
MONDAY toolc aefrfnn SUNDAY \ , in 1934i rvlien'over 500 of the resiclents Ern { o* active ParL' 'T WAS surprised to Iind so many Sunday fiOUNCILLOB Stanlev Wilson brings ; IIrs. John Mit- I ,I'lrey eupported a'd t-' extensivs hnowledgo to bear on Council -Itrigltty-o,i.-years'old - sclrools. aro all well wlro- lives in the Hish-stroct' that there is a strong religious matters, for he was deputy Town Clerk of it is ovident of ctlmo "L.Il,to on her marriage 57 yeer6 town. Warrington, Lancashirg. for a, number lifs in the Lan- ogo;-o"tl reurembers when straw hat-mahing 100 children attend the Parish ye&rs, and later Town Clork of I'eigh, A bout Eon is the ;J an industry ip the ttlvn. Tho busiuess, sunclay school. Much good work is lashiie, and, Tynemouth. IIis Button' ctrureh Maidstone.' ;il;;t, *t" carried on b-.Y L.M"?r for charitable c&utes. An egg service Torvn Clerk of l ats were 4one TVilson hns been a member of the ivlro ttveA on tlr e Rye-toatl. Tle held in the Spring, gifts being eent to I[r. Apps' blue-coat is Council since 1931, and w&s M.ayor in 1954- ;;i"iy io" ttto girls of 1fiss Ashfor

I I ,Charles , apparatus and lighting. is particularly Mr. Apps is the head of Apps , Folkestone. $e g3 member's and Son, who have been estaltlislrod I ZION BAPTIST CHTIRCI{.-Tho suceessf ul in photographing children. 'Ho i for years. They havo a complete rangs of farm of the l\{ot}rars' }treeting visited Folkestone on quality , has many testimonials to ths of liis and household ironmongery; sporting eart- Werlneday f

Loughrau, Ltd.. tbo Pharmacy Stores, i o china and glass deportment, wlrieh has' sret to announce the death of Mr. Charles $hor- rnacle progress, and agent for Terraoe, Michae I's, dispense all prescriptions. Veterinary : rapirl is Bole iuood, of St. Michael's St. , ,, yea,rs. Deoeased medicines are also stoched. There is a I Jacobeirnglassrvare. who died on Friday, nged 29 r ,,ad busy stationery department, and news- i ;i.i;.l-, I been nrarriecl only'just over a, yefl,r, an

Kl:)N'l' Al lil\rAN \{rlil)S.-'"}t"r'. .ltex Pearson, of Aplrlcdole, rvlto. wan nsBociiltetl rvit,lr liorr \Yn.l ler ln, his 'Austr alian flight, , Ieavittg 'J'e ntexf en Church a,fter his mnmiage, to I\Iiss J)ttlicin, Snritlr. Itight: ,o iA r\ 1936 t'ho bride's attenclnnts, KENT AIRMAI{ WEDS IO :iA N nbG '19?6 1\[8. J, II. PEABSON (APPLEDONE) & MISS P. SMIT}I (TENTARDEN) All tho approaches to Tenterden church wel'o throngecl with well-rvislrers on'Wetl- nesclny, When tlre wedding took plnce of two WEALD'BIIS SERVICE populnr young people who nuruber rnnny friencls iu tlro dlstrict. 'I'hey lvere I:[r. Joseph lles Pearson, seconcl son ,of the ltte I\I.r. 'l'. J. P€:ttt'scllt aucl I\f rs. Pent'sotl, of Palli II

WHY TADY MNMNIINS ' STAYND AIryAY l6fuu.[ n31 DID NOT LIKE GARDENERS' SHOWS , Lshdown, tontorden. IN PUBLIC HOUSES llltunD ouE tRcHwAY IT, IIIALLHYTHE WEDDING' oarhationfr and w&s attended by three ll,lr tlro lnst Jlerv yeurs' 'Ientelrlen Ga.r. lridesmaids, IVIiss Lilian Hobday \a,r-rct TOWN CLERKSIIIP OF held. their lllollt'hIy Misses Winif red and I\f ary Huggett, who cleut,l's' lii;ctety hitvo ,B n 6\ v TnNTERDnN 1P.3G ureetings ert otic eif t.lrc locitl .intts. woro dresses " of sea blue cr-epe-de-Chine .Many: of tlro";i;*;-il" latly urcruLlet's tlirl not triurmed with silver leaves.and ribbone Sir,*1 rvrrncler-givetl whethe{, adqcl}laie. explanll- attcnrllI otrcloi,,r rvheu iC was*ui-i.riuo'o linorvn-lilie thnt tlisthis ll hanging from the shoulcler. Th*y also wore tiJrie"tions- canci,ol'tre be given to the followinfotlolvrqg' ques- moU. eaps of Brusscls nct and carried bou- Town Clerh gf rvirs bcca,use,"",,*t theyii*y"th9 dirl,iirt notoot lilie trrcetingrne eting i'tirt | | ti;; Wdy"t"tis the lgw prrbliciii, ii",t*or-ltttttuo, ittn'sociclv'sSocicll't hturtlquitt'tel'shcurtlouuiter.s llI quets of rvhitorvlttto carnutlons.cat'trutiottg. 'I'he'l'lte cercmonyccrcmouy f:u"t,r"airi'ltTl nu,l assistaut wero .put, into ir -*i", -rvitltolt bciug ii'.11; tiso,'i.-"r iiit t"iuirltt lv{rs I was performed by tlro llev. John A. Wood, fil-;;;itious tho vacancies nt tho'I'ciirltclitllco Jltltcl. "tc.titts I the eorvico being f trl ly chot'al, iVIr. F. I). i"tr.itiuua-i-'* ?- (2) Whv ths said assista'nt, iL fVii r,"l.i'-,i'i-ii;-";;;ahiJ strow rycr.e:- ll Auetin pr^eeiding at t16 o.r'gan.'.The churclt i:,iriiii", iiieri tiie p.osition,*in yhen ilgry I\l t's. wae tastofully aspalagla c'lei'hs the'office, ssnior G. .Llgldstoch.tloldstoch. \V. lVobb,!Vt',bb, -Ull's.I\h's. Love, "[lrs. ll -decorated. .lvlth i"[[:-t*o-otfiu"- .^ L --: i fv j\{r'. ^ glven--^* an ^.'-^-htn LrIurLJ NIitf .,.,t'0,oore. W -. tlitrucs,llrrrncs- C-C, Gilham.G illtam, J\{r'. illxlaltrl i fern, yellow ilnd white daisies atrd heathtiir. i;-tlui;,to hirn. ;fiwho ;erewere not s.LYe*-ln-(3) 9prlPrt1,r,1ity!)plr-ur -W post lVhv is the 'I'orvn I,Irs.I\{r's. triteltead,hiteltead. W. lVood,lVood" J. JVJ trstcr's, :1 T'he brids was given &rvay by her brother, i; fi;tt iot' tlt" ? ,li:1"$ii. ,i'fi: ClerUIefKt;t""'tr-,,ittowecl 'aIIOWe0 -stited L()tti loltlIluttl uLuul-other ('I.llrurr.rr'rlvulptappointments,-6e ;".,lXlif'lll.ii; #',*Iffu;"i; '.1I il':?""f*i'f1""#rr1l"r"'*ii.iiiil"if."ii',ii: wng to & whole- try:-e.'