Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1968-1969 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1969 Eastern Progress - 10 Apr 1969 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1968-69/26 Sehate Approves Powell Report, Pass^ Two Fraternities Okayed, Amendments To Report Defeated By JANET COANE tabled by the Faculty Senate for posed Wade Marlette of the phil- reasonable and desirable to put berships and resultant activities Academics Editor revision. osophy department, Mrs. Jlmmle It down here." do not reflect discredit upon the The Faculty Senate Consequently, In March, open Moomaw, department of speech A motion by Marlette to add university," page 8, Section B- 7, charged through a three- hearings and a meeting with and drama, Dr. Alan Downes, to the University Community, be deleted. the Student and Staff Advisory department of social science, section 8, (Engaging in obscene In discussing this motion he hour session Monday ap- Committees were held to de - and Dr. Byno Rhodes, English lewd, or morally offensive be- said that he felt "no student proving a document which liberate on revisions. department, were proposed to havior and/or speech) the should be the subject of harass- will govern student life, the Attempt At Clarificatton the Senate and consequently words" as defined by state stat- ment because of memberships Pass-Fail Grading Option, defeated. Ultimately, the re- utes and implemented by court with certain organizations con- and two Greek organiza- "Much of the revision was vised Student Relations Report decisions wherein they apply." sidered unpopular and which tions, one whose members made/' Executive Dean J.C. Pow- (Recommendations 1-7) was ac- Mrs. Moomaw said, "There might be thought to reflect dis- are all of the Black race. ell said, "In an attempt to clar- cepted as presented to the group are two alternatives personal credit to university In the eyes Attended by President Rob - ify the wording of the report. In Monday. and legal interpretations. They of the general public or legisla- ert R. Martin, the meeting was other areas, the revision modi- Under Fundamental Rights of are at least specified guidelin- tors." invigorated with lively debate fied a concept, regulation, or Students, section B-8, Mrs. Mo- es. This does not imply that we Discussion on the Pass-Fall on the much-discussed Powell provision of the report. In one omaw reccom mended that these would have to use legal action Grading Option was limited con- Report, a 46-page work that area, that pertaining to off- additions be made: because we used legal criteria." cern over the policy that the now needs only ratification by campus speakers, the commit- Fundamental Rights Dr. Downes moved that the Instructor would not know which the Board of Regents to become tee deleted its statement in the "Due process shall include; words "reasonable and cogent" students had elected to take the university policy. belief that additional study of A. Adequate notice of charges. be deleted from section 4 of the course on the Pass-Fail system The Pass-Fail system, object his area would be necessary" B. Reasonable opportunity to Fundamental Rights of Students. caused one Senate member to of a three month study by a said Powell, chairman of the prepare defense. "Cogency is best Judged and remark "If the whole thing were faculty committee, also awaits committee. C. An orderly hearing adopted Judgeable by the hearing agen- out in the open it would be bet- Regents approval before it can Changes centered primarily to the nature of the case. cies," Downes said. "It trou- ter." be adopted into the curriculum. around offenses which may arise D. A fair and impartial de- bles me that such a require- Petitions calling for uphold- The Greek fraternities are now in the students relationship as a cision" ment of reasonable and cogent ing First Amendment guaran- official campus organization. member of the university com- Explaining the reason for the might stand in the way of speak- tees particularly in the case of Discussion on the report of munity, search and seizures re- motion, Mrs. Moomaw said, ers who are colorful." w. Stephen Wilborn, were sub- the Committee on Student Af- garding students living quarters, "In many sections Dr. Downes Moves mitted to the Faculty Senate. The signatures of 64 part-time fairs (Powell Report) occupied and the deletion of the off-campus Dr. Downes also moved that most of the lengthy meeting. speaker policy. references are made to due pro- cess. At this point, it seems the sentence, "The student should Last month, the report was A number of amendments, pro- take care to see that such mem- (Continued on Page Seven) Dr. Thomas Stovall Academic Rights Report 46th Year, Number 26 Thursday, April 10, 1969 Ten Pages Given Initial Approval By CRAIG AMMERMAN That same section of the re- within the classroom conditions Editor-in-Chief port says a student is guilty of which encourage students to ex- "academic dishonesty" when he press themselves without fear of mifJ^ *F^SL!