October-December 2019 Broadside
T H E A T L A N T A E A R L Y M U S I C A L L I A N C E B r o a d s I d e Volume XX # 2 October—December 2019 President’s Message Well, it looks like the weather has finally turned a corner and we will get a chance to cool off some, but while the weather may be cooling, the early music concert season is just heating up. We have already had offerings from Les Trois Voix, Amethyst Baroque, and Atlanta Baroque Orches- tra, and coming up during the next couple of months are: Lauda Musicam – November 24 at AEMA MISSION St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, and Festi- It is the mission of the st Atlanta Early Music Alli- Upcoming Events val Singers of Atlanta – December 1 at North- ance to foster enjoyment side Drive Baptist Church. and awareness of the Through December 2019 historically informed ————————————————————— performance of music, Fall is usually a very busy time, with lots of with special emphasis on .Nov. 16: Amethyst Baroque Ensemble music written before 1800. family activities, sporting events, school, and Its mission will be accom- presents Baroque and Beyond, Morning- plished through dissemi- side Presbyterian Church, Atlanta. 7 p.m. holidays, as well as getting together with friends nation and coordination of Suggested admission: $20, $10 AEMA to make and enjoy music. I know that I seem to information, education and ARC members, students and seniors. and financial support. be going in three directions at once, but I hope Nov.
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