Province where the rate of Jammu, January 28 state subordinate service se - the past two years of which President BJP and MLA Minister stated that during unemployed youth is in - lection Board and though two 1610 posts had been referred Jammu West Sat Sharma year end 2014, the total num - creasing rapidly as com - Indirectly the state years have passed the two re - to Jammu and Kashmir (CA) raised necessary points ber of unemployed persons pared to the other regions. Government has blamed the cruiting agencies have not Public Service Commission and showed his grave con - registered with the depart - He also asked the con - recruiting agencies, Public yet finalized the selection (JKPSC) and another 4995 cern for the number of unem - ment of employment in cerned Minister about the Service Commission and the process. posts to Jammu and Kashmir ployed youth in all three re - Jammu region were 75829 steps being taken to over - state subordinate services Mehbooba Mufti, who al - Service Selection Board gions of the State. Sharma and up to date the figures come the problem of unem - Board for inordinate delay in so holds the portfolio of the (JKSSB). raised this question during goes down to 45781 while in ployment especially amongst finalizing the selection of can - General Administration The filling of these vacant the Assembly session when Kashmir and Ladakh region the highly educated youth in didates referred by the Department (GAD), in a writ - posts could solve the problem starred questions were being the number was 222180 the State. Government for appointment ten reply in the Legislative of unemployment in the State answered by the concerned which has slipped down to The Minister stated in various Government de - Assembly (LA) has said a to - to some extent with jobless - ministers of various depart - 104577 in today’s date. about schemes of self em - partments.This seems to have tal of 24,020 government posts ness in the State touching ments. Sat Sharma stated that ployment through RSETIS enhanced the level of unem - were vacant in Jammu new heights as per the latest In a question, Sharma the registered number is less and JKEDI and also said that ployment problem in the Kashmir which included figures of the State govern - asked the concerned as compared to the actual fig - fast recruitment policy has state. Even as the State is bat - 21,717 vacant posts in various ment.Experts blame the state Minister Incharge Labour ure in the State and asked the been adopted for all tling the problem of unem - government departments and Government also for having and employment to separate - Minister to gravely look into Government departments, ployment, it has failed to fill another 2503 vacant posts in referred only 6475 posts to the ly state District Wise figures the problem of unemploy - vide SRO-202 of 2015. over 24,000 posts vacant in semi government depart - recruiting agencies when the various government, semi- ments and corporations. total vacancies have touched government departments and The CM was responding over 24,000.Inability to handle corporations. to a query of opposition the problem of unemploy - Salal Power Stn. organizes training programme JKFFA pays tributes to army Chief Minister, National Conference (NC) leg - ment has given militants out - Mehbooba Mufti, has told the the hour as it does not on - islator from Eidgah and for - fits a chance to lure educated ly contribute to to the Assembly that out of 6475 mer Speaker of LA, Mubarak youth to militancy. This has soldiers died in avalanche posts, 1610 had been referred health of human beings Gul.She said the government been one of the factors for the but also contributes to GOF Staff Reporter to the state Public Service had referred 6475 posts to the continued unrest and turmoil Commission and 4995 to the the health and well being JAMMU, Jan 28 : recruiting agencies during in the state.(KIP) of the soils, plants ani - mals and the earth. Rich tributes were paid to the Indian Army soldiers who Organic farming pro - were killed by avalanche in the Glacier in Srinagar, at a pro - Red Cross organizes first Three gamblers vides chemical free, nu - gramme organized by Jammu and Kashmir Freedom Fighters trious food items for hu - Association (JKFFA) at Dogra Shaurya Stambh Amphalla, here arrested in mans.Sh. Ravinder on Saturday under the chairmanship of JKFFA President Ved Kumar, DC, Reasi ex - Gandotra. aid training Programme Srinagar pressed happiness to The speakers, who spoke on the occasion, said that the have team of scientists brave soldiers had sacrificed their lives for the nation and have Srinagar Jan 28 from SKAUST at Reasi it - set a worthy example for all others to emulate. Srinagar police arrested self and advised the Ved Gandotra said that the demise of soldiers was very trag - three gamblers and recov - farmers to listen patient - ic and the entire society should salute the martyrdom. He said ered stake money of rupees ly to the team members that such sacrifices of the defence personnel had played a key 10,600/ from them.On a tip Jammu, Jan 28 Ansari, General Manager, from SKAUST and clear their role in protecting the country from the attack of enemies and off, a police party of Police Salal Power Station, Sh. doubts with respect to maintaining its unity. Continuing its initiatives Station Soura raided a gam - M.G.Ghai, Chief Engineer Organic Farming.Pertinent He urged the people to contribute their mite for the overall for Skill Development among bling site near Ahmad Nagar (Civil), NHPC Limited, Sh. to mention that a team of six development of the country in all spheres. various targeted groups in ru - and arrested three gamblers J.P.Sharma, Director, scientists led by Sh. “We all people of Jammu and Kashmir salute them for their ral areas, Salal Power Station who were identified as Zahid SKAUST, Sh. Babu Ram, J.P.Sharma, Director, bravery and they fights with strong will and for the cause of our of NHPC Limited organised Nisar Munshi, Danish ADC, Reasi and Sh. P.L.Bhat, SKAUST took the sessions Nation,” Gandotra said.Speakers said at the difficult terrain one day ‘Skill Development Ahmad Teli and Mehraj-ud- Chief Agricultural Officer, and interacted with the farm - the soldiers have to take care of in the border to keep the ene - Training Program far farm - din residents of Umerhare Reasi. 55 farmers from vari - ers. All the sessions remained mies at bay.The soldiers sacrifice their present life for the bet - ers with focus on promotion of , Sriangar. Stake ous villages of District Reasi interactive throughout.A terment of the country’s future, they said adding that the people organic / Less Water farming’ money of rupees ten thou - attended the Program. similar program shall be or - should not forget the brave warriors who left their lives in the at DC Office Conference Hall sand and six hundred (10,600) Speaking on the occasion, ganised at Darmari, Reasi for border.A two-minute silence was also observed in the memory today on 28.01.2017. Sh. was recovered from the gam - Sh. Ansari, General Manager farmers on 29.01.2017. of all those who sacrificed their lives for nation. GOF Staff Reporter Ravinder Kumar, DC, Reasi bling spot.A Case FIR num - Salal Power Station wel - Thereafter, a visit of these The prominent persons present were Rajiv Mahajan (State was the Chief Guest who inau - Jammu Jan 28 : ber 03/15 under section 13 comed the Chief Guest and farmers shall be arranged for President Shri Ram Sena), Pritam Sharma (State President gurated the program by light - others present during the Kranti Dal), Punnet Arora, Gaurav Chopra, Sanjiv Luthra, Tej Indian Red Cross Society, Jammu Region in continuation Gambling Act was registered SKAUST, Jammu to gain ing the traditional lamp in as - Program and said that organ - Ram Dogra, Prabhat Kapahi, Binny Mahajan, S. Rajinder to its campaign for First Aid Training Programme organized into the matter and investiga - practical experience of less sociation with Sh. A.G. ic farming has become need of Singh, Raj Kumar Tyagi and Others. four days First Aid Training Course under the umbrella of St. tion was taken up. water/ Organic Farming. John Ambulance Association Jammu Regional Centre at Indian Oil Corporation, Bari Brahmana, Jammu from 23rd Lt Gen Amit Sarin Jan, 2017 to 27th Jan, 2017. BJP condole death of avalanche victims More than 15 Employees of Indian Oil Corporation, Bari Netaji’s birthday celebrated Brahmana, Jammu took part in the said training course with Jammu Jan 28 Kashmir this year has been ex - leadership coupled with sheer awarded coveted Jammu Jan 28 the motive that it is mandatory for the employees while work - periencing very high rate of determination and will power Neta Ji Academy Vijaypur celebrated NetaJi ing in the Private Entrepreneurs in order to take safety meas - Bharatiya Janata Party snowfall surpassing the of our soldiers that enables PVSM Subash Chander Bose’s birthday cum parents day to in - ures in this regards. The training was conducted under the di - has expressed deep sympathy record of previous two decades them to bear these hardships Jammu January 28 : culcate the spirit of patriotism and sacrifice among the rections of Dr. Pawan Kotwal, IAS, Chairman of IRCS, Jammu with the families of avalanche and on the upper reaches for the defence of their mother - people, particularly among the students. Joginder Region (Divisional Commissioner) Jammu. The first aid train - victims during the recent Lt Gen Amit Sarin, PVSM, where the Army is deployed it land. While all precautions are Singh SSP Samba was the Chief guest and Abhishek ing was imparted by a team of well versed senior Doctors viz. heavy snow fall in Kashmir. A AVSM,SM, VSM, ADC DGOS And Sr is like a snow ‘Tsunami’. Ever taken to avoid unnecessary Sharma SDPO Vijaypur was the guest of honour. After total of 20 people have lost Col Comdt was commissioned into Dr. Rajinder Thappa C.M.O., Govt. Medical College Hospital, since the Kargil Operations, loss of lives such natural flag Hoisting, the students of the school in their short their lives so far in North Army Ordnance Corps on 17 Dec Jammu, Dr. Simriti, Medical Officer and Smt. Kanchan Devi, Army has done away with the calamities do create havoc at speeches conveyed Neta Ji’s message of patriotism and Kashmir. While praying for 1977.The General Officer has been Pharmacist, Red Cross Dispensary, Jammu.The said First Aid practice of vacating posts dur - times lamented Brig Gupta. sacrifice and had a pledge to follow his mission in life, Training Porgramme was organized under the supervision of lives of the innocent civilians, ing winters, thus risking the The present Modi led BJP gov - awarded the coveted PVSM on the oc - the Party also paid glowing then parade inspection , march past and P.T. displayed Sh. R.C. Puri, Hony. Secretary, Indian Red Cross Society, troops to the vagaries of hos - ernment acknowledges the casion of Republic Day 2017 for his by 10 squads of boys and girls dressed in different uni - tributes to 15 army men who Jammu Region. tile weather. These brave sol - challenges and hardships valuable contribution to the Indian forms added with hurt touching music , was an alive made the supreme sacrifice diers were performing their faced by the soldiers at these Army during his tenure as DGOS.He show of discipline and courage .Director of the Institute during the period while de - duty unmindful of the threat lofty heights and that is why has been instrumental in conceptual - Sh. Amrit Lal Gupta laid stress on the need of following fending the nation’s fron - posed to their lives when they the Prime Minister spent izing and implementing the automa - Neta Ji’s message and discussed achievements of the tiers.Brigadier Anil Gupta, Sat approves 8.64 lakh were stuck with the ava - Diwali with the troops de - tion in Army Ordnance Corps. He has school and thanked the audience for their co-operation State Spokesperson, said that lanche. The nation is proud of ployed at Siachen and other given a major push towards modern - and patiently witnessing the whole programme . the Party condoles the unfor - their sacrifice and salutes high altitude areas during the ization of Ordnance and Ammunition tunate loss of lives, appreci - their grit and determination past two years. The spokesper - echelons and towards providing better for bathing ghat ates the local population and said Brig Gupta while appreci - son hoped that in the forth - logistic support to the field army. Tri-colour hoisted at the civil administration which Under his stewardship, the Ordnance Jammu Jam 28 ating their sense of duty and coming budget adequate pro - cooperated wholeheartedly loyalty to the nation.At these vision will be made for state of Corps has been the Nodal Directorate BJP State President & MLA Sat Sharma (C.A), while announcing with the military authorities lonely heights the soldiers the art search and rescue for implementation of e-procurement RBBA R-Day function the approval of rupees 8.64 lakh for the construction of Bathing Ghats in the rescue operation despite have to fight not only the ene - equipment to enable faster and and e-publishing for Indian Army.The in the premises of Mahasha Biradari Community Hall in Ward No. 16, adverse weather conditions. my but the vagaries of weather better rescue of such victims General Officer took over the reins of Jammu, 28 January, 2017: handed over the related letter to BJYM State Vice-President Ajay Brig Gupta said that North as well. It is excellent combat in future . Army Ordnance Corps on 27 Aug 2014. Vaid in presence of BJP senior leader N.D. Rajwal and Ward During his illustrious career the Raghunath Bazaar Businessmen Association cele - President Onkar Singh.Sat Sharma, on this occasion, said that com - General Officer has already been brated the Republic Day on a very grand scale. The munity halls are meant to serve the public for different religious and Poet Naadim Celebrated in ‘Dialogue’ awarded Sena Medal in the year 2000, National Flag hoisting ceremony was held at Raghunath social rituals and need to be equipped with the facilities of conven - VSM in 2008 and AVSM in 2015 for his Mandir Chowk, amidst playing of national anthem and ience having proper electricity and drinking water. He said that the Jammu Jan 28 published by Mr. G R Hasrat Gadda. Farooq immense contribution to the Corps shouting of patriotic slogans, Vande Mataram and Bathing Ghats in such places are meant to benefit the women in par - Nazki, a noted poet and former Deputy and Indian Army as a whole.During Bharat Mata Ki Jai.Prominent citizen, leading business - ticularly. He said that the site for the construction of Bathing Ghat A day long programme- ‘Baithak’ was or - Director General, Doordarshan and G R Hasrat his career span of 39 years in the army man and a social activist, Hira Lal Abrol who was the was finalized few weeks ago when he alongwith MP Jugal Kishore ganized at Sanskriti Bhawan, Roop Nagar, Gadda, Editor, Kashmir Insight were the the General Officer has held various chief guest on the occasion, hoisted the national flag. Sharma had visited the Mahasha Biradari Community Hall. He said Jammu, today under ‘Dialogue’, an initiative speakers in the Baithak. prestigious Command and Staff ap - Bhubneshwar Gandotra, president Hotels and Lodges that within limited funds, every effort is made to ensure that the pub - by Narinder Safaya, a writer of Jammu & Noted poets/ writers like Prof. Arvind pointments and has specialized in the Association Trikuta Nagar and leading businessman lic demands related to development are fulfilled. Ajay Vaid, on this oc - Kashmir. Gigoo, Brij Nath Betab, Ali Sharda, a poet, field of Logistics management of the Pawan Kalra were guests of honour.The celebration was casion, expressed gratitude to the MLA for contributing in construc - The fifth Baithak of the programme Narinder Safaya, Maharaj Santoshi, field Army.He is a post graduate from held under the chairmanship of Sh. Baldev Khullar tion of Bathing Ghat, which will serve the public of the area. He said ‘Dailogue’ was a day long sitting in which sev - Shailendra Aima, B N Betab, Nusrat Andrabi, DSSC Wellington and MBA in President of the association Besides Baldev Khullar, the that a number of development projects have been started by the sit - eral master writers participated. The ‘Baithak’ Ali Shaida, Adarsh Ajit, Ayaz Rasool Nazki, T Materials Management from Rani others who were present in the function included Mohit ting MLA in different wards of Jammu West Assembly constituency was hosted by Autar Mota, a well known writer K Jalali, Sitar artist, Jang S. Verman, colum - Durgawati University.The General Gupta Sr. Vice President, Madan Mohan Sharma Vice and the people are highly appreciating the same. Onkar Singh said and poet and dedicated to the well known nist on art & culture, Makhan Lal Saraf and Officer has attended the Higher President, Sanjay Sethi Gen. Secy., Ashwani Kohli Secy, that the construction of Bathing Ghat was a long pending de - Kashmiri progressive poet Dina Nath Naadim Kusam Tikku, thetre personalities and many Command Course and the prestigious Amit Kapoor Treasurer, Om Prakash Mahajan, chair - mand, which is soon giving to be fulfilled . whose poetry has been recently compiled and others participated in the programme . NDC course . man Jammu Heritage Society. YRS strongly condemn the NC for BLSKS Observed “ National Cleanliness Day ” opposing resolution of 23rd Sept holiday Jammu, Jan 28 Drama which are still very as people keep their environ - powerful medium of commu - ment very dirty with the re - Jammu, Jan 28 : To observed the National nication. “Swachh Bharat” sult that it badly affects their Today Yuva Rajput Sabha (YRS) in their meeting at Head Cleanliness Day & pro - musical play written, pro - health. The cleanliness of a Office, Bantalab, stage protest against National Conference mote the traditional folk cul - duced and directed by city, village or an entire town who walked out from the upper house for declaring 23rd Sept as ture and aware the masses of Sh.M.L.Dogra and music com - begins from the cleanliness of gazetted holiday on the eve of Birth anniversary of Maharaja J&K state , Bhartiya Lok posed by Raju Bajgal, music individual homes. The obser - Hari Singh ji. The meeting was lead by President Yuva Sabha, Sangeet Kala Sansthan instructor, BLSKS. The pro - vation of National Cleanliness Surinder Singh Gilli. (BLSKS) staged 140 th Musical gramme commenced with Day on January 30 th in India. Addressing the meeting at head office Bantalab, President Play “Swachh Bharat” in col - welcome song ," Swasth The day calls to Maintain high YRS opposes all the Members of National Conference who laboration with , Sangam Tru Humara Bharat Hoga Ghar- standard of cleanliness in out - walked out from upper house against the passage of resolution Art Production at Durga Ghar Main Chhochalya homes, work place, for declaring state holiday on the birthday of almighty Bhawan, Janipur, Hoga” , “ Jammu te Kahmir road/streets and public Maharaja Hari Singh ji and thanks to MLA Nagrota, Davinder Jammu.The programe was in - Sade Leher ek ayi Gyi”, places. The dignitaries urged Singh Rana and others for supporting the resolution. augurated by the Chief Guest “Humara desh humara mu - upon trainees /artists of the He further added some of the members of political parties Dr.Tara Singh Charak , lak” skits and dances present - organization to lead the like National Conference trying to play with the sentiments of Former Deputy ed by the artists of Nation in making India “Neet the Jammu peoples and they continue this from the date of inde - Director,Health Department BLSKS.Welcoming the digni - & Clean ” & also pendence of our country India. ,J& K Government and taries Dr.Anju Dogra ex - highlighted the event to pro - And if they continue all these type of activities and play Dr.Anju Dogra from Health plained aims and objectives of mote “Swachh Bharat with the sentiments of the Jammu peoples then all Hindu reli - Department, J& K the programme and as slogan Mission”. This will definite gion and Jammu region staged protest against National confer - Government were the Guests emerged by all the saints and create an awareness of clean - ence and every person who play with the sentiments of the of Honor. Speaking on the oc - great souls to which means liness among the people. So Jammu peoples, said Gilli. casion Dr.Charak lauded the that, we should by hygienical - far the BLSKS has presented He further added that we YRS strongly opposed National role of Bhartiya Lok Sangeet ly mentally and physically more than 130 Programs Conference, as he is the Maharaja of the whole state so holiday Kala Sansthan (NGO) for stag - clean. Earlier welcome speech & covered 5 Distts. of and computer institute who Raj, Vandana Gupta, Sant Raina and many others pre - been announced on their name, and if it is not so then whole ing such plays in all parts of given by Mr.Dogra said a Jammu province. Over 4 Lakh performed in the musical play Das, Shan Khan Rakshit sented the enthralling per - Hindu community stage protest against Oppositions.Others the state in generating aware - clean environment is a pleas - people have been benefited by were M.C.Kotwal, Raju Sharma,Ayush Bhat, Dhruv formance. Master Deepak who were present are Rajinder, Davinder, Fentu, Vicky, ness among the masses about ure to live in. It is the duty of such progs in J&K Bajgal, Kuldeep Raj, Ritesh Pandit, Afroz Raz Khan , Kumar presented vote of Praveen, Raghuveer, Kaku, Komal, Happy, Mahesh, Manja various social evils through all to keep the environment State.The singers ,musician Magotra , Rajni Gupta, Renu Deevam Jandiyal, Sonu thanks at the concluding of Manhas, Rajveer, Pushvinder, Tinna, Prem, and many others. Musical Play / Folk Theatre / clean and healthy. Some time ,actors and students of music Saproo, Pooja mGupta, Tilak Gupta, Sunil Kumar, Rahul the function. Glimpses of Future 4 local JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Budget Session-2017 / LA Proceedings Beautification of Students witness proceedings, 104577 youth registered with Jhelum banks apace Employment Deptt: Abdul Haq in Srinagar: Sham interact with Speaker Choudhary 29885 registered under NFSA/MMSFES ceedings being conducted in the Jammu Jan 28 House and personally see how the in Sonawari constituency: Abdul Haq Minister for Irrigation and Flood public issues are being raised by the Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Abdul Control, Sham Choudhary today in - Legislators in the House. Haq Khan, on behalf of Minister for Food, Civil Supplies & formed the house that the beatifica - The students witnessed the Consumer Affairs, today informed the Legislative tion works from Kanna-Kadal to morning session of the proceedings Assembly that as many as 29885 ration card holders are Zaldagar , Shah Mohalla and from which was slated for the Discussion Jammu Jan 28 drawing their monthly ration under NFSA/MMSFES in Tankipora to Fateh Kadal on both on Demand of Grants for various de - Sonawari Constituency. Replying to a Question by Mr. sides of River Jhelum are in partments being headed by the Chief Minister for Rural Minister Mehbooba Mufti including Mohammad Akbar Lone, the Minister further informed that progress.\ Replying to a question of Development & Panchayati General Administration, Home, the process of issuing ration cards to the consumers is un - Shamima Firdous, the Minister said Raj and Law & Justice Abdul Information, Tourism, Culture, derway in the State. He said ration cards are being done on - that works have been approved under Haq Khan today said the Libraries & Achieves, Cultural ly after the fidelity check of the beneficiaries. "The ration Priority Works of flood management Department of Employment Academy, Ladakh Affairs, Science & cards are being provided to all the eligible households as per on River Jhelum Phase-I. has registered 104577 unem - Information Technology, Planning the census of 2011. Complaints, if any, with regard to the is - “Channelization/removal of garbage ployed youth in the state. & Development, Hospitality and Replying to a question of Sat suance of ration cards and availability of ration are being and construction of toe wall are in Protocol. The Speaker welcomed the Paul Sharma, the Minister dealt by the department appropriately", Minister assured in progress, while beautification by way students in the house and expressed said 58796 unemployed youth response to supplementary question. of turfing / pitching of slopes and de - hope that today's experience of are registered in Kashmir val - velopment of parks shall be taken af - watching proceedings of the house ley and 45781 in Jammu divi - non-Gazetted posts have been ployment problem. "All the ter completion of toe walls,” he said. will help the students in understand - sion. The unemployed youth referred to the recruiting beneficiaries of the said Regarding beautification of River ing the functioning of the legislature include MBBS and agencies. Referring to recent scheme shall have to mandato - Jhelum from Tankipora to Fateh especially how the local representa - Engineering pass-outs, diplo - Budget announcement, the rily undergo a comprehensive Kadal, he informed the house that JAMMU, JANUARY 28: Secondary School, Canal Road tives discuss the issues of public im - ma holders, post-graduates, Minister said that all state- entrepreneurship develop - construction of toe walls/embank - Jammu today witnessed the pro - portance for the betterment of the graduates and others, he said. sponsored self-employment ment program through ments are in progress and some of To provide an opportunity to get ceedings of the House from the visi - people. Later, the students interact - The Minister also said fast- schemes will be subsumed in - RSETIS and J&KEDI," he said. these have been completed. acquainted with the working of the tors’ gallery. The students were in - ed with the Speaker and raised cer - track recruitment policy has to a better incentivized single Legislators Mian Altaf and M Legislature, students of vited by the Speaker, Assembly tain queries related to the working been adopted to fill all vacant sector-agnostic credit linked Y Tarigami raised supplemen - 5 dewatering stations Government Girls Higher Kavinder Gupta to watch the pro - of Legislative Assembly. posts and both Gazetted and scheme to address the unem - tary questions. proposed for Zadibal: Asia Naqash Employees’ grievances regarding pay Jammu Jan 28 Minister of State for Housing & Urban Development Social Welfare, Health & Medical Education Asiea Naqash today said that 5 dewatering stations including anomalies being examined: Ajay Nanda main drains have been proposed for upgradation in Zadibal constituency un - JAMMU, JANUARY 28: Junior Assistants or Senor Assistants was constituted under the chairman - Empowered Committee is meeting at der World Bank funding. Replying to a on prospective and non-compounded ba - ship of Chief Secretary vide G.O No. 420- regular intervals to dispose all such question raised by Abid Hussain Ansari, Minister of State for Finance, Ajay sis, by corresponding deletion of such GAD of 2016 dated. 