$b,2 MONDAY toolc aefrfnn SUNDAY \ , in 1934i rvlien'over 500 of the resiclents Ern { o* active ParL' 'T WAS surprised to Iind so many Sunday fiOUNCILLOB Stanlev Wilson brings ; IIrs. John Mit- I ,I'lrey eupported a'd t-' extensivs hnowledgo to bear on Council -Itrigltty-o,i.-years'old - sclrools. aro all well wlro- lives in the Hish-stroct' that there is a strong religious matters, for he was deputy Town Clerk of it is ovident of ctlmo "L.Il,to Tenterden on her marriage 57 yeer6 town. Warrington, Lancashirg. for a, number lifs in the Lan- ogo;-o"tl reurembers when straw hat-mahing 100 children attend the Parish ye&rs, and later Town Clork of I'eigh, A bout Eon is the ;J an industry ip the ttlvn. Tho busiuess, sunclay school. Much good work is lashiie, and, Tynemouth. IIis Button' ctrureh Maidstone.' ;il;;t, *t" carried on b-.Y L.M"?r for charitable c&utes. An egg service Torvn Clerk of l ats were 4one TVilson hns been a member of the ivlro ttveA on tlr e Rye-toatl. Tle held in the Spring, gifts being eent to I[r. Apps' blue-coat is Council since 1931, and w&s M.ayor in 1954- ;;i"iy io" ttto girls of 1fiss Ashfor<l llospital. Last. yea'r 34. dozen eggs scltool. r r Bent. 'ihere are gifts services at har' -onoof.t}remostup-to<lato.b.usiness wbre Girl - vest tinre oort at Christut&s' 'I'he pru*itu"Jio Ceuterden i; occupied bv Mr' aud Motherg'Union co' who denls Uuicles, Brownicb ; S;h;-y: wiotlr,- 4?, Irigh-stteet' op.'"tuointhgOhristmaseervicolastye&r' draperv ancl- Jaeger goocls' \{r' Winter' choir c&r- in ooa it w&s most efieotiv?' ..Th". tirri^trinirifi.l 'bv firs' wit'tut' has a reallv ', the church, At this i'i*a [ghtecl tapers round .and : i;;it-;i;i"" 6r fashion B!od9' there wag lo iUuminated Christmas tree' t",""i."' it & fenturo' all dcpa'tmcnts , is tlre i ;fft; -u"pottisecl' lVittter' The eurnte, tbe llev. L, Dltiott' i ili;g--il;. by, IWr. and trlrs' rof*titttendent, I\{iss Alder tahes tho Kj llarton one of ths most up' i T; lras the uuniorr,' J\[re. iJunt the Juniors, and Miss rr"irar*rri1q' grtablishments in I toaoiu' equip- Ilolclstock the infants. , rltrsro"a'- Ee has modern So"iii- of 'steam tho Colleetiolrs &ro ma<le for foreign missions ment tut ltoid""ata waving' and mutlroOist Sunclay School, which is ur"-t"tty equippetl fg." all. branches at the premis*, - on attended by about S0 children' Tho big hairctretti"g. A- eliitopodist attends in of event of tle yea,r is the annivers&ry , Ifonclay afternoons' J une, when the scholarg give a demonstra' ' tion. The teachers- are s Superint-endent' Adiu Coates Ltd. have liacl a, branch at -cii.""Ju - Jt{ rs' Tay lor ; I ii""l'n. i' ; i i bovs, have " ! "." Tenterden onlv since April lnet, but : j,'fnlu' ul:p; quickly 'won favour iu tho district. They ilii' "t i'*ti.'liF***r*'1i are ladies', gentlemCIn's and childriln's out- I "ffii M; i{tl;il'" i'fi; Itrd moining scbool' Sunday Sc\oo! wa's founded fittors, clrapers and houss furnishers, and [ '1'ftu-"ttj6*"vtu"t tfoBti*t -Mission a The I ooi* ogo- -work ip have large etoclcg in all departmentg. missionary qgr- ofrico Yalding. 'l ;t*"; f.ut,tt". oirl speeial head is at I!fr. J. Bridgland's shop is well lcnown in -l# 3 til 3 I iitt".li: Ji ls tit-';" I a' #': 3.;l' i the'district, and his prernises at llast Cross "'"iiii'. 'i4.. - been ! ;;;.' fu;utto"ti' frtro ltlt a. rendezvous. discriminating ehop- : for over 30 years MR. C. BOURNE a,re for iJo"t"ted-with-iii; the church pers. In addition to drapery and outfitting, it Superintendent. anrl he -il..assisted Ambu lance TransPort Officer tirir"- ;;ii Miss Whittick' he has a large etoclc bf boote and shoes. t'""Th;""ibl;i-ft;;tiitg Hfi;,lil (TTnitnrian)..is -- nc,iiis 'Iho new cinema, Tho llmbassy, ig the ouL ilre ot,te*t l.i;;;ilfoiinist chureh in the 35-36, is chnirman of & number of com' come of a,n endeavour by ]lfessrs. Shipman mittees, vice-chairman of the Servics ancl King, the proprietors, to bring to Ten- Grange. wag fpunclecl 2,5A yg$,r'$ ago' ['ho 'Iraining Centro at St. Michael'g terden a luxury cinema,. Dver:y deviee that town, It of ljoldon was minister for 7L Ee wqs ono of the original committeo can increase comfort and safeguarcl the. Rev. Lawrence Brigade. years, antl during his uliuistry Drr Priest- the St. John Ambulanco health of the cinemagoer has been adopted. itt" 'nrinistei anrl scientist' pre&clecl' I=[o is vory proud of the town, ancl wants The auditorium has