[oltlslock. G. llolclstoch..clstoch. .: , ; gettg.tt offrcratedo-fficiated &_suf b"gthegt tlan.man. As_ thetlle happyl}apPy ;ffi" iT was it i|;nairleft.theclrurclrtlremeurbersoftlrc-Ciou-tnide-an tirne-'Uatii jpb ? :-= :l ,Sfp*tLl.yth." ar€ why. , .: I 'Bnp,itth-ttt Men's.trlunt .qrade an . archwayarchwav ratepaygrs -.rr,sliing . t[is ' " -CIu-b snoufa" bo; mbr-e espe-ciallv in view of the ii'.t:' fir;;' i;;otlv' itt"l' fentercleu -ri,.D.c. i.i:"fu ii6""u"fG.[-eo"n"ii fo" a'cl appointecl-dssistant a new. elerlc to jill':-$3il$:{;-'il*$;*;:%:'l;ilt"'."l ijr" and an selected from iu i *u#**t'lt";-,ffi ovqr 100 aPPlicants. fiiiit:;rX,Ti:$t{; '--:--'--:' I-enclose mv card. u'", or the,rortnighgt: NX.SNNVTCU MAN &. AATBPAYEA. g,1i*it,:lt"T:x,T":ll'dif"il'tfl"u+.HLi sr.Tffi-re' s t?JI AFRru TENTERDEN Yls+ ' JUNI0R' I MPERIAL LEAGUE'-l!It" lvf' "o* Snerts nresidecl at a snecial Divisioual Coun- cil last'week, rvhen n,-1rt'ogralnnle of sumnrer activities wflq rliecussdt , cind pla4s rnatle for a Divisional Rally at Ashf orcl orr -LJmprre *m*$:r+fi$*l*u Dav. WnlSf DRIVE.-I\{rs.. l{ilstbd -rv&s M.C. ;rrf,p:"3pprluli,i,1:roi:: in the Unitulinn Sclioolrborn on -Wednegclay, *#""J,r{*+"}*L}il}F.:"*";};'";,,*irxqi;ti{$" , nnd the lviullol's were: .l\{esrlames }I. I[arris, l A. I,'uggle. llnnsonr' trncl Gor'hntn, l\feSsrs. 'tr;t*i+r;3t'[ffi ll,ecs. nriT I'iorrn: (1nn'rrrel itiorr. l\[r'8. Ii. IIari'is. TEI.rTERDEI{ AMRTILANCE I i DEDICATED'


'night 7 A "Il;'iifcrowd gatheretl-'r'enterden, on Fritlay - before tI; ii;1i;- and-- watched iii" tut"st phase'of- the town's social'develop' *it-;*"t re"eiuu thq, blessing of the church. *ot t t[" dedication ceremony 9f tFe Stl-.fotin arnbulance. Uncler the st-au-lit s-k{ [ti" **o of the newly-formed brigqcle, headed L;Di;: S"pt. .f. H.-Ilotlge,-Div. Surgeon ?'. Irfartin' ani 'l'r'anspolt-of Officer C- Boulpel i*niJa-tnr blessing their future- worl{'. --;1" ttt. se"uicelof God and for'the -reliet : of tiuinau sutfering in Terrterden 'and dib- i Iiird, l*-aeaicate ihis - . .\{*.f rwith -ambularco. *. G;;i'be all who clrive &nd . qerqq thir 'fi;'Tii.-o[oioott, otf wtto fi1'st-ai{, al.l who ' .ittil ona wi11t".ndu1 qll *-Llo Bttffer,.".*u'i$ .' itiir-Vil;,-htslst*A tiiu neo; D.-W. W. C3lmichael. 'l ii; *;; by tho --Itqv. T[. TYplt\ : ?ti"iiririnn). tho Bel. W. J. Paradino Frost i Goorl ilt.ttroiiiiii' ieacl tlre story of ths I Snmaritan. FINANCIAL POSITI ON At a publie meeting.later Dr. G. D.-Landel r"tiuiirrjrari of the Teilterden Brigacle branch) present position of r.evealecl tlre financial - ftr Rev. D, Vl, Carmichael, Alderman Digglg MFyoI of Tenterdgn), . Rov' it1"- uoit. Carnival organiqbd.- by the " f -( Landcr 'Ihd c: F: : !t eft*mi oi 'Irade brought-92031-zl7 -, " The 'i,i;' TSS;; n?: S"nG;-collection,"- 976. l"nd of the 9299lg12 l;'$iy*:tn*;li: h:t;l'iyXFilH;i;t:';* cnritii6uted, tho arnbrtlnnco and uniforms antl \\ iroif-be." bought; repairsr- insurances- EN ict i E: other items htr-d f or ; Ieavtng a ii g(jr.fe i.-,TF:NTERPETU, ,, ln 1,7 b.g+^ ^P-oi {t TIIE VOLUMtmIIRS.--Coloncl'Wa,rd'at held bnlance in hancl of f10B7L7 l-. ' thq h-eadquarteis. tho D lIs stresseA*'ittut Zoi#t*ii6" between''tttq an inepoction -of S.'.A.8:-;;,l-air raicl worlr. In-the caso ol Componv rut tho Drill llall on ltriday. when raias, [e poinJed out.-t]re St. Jglrn ambul' ho expr-essad' g;reat satisfaction at all ho ha,d . Boen, Ffo thought, however, it wits r-qgrgt- &ncs men woulcl be cnllecl upon. They suffer' -boing- the some personnl rislr,. but their membep' tnbls that aflnr supp.liod rvith all ea neocssarv outfit tor mako tliis comp&ny effici- stiin of tlie S.J.A.B. meant service to their 'come merl. conclucled by wishing fof ent, , thd numbctr that had forward to fell'ow IIe join be so srnnll. a, c"r'eer of rrublic usefulness by tho ambul' should ance anrl its personnel. BOARD O'It GUAR,DIANS.-AI the fort' nightly meeting on, Friday thero were prrcsent Dr.- T. ltfartin praised the men for 'thr waf tliey Irad reiponcled to tho trni ning M;:. d. E. Selfres (chairnian), Mr. F. Coombo corirsu air6 said tliat it ,rvas. very helpful Ilahe'r (vico-clrairman),'Wright, and Mesers. f . Carg, a, nursiug division was lrei ng y sfrorus wero C. B. J. Sutton, J. Bull, H. G. to know that NIIITI'I Att, S-HUI{,'I'S: -rvlrtrrary institutecl bv l\{rs. Wilson. 'Ihey wa n ted 'fretJ-ortlSafurdav on tho ManoriLiouse ground' i Jones, A. Tanton and I{. B. Nlaco (agting -iieJthei was was read from the Local volunteers t6 form an auxiliar'.y resel've to GiAft[iib prryailed,: aqd the affa,ir, I clefk). - A' lefber help tlie S.J.A.B. men if ever thero wa$ ai u, lr,rocess".fro'm,i 6very point :of :'view. 'lVfrs. Government Board Chronicle as to a, sugges' lVood- ; tion,that Boards of Guardians should bo abol- air- raid. Wooatt"ri".- *ife of tieritenant-Cplonel 'ished, Also 6n the nlatform wero'W'ilson,'W'ilson the lfayof rlreslntod thi prizes, ri,nd was'presentqd drawinE; ottention to incorrect staYl- (Al(1. I\f.I\'f. Digrfle),DissJe), Mr. S. (cleptlty(cldputy 'ho,rsJ. Luther, 6n behplf of ths offioerg. ments whioh wero allegod to havo becn made. J. bv Ciptain ' ' , consist- discussion wa's in rbgald to tho i\:[tvor) and I\{i;C. trVilson, }fr. 