21-04-2016 to look into cases. He further said that the the Minister said that dewatering stations Nanda today informed the Legislative provisions which were earlier in vogue. the recommendations of the Pay Government will start the process of including main drains at Alamgari Bazar, Assembly that the grievances of employ - The Minister said that after an agree - Anomaly Committee constituted, vide regularization of casual workers of var - Mughal Masjid Hawal, Amdakadal, Gani ees regarding pay anomalies are being ment between the high-powered group Govt Order No. 67-GAD of 2012 dated. ious categories under a set of guidelines Stadium and Gouchwara of Zadibal con - examined by the government. Replying of the Govt and leaders of 16.01.2012. The committee has met at var - and objective criteria during the next fi - stituency. "DPR of the same is under for - to a Question by Neelam Langeh, he said Unions/Associations of the employees ious occasions and as such the matter is nancial year. To begin with, the regu - mulation through WAPCOS consultan - in pursuance to the implementation of on 15th September 2011, Government re - under their examination. After a con - larization, on contractual basis, of all cy," she informed the house. A 6th Pay Commission recommendations, vived pay anomaly committee vide or - clusive view by the Committee, a deci - those who have given their land to the Supplementary question was also raised the Government constituted a Pay der No. 67-GAD of 2012 dated: 16.01.2012 sion would be taken accordingly, said State Government in lieu of job and by Mubarak Gul. Anomaly Committee in October 2009 to to once again look into the pay anom - the Minister. On the issue of regulariza - have been left out so far will be taken up look into the grievances of the employ - alies and disparities with respect to cler - tion of workers engaged on consolidated through a process of documentation SICOP completed 87 ees with regard to the pay anomalies. ical and other categories/cadres. The wages in various departments, the and verification which will be done by Based on the recommendations of the Committee has made certain recommen - Minister informed that the employees the General Administration works costing Rs 33.96 Pay Anomaly Committee, orders were dations. However, there was lack of con - appointed on adhoc, contractual and Department. For the remaining cate - issued vide No. 296-F of 2010 dated. sensus among the members regarding consolidated basis against available gories, a Committee under the chair - cr in 2 yrs: Ganga 21.12.2010 for removal of pay anomaly of the recommendations. In compliance to posts prior to 28.04.2010 are recommend - manship of Chief Secretary is formulat - clerical cadre sanctioning therein grant court order in SWP No. 3058/2015 & CMP ed for regularization in terms of J&K ing various options. During the course Jammu Jan 28 of financial incentive equal to two incre - No. 1/2015 titled Jammu, Kashmir Civil Services (Special Provisions) Act, of the year, the Government will set out ments at the time of passing of the Ladakh, All departments Clerical staff 2010 by the Empowered Committee con - a policy with timelines for absorbing Minister for Industries and Commerce, Secretariat Assistants Examination Chander Parkash Ganga today said that conducted by PSC either at the level of association & Ors V/s state, a committee stituted for the purpose. The these people, the Minister added. SICOP completed 87 works costing Rs 33.96 crore during last two years in the state. Replying to a question of Anjum DC reviews snow Fazili, the Minister also furnished the de - Matter regarding reservation in Govt taking measures to meet tails of the works in the House. To anoth - clearance measures, takes er part of the question, The Minister said dearth of staff in schools: Naeem that items worth Rs 524.59 crore have stock of supply position promotions sub-judice: Veeri been purchased by various Government Jammu Jan 28 SHOPIAN, JANNUARY 28: JAMMU, JANUARY 28: and Semi-Government departments Veeri condoles Minister for Education, Naeem through SICOP during the last two years. Deputy Commissioner Shopian, Manzoor Minister for Public Works and Akhtar today said the Government has Ahmad Qadri, today conducted an extensive tour Parliamentary Affairs, Abdul demise of Deputy taken several initiatives to meet the LA mourns Sayeed of different areas of the district to inspect snow Rehman Veeri today informed the dearth of teaching staff in the govern - clearance operations and stock position of essen - Legislative Assembly that the Secretary Assembly ment schools across the State. tials. During the visit, the DC was informed that matter regarding reservation in Responding to a question by Aijaz Mukhtar’s demise all main roads in the district have been cleared promotions for the Schedule JAMMU, JANUARY 28: Ahmed Khan regarding the vacant off snow, while as snow clearance in upper reach - Castes and Schedule Tribe cate - posts in Gool-Arnas constituency, the JAMMU, JANUARY 28: Minister for Public Works es which experienced heavy snowfall is in gories in government services is Minister said that against the sanc - and Parliamentary Affairs The Legislative Assembly today condoled progress. Regarding stock and supply position, presently sub-judice in the tioned strength of 1984 posts in various Abdul Rehman Veeri today ex - the sudden demise of Deputy Secretary he was informed that sufficient stock of rice, sug - Supreme Court of India. The educational institutions, 540 posts are Assembly Secretariat, Sayeed Mukhtar pressed sympathies with the ar, atta, k.oil & LPG is available at godowns of Minister said this while interven - vacant which include, Principals, Ahmed Bukhari, who breathed his last on bereaved family of Deputy FCI & FCS&CA. On the occasion, the DC also con - ing in the Lower House during the Headmasters, Lecturers, Masters, the intervening night 27/28 January 2017. ducted market checking and asked shopkeepers Secretary Syed Mukhtar debate on Discussion on Demand teachers and other staff in the con - As soon as the House convened in the not to violate the Essential Commodities Act. He Ahmed who died due to car - stituency. Giving further details, the of Grants of the departments un - morning, the Speaker, Kavinder Gupta directed them to display rate list issued by the diac arrest late Friday night. Minister said in , 29 der the charge of Chief Minister af - informed about the sudden demise of the Concerned Department in their respective Mr Veeri said he was one of schools are running in rented accom - Gool have been approved to be devel - ter the issue was raised by various Deputy Secretary. The House expressed shops. The DC directed the concerned to ensure the dedicated and upright offi - modation in Gool Constituency, out of oped as Model Schools in the said con - solidarity with the bereaved family and all essential services and commodities to the peo - legislators. They members also cers known to him personally. which 23 buildings are under construc - stituency, for which an amount of Rs 4 prayed for peace to the departed soul. A ple, so that they do not face any difficulty in view called for action against the police He prayed for the departed tion. Similarly in district Reasi, 51 lakh has been released for their devel - two-minute silence was observed as a of harsh weather conditions. ADC, ACR, Officers personal who resorted to cane- soul and strength for the be - schools are running in rented accom - opment. The under construction build - mark of respect to the deceased. of district administration, Engineers and other charging on protestors of SC and reaved family. modation. Besides, two Higher ings are at different stages of comple - concerned accompanied the DC during the visit. ST categories in Jammu today. Secondary Schools at Dharmari and tion, said the Minister. Dir FCS&CA takes stock of availability Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam celebrates Republic Day Several deputations of food-grains, essentials Principal Secy lauds VKWS for extending meet Dy CM SRINAGAR, JANUARY 28:- To take stock of the availability and distribution of essential educational facilities to underprivileged commodities to the people in the valley, the Director Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FSC&CA), Tassaduq Jeelani to - JAMMU, JANUARY 28 Suraj Singh Rathore, work - Secretary School Education belonging to the marginal - day convened a meeting here today. The meeting was attended ing president of VKWS Ruby highlighted the significance ized sections of the society. by the officers of the Department, besides representatives of FCI Vasudhaiava Sharma and other members of Republic Day saying India He also congratulated the or - and various Oil companies. During the meeting, it was given out Kutumbakm Welfare Society from the Society, teachers being the largest democracy ganization for educating that sufficient stocks of food grains and other essential com - (VKWS), a social organiza - and students were also pres - in the world occupies a spe - more than 10,000 students in modities are available at various godowns of the Department tion today organized a func - ent on the occasion. The func - cial place across the globe. He past 25 years and assured full and FCI which would suffice for the next two months. The repre - tion to celebrate Republic tion started with unfurling of exhorted upon the students support in further carrying sentatives of Oil Companies also told that LPG and other petrole - Day in which Principal National Flag by Shaleen to develop love and passion forward this noble cause by um products are also available in sufficient quantity at all de - Secretary School Education, Kabra which was followed by for constitution and the providing education to poor pots. It was further informed that, 3.65 lakh qtls of rice/atta, be - Shaleen Kabra, was the chief a cultural bonanza compris - country as they are the ones sections of the society. sides 20.52 lakh liters of K.Oil and 4.40 lakh LPG cylinders have guest. Director School been distributed to the consumers during the current month so ing patriotic songs and folk who have to keep alive the Shaleen Kabra appreciated Education Jammu, Babila dances presented by the stu - legacy by becoming responsi - the confidence, exuberance, far. Speaking on the occasion, the Director, FCS&CA, Tassaduq Rakwal, Chief Education dents of different schools run ble citizens. He compliment - joy and patriotic spirit JAMMU, JANUARY 28: Panchayat and Urban Local Jeelani impressed upon the concerned officers to ensure avail - Officer, Ram Pal, Deputy ability of food-grains and essential commodities to the con - by VKWS. Speaking on the ed VKWS for providing quali - demonstrated by the chil - bodies elections. “These vital Chief Education Officer, sumers, besides ensure regular market checking and book those occasion, the Principal ty education to the children dren in their performances. Several deputations from units of the government have a found in profiteering and hoarding. Billawar, Basohli and Kathua huge role in socio-economic today called on Deputy Chief transformation so it becomes DDC reviews dewatering measures, visits Anti-Leprosy Minister, Dr Nirmal Singh, our prime responsibility that DC Shopian reviews progress and apprised him of issues con - we participate in elections of fortnight in cerning development of their such government entities with of RDD works waterlogged areas of Srinagar city respective areas seeking early enthusiasm and commitment”, redress of the same. The he asserted. Emphasizing gov - SHOPIAN, JANNUARY 28: Kupwara from Deputy Chief Minister took SRINAGAR, JANUARY 28:- Bakshi Stadium, Iqbalabad, Department visited ernment’s agenda of equitable stock of various development District Development Commissioner Shopian, Manzoor Tatoo ground, Rathpora Samanderbagh and other ar - development in the state, Singh Jan 30 works being executed in these Ahmad Qadri, today chaired a meeting to review implementa - District Development Barthana, Hajiabad , eas of City and inspected de - said that the focus is being ac - areas under various projects of tion of various schemes being executed by Rural Development Commissioner Srinagar, Dr Kreshbal and Mahjoor Nagar watering measures under - KUPWARA, JANUARY 28: corded on enhancing the basic Rural Development, Power Department in the district. Assistant Commissioner Farooq Ahmad Lone, who is (Rahim Bagh). The meeting taken. The District facilities in the rural and far According to Deputy Development, R&B, PHE, Development, Chief Planning Officer, Block Development also holding the additional was also informed that Fire Development Commissioner flung areas so that the so far un - Commissioner Kupwara, Tourism, Health, Education Officers and other concerned attended the meeting. The meet - charge of Commissioner and Emergency Services directed officers to continue attended areas get the requi - anti-Leprosy fortnight will and allied departments. He ing discussed various ongoing developmental works under Srinagar Municipal Kashmir has also deployed the dewatering process round site facilities. The most effec - be observed in the district asked the people to ensure RDD in detail. It was given out that during the current fiscal Corporation (SMC) today re - Fire Tenders at the clock so that people do not tive tools of present dispensa - Rs.9.03 crore were spent on various projects under MGNRE - from January 30 to their participation in develop - viewed measures undertak - Moominabad, Humhama and face any difficulty. He also tion are ensuring a more re - GA, while as out of 990 works taken up 703 have been complet - February 13, 2017. The inau - ment projects being executed en for dewatering in water - JVC Bemina for dewatering appealed the people to contact sponsive, accountable and ed and work on rest is under progress. While reviewing the sta - guration function is sched - in their respective areas for ef - logged areas of Srinagar purposes. Meanwhile, the Control Room of Srinagar transparent administration to tus of the projects taken up under convergence, the DDC di - uled to be held on Monday fective implementation of City. On the occasion, it was Deputy Commissioner along Municipal Corporation on the people. Dr Singh assured rected the concerned to work with added zeal so that the set tar - (Jan. 30) at town hall these schemes. While interact - given out that SMC has de - with the officers of SMC, phone number: 0194-2474499 the delegations that every ini - gets are achieved well in time. He said schemes like MNREGA Kupwara. Senior district ing with the delegations, Dr ployed 23 Mobile dewatering Drainage, Mechanical and toll free no. 18001807038, tiative will be taken up to re - and IAY are meant to create durable assets in the far flung ar - and sectoral officers are at - Singh exhorted upon them to pumps in waterlogged areas Engineering, Fire and in case of any problem with dress the problems raised by eas and provide livelihood to the down trodden. tending the function. be prepared for the ensuing including Samanderbagh, Emergency Services regard to dewatering. them at the earliest. Glimpses of Future 5 local JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Nagaland shuts down as tribal Rahul calls Sukhbir Badal 'symbol of corruption', attacks Modi Jalalabad (Pb), Jan 28, (PTI) and on the other hand there is fighting corruption and on Rahul said Congress delivers the poor, downtrodden, Narendra Modi. Mr Modi the other hand he is trying to what it promises to the people Dalits, small farmers, labour - bodies protest against 33% Rahul Gandhi today comes here (to Punjab) and help India's most corrupt per - unlike other parties who al - ers and other weaker sections stepped up his attack against says he is against corruption son. So, Mr Modi, tell us clear - legedly betray people after and appealed to the public to the ruling Badals, calling and is fighting against cor - ly if you are fighting against coming to power. Attacking give the party a chance to Deputy CM Sukhbir Singh ruption." "Sab say zyada corruption, then why are you Arvind Kejriwal and AAP, serve them in Punjab. He also women quota in civic polls Badal a "symbol of corrup - brashtachar Hindustan main standing by Sukhbir Badal. Rahul said the Delhi CM had talked about the problems tion" and asking Prime a possible showdown with ek pradesh main hota hain. Why are you helping him. promised to voters that he faced by the common people Minister Narendra Modi to security forces. Groups of Aur us brashtchar ka koyee Entire Punjab knows Sukhbir will transform Delhi if his in the wake of demonetisa - clear the air on why he was volunteers have also been or - chin hain, koyee nishan hain, Badal is a symbol of corrup - party comes to power there, tion. Notably, Jalalabad seeking votes for the "cor - ganised by JCC to lay siege to toh uska naam Sukhbir Badal tion, but you say no no he is but "now various sections Assembly constituency is wit - rupt" if he was fighting administrative buildings hain. (In India, maximum cor - not a symbol of corruption. were up against them for be - nessing a high-profile contest against the menace. Rahul, and block key traffic junc - ruption takes place in one Now, whether people are fooling the people". "Ask au - this time, with two MP of rival who yesterday began his elec - tions. The government, sens - state. And if there is any sym - right or whether you (Modi) torickshaw wallahs, slum parties throwing their hat in tion tour to poll-bound ing violence, has sought the bol of this corruption, it is are right, we will come to dwellers, safai karamcharis, the ring to take on Sukhbir Punjab, today addressed a services of central paramili - Sukhbir Singh Badal)," Rahul know in polls," he said. Rahul poor, they will tell you the re - Badal. While Congress has poll rally in the pocket bor - tary forces besides putting said launching a sharp attack said the ruling Badals had ality," he said hitting out at fielded its Ludhiana MP ough of Sukhbir Badal here, the state police and comman - on Sukhbir, who is five-time "plundered" the State for their AAP. Rahul also said that Ravneet Singh Bittu to take from where the SAD presi - dos on high alert. Besides re - CM Prakash Singh Badal's own interests. "They have ru - Kejriwal knows fully well on Sukhbir Badal, AAP has dent is seeking re-election. strictions on large public son. Attacking Modi in the ined the State by controlling that his game is over in Delhi fielded its Sangrur MP The Nehru-Gandhi scion at - gathering, mobile phone da - same breath, Rahul said, everything here. The youth is and he is facing public wrath Bhagwant Mann from the tacked the Akalis for alleged - ta and broadband services in "Modi comes here (to Punjab), unemployed while the indus - there, which is why now he seat. Rahul yesterday began ly plundering Punjab and ap - Nagaland are expected to be delivers speech and says he is try is in shambles," he wants to become "Punjab's his Punjab tour by addressing pealed people to vote for the down from 5 5 am of January against corruption and has charged He promised that if CM". He, however, said that a rally at Majitha, from where Congress in the February 4 tions cannot be deferred and 29 to 10 pm on February 1, the waged a war against it. Modi Congress forms the govern - people of Punjab will never Cabinet Minister and Punjab Imphal Jan 28 polls "to transform Punjab". shall be taken to the logical day of polling. Meanwhile, tells people here is Sukhbir ment in Punjab, then the chose an "outsider". Rahul al - Deputy CM Sukhbir Badal's Attacking Sukhbir Badal and Much of Nagaland shut conclusion as per provision the Joint Action Committee Badal, you support him, vote regime led by Amarinder so said that Congress has al - brother-in-law, Bikram Singh Modi, Rahul said, "On one down on Saturday following of the law,” Himato on Women Reservation for him and re-elect him." "On Singh, will bring a tough law ways stood for and will al - Majithia is seeking re-elec - hand there is the Akali Dal a call by tribal organisations Zhimomi, commissioner and (JACWR) has appealed to the one hand, Modi says he is to tackle the drug problem. ways stand for the welfare of tion for third term. to protest against urban lo - secretary to Zeliang, said in tribal organisations to let cal body (ULB) elections signed statement on Friday the ULB polls be held with - scheduled for February 1. night. “We had no alterna - out further hiccups. “If the The strike will continue till tive but to impose the strike municipal polls are held election day with a day-long against the ULB polls where peacefully, we will withdraw Animal Board will not go against Tamil respite on Sunday. he strike quota, and not capability, the single leave petition (in is in retaliation to the has decided the candidature the Supreme Court, seeking Nagaland cabinet’s decision of women,” the JCC reservation for women),” on Friday night to go ahead spokesman said. The Abeiu Meru, JACWR con - Nadu’s Jallikattu law: Nirmala Sitharaman with the ULB polls. Tribal Nagaland ULB polls have not venor, said. The SC’s interim NGOs have been against the been held for more than 10 order based on the petition Chennai January 28 (PTI) Nadu Chief Minister O BJP on the issue, the BJP leader polls because 33% reserva - years because traditional made the Nagaland govern - Panneerselvam were allegedly said, “Congress should be apol - tion of seats for women tribal bodies that do not pro - ment adopt a resolution in Union Commerce Minister targeted by a section of protest - ogising to the people of Tamil across the state’s 32 munici - vide space for women in lo - the 60-member assembly to Nirmala Sitharaman on ers in a derogative fashion dur - Nadu. They were the ones who pal and town councils. cal administration were op - hold the ULB polls. The Saturday said the statutory ad - ing the stir. Answering a ques - brought the 2011 notification “Though the strike is from 6 posed to it. But Zeliang’s process was started on visory body Animal Welfare tion on alleged police excess that bulls cannot be performing am to 6 pm till February 1, Naga People’s Front (NPF) December 21 last year. In the Board of India (AWBI) will not and some uniformed personnel animals. The party read the there will be no strike on government is determined to face of opposition, intimida - challenge the law passed by involving in arson, Nirmala sentiment of the people wrong, Sunday,” said a spokesman hold the polls to convey the tion and threat of exile, can - Tamil Nadu to allow the bull said, “A fair probe should be they remained disconnected of the Joint Coordination message that the state and didates in only 26 of the taming sport of Jallikattu. held..people should not be tar - from the Tamil Nadu people.” Committee (JCC), the um - Nagas as a whole are not state’s 32 civic bodies filed “There is no animal welfare geted (by police).” She said both On a question related to the brella body of several tribal against empowering women. nominations. A total of 535 board case at all in the Supreme her party and the Central gov - Centre allegedly taking a organisations. Sunday is “The world is moving to - candidates including 188 Court,” she told reporters here ernment had always stood be - stance against Tamil Nadu on when most people in the wards greater gender equali - women had filed their nomi - while reacting to questions of hind the cause of Jallikattu. the setting up of Cauvery Christian-majority ty, and there is no reason nations. But by January 17, AWBI reportedly going against She said the Centre did not Management Board, Nirmala Nagaland head for the why women in Nagaland 140 of the candidates had the law in the apex bring an ordinance on allowing defended the Centre, saying the church. The JCC had earlier should not be given an op - withdrawn their nomina - court.Hitting out at “anti-na - the traditional sport as the one government had only told the called the strike from portunity to show their ad - tions under pressure, leav - tional” elements who had al - promulgated in 2016 was stayed top court that it should be done January 27 but deferred it af - ministrative capability ing 395 in the fray. Nagaland legedly burnt the national flag turned violent and who was be - such acts should be identified. by the apex court. “Had we is - through parliamentary ter chief minister TR Zeliang starting with local bodies,” election officials have not and targeted Prime Minister hind it, Nirmala, a native of “The institution of Prime sued one more ordinance to al - process and not based on a invited the tribe hohos (asso - NPF president Shurhozelie specified how many of the Narendra Modi in a disparag - Tamil Nadu, said, “There is ab - Minister should be respected, low Jallikattu, it would have court directive.\ On the ciations) for a discussion Liezietsu said. Nagaland has 140 who withdrew are ing fashion during the solutely no doubt that anti-na - whoever is the Prime been tantamount to disrespect - drought situation in Tamil that went nowhere.“After had no woman legislator women. Of the contestants Jallikattu stir at Marina beach tional forces had infiltrated.” Minister…today it is Modi, ing the court, that was why the Nadu, she said a Central team discussing at length the ap - since it became a state in standing, 17 have been ex - here, she said such groups Questioning if “those who burn there had been many before Centre did not issue an ordi - was assessing the damage. She peals made by various or - 1963.There have been re - communicated. All belong to should be identified and action the national flag and disrespect him, the position must be re - nance again and we supported added that Prime Minister ganisations for deferment of ports of people having been the Ao community, consid - taken against them. it were not anti-nationals,” she spected,” the Union Minister the state government in its ini - Narendra Modi was following the municipal elections, the armed with catapults, sticks ered among the most pro - Questioning how peaceful reiterated that such elements asserted. Prime Minister tiative,” she said. Answering a the line of “Team India,” and no cabinet decided that the elec - and other crude weapons for gressive of Naga tribes. protests at Marina beach had who had allegedly indulged in Narendra Modi and Tamil question on Congress targeting state will be ignored. Gujarat: Four Medical board fails to make any members of family Aadhaar covers 99% of killed in car crash Anand January 28 conclusion in report on Sunanda’s death