been designed to en- irr. to ses its old-world appehrauce maintain- Buro perfect sound reproduction and a clear being accompaniecl by. I3enjamin tr'r-anhlin. ed. view from every seat. A fres c6rr parlc is f ollowing sundnv a, rnob srnashcd all Ttru Aldormon Maior J. S. Robson is well- providetl ond tlrers is a covered cyels rack. rviudorvs. tl'ho {irst ministor w&s tho the known for his worlr for ex-Servico ruen. I\[r. H. L. Cooper, laclies' nnd gentlemen's Rov. G. Ilowe, tho ojccted viCar,of Tcuter. Ilo ie a lifs don, ancl ths second, tho fiev' J' Osborne' vice - presi--f ui..i"A Vicnr of Benenclen. It is well dent or tho c1il- l(ent on ttre i*o*o fo" tlo operetl'tr's give' by Ifritish Le- Ji"u, ancl there is & children's club !ryilp sion a n c[ Walsh' presr- u, **uL. Tho minister is the Rev' W' vlce assistetl by Miss Il' lteed and dent of the ancl he is South - Dast- tu'*..Walslr.MissI[.Iloldstockisthg ern Area. A secretary and lllrs. Ilermitage tho organist' urember o f morn- A, Suoaly School is held ou Sunday the Town srt tttu Jireh Chapel' an'tl also at St' Council' i"g" einco 1925, ilIichael's church. ho was elect- ed alderman ' in 1932, eild lv&s l\layor in t925-26-27. Iltajor Rob- soll, ryho is of' N orth Uountry des. cent. 6ays thab hs has nover fouud Major J. $. H0 BS0 N . a, town he lilres better ttian 'Ienterden,' anc! mentioned ,the fri'end- linesg which'prevails' , When l\{.ajor Robson first 'cemo to Ten- ferdgn, thers wa,s &n event called People's CAPT. LESLI E CHALK Day overy August llank lloliday, That has now disappeared,' and lre thinhs ths reason is tho coming of the 'bug services. tailor, is one of tho olclest mernbers and a Peonlo now qo to tho seaside'on' IJanll Holi' past-ohairmatr of the Tradesrnen's Associa' itay3 instead of staying irr the town. 'Ihs past-I\faster Weald of l(ent 'horvever, people 'into lion; a of ttre 'brises. bi'inf uiany' P.A.G.D.C. tho town for shopping' Lotlgo of ffreemasons, No. 1854; IIe said that 'I'enterden is remarhabls of ; the Provirrcs .of l(ent ancl president of for the way in which the resitlents qise to ttre Arrgling; Association. IIis business \vas & snecial'was dccosion. When Ashford llospi- founded over 100j years ago,'l\(r. S. Judge tal built. the town rais'ed over f1,600 being proprietor in 1827, I\[r. ,J. Stetlman and other eo6d causes havo heen well 8t1l)- in' 1848, l\{r. Il. Stedman in 1881, and IWr. ported. Prbbablv-tho ths biggest evont in the iecelt histqry. of iorvn .wes the Paseaut* Caryer frorn 1901. MR. A. Hf BU RTENSHAW famous for The W'omen's Institute hns 1?0 rnembers r The namo of Milsted has'been r' tqtt and takes & leading part in tho town. 'l'hey 2X/7 rpriiiiirw. trvo centuries dnd the forge w&s mak' j over ' rvero largely instrumental in securing thit GOAL RUNNING.*A' match between Ten' ing eclgod tools until 20, years ogo, ,Tltt glound, terdon and New Romney took placo at Tent€r- swings and sltelter irr the reereation large firjm of C. Milsted and Sonn is . mainly a' The president is l[rs. IVard; secretary, ]Irs. clon on Saturday evening, and attracted a motor ongineering establishment, but they Golrlsmith; and treasurer. I\{rs. Pulloy. : crowd,' a, v€ry erciting run re.sultacl in a victory I\{r. I,'. H. Rogers has been in busiuesg in for Tenierdeir by foul strohes to three- havo an electrical' conf,rneting' department, OUTING.---The employees of ' gngineeriirg tlre High-street'for 32 yeers &s & butcher, : EI\{PLOYI{ES' ond. c,&rry out agricultural- Mcssrs. I-I. Boorrrian and Co., of West Cross, work. irud malres $ epecialit.y of horne-mnde sau- i 'of sages, of which he sold 10 cwt. just before Tentcrdon, ancl their Lrranclres had their annual The stuclios trfr. R. Ashdown, the Cliris-tmas.' His motor-van delivers daily ln trip to ths seasido on Wednesday, when, as I photbgrapher, aro equipped with modern , the district. fof several years' past, the.y spent the'tlay a[ I I ,Charles , apparatus and lighting. is particularly Mr. Apps is the head of Apps , Folkestone. $e g3 member's and Son, who have been estaltlislrod I ZION BAPTIST CHTIRCI{.-Tho suceessf ul in photographing children. 'Ho i for years. They havo a complete rangs of farm of the l\{ot}rars' }treeting visited Folkestone on quality , has many testimonials to ths of liis and household ironmongery; sporting eart- Werlneday f<lr t'hcir rinnuol outing.
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