'I'. K. I}arton [l.C.o];s a,nd' mou, ,'with -& rrlelrlglto, . A held ?*tibi"iuntt.- Clramber of Trade), IVII'. F. ,ins of 'a irest of the reginrent.' Dancing wa! casual wards and it was decided to i-Ienshawe- (treasurer, 'I'enterclen S.J.A. B. afferwards held. dhd orohestrA, b'eing r:omposed clcrss thorn in March. Tho Master rvas in- Carmichael and ll,ev. W. Sgmerpotg undef ; stiucted to obfurin prices for the supply of fag- ffiil.i;), n.u.- oi't[" ban.! of .tbe .Bandrnas.', Walsh. ter l'ramptotr. , ' r gots td tho Workhouse.-The Master's neport 169 MILITARY , fIlNEIiAL.lTllg ft"'"'ui tf showed tho number of inmates to bo *Pie.--Walter J. Clarke took' Place' with full against 121 ;' vagrants four against five; out TENTERDEh q3 6 '15s. 19s. -D€<.- I I militarv' honours : &t Whitstabo on Mond4y. relief f,10 6d., asainst fB Angling Association sgon , aft'er' RURAL DISTRICT COIINCIL.-A com- ANGLING.'l'he r f'rivabe Chrho jqirred lhe a,rmy hetd itg lust conrpotitiotr of tlte senson on ;itrc'ootbrp*k of froi, pnd was seierely wound- munica,tion w&s road from th'l frocal Govorn- ,Suliitriy Winllel'ts lvero l\[r. ' 'Julv'lst sent mont lloa,rcl notifyinpl 'that accortling to trew ut l)ttttgt'.ness. ed ori -hosrritals.lirsb yo&r. After hging'military - Cl foi,t.u, IIr.-0. 'I. Williurls, Ut. P' to various lie died in' the regulations casss of trrberculosis occurring reportecl medi' Webb. i-"rrita[ '- ut: , $horncliffe . cin' June 5th- Pto, amongst soldiers would bo by point ; C0Unf cLAlM.-T[o nro aslied to Ciait",i*ori the second son qf IVIrp. , J. Clqr\e, cal officers to tho National $lrvice l)epart- out that iu tlro cttse' C. J. l3unister- andI of 68,' Nelson-road,: Whilstq,,bls, '.a,nd bf ; the ment.*Mr. W. L. C. Turner, tho Sanibary y. : c&se Sou- Ltd..-Iiomorvood, t'erttel'den. eorn met'chtnts,, lato' ilIr, J.,' Ql4rk-e', . Brigade-sergdnnt-Major Inspector and Survoyor, reported & of ft-o:t .it 'at of ]ieubon llill Furjrn, in 'the Ro5'al darris6d,dytlillorr'.. 'I!,9 funeral me,aslm at Biddend:n and two cases at ltol- lJi.i,i;naeit-. Orinbrook Countv Court, ' Iirc" wer"- qonduobed ,by't[s'Rev. Hyla IIol' vendsn.-A satisfactoqy report of anal5'sis of IUessre. Uanister's tlrigirtal clnirn of S6 the Mid-Kent Wn,ter w&s presented. 16s. 6d. wos amended ,by , thern. . 04 gpqn- inr the e&so to f5 14e., artd that iudg- m6nt for this amount, witlr costs, was qrunted thenr. -,MlssroNAny suNDAy.-one wbo hsd THEY MADA HISTOBY t""t'-w:*t aL#in';iil";;5.i"*?*i:fi: )rc t136 arv Society), epoko at morning and a,lter- Teuter{en,e ambulance (which is to be noon rniesignnry iervices ill tho zton rtap- dedicated on Friday) ou Wedneeday made tist Church on Sundoy. In tlro -evenrng' its fil'st trin vith a, caso. since it was the pr.eoohcr rvne ths lnst pastor-Ilev, w. tJuc[t bv' [he St. John Ambulance Bri. Holybnk. f,l 18q. 4d. n'as collocted for tlle caad in October; and three local people missionaty funde. foade local hietory. n al 'f=*JERi=* re e6 I -'lt*r"yg:"'rtioi,,:'"t1"fr:ir.ll i1*11*.i

gpr1ifr d#"tt[.*i-1-;it"*],;i$iiiilH$'fif,u;;''1r"ll.i&;'ili1t"e-*J"l"'i:l *t+J|TTqe| ***; - l'- lvl R. G; E, BAKER-M ISS M. BAC0'N I a Pc tr- , SMALLHYT^HEE tcr33 | (Tenterdenl A $NNETACTNNSS l"' FoR rne cHURcH.;4 runrmage sale I The weddins toolc place at 'Ienterden l:arxl sale of work: in aid bf' Church Fuucls '[ Parish. Churclr-on Satuiday botwgen Georg-e s'l'. lulcflanLrs. l.*"r hekl irr the schoo|: oon *'o:;'0"'I Sclward, elclest son af Mr.- aud Mrs. Qr- W. l5t4 L6g. being realised Baher, bt Danemoro, Tenterden, qnd JWary, Jifth daughter of Mr. and M1s. &. pacon, L0, Gas-laner'I'entetden, D!)orrffi s.c. Given a,way_ by TRESS BEALE. hen brother-in-law, Mr. T. Bourne, the bride 'woro a white A lirrk ' cobwob lace gown rvith tho early days of St. over a' satin sliP, l\,Iichaels, 'I'enterden, has been severod by ?nd heq.Iong trail- the dcatlr of l\{rs. ti. (). Tress lleale, widow rng verl was se- of tho l'oundcr a,nd. first vicar of St. cured by p cluster r\fir:hael's par.ish. Tlre deceaged, lady, rv[o of orange blossom. $/as B1 yca,rs of age., dred on Saturday at The Chief brides- l;[re residenco maid, Miss Kay of her elclest sg1t, [{r:. G. It. Bacon (sister) wa,s 'Iracy lleale, Finchden h,Ianor, Tentorden, dressed'in a'pinlc rvith n'honr she hacl becn r.esiding fo,r:.geme sown and she had yeal'$. Sho lvps tho daughtor of thB r lato I, hato of pink and Itev, Ir. 'I. Tlaslcwood, formerly qf Smardon silvet |eaves. Miss RccLory, lletty Bacon and and gr.ea,L-granddaughter of $ir Miss Dorothy Ilclwarcl l)ering, 6th 1866 sho maf- ' llart. Ip Bourne (bride's ried tho Rev. S. 0. 'Ircss Beale, q,nd, tQ, sister and niece), getirer thcy caulo to St. Nlichael's, where wore powder blue georgette they . built t;ho church cqst . S12,000, laco and -irrivatB at a of out of thr:ir means, and.worked in frocks, with halos .when of silver a,nd blue thc parisir until 1881, hor lrusband ]eaves, eilver gir- resignecl. I)uring that periocl their serviees dleg and shoes. u'ero voluntary, ancl tlro many acts of liind- Two gther attend- ness. a,ro s[ill rcmernber.ed by many , of the ants, Miss Pam oltler inhabitauts. On their, rotirement Perry and Miss froln Jean Hart, wore tho worlc in tlre parish thcy were iri'*- blue organdie sentod with a magnificent timepieco. She ' { gowps over pink slips. The best ma.u was leaves three sons, ono.claughtcr,and eleyen TENTEILI}EN I Mr. )tr. Soldstocli. grand-ch itclt.en. I As the eoupls left the cburch little Brian .llhe f rrnelnl took placo at St. Michael's. on SHOPPING WEEK. ' Ilart presented, th.q bride with a, silver 'Oci-,- horseshoe. Wednesday af t,ernoonr. , when .