

/ Wnhway Record. FHdby Altcnioon, October 18. 10>» that on« «<>1- onrvlctia an uiiual. • _ nlry churcl^i. wbero, no people nay, v own "liltlaniisa oufl cauooo uo to -tin the "ourpoi*". of pronJuIgaUns It. anfl- I r il HCcocate iS PARISHIONERS iho Inflii.iiinu npliirilii.-* <-l,Mlil|i all tho lorriblo one whoo It Is* mode In thu il.iol of atl Dimnliino to HUbiillo Wulio, fnv'tut'pl Ht, Andrew's church, oi^, Wo loyally obey but rnnpoclfully booi)Io.wlio-~a>y oiiilod by my namo hour of o tuition nood. If tho arm of AtMorfelno Thi «shwsy HmnManto. The Sueeusor ef Ot« Unlow Oamacr.t. t.Hnbllmt—4 1*40. Unuul Sunday Mornlnji itin'1 tho llrol to rl»a (111 In robnlliou hf^ji lilnt.'riiiiinatintf «Ji»rd-I* =u sliurtanod.thct_!!<•_<»•»,'..._ .uiifi-iH^lMM! iinl tljUr lrlrdt Cliuroll oT]*tlin* MfWuflt ll!-/a(iln^ Now»,. «nid In mndilttn lifting of th» bull oil bohalt of Sermon PreseuU-il to Con- moot ulioriohoiraliirWlilolIiiion Wlian lit* my-faco **nnd turn -fronr tholr noXouvo, what l» tho eood of llio siren —etOHT Clirlot, HHdiillm, (iranford, (lad Olod a Illil paOpl'i of thin purUh. NO. 930. RA HWAY, UMIONT COUNTY. N.J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON. OCTOBER 22= 19I». PRICE TWOCENT5- gregation Through The L 'wan noams thoroughly bumlila, ]knd Waydj than will I hoar from Uuh Oranford, ti 'What id tha opou church, compared w.li*»tloii lo call poople to prayer every —VOL. vni. Record h«u im liol unfroijUoiitly IIWMIIUO ilnnVon ii)id Will forulvt* thoif din aiid firfiiual wllll tim Dopdrtuiont of to tiio Bi«rt)F),~Br<'ttt end n.viall, crowded lirihn Inudliiis (I'iltot'lul in iIIeTChri*^

Kanway Record.' Tuoday Arternoon. October 22,1918: Kanway Kecord. Tuesday Aitcrmmn. October ' &- onfortunat«( and do., anything oohia supromo b "SAVE YOUB PEACH STONES I PI AY CAME WITH I " ' " '• U= S. KEEPS TAB ..flNSTOSAVE fore cold weather sets lo. ¥OUR DAILY BREAD cnulil for^thom, but tho oDleorK of tlio Ualem.—Charles K. Htiles has r«- lion of tho 1 RIDE OVER Institution nil dirt heroic uork In uili- OF NEW JERSEY 1 •ffgned as a liietntwr of the council, ON 7,000 SHIPS OVERCOOK STOVE JERSErS BABIES liiK caro of ihem. This wn* enpi'rtnlly having gone to thu new powder plant ^ HUN "TIN FISH", trim of-Mm Janot Wnll, the UinUtu- Events of All Kindo Gathered From Various Points in at Nashville, TUTIU,, to work, ^ SWEPT BY fl nurso, wlio nil throuah the lht Mdlllcn IIIJ1. — I(«cord catches of IIBI|U'I1 tbo rnotburs wltli tXwit babes by tho State and Reduced in Size for Quick Perusal Every Six Minutes a Merchant Woman Makes Chocolate and Uniform System Is Aim, With perch and "goodlo" are being made in United States Naval Observer providing hot milk nnd medical e»- the MuIItra river,' Vessel Moves at an Other-Dainties for Men Others Co-operating, Explains «lntun,ci!. Dcpu'y Supcrlnti.-niii'iit Boo- WI1<1W—wliol:.rni(3fcd --••••American Port - - on Bring Una Child Hygiene -Director. --— lif«"XTitrta W hi'Ip and wofKtid ntZllt Anx'iidyn Van Wolivifl"1'"'** »«!'