Four members of a family, in - New Delhi January 28, (PTI) Alprax in her stomach. cluding a five-year-old child, Sunanda (51) was found dead at adults in India: Prasad were killed in a car crash near The medical board consti - a suite in a five-star hotel in here in the wee hours of today, tuted to submit a report on the South Delhi on the night of NEW DELHI JAN 27 police said. The car, carrying death of Sunanda Pushkar, wife January 17, 2014, a day after her More than 111 crore people members of Surat-based of Congress leader Shashi spat with Pakistani journalist Dobariya family – who were Tharoor, has failed to make any Mehr Tarar on Twitter over now have an Aadhaar number, heading to a marriage function – conclusions in its findings sub - her alleged affair with covering more that 99% of the collided head-on with a truck mitted to Delhi Police. In its re - Tharoor. Several persons in - Indian adult population, the near Fatehpura village in port submitted to the SIT, cluding Tharoor have been government said. Enrolment Tarapur taluka of the district. which is probing the case, the questioned in connection with for Aadhar has increased to 7-8 Two other members of the fami - medical board, after studying her death. Police have also con - lakh per day post demonetisa - ly were seriously hurt and ad - the findings of FBI and AIIMS ducted polygraph test on six tion, against 5-6 lakh till Octo - mitted to a private hospital in said the cause of her death is in - persons, all prime witnesses in ber. There has also been an Anand town, they said.“The ac - conclusive. “The medical board the case, including Tharoor’s increase in use of Aadhaar-en - cident took place when the car, submitted its report a month study the findings of FBI and AI - the FBI lab to submit its final domestic help Narayan Singh, abled payments systems from in which six members of a family back and they have failed to IMS.Police is now waiting for list of observations so that they driver Bajrangi and Sanjay 2.57 crore transactions in Octo - give any conclusive results. We were travelling to Botad to at - retrieval of deleted chats from can be produced before a med - Dewan, a close friend of the ber 2016, to 2.69 crore in No - across the country and more monetisation and Digital India tend a relative’s marriage, collid - have asked them to study the Sunanda’s phone. In ical board. In January last year, couple. In February, Tarar was vember, to 3.73 crore in findings of FBI and AIIMS than 33.87 crore transactions drive towards (a) less-cash ed head-on with a truck on the September, Sunanda’s viscera a medical board comprising questioned about her relation December and to 2.06 crore again to draw a conclusion,” a have taken place using the plat - economy, Aadhaar is all set to Tarapur-Vataman state high - samples were brought back doctors from AIIMS, had given with the Congress leader and transactions in the first 15 days form, mainly in the rural be the game-changer with Aad - senior police officer said. The from a FBI lab in the US by the its opinion on the FBI report on way at around 2:30 am,” said his wife, her fight with of January. “Aadhaar genera - areas. About 4.47 crore bank haar Pay, a digital payment medical board, comprising doc - members of a Delhi Police team her viscera samples, unani - Sub-Inspector of Tarapur Police Sunanda over Twitter, and tion has crossed the 111-crore accounts have been opened till system which will eliminate tors from Delhi, Chandigarh probing the high profile case. mously concluding that there Station N L Pandor. other issues revolving around mark in a population of 125 date using Aadhaar eKYC as the need of card, pin, password and Puducherry was formed to The Delhi Police had also asked was presence of anxiety drug Sunanda’s death. crore in the country,” Minister compared with one lakh ac - or mobile with the customer,” for Electronics and IT Ravi counts opened as of May 2014. he said. Shankar Prasad said. “It is be - UIDAI has also witnessed a As of now, 14 banks have Centre committed to upholding freedom coming a powerful instrument spurt in authentication re - come on board for Aadhaar Antodaya Express for to bridge the digital divide… quests. “Till about 2-3 months Pay and we are speaking to As on date, Aadhaar’s total sat - back, UIDAI used to get around other banks also, he added. of expression, says Prakash Javadekar uration percentage is 91.7% (as 60-70 lakh authentication re - On privacy and data secu - per Census 2011), while over 99 quests per day which has al - rity concerns, the minister Guwahati January 28, (PTI) must be encouraged at all general passengers % adult population above age most tripled to around 2 crore said, “The government is vigi - costs as it has been seen that of 18 have been assigned Aad - such requests daily,” as per of - lant towards privacy protec - Union Minister Prakash the development of these plat - haar number.” He added that ficial data. tion and database security Javadekar on Saturday as - forms has not adversely af - to be flagged off soon 22 states and UTs have more The minister added that which is our paramount con - serted that the NDA govern - fected the publishing indus - that 90% Aadhaar saturation. the government has also inte - cern. We have Aadhaar Act ment was committed to up - try. He also called upon writ - New Delhi January 28 (PTI) The Aadhaar-Enabled Pay - grated the BHIM app with Aad - 2016 which has strict provi - holding freedom of expres - ers “to create a bridge” with Catering to the growing requirement of general passen - ment System (AEPS) is now haar, while Aadhaar Pay will sions for protection of data and sion, thoughts and writings in the readers and promote read - gers, Railways will introduce Antodaya superfast trains, a spe - connected with 119 banks all spheres of life. “Freedom of ing habits. “Readers’ partici - be launched soon. “With de - privacy.” cial service with many facilities for unreserved category, in expression, thought and writ - pation is very important and the high demand routes. Equipped with drinking water dis - ing is the very essence of the culture of reading is the penser, mobile phone charging points and fire extinguishers democracy and we are com - scribed libraries as the “pride essence of development of hu - GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR among others, the modern LHB coaches will be pressed into mitted to uphold it,” he said at of a nation” and said they man beings,” Javadekar said. service from the next month.Antodaya Express will be a fully IRRIGATION & FLOOD CONTROL DEPARTMENT the inauguration of the three- must be made “a part of our He hoped that literary festi - unreserved service for general class passengers and run in the day Brahmaputra Literary lives and set-up in every part vals were viewed as “cultural high density routes, a senior Railway Ministry official said. OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER IRRIGATION DIVISION NO.II JAMMU Festival here. The Union of the country”. “India has, investments” and held in all Provided with bio-toilets for zero discharge of effluents, Human Resources since ancient times, had a the states to celebrate the Tel/Fax: 0191-2457756 E- Mail:[email protected] Antodaya coaches will have toilet occupation indication lights Development Minister re - rich tradition of libraries in country’s diversity and plu - SHORT TERM NOTICE INVITING E- TENDERS called the “dark days of Nalanda, Taxila and provided at each end near the doorway with better visibility rality. On the occasion, E-NIT No. : 18 of 01/2016-17 Emergency against which we Vikramshila and history has Assam Chief Minister from compartments. Besides there will be cushioned seats, fought, went to jail and had it LED lights in the coach with aluminium composite panels in - For and on behalf of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir State, Executive Engineer Irrigation Division No-II, Jammu invites Short Term E- been witness to the fact that Sarbananda Sonowal said the Tenders (in two cover system) Cover Ist containing prequalification documents and Cover 2nd containing Price Bid from registered con - finally revoked” and said, invaders have always at - world knew Assam for its two terior for asthetic look. The official said the new Antodaya tractors of appropriate Class for the following works as detailed below:- “This government values tacked and vandalised li - rivers — Brahmaputra and service was budget commitment. Earlier Humsafar Express, a S. Name of work Amount of Earnest Time of Position Position Class of Cost of tender freedom of speech, thoughts braries first,” he fully 3AC service, also part of the budget announcement, was No work (Rs. Money completion of funds of AA/TS contractor docments Barak — and hoped that the in Lacs) (Rs.) (in days) (Rs) and writings as we believe added.Javadekar said all writers celebrated the cul - launched for Gorakhpur to New Delhi. After Antodaya, that this will take the nation Railways will launch Tejas Express, another special service in 1. Clearing grass and removal of the 1.09 2180 10 Demanded under B,C & D 500 kinds of reading — in print, ture, civilisation and strength rubbish from D-10A from RD 6- submisson forward.” Javadekar de - through audio or e-books — of the Brahmaputra. reserved class, which will be operational this year. 14760 Mtr at places of Ranbir Canal 2. Clearing grass/bushes from canal 1.61 3220 10 Demanded under B,C & D 500 berms and slopes of D-10 from submisson RD 10-20200 Mtr at places 3. Clearing grass/bushes from canal 0.91 1820 10 Demanded under B,C & D 500 Veteran Congress leader SM Krishna resigns from active politics berms and slopes of Tanda Branch submisson from RD 10-13000 Mtr at places Bengaluru January 28, from Karnataka, to persuade important organisational role Important Dates:- the veteran leader to take either at the national level or i) Date of Publishing from : 31-01-2017 (0900 Hrs.) Senior Congress leader ii) Downloading from : 31-01-2017 (0900 Hrs.) back the resignation. It is not in the state. He hardly attend - iii) Uploading from : 31-01-2017 (1000 Hrs.) and former Karnataka chief clear what prompted the for - ed meetings of the party’s iv) Uploading stops on : 06-02-2017 (1800 Hrs.) minister SM Krishna re - mer Union minister for exter - highest decision making body. v) Tender opens on : 07-02-2017 (1400 Hrs.- Subjective) signed from the party on nal affairs to take such a deci - Krishna led the Congress to 1. The bidding documents can be downloaded from the website http://jktenders.gov.in w.e.f. 31-01-2017 from 09:00 AM onwards. Saturday. The 85-year-old 2. The bids shall be uploaded/ submitted in electronic format on the website http://jktendersgov.in from 31-01-2017 (10:00 AM). sion. Krishna was not avail - victory in the state in 1999 and 3. The complete bidding process will be online. leader conveyed his decision able for comment. However, served as the chief minister 4. The tender uploaded on the website up to due date will be opened on 07-02-2017 (02:00 PM) in the office of the Executive Engineer to quit from the Congress he has called a press confer - till 2004. He was instrumental Irrigation Division No-II, Jammu in the presence of the bidders who wish to attend. If the office happens to be closed on the date of opening Working Committee (CWC) in ence on Sunday, where he is in making Bengaluru the IT of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. a letter submitted to party 5. Bidding documents can be seen and downloaded from the website http://jktenders.gov.in Bidding documents contain qualifying criteria for expected to speak about his capital of the country. He first bidders and other details such as terms and conditions etc. president Sonia Gandhi. decision. Congress sources became a member of parlia - 6. Documents in Physical form shall be accepted only upto 2:00 PM on 07-02-2017 while uploading shall stop on 06-02-2017 at 06:00 PM. Taken aback by his move, the said Krishna was feeling “suf - ment (MP) in 1968 from 7. Other relevant details can be seen in the bidding documents so downloaded Congress leadership has de - (Er. Naresh Kumar) focated” in the party for a long Mandya. He also served as the Executive Engineer puted party general secretary time. Though inducted into governor of Maharashtra for DIP/J - 8877 Irrigation Division No.II BK Hariprasad, who hails the CWC, he was not given any the period 2004-2008. Dt. 28-01-17 Jammu Glimpses of Future 6 opinion/edit JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Glimpses of Future The politics of demonetisation By : Zoya Hassan on demonetisation. The tussle between the fighting corruption and black money and a significant portion of illegal wealth is Referendum As Parliament prepares to convene government and the Opposition washed divert attention from its perceived fail - stored in the form of banknotes when it is again after a winter session washed out out the entire winter session. Opposition ures on this and other fronts. Instead of well known that it is not. By December 30, n eighth of November Indian public was taken by sur- due to the Opposition’s protest on demon - parties staged several protests in different finding ways to tackle graft through the practically the entire stock of old bank parts of the country, but this d id not coalesce tightening of regulations and controls on notes had been deposited, thus undermin - prise by the announcement Prime Minister Narinder etisation, it is worth asking why political mobilisation against the exercise is prov - into a larger expression of protest against real estate and political party funding, de - ing the government’s claim of extinguish - r- the government despite the pain caused by monetisation was promised as the ulti - ing black money. This happened within a OModi made on government run Doordarshan. Big cu ing to be so difficult Demonetisation has rency notes were banned. Panicked people came out on roads been the most hotly debated topic since dem onetisation to the poor who ha ve suf - mate solution. As a political decision, de - few weeks of the announcement. It put November 8, when Prime Minister fered overwhelmingly because of it. The monetisation was aimed at setting the paid to hopes that the government can and made beelines outside ATM that dried in few hours. The Narendra Modi announced that the high- questi on that needs to be asked con cerns the agenda for State Assembly elections. The profit from old and unreturned notes as decision was welcomed by many and criticised by a large pop- denomination notes then in circulation relative importance of social and political timing of the decision clearly indicates the Reserve Bank of India could transfer influences that generated greater support this: it was announced three months be - that money to the government to spend. ulation. Business and daily workers were hit by the decision. would cease to be legal tender. In a single stroke, nearly 86% of the currency in an than opposition against demonetisation. fore five Assembly elections, particularly Given the failure of the initial drive Society is now divided as there is a section that says the step economy powered by cash transactions, Diversionary tactic in the crucial State of UP. It was unleashed against black money, the goalpost was Much of the debate on the demonetisa - as a political strategy to checkmate region - changed from curbing black money to taken by PM is revolutionary and will change the future of with 54% people without bank accounts, was wiped out. The move disrupted the tion move has focussed on its economic al parties (by threatening their cash re - cashless economy to digital transactions, country while other section says the decision has spoiled the lives of ordinary people, led to widespread consequences; not enough attention has serves) and expand the BJP’s support base all this to justify the move which had been paid to the politics of this drastic deci - in the heartland by projecting de - caused so much disruption. Nonetheless, growth of country. Any information concerning currency and hardship for the poor, major job losses and over a hundred deaths. Despite the huge sion which can possibly explain the luke - monetisation as a pro-poor measure. the 50-day deadline for depositing old demonetisation decision is denied to RTI activists. An RTI that distress and disruption, the general senti - warm opposition to it. One of Mr. Modi’s Shifting goalposts notes allowed the government time to demanded details regarding decision of demonetisation was ment seemed to be in favour of the deci - big campaign promises was to end corrup - With this background in mind, it is reposition demonetisation, which made it sion. The shock move invited widespread tion. But that didn’t happen. The growing possible to speculate about the political more difficult to trigger and sustain not answered properly by the PMO earlier. Now a new RTI criticism. It provoked protests and a lot of criticism of the government’s failure to de - repercussions of demonetisation on popu - protests. ‘Good’ intent, ‘bad’ management that wasnted to know the quantum of new currency notes of Rs anger and agitation, but most of it was di - liver on the promise of bringing back lar discontent. The focus of discussion has Further evidence of the overwhelming in - black money stashed abroad and deposit - been the inconvenience, not the policy of fluence of what might be loosely termed as nd Rs 500 printed before the announcement of demoneti- rected against local irritants, particularly 2,000 a banks. There are numerous reports of an - ing ₹15 lakh into every bank account as demonetisation the acme of unreason (it is political constraints emerges from the fact sation on November 8 was replied that information cannot be gry crowds locking up banks and jamming promised at the time of the Lok Sabha polls not open to question) which exposed a de - that even critics assume demonetisation led the Prime Minister to do something liberative deficit in the government and was motivated by good intent, which disclosed as it may affect interests of the State, a subsidiary of roads to protest against the non-disburse - ment of cash. As for more organised oppo - bold to offset the negative feelings in the cast a shadow on its capacity to effect makes it more difficult to go against it. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) responsible for printing currency. sition, the winter session of Parliament context of impending State elections. It sound policies. In the event, the efforts to This intent was supposed to include the was seen as a dramatic measure that combat black money have been so far inef - elimination of black money, the curbing of The response of the subsidiary came following an RTI query saw Opposition parties locking horns with the government over demands for a vote would enhance the regime’s credibility in fective. The government has assumed that The politics on PAGE 7 sent to RBI under the Right to Information Act seeking to know the preparedness of the Bankers' Bank to handle the for the rise of the ISIS lies in the misman - cash crisis arising out of sudden announcement by Prime agement of the post-Saddam Iraqi Minister Narendra Modi to demonetise Rs 1,000 and Rs 500. Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s jehad against ISIS Government led by Shia Prime Minister forwarded the query to Bhartiya Reserve Maliki. His partisan attitude towards the The central bank By : MakHan saikia ment of the ISIS and its loose alliance with of jehadi forces and came almost to the minority Sunnis, who were dethroned Bank Note (P) Limited, Bengaluru which is wholly owned sub- Even though Sistani's fatwa is all for disenfranchised Sunni tribes and insur - brink of ripping Iraq apart. The most dis - from power by the US-led coalition forces, gent gangs. Indeed, it was a potential astrous impact after the American inva - sidiary of RBI to respond to query "how much currency of new defending the land and the Shia shrines, added fuel to the fire. Moreover, after the many political analysts doubt about his threat to the survival of the Iraqi sion came in the form of the emergence of Western forces gradually started with - Rs 2,000 and Rs 500 was printed before announcement of cessa- real intentions. To them, Sistani’s appeal Government. Thus, his call was backed the al-Qaeda splinter groups. They alto - drawing from Iraq in 2010, the local tion of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 as legal tender was made on will intensify the sectarian war. Let's see by the apprehension of Iraq’s disintegra - gether pushed the nation to a point of no Government too failed in convincing the how Sistani's call, backed by the State tion which appeared imminent in the last return. Out of all these radical groups, the Sunnis, who felt unsafe, that they are safe November 8". In its response to RTI query, BRBNL said the in- force, finally wrests control of the vital two years. Today, the post-war Iraq is in a rise of the ISIS on the ashes of the under the Shia dispensation. And after formation cannot be disclosed citing section 8(1)(a) of the RTI parts of Iraq from the ISIS. Grand shambles. Though it has brought back an American invasion has almost shaken Maliki left office, his successor Haider al- elected Government much before the US- the entire West Asia and nearly redrawn Abadi could hardly contain the unrest. Act. The section allows declining information disclosure of Ayatollah Al-Sayyid Ali al-Husseini al- Sistani, one of the most revered Shia cler - led troops left the war-torn country, it has the boundaries of the region, albeit tem - But, sensing trouble with the impeding which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity ics of the world, had given a call to arm remained a virtual conflict zone till date. porarily. The arrival of the ISIS to the re - rise of the ISIS in the belt, Maliki only for - Removing brutal dictator Saddam gion has brought in a resurgent phase in of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic inter- against the dreaded Islamic State (ISIS) in mally established the Popular June 2014. His influence across the Shia Hussain was not a solution, rather it has militant Islamic radical path. Needless to Mobilisation Forces (PMF) or known in ests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incite- world is unrivalled as he rarely involves added a number of problems for the Iraqi say, the ISIS has been able to earmark a Arabic as ‘al-Hashd al-Shaabi’. Majority citizens. After his departure, the deep new territory of its own, defying both the ment of an offence. The RBI has not been fothcoming with in- himself in politics or any military strate - of the Shias support the umbrella group gy of the Governments. His fatwa was wounds in the Iraqi society have raised global governance institutions and the PMF in its war against the ISIS. Strictly formation about currency situation in the country and its pre- more than just a call as it was done under their ugly heads in a much more forceful sovereign authorities of almost all the guided by Sistani’s fatwa called ‘al-wajib paredness in the wake of demonetisation citing one exemption grave circumstances. Normally, he fol - and destructive manner. With his fall, the States of West Asia. And most noticeably, al-kifai’ which underlines that the num - lows a Shia doctrine of “quietism”, which installed Government of Nouri al-Maliki its heaviest impact has fallen on two ber of fighters should be restricted to only or the other. Citizens have the right to know what their gov- steadfastly advances Islamic principles, could hardly herald any change, except States first Iraq, and then Syria. As ISIS is as many as required to combate the ISIS, ernment is doing for them and they should be supplied with but shuns a political role for its religious widening the gap between the majority purely a Sunni insurgent group, its as - PMF got overwhelming support. “We in Shias and the minority Sunnis. Even if sault has been entirely directed against Parliament, in the Government, and in all maximum possible information to boost confidence in system preachers. That is why the reclusive leader issued the fatwa to rein in many of the new Government considerably repre - Shias. The ISIS has implemented greater places, have as our top issues that al- of governance. Polls in Punjab, UP, Goa and other states will be his followers and experts on Iraq. And, he sented all the three major sections the violence on the ground with the help of Hashd al-Shaabi is trained, armed and foresaw an imminent threat to the entire Shias, the Sunnis and the Kurds the post- well-equipped force, finance, technology paid”. As the Iraqi State is in deep finan - a sort of referendum on demonetisation. Saddam era has witnessed mushrooming and global network. Much of the reason Shia community with the forward move - Grand on PAGE 7 What’s better: Trumpcare or Obamacare? Time to take stock By : t C a RanganatHan By : Manan DwiveDi islation being the bettering the lot of the unin - regime and the myriad private firms and em- ambit of the scheme is challenged by the policy sured, who already have the scheme while ployers who come under the purview of the discretion of the constituent States. The We are now well in the ‘post demonetisation’ era, a In the true tradition of being a welfare na - bringing in a larger corpus within its ambit. ACA stipulations. Republicans have also re - Republican-Freedom Caucus members such as monetary sector reform to clean up black money and cor- tion, the Federal Government in the United The initiative’s early bird value has been ferred to the much-publicised health law to be Raul Labrador, Ken Buck and Thomas Massie ruption. It is thus a good time to take stock. It needs recogni- States has to don the mantle of health-care phi- wrongly attributed to the outgoing President, blown out of proportions for its philanthropic from Kentucky are not much in line with the tion that the country has so far stoically cooperated though lanthropy. Obamacare was a reformative while it was personages such as Mitt Romney, zeal and also as instituting conflict between em- prospective Republican repeal of Obamacare. the devastation has been considerable and more so in the health-care insurance programme which who initiated the provisions of “Romney Care” ployers and employees. One of the strange pro- Thus, the Republican flock too is a divided unorganised sector and our far flung remote areas. This posits a reformist framework to serve as an ide- in the State of Massachusetts. An Obamacare visions under the ACA happens to be the stipu- house as some of the legislators have demanded support was given despite severe, sudden and unforeseen al and staple ameliorative initiative to emerge portal lays down the shortcomings of the gener- lation that children can stay within the ambit of that President Trump has to chalk out an alter- hardship in a land of ‘a million mutinies’ and’ argumenta- from the corpus of the “Yes We Can” narrative al health-care system contending, “Those with the legislation till the age of 26 which might be native health-care option before doing away tive Indians’. The underlying reason has been a sense of in the US. With the farewell address of lower incomes, disabilities and pre-existing very populist in its nature as a health-care pro- with the auspices of the industrious trust, across states and communities that tangible benefits President Obama, the American spreadeagling conditions might not have received the right vision. It has been appropriately pointed out Obamacare. Tom Price has been designated for will flow in the ‘post’ period. The remonetisation exercise of the democratic experiment, social justice, care or been denied coverage due to any num- that the Supreme Court stricture has suggested the US health care and the Human Service would have revealed to the authorities the agonising ineffi- egalitarianism, along with the fanfare of a per- ber of factors.” Still, what President Trump to the constituent states to expand the ambit of Department and the attendant storm is that ciency in the ‘real sector’ - in the form of printing capaci- sonage’s emotive appeal, happen to rule the pointed out during his campaign trail was the the Federal and pre-existing programme of Trump has earlier declared emphatically that ties, transportation systems and management reflexes — roost. It was an outgoing effort to propagandise idiom that many citizens might perceive the Medic aid. The court has facilitated selection of the Americans are going to be “very very which make most parts of the country akin to ‘far flung/re- against President Donald Trump with an objec- health framework as being mandatory and options by ensuring that no Federal stricture proud” of the “repeal and replace” new legisla- mote’ for cash resupply, regardless of physical distances. tive to keep the pot simmering, thus endanger- compulsory with the attachment of the plans can force the receptacle States to implement tion pertaining to the nation’s health care. The As authorities