&: largo number ' of olcl parishioners n37 r 'Ihe reception, at whiph between 40 and. assernbled to pay' their 'The Mayoress of Tenterden (l\Irs. J. II. ' 50 guests wero presontr was held at the lqtt t'es;rects, inchicling Lady Dnrry, Miss when Temperancs !Ir. aud - - ".Ho*utd, ,Mr.. Digglp) , had a busy dny on Safurday, llotel. Afterwards Nf.ellor, I\Iisi llright, IVIr. events the u'eek were Mrq. Baker theip new home at Diggle, ths of tpwn's'afternoor shopping -Michael's,left fon ]\tiss Capeliirg, Nliss Manktelow,, Mrs. eoncluded..'fn the lhe-opened the , St. the' bride lrearing I' navy ancl l\{iss Wallace, I ancl l\{r. ' and l\{rs. Jo}rn Tenterden' Gardenefs' Autumn ' Shdw, stag;eil blue frocli and JJales. ''Iher' serui.:o, .rvhich w&s condr,rctecl in tho Town Hall, and then went on to the "FfiErr*r, liy tlre llcv. I\1. J',. NIan, ossisted'by the vicar, gt'ound, where she presented tho i Bridegroom' to bride,- persoual; brido t-o bride- -chbral, recreation -Wittershanr personal tho llev. R. II. Ir. Grrinness, rvas ,tho OId , groom,-lirien;-lirren; I bridels parent-s, recept,ion ' and ttJesn, t,'Peace, curl to the and Hiwkhurst bed bridegroom's-bridegroom's parenbs,parenfs, three-pieco hyrnns lover of,itry soirl" .ancl Bo'ys, rvho defeated Tenterden Old }3oys 5-2. ' pcrf-erct I loungeIollnge- sul[esuite: 3 KathyJt&lnf, audAUO Betby,llewy, blueDIUO eiderdowneIOerOOwu poacc " boing,sung, rvhilst tho choir Thg dance in the Torvn HalI on Frid-ay antl, and bedspread; Louie, Dorothy and Tommy, rcntlero,l th,r 00th psalrn. lilho nltar v&ses had the Boxinq 'Iournament in the DriII- Ilall cabinet, of cutlery; 'l'om, banging mirror and bcctr fillctl lvith arllnl lilics by tre{. grand- on Saturdiy werq well patronised by the CtlfD;curb; Tom fOm AnOand ltene, rug; CbrisUUug andaDo Atfr'Ltl. . pil-Ptt' claughter, l\{uriel Ncvo, and th; gravo- lined towrspeople.-at low and lrolster set and tablecloth; little Alfie, y,--1th evcl'grcens, dafiodil.s a4d primroscs by Judges the Gardeners' Shorv were I\Ir, honsehold linen; Aunt Emily and Uncle Jess, N{r'. 'John- 'at (Tenterrlen) dinner service; Winnie, I'rank and Jane. elec- I,lalci, latc garclener Eastgatii J. IJond (Wye), Ifr. A. Durrant tric iron; Cousin Grace, fruib se0; Grauny (Ten- ancl l\1r. Prior,' l;ho iar.lcner' lrir,.'6.luti ancl I\Ir. Sarnson (Wooclclrurch). 'I'he IIon. terden), tableclotlt and pillowcases; Oranny l\Ianor. At thc- gtuuc.Tde tho Nunc"f Dim it;tis nlrs. liobson, rvife of -NJajor .I. S. Robson, tlte (Staplehurst), ,ketilo aud teapot; Aunt' Kate \\ras sung. I'ho familv morlrner:s weret-Ivti.. society's presiclent, presented prizes to NIessrs. and Uncle X'red, Treasury notes: Aunt, Gladys Ir. 'I'r'acy llcalo (6ldcst rson),' Miss Reale C. Geor'86, G. Holclstock, W. Monlr, lV. Webb, arrd Unclo Stuart, cut-glass bowls and butter 9.(grand-rlaugh't.er), disli; Aunt Lill (London), tablecloth ' and tray- 1\{r. R., C. I)cring Bcale H. Willsher, }V. Barnes, C. Gilham, Ii. J. (Woodchurch), Johncock, Georgo, G,- .f. J\Iasters, clobh; Aunb Latl towels; Tom, {sgn), I\[r;s. I)ering ]3eulo (daughterllin-law].-lVtr. H. Ilaker, four-piece carving set; Aunb Louie and Dmma, I\{rs. floraeo Ncvo (tlnrrghl,er),'i{. florario W. Wood, J. G. BurdCIn, G'. Fullager, R. S. tablecloth; Mr. and Mls. 'l'. W. Fuggle brirss $_eve (son-in-l.Iw),.Bcale il,tri Walter B"ole (son), Brotherwootl, F. G. Holdstoclr, t. Beach, l\Iiss toasting fork; I)on and l'hyllis, cut-glass fruii Nfrs. \Va,ltor: T[. (tlarrg]rler-in-lau.), iti.,t,- Thornson, I\.[escla mes G illett, I\{oore, Love, bowls; lihoda ancl lldgar, coal scuttle; 1\Ir, IVebb, Briclge, Johncoclr, George, I,'. Barlr, . sausiplls Mr. and MrEc arcl Tlcale, _I)oris Rcale irrrtl 1.,Iigcl Realo (grarrcl 'Woolley *$g I[tg,.- Fo"l$t!oc!, . L -ancl childr_en), i\[rrrieI Neve (gran,i-darrglrter,)l ttt,.. flarnes, and Brooks. Spain. afternoon tatrlecloth; IvIr. IvIls. Shoe- nnd &Irs. flerbort Ilasicu'ood (nEnh,:ru irnd Neauly 300 people attended the boxing bridge, tea towels and clusters; !Ir. and Mrs. ttieco),. tournament. The best fisht of the evening Wellard, afternoon tableclot,h; It[r. ancl ]Irs. J. I'lr. und I\{rs. Philiyr'I}lalio (nephew -between Masters, sot of handpaiuted jugs; Mrs. l\{oore tr,nt-l nicr.o), i\,Tr. and lN:[r.s. wirg a, six-rouncl contest P. Beadle vi'ion Ilrusloirood ('I'enterden) (St. and Ctrarlie, gold crishiou; i\lrs. Ilttyos (Maid- (lrcrphori' arr

