> PM Modi proposes SAARC fund to combat COVID-19 Says region can best respond to pandemic by coming together, not growing apart ARCHIS MOHAN New Delhi, 15 March

haring details of ’s prepared- ness to prevent and contain the “I propose we create S spread of novel coronavirus (COVID- a COVID-19 Emergency 19), Prime Minister on Fund. This could be Sunday told leaders of SAARC member based on voluntary countries that India recognised it was “still contributions from all in an unknown situation” and “cannot of us. India can start predict how the situation will unfold”. At a teleconference between the leaders with an initial offer of of SAARC member nations on Sunday $10 mn for this fund” evening, called at Modi’s initiative, suggest- NARENDRA MODI, Prime Minister ed greater cooperation within the grouping, including sharing of experiences and best practices by their respective health experts. Sri Lanka President , his Maldivian counterpart financing. 150 cases, but it needed to remain vigilant Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, and Bhutanese The Bhutanese PM said when the world as it was home to nearly one-fifth of all PM , all three of whose coun- was fighting one common disease, it was humanity and densely populated. “We can tries depend heavily on tourism sector that important to leave behind the differences. respond best by coming together, not grow- is hit the hardest in recent weeks, called for Rajapaksa said Sri Lanka’s economy, ing apart, collaboration not confusion, a common fight not just against COVID-19 particularly tourism, had taken a serious preparation not panic.” but also its economic fallout. blow, which was just about recov- “As developing countries, all of us have Modi suggested SAARC ering after last year’s terrorist significant challenges in terms of access to member nations should set up attacks in his country. He asked healthcare facilities,” Modi said. an emergency fund to combat SAARC leaders to formulate He said SAARC member countries’ COVID-19, and offered $10 mil- mechanism to assist “our “people to people ties are ancient, and our lion as India’s initial contribution. economies to tide over the difficult societies are deeply inter-connected. SAARC, or South Asian period”. Therefore, we must all prepare together, Association for Regional CORONAVIRUS Afghanistan President Ashraf we must all act together, and we must all Cooperation, has seven member PANDEMIC Ghani suggested common frame- succeed together.” states, but has mostly been dor- works for telemedicine between The Indian prime minister said India’s mant, especially over the past SAARC countries and flagged how guiding mantra in the fight against coro- six years, because of differences between the closing of borders would result in prob- navirus is “prepare, but don’t panic”. Modi India and Pakistan. New Delhi has instead lems of availability of food, medicines and detailed the steps that India has taken in tried to promote BIMSTEC, which does not basic goods. its fight. He said SAARC member states include Pakistan, to rival SAARC. However, Ghani also asked India, since it is a have made specific requests, including the challenge of COVID-19 spreading in the key SAARC member and also a member of about medicines and equipment, which region seems to have forced South Asian -led Shanghai Cooperation his team has noted. neighbours to think of common strategies. Organisation (SCO), to coordinate Several members, including While the heads of state or government between SAARC and SCO and much of Bangladesh PM , called for of other SAARC member states participat- China’s experience in combating the virus a common research platform to coordi- ed in the teleconference, Pakistan was rep- is replicable in South Asia. nate research on controlling epidemic dis- resented by Zafar Mirza, the special assis- In his opening statement, Modi said: eases within the region. She said health tant to Prime Minister . Mirza, “We fully recognise we are still in an ministers, secretaries and others should who is also the state minister of health of unknown situation. We cannot predict have similar teleconferences. Pakistan, said it was a matter of concern with certainty how the situation will Modi offered to share the disease sur- that COVID-19 had been reported from unfold despite our best efforts. You must veillance software that India has developed. Jammu & Kashmir. He said the “lockdown” also be facing similar concerns. This is He said a rapid response team of doctors must be lifted immediately in view of the why it would be most valuable for all of us and specialists in India with testing kits and health emergency. Mirza also called for pool- to share our perspective.” Modi said other equipment would be at the disposal of ing of resources, technical expertise and SAARC region had so far listed fewer than its neighbours.