The University of Western , London, Canada vol. 7 No. 40 April 13, 1972

Assistant Dean Wright Commission Appointed In School Of Extends Deadline For Book Store To Be Closed Library And Information Science Submissions And Meetings For Year-End Inventory

The Commission on Post-Secondary The University Book Store will be closed Education in Ontario (the Wright Com- for the University's year-end inventory mission) recently concluded a series of from Mon., Apr. 24 to Fri., Apr. 28 in- meetings arranged to provide the public clusive. The Store is expected to re-open with an opportunity to discuss their on Mon., May 1. Professors are requested Draft Report. Due to the overwhelming to advise their students to make necessary response to the Report, the Commission purchases before Apr. 24. is prepared to receive further written briefs and to continue to meet with indi- viduals and groups as outlined below:

- The Commission will receive and consider requests for meetings from UNIVERSITY MEETINGS Dr. Elaine Svenonius interested organizations up to Apr. 15. Meetings will be held at the discretion University Senate will meet on Thurs., President D.C. Williams has announced of the Commission and arranged only Apr. 13, at 2:30 p.m., room 112, School the appointment of Dr. Elaine Svenon- under special circumstances. of Business Administration. ius as Assistant Dean of the School of Library and Information Science. - Meetings agreed to by the Com- University Women's Club will meet on mission will be held during the period Thurs., Apr. 13, at 8:15 p.m., Forest City Dr. Svenonius has an A.B. in Philosophy Apr. 1 to May 15. Kiwanis Senior Community Centre. The from Barnard College, an M.A. in Philo- speaker will be Miss Margaret Atwood. sophy from the University of Pennsyl- - Written briefs will be received and vania and an M.A. in Library Science considered up to May 30, 1972. Alumni Executive Council will meet on from the University of Chicago. She Mon., Apr. 17, at 7:30 p.m., Alumni holds a Ph.D. in Library Science from Requests for additional information Lounge, Alumni Hall. the University of Chicago where she and meetings with the Commission gained considerable experience in re- should be addressed to the Commis- University Faculty Association will meet search and teaching. sion's office, Suite 203, 505 Univer- on Mon., Apr. 17, at 7:30 p.m., room 40, sity Avenue, 101. School of Business Administration. A member of the American Society for Information Science's Evaluation Com- Faculty Wives Current Issues Interest mittee, Dr. Svenonius has published Applications Invited For Group will meet on Mon., Apr. 17, at technical reports on indexing depth and Dean, Faculty Of Science 8:00 p.m., room 204, Talbot College. retrieval effectiveness. She has been in- Mr. Colin Brown will speak on TIP. volved in editing and teaching logic in The term of Professor Andrew E. Scott both the United States and Sweden. as Dean, Faculty of Science, will expire President's Advisory Committee will on June 30, 1973. Applications or meet on Wed., Apr. 19, at 10:30 a.m., Currently Director of the Centre for nominations for this position should be in the Board Room, Stevenson Hall. Communication and Information Re- sent to Professor R.J. Rossiter, Vice- search at the Graduate School of Li- President (Academic) and Provost by Board of Governors will meet on Fri., brarianship at the University of Denver, Apr. 30, 1972. Apr. 21, at 2:00 p.m., in the Board Room, Dr. Svenonius will assume her duties at Stevenson Hall. Western on July 1. Applications Invited For Dean, Faculty Of Music Graduate Christian Fellowship will meet Dr. W.J. Cameron, Dean of the School every Mon., from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m., of Library and Information Science, The term of Professor Clifford von room 205B, Middlesex College. All fa- explained "Dr. Svenonius will replace Kuster as Dean, Faculty of Music, will culty and graduate students are invited. Professor B.G. Prodrick who has been expire on June 30, 1973. Applications Acting Associate Dean." He added that or nominations for this position should "she will play a significant role in the be sent to Professor R.J. Rossiter, Vice- development of research interests of the President (Academic) and Provost, by Faculty and students at the School." Apr. 30, 1972. WESTERN EVENTS