ANOTHER TENTERDEN EFFORT 9 nAY ,peace n3b fn timo of prepare for war I yes I eygn during ,.gas . a ca,ruivai aud t nr&i- attack" and diuplays by mernbei,"il of [h; St. John Ambuia,n-ce tjrisa.lo # the me&De U*! - of som.battiug the p.rU If sa" yul. probably occupy & prominent positiou . ,Ienterd6u ltl tlre progr.amruo for ilre Car- nival on August 19. cit*n3lilv",i.,,l?,":l:r"9,11"'ff o"ll",ll,: ils o. pofor gmbulance foq_ th; i-*"ti;- formed . b.J.A.IJ. section itr the town. A carnival. in. lgg4, fot: ths Nursurg As- eociation,- raieed about ,9120. It ir-fi"p;.| to oxceed this figuro. I MPBOVED PROGRAMM E A strong execu.tivo corDurittee has bcen forured 'rud a rnuch iulrroved r)l.og1.np1pt is being plauned. This will, incfuclJ ,a car- nival procession for trtuJs velriclesr'pri-

vate c&rs and..pedestrl&n!;- rvhilet villiges in the &rea will bs a.sked to enter a com- MAR,RIED ON HER BIRTHDAY qunity exhibi.t.' A contrnuous progr.orrme L/Lt-i n31 ' of arnusement. will be given ihofho 'J. --€ in llecrea- .l{ R. 0. W I LL I S ( Darf ford Heath);M ISS M R. J. A.' H ILLS (Folkestone-M ISS' E. tiol Ground. In addition to tho " gas qt- ; tack," .this' will prolrably includo -e V. M00RE (Tenterden) tl. H0LDST0CK (Tenterden) dis- J. wdAcling took placb lnlayiplay by the lire brigado of rescuoregcus workwof,k 'Ihe at. 'I'enterclen & ournirg. hou.se; dqncing ponular rnem ber , of Tenterclerr Opcratic Unitarian Chall.el. on Saturday, of James lftoot - disployr;-at- pieri'ots;pi;;i."is; uthoTi.;-".i.ill,iryJ'"o,t"athletic, rlisplaye oth6r at- Sr"rciely. (sho'. reeerrLly, urirde a, hit as tho Arthur, son of the late IVfr'. S. Hills and il and ;fr;r tractious. A rnonster whist drivo ^ and comedierrno in The Arcadians ") of Mrs. Hills, Qhssiton', Folkestono, a,nd I leadiug " IJrlith May, tlrircl dauglrter and I two carnival danccs lvill concludo ths The Tenteutainers," of I\'Ir.'Ten- snd'' one of tho stars of 'f Lfrs. W. 'Iloldstocli, 6,' Sayers Yard, I duy. : lt'Iiss Joan Valerio }loore,' only daughter of terdep: I 'i'neThe -Lfeyor..Meyor. Mr. S^S. Wilson.Wilson, ie ths carni- t'Laurclhurst," lval prosideut and .tho Deputy lvftryor,-tr. J)r. .[Ir. an 50.q. od. ) Oat,tle :-Darrens dows to busin&ss 'Iioad #I5; iu-cnlf cows arrtl heifers to {2O rbs.; cowrr oelebrated his 70bh birthdav in !'ebru&r.y, hacl ing of tlre' Woodchurch w&s rof'eiretl urrtl lreifers with c:alves to *,23; trvo-year-okl- st,ecrj been ailing for sorno rnonths, a'nd only s.trr- tg- thri' Worhs Comuiitted. A 1:roposecl arrrl lreifers to tE24; l8-rnonths-olrl steers charge 5p. per quarter Cran- !lreifers and vived his wife five nronths, VIp. OIitr dving -_of : -Water from tde to $16; ;'eurlings and l5-months-old beast{ in October last. C{itr.in hii your}g€r days lrook District Company- for testing to O15. i -\'Ir.Woolwich dockyard. II.o hydrants ryas agrecd to. Ai application I\tcssrs.I\'Icssrs. Ilutclrllutclr fl,flr|a,rrrl Wafernrun'slValernlun's nricesprices: i I(ent was enrployed fh from tho chairrnan of tho mauagors of the i ewe lambs ul) to 54s. 6c1., including i\tr.- :{. .lj leaves a- largo family, with whonr nrrtch sym- 'of I s. I\l j is f elt in thsir bereave ment. The Clrurch ltrngland Schools foi a waste Iteeves, irb 5l ; r. l[. Oordon Jones' 5Zs. 6d. nathv papeq receptaclo placetl Itr.i\tr Itl. I\l I'Hr$orui'f)*rsntrst 50s.,SOs-- IIr,T\fr $it,ulrt,Strr:rr.f. llates'flrrf.r.qt 54s.tirru 6d.a.r'l funcial will l,ako place on lrrida.v. to be outsitlo tho r 611., 8,. good schoof s was agreed to. the recom- i I\lr; W. Ilurrow's 5lti. Illr. Ir. Coomtre Baker'd Zion Baptist---tfhupu-1.-Tht're . Pas 'WorhsOn 51s.,, aud I\Ir. R. J. Ptckham's 5Os.; Kent wether mendation of fne Committeo the I attondrauco ,on \Vcdnc.sdray ,'evetringl, $'hen & i luubs up to 40s., inclrrcling lllr. (1. l\Iorris's s?s.j given Surveyor. was authorisgd to six u'as I moet interesting .trectu're on " Jtlru- i - ^purc]raqo I\Ir. n,. {)flett's 56s., I\1.r. I{. {iordon Jones's Sz lai S. .Ald;s. wiro wasto paper receptaclcs.for pltrc:ing at Itlillerr's 3?s., BorrLne'r salem and the icnrplo " 'by Mr. \\r. I Itlr. L. J. l\lr. I't. J?s. oh.j nu.ur- a,vantageorls positions. It wils decidecl to Illr. W. lload's 40$., I\lr. Il. J.. Packhrrnr's J8/61 The lcc[uro \trs,s illustrated by a, lar,ge | I extend'tlro sower along the Appledqre lload I\lr. Johrr (ilritcksliekl's 36r. 64., Illr. .1. II. lteeve.s'i ber of beoubiful lan'tern pictures.' fhe Rev. presided, &Dd for & distn,nce of 1,30b fcet to Bolgar-lane 58s. 6d., I\lr.'lit,lckles' 5gs. 611., ItIr. fihrdrwood'l A. lV.'niu.uttb L. Barker on behalf of ; &t an approximato cost of f 4?0. 5?s.; lrnlf-Ilrerl llttrbs up.to 46s. (lllr'. C. Bdrrrne'l i[*i ttranliedi Mr. Aldis for tho lcc- I 44s., i\lr. .I. O. llatnsrlen's 45s. 6d., r\lr. W. IIoatl'J Counbillor moved "'I'hat permis- ture, ivhioh they Jrad C,ll murc,h enjoyed. A I 'Iaunt 4Js. 6d., C. l)ean's 43s. 6d., Ilr.. Riohardsl gnanted Grounrl l!rs. colleotion \flas taken on 'behalf of the church ' sion be to the Recqeation 46s., uncl I\lr'. G. l\lorris's 44s.); Kent ttrr'rie-lanri \ 'Corurnitteo for the erection irr tho Recrea- ewc;ir 59s. 6d. ; Iient, ewe tegs, 65s. ; bdasts, l g' funds. i ' last scason I tion grouncl of four swings and o, soo-sa\v' nront,hs heifers, ;tl2 7s. 6cl.; heifer und steer budsl Whist Drivo.-The drivo of the'Wednes- f 9 to 910 l0s.; atrtl two-year-old beasts up to f,?Ai, wa.q hsld at tlfe Workmen's Olu,b on for the uso of children up to tlto age of dngr evening and was ono of the nrcrsb sucorss- trvelvc ycars," which wag afterwarcls rais.