£?n£^ "t^e* short cuts" or "par - embarrassm mt. to guard a- A< UC R te ? A D °" S5f5 4? tlclpate. In any action which is gainst intimidation andthecrea- Council and Kesponsibillties Tues- commonly defined as cheating or tionoffear of reprisal." day was approved by hte plagiarism." Under the section on eval- Council on Academic Af- Atmosphere of Expression uation, the report defines the fairs. purposes of grading as "to Election Object of a six-month study The report defines academic define and communicate the instituted in September by Presi- freedom for students as the level of educational achieve - ent Robert Martin, the report "freedom to read anything rele- ment. .to motivate students to sets down standards to be fol- vant to the Intellectual task. greater effort. .to appraise the May 14 lowed by students, faculty and freedom to hear expressed a methods." wide range of viewpoints. Student association elec- administrators In the academic As for principles of grading I process. freedom to express beliefs, to the report says "grading should tions will be held Wednes- The report Is divided into discuss, and to disagree." be directly related to the ob- day, May 14, it was an- ten parts with each Individual For Instructors, the report jective of the course. every nounced yesterday by NeiU section subdivided Into state- says academic freedom Includes effort should be made to make Day and Jim Pellegrinon, ments falling under institutional the responsibility "to develop measurement valid. grading co-chairmen of the Student responsibility and student re- should be based on understand- Association Election Com- sponsibility. ing..." mittee. One of the most significant Dr. Rowiett In its most detailed section, sections of the report calls for the report deals with student and The announcement was made in the placement of two students a conference held In President Institutional recourse In the Robert R. Martin's office, called "on the major standing com- event either party falls to mea- to discuss and confirm the rules mittees and councils concerned To Guide sure up to expectations. and regulations for the up - with academic affairs."Thestu- In the event a student feels coming elections. dents will be selected by the he has been unjustly treated, the The offices of president, vice* university president from a list report sets up channels to air -president, secretary, and trea- submitted by the Student Coun - Research those grievances. The student, surer will be filled In the elec- ell. Student appointments will be BY SONJA FOLEY according to the report, should tion. one year In duration. "consult with the instructor, It was confirmed In the meet- In its first three sections- STAFF WRITER seeking a satisfactory explana- ing that the regulations and curriculum, academic advis- Dr> John D# Rowiett, present tion. .if the grievance remains rules for the election will be lng and instructional facilities Dean & ^ college of Applied unsettled, the department chair- those set forth under the con- the report sets down factual and Arts and Technology will be- man shall refer the matter to stitution which the Student As- phllosophical statements that ^g Eastern's third vlce-presi- a standing departmental Com - sociation has operated under create the best possible atmos- dent on July 1. mittee on Academic Practices.." all year. phere In those areas. Dean Rowiett will assume the Academic Dishonesty Student Qualification! On instruction, the report says, position, recently created by "Each instructor should view the Eastern's Board of Regents, of The report defines academic The requirements for presi- course he Is teaching as a means vice President for Institutional dishonesty as "referring written dent and vice-president are And Then There Was None to a significant educational end; Research. information not specifically con- identical. They both must beat his Instruction should relate to The purpose of the new posit- doned. plagiarism, which may least a second semester sopho- Don't let spring break and tragedy become synonyms. vacation. The automobile above, entwined in a guard-rail, Many Eastern students and faculty will be traveling to Flor- is a prime example of how spring vacation ended abruptly the catalog description of the lon ^ ^ ^ assist the faculty be specifically defined for pur- mores when they take office; for two Michigan students. The wreck occurred near Berea course. The Instructor is ob- g^ deans i securing financial poses of any course by the in - they must have at least a 2.0 ida and various other sections of the state and nation during n the spring holidays. The Progress takes this opportunity as the students were on their way to Florida. Ugated to update continually the 8upPort for the research and de- structor.