THURSDAY, APRIL 13 TUESDAY, APRIL 18 SATURDAY, APRIL 15 • Faculty of Medicine - Apr. 13-14, "Fam- Mathematics Statistics Colloquia - Pro- Great Artists' Concert Series - "Na- ily Therapy Workshop", organized by fessor D.V. Lindley, University Col- tional Arts Centre Orchestra", conduc- Dr. S. Levin and Associates, McMaster lege, London, 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., ted by Mario Bernardi, Canadian violin- University, 10:00 a.m., Auditorium, Tues., Apr. 18; 11:00 a.m., Wed., ist Steven Staryk as soloist, 8:30 p.m., London Psychiatric Hospital. Apr. 19; 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Alumni Hall. Tickets available at Words Thurs., Apr. 20; and 11:00 a.m., Fri., and Music, 426 Richmond Street and Apr. 21, room 3016, Engineering and the CUTA Office, 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., Geophysics Visiting Professor - Dr. H. Mathematical Sciences bldg. Abstract: daily. Tracy Hall, Brigham Young University, The concept of coherence in Statistics. "The Synthesis of Some Rare Earth Axiomatisation using coherence leading Student Graduation Recital - Paul Horan, Compounds by High Pressure High to the ideas of probability, utility and piano, 8:30 p.m., Recital Hall, Faculty Temperature Techniques", 2:30 p.m., maximisation of expected utility. The of Music bldg. room 137, Physics bldg. incoherence of sampling theory statis- tics. Special problems in Ba un Three Years - selection of work by Gino • statistics, including sorr, dll of the Lorcini, Resident Artist at Western since following topics: Valuu of informa- 1969, and "Modern Legends", silvered Visiting Speaker in Economics - Pro- tion, sequential experimentation samp- drawings and etchings by Herb Ariss, fessor G.E. Johnson, University of Michi- ling theory, multi-parametric problems, McIntosh Gallery. Exhibit on display gan, "Wages, Unemployment and In- predictive distributions and multinom- until May 7, 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m., come Distribution in Kenya", 3:30 p.m., ial data. daily, 7:00 - 10:00 p.m., Wed. evenings. room 207, University College. Special Lecture - Professor J.J. Pind- borg, Royal Dental College, Copen- TUESDAY, APRIL 18 hagen, "Geographical Pathology of Informal Chemical Physics of Solids Greek Art and Civilization - Dr. Mark Colloquium - Mr. S. Pendyala, UWO, Oral Cancer", 4:30 p.m., room 147, Medical Sciences bldg. Cameron, Fine Art Department, UWO, "Positrons in Solids", 6:45 p.m., room 8:30 p.m., London Public Library and 105, Chemistry bldg. Supper, 5:45 p.m., Department of Physics - P E.N. Eco- Art Museum. Graduate Student Dining Room. nomou, University nf v ginia, will visit Apr. 18-20 Lo .Jeture on amor- • phous semiconductors. FRIDAY, APRIL 14 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 Kinotek Film Series - "The Egg and I", Continuing Medical Education - "Oto- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 laryngology for the Practising Physician", 8:00 p.m., auditorium, London Pub- lic Library and Art Museum. registration 9:00 a.m., room 201, Kresge Applied Mathematics Colloquium - bldg. Dr. C. Atkinson, University of London, "Some Ribbon Inclusion Problems", SATURDAY, APRIL 22 10:30 a.m., room 3097, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences bldg. Zoology Lunchtime Seminar - Professor Jeunesses Musicales du Canada - "Re- B. Brown, Honorary Lecturer, Depart- cital", Damiana Bratuz and Ralph Elsaes- Physics Colloquium - Dr. A.D. May, ment of Agriculture, "Neuromuscular ser, piano, Arthur Beers and Alan Behr, , "Light Scat- Transmission in Insect Viscera", percussion, 8:30 p.m., Recital Hall, tering in Gases and Molecular Dyna- 12:30 p.m., room 26, Terrapin bldg. Faculty of Music bldg. mics", 3:30 p.m., room 232, Phy- sics bldg.