«>» ~at ytf < 1(l(r nn «lrrtrt^ Ing their stores at 9 a. m. and closing RAHWAUBAKERY -Ditohcs Bcoomo Unbcllovably Popular and a Six-Foot Man Is nwl day, not leaving tnii' Inntltutlon J \&2* Virginia av<:i>uo told Hvvttttief motor^ It I* »upi»*j«4^I he <*amu In con- at fl p. m. oxenpt Hatar*lay«. •f«IStn".tlie ln«t rofugco had boon tak.il n Street, Tel. Porfoctly Able to Conceal Hinisell in a Six-inoh Ditoh— Yountf In Uiu Vntttmtm iUitlcu Court ( wltJi an nitpr Will Oo tti« roformnu»ry, rendured wry heroic tn*J«rltitf tb*t h« lmd only Mold coffee, Woo^lbary,—Warner Untlfirwood noji •mrvicB and Is d«««rvlng of tbo ItilheM TU «• nurxf or t**-li> -r at the hoa T U T lk was flho tut violating: th« lnvr accsptod th# nomination for_mayor on TEUCPHONO By CLARENCE D. KoLLANO. Evory Mlnuu( a THQS.A. ROARKE •ffrlglucnuil. ..Attur thnt.'hv itl'i:«.ni!<]ilrk," t xuilj UUHlly. Tolla Thorn Whtjro to Look Clothas Am Whole. nf Port* Amboy to offer any annul, "You UtiiixriiUiiiil liiltU. That Way," Spaed War Plan. for vlolatlptf the ortjor ctanifig iwiloona permit to erect a htindr*nl lui*i*tra, tt, or iniiKtiM, or i>«itii. AIHO, Int iiiul* for* U^Doata.' — •ncu that mlubt bo needed. Cnptaln daiinic th» Intlatmz* trpi&etnic. Darotown,1—^Tti" «:hiltlr«n- o'f this "Thoy'ru uiiullliit! til" roiul,""mild tho By ROY 0. OUHSTINB, Allen, the govemnMmt officer In charge* Plumbing Heating,Tmning fcr how HCurud you ur*\ curiosity NUI*- ihti MUM piincl !om ml union rtr DnvJd Arm' uyw» are raising M;^6II.<1 to support u Witimuoi* of. tli*' wurohoiu a Wnxblnatou.—Evory six ralnato* a conditions Ui-.tho [ at oncn comman(l««rnd hih m fof r s«rvlciceo TlVGH. London^—,(ow H *.'i-rtti.r. tlnll*-*! I'iirln,—Mmiw ilny tbo nti.ry of whst if n rn*>«>tln0 of lh*» T "iiiilo««l." SiMJ I- "H.'iiinuh y J inorcbunt vossol itrrlvvs uud uuotbur nftcr usklnif bun If ha would bo will' GENERAL HARDWAME; ^ - Wu lmiitit liottctid It, Uotfuliir iutnH tuiVitl ( Uio anil 'I.-nth with lluu "tin hi I''rpnc« wjlt IMI wrlttun. I'oopls Infnnt mortality In^- by flatiway landloal- n- Uncls CLsn.. tt Innd. It tt in K'>i»a «" »»'nt you," >•'« ( north Atluntlc sofiports thora it* a (creatjrnt dongur, lu'ilcoful—i>oucoliiii li* ii— i\i" Wnn hitcr.'Hilii^iy tol<( lion. r*~ ^ lylll lu-ar, thfu, nb^ilt tbo woiju-n who Lavy,. director of Ha ciUid a .CAM* wh«ro th*» r*nf by William .^ cn/* bald Un<;in Eb^n S. W- P. PAINTS ANO VARNISH ^ *wtint to BOO how u u«i*>» tiboiit it. i J doparturti ovory ulovua mluutos—ouu ••Without hesitation O'Brien con- •htly by it imniihi i of th« cominiitoCT > of the tloporttncot of a nouao a*a«a««il at ItttW over 4I j tn Comptiny, rl«9 so much abont nnftln" «lat le Wo wore solni: biuK iVom tlm front. turn." for Kuropo ovory forty minutes. This »r« tookliiBg mid. l/nlilna for tbu sontod to do tlilx, All day ton* th« T "So you'ro uohlji rlulit buck, vliV1 l friihMi*. information urt followtt! |tly nppolnted ConMultlna 000 bad btm raUcd from $12 lu »1» frtmi th« *r««y It/ -•((;/ alfiK««F a farof U< utvu Vf»; a llttlo ——back. Tha battlu WUM huhhiti SH, rato of oporutlon doos not lucludu vw y wltb-lboli' liolnii'ts ami reformatory truck, drlvon by him, 113 Main 'Stfeat - RAHWAY.N.