battle to speed up remonetisation by tack- ing the credibility of the new President who has being added with the annual tax returns. Still, Medic aid in the larger interest of the common- queries which have been raised amount to the ling ‘real sector‘ issues, they could also pause to reflect on been duly elected by the American nation de - there are some 30 million people amounting to ers. This leaves the uninsured still open to for - fact that what do the 20 million odd Americans the equally undeniable fact that similar daily challenges void of any butterfly votes controversies which 10 per cent of the nation’s population, who, can- tuitous circumstances. As a piece of informa - do with the instability and will they remain cov- are faced by those ‘not in authority’, in areas as diverse as shadowed the election of Presidents such as not afford any of the prescribed premiums. tion, health respondents in the State of ered with the Trumpcare? One may ask that ramshackle schooling/hospital care or even basic issues George Bush Jr. The key health-care plank of Still, it can be aptly pointed out that before the Kentucky have been wary of some of the varia- what will be the new health option for the hoi such as safety and cleanliness or employment. While the ju- the outgoing President, which after President larger histrionics of the ACA became afloat, tions of the ACA with the State having a quan - polloi. The Republicans have contended that ry is still out on whether demonetisation will or will not Trump signed an executive order late Friday around 85 per cent of the nation’s population tum of around 14 per cent of its citizens being the new President could expand the Health prove beneficial, it needs recognition that individual as- giving federal agencies broad powers to un - was already insured some way or the other. uncovered by any form of health insurance. Saving Accounts and make an effort to shift sessments of the currently quasi-enfranchised majority wind regulations created under the Affordable Thus, the messiah like evangelical zeal to be at- This reflects the need for a federally regulated health-care control from the employers to the would be based on whether their life prospects have im- Care Act (ACA), sought to ideally herald the en- tached to the much anointed Obamacare is an option which is more stringently applicable to employee. The Trump framework can also posit proved in the ‘post’ period via more and better quality jobs franchisement of the impoverished. The ACA over exaggeration. The Supreme Court, too, in the constituent mandarins of the States. The a much larger tax free incentive to these health- and life quality. Ironically, however, these future trajecto- or Obamacare came into effect in October 2013. its ruling in 2016 ushered in a debate for a com- universal nature of the Obamacare palliative is care accounts which President Trump can lap ries of life prospects will be defined not by what was an- One of the key objectives of the reformative leg- promise to be attained between the federal itself in question when even the nation-wide up conveniently. nounced on November 8 in India but because of what was declared on November 9 in the USA and a few weeks earlier in UK or what could occur in Italy etc. The emerging mar- kets had hugely benefited. To illustrate, in the emerging market economies (EMEs), growth rose from 3.8% during Recreating the spirit of spiritual Swaraj 1989 to 1998 to 6.4% in 1999 to 2008, even as advanced economies (AE) grew steadily at around 2.7%. In 1990, the By : Js RaJput Indians’. Yes, that should be possible provid- mitment and eager to perform their duties for Swaraj as was normally interpreted, to in- combined share of EMEs in global GDP was 20% at market exchange rates and 30.7% in PPP terms. By 2013, these Short-term policy actions are necessary, ed the real meaning of Swaraj is thoroughly others, ready to serve others. They would be clude moral, ethical and spiritual dimen- understood and put to practice by the elected equipped to wake up citizens to ensure that sions, apart from its political imperatives and share ratios were 39.3-50.9%. In large part, this occurred as but are not sufficient. Tangible strategies will EME trade/worker remittance growth exceeded AE rates. require ethically sound ideas with thorough representatives, bureaucracy and institu- only the honest are elected by people in place economic implications. Attaining Swaraj, to him, was not mere relinquishing of the power The Indian growth story post the 1991-92 liberalisation thus understanding of ‘India and Indians'. For this, was not unique but in a way, rode the globalisation induced real meaning of Swaraj must be understood. It of governance by the British and their depar- ture back to their homeland, and taking over growth. The world has however slowed down in the past 2-3 appears highly unlikely, under the prevailing n referendum of the reins of the Government of India by the years. The Brexit, Trump election and Italia conditions, that India could get rid of black sults are occurring due to perceptions that ‘better days’ Indians. It was much more than that: re money and corruption in the near future. It could again be witnessed in AEs by closing or reducing ac- “Responsibility of ruling their country in the has prominently emerged, during the last two cess to their product and labour markets. spirit of self control, as against of self-indul- months, that people are willing to undergo The AEs are not only the main dem¬and centres but al- gence”. On April 28, 1946, he wrote in Harijan hardships in the hope that once these two ex- so occupy the best ranks in any real sector measurement in- that “self discipline or rule over self is the first ploitative entities are removed, or substan- dex. India, though an important demand centre, features tially reduced; life would become easier and condition of self rule or Swaraj”. Narayan amongst the world’s lowest in these indices. The implica- probably more dignified. The hope generated Desai, who spent first 22 years of his life in the tions of the likely retreat of globalisation of future Indian by the introduction of new currency has been Ashram of Mahatma Gandhi in his close prox- growth and employment potential therefore require care- considerably dampened by the numerous in- imity, outlines the elements of Swaraj as con- ful thought. It would further assist though, if international stances of recovery of hundreds of crores of ceptualixed by the Mahatama: “It was a socie- studies on black money or shadow economies are exam- new currency from people who had no busi- ty where the individual got the opportunity to ined. India has always been quoted to be a high black mon- ness to hoard it. Those involved in misdeeds develop materially and spiritually without ey country and one of the important contributing factors is and unethical diversions of new currency hampering the development of other individ- the very high usage of cash in transactions. While formal were all resourceful, educated and profes- uals. It was also a society where the individ- studies evaluating the percentage share of cash to sionally competent persons and groups! They ual offered his talents and services for the so- cheque/electronic transactions or cash to GDP are not easi- left the illiterate, weak and deprived and poor ciety ad took care of the welfare of the individ- ly accessible, it is undoubtedly true that Indian ratio of to suffer their well-planned and precisely exe- ual. Gandhi envisaged a society where the in- above 12% is amongst the highest in the world and has in- cuted machinations. Apart from illegality dividual will be devoted to the family, the fam- creased over time. Our peer group EMEs like Brazil, dence and immorality, these educated ones inflicted ily to the village, the village to a larger group Me¬xico and South Africa do have much lower depen ut going by Sch¬neider (2010), also have a higher avoidable inconvenience and torture on tions created to prepare generations ahead. of money bags and unscrupulously greedy as- of villages until these concentric circles on cash b share of black money in relation to their GDPs. These coun- everyone who was not in their fold. Unless India acknowledges its obligation to pirants. Tough it may appear, but efforts must would touch the zenith of the globe”. tries are also significantly higher in the literacy, urbanisa- It also stands confirmed once again that prepare young men and women in its schools begin on these two counts. Churning of the Obviously, in such a society, there would tion and labour productivity indices which also have a short-term administrative and policing ac- and institutions fully imbued with humanis- minds of themasses must begin how to pre- be no place for violence, hatred, bigotry, dis- bearing on lower need for cash. It thus needs dispassionate tions may be necessary but are not sufficient tic, moral and ethical values, schemes and ini- vent the hijacking of real Swaraj by the trust, exploitation and injustice. It would take analysis whether the governing force for currency demand to bring long-term sustainable improvements tiatives to ameliorate the lot of the weak and greedy and unscrupulous. Swaraj, literally special care of the disadvantaged, disabled unprivileged shall be invariably reduced to meaning, ‘self-rule’, became a household term and deprived. Those outcastes from the socie- lies in increasing ‘black intent’ or is due to growth in pe- in the situation. Tangible strategies would ripheral areas in a differently structured economy. We emerge out of ethically sound and pragmati- ‘another’ source of accumulating black mon- in un-partitioned India. When Lokmanya ty for ages, on the pretext of caste and creed, ey and earning and amassing ill-gotten mon- Tilak declared, “Swaraj is my birthright”, it shall have to be supported to enjoy a sense of thus need to examine whether, post demonetisation, we cally implementable conceptualisations that should debate currency to GDP ratios or focus more on ‘re- indicate through understanding of ‘India and ey. This strategy could be woven around caught the fancy of every Indian. Mahatma dignity and self confidence along with others. preparing young persons of character, com- Gandhi further expanded the horizons of Recreating on PAGE 7 Time to take on PAGE 7 Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press, 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-25472420, RNI NO. 43798/86, emails : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 national JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Protests against ban on Kambala Jolt to BJP as Adityanath's HYV fields candidates in 6 seats Gorakhpur (UP), Jan 28 : (PTI) intensify in Dakshina Kannada In a jolt to BJP, Hindu Yuva Moodabidri (Karna), Jan 28 : (PTI) ture and an 800-year-old tradi - and anchored by one person. akin to calling for a ban on a traditional form was non- Vahini, floated by its firebrand tion which was is indivisible They are made to run in paral - child protection organisation competitive, but over the leader and Lok Sabha member Raising the pitch for lift - component of our lives, the lel muddy tracks in a competi - which saves children from il - years, it has become an organ - Yogi Adityanath, has fielded ing the ban on annual buffalo supporters said, emphasising tion in which the fastest team legal trafficking. We should ised sport. candidates against the saffron race "Kambala" in Karnataka, that they treated the buffaloes wins. Kambala is believed to all be concerned that such an Animal rights activists party in six Assembly seats in thousands of people today as their own children and no be held to propitiate the Gods action is being called for," she claim that the buffaloes run in Uttar Pradesh. Adityanath, an staged a massive rally in violence was involved unlike for a good harvest, besides be - said.After the massive the race due to fear of being MP from Gorakhpur, however, Dakshina Kannada district in Jallikattu, where deaths ing a recreational sport for protests in Chennai gained beaten, which the organisers sought to distance himself from here in support of the tradi - and injuries to many occur. farmers. Meanwhile, a PETA success with the revocation of dismiss, saying no violence is the decision, saying the step tional sport, even as protests The protest was called by vari - statement said agitators in ban on 'Jallikattu', leaders involved and that modifica - was illegal and against the poli - on the issue intensified. ous committees associated Karnataka have taken a leaf across political parties have tions had been made to ensure cies of the outfit. "We have field - Amid tight security, with the organisation of the out of the pro-Jallikattu pro - supported a similar action to that it is animal friendly. ed candidates on six seats against all those venturing into outfit has identified 64 seats in Kambala supporters marched sport, including the District testers' book and begun to facilitate Kambala. A division Facing growing demand spread over three districts in politics as this is illegal and eastern Uttar Pradesh to field in a nearly four-km long pro - Kambala Samiti, Sampradaya falsely label PETA India as bench of the Karnataka High for holding Kambala after the the eastern region of the state," against the ideals and policies its candidates. They said the cession from Swaraj Maidan Kambala Samiti, Kambala "foreign" and were now call - Court, headed by Chief success of the Jallikattu stir in HYV state unit chief Sunil of HYV," said Adityanath, a Vahini felt BJP has "insulted" with 200 bullocks and ended Academy and Moodbidri Koti- ing for banning the organisa - Justice S K Mukherjee, in an Tamil Nadu, Karnataka Chief Singh said. The seats are five-time BJP MP and star cam - their leader who is also the their protest against the ban Chennaya Jodukare Kambala tion.Poorva Joshipura, PETA interim order in November Minister Siddaramaiah has Padrauna, Khadda, Kasya (all paigner for the party in the up - head priest of the famous at Kadalakere Nisargadhama Samiti. A symbolic Kambala India CEO, said the PETA 2016, had stayed holding of said an ordinance could be Kushinagar), Paniyara coming polls. Sunil, on the oth - Gorakhnath temple here. "We Kambala Track. The protest - was planned earlier as part of India was a law abiding organ - Kambala on a petition by PE - brought in, if necessary, to al - (Gorakhpur) and Siswa and er hand, said HYV has been will come out with a list of more ers holding placards and the protest, but was given up isation which has spent the TA challenging it in view of low the event after seeking le - Pharenda (Maharajganj). working on Hindutva agenda candidates in the coming shouting slogans demanded after persuasion by district last 17 years advocating 'ahim - orders passed by the Supreme gal opinion. He had also asked Interestingly, these candidates and this is the best opportunity days," an HYV leader request - an ordinance, as was done in authorities against violating sa' (non violence), promoting Court on Jallikattu. Kambala the Centre to take a will cross swords with BJP's of - for the Vahini to field candi - ing anonymity said. Showing the case of Jallikattu (bull the law. The matter is before vegetarian foods and clothing, committees have filed an in - favourable stand on Kambala ficial candidates whose names dates to set things right. There resentment over BJP not pro - taming sport) in Tamil Nadu, the Karnataka High Court at facilitating free veterinary terim application, seeking va - as it did on Jallikattu, where have already been declared for had been a strong demand in jecting Adityanath as the par - to permit holding of the folk present and it will hear the care for working animals cation of the stay. The ban has both Tamil Nadu and Central these six seats. Aditynath, BJP, especially in the strong - ty's chief ministerial candi - sport which is part of the tra - case on January 31. The annu - whose owners cannot afford sparked a debate on whether governments, after facing when contacted, said HYV is a hold of Adityanath, to declare date, he was also upset over dition of the coastal Dakshina al sport, held from November it, among other life saving ac - the event amounts to cruelty public pressure moved swiftly social organisation and there him as the chief ministerial BJP giving tickets to only two Kannada and Udupi districts. to March, involves a pair of tivities. "Calling for a ban on to animals or is just a simple to facilitate the bull-taming are no plans before it to join pol - candidate in the elections. of the ten candidates recom - Kambala was part of agricul - buffaloes tied to the plough PETA India would also be rural sport. Kambala in its sport. itics. "Action will be taken Sources in the HYV said the mended by the BJP leader . CONTN. FROM PAGE 6 Grand ...... cial mess, because of its massive investment in continued ments through Government websites. Moreover, the funds for the wars since 2003, its forces are paid barely, whereas the PMF like management of the PMF is now under the control of the Prime entities are paying considerably well to its fighters. Another rea- Minister, so he desires to use the power of the purse to wrest con- son that attracts the recruits is the objective to protect the histori- trol of the group from the hands of the sub-State actors, militias cally significant Shia religious sites across Iraq. Indeed, Sistani’s and well-known proxies who all have their own vested interests much talked about fatwa first called to protect the holy shrines in the process. But then will Sistani’s grand call to fight the and then to liberate their homelands from both the internal and demons of the ISIS bring an end to the jihadis? Is it not going to fu- external enemies — mostly the ISIS. This has driven thousands to el another series of sectarian wars against the minorities, partic- come forward to sacrifice their lives. Besides, the State’s army ularly the Sunnis? Is it a good sign that the sub-State actors are in- and particularly the Ministry of Defence (MOD) are widely con - creasingly taking precedence over the nation-State in Iraq? To be sidered corrupt. Simultaneously, the PMF is viewed as corrup - precise, his call to prevent the macabre cruelties and fast ad - tion free and its leadership has maintained a clean image so far. vancements of the ISIS can be treated as a timely deterrent for The sheer extent of such a large recruitment to the PMF may seem now. His is a rare call, unlike many other Islamic clerics who in- to be like a form of conscription. But there is none as such, but it tervene regularly in State affairs. It will certainly consolidate the can’t be denied altogether in an indirect way. From the beginning community against murderers. Considering his massive reli - of its formation, it has been observed that various Government of- gious appeal, the State can bank on it, as it is doing for right now, ficials, political parties and the religious establishment are all and this will be an added force for the restive country, in the days there behind the grand recruitment process. For instance, the to come. Even though Sistani’s fatwa is all for defending the land country’s top Shia politicians like Hamoudi, who is a member of and the shrines as the PMF advocates, but many political analysts the Ammar al-Hakim’s Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, one of doubt about his real intentions. To them, Sistani’s appeal will in- the largest Shia political parties, directly supervises both the es- tensfity the sectarian war and this will weaken the country’s al - tablishment of recruitment camps and training grounds for the ready tumultuous political atmosphere. Let’s see how Sistani’s PMF. At the same time, Abadi is keen to institutionalise the PMF. call backed by the State force finally wrest control of the vital Thus, many politicians and officials are calling for fresh recruit- parts of Iraq from the ISIS in the days to come. The politics ...... counterfeiting, controlling terrorism and moving the nation ble action against black money successfully channels the anger of NCC cadets march past during the Prime Minister's NCC Rally, in New Delhi. to a cashless age. Most critics of the government have had to pref- the people in favour of those who are seen to be doing something to ace their criticism with a disclaimer acknowledging the laudable eradicate it. Third, to strengthen his position, the Prime Minister motivations of the exercise even as they bemoan its incompetent has repeatedly offered the trope of nationalism so that anyone op- South African implementation. This shields the Prime Minister and the govern- posing demonetisation is denounced as corrupt and anti-national. President launches pulse polio ment from criticism, which is limited to inconvenience and time The analogy with a war against corruption is also designed to do woman arrested, spent in accessing bank accounts. But the poor and people work- this, to make people participate in a sacrifice for ‘cleaning up’ the ing in the informal sector have not only been inconvenienced, nation. Thus, the Prime Minister compared the war on black mon- over 1 kg they have been dislocated and their livelihoods irreparably dam- ey to the external aggressions India faced in 1962, 1965, 1971 and immunization programme aged. Standing in a queue or being late to work is an inconven - 1999 (Kargil), when the ‘intrinsic strength’ of citizens was on dis- cocaine seized ience, but collapsing businesses an New Delhi, Jan 28 : (PTI) d losing jobs go beyond incon- play. He went on to add: “Such collective energy and patriotism is Chennai, Jan 28 (PTI) venience. At the social level, demonetisation was presented as a understandable in the face of external threats. However, when President Pranab great moral project to clean up the national economy. It has been crores of Indians unite to fight a war against internal evils, it is un- Mukherjee today launched More than one kg of co - portrayed as a crusade against tax evaders to help the poor. Mr. paralleled.” Hyper-nationalism and grandiloquent rhetoric are the pulse polio programme for caine, worth Rs 5 crore, was Modi describes it as ‘redistributive justice’, ‘a war unleashed constant responses of this government every time it finds itself on 2017 by administering polio seized and a South African against the corrupt’ and venal elite flaunting their black money. the defensive. Any discussion of public protests must also take in- drops to children aged below woman, who had swallowed Hence, many people believe that in trying to curb black money, to account the fact that large and visible protests are not sponta - five years at the Rashtrapati capsules containing the contra - Mr. Modi is acting against the unscrupulous rich hoarding piles of neous, they are usually an outcome of mobilisation by political Bhavan here. The programme band, arrested at the airport illicit cash. The idea that the rich are suffering because this was a parties; but parties have been stymied because mobilising against will cover 17 crore children here, the Narcotics Control measure that caused problems for them is undoubtedly appealing demonetisation can be instantly condemned as support for cor - aged under five years in an ef - Bureau (NCB) said today. The to poor people, but such resentment doesn’t translate into protest. ruption. ‘Only black money hoarders are opposing demonetisa - fort to maintain the country's woman -- Princess Ntombifuthi In this case, it is actually thought to explain or excuse the perni - tion’ was one unvarying refrain of the ruling dispensation. In the 'polio-free' status. Mukherjee Msomi (47) -- arrived here yes - cious effects of demonetisation. Martha Nussbaum argues in face of this kind of propaganda, no one can afford to be seen as di- launched the countrywide terday from Sao Paulo in Brazil Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame and the Law that disgust rectly opposing measures to clean up black money and weed out programme on the eve of the via Abu Dhabi, the NCB said. is a questionable formation, one that has the social function of counterfeit currency. The public also fears that opposition to de- National Immunization Day. "She came on a tourist visa and maintaining hierarchies, while the really democratic act would monetisation will make them appear corrupt and immoral. The Health minister J P Nadda was planning to leave the coun - be to criticise and undo social hierarchies. The same could be said lack of large-scale protest is by no means an expression of popular and Ministers of State for try after delivering the consign - about the formation of resentment in perpetuating social fault support for the government’s decision but it has been interpreted Health Anupriya Patel and ment of cocaine," an NCB press lines rather than undoing it. Climate of fear Three other reasons not just as acquiescence but endorsement of the demonetisation Faggan Singh Kulaste were National Polio rounds along duce the burden of diarrhea, release said. It said based on can be adduced to explain the relative shortage of protest. First is move. The Prime Minister has repeatedly claimed that people over- present during the event. with sustained high quality pneumonia and meningitis specific information, NCB the general climate of fear and the government’s intolerance of whelmingly support his policy. On e might ask how he is privy to this Cautioning that the risk of im - polio surveillance," Nadda and (launch) a countrywide sleuths intercepted the woman dissent which deters people from expressing opposition against sentiment given that he is a master of one-way communication portation of polio still persists said. He said that the polio- campaign with Measles- at the international airport yes - the move. Second is the Indian obsession with black money. For and hasn’t deigned to speak in Parliament, leave alone talk to peo- from three countries -- free certification of the entire Rubella vaccine in phased terday and seized 1.075 kg of co - the past few decades, black money has become the single greatest ple. Most likely the support is deduced from the fact that so far the Pakistan, Afghanistan and South-East Asia Region of manner," Nadda said. Nadda caine from her possession. The marker of what is wrong with India today. Successive anti-corrup- BJP has not lost any elections, local or otherwise, since demoneti- Nigeria, Nadda said that the World Health Organisation said the government is con - seized cocaine was concealed tion movements have played a major role in creating this percep- sation. This reasoning suggests that as long as there are no large government has strengthened including India on March 27, ducting continuous polio vac - in "82 capsules" which the tion. Thanks to Bollywood films and their good-and-evil stories street protests and people continue to vote for the BJP, there is no the immunization pro - 2014 is a "huge" accomplish - cination at the international woman had swallowed, the re - with an unremitting focus on corruption and black money, they need to accept the downside of this decision and the social obliga- gramme through introduc - ment in the history of public borders with India and a trav - lease added. Stating that this fire the popular imagination like no other issue can. Hence, visi- tion to address public grievances arising from it. tion of several new vaccines. health. Noting that immu - el advisory has also been is - modus operandi was followed "As the risk of importation nization is one of the key in - sued to vaccinate all travelers by "experts" who could swallow still persists from remaining terventions in reducing child who are travelling between "around 200 capsules", the NCB Time to take ...... deaths in country, he said that India and eight other coun - said they could also keep them three countries (Pakistan, al’ sector issues. Labour markets Undoubdtedly, govern - authority as also altered behaviour and skill requirements on to expand the its scope in tries. concealed in their stomach "up Afghanistan and Nigeria) mental announcements of intent regarding the ‘real’ sector the part of legacy players not excluding those in authority. country, Rotavirus virus vac - "Also, an Emergency to 48 hours". where poliovirus is still circu - have repeatedly been witnessed. It is testified by the Make in Resultantly, attempts to delay change occur. However, only cine has been introduced as Preparedness and Response The seized contraband lating, the need still persists India, Swacch Bharat, Minimum government–Maximum gov- these reforms can ward off the adverse impact of possible de- part of the Univeral Plan (EPRP) is in place under was worth around Rs 5 crore in for the country to maintain ernance initiatives. Admittedly, pronouncements are made globalisation of a slowing world economy vitiating the expec - Immunization programme which Rapid Response Teams the local illegal market, it was the population immunity and on these initiatives on a near continuous basis. However, the tations of a ‘post demonetised’ society. This could well require (UIP) last year. "The Ministry (RRT) have been formed in all of a very pure form and was sensitive surveillance till labour markets are yet to follow suit. The real sector indices substituting the long standing ‘absentee landlord’ form of de - will soon introduce states and UTs to respond ur - sourced directly from the co - global polio eradication hap - are also yet to improve. Could this be because actually no real partmental control of hospitals, schools, industrial estates, Pneumococcal Conjugate gently to any importations of caine production belt in South pens. "This is maintained answer has so far been offered to the question asked as far back cities with true autonomy by creation of ‘trust systems and ef- Vaccine that will help to re - poliovirus," Nadda said. America, it added . through National and Sub as ancient Rome ‘who guards the guardians?’ The ’real’ sector fective mechanisms to punish abuse of trust’. Only then will reforms consist not only of substantial upgradation of infra - these departments be able to govern by becoming impartial in Gold regains structure but equally significant administrative reform to performance evaluation and concurrently the ‘individual op - permit increased levels of autonomy, rule based rather than erating’ units, no lon¬ger sheltered in the cloak of anonymity, Medical board fails to make any discretionary decision making and individual focussed ac - be forced to perform by competing. This process would need shine, bounces countability. The main challenge to ground based movement the support of clearly understood internationally relevant on real sector reform comes from the fact that it is easier said standards of quality. This road is neither as easy nor as glam- Rs 230 on global than done. This is because it carries the prospect of real loss of orous compared to monetary sector reform. uptrend conclusion in report on Sunanda's death NEW DELHI, JAN 28 :PTI New Delhi, Nov 28 : (PTI) Chandigarh and Puducherry at a suite in a five-star hotel in Recreating ...... was formed to study the find - South Delhi on the night of Another significant aspect that emerged in the of governance is directly related to the character, commitment, Gold kept its glitter, with The medical board consti - ings of FBI and AIIMS. Police January 17, 2014, a day after Mahatama’s writings on Swaraj indicated that “Swaraj comes integrity, moral fiber, and sense of responsibility internalised prices recovering by Rs 230 to tuted to submit a report on the is now waiting for retrieval of her spat with Pakistani jour - only from the performance by individuals of their duties as cit- the people. The Mahatama had warned in 1922 that Swaraj Rs 29,380 per 10 grams, track - death of Sunanda Pushkar, deleted chats from Sunanda's nalist Mehr Tarar on Twitter izens”. In 1924, he said, “My Swaraj is to keep intact the genius would not bring happiness to our people as four factors would ing a firm trend overseas amid wife of Congress leader Shashi phone. In September, over her alleged affair with of our civilisation”. To him, the power of the people; the voter; weigh heavily on them: Injustice, tyranny of the rich, burden of pick-up in buying by local jew - Tharoor, has failed to make Sunanda's viscera samples Tharoor. Several persons in - was not mere cliché, but the moral weapon to ‘regulate and con- governance and defects of elections! Realistic apprehensions ellers at the domestic spot mar - any conclusions in its findings were brought back from a FBI cluding Tharoor have been trol’ those in seats of power and authority! Towards this, he were expressed by Rajendra ket. Silver rescaled the Rs submitted to Delhi Police. In lab in the US by the members questioned in connection with Prasad as the Presi dent of the 41,000—mark by jumping Rs its report submitted to the SIT, of a Delhi Police team probing her death. wanted the masses to internalise a sense of responsibility. Constituent Assembly in his speech delivered on November 26, 1949: 850 to Rs 41,800 per kg on in - which is probing the case, the the high profile case. The Police have also conduct - After 70 years, one wonders how many of our present-day-lead- “Whatev er the Constitution may or may not provide, the wel - creased offtake by industrial medical board, after studying Delhi Police had also asked the ed polygraph test on six per - ers care to acquaint themselves with ideas articulated by the fare of the country will depend on the way in which the country units and coin makers. Bullion the findings of FBI and AIIMS FBI lab to submit its final list of sons, all prime witnesses in Mahatma with superb clarity and pragmatism within the is administered. That will depend upon the men who adminis- traders attributed the recov - said the cause of her death is observations so that they can the case, including Tharoor's reach of every individual. Over the years, people have wit - ter it. It is a trite saying that a country can have only the ery in gold prices to a firm inconclusive. "The medical be produced before a medical domestic help Narayan Singh, nessed continuous dilution of practically every basic ingredi- Government it deserves. If the people who are elected are capa- trend overseas and pick—up board submitted its report a board. In January last year, a driver Bajrangi and Sanjay ent that was widely perceived as the foundation stone of Swaraj ble, and men of character and integrity, they will be able to in buying by local jewellers to month back and they have medical board comprising Dewan, a close friend of the before independence was achieved. As the Constituent make best even of a defective Constitution. If they are lacking meet the ongoing wedding sea - failed to give any conclusive doctors from AIIMS, had given couple. In February, Tarar Assembly consisted mostly of the stalwarts of freedom strug - in these, the Constitution cannot help the country. After all, a son demand. Globally, gold results. We have asked them to its opinion on the FBI report was questioned about her rela - gle, these do find careful inclusion in the . Constitution like a machine is a lifeless thing. It acquires life ruled firm as it rose 0.25 per study the findings of FBI and on her viscera samples, unani - tion with the Congress leader Have we accepted the erosion of values, shameful pursuits of because of the men who control it and operate it, and India cent to USD 1,191.30 an ounce AIIMS again to draw a conclu - mously concluding that there and his wife, her fight with the ‘wealth without work’ and ‘politics without principle’s’ as needs today nothing more than a set of honest men who will and silver by 2.27 per cent to sion," a senior police officer was presence of anxiety drug Sunanda over Twitter, and fate accompli? Had the constitutional framers not anticipated have the interest of the country before them”. There can be no USD 17.12 an ounce in New said. The medical board, com - Alprax in her stomach. other issues revolving around the rot that would set in once power is tasted by the generations better articulation of the anxiety and anguish that every con - prising doctors from Delhi, York yesterday . Sunanda (51) was found dead Sunanda's death . ahead? It is common knowledge that the quality of any system cerned Indian citizen experiences at this juncture of history. Glimpses of Future 8 world JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017

w Global Brief w Theresa May due in Zuckerberg criticises Donald Trump signs orders to keep Turkey for trade talks Donald Trump’s refugee order, says with President Erdogan Islamic radicals out of US crushed a coup attempt in Ankara January 28, US is a nation of July. Turkey has detained tens Washington January 28 (PTI) James Mattis and the Vice President those admitted to this country do Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, British Prime Minister of thousands of people suspect - immigrants Mike Pence. The executive order not bear hostile attitudes toward it Somalia, Yemen and Iraq – from Theresa May, who met with President Donald Trump today ed of links to a movement led “Protection of The Nation From and its founding principles,” the ex - where it would refuse to provide its US President Donald Trump in by US-based Muslim cleric New Delhi January 28 signed an executive order which es - Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The ecutive order said adding that the visas. With respect to countries like Washington, arrived in tablishes new vetting measures to Fethullah Gulen, whom the Facebook CEO Mark United States” notes that the steps US cannot, and should not, admit Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Turkey on Saturday for a limit the flow of refugees and “keep government accuses of orches - Zuckerberg took to his social net - taken by the US in the aftermath of those who do not support the Arabia it would resort to extreme meeting with President Recep radical Islamic terrorists out of the trating the failed attempt. work to criticise US President 9/11 has not been able to deter ter - Constitution, or those who would vetting. As per the executive order, Tayyip Erdogan — another im - US”. “I’m establishing new vetting More than 100,000 others have Donald Trump’s anti-immigration rorists from entering the country. place violent ideologies over the list of such countries is to be ex - portant but complicated measures to keep radical Islamic been dismissed from govern - policies and his plans to build a wall “Numerous foreign-born individu - American law. In addition, the US panded. It would be those countries British ally. May flew terrorists out of the United States of ment jobs. The clampdown ex - along the border with Mexico. In his als have been convicted or implicat - should not admit those who engage who fail to provide information to overnight to Ankara by RAF America. We don’t want them here,” tended to other government first week in the White House, ed in terrorism-related crimes since in acts of bigotry or hatred (includ - the US about their citizens applying Voyager jet from the US, Trump said after he signed the exec - opponents. More than a hun - Trump signed executive orders for September 11, 2001, including for - ing “honour” killings, other forms for a US visa. In an interview to where she and Trump hailed a dred journalists and pro- utive order in his first visit to the the border wall, withholding federal eign nationals who entered the US of violence against women, or the Christian Broadcast Network, new chapter in the trans- Kurdish party leaders are in Pentagon, a week after he was sworn funding from sanctuary cities and after receiving visitor, student, or persecution of those who practice Trump said he would give priority Atlantic “special relation - jail. Kate Allen, head of in as the President. “We want to en - blocking refugees from nations like employment visas, or who entered religions different from their own) to Christina refugees. “We are going ship.”May’s talks in Ankara Amnesty U.K., said the visit sure that we are not admitting into Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria. “Like through the US refugee resettlement or those who would oppress to help them,” he said. “They’ve with Erdogan and Prime was a “vital opportunity” for our country the very threats our sol - many of you, I’m concerned about program,” it said. Deteriorating Americans of any race, gender, or been horribly treated. Do you know Minister Binali Yildirim will May to ask “probing ques - diers are fighting overseas. We only the impact of the recent executive conditions in certain countries due sexual orientation, it said. The exec - if you were a Christian in Syria it focus on boosting trade be - tions” about allegations of ex - want to admit those into our country orders signed by President Trump. to war, strife, disaster, and civil un - utive order suspends the US Refugee was impossible, at least very tough, tween Turkey and Britain cessive use of force and ill- who will support our country and We need to keep this country safe, rest increase the likelihood that ter - Admissions Programme for 120 days to get into the United States?,” he once the UK leaves the treatment in detention. May’s love deeply our people,” Trump but we should do that by focusing on rorists will use any means possible until it is reinstated “only for na - said. “If you were a Muslim you European Union, and on in - office said Britain urged said.“We will never forget the les - people who actually pose a threat,” to enter the US, the executive order tionals of countries for whom” mem - could come in, but if you were a creasing cooperation over se - Turkey “to ensure that their sons of 9/11 nor the heroes who lost Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post said. The US must be vigilant during bers of Trump’s Cabinet deem can Christian, it was almost impossible curity and counterterrorism. response is proportionate, jus - at the Pentagon. They were the best on Friday. Zuckerberg, who recent - the visa-issuance process to ensure be properly vetted. The order also and the reason that was so unfair, May, who is paying her first tified and in line with interna - of us. We will honour them not only ly cleared that he was not running that those approved for admission prevents all persons from Iraq, everybody was persecuted in all visit to Turkey since becoming tional human rights obliga - with our words, but with our ac - for the top post, criticised Trump’s do not intend to harm Americans Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia fairness, but they were chopping off prime minister, is under pres - tions.” May and Turkish lead - tions, and that’s what we’re doing to - actions by saying the US is a “nation and that they have no ties to terror - or Yemen from entering the country the heads of everybody but more so sure at home to condemn ers are also expected to discuss day,” said Trump flanked with the of immigrants”.He said that his ism, it said. “In order to protect for 30 days. News reports had said the Christians. And I thought it was Turkey’s clampdown on civil the conflict in Syria and efforts new Defense Secretary Gen (rtd) great-grandparents came to the US Americans, the US must ensure that that US has identified six countries – very, very unfair,” Trump said. liberties since the government to reunite Cyprus. from Germany, Austria and Poland, while wife Priscilla Chan’s parents were refugees from China and Vietnam. He urged Trump to keep About 40 Turkish NATO the US’ doors open to refugees. “Had we turned away refugees a few soldiers requested asylum in decades ago, Priscilla’s family wouldn’t be here today,” he said. However, Zuckerberg also appreci - Germany, say media reports ated Trump’s announcement re - garding finding a solution for Berlin January 28 quoted officials with German fed - 750,000 immigrants in the Deferred eral migration office and the inte - About 40 mostly high-ranking Action for Childhood Arrivals pro - rior ministry as saying that the Turkish soldiers who worked at gramme under the DREAM Act. asylum applications would be NATO facilities in Germany but handled as all others. were suspended after the failed Norbert Roettgen, head of the 5 Iraqis, 1 Yemeni coup in Turkey in July have re - parliamentary foreign affairs quested asylum in Germany, barred from Cairo-New committee, told Spiegel that po - news magazine Der Spiegel and litical considerations could not York flight: airport broadcaster ARD reported on play a role in asylum cases. NA - Saturday. No comment was im - TO Secretary-General Jens sources mediately available from the gov - Stoltenberg told a conference in Cairo Jan 28: ernment or NATO officials.The reports of the asylum applica - November that some Turkish Five Iraqi passengers and one tions filed by Turkish soldiers in military officers posted to NATO Yemeni were barred from boarding Germany came as Chancellor in Europe had requested asylum an EgyptAir flight from Cairo to Angela Merkel prepares to travel but gave no specific numbers. New York on Saturday following to Turkey to meet President Reuters reported in October that President Donald Trump's ban on Tayyip Erdogan. Ties between Turkey had fired hundreds of the entry of citizens from seven the two NATO partners have senior military staff serving at Muslim-majority countries, NATO in Europe and the United sources at Cairo airport said. The been strained over issues includ - States after the coup. Most were passengers, arriving in transit to ing alleged spying by Turkish Cairo airport, were stopped and re- clerics in Germany, German con - recalled to Turkey, but some directed to flights headed for their cerns about Turkey’s crackdown chose not to return, fearing home countries despite holding on dissidents, and Ankara’s ac - reprisals. Greece’s Supreme valid visas, the sources said. cusation that Berlin is harbour - Court this week ruled against the ing militants from the Kurdistan extradition of eight Turkish sol - Poachers poison, Workers Party (PKK) and far-left - diers who fled to Greece in July ists of the DHKP-C. The report after the abortive coup. A firefighter digs a trench in an effort to stop the advancement of a wildfire in the Florida community of Concepcion, Chile. mutilate lions in South Africa: police Johannesburg Jan 28: Anti-Brexit campaigners aim I am heartbroken by Donald South African police on Saturday said they had launched an investi - to stage biggest protest march gation after several lions were Trump’s order: Malala Yousafzai found poisoned and beheaded in London January 28 capital, or country, has ever northern Limpopo province in re - seen,” said French, who New York January 28 foreign terrorist entry into cent months. In the latest incident Anti-Brexit campaign - the United States.” The White pointed out that there were Malala Yousafzai, the police on Friday discovered three ers are hoping to organise 6 or 7 million voters in House did not immediately Pakistani student activist and lion carcasses, two of them with - the biggest protest march in London alone, some 70 per make the wording public, but Nobel Peace laureate, said she out their heads and paws. "The li - modern British history, cent of whom had opposed a draft text leaked to US media was ‘heartbroken’ by Donald ons were found killed on a farm drawing fresh inspiration Brexit. “Right now, Theresa said it would suspend the en - Trump’s order on refugees outside Polokwane-- two males from the success of anti- May is focused entirely on tire US refugee resettlement Trump rallies around the and urged the US president had their heads and paws cut off against Brexit,” said Peter the 52 per cent and forget - program for at least 120 days world, the media reported French of Unite for and taken away," provincial po - ting the 48 per cent,” the not to abandon the world’s while tough new vetting rules on Saturday. “Unite for Europe.“This fast-track bill lice spokesman Motlafela Guardian quoted French as ‘most defenseless’. “I am are established. Europe”, an umbrella will create a lot of emotion saying. After the Supreme Mojapelo told AFP. Police suspect heartbroken that today In addition, it specifically group of ‘Remain’ cam - and anger in the country Court ruled this week that President Trump is closing the big cats were killed on paigners, plans to march bars Syrian refugees from the that things are being MPs must be consulted the door on children, mothers Thursday. "It would seem there is outside parliament on rushed through.” United States indefinitely, or first, the government has and fathers fleeing violence a trend unfolding in the province," March 25 — the last week - A march against the until Trump decides that they announced a swift and war,” said the 19-year-old, he said pointing to three other in - end before Prime Minister Iraq war in 2003 is thought timetable, with just five no longer pose a threat. “I am shot in the head by the cidents in recent months involv - Theresa May’s self-imposed to be the largest in modern days of debate scheduled in heartbroken that Syrian ing the killing of at least eight li - deadline for launching the times, attracting 750,000 the Commons and 137 Taliban in 2012 after publicly refugee children, who have ons. The poachers "are feeding the process of leaving the people, according to police words of proposed legisla - advocating education for girls suffered through six years of lions with poisoned chickens, and European Union (EU) — estimates and up to 2 mil - tion. Organisers are work - in her home country.“In this war by no fault of their own, that kills them and they start dis - hoping to attract a crowd in lion according to organis - ing with the Metropolitan time of uncertainty and un - Peace Prize, which she shared its back on a proud history of are singled out for discrimi - membering them." No arrests excess of three-quarters of a ers.In contrast, the largest police, Greater London rest around the world, I ask in 2014 with India’s Kailash welcoming refugees and im - nation,” said Yousafzai. She anti-Brexit march to date at - have been made yet in connection million people, the Authority and Westminster President Trump not to turn Satyarthi, a fellow education migrants — the people who named a friend who had fled Guardian reported. “I don’t tracted an estimated crowd with the string of killings and the council on a route for the his back on the world’s most activist.Now living in helped build your country, wars in Somalia, Yemen and think we were ever under of 50,000 on July 2, shortly march that will likely start motive so far remains unclear. defenseless children and fam - England, she made a remark - ready to work hard in ex - Egypt to study in the United the illusion that the march after the EU referendum on in Park Lane before head - Local media speculate the killings ilies,” she added in a state - able recovery after undergo - change for a fair chance at a States, where she had hoped would stop article 50 (offi - June 26, and there have ing to Piccadilly, Trafalgar ment just moments after ing medical treatment and new life,” she said. to be reunited with her sister. could be for the cats' body parts cial process of exiting the been two smaller marches Square and end in Trump signed the decree. has traveled the world as a The decree signed by which are used in so-called tradi - EU) being triggered; it is in August and September. Parliament Square with a “Today her hope of being re - tional medicin more about demonstrating “The idea is to try to make series of as-yet unan - Yousafzai is the youngest campaigner. “I am heartbro - Trump was entitled: united with her precious sis - the strength of opinion this the biggest march the nounced speakers. ever recipient of the Nobel ken that America is turning “Protection of the nation from ter dims,” she said. China objects 'Tibetan PM's' FBI request for Twitter account data presence at US envoy's dinner Beijing Jan 28: may have overstepped legal guidelines China on Saturday raised objections over the presence of Washington Jan 28: Department of Justice," ing the target is often unaware the Prime Minister of 'Tibetan Elizabeth Banker, associate that records are being ac - government-in-exile' at a re - The FBI appeared to go be - general counsel at Twitter, cessed, and they do not require cent dinner hosted by former yond the scope of existing legal wrote. The identity of the ac - a warrant. They have been US envoy to India Richard guidance in seeking certain counts sought by the FBI are available as a law enforcement Verma in New Delhi, saying it kinds of internet records from redacted in both of the NSLs. tool since the 1970s, but their resolutely opposes any coun - Twitter (TWTR.N) as recently Andrew Crocker, a staff attor - frequency and breadth ex - try's "interference" in its inter - as last year, legal experts said, ney at the Electronic Frontier panded dramatically under nal affairs by using Tibet issue citing two warrantless sur - Foundation, said the orders the USA Patriot Act, which as an excuse. The dinner host - veillance orders the social me - disclosed Friday were among was passed shortly after the ed by Verma on January 15 in dia company published on a small handful of those pub - Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Tens of honour of his visiting friend China's internal affairs by us - Lama and his associates say - Friday. Twitter said its disclo - licly released that show the thousands of NSLs are issued and Hollywood actor Richard ing Tibet related issues as an ing it constitutes interference sures were the first time the FBI continues to ask for inter - annually. In June of last year Gere was reportedly also at - excuse," the Foreign Ministry in its internal affairs. In company had been allowed to tended by the Prime Minister net records despite the 2008 the U.S. Senate narrowly re - said. The private gathering October last year, China ob - publicly reveal the secretive records, which can include to a request for comment. An of the Tibetan government-in- guidance. "This is an ongoing jected a Republic an-backed hosted by Verma days before jected to Verma's visit to orders, which were delivered some email header data and FBI inspector general report exile, Lobsang Sangay. "No practice and it is significantly proposal to expand the kinds Donald Trump took over as US Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh with gag orders when they browsing history, among oth - from 2014 indicated that it dis - beyond the scope of what is in - of telephone and internet country in the world recognis - President was made public by which Beijing claims as south - were issued in 2015 and 2016. er information. In doing so, agreed with the memo's guid - tended," said Crocker, whose records the FBI could request es the so-called Tibetan gov - Union Minister of State for ern Tibet, saying any interfer - Their publication follows sim - the orders bolster the belief ance. In a blog post announc - organization is challenging under an NSL to include ernment-in-exile," Chinese Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju who ence by Washington in the ilar disclosures in recent