Department of Bacteriology and Im- University Holy Spirit Parish - His Excel- • lency Most Reverend G. Emmett Carter, munology - Professor E. Sercarz, Uni- THURSDAY, APRIL 20 versity of California, Los Angeles, Roman Catholic Bishop, Diocese of Lon- "Double Antigen Reactive Cells", Department of Astronomy Colloquium - don, will celebrate Mass on Sun., Apr. 16, 3:00 p.m., room 1002, Dental Sci- Dr. Lawrence Mertz, Smithsonian Insti- at 11:00 a.m., Middlesex Theatre. Due ences bldg. tute Astrophysical Observatory, "Some to illness, the Mass scheduled for Apr. 9 Aspects of Fourier Spectroscopy", has been cancelled. 3:00 p.m., Classroom G10, 1383 Wes- tern Road. Special Physics Colloquium - Dr. J.H. Correction Ingold, General Electric Lighting Re- search Laboratory, Cleveland, "Gas SATURDAY, APRIL 22 In the Apr. 6 issue of The NEWS, Pro- Discharges", 3:30 p.m., room 232, fessor P. Bishop, Computing Centre, UWO, Physics bldg. Nursing Research Colloquium - Dr. Helen was listed as one of the recipients of a Fel- Glass, University of Manitoba, "Clinical lowship in Business Research. This was in- Teaching in Baccalaureate Nursing Edu- correct. The recipient was Professor P. cation", 9:00 a.m., room 101, Kresge bldg. Bishop, School of Business Administration.

• Faculty And Staff Ph.D. Lecture And Oral Make The NEWS

Chemistry Ph.D. Public Lecture will be Professor T. Tsutsumi, Professor R. Professor W.J. Meath, Department of presented by Ms. Celia MacDonald on Aldrich, Professor P. Aldrich, Profes- Chemistry, presented a lecture entitled Fri., Apr. 21, at 2:30 p.m., room 9, Che- sor R. Skelton, Professor G. Beannish, "Some Aspects of the Calculation of mistry bldg. Her oral examination will Professor G. Thompson, Faculty of Intermediate and Long Range Interaction follow at 3:30 p.m., in the same room. Music and Mr. B. Carrier, graduate Energies", at the University of Indiana, The title of her thesis is "Metal complexes student, will participate in the 40th Mar. 23. of fluorinated ligands: Part I Tetrafluoro- Annual Summer Sessions at The Banff catechol, Part II 2-Amido-hexafluoro-2- School of Fine Arts, May 22 - Aug. 11. propanol". Or. K.Y. Lo, Faculty of Engineering Professor N.L. Nicholson, Department Science, presented a full-day seminar Copies of her curriculum vitae and ab- of Geography, has been re-elected to to the Foundation and Soils Section stract are available from the Office of the the Board of Directors of the Royal of the Department of Transportation Dean of Graduate Studies. Canadian Geographical Society for a and Communications on Mar. 30. three-year term. His topic was "Recent Advances in Sta- bility Analysis of Natural and Excava- Graduate Fellowships Professor William Warntz, Chairman, ted Slopes". And Scholarships Department of Geography, presented an address entitled "Man's Social and CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL DEVEL- Economic Uses of Space" at the Public OPMENT AGENCY. Deadline: May 8, Policy Conference for Science Execu- Dean A.I. Johnson, Faculty of Engineer- 1972. Tenable: Canada or Approved tives conducted by the Brookings In- ing Science, was the main lecturer on a Developing Countries. stitution of Washington, D.C. for Sci- three day course in Computer Aided Pro- ence Executives in the Federal Govern- cess Analysis and Design at the Univer- UNIVERSITY ,JF QUEENSLAND POST- ment of the United States at Williams- sity of Leeds. He participated and gave DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS. Deadline: burg, Virginia, Mar. 26-31. the opening address at a conference of Aug. 1, 1972. university faculty, dealing with "The Use Dr. D. Lane-Smith, Department of and Teaching of Computers in Chemical AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED Physics, spoke by invitation to the Engineering Undergraduate Programs". SOCIETIES. A number of scholarships Canadian Radio and Television Com- Dean Johnson, in Britain for a month, and research grants with various dead- mission at a public hearing in Ottawa, gave seminars on the general topic of lines are available. Mar. 28, in which CBC outlined their "Steady State and Dynamic Simulation" plans for radio for the next five years. at the universities of Aston in Burming- ONTARIO-QUEBEC EXCHANGE ham, Leeds, Edinburgh, Manchester and FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM. Deadline: Professor William R. Ware, Department the Institute for Information Processing, Apr. 15, 1972. Tenable: Quebec. of Chemistry, presented a lecture en- University of Pisa, Italy. titled "Fluorescence Lifetime Techni- INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ques and Nanosecond Time Resolved PHYSICS "ENRICO FERMI" (Sum- Emission Spectroscopy" at a conference mer School). Deadline: May 6, 1972. on Quantitative Fluorescence Techni- ques as Applied in Cell Biology at the Classifieds THE UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO, Battelle Seattle Research Centre on FOR RENT: BRAZIL (cultural & scientific fields). Mar. 27-31. -- 2 bedroom apartment, walking distance Deadline: Aug. 31, 1972. of University, May 15 -- 438-5475. Dr. B.Y. Tong and Mr. S. Pendyala, NETHERLANDS UNIVERSITIES Department of Physics, gave a semi- --3 bedroom furnished home, May 1,4 mos., FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL nar at the Department of Material Sci- -- 432-1228 evenings. COOPERATION. Deadline: July 1, 1972. ences, Cornell University. Their topic --4 bedroom furnished home, 10 min. to Uni- Tenable: University of Amsterdam. was "Low Energy Positrons -- a New versity, Aug. '72 - Sept. '73 -- 471-8237. Probe into the Property of Matter". -- 2 bedroom furnished home, 5 min. to Uni- Dr. P. Zitzewitz, Department of Phy- versity, June 1 - Sept. 1 -- 439-0805.