-J "Sum," »nld tlin lirlvor, kt&Ddlu "A .iihorti thick, tt-mporury i-ijMiuit, Nk* expert to th now ha has U> combat the profit-Mrs. _ Mrs. William J.Smytho, a Now York Is run as o railroad,id on thotiKBnd people were carried by lm_nnr.iiy-lraiiL it-if-it wnuiml, N ri'dili'iid til II chlirr >i.i Imwda-r und •i with colored utrjn, In oti tli«!ii( through fresh sbstt. ";u counties Imvloc tbo OTtrlca to glnros of nnfetr. Ute-Han^ "iiTTlu, UiiU ~sbcIoiy~w6mfin~fiir~u~~»miutHir~of tlm | u Tho doty frf rwnniitr-i body wmiUl licnr 11 iimli'it from nuy nf "<]„£ |u " giild hu. tlllu Itlli'i'U till* l>i>l»"ii out trolchud ou thmii nnd qiuiot,^. tu hoioi» In "T5~S6rEP8IET" rtsr -snd Mnndoy whon It was found B«d Cross th« stats department ai Auimluuii Dufunno nunluty Imi theli ufi» uliiiwu u t^oHpTTT' about will bo Mrs. Clura Blmmons. com cult toe* will 1 At n crossroads om* motoorit: , hluh it) climb, but I I "Ilia Job Is to kiu-i! trnck of ovo forrnatory true It wo* ngain brought iifceaaary for mm&Tft*'nf?- b TEJ-KCUOSIIS feus was hiilUul by i._y«uu»* uud Hf Thi* ilrivoi* criinitiid It ahd liiili Hilbmnrini' thiit In In Opiiflltloil. IIP.M « Him U as close to the front lino ff statloius and they wore all rotonv ctrommoflatiofls for tfillt>« 'tTmt Aim. tu hU w-hcu in oldlvr with M. IV .>I7TIT5 started ^ Hot .. ...M .. foriniir* Milbhiurlti ntim liini-' "^ .rv n« any wontau Is paruillluil to rtste io, but lUn nrdr dorin of tbo Hnrvurd Oradunto School •od trvizntuuUy to their home*. U'kiritm Tj «O U XAWT 30il> cuo't puMM." ,h«> witld; "tin wtfvds 'ot thu Imiid. AIM, Mu hmtlncl for thiiin I* tiiut of u country*. "Iflvory ,. i. Ifor many t\nyt, < tf thu actlw purpose*-by. hi»d 1MT1 llIU'Ull." • > Wo lmd to cilmb it hill. J Hilutfuntud 'urrot uftor i. rat. - • son ul: tbo frout or In camp huru should ilxhliiiK just ovur Hi till! from her. and wb«o going. on parole wa» eta-Advantage of th« trttttt. . •-'"• Vktt "Power — Obviously . tho division . mint know SUPPLLE He dldu't ui-wl to lull us, Wo 1, thllt-Ulaybu tho I'iluhW hm-tlud II lltiln "llo Icno\wrwbi'irHu»y he<>d"ttirr how~^>rotoat aaiilust- tho -continuation-trf M1W< wui« tho only womnn lu tbu entire Woodbury,-~I*v<.ry iitiptli dmritii hn« tickled thoKo papors," nald Mrs. Sraytho. "It II r«n, -That- didn't -bother-liefUotJaJL. ~ lliot m>d jn»lan'ly klll«.«t I>y bis broth' 1/ yciii Qoraenbt, uiitcf«~w1thrtbo War taduntHas and war , nomth ana fom llIm things ulioui iimt rood iiuluc drlvor thought uut. 1 could hiivo iH'iii—knows MVIIII whie two n i vpD—trtto Intricate and perplexing" problems Mothln^ \i -iaorw tt*ndtit to ii» Bpeetiy recovery of the present np^ .)„.„,,;, ()lnt )„, w,mi,i WVi,t itn,,w. fomid trmlljluri Iii tllllt utmlilu thllfc H •oiiio to tbo rtUrfnCt*fo r Hui Mldpnoi' to ^Uaffe of tllo onemy our boys aro fltEbt- trada bouriln In dctormlnlnK und pro- nlie could innko It. So tliero you Qie greatest wastage. were gunning for~biflckftird« along the was s«s>t«rt~ Xnti th« ooiy y to mako a. paiieot thoroughly ors and oou ciUiu' hCl-otihillwf ovor_.