among privacy advocates that ing the two NSL disclosures, the constitutionality of NSLs senders and recipients of Foreign Ministry said in a thanked the envoy for the din - Sino-India boundary dispute written response to PTI over months by other major inter - the FBI has routinely used Twitter said it did not hand in the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court emails, some information ner on Tweeter yesterday. will make it "more complicat - net companies, including NSLs to seek internet records over all the information the reports that the Prime Photographs posted on his ed" and "disturb" hard-won of Appeals. Twitter has also about websites a p erson visits Alphabet's Google (GOOGL.O) beyond the limitations set FBI requested. "While the ac - Minister of Tibetan govern - Twitter page showed the peace at the border. Last sued the government to more and social media log-in data. and Yahoo (YHOO.O). Each of down in a 2008 Justice tual NSLs request a large ment-in-exile was present at Prime Minister of the Tibetan month, China took strong ex - freely discuss NSLs. National The legislation failed amid op - the two new orders, known as Department legal memo, amount of data, Twitter pro - the event. "We are firmly government-in-exile and other ception to the Dalai Lama’s security letters are a type of position from some major tech - national security letters against any country's official US diplomats attending the meeting with President which concluded such orders vides a very limited set of data government order for commu - nology companies and civil lib - (NSLs), specifically request a contact with it in any form, dinner. China routinely Pranab Mukherjee at the should be constrained to in response to NSLs consistent nications data sent to service erties advocates, but lawmak - type of data known as electron - and resolutely opposed to any protests visits and meetings of Rashtrapathi Bhavan during a phone billing records. The FBI with federal law and interpre - providers. They are usually is - ers have said they intend to ic communication transaction country's interference in Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai children’s summit. did not immediately respond tive guidance from the U.S. sued with a gag order, mean - pursue the expansion again. Glimpses of Future 9 SportS JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017 Kohli - filling in for BCCI Rohit at the top appoints NAGPUR JAN 28 : Jammu man When Virat Kohli walked out to open India’s innings at the Green Park stadium in Kanpur on Thursday night, many would Observer for have felt it was a stark example of the captain wanting to lead from the front. Maybe Kohli wanted to continue his record-breaking Bengluru T20 run while opening for his Indian Premier League franchise in the 2016 edition. Theories aside, the biggest reason for Kohli opening GoF Staff Reporter the innings was to fill in for enigmatic Rohit Sharma, still recover - JAMMU, JAN 28 : ing from the thigh surgery he underwent during the ODI series against New Zealand last October. With Rohit sidelined, Kohli The Board of Control along with the team think-tank thought it best to promote an on- for Cricket in India (BCCI) song batsman instead of trying out a new opener and tinker with has appointed Desh Rattan the team combination. Kohli, the captain, had no hesitation in ad - Dubey, who happens to the mitting it. “There was no special strategy. Some were expecting Joint Secretary (Jammu) that I would open because it added more balance to the squad. You of the J&K Cricket can play another batsman in the middle order, like Suresh Raina Association (JKCA), as at No. 3,” Kohli said after India’s tame loss in the opening T20I Observer for the third against England. “If Rohit was in the side, there would be no ques - Twenty20 International tion and he would be opening with [K.L.] Rahul. It’s more of pro - match. viding balance to the side.” If India had to draft in rookie Rishabh Part of the ongoing se - Pant at the top of the order, it would have resulted in Manish ries against England, the Pandey maintaining his streak of warming the bench. However, match is scheduled to be with Pandey deserving a decent run in the side after failing to played at Bengluru on make the cut in the three ODIs, Kohli had to move up the order. “I February one. A senior have no urge to open. I can play at No. 3 as well, I have [batted] at cricketer, Desh Rattan is No. 3 for India for a long time. I can play anywhere the manage - also Chairman of the ment thinks is the best for the team,” Kohli said. “This is just a Parade Sports case of Rohit not being there and because I have opened in IPL and Association. I have a fair idea of it. It was about adding balance to the side and Meanwhile, the making another guy play instead of pushing another guy to open Parade Sports who doesn’t have experience there. That would be unfair on him.” Association, in a handout Rohit and Kohli’s bond aside, his move is also much-required con - issued here today, con - sidering the lull at the top for the team in the shorter formats. gratulated Desh Rattan on Rahul, Shikhar Dhawan and Ajinkya Rahane didn’t click at all in his appointed as Observer. the one-dayers. And with the latter two being omitted from T20s, It (handout) said that Desh the team is naturally missing a solid batsman like Rohit at the top Rattan is very enthusias - of the order. Rohit may not have lived up to his billing in Test tic sportsman who encour - cricket yet but the Mumbai batsman’s exploits in the limited for - ages, participates and mats have reached greater heights ever since he was promoted to manages different sports open the batting four overs ago . Wayne Parnell chats with AB de Villiers, South Africa v Sri Lanka, 1st ODI, Port Elizabeth, January 28, 2017 events in Jammu. All-Indian men’s semis Serena, from ghetto girl LUCKNOW JAN 28 The prospects of Indians claiming the singles titles looked bright after two home- grown shuttlers knocked out higher-ranked Danes in the men’s quarterfinals of the to Grand Slam queen $120,000 Syed Modi International badminton Melbourne, Jan 28 : nance, Williams has a win - wanted to prepare for that," he championship here on ning career record against all told CNN in 2015. "Criticism Friday. National champion Serena Williams started 14 players she has beaten in can bring the best out of you." Sameer Verma continued his playing tennis on potholed major finals, including her Richard and Oracene domination of second seed courts in one of America's towering 19-2 against Williams moved their family and World No. 15 Hans- most notorious gangland Sharapova. After surpassing to Florida in the early 1990s, Kristian Vittinghus, and neighbourhoods, but against Steffi Graf's record of 22 major seeing their daughters needed Harsheel Dani took out 12th the odds she has risen to be - titles in the post-1968 Open era more specialist coaching, with seed Emil Holst before defend - come arguably the best player on Saturday, there's little else Serena already an outstand - ing champion K. Srikanth en - in the sport's history. It hasn't for Williams to achieve, bar - ing junior. She turned profes - sured an all-India semifinals been an easy journey in a ring Margaret Court's all-time sional in 1995, at the age of just in the men’s singles. In the white-dominated sport record of 24 which will surely 14. Two years later, she was in ladies’ section, only P.V. 21-15, 21-13. Sameer now plays Fitriani escaped to a 21-17, 13- steeped in tradition, but soon be hers. But don't bet the top 100 and in January 1998 Sindhu advanced to the semi - Dani, who also punched above 21, 23-21 victory by converting Williams has pursued her against the newly engaged made her Grand Slam debut, finals. After Rituparna Das his weight to floor 12th seed her third match-point in 58 goals with a determination Williams, showing a refresh - reaching the second round of flattered to deceive against Holst 21-16, 17-21, 21-11 in 49 minutes. Ashwini Ponnappa just as fearsome as the raw ingly carefree spirit this year, the Australian Open -- where fourth-seeded Indonesian minutes. The other semifinal and N. Sikki Reddy reached power with which she plays also sealing the calendar-year she was beaten by Venus. It Fitriani Firtriani, Sindhu on Saturday will see Srikanth the semifinals of ladies dou - her shots. Strong but also Grand Slam which narrowly was to kick off a long rivalry, stayed on course for a much- and B. Sai Praneeth. Srikanth bles as well as mixed doubles, quick, ruthless and fiercely eluded her in 2015. It's all a the biggest of either player's expected title after facing a expectedly cruised past with B. Sumeeth Reddy and competitive, Williams has long way from the pitted career but also the friendliest, fighting Vaidehi Choudhari. Malaysia’s Zulfadli Zulkiffli Pranav Chopra. The ladies been at the top for a genera - courts, sometimes missing with no question of disharmo - Among the three Indonesian after Praneeth and Sourabh duo looks set to play the final tion, since she beat Martina nets and with gunshots audi - ny even as Serena took control semifinalists, Gregoria Verma battled for 56 minutes. after facing Sanjana Santosh Hingis aged 17 in the 1999 US ble nearby, of Compton in Los of their head-to-head figures Mariska made it after upstag - Praneeth, who won the open - and Arathi Sara Sunil on Open final. So often she has Angeles, where Williams prac - and beat Venus in six major fi - ing third-seeded Spaniard ing game but never took the Saturday. The results: been more or less unbeatable, tised with Venus from the age nals. And so it was fitting that Beatriz Corrales 21-9, 21-11. lead in the second, surprising - Quarterfinals: Men: 9-B. Sai and even at the age of 35 she re - of five. The youngest of five when Serena's crowning glory But the biggest upset came ly dominated the decider, Praneeth bt 11-Sourabh mains the favourite whenever Hingis, Lindsay Davenport, years touring and practising daughters was drilled intense - came, in the same place where from the shortest semifinal where Sourabh gave away too Varma 21-19, 12-21, 21-10; 3-K. she plays, her capacities not Maria Sharapova, Justine together and encouraging ly by her father, former share - her Grand Slam career started where the 35th-ranked many soft points. Among the Srikanth bt 7-Zulfadli noticeably diminished. Along Henin and of course, her sister each other. But it's a lop-sided cropper Richard Williams, 19 years earlier, Venus was Sameer stayed ahead of ladies, India’s fifth strongest Zulkiffli (Mal) 21-12, 21-17; 15- the way she has been world Venus. head-to-head: out of their nine who was happy to let school - the first to congratulate her Vittinghus for the better part player, Rituparna, let Fitriani Harsheel Dani bt 12-Emil number one for a total of 309 Venus, 14 months older at major finals, Serena has won children hurl insults at his across the net. "This is a sto - of their 36-minute clash. off the hook. She blew away a Holst (Den) 21-16, 17-21, 21-11; weeks -- a span of nearly six 36, is her greatest rival and she seven and her overall win-loss girls as they played. "In order ry," Serena said. "This is some - Displaying fine court-cover - 12-3 lead in the decider and 8-Sameer Verma bt 2-Hans- years -- and won major titles can also take much credit for record against her big sister is to be successful you must pre - thing that I couldn't write a age and attacking skills, with it, a golden opportunity Kristian Vittinghus (Den) 21- against some of the greats: her success, after so many 17-11. In a sign of her domi - pare for the unexpected -- and I better ending . Sameer seized control to win to reach the semifinals. 15, 21-13 . Nadal vs Federer: Dream final Volleyball, Taekwondo teams Khalsa Club bags Baba becomes reality in Australia Fateh Singh trophy leave for Khelo India GoF Staff Reporter draws in Melbourne because of JAMMU, JAN 28 : their lower rankings. "For me, it's a privilege," Nadal said. "It's a Beating MBS very, very special thing, I think, Club Simbal Camp for both of us to be in the final of a 4-3, Khalsa Club major again, have another Gole Gujral chance to compete against each clinched the title other after a couple of years hav - trophy of Baba ing some problems." Nadal has Fateh Singh dominated Federer in their Memorial Hockey head-to-head match-ups -- he has Tournament which a 23-11 record overall and has was organized by Hockey Jammu and Kashmir at K K Hakhu won nine of their 11 matches in Stadium, here today.While Ranveet Singh opened the account for Grand Slams. But Federer likes the winning side sounding the board in the 10th minute, Jagjeet his chances on the hard courts at Singh struck twice in 28th and 38th minute to help the side take in - the Australian Open this year -- vincible lead. Other goal came through Satvir Singh in the 55th he believes they are playing GoF Staff Reporter State Sports Council, Shiv coaching camps which held at minute. However, trailing 3-0, MBS Club fought back scoring three ingly close to Federer's 17. "The Melbourne, Jan 28 : faster than in years past, which Kumar Sharma, who was ac - districts of Poonch, , goals after the breather but it was too late to recover from the early historical context of that match, JAMMU, JAN 28 : As Roger Federer and suits his game better than companied by Sports Officer, Kathua, Samba and Jammu jolts. Ramandeep Singh netted the ball for two back to back goals in whether it becomes 17-15 with Boys teams in two disci - Rafael Nadal won match after Nadal's. Rajan Sharma.Speaking to the under the banner of J&K State the 40th and 50th minute but could not guide his side to victory. the French Open next, or 18-14, plines of Volleyball and match at the Australian Open, Federer should also be boys, Shiv Kumar encouraged Sports Council.Taekwondo Satwant Singh was other scorer, who beat the goalkeeper in the 58th that's such a big difference in the Taekwondo today left for par - making their unlikely way fresher for the final, having them to do well in the competi - Team: Soham Sharma, Pragun minute.Today’s final was officiated by the technical penal compris - historical march for both those ticipation in the Khelo India through opposite sides of the spent far less time on court than tion ahead and also interact Sharma, Achutam Dev Singh ing Jagjeet Singh, Iqbal Singh, Joginder Singh, Vijay Vaid and MS guys," former U.S. Open cham - national level competition to draw, tennis fans couldn't help Nadal during the tournament with their counterparts from Manhas, Vaibhav Abrol, Reen (tournament director).In the final and valedictory function, pion Andy Roddick told The be held at Chennai from but look ahead. Could the two (13 hours, 40 minutes vs. 19 other states so as to improve Tushar Gupta, Shiv Kumar former MLC, TS Wazir was chief guest, who presented the winners Associated Press in Melbourne January 31 to February old rivals, almost six years on hours) and having an extra day their knowledge base.Earlier, Sharma, Shiv Kumar, Raghav and runners-up trophies. He advised the players, especially those this week. "That might be, as far five.The teams were flagged off from their last meeting in a to rest in between the semifinal these boys were selected on the Mehra, Aryan Gupta and practicing hockey, to put in their best in the game so as to get away as history goes, the biggest by Joint Secretary of the J&K Grand Slam final, possibly meet and final. Both men have sur - basis of Khelo India exposure Chetan Sharma. from the bad habits and other prevailing evils in the society . match ever in Australian Open vived two five-setters, but for one more match for the ages history and maybe Grand Slam in Melbourne? Federer and Nadal's were far longer and history. What's at stake there is more draining. Federer may al - Nadal each had to survive epic beyond what pretty much any so have the edge confidence- five-set matches in the semifi - player can comprehend." The wise. Nadal's results have Sania enters Australian Open final; a win away from 7th major title nals, but they did not disappoint. magnitude of the moment is not dipped dramatically in recent And now, the dream final tennis MELBOURNE JAN 28 : PTI to win last year when she a lob out on the first match lost on the players themselves. years and he's struggled to play fans had hoped for when fa - reached the French Open final point but converted second "Rafa's definitely presented me well against the top players. He Sania Mirza put herself in vorites Andy Murray and but lost to compatriot Leander when Dodig hit an unreturn - with the biggest challenge in the hasn't been past the quarterfi - contention for a seventh Novak Djokovic were upset in Paes and her then doubles able volley to the left of Stosur. game," Federer said after his nals of a Grand Slam since the Grand Slam title as she the first week is going to happen partner Martina Hingis in the Sania and Dodig next face the semifinal win over U.S. Open 2014 French Open, also the last breezed into the Australian Sunday night in Rod Laver summit clash. winners of the other semifinal champion Stan Wawrinka. "I'm major he won. Open mixed doubles final Arena. What's at stake is bigger The opening set featured a between Elina Svitolina and happy we've had some epic, epic Nadal, though, remains one with Ivan Dodig, beating local than just Federer-Nadal XXXV, lot of breaks and the only one battles over the years, and of of the fittest players in the game favourites Samantha Stosur Chris Guccione and the com - or even the Australian Open ti - to not concede a break of serve course, it would be unreal to and is certainly hungry for ma - and Sam Groth here today. bo of Abigail Spears and Juan tle. There's also history to play was Sania. However, in the play here." jor success again after years of The second-seeded Indo- Sebastian Cabal. for: If Federer wins, he'll add an second set, the Indian lost her Nadal said neither player disappointing losses. Whoever Croatian pair won 6-4 2-6 10-5 Sania is the lone Indian 18th Grand Slam trophy to his serve twice — fourth and could have imagined making wins, the match is sure to be in the semifinals, that lasted surviving in the first Grand career record total, putting dis - the final of the year's first Grand memorable. A massive crowd is one hour and 18 minutes. ninth games — and it all Slam of the season with Rohan tance between himself and his Slam after coming back from likely at Melbourne Park, as Sania has won three mixed boiled down to the match tie- Bopanna, Leander Paes, rivals. If Nadal wins his 15th, their respective injuries in 2016 - well, after organizers decided to doubles titles, the last being breaker. It was 3-3 in the tie- Australians, especially Groth the points on his serve on the Purav Raja, Divij Sharan and he'll pass Pete Sampras for sole - Federer, his knee; Nadal, his open the 7,500-seat Margaret the 2014 US Open with break but the second seeds was struggling with his first eighth and ninth points while juniors Zeel Desai and possession of second place on wrist. Both men took time off Court Arena for fans to watch Brazilian Bruno Soares. With pulled away after that, taking serve and they paid a huge Dodig curtailed unforced er - Siddhant Banthia all making the all-time list, and pull tantaliz - last season and had difficult the match on a giant screen . Dodig, she had an opportunity five points in a row. The price for that. Groth lost both rors in nick of time. Sania sent early exits. Glimpses of Future 10 entertain JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017

Kangana Ranaut Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati row: After Deepika Padukone finally reacts to the attack on Padmavati director is all set to get Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Sanjay Leela Bhansali married this year Kapoor also react to the Jaipur incident

The controversial attack on director Sanjay Leela Bhansali on the sets of Padmavati has not only left B-town fuming but also the cast of the film. As reported, a local or - ganisation going by the name Karni Sena, created a havoc on the sets of the film in Jaigarh fort by vandalising it. The After Deepika Padukone, shock!deeply saddened and stars Ranveer and Shahid have & authentic filmmakers we National award winning director was also assaulted by co-stars Ranveer Singh and disheartened by yesterday’s spoken up. Ranveer took to have in India, & he wont ever the crowd who beat him and tore his clothes. Deepika Shahid Kapoor have also react - events! Padmavati” her tweet Twitter and said, “As a team, do anything to hurt anyones Padukone has finally reacted! The actress has confirmed ed to the Sanjay Leela Bhansali stated. She assured that there we are making ‘Padmavati’ feelings.” He then requested that there is absolutely no distortion of facts in their peri - row. As we had reported earli - is no distortion of facts, “As keeping in mind the sensitivi - the people of Rajasthan to od drama and is in a state of shock over whatever has hap - er, the filmmaker’s Padmavati Padmavati I can assure you ties and emotions of the people show them support and under - pened in Jaipur. “In a state of shock!deeply saddened and sets in Jaigarh Fort, Jaipur, that there is absolutely no dis - of Rajasthan and the Rajput stand that no instances of dis - disheartened by yesterday’s events!#Padmavati” her was vandalised by the Rajput tortion of history. Padmavati” community.” tortion of history has oc - tweet stated. She assured that there is no distortion of Karni Sena, who assaulted the And concluded the tweet with, The actor even justified curred, “Whats happened is facts, “As Padmavati I can assure you that there is ab - director as well. Earlier, the “Our only endeavour is & has how Bhansali is one of the very unfortunate. We hope the solutely no distortion of history.#Padmavati” And con - lead actress of the film, DP had always been to share with the most accomplished directors people of Rajasthan will under - cluded the tweet with, “Our only endeavour is & has al - expressed her displeasure world the story of this coura - of all time and would never do stand & empathise with our in - ways been to share with the world the story of this coura - over how her director was geous & powerful woman in anything to hurt the senti - tentions & give us their sup - geous & powerful woman in the purest form there is.” For treated at the Pink city. The 31 the purest form there is.” Soon ments of anyone, “Sanjay Sir is port.” and concluded his state - the second schedule of Padmavati shooting, all the actors year old said, “In a state of within seconds even her co- one of the most accomplished ment. were all set to join the director at Jaipur. Will Shah Rukh Khan’s Raees hit the Rs.150 Did Alia Bhatt just confess that she checks her boyfriend’s crore mark in the opening weekend ? phone when he’s not around? After a series of controversies, linkup ru - won’t be easy for Raees. We mours and struggle, Kangana Ranaut finally agree that the five day week - talks about settling down. When asked if she is end in case of Sultan saw ready to get married soon, the actress told massive numbers but you Hindustan Times,” Yes, it’s true. The kind of cannot forget here that world we live in, the whole dating scene has be - Raees hasn’t released solo come very upsetting. Everyone is looking above here with over 4000 screens. everyone’s shoulders in a bid to find a better ‘part - It has released along with an ner’. There has to be a commitment in a relation - equally popular superstar ship. And dating is frivolous, no matter how in - like Hrithik whose film tense it is, as there’s no real sense of commitment. Kaabil has received rave re - So, I would want to go the serious way. That’s views. Plus, it has opened at what I plan and I will do it this year. It’s very hard approximately 2900 screens. to be single, especially when your family doesn’t Also Dangal is still running live with you. There’s no one watching your back at the theatres. Despite all and you really cannot rely on anyone.” Well, that odds, the film is earning that’s good news, we suppose! Though the actress good money which should never mentioned if she has already found that please not only the makers someone she wants to start her own family with, but audience as well. So it we’re pretty excited to find out about the mystery will be interesting to see man. Kangana adds,” People find it surprising how the film fares at the end that I am young and I don’t have to get married of these five days. With 70-80 now. However, I don’t think career and marriage percent occupancy on its are interlinked. Age has nothing to do with mar - first day, Raees posted some riage. But I turn 30 this March and I should have commendable figures on babies (she laughs). Even marriage is not impor - Day 1 which was Rs. 20.42 crore. Next day was a holi - tant for babies but to have a family of your own is day and the Trade was ex - everyone’s dream. One can get lonely in the film pecting big numbers but world, especially when you are an actor.” We’re they weren’t ready for what glad that Kangana is finally ready to settle down Shah Rukh Khan‘s Raees has released day, third day saw a good Rs. 13.11 crore they saw on the card. Shah Rukh’s film and we couldn’t be more excited to see her tie the on January 25 and opened really big.In coming their way. Saturday and Sunday three days, it has already earned Rs. 59.83 will definitely add big numbers to the tal - earned whopping Rs. 26.30 crore on R-Day, knot. We are, however, curious if she has already crore which means the film will only ly. But we have to remember here that making it the highest numbers on that found her perfect match. Kangana did not men - bring in more money. But will that be Hrithik Roshan‘s Kaabil isn’t going any - day. So as of now, the film is going great tion anything about seeing someone or being in a enough to wrap up the five day long week - where. It has stayed put at the box office guns and Saturday-Sunday is expected to relationship with anyone. So will it be an end with Rs. 150 crore on board? It surely even when there is someone like Shah be bigger. So here’s hoping the film man - arranged marriage for Kangana Ranaut? The ac - looks hopeful given the fact that the film is Rukh Khan against them. That definitely ages to make Rs. 100 crore if not Rs. 150 tress will next be seen in Rangoon opposite getting good numbers. Despite a working is a huge deal. So the route to Rs. 150 crore crore. What do you think people? Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Sridevi’s daughters Jhanvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor have already started Acing the airport fashion