ful ,tho club ihrs &rranged rl.rrring tJre winter. i ecl to forn'tecn ye&rs. In moving his l'eso. Th.o b,illiard roonr, in w'lri"h tlre dliv.e was held, I lutjotr (,'ouucillor Tauut sa,id he had .re' ,be.autifully was mcst, decorrted for'the occasioe, I celverl an cstimato for S16, which he con. ,by "Womon's DEATH OtI MR. \4r. COITE. tho d,ec.oration-s being:gtIl caruicd or"rt h,tr. , sitleret[ chcirlr. 'I'he fnsti.tute G. D'ivall ancl Mr. E. Yinall, their i.lrevious harl liindly oftered 910. All he asked t;ho efforts lt"irg quite ecli,pscd. 'l'he refre-:hrrrerrts Council was to l)ity the insurg,nco, ,lvlrich NATIVE OF TENTEI{,DEN. vlor'€,, o.$ rrgual, on a lavislr scale, and wcre ho said rvoukl l:e a very sma'll Burn. Coun. s'uperintendecl n.v Mrs. E. Vinall. prizes I'lA Q.q,1-t. lcl r t The cillor A. H. Ilurtenshaw, in seconding, con. wero won a,s fdllows : *Iradios-Jst pit", silJi gratulated Copncillor on his ef- A wqll'known i$ .lVost I'IaUing hqs 'l'aunt figuro blo'use lr.:ngt'h, tr{r's. S,. IVIilien ; 2ntl, fincv tablc l'orts for the children's en joyment. Al- bsen rqrnpvad by tho death of IvIr. Walter cloth, lMiss' {-)olenrar^ 3r-d, le,tterr raek,t l\,Jiss pesscd ; derman J udge supported the motion ancl C

rn"titution), B-. Terry, Staniling (left to rigbt)-Mr.3.-frf"l Coombe 3a\9:,-14ry, Grovegi(tr[atron of $r..tr. Tantou, Mr.4. Mi:. i.-8. Lorileu, C. k. Bro.o,,l[r. II.'P. Player, Mr.'E. Clordon Jonee, Mr. {Grovea (Maetor of fnstitutio-n}. -it"ti (Chairman), Midb Silii"g to . iigUq-CoqaciUor X'. Care, .Colonel .,f.. Aoay I (Vice-chairnanl, 'Ur. E. E. Solmss ,, Peet, colouel , J. Irunn Mace (clerk) oorerorir' nr-ngrtr!rt';4_ _l:,';1. Kcntish seP'ec'Eaptcss phoro.P"v'v' var:ietl pt'ogtar)ttlle. \vtls euio.yed.b.y pareuls I nnd frrouds on tlro ro*"'lii'iG' pi"tto"t : gir:deu of {iotcxlcng, Iligh.lSch-ool .ol .}ulv | , : i ., .^. iiir'.""..-'rrii,".zi"ii-.'-',-;iitti. on tlro occ.sioh ,n,,1",,",f,!;,lriil;;.1 t1.;*l;1tii5;.1 tg3otclSo^ 'I'lt.: gurtlert Iolrnc< I lGsrruy reilren;eH tg3on3O ll ALnaec,rrrrNienoeNALnaec/frrNrenoeN l)all'. ltcSr"y-Jurtno.-'rho wHlsr DRlvE.-A whist drive qrounrl for. rhe "hnrmrig'il:i;ili lli;", I I corporation ,o.rkmerr,ogrl.merr an.l ll BENEFIT : ii,-,*ri i;iri"i,rr"q: ilu r';;;-*- rvhir:h the iuniors contr' i1iiii,=_l';*"T$r'gt-iffi#,;i**1ffr (.r'(r(1""dircction ('rof 1\Iiss II.-.I.^ | ;,,$.fi,i:qi;f,,'i{fl,.i'.-;*ill,,l,i.jii;,;ll e-rccllent ttuinirig.'rrrss "' Nlt: p;1',*Hru[*l sports_ rvcre also enjoyedrl ilti.iJinl";"*i*l*#il-frfi'#,iit!li..,'.*".*'.d.i ]i] }fji,,i{:;J"iih.,,Jifi:Tr,,.ff wele l lre chftt'ncter'$ in " 'itfrer.rbr-v i'ft;,;;'l*li1-'ltl;"--N. .Iuttsc: Iliug. ttt. $' I I "'"'ifrr-!;- s0 i;i';i"':' 6;"'i"ili:-lr"i""lj i-ft'-'v**tll;l ar:ros. li. l\[. Iloul'ne; I I n$l,|t,*.r",*. li.r,:l,iir i,'*m:lil ll t:"idJi*ru.+r!!!rlr*'u. or'er you

-)Iorlre j 4. ;. larlim-in-s a.il - ttt'. .1. St'o{t,S,',it t, ittttl ll. Ilir lttt'ti ; cour{ ict's, fo seo oltr fast colour ca$enlents. , Valuc l\l. ll..ll. I ;i;;;-ijii'iiii,ir:;i,,,'?-iir';;;.,, r t rf T't--^-.-*^-- oud .,-*-,1 /r^ (rcn. /nr I). littttrt:ns ltu(l Xt. l-latcs: l)HNc, J'.'rr. IL' l""M0THEnS'1""il,i-iri'eiil' UNl0N.--AuNloN.-A garclgardeu p:rr.ry co. S trr 1r luy. l! i.S""l,T-tiA.t:iol.lt:"no" TiTNMEN RESIDENT'S DEATH RECITAL'-1\Ir'.JosephRECTTAL.-l\rr.,roseprr clarh.crarh. '."u:,- It,.i: lHfi:liiii. offi"ii,"f{"J""itnll':llLiill,-:{,,ll,lti.,\tiL3t ]iriiisiiato itho enlolling nrcntbct) in ll DRAMATgDRAMATIc *,ilfJwitlt itlcr'11 'l','*T,i"irI,T1'1rr{l't'lt t lrirl tvc' r't:t:nl't:t:ot'r[ t'rI {her t,., p,i*'i"'i I f.t:: -al, rr tlro pnbllc lvero ln- Il; "J.i 'I I herj gurd,:n IJu.stgnlo an I'hurstl;ry ,to ll to - wlronr ,'Ig]lt9l'del on't'or .t Ir'l"i\lr'. svrrrrr:vS!'tttt.)' (lltn'lcsc,r:rrrfi:,^!,\,ij:]i:':'i'lliti C*ssinslri,ril, I I IU'l',."ry-l.1l 12, (i'i's')'ertt-i'\'c*'{)"'''iii,J'li"",ii;..:(lrrrstrea rlallottltf ,,,I":li ii,lsi,t*tt"nliritiP"iruJ,'""f1,,\l'J lii"$f""*,&,Vil $ff*:l'"#i;int'iii?d:fl rlly,'jz' rrt tho rge of -liflY iii:lln'$!T,.T"tlu"ll,}:.t.,li?,;.f.1*t}'i""\,:;Ill ;;#::Ti5,"l'#}ftiH'r#f'hlii'u"1,'"tr,l rl,.itl:rsrrl rvrrs tlrc clrlesL ron of ,llro ttllg 1 :'fir"u*11[-n tril-f,. nt,,o. Ir fI[[-instant ivith nnother

I ri 1136 flfru TENTERDEN , , 0 U T I N GS.-*'Ihe members of the choir of Suallhythe ghrlrch, with the orgranist, Mr. H. D. Austen,'' f aid 'd cltara,bane visit 1o Lontlon oll Satiirday lor their anuual out- ,Ztpn SAY MIIIV'S irg. - Thu }Saptist-helcl Churt:h Sunglay Scfrool outing \vas on Wednesd ?y, when,runder thd charge'of [fr. H. Swain, 1\[r'. A. J. 'IJur:klantl ancl I\fiss A. Checlts- .fiU* field . (superintenclents), antl &ccompatried tr . --:-r ,', ' by par:ents, tlie children spent on enjoyable Teuteltlerr is folging. altentl; ';This wab ' rhould:.. hivo , adequato 0re-fisbtinc. .eouin- clay ert llastings. tle ilnpression. left by .tLo'epb€ches..tle atl,Drenf.arid an'slfibient bris{id'd-li;es iveie R0SE DAY.-A very sur:cessful Alexan' the secqnd annua.l diuner of Tdnter-I'at stdke.. .' . . a dt'u, R.ose Dtry, organisecl I\[rs. Ada:n.s,l . h:r' di!f,o'ft.rtltilHi; Qhamller,io,f 'Iraclo on Wedll€sd&1r.-' i Tlhonrsotr. wa,s helcl on Satut'cfay , .",f"#;.t?.fil A N Ar r 0 o F :; s o p K E E p E ernd }Iiss rH:1,$:*fft1""- | { : F Rs end ris & result a cheqtte of ovel' gr?g luts (chair.4pn)..(chairr-ngl,n) preside<|,presicled, suppprteilsuppp*LA-bfthe by the Propoeing..Propobios ..Tenteiden.,Tenterden , 'Chamber lqrrlqrt ' - I i thoth" Chambe: of bben sent to headcluarfbrq. T'l.t-Q -colleclbri', ' Moyor and. .L[ayOlgsg of Tenterden ,(Mr. I Trn,drt-"..,(lnlnnol ia',. I .rslr'