(»ui i" UittiLj.i(_|t(Lite_| MH jel_siH\[ hvlpit u»ud in tho Unlti.d viding for tho- country's noods from And iliertv she was, . . in the state'* motro- ereeU. To*' boy* were wepnrntefl .and to* stealing iHnwr palls ot,ijmh\th V»t- . _ I liiiVd buld IM thoru U Wmilc, ! iiltu bin c find arniArfll ndvliufry rWiards of the c«a wbici> have be*a ^tutoS und papors urd butnff dally pub- ubroad. It work* on month to month but in the a flock of bird* sro«« In front of (^-w- Isy.rsflrnilder* h«,r*. fcrtablo. Ii to provliifi the «uldo our foivt Mr, to l»y alii(fp4>r W II. CUronlolr'": ' ^ 1 couldn't titiii, with my hoiui dow tiu< boys thuii anything in tbu world, senate chamber, 'Just before adjourn- fi> Amu; T 1 liloii, II IflS- ntnoii^ tho control loVord. A tv tolling tliiim flint thiilr only Moit, iloi inii Weil Win. hitvil loft tho bull' works with tho food udiuliiUtru' except u luttttr, Hbo has.: no ple- - tsavy In thi*,work—tho vtf W^xlbury.—William V«i«» «un*, women's claba, lo- ment ii motion offered by. former 11." llul wlii'ii II tiiocou ot roof itlid tlobrl^ uottlod b hi'rt T. Ni'vViroiuiif, wus wnrforini; fi'oti ....iiilM of Muw Vol-k.of thu biittloiieliiS Explain. Aviation Term Which I. Not tlon in dntBrmlnlng tho shlpplnu tilrenquo ideas uboat oarrylujc"cultnra. littm \V)i«»ei«f fit KwMlMtoro nr<< iti jnii of tho Women's Conv _- fiobort Carey of Jersey City Uit.— l[«pJ()nt OV(,,. ,1|y ,„,„,, ( \VIIH wlllltlli 111 my buck, but I wrni hot uuhoyoil, lii, ii frii<'lur<'il uUull vocolviMl In n fill of Yulo tltlil UnrViml tn tllklf it wlllick Qanaraily Undarataod by qulromonts for food J with thu war- do- ^ iri " tllo drtviir uskud. youiiii Nuwi-'mni'r, who In u Hoi'iiiiiiii1 tivhlnlfulln of New York city uiid of Hb<* Worku with a hutfo inixlnff IMJWI ^.i(iirrBttf~r,f'»p<»c_^___^. <. _. -OrtierslmV*~li*o. r iwi—(C-ntnk-Sit'ti, m huatH lu scoklug uolt -^-l In-thc conntie»-frum-J Qod has bin Vrtipod out of my wii Itm>k u hiui 'Tin just il tmuUoUltof," ttuld I with Wltii Ii f.orim'1' lui'lll bi^ll Mt?boot footlhl the Ynlo-cltiBrtr 1011). H.t l«-ad run* through ih« reservation ft"frj^th* Charles It, i tho country, and -^ ui liuriingtoa county ho hopoa ?ot>ertnttrMlf-rjt W. fiiirfos Ono to Bilbpi Cap aa i3hook Ababrbof*. *bllo'yoii nfo mnvhiK—dt thin fitt. Hii|ildM, tirlof to IIIM oiillMlnitmt linf dry fame, nnd hlH fnthui* left honiB U «">*.* «»«>« •* Scott oti tho tnMu- On'tiw riclcoty . otov» ^ ccnUirr iii Hordontown, liur- ;« eommnnity boards, Cieperal Bry- still TOftti Hf»4 til** iitV/l 53 Smith St,, Fefth A nloj.N. field, Bollovlilo, 111. with tho wal: trndc board_ In preparing th*' kpiinti mt wlitflt rtfrlIH,\B wiix In- iiliyhow," nil Muy 1U, Ulir. Uu llliw bliilfl I . for tlm S|iunluli>AtiinrlMin wur in the 'v/iwta thi) old flfepluco xiaod to b*i, ant itaid, Would lifivu tlxr b«nrty iii*. (Two l f) Something iuu iialhtius uiu In thu ro- S |d Mount Holly, to forn>cau36 who for n^TV«ral years ha'S been Aliothur H1H.II luildud, thin llmii Oil ^iijou triilutMl ttH ll iiii>tor~nH»<'hltnTcT 3 ono. 4<- Bho Ktirtf and po«m, and pours iiij-ln-]iniii,1 lu. WIIU I.r.I,, expenditures In tho world tal» Bonos tu tbo mlnutrol shovJTSjUiutu tho roof ut our" control, tho Rplnnlnff bolnff tuusbl: to ily. Wai* In Murphy's e on o war basis. It has been ro- iirirn to r»i< M'liu loitiir to tlm younii tuuii'H inn ortii innruhitf wbeti that .oxport wilt b« mlxictif mtoilxii. bocuuso I BUW thu roof just boforo i1 wits wiiu Wriltnu byH7~\V7UTiTiiKiiri took tiiH p!in) froni hru iuoufli, ntudt frasa— in u wider circle. ate th« first year. Of Its possible friction, nnd tbo boards landed. 