Jhanvi Kapoor and proximity with celebrated Khushi Kapoor have sure - fashion designer Manish ly learnt how to nail an air - Malhotra. Obviously, he port look, courtesy mother might have given a tip or Sridevi! The trio were re - two to the budding divas so cently spotted at the air - they can incorporate in port wearing what could their outings. As you can possibly be some of the see, all the Kapoor ladies most chic ensembles. are looking gorgeous at the We’ve been keeping a track airport. Let’s decode their of the Kapoor sisters for looks now, shall we? Let’s Alia Bhatt has given quite a fiesty interview to Vogue India as she quite a while now and time start with Sridevi Kapoor. graces the cover for their February issue. The diva, who always plays and again, they give us a lot The actress has donned a diplomatic at interviews and talk-shows has opened up quite a lot about of Kendall-Kylie feels be - lovely denim palazzo pants Bollywood, relationships, sex and more. In what seems to be a rapid fire cause of their fashion and teamed it with a white round, the actress was asked, “Your boyfriend leaves his phone unlocked. choices. Once again, at the shirt. Keeping it real sim - What’s the first thing you spy on?” To this, the 23 year old gave an eyebrow airport, you’ll see just how ple and chic, there’s the cat - raising answer as she said, “I know the password to my boyfriend’s fabulous they look as they ty sunglasses and straight phone.” Oh wow, so does that mean she spies on her boyfriend when the walk tall with the right tresses to complete the phone is locked? Well, the first person that comes to our head when speak - amount of panache and look. This look doesn’t ing of Alia Bhatt and boyfriend is her current beau Sidharth Malhotra. style. Both the daughters need much of your efforts The duo, who have rekindled their romance recently have not been have done a lovely job of and is very doable. Jhanvi keeping it under wraps. While they’ve never really confessed that they welcoming some really Kapoor is sporting a are dating, sources tell us that they’re back together and well, we can see it cool looks at the airport. striped crop top with a ourselves as well. They’ve been making quite a lot of appearances togeth - We are already well aware black pair of trousers. I like er. They’re going on movie dates, secret vacations, parties and more, all in of the fact that Jhanvi will the fact that she is flaunt - each other’s company. Earlier last year, it was reported that the couple soon be foraying into the ing her toned midriff here had called it quits. Of course, there were a lot of fans who were heartbro - ken by this news. The couple look so good together and are quite compati - world of Bollywood. And in this ensemble. To com - ble as well. However, by the end of 2016, we found out that they were giving guess what, she is already plete the look, Jhanvi has their relationship another chance. They ringed in the new year together making heads turn with chosen white shoes, an as they went on a secret vacation. Soon the very same week, they went on a her rocking fashion sense. oversized bag and shades. movie date for Aamir Khan’s Dangal. As shutterbugs spotted them com - We aren’t all that surprised Notice, she hasn’t really ing out of the theatre, someone even yelled, “Sidharth and Alia patch up” considering their close worn any makeup. but neither of the stars responded. Glimpses of Future 11 State JAMMU SUNDAY JANUARY 29, 2017

lA PRoceeDings Allotment of PAKAl Dul HyDRo electRic PRoject HC dismissed petition challenging fresh tender notices

Jammu, January 28: (JNF): shall be utilized for power also been issued by respon - parameters to the case at bar, Members discuss Demands of Grants generation. For completion of dent CVPP. One is dated 2nd this Court finds that the deci - In a petition filed by the said project, International March 2016, for Domestic sion, impugned in the instant Drangdhuran Hydro Power Competitive Bidding (ICB) Competitive Bidding for the writ petition is immune from Consortium and anr who en - was adopted for tendering for work and package of judicial review. Reliance is al - of Departments under CM’s charge tered into an agreement dated Turnkey Execution of Pak “Construction of Diversion so placed on the decisions ren - 01.10.2013 for the purpose of Dul HE Project. This com - Tunnel (alongwith HM dered by the Apex Court and submitting a bid to the re - prised of two stage system of works) of Pakal Dul Apex Court in one the judg - JAMMU, JANUARY 28: en focused attention and ef - necessary steps to develop have played their role to re - spondent No.1, in response to bidding, Stage-I (Technical Hydroelectric Project”. ment held that "When the au - fective steps needs to be taken tourist infrastructure and solve the issues of the State the NIT No. and Qualification Second Notice Inviting thority took a decision to can - Several members took to ensure quality education to urged to take effective steps to but there is need to address CVPP/PD/MW/RB/TK/2013 Particulars) Bids followed by Tender is for International cel the tender due to lack of part in the discussion on the students. He said the curb the menace of drugs to the root of the problems. He dated 19.06.2013 for Turnkey Stage-II (Price) Bids. In re - Competit ive Bidding for the adequate competition and in Demands of Grants for Government should provide save our youth. Er Abdul also urged to take step toward execution of Pakal Dul ( sponse to Tender Notice dated work and package of “Design order to make it more compet - General Administration details about the various ini - Rashid asked Government for Indo-Pak dialogue process. Drangdhuran) HE Project 19th June 2013, five Consortia and Construction of 2 nos. cir - itive, it decided to invite fresh Department including tiatives for the holistic devel - developing tourism infra - Choudhary Muhammad having a capacity of 1000 MW submitted their bids. The cular shaped Head Race tenders, it cannot be said that Science & Technology opment of the State. Hakeem structure in his constituency. Akram said the former Chief ( 4 × 259 MW) in District Stage-II Bids (Price Bid) were Tunnels of length 7700 m each there is any mala fide or want Information Technology in Muhammad Yaseen Shah He asked to take steps to safe - Minister had a vision to devel - Kishtwar, Jammu. The bid of also submitted by all five to be exacavated by two new of bona fide in such decision. Legislative Assembly today. said the development and po - guard the rights of minorities op Pir Panchal region and de - the petitioners was found to Consortia on due date. independent TBMs and While exercising judicial re - Omar Abdullah and former litical uncertainty cannot go living in the state. Rashid also manded for the up-gradation be lowest. Subsequently, dis - Tender Evaluation Associated works for Pakal view in the matter of govern - Chief Minister said the hand in hand and develop - said that several measures of Mughal Road on priority. cussions were held wherein Committee (TEC) was consti - Dul HE Project”. Forthrightly ment contracts, the primary Government is accountable ment is subjected to the peace should be taken to attract He also demanded for enhanc - petitioner No.1 had been in - tuted by respondent CVPP to saying, this Court cannot ask concern of the court is to see and answerable for all its and prosperity of the region. tourists to the Kupwara re - ing CDF to 5 crore. Javid formed that though his bid evaluate Stage-I Bid or foist respondent CVPP to whether there is any infirmi - promises and opposition He called for dialogue be - gion. Raja Manzoor said the Ahmad Rana said several ini - was lowest but was found to (Technical and Qualification stick to earlier Turnkey exe - ty in the decision-making would not let any politics hap - tween India and Pakistan. issues of border districts, es - tiatives should be taken to be substantially higher than Particulars) as well as Stage- cution of Pakal Dul process or whether it is vitiat - pen on the issues of public im - Shah Muhammad Tantray pecially , Keran area consider concerned MLAs for the estimated cost worked out II Bid (Price Bid) submitted (Drangdhuran) Hydroelectric ed by malafide, unreasonable - portance. He said the said the former Chief of Kupwara district should be various developmental works by the CVPP (Company) on by bidders. Four Bidders Project. Respondent CVPP ness or arbitrariness.” It was Government should deliver Minister, Mufti Muhammad considered for their addres - in their constituencies. He al - the basis of estimates cleared were considered techo-com - has expert’s body available to held that “The right to refuse the results as mentioned in its Syed had a vision to develop sal. He also lauded the Chief so demanded execution of by Central Electricity mercially responsive after de - take into account all facets as the lowest or any other tender Agenda of Alliance. He Poonch area into a prime Minister, Mehbooba Mufti more developmental works in Authority/Sanctioned by the tailed evaluation of Stage-I regards adoption of “turnkey is always available to the gov - sought details from the tourist attraction and steps and her cabinet colleagues for his constituency. Mumtaz government of India. Justice bid by TEC. The Stage-II execution” or “pack age ernment…. While so, the deci - Government about the deaths need to be taken in this re - providing good governance to Ahmad Khan demanded for Tashi Rabstan of J&K High (Price Bid) Bids of the four mode” system. This Court sion of tender committee reported during the recent gard. Nawang Rigzin Jora the people of the State. creation of Gool Tourism Court Jammu Wing after Bidders, who met the cannot ask respondent CVPP ought not to have been inter - unrest in Kashmir. He asked asked the Government to take G M Saroori demanded Development Authority to hearing Sr. Adv ZA Shah with Qualification Criteria and that “turnkey execution” is in fered with by the High Court. to release the pending dues of up uncompleted tourism proj - that Government should ful - boost the tourism infrastruc - Adv Vipin Gandotra for the whose Techno-commercial the best interest of CVPP. The In our considered view, the the flood-affected victims of ects across the State. He said fill its promises by approving ture of the area and Bus Stand petitioner whereas Sr. Adv were found responsive by reason being that it is in the High Court erred in sitting in the Kashmir valley and called the Government should also model hospitals in each dis - in his constituency. He advo - Sunil Sethi with Advocates TEC with approval of compe - field and domain of respon - appeal over the decision of the for taking measures to curb take necessary steps for the trict and must consider the cated for fulfilling demands of Ankesh Chandel and tent authority, were opened dent CVPP and this Court Appellate to cancel the tender increasing corruption in the air terminal construction and Chenab valley development daily wager and contractual Parimoksh Seth appearing by the Tender Opening cannot step into the shoes of and float a fresh tender. system. He also pleaded for acquire land from Air Force projects on priority. He also employees working in vari - for the Chenab Valley Power Committee (TOC) on 3rd CVPP to decide what would Equally, the High Court was strengthening institutions in Ladakh region. He also said the tourism related proj - ous department besides clear - Project Private Limited, dis - February 2014. Petitioner be and would not be better for not right in going into the fi - like Information Commission pleaded for opening Siachen ects initiated in the Chenab ing of pending SRO-43 cases. missed the petition challeng - company was assessed as low - CVPP. It is exclusive domain nancial implication of a fresh and Vigilance Commission. to attract adventure tourists valley must be taken up and Abdul Majeed Padder ing the fresh tender notice est evaluated bidder by TEC. of CVPP and not that of this tender." Justice Tashi He further said the level of to the region. Daleep Singh completed within stipulated complemented the Chief and vacated the interim stay. It was proposed to invite peti - Court. In the 231 pages judg - Rabstan observed that while confusion should be mitigat - Parihar demanded for con - time. Jeevan Lal hailed the Minter for taking various de - While dismissing the pe - tioner company for negotia - ment, Justice Tashi Rabstan analysis, specially in absence ed in the political spectrum of struction of Bhalesa to initiatives of the Government velopment initiatives in his tition, Justice Tashi Rabstan tion. The record reveals five observed that it may not be of mala fide, prejudice, unrea - the State. He also said that re - Bhaderwah circuit road and for taking several measures constituency and demanded observed that Pakal Dul HE meetings between June, 2014 out of place to mention here sonableness, arbitrariness, cruitments should be put on development of various other to develop the untapped areas up-gradation of Noorabad Project is located on to September, 2014 took place that this Court cannot sit as a extraneous consideration or fast-track. Aijaz Ahmad Mir roads to boost tourism indus - of the State. He lauded the Development Authority. He Marusudar River in District but of no yield. It appears that court of appeal as this Court the decision being against while participating in the dis - try in his constituency. He de - Government for initiating urged the Government for es - Kishtwar in Jammu and respondent CVPP, consider - does not have the expertise to public interest, the decision cussion complemented the manded fire brigade station several measures to uplift the tablishing Police station and Kashmir. It involves transfer ing all aspects involved in correct the decision of respon - of respondent CVPP, can - Government for taking inno - and vehicles for Gundoh socio-economic profile of the Fire station in his constituen - of Marusuadar River water to Turnkey works, decided to dent CVPP inasmuch as re - celling “turnkey tender” as vate initiatives for the devel - Police station and advocated youth, especially living in ru - cy. Deena Nath Bhagat com - upstream of cancel the “turnkey tender” viewing the decision of re - also petitioner’s bid and issu - opment of the State and called for further enhancing CDF ral areas. Choudhary Qamar plemented the Government Dul Dam of Dul Hasti HE and “invite fresh bids on spondent CVPP would be sub - ing fresh tender notices for for proper implementation of and other related perks for Hussain complimented the for establishing International Project. Palak Dul Project is a package mode, so that CVPP stituting its own decision, “package mode”, need not be Rehabilitation Policy for peo - the MLAs. Muhammad Government for brining Yoga Centre and urged for storage scheme and the gross incurs cost for only those without the necessary expert - interfered with by this Court, ple returning via Nepal route. Akbar Lone urged for releas - dawn of development to the paying special attention to storage of the reservoir is events which actually oc - ise which itself may be falli - is immune from judicial re - He demanded compensation ing youth detained during State and said the develop - improve tourism infrastruc - 125.4 Mcum. A maximum curs”. This was followed by ble. This Court cannot scuttle view in the given facts and for police personnel killed, in - Kashmir unrest and to review mental works initiated in his ture in his constituency. He gross head of 417 m between impugned cancellation letter or strangulate the freedom of circumstances. As a corol - jured while performing their cases in which they were de - constituency should be com - said the concrete steps are the dam site at Drangdhun dated 16th June 2016. Two contract of respondent CVPP lary, writ petition is devoid of duties. Usman Majeed sought tained under PSA. He de - pleted on priority. Gulzar needed to curb the menace of and power house site at Dul Notice Inviting Tenders have and applying the foregoing any merit. JNF details from the Government manded special compensa - Ahmad Wani said the Drug Smuggling. He also ad - regarding persons killed, in - tion for those who injured Government must take imme - vocated for enhancing CDF. jured and property damaged during the unrest and for in - diate steps to work for the up - Mohammed Amin Bhat de - during unrest in Bandipora frastructural loss to the peo - lift of the socio-economic pro - manded for creation of CONTD FROM PAGE 1 Constituency. He also called ple. Asked to distribute relief file of the State. He said that Devsar Development for filling of various vacant to flood victims at the earliest Government should also initi - Authority and filling of va - someone complains about this by mistake, he is treated as if posts in the departments and and provide compensation ate steps for giving employ - cant post in various depart - Karan Singh he has committed a very big offence, as if we have asked for a speeding up of SRO imple - for the loss of orchards during ment to the educated youth of ments in his constituency. Singh' and 'Sufi Satta aur Samaj' written by Harbans fortune and not food." "Everybody wants corruption to end, mentation. Rajeev Jasrotia the floods. He also demanded the State. Ravinder Raina He also advocated for en - Singh, the MP said the move to declare his father's birthday but nobody is coming forward to end this. Every time only a complimented the establishment of Degree said the Government is doing hancing of CDF. Shamim as a holiday had came very late and should have been done whistle blower is punished and all rules are applied against Government for taking the College at Hajin. Bashir commendable job by launch - Firdous demanded escort ve - earlier. "This is a welcome step, but this should have hap - him only, but nothing happens to the corrupt," he alleged. "I State to new heights in terms Ahmed Dar thanked the ing various pro-people hicle for her protection keep - pened much before. Unfortunately National Conference am being punished for being an honest and true soldier of of development and providing Government for bringing nor - schemes which are bringing ing in view the sensitiveness spread a lot of poisonous rumours against him and the Dogra this country. Every time I complained about wrongdoings, I benefits to the people under malcy in Kashmir valley after laurels to the State. He de - of the area. She called for re - rule," he said. He also questioned why 's was transferred to a new place. But they cannot break my various welfare schemes. long period of unrest. He meaned ban on liquor sales in habilitation of youth who got birthday was a holiday when the same treatment had not morale. "Now they have crossed all the limits of dictatorship. Aga Syed Ruhullah said asked to explore tourism po - the State. Javid Mustafa Mir detained during unrest for been accorded to his father. "If Sheikh Abdullah's birthday is I can tell you that you can openly do corruption in the BSF, education sector must be giv - tential of Kupwara and take said that all political parties different reasons. a holiday in Jammu and Kashmir, why not Hari Singh's? I ac - but if you complain about this, you have committed a big cept that Abdullah supported the accession and played a good crime," he claimed in the video which runs for over three role at the time. But the person responsible for the accession minutes. "Liquor (meant for jawans) bought from jawans' Strive towards achieving self-reliance: DDC reviews is not even mentioned. Ask any old resident of Kashmir who saved money, is being sol d to outsiders. I registered a com - they prefer -- Hari Singh's rule or the current regime," he plaint four months ago, but no action has been taken yet. So I preparedness said. The Congress leader also said that the entire case for ac - had to come before the country (like this) to show this. "I am Naeem Akhtar to students cession would have come to nought had Hari Singh said that uploading a video, where an outsider is seen carrying liquor he did not want to do it. "My father's role during that time (of bottles (from 150 battalion camp). I registered a complaint, but Minister inaugurates Red Cross Mela at GCW Gandhi Nagar for IPPI accession) was very crucial. I was a first hand witness during no action was taken. Let me see what action BSF takes after that time. Such was his love for the country that he remained this (posting a video proof). I will provide more evidences," he RAMBAN, JANUARY 28: silent. If he had said anything about the accession, if he had said. Meanwhile, BSF officials said Choudhary is a clerk said that he did not want to do it, the entire case would have District Development working with 150 battalion at Gandhindham, and is currently come to nought," he claimed. On the occasion, the two books Commissioner Mohammad, on leave at his hometown in Bikaner from where he has up - were launched by Singh along with ex-CJI T S Thakur. "Hari Aijaz convened a meeting of loaded the video. "He has a habit of making complains most of Singh played a pivotal rule in the narrative of Jammu and District Task Force which lack basis. He has uploaded video from his hometown Kashmir. From what I heard of him, I have a permanent re - Committee to review the pre - in Bikaner, where he is on leave. We have asked him to join spect in my heart for him," Thakur said. paredness for 1st round of back and will constitute an inquiry committee to look into his Intensified Pulse Polio complaint," said an official who refused to be named. Earlier Immunization (IPPI) 2017, Violence this month, BSF jawan Tej Bahadur Yadav, posted at 29 here today. While speaking allegedly tried to cross the barricading and barbed wires Battalion in Poonch, had alleged that poor quality food was on the occasion, DDC empha - laid around the Chowk to restrict their movement. As soon as being given to the troops posted along the border. The video sized on making synergized some protesters tried to cross them, police fired tear smoke had triggered a flurry of reactions with the PMO also seeking efforts to ensure cent percent shells and baton charged on the protesters and in the melee, a detailed factual report on the incident. coverage in the 1st IPPI the protesters also pelted stones. Eyewitnesses said that po - round. DDC also stressed up - lice men also allegedly pick up stones and pelted at the pro - on the officers that special fo - Man testers, who were fleeing from Indria Chowk, soon after the of Doda district around 1030 hours, a police officer said. cus should be given on cover - baton charge and tear gas shelling. In stone pelting, atleast As the leopard attacked the man, he managed to raise an age of snow bound and high ten police men including SDPO North DySP Vivek Shekher alarm which made his family members and neighbours come risk areas which include the wounded. He got three stitches on lips, while over a dozen out of their houses for his rescue, he said. The badly injured Cross Mela, the Minister said environment conservation, children living in slums, JAMMU, JANUARY 28: civilian also wounded in the baton charge, and alleged ston - villager was immediately rushed to Sub-District Hospital at the government will make civil defense, heritage and Industries, children of no - ing by police, while several others were detained by the po - Gandoh where after first aid, he was shifted to district hospi - Minister for Education such kind of programmes a culture of the State. A blood mads etc. He stressed the lice. One person who suffered injuries in police action was tal Doda for treatment, Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Naeem Akhtar today said the regular feature of education donation camp was also or - need of raising mass aware - carried away for medical treatment by the protesters, as per Gandoh, Sunny Gupta said. "We have already informed the present dispensation is work - system so that students can ganized during the Mela. ness for implementing the the eyewitnesses. Earlier, the massive protest rally of the wildlife department about the man eating leopard and are ing relentlessly to make the hone their skills and utilize While interacting with programme effectively. Dy. SC/ST/OBC caused massive traffic problem across the City hopeful to tame the beast soon. As of now, the man who has students self-reliant and em - them for prospering in their the students, the Minister CMO Dr. Iqbal Bhat District in Jewel, Gujjar Nagar Bridge and other areas. The injured received multiple injuries on his face, neck and arms is re - power them so that after leav - careers. He further said the asked them to gain as much Immunization Officer have been identified as Dy SP Vivek Shekhar SDPO North, sponding well to the treatment," the Officer added. ing the college, they become government will do hand - knowledge as they can and Ramban gave a detailed ac - Constable Neeraj Singh son of Rameshwar Singh (28) posted jobs givers instead of job seek - holding of these students un - work for the betterment of the count of IPPI Plan in the dis - as Personal Security Officer (PSO) with SDPO North, selec - ers. The Minister was speak - til they achieve their dreams. society. He asked them to fo - trict. Earlier, Chief Medical tion grade constable Mohan Singh son of Chet Singh of Massive ing after inaugurating Red Opening new avenues of cus on becoming entrepre - Officer, Dr. Anwar Bhat ap - Udhampur posted PSO with SDPO North, constable Shahid blaze. "A fire is raging in a shopping complex at Goni Khan Cross Mela at Government growth and employment for neurs and play their role in prised the members about Hussain son of Lal Din of Kishtwar also posted as PSO with in Amira Kadal area and efforts are on to control the blaze," an College for Women, Gandhi these students is the main fo - uplifting the weaker sections the comprehensive strategy SDPO North, Constable Gourav Sharma son of Puran Chand official of the Fire and Emergency Services said. He said so far Nagar here. “Red Cross is a cus of the present dispensa - of the society. and joint action plan to be of Kathua also posted PSO SDPO North, selection grade con - there were no reports of anyone getting injured in the incident. noble mission and involve - tion, he added. Besides wit - Commissioner/Secretary, adopted during the first stable Mohd Azam son of Mohammed Rafiq of Poonch posted The cause of the fire was not known yet as the fire tenders were ment of students in this cause nessing the cultural pro - Higher Education round of IPPI programme. with PSO SDPO North, head constable Shater Singh son of trying to prevent it from spreading to nearby buildings in the will definitely give them a gramme being presented by Department Dr Asgar Hassan Medical Superintendent Dr. Mohinder Pal of Kathua of IRP 14 battalion, constable congested commercial hub of the city, he said. learning experience,” the the college students, the Samoon, Principal GCW, Saifudin Khan, ARTO, Narinder Singh son of Naryan Singh of Sidhra posted at Peer Minister said, adding that Minister also visited various Gandhi Nagar Dr Kiran Shami Sharma, Dy. CEO Bal Mitha, constable Rattan Lal son of Chita Ram of Kishtwar confectionary, floral art and awareness stalls displayed by Bakshi, Honorary Secretary, Ji Thaplo, BMOs, officers posted with JKAP 14 battalion, selection grade constable LMD intensive checking of various business establishments in craft displayed by the stu - different government depart - Indian Red Cross Society, and officials of concerned de - Shafiq Ahmed son of Ahmed Din of Reasi. dents is of unmatched quali - ments and college adminis - Jammu RC Puri and staff partments besides the mem - Samba and booked 14 defaulters for violations of various provi - ty. Applauding the college au - tration for creating aware - members of the college were bers of various NGOs were sions of J&K Standard of Weights and Measures Enforcement thorities for organizing Red ness among the masses about present in the Mela. also present in the meeting. Medium Act 2011(Amended) and Packages Commodities Rules and im - the MET department said. in north Kashmir posed a fine of Rs 25900. The Department has directed the recorded a low of minus 6.6 degrees traders to use only those Weights and Measures and Weighing Sunil Sharma reviews post snowfall situation in Kishtwar Celsius last night while most other places also witnessed tem - and Measuring Instruments for business transactions which peratures around the freezing point. A medium danger ava - have been duly verified