3l "t';'""i1'"'$ll*r*'rl9x worlc it. r"T.n1:i'"r,1,:Ig.";rr**r l';'"'l:l;ttpit'51; , . After $ie. pro $|;$rilf ll,tg-!,_,:$-'; I iilI#*$-lil#tfrii brought t" *noiuJio;;';l,ii"ii:,#'"ri*"J.1ll drv charg.d' with uniiwir"i; ;; ;;;T.n:I jl:l$jl*"*; rv*e-given ror'- rhe c;"di;;;, Lii."hii"i,"?!ll9llg"'g,g-*:if i iiili:Ifl.i1*J"Jli.1;Ht:il andt+'lr1,frTrr.d$s,rryp*"'i;l1lltulr','*"i'$r.:l.'f#ilt'il*1ll"'T#iili the Master and Motr .i$i*g,:l&!i:i#j"rf1ilil l:i"",#,ii**noo,,. "'rrih"w'i"d'=*'''it"Tis",?ii'i'"ili;11*#jid:+$;u*#,"t;+;;uruiritfl,-1,**un--t*l$;'',**,t*;li,iif:iolnp*:tri:'n.flrn',i'tyui,t'i: again mado tlreir anpborar arrd not only provid'ed the exce,,onrexe.jllont caro,s.caroli, otc.. 0,,*n,*'::,flilTl?l",ll;ibut gethnr.in tho_ir wandcringr I i?T,l; I ::#ifrr,""*.:..::f#iij.,r?fiffil11,ti*i )[ur;j,l[uTf,Til:,,fi;l;xffJ"t i

,""i'l,+ii#tal,[.tl;;';l.l,ttF;+:'r,:i#lllixt'jThl{t{Hi',,';g*,'}{t*Hi:?"iftil:**-'rwr.*,il;:i!'jitiii'{j::"..r*,:: *'ffiigf*'$ffis*n ffii*it'm$**[ffiir'i"i"v-u;il'':i"i"*"xirl'id;:r#illiFtri'itdqii-ft?f*fl*:";{ffi*ffirl*:il[T{fflj}lftl";l*:l{tli'i*.?'* i I i t$ red cloaks and i,hs centi the ovonines of the -rvaol i q*#-f *$[+**, u,'tti*':ffi I ffi *f#*:it*Jii?]ffi I iffi *;fr;]xnl+; lrave indoed been eratiffol ;i;il;;"r;;il ' ' " . ,lite5 anrl J. Barton, stcwnrrlg.*Tho liighrr Rclls ;l,l"T:.lt[T'",';r"""1t*::i,,Ofil-"TJ:.,.j,-^*;{"1ri:,1 n- | clubclrrb shale-oub.l,ooksharo.our'rook ' placo on.rri.ittny rltrcrr,la ;;'ii'":.*r;":'*1",f'fifT.t -ill1":":l^il. j,f: T':''iln +-:* i: I 2z TA-^..::=== H tq 37 jl4 tng..v€ the sunr'ili;"';?il;1'"i'; of Js- ififrilfrFXSf'^ RTDER "Ye Oldoudo.,.v,'e Tynre. Waytes"wavres,,',']lii;;i1g;i,x1;yJl l l, $i nnd ulso rvislros to cinvev fi*f;"ij,,$::1, KTLLED ON ROAD__ {iJi;;:ffiftn+'lk:t+ii. cartl party and to the 'irit"uitnnG"Lr" T;: te'don ancland I ltri,{fr:.;:..{:,r.*tJrl'.s,",i._it:,;.l***..;ti , dist,rictdrstrrct for{or their'thoir guii"ru,"gonerorrs ;;;-sup. I I rrrl'ilr,r."nl,-J. iLu"i.i., r{C.'nrig,i"n, 7.-Si;t,t;; l'ur!' l--|[-". George Brook-'r+- Burgess, aged ?$, of St. I tt',,"u0*'W. Giibe*, A. Fiold, F. Popo,-R. !'recd, Il. ,ir,r"', cHuRcH.-ou whiL*unda, | ,{if[;S,"."liiioP.';11*.oiiti]il"i?$,t1ti"illi: li f;'.T'"J,l;, t. [",i'*rl *lii"il"l]- aerrrlorrs ryore o"er"Lla Uv tle RBv: E I lpital soon after his-tricycls aud a car col- I snr: nr6sided al tho niano..-Tlte annrtal sltate' Bulstrode. Dioc'ssau Oisaiisinc Socretary '| | litled near Tenterdsn yieterdav mornine. I out bt tho Gatdencis Arms Slato Chrb tootri of the C[orch Missioudr-v Socieitv. and tbb I I Tho driver of the caf was Mr- Thdml; I nlaco on 'fhursdav rvhcn 54 nrembers rcceivod offertorios-throughqut tf". ary i6re. given lr,H€lly E:ggl!b,'pf Eeeoells $r..p, Hgrs- , iSs..e|d. cach, uo'iess.a.s_urn of i21 3s..4d. hav. to_thatobject.-Thocboir_rcq4erod.9ol-|to -r:i-**^-5-i.-:::..:-/-*;i:.=;::;fi bcen paid out for sickness., A capit,al srnok- ,that .object., ^f'ng Jh9*,'rtqc{e1e$,-99]f I Wngq+:"':l;::*i*'**us:*-*-!f9-89&+ iiurbcenpaidoutforsickness.Acapit.nl.srnok-jirrg nod's antheru, '1 Send Out, Thv Ligbt" botb I ruornins an{ evening. {9NL bcirrg Ir{essrs._-G. jr{op, lct-3? | | lSl,sS. silcn -B- {. I Vinall,_ W- Vinoll,-hr junr., .L I ,'lV.,Mitchell,, l I. lliurs, J. $jl'oulr, flharpo: nnd W. llarris, ivhilo I Amons those nteeent were Col. W, A. l - BTTfi4sc (nresiclent). tt' TENTERDEN l?8,?^ i V. Findlnter Capt. L. Chelk I I / -J. 6 ,, I avor O local brancl of !lt'u I ,THE teluir)^ I\faior S- Rirhson. the Ilf I I onv UT.-'Iho-Consei'vative wtth LEGIO1T oll'oil"tJi,,lffiil' I W.iti"n's--iJiu"v Association, . I l}1". I t (Chnirm'n of tJro lrolueu'.s sec- | AND r,*;n#llill),- .*i: o.a-wednes' "a" I il.S.O.. Col- Rirrrth*Tones,' T).$.o., Colonel 1 I tffi;i. ;;'I,it,"";;ii*ff i;";i;; (re- | Cozens. Cnpt.Cnnt Porter,.Porter^- R.N.. Col.Col- G. A. I I dty," ouor forty tnetnb-ers spendtng tt qi}; T. Iigh'tlulty irttere^sting duy. ) I4TORLD, PROBLEMS ^ t' I [f,x**Thomas., ,IVfr. YiCr irF'n,.][X'*'s,,;tloto,TIj T: , tzt0N ANNIVERSAn|Hi.-u.e"ui".s The $unrl*y I 'r'.1.,# - co'Dection i Robertbon.l, ll[i. ,T. , tr , urii,rii'-ttio uotri\i"i*t' ir] AT,TENTERDEN x^tHiT.'i'#tntives f rovh "ill',So Aslifo: ."'# li$*'"tr'?l; *iiii Zio' Ratrtist Chrtrcl wcre (:on' YIEWS I{alclqn, ond Woodchureh Si;;.I,w irt tlro ,nstot' (t1o Bcv' . , ryotvgrrtles .: ;i;;'t.,i';;t ptqpleis gatlt'*t; BR$,'NCH DINNER braRehed,',,"'bil;f;lq"' ..:.