1 will liovor Moo thiit rod: lln uliliuilllH of C1«» valluuu, L'biuw c a pin iti thit 'middle of (bo North $:«;,000 Jtyj-dWulon t'ci'. .-Jpiollilti/tK ll>i- >.'«K. Vf"^l.tnltii ugatn. Our ueciUiilutiiUcw Wuy brluf Mi\i, mill it friitoriilty brathur of Nuw mill thon blow out u blua cloud of "A tall Mpln rusuilK should endeavor io bring to the atteiv u hw NoTroiible of tbo fori-c^. towels, ng $S.o6b In nonenrfufitlai ftnei witt lirilllfirltiJ-x rliiil. J.h<-/«;nif*tiy< ***** destinations, muny of which Woro i-ldnnt lnH)iioDod iind nine) wuu bud .store at home,!. , ... prayor. It taken a dlsltko to it uhd \vus moving nboUf ant L essential Imports to loss than 100. »;( tjfijutupt foi' jind^W'^'f^ <" *,< Pair (fjW*rfiy .rtied tit or around us. TlluS uud plustor an< hurt. . , A convoy of camions rumbles* past Sterid'by tbc Custom to y.way. wltli enthusiasm. In the dis- '"Ono whntJ' Data oh tho ships and their H.fnytot.uX'KsiyMrtu*, Qtttirtff' Building Tdnty.™ - .Slice . wero- throe -Gc-rninb—prisoners tf thnt tbu Wiii' ^ •A "frohi reduction her door, Tboy arc almost at the end Corjirf, and Cliarfii: _ ".:*nrd speed «• £ha"Oho of ~toolr"Journey.7 Oerrnari territory i vossols under tho shipping board's con- tshAfife was on n horse. It looked a vary atill." iottor Wutf \vrltton>* P111-O-W—Von-of-araVlty-ovwrcomos 1 isnt half a doKm—Jtllometers awar. 1 trols Ukowlso :records - are kept, of horso, I50T thc^Gormaiislnij £nrbu5S "thom." try or linking up with Its foreign but -sh( th* ."^rlliolr way* Thoy stumblud ovor It, uot trun. trade. • ;. ' •'; Even before tho hot chocolate -hit •&>• -"Whiiiu" eumo another nder^no tuany hours oii such and Thus tho division checks dally about » — »rj4 -rdc^iv** a book. '- - thd r quite ready, the boys begin to arrive. rvtrtt.!ii*itiitit(w lUch a couriio. XXL throo hour« tlioy*il GAS MASK CARB'ON NEEDED 7.000 vessels, 1.EO0 of thorn being tfiose Hi, Uccl- They come In tin bats with gss msslu Ar fh« conriu- Fresh Beef X® broach nnd thit reason will bo tobacco, of tho'shipping board, 3,000 engaged ntundiird of plur'- F. C. Bauer's Store 'svY -"^ nr* aUro tbd parouts that rch iir«a-—and—and you'll find a Take* 200 Peaoh Stones to Fiirnl«h banging at their sides. Her own bel- o( hit* remark** Uu directly . In Amorlcari commorce and raot and mask nra on the shelf behind c-uri». witlr ftuwU-ti from ihhttti x>r*i»rni r 125 Irvinj Street, Ksttwsv. N i. PMO O 1 OtEbly would llyo, Stunk- .' •• • ••• '•''•• • Material lor One Pro- vilj take your -"luhscription fof tbe . .. :i ^i*i-^\i - i.-u.:t0U't ortoct; pro- iivoiry pr&yor ebould bo otforod lu 2,500 Hcnttorod over tho globe and «n will 1» uiupl»y>Ml nor. ; • • .. •' .. .."•'.• i/f(;if»*-i< of tiieif Work, _ .ueVhea-Uli -Z&iiQ, foot ouo Bchliittolln-wnif tho flrHt pilot. Tb« teotor, trading for tha most part with tha al- - ~r.ilucod by.futllMa to wutlafy bunlror Ihu couilduiico that Cod will do ui -iiH Wings of the iuuchlno^llod to "Hot chocolate ready t" tbe first one livery W*4ln**ttnU tthauld V woods ] oporate, -This causod the piano to strolto and captain of the HalF fourth of tho merchant ships of tbe asks. '••••.