and authenticated by the Legal lanche warning was issued today for some avalanche-prone Metrology Department and ensure that Maximum Retail Price KISHTWAR, JANUARY 28: besides other district officers formed that majority of the to keep available adequate slopes in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. (MRP),Date of packing(PKD), Net Contents and complete ad - were present in the meeting. damaged transformers have stock of gas and kerosene oil in Chandigarh-based Snow and Avalanche Study dress of the Manufacturer/Packer and Customer Care Minister of State for The Minister reviewed the been replaced. Almost 80% of the district and ensure that the Establishment (SASE) issued the warning that would be Number have been declared on the commodities to be sold in Transport, Revenue, Rural present status of all the roads electricity is restored and rest fuel is distributed among the valid for the next 24 hours starting at 5 pm today. A SASE ad - package form as per the Legal Metrology Packages Development and Panchayati connecting adjoining villages shall be done within one or two public in a hassle free manner. visory said that "medium danger" warning is in place for ava - Commodities Rules. Raj, Sunil Sharma, today to the district headquarters days, informed the officers. The DDC informed the lanche prone slopes in Kupwara, Bandipora, Anantnag, chaired an officers meeting to and directed the concerned to Regarding availability of ra - Minister that in view of the Baramulla, , , , Poonch, Rajouri, review status of snow clear - clear snow and other obstacles tion, Assistant Director Food, prevailing bad weather condi - Ramban, Reasi, Doda, Kishtwar and Kargil districts of Solar ance, power supply and other from the roads. The officers in - Civil Supplies and Consumer tions a Disaster Management one each Mega Solar Park in the districts of Leh and Jammu and Kashmir. Medium danger avalanche warning essential services in district formed the Minister that al - Affairs informed that suffi - Committees have been framed Kargil. "The State Government has signed MoU with the for the same period has also been issued for avalanche-prone Kishtwar. District most all the link roads have cient stock is available in all at district as well as tehsil lev - Government of India for the development of two Mega Solar slopes in Kullu, Chamba, Lahaul and Spiti and Kinnaur dis - Development Commissioner, been opened for traffic while the stores across the district. els to monitor the situation Parks of 5000 MW capacity in Leh district and 2500 MW capac - tricts of Himachal Pradesh. "People are advised to keep clear - Ghulam Nabi Balwan, work on other roads is in full He said ration up to the month regularly. The Minister direct - ity in Kargil district," Lone informed the House in reply to a ing the snow deposition from rooftops of their Additional Deputy swing and are expected to be of May 2017 has been stocked ed all the district officers not to Question by Congress Legislative Party Leader Nawang houses/bunkers to avoid damages," it said. Commissioner, Kishori Lal, cleared by tomorrow. while the ration upto March leave the station and be ready Rigzin Jora. However, he said the work on these projects has Chief Planning Officer, Chief Assessing the status of elec - 2017 has already been distrib - with men and machinery to not been started as yet in view of non-availability of land and Medical Officer, Executive tricity restoration in the dis - uted among the public. The meet the emergency require - Another lack of proper infrastructure in Ladakh for transmission of Engineers R&B, PHE and PDD trict, the Minister was in - Minister asked the concerned ments. deprived from that as we cannot even ask for good food. If power generated from the proposed parks. C Y M K C Y M K n guided "missile" fired "unilat- t s SSM G Rangreth, C , NIELIT Technology of r students ( 982 aminations, a M Education, for Minister the following the intervention of However, State. the of dents tres only in Jammu for the stu- a Technical e for E India Council All the Pertinently, h M University, National Institute i v had had registered for the twin ex- e w E t S Test Common (GPAT) at various centres in Aptitude Pharmacy of ( M round d row row at the designated centres. country, called on the Chief the on called country, t a on been had who Jammu, P f os Drco Gnrl of Vaid, P. S. Dr. (DGP), Police General Director the cops, among service public of spirit a promoting sides be- formations police of tion democratic norms, Nobel lau- ernment which was also tar- to adhering without erally" said the stick is being wielded who Shourie Arun by geted day, slamming the NDA gov- to- said Sen Amartya reate here here when black money is ly- ing in foreign shores. Sen also described demonetisation as          2+ '5"#/ " ,  2+ '5"#/     1 $$#.-/1#/ DGP DGP terms pubic integral partner in containing social evils  of borderdistrictscall onCM Back from outsidetour, students appear appear in CMAT, GPAT 93.5%) appeared in the first the in appeared 93.5%) MT ad Graduate and CMAT) o te odr itit of districts border the rom cuig Kashmir ncluding ion will be conducted tomor- rlae b te State’s the by released a Second round ofexam onJan 29 our of various cities of the of cities various of our econd round of the examina- ound ound of the test conducted at xam, out of 1050 students who r decided to establish CMAT greed greed to establish the exami- Note ban an "unguided missile": Sen, Shourie slams govt slams Shourie Sen, missile": "unguided an ban Note nd GPAT examination cen- examination GPAT nd ros ete i Srinagar in centres arious y perd n h first the in appeared ay rinagar. According to the da- ation centres in Srinagar, as ere today. During their tour oonch, oonch, Rajouri, Kathua and ducation (AICTE) had earli- lee Suy e ad V- and Web Study ollege, uain Department, ducation enius enius Solutions Pvt Ltd. The Around 1000 students hich was coordinating the coordinating was hich anagement anagement Admission Test Nem ktr AICTE Akhtar, Naeem r nse, eboa Mufti Mehbooba inister, A A h nt bn s n un- an is ban note The rejuvena- Emphasising round 1000 students to- students 1000 round group of 40 students Mehbooba asksthemto take extracurricular activitiesasseriously asstudies test in Kashmir l col- partments/constituent de- institutions/university cepted by all AICTE-approved ac- is score The Awareness. C R T Quantitative like segments didate's ability across various gle session to evaluate the can- o t t c (MHRD), graduate various to mission ad- for India of Government Development M y E All the I by conducted tion tional level entrance examina- P c graduates for admission into e s d GPAT score. CMAT is also na- t S t Pharmacy suitable select a m a o The students demanded avail- a and Minister Chief the with p T a v Delhi and Kolkatta. They also c IT the visited students the monetisation would help con- actly know whether or not de- claimed that government, people do not ex- NDA in while ister hurry a Shourie, a former union min- in taken a "despotic action" which was by the government unilater- government the by trol trol black money. " every now has landed," he said. ally. ally. Demonetisation one fine democratic democratic country like ours a in decision-making paring com- while Mumbai in how" morning is of course just such and then we get missiles fired "Healthcare for all: Why and and suffering though it is not a missile where there are re- e drn a ak titled talk a during Sen ports coming in of hardships n te omns China. Communist the and h Baa Rta awardee Ratna Bharat The quite clear where the missile ad eiin gt ae in taken get decisions said China based on the vision of a small group of people, while people, of group small eges and affiliated colleges. derailing the peace initiatives ments who are hell bent upon requisite for isolating the ele- pre- is people the and police and understanding among the con- maintaining in partner uie topee n the state. “A strong coordination in atmosphere ducive today the people as an integral he students on the basis of the rehu cmue based computer hree-hour are GPAT and CMAT ions. e Pam programme. Pharma M he da oni fr Technical for Council ndia nowfall in Kashmir. ourses ourses in recognized institu- ial assistance in the field of field the in assistance ial ntrance exam conducted to conducted exam ntrance nline tests conducted in a sin- spiring students would have de of highway and air traffic therwise, a large number of ear, as per the directions of directions the per as ear, suto floig heavy following isruption cholarships and other finan- amc ae lo ie to given also are harmacy cnqe Logical echnique, omprehension and General every (AICTE) ducation aoig Language easoning, t o Bnaoe Mysore, Bangalore, of ity lso put up certain demands. t Agra and Fatehpur Sikri. Fatehpur and Agra t isited the historic Taj Mahal recs uig h visit the during eriences issed the test due to block- to due test the issed he he students shared their ex- inistry of Human Resource G The remark was made by PAT is the national level s the from enquired Minister tre b te Government the by started t m i i schools like computers, build- m teachers, subject of ability h ogig Hyderabad ongoing the at speaking said, he here?," and you are wielding the stick ru- in pees?...Those who have India black in it keeping eign shores. "The one who ac- the move would help check how black wondered nalist, jour- eminent and Minister tion, Shourie, a former Union demonetisa- the on heavily down Coming convention. a such from aberration an as exercise demonetisation quito is flying in Switzerland buy estates. This dengue they mos- companies, buy They outside. it keep they money, tually has black money, is he for- in lying is which money the mention to on going and ing our situation with China the public," he said, compar- involve to have contrast in political decisions, however, is a public demand for it. "Our ours, things move like only when there democracy a in n hl a Police depart- vital this of working the streamline to efforts at all day. The DGP, while assuring held to- here (PHQ) Headquarters ing the senior police officers meet- terests”, the DGP maintained. mere to meet their vested in- ngs ngs etc. and added civic facil- is ie mrvd roads, improved like ties er ilgs Te Chief The villages. heir Over Over 1 lakh unemployed youth registered registered with Employment Min Dept: . The unem- The division. Jammu Kashmir while as 45,781 in the q D w h over I lakh unemployed youth Justice said today and Khan Haq Abdul Law and Raj ot ae eitrd in registered are youth unemployed 58,796 said he A R Public Iqbal Choudhary, Station Director Shahid Dr and Relations Information D g D M o N W Public with Government College for and R Information ganized by the Department of or- programme cultural a in c and Jammu K of harmony and diversity cultural ism,  ++2 ,      tudents tudents about smart classes J Information Department’s enthralling cultural programme showcases JK’s richcultural diversity r ties n pwr in power and toilets ore r ifatutr at infrastructure ore elebrations of Republic Day f different colours of patriot- et n h occasion. the on uest uestion uestion of Sat Paul Sharma, v rgsee themselves registered ave do ahi, Jammu Kashmir, adio ltos n collaboration in elations evelopment and Panchayati prmn. elig o a to Replying epartment. rco, eatet of Department irector, smr oa mre the marked today ashmir jl Sam, Principal Sharma, njali aeem Akhtar was the chief the was Akhtar aeem t te Employment the ith nse fr Rural for inister omen, Gandhi Nagar here. K abouquetofmixed traditions, cultures: NaeemAkhtar Dr. Vaid was speaking at speaking was Vaid Dr. J display scintillating The M mu n Kashmir and ammu nse fr Education for inister national levels. s y a t State who have done well in well done have who State a physical take to them asked a and also the status of physical thing in cashless," he said. big a don't such is what Cashless, GST. for is it They know...Then, Parliament. ets w ase in answer own ment's govern- the per as cent, per and that turned out to be 0.02 currency fake or money ist was said that it was for terror- currency was finished and it (Rs) 15.50 lakh crore worth of money. I don't understand. black more generates tually against black money or it ac- don't actually is it whether know They monetisation. de- of demerits or of merits nw Te dnt nw the know don't They know. don't People government). it(the for voted have people become valid just because the not does idea "An ernment. people have voted for the gov- Literary Festival (HLF). become valid just because the not does idea an said nalist, in khaki” should be of highest that the performance of “men on different accounts. He said performance our improve to valuable valuable and dependable asset a is will good whose people, of minds the among khaki in the perception about the men Thana level would also change said that attitudinal change at ices ices to the people, he added. He forts for providing better serv- ef- coordinated take to have hazards, professional despite JKP, of ranks All society. the in change visible a for gether lic as they both have to work to- op a good rapport with the pub- m e a srosy s studies as seriously as ies ot o te tt, whether state, the of youth the basis of regions. We want should not rake up issues on T t d in Jammu" and termed it as a than Kashmir in exchanges employment in youth cated w r K a diploma holders, post gradu- pass-outs, engineering and ployed youth include MBBS include youth ployed ports at national and inter- and national at ports ctivities at their schools. She m cli- ethnic, cultural, gional, from us. “J&K has so much re- p t u t d Vvk hna Cultural O Phonsa, Vivek & Directors Priyanka Bhat, Avleen Kour Deputy Zargar, Kashmir an abode of cultural t ac- the attended college the D s (Headquarters) Abdul Majid Abdul (Headquarters) Information Director Joint I B GCW, Gandhi Nagar Dr Kiran nd informed them of many of them informed nd d xrcriua activi- extracurricular nd oung boys and girls from the rd y P() L M Y M MLA CPI(M) by ered here is a need to highlight the ion-packed programme. nformation Manisha Sareen, hroughout hroughout the World so that ie te su ta "there that issue the aised af ebr o the of members taff e, rdae ad others, and graduates tes, iscrimination. iscrimination. He was coun- ent, asked the police to devel- vriy te iitr said Minister the iversity, eople can learn way of life of way learn can eople arigami, arigami, who said members iuns o or diversity our of niqueness a si. oee, Paul However, said. han kh, on Director, Joint akshi, as more registration of edu- epartment and students of students and epartment fficer Raman Joshi, besides tc n tpgahcl di- topographical and atic pitches for enhancedfacilitiesto cops Te dnt nw that know don't "They Shourie, an eminent jour- emn Jmu & Jammu Terming  Convenes police officers meeting, officers police Convenes in its functioning making itself been has bringing tremendous changes JKP Besides, ly. ling such situations effective- tack- in succeeded have force prto o te epe the people, the of operation than 27 years and with the co- in drn te at more past the during tions Kashmir situa- tough faced has Police and Jammu that saying policing, community sitne DP tesd for stressed DGP assistance. ances by providing undeterred griev- their to hearing tient and it is our duty to give a pa- to get their problems redressed s sponder, sponder, people re- come to police first the Being policing. p get the benefits, he said. Khan g t ment policy has been recruit- adopted track fast the said f ne b atss f the of artists D by ances perform- dance and singing s t c p p State, he stressed. the o in help definitely will i a a usher in the State. Jammu has new era of development will development of era new m our in distance of walls the t g versity,” he added. adrs t vr fot of front every at tandards rom Jammu or Kashmir, to Kashmir, or Jammu rom o fill vacant posts and both and posts vacant fill o m S c p em ol b fre to formed c be would team n d t a er, will take views of women t issue of triple talaq, Shah said S s s temple issue...efforts will be will issue...efforts temple " Court. Supreme the in laq w the meeting. Stressing upon Stressing meeting. the Panchayat in present Development were Inspectors and Block Officers all i P S manifesto, called 'Lok Kalyan s provi- constitutional under Rajeev Khajuria along with along Assistant Khajuria Rajeev Officer Panchayat District and Alam Noor Choudhary Commissioner Development district. c i A executed in rural belts of the ous development works being assessed the progress on vari- Department and Panchayats, officers of Rural Development of meeting a chairing Minister, while The society. the oa rlae te party's m the released today EA o lre itrs of interest larger for REGA MGN- under assets durable of creation ensure to ficers Development Department of- Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali today Supplies & Consumer Affairs xotd pn Rural upon exhorted      g it i Jmu which Jammu in birth ng hree regions of the State in a he day is not far away when zte ad non-gazetted and azetted ss ae en eerd to referred been have osts nl promne The performance. ingle sn dfeet utrs of cultures different asing cter and a new society is tak- athering, the Minister said Minister the athering, dorned a metropolitan char- eal eeomn o the of development verall erformance by artists show- orme a te dance the was rogramme Ram temple back in BJP manifesto e t pes o tkn for- taking for press to ses ng to make efforts to ensure he Supreme Court. On exo- On Court. Supreme he he party, on coming to pow- The party is firm on the Ram epartment and students of students and epartment 2!),-4 ,  ible for mass exodus, he said. agtr oss il be will houses laughter ions if voted to power. The power. to voted if ions heck it at district level. ntttoa provisions," onstitutional onstruction of Ram temple Ram of onstruction nd present its opinion before Zulfkar for creating durable assets under MGNREGA le is constructed under the under constructed is le us of people due to commu- to due people of us hah said. On the contentious hah also said all mechanised inds will get destroyed and a nap ar' Peg for (Pledge Patra' ankalp al tension, he said a special eople's eople's Welfare), also prom-           sml eetos promis- elections ssembly ard ard its view on the triple ta- ade to ensure that Ram tem- anifesto for Uttar Pradesh Uttar for anifesto The main highlight of the W DMs will be held respon- B Minister for Food, Civil Food, for Minister ie drsig the addressing hile JP President Amit Shah facilities facilities for the cops deployed nel deployed. He disclosed that person- the with interact and visit their areas of jurisdiction in the field. hensive plan to raise the basic PHQ has chalked out a compre- should officers Supervisory facilities. living better need and conditions weather tile police men are working in hos- ing on ground. He said that the amenities for the jawans work- of force besides enhancing betterment basic the for work to officers the upon stressed Singh, K. V. (Headquarter), force. On the occasion, ADGP a J&KEDI," he said. and RSETIS through gram pro- development neurship c h i problem. "All the beneficiar- unemployment the address nostic credit linked scheme to i w s M the announcement, Budget eern t te recent the agencies. to Referring recruiting the a Model R School, I Public GCW Gandhi Nagar, Heritage ncentivised single sector-ag- es of the said scheme shall scheme said the of es l state. BJP, he said, under the i U turn would Modi, Narendra a P P M t at- He majority. two-thirds m el eeiire. e said He beneficiaries. real t f s g durable assets to benefit the benefit to assets durable creating for optimally lized rural areas which should uti- the Center for development of s document the women, of ty i Besides, three women battal- l e f f GB 1 providing by scheme P a e S 1 police to ensure police help in g P getting liberal funding from funding liberal getting MGNREGA, is Department Development Rural the that said Zulfkar especially assets under various schemes c c the need of creating tangible leading and pro people civil people pro and leading l-mlyet schemes elf-employment mrhnie entrepre- omprehensive nstitute of Engineering and Engineering of nstitute ave ave to mandatory undergo a nd SN Jain School filled the eadership eadership of Prime Minister gs o hc ee teasing. eve- check to eges ill be subsumed into a better ree ree data for one year besides esto, esto, the BJP president said ree wi-fi in universities. To universities. in wi-fi ree ons ons will be raised for securi- ng to develop the backward the develop to ng acked Samajwadi Party and govern- form will party he quads quads will be set up near col- i. hl rlaig mani- releasing While aid. inister said state-sponsored sac, oe Academy Model esearch, 5 minutes all over the state. r, his party will take one step e rm uig Samajwadi ruling from ue a Taking state. the in losed sr te aey f college of safety the nsure irls, irls, innovative anti- Romeo rade rade the Dial 100 of the state ccusing them of doing noth- ed f h Samajwadi the of head tressing that if voted to pow- arty which have ruled Uttar rys atp distribution laptop arty's up- to promised Shah arty, radesh for the last 15 years, P into a developed state, the ent in Uttar Pradesh with a ywt' Bhjn Samaj Bahujan ayawati's M I c triotism. Earlier, in her wel- her in Earlier, triotism. auditorium with colors of pa- a h e M to 11 February from phases P o Akhilesh Yadav government u t a s but no development has been l a l h P t a all ongoing works in a time a in works ongoing all asked Minister the officers to complete The people. poor e seats, but in the 2014 national w s m by hoodwinked be not will g have goondas party "ruling M e B d Pradesh - states have become w rvdr o te ed and needy the for provider job great a be to proved has but state the of edifice tural only added to the infrastruc- der MGNREGA which has not buildings and other assets un- structing big roads, bridges, roads, big structing con- is department the that frain Jammu, nformation ems faced by the state where akh crore to Uttar Pradesh Uttar to crore akh ome ome address, Joint Director ongs to return to power in UP he Centre sanctioned Rs one een on ground. tate's tate's 80 Lok Sabha seats and in the future," he said. you for a major controversy ernment. We want to prepare are being created by the gov- we do not create issues...they fire. But I want to tell you that out of non-issues and trigger always "You blame us that we make issues future. the in controversy major a into that the issue may snowball J caiin government coalition BJP PDP- Home, the warned leader NC others, was also seated. The of P Ministries p M hr Cif Minister Chief where are wrong," he said in the House, with...they be tempered cannot article the that accepted has party the that g b who "Those here. Assembly o t" e ad n h state the in said he it," do 370), they can use judiciary to Article scrap (to legislation W c scrap to A legislation use cannot they on that side their admitted perhaps has d ernment that BJP may use ju- led Jammu and Kashmir gov- warned the Mehbooba Mufti- c s t legislation legislation to scrap it." "BJP  ++2 ,  eto. lcin i Uttar in Elections lection. eto, t wp 7 o the of 71 swept it lection, sae i rls "l BI- "All rules. it states r scrap 370: Article Omar to judiciary use may BJP rabbed land". He said people is ai, e claimed, he nadir, its t dn ta Ahls will Akhilesh that dding nce in this year's assembly year's this in nce fter 15 years. In 2012, it had f not doing anything for the eveloped except UP," he soid. pliftment of the state, he said opes opes to repeat that perform- ave to answer for the prob- the for answer to ave radesh, Rajasthan and Uttar radesh radesh will be held in seven P s on hme and hammer going is JP anisha Sarin, dwelt in de- in dwelt Sarin, anisha on only 47 of the state's 403 ay it has developed the oth- he he "saffron party has under- rl etrn it a al- an into entering erely od ht hy ant use cannot they that tood rh . cuig the Accusing 8. arch R - ia, Madhya Bihar, - ARU a pwr t te state. the to powers ial hief Omar Abdullah today Abdullah Omar hief ood job on Article 370 and 370 Article on job ood iciary to scrap Article 370 as resented the grants of her of grants the resented elieve that BJP has done a done has BJP that elieve lanning, GAD, Tourism and rticle 370, which grants spe- hob Mfi h had who Mufti ehbooba ee hy ant s the use cannot they here B Omar also criticised the N esides, law and order is toa Conference ational JAMMU SUNDAYJANUARY29,2017 m is f h Information M the D of ties tail on the multifarious activi- bility of government. taining the sanctity and credi- main- in role crucial a have officers so dispensation ent bility bility is the hallmark of pres- accounta- and transparency that said He programmes. very objective of development the mars works velopment sary delay in execution of de- on mne a unneces- as manner bound l t h pledge to transform the state," a d d a h o f contacted people through dif- o i U m t f e would be set up in UP and pow- s t t B if recruitment in corruption w m s gal mining in the state. Shah t also said a Special Task Force o t h cok n h sae with c state the in clock the forced in the state. PTI ie optne of competence en- be can and Parliament tive legisla- the within were Act provisions of the SARFAESI said this while holding that holding while this said had court apex of The India. citizens foremost" and "first were state the of zens and its own, while the citi- the while own, its and side the Indian Constitution out- sovereignty of vestige" Jammu and Kashmir has "no l fight this case," he added. to put on job good lawyers to please spend lakhs of rupees n rcntut homes, reconstruct and i s a ead o 5A ter (BJP) their 35-A, to regard with policy same the lowed because we thought if you fol- cerned on the SARFACI Act r o A t institu- financial other and banks allows Act The law. Act was fought in the court of Security Interest (SARFACI) R w iance with Congress to win to Congress with iance erent erent means (before drafting are, he said, adding agricul- o be set up to put an end to ille- o meritorious students. Shah ion ion up to Class 12 and waiver et poie fe educa- free promised festo he polls. "UP has been plun- been has "UP polls. he e aiet)" h docu- The manifesto)." he rl on wl b waived be will loans ural aid on lines of central govern- i fo poesn parks processing food aid heaper rates for the poor. wud e upid round supplied be would r d e ae oe ih a with come have we nd spirations of a cross section f people and in the process the in and people f f fees up to graduation level nce BJP comes to power. He s ya hd ad that said had year ast ered by SP-BSP for 15 years cmn, hh ad "We said, Shah ocument, ng crores of rupees to repair ions to auction residential auction to ions e said. Before unveiling the ave tried to take views and views take to tried ave prmn. ae, the Later, epartment. uccessful. Where you are us- JP comes to power. The man- ecover loans. "We were con- gvrmn jb t end to jobs government P r commercial properties to im to use judiciary will be will judiciary use to im ill be held for Class III and IV entos to the participants. inister inister handed over the me- ent focuses on farmers' wel- ent's decision, no interview econstruction of Financial st ad nocmn of Enforcement and ssets y h Scrtsto and Securitisation the ay A Supreme Court order Court Supreme A