-, . t ! r A:-Diii""- rviii fi;'t)' tr'" vottog .-. the"'.. evenin'l &{l entertainment ins Ireld in the afternoon lletng ntten(le(t : w&B gi*.en' hy Jvfrs It. .Trrdge. llfrs, Frep' . i,"' tiii'*u,,iiotri"r ntt-iiiu Weslcyiin Suntlay Stanser. Freelnnd anrl werc_ Legion's strength wag Iand."I\fiss D. I{isi , sc[ool. og i\l.gldAy-C. acftlresses -gtvcn "T TIIINK the ' i Freelancl, Canhn, . F. (Hqyk}ll:tl r never rteeded molo tha-r. it is to*lpy, I'fasgrs. G.- E. - I ff"iii" it"".- I{arris-. I , Rutherford - G .Turner. J. Tfor{eeg. Rrtr' Tiii, rI'r.--ivoGo'i-H,-- (N-qrv lt'or'uefl' 'I'hev're rL bod-y of tried and experienced GoldsmithGoldqmith andqnd- tltlre ii'a ii;;:'n,ii*.i 'rviltttlst- all obovo for -'bace.'l F- i dstte,.lstte, J. FuggJ-..Fuggle. A. tii;' R;;. presiclins.. At ,rren". who sta.nil, all. i'"Gertcha Roys," iti*tiiisiti ;peiial ,siirsing 'w€ts rcndcred by Cantain'lr--';tlVe Challc. bave got that tgeltrg 9f comrarle- t"t\6 the chiltlrcn. p' T,egion. ' Nqt only ie it of !il'j"{l WEtlDlNG.-Ttre rnnrtiase-"r of -Mt.- John slii in.-lb the ";A;"d-on" au{-. Mls' J tn. Lelion, but to 'oirr national ivr;;[;i[ - nrr. ' "nii,e S. I\'t;ii;ii: ;1- 3, Shnlbtlote,--aif"dlrter to Vi59 Rose -:i;Onlifo '&lso."-1\Iajoi J. Bobeon. - -no"g*rrl'"*Zona I\1'. ancl ' this 'r'ery doy, rvhen' wo do not iill-" - '' -of -noxt -word 14, shrtrbcote., toolt know rvhut the ,rnay -rne&n' -we Mil. it.'il nil's&;- ;f linno. at Preston llnll; followed up that iiiti,u iG"p*'isti- c,hurcS on Snturrlav, ) thig- country love. iii;- u."uice J:eing contluct"d I,v tlle Rev' ihaushin rre in 'l'he COROI{ATIOI{ CLOCK wlto lvns "oit t;r i\t. L. Nf tttt (vicnr). Tlte bride, - *flf.,ff iier:- wns clt'essed itt n';1*" ,' i*3 r i *i5l "L'iil:""n: ITOR TOWN HALL ;i;n;'n*nv- bv'"ivitii-silv;r- .{ndrer;. otliff,t'',ll*f'i'jfiJ irriitii strti'h. lace, ql'l carried renrer- rl IqIT n'ii,li,qii*[;,i i'tiitu cnr.n^tions.'llro brides- -innual #?*'r*u ,g,5irrr\ ' Mis's ) ' iirn icls-- *e"c }Iiss Peggv Btrrqess nntl clcnts: tlinner on J![o-nday;-"l OF TRADE'S - - blue Catntirin L. Challc presiclecl, ' Qnd Tropo6' TENTERDEN CHAMBER Lilv ittf^stri.tt. *tro iutle d'e..rsed in ili;;'"fig-rir,e,{, silli. witl lrnfs to mntcl' irttr ihe toast- of "'I'ho Legion," 6etid that ;;;i .httenilnnts i:iunci. noar.l.y g6q str.ong. He SUGGESTION fil b'id^l lvcre l\{iss Pat Brrr' iii8 oa* -biggept. : rvhil,r the ) *ni,l tl&ttTtte-lrind. dJnner nias the func' ,1."* ,,"a-Ifa.stor. wnlter'$tnnley ,l\{asltell ii;; , ;f 1te over' organiseil by the iiest i irio rvirs l\Ir. l\Iasliell of the.. I Ovor 100 atlended" '.- lf the suggestion !g4te-rde"n tt}ECIAL Flying visit to'forvtt lla-ll, 1l't'tt brrrnoh. " ^ i I of Trade meets wtth the I own t,,i-tiiq, tri,'1 Bor,ion, reprytnu, Chamber "l'enterden terrlel, toiitorrq Lorrrlorl Pyoclttctiptr, "i. d;;;;Tl'i u-pproval, will corl- ;-iffi-' Iietoriy IU.akeri," coullrlertcilt,, I\lirn' ) ltte Coionation by. Jta.ving .a j!''tlutles lg*Jt$tffi I mt*orq,te whrch tlar '--Jtirio 18ih' A^ all star caqt Town I r"'1' | ' been. chairrrran : lilni'i; lrot[ Jn their 'Hall, llevue f"rlrlj'' has' never had iii6'potltrlar -Cottrr'dintr thev had s€on i ii ,'c,u lii'*ui Iu lii 1i ttgz *, r i',iii': t two ohangee r in i On0.' I "t ii;,1,1; I ti i?., $ " il fi li' il l i tho sclterne wits ill,l " illlt the pensions,-aind ' i,i;'.'\,V. Wo5b s(ritl-'lruve tlrat if S-1'nco[raters."Xi 1"or l urther llarticttlirt's st:o scheme in atlo'tert-iiio lie *6,rfii i. pltrto inscribed llills.-Atlt t. the lresion ro- ;iiii cletails of tho clock's erection' 'These, " to to Cortn' llef. iiioiii*"- r,tni,Jrnt- .bo. 'radq ^tltq i[anries' Ii+l i i, * iii ; r, i, ;J;l;f,g t'f, flJi nq r*l TEHTERDEI lq 3-7 ",$, ? causdlt- a gqodl " tnt-,91, Tf ll,l, .,tJ t, # ?i,r; :BEAM ALIGHT.-The Fire Brigacle wero doql grorr:ing ve'ses in tho Ovenden's borne, Treo of il'H#:. 'ecreation ' caileO to ilIr. IVillow and mug:lvutg, ?;;;ffi ,ri-i*fJ be iifpt"iift- i* tretier contlitibn. House.-an Ilieh-street, lnts on"'Illonckiy niglrt, but thev had to i;";;; tilili'tt"; sr'ruo"t wc'e an asget when d'ak beam in the chinrney caught thank h-eadquor- toull'l?"13'1il*r*,t ali-'-'TENTERDEN ght. ters for two for '1e37, u'ere i- pllairman, AMATEUR oPERATIc --tl"it"ii rvho g0 '' riohemss which M;'^''ii'-ri. (l\tr. s. winte' C I ETY.' wi lt presen t . "'I'hs Arcatl i<s, 'oxtremelyworo. working Jfrn"f,['havi, llc,en clr.nil'tlrirlr lvas trnnhlo to towu lfhll'I'onterden on Fcbntnry 3r'rl. well. pnritioti nn rrtlvico); vicc-. 4th.'5th. nn.l 6th. B p.qr" Scnts 3s.6rl. 2s.6rl. 'pop- i*i.o-i'tri* 'r,orlicirl The Legion i,i*ir*,,ir,' I{.r. S. G. (l;^'rpio. ; .tt'e.sttt'er' lb.6rl. Booliing Offics. , Lr'',.V. Baulrs, 40, etonB wero 'wofK' lI' G' TJi ii;--f:-1': llensh,rrve; sect'o .r'y, i\Ir' gh Street. Telophone"rl6li -_- ins better than Grifliths. ; fecruRE.-Tne nibte arid..Western In