-• "' KHOWVIU, tu Tii tnt»in**m tUtu of the mtmth Fourth Loan, ilrnri In il Mi.lrnl stoned tb supply the carbon that Id pr«ipartf a lint ot notUTfH world, are' watched Dy the snipping, r she needed In tbo making of ono irns maskT It with her long spoon. She fills on* of tho imocu of tho' drlVuf of tnUtukon. 1 know u single troo whon of tho biff senplnno won completed board. Btlhliti Ono million gas masks nro neodod for Cash or WeeklyT'aynieijts, the American troops as soon us ,thoy a back prlvnto. Tholr »ioto was dlftor- abU again. - . tnd *rnirffart, electrician and champion "70tn-m-jn 1" says the youngster. family la ^«rrirwij.y ti ABTH0B B, r can be manufactured. Those are tho Ship porformancos against tasks aro «nt..arid the muivrdisatmllar. but tbo 'I hopo," I »uM, "that tho Motdlers 100-yard sprinter. * " ~ •^That's good and thick. ^aive.-DS-.a, • or Tank-Corps fttfbeivas Cross -arguments that ttr« being used to con- recorded by "progress chart*," which —lie titfr^tUiiirfkr-of-xiut-ruiiuifUn- U*uila- 'isvtr u-as uiuch thoj^ma.1 1 could not g«t this tobacco, l! hopo thoy get It 'Throe hours later a . bright her. package of cookies.** .. . . t ;of uccompllwhiriK CHAUJLBS of Legion of Honor. vince tho pooplo of Now ISngiand of show at a glance what the vessels have hy Mr. Hllcot It •*•'"* mtidii tAnUi thai ^tnie tuukiTout Whlch-Uccomplished tbo Boon. Lot's sou, thoy'ro In dugouts, ringbone sea was* creeping.' undor Ho takes bis tin cup and his cookies •r^ that of centralizing and - Vlu PmKlant 1 to do and how thoy aro doing It. Each ar«nft thoyt You don't noiid to bother With tho Sreonch. Army In franco. —» them. Through the mist tho visi- the nocoHSity Of'saving tho stones to an empty packing box in tbe cor- slot! to much'good work the fc-*Jtrr«i tuttiihritlb* Uui'ti no Iix*-tt suost knocVu to tho miuuto, nor which from tho ponchos thoy uso and brings sot of charts Is divided into ten di- rty io ffuUia t\w Vnrimid mate .eouv CHKHTEH T. 11ATWE3 was loudetit. about taking It to thorn. I'll do thnt, -Tho capture of TOO QornianS la tho bility was bad, but suddonly both ner, «its down, and feasts slowly sod he ^ i already belntf "done 1 plolt nttrlbutod to Worro Collier,twun- Ing them to tho hoadqunrterS that visions—one each for movements of i/iUnity l^mr^M nnti Iliiit (n.tlitr flnul ' ;Si'vernl miloli cuVin-weru approach' I havou't chattiid with tboso boys for officers mada the same exclamation 1 luxuriously. Another boy is at the tbrou, .TttillHT SfiflS INSTITUTION huVo boon vutablishod in this and oth- vessels, turn-aroonds, ships' charts of '-ftU oi'iiuril7./iCf Ui •TBEDEKICK C. BAITEB liuf. It \vna bo quite ii Whlio, and much us I dlsllko ty-thtuu- yoam old, u corporal In thoundor their, breath no the seaman board that serves as a counter. er KeW England cities, for ussoiubilng commodities, Individual commodity Vanta a -Uni/orm System. rviiat awi rytSutntUtntt to ^' of Strength" Anybody who bollovos-u thu closcnosa of a dugout I think I S"r6nch tiitak eorp«. *\yo floldplocua called to,his mate: _ Gives the Home Touoh. ^W-» W(int . a_bliiJjuniform i can uncrlflco uiywclf tbdny nnd stay olso wore taken. Collier hits received those very necessary olda to the win- charts, summary of imports'. Individual .ni«-*:f Il BOBEET of muled Is incupublo of '-' *A largo Hun Is going north, oua Some of the boys stop to gossip, tbroutfh tlie tttute" he astt-tTtciL '*Tiio Mr*, I>niife( Wolf -JicI In the cross of tho Lt'Elon o"t Honor, u ro Thlng of the war. . trades, summary of trades, ship charts Afier" OoOflinfl Landlord*,:'""' Corner Main and Monroe Streets.' i b«cn tticro to-Suu.