sics, gave a talk, "Lifetime of the Free -- sublet large furnished farmhouse, 28 miles Positron" at the University of Michi- west, June 1 - Aug. 31, $125 month -- Staff Positions gan, Apr. 3. On Apr. 4 he spoke at 672-6228 or 679-3898. Wayne State University on the "Pro- Open At Western duction and Use of Low Energy -- 1 bedroom apartment to sublet, June - Sept. or longer, close to campus -- Positrons". Secretary III - French 434-5568 after 5:00 p.m. Secretary III - Business Administra- --2 bedroom apartment, June 1, $158-- tion The following members of the Depart- 472-4737. Secretary I I - French ment of Physiology will be attending FOR SALE: Secretary II - Business Administra- the Federation of American Societies tion -- misc, furniture, electrical appliances, an- for Experimental Biology in Atlantic tiques -- 472-4737. Secretary II - Office of Comptroller City, New Jersey, Apr. 9 - 14: Dr. V.B. (Special Funds) Brooks, Dr. F.R. Calaresu, Dr. J.B. -- 1966 Volkswagen, excellent condition, Secretary II - Physical Plant Critz, Mr. R.B. Dunn, Dr. P.G.R. Hard- $750-- 471-4454 after 6:00 p.m.

ing, Dr. P.F. Mercer, Mr. E.W. Semple, -- 1968 Alpine sportscar -- 455-4997 after Technician I - Geography (Draftsman) Dr. D.J. Stewart and Mr. M.R. Thomas. 6:00 p.m. Dr. Calaresu and Mr. Thomas will pre- Technician III - Obstetrics & Gynaeco- sent a paper on "Baroreceptor and -- crib, playpen, tricycle -- 438-2028. logy Thermoreceptor Inputs to a Discrete -- antiques, misc, household furnishings Vasomotor Area in the Hypothalamus and items-- 679-0589, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Technician III - Bacteriology of the Cat", and Dr. Critz and Mr. Dunn will present a paper on "Effect of Free WANTED: Assistant Accountant - Office of Comp- Fatty Acids on Lactate Production and -- 2 bedroom apartment in home or small troller (Special Uptake in Dog Skeletal Muscle". house -- 679-0589, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Funds) •

Published by the the Department of Information Services and University Publications Editor: Joan E. Wilson UWO Phone 679-2329 news Deadline Friday prior to publication •