-Tho ra- down With them a llttlo whlla. BUB," SchlolToIln remarked. 'Say* Mur- whcn_tho_edgo-_I»_taken.. ott—tbeir ~«tattifwrini( I ? and Mrr- \V, SsVCr'f*fia..k* 73/* Uu- • bnrd tiicU WiiH us* poured «s any- "Iteroember BUI JohnBonT" they ask am ready to h*'li>/' rf -*> and Hmlaoxj train while Oolllor wuu In commund of n tank CarbohdttlU, 111.—Thu city of trlbntod ovory ten . days to govern; J(-rM*-y, ViAXiiwUtii iilw lirfiiiiiutUihti at tiff rMid, wd»-r«i *iu? Wa*. Vmj»i^yV«t rt-* isu. Mud was tryluit.to kisop ut "Mlatel"," «uld liu Kiuyely, "tbo maa plane (tot itBolf botwoon the.' Mrs, . Simmons, She does. - He was Btato Comtn\MnUytiet of Kiiuvntinn . Lamb+rtvllie, ~- A nu 1 mnntioi! by IK Anlmlcunu In thu rocotlt boudalo has adopted a French wal menu .which require constant informa- Iflnt. w>t-Jk i:siiH\t was -firtiit -Uajtilii- tit/i da fid it of It luui H« rtrniK to huUg on wltll. Thi friblcst runaor~ln tlio'X.'I3rl''. "wholo~rninutos it bord dpwn on the~orphan. It Will bo provided for from of chocolate. ^ " ' Or;; Levy nnd hatt. pro«iiHed_jiW .fr^nrj struck tbo tank und reiidorod It ert Au«(«*t«r »«jv*rti >>-s»r» *>tdr of 7l."y •If wuu tull of hutu tuck. It lioww A," •"-'•' Hun shark. Sho loomed up through city funds. It Is believed to be the "He won't any more for awhile,** otiltey ..COTOt 1 bis department and In thiti Way it in Jeruey directing them tn pilMnto ufH' oiifl^ u.ho bit/J jf/tie' to t\**< -ont—uijiliid—thoiiu—tutloa^-fcoriii Ulco n Which was triio. J imi tho chin ICHS,. .^rho.tnoii thOiijidvaiicetLoiL^oot fltti first adoption of UM kind In Illinois -,_J'Stopped_one"" n tbe lea; ing the >few Gelilor dlsicovorod. tho OormunH ahi —bop4^-4o-njake-4iatLUj£_the_,«oh<>oLdi*M^ luttfui tt* play wittt thu *rhl(- vfitbon. It \vua « Huowatorm of hi nald ilftorwaird, Northern biiKhud in u cave. Ho kept Ktiard ill :drec,|in •rorrytnft' Information Imck into thein fr'HT' tenanis (n ttmlr" jurfwlirtlon an tack.- and nobody puusod to u^k \vhoro "Within a half minute sho Started AICT TO REDFIELD »ho says, Jnat its rate .. . Ulirn llako tw Get tho ;ehtrfliic«j tor itn hour until n Ger- fhe^^omea from tiic Kcboolu, Interest^ ftffdfnMt Incr«*aiM*« In rentals and. ti> rs wer* sect to coat to fcubuiertfo with—' the way. she -would say It at botne tf l Salem.—There_ls, s. big d*man4 for --Jt;teiU T~~ -^ ----- • •••-- man opnunrea with u whlta tine. Bu htg itiG mother* fn ttle Health -«ena* the aftttlavitu to the governor's iteaXerrs to comply with tbe «fnergexicy Warren, Pit,—T?rt ihid "tho body i>i "Crash! The eummntyon shipping and trade, h bad the bnskers In Ihu county, .wbers uu , bitches Are Popular, lilml the Hrnt ouo t.'umu thu ro»t.af tb< 11 Tsent's efforts, - office. Just what nction lie will Inlce Jan adopted to relieve families having Hibley Westcott, >i biithor, ' Shorldah'ti 'Now,' said Cutler, "wo will give prepared every ten days for the wo« acreage of corn Is unnsually larg* this ... ditc..h Was. SlovubTy pt iwhd, about twenty foot In dlutuotori TOO, ouu by one. 'riicGurmuns threw " In taking np - the medical tmtl on the affidavit** (w not known, Imt It t» o coej aod.fllt r/n« ton orders befor* them it'light.' —'* fall,. ••• ..'••- • . • . - •"';' •,-• It dldii't have" to bti a doi>p ditch do\vu_ ..t|lolr urniy boforo CelllOM find declared bU purpose of Inter- understood thnt In ndtlliion to prewent- H s tssv w«a bunintl «i^. Wliun dtvcrti fiillod ti BroUflKt Home the OhlonS, •-' BIchwood.—Wgnra will collect can- :*»or a cloiin ditch. Any common o: rocovo^ tho body 11 Imrrel. of gu&ottmi hinrchod to tho roiu- ut hla dlfoctlon. ._...•£> strengthening the state work by o*i>-, warden vnri«ty- of ditch would~do;- A Itt'ua oinptltxl on tho Htiffuc'e* of tho ww* "He tripped his bomb release at tho Jnc Commi*t«lon 'attcfntMtt Instant the big plane .was directly their co-operntlon wherever 1 odlsc Philadelphia, at ". THx-footrmon \vas perfectly iiblis to cots tor aud not aitro. IH .two hourrf tUd grgwt lnv<*«tignt|on of upw-ific •frn-M^c by ioi,- whft VIUK «bot "wlfh 'txttt own jpxtt - cenl hlmsolf lu n «ix-ln<:h ditch. Huiul f-ovor—tbe—^enemy's—conning towerrj flttf jrranVTjtiryTa tpracfi^ctiuTiTy an«Trrniiy anernwTattacfc by n^mHUn-i * w*y^ pfiiid fell this?** foot and WUH ahuU'oW. to •- a t certain trade are enough, too their wives. She talks in the most Industrial problem add** uiu'rli Cburcb Sunday evening. would ivoke up. nnd unothot shol! unouch for tho tienrchtne purty to re- NEW PUNE IS SPEEDSTER which WUH exactly awash. Schleffolln many or too toy..; • whether they bring Invoke extraordinary punt tire inefl*^ man tn Hol>ofe«m, in dead, 'Three OT*D throw tho machine into a Vortical casual American way about things' £o tbe complications through the In- .CedarvlIIe. — P«irs are now txlng IHERE'LL, be no "businea* a* a»ual'' until the •would land,. Immedlatoly it would the body. In.! too little or too much; whether artfri* «nrt**r the autbority (eiven blm t>y ir* ttxuter arrest, , . eonie a'ecuuu of desolation, u llf« Maohlhe Bolitg Built «t Cleveland bank to obsorvo tho .effect of the ex.". that are neither cusns.1 nor American. creasing employment of • mothers of the emergency war act of 1017, picked by tha cannery.-which has bad Hereral htmiSre-d* of they aro on time, ahead of time ot a. .long season, starting, early IJI ' th« are licked. . , Show. Up Well In the plosion. After the last of her-soldiers has yonng children, and Dr. Levy would tn - By comparing" Import requirements mend the establishment of day nurs- Glcmcester City.—Peter flngiie*. % Licked until their heUisbnec* appears a* vile, tjiroogh iiow." company, and tb« first of tho ptm then that sho Was damaged and that "There Is not a mother, or wife or Issued complaints had continued to ui*- voiw^i to dttt£re-n*« with th* elee- now being put throuuh its accoptaticc her divine pianos had bean so Injured against-deliveries the charts show sister of any one of these boys who eries in some of the plants. The fuct arrive ot the •• execntlye^ department, shipyard worker, who bad been arrest lou of new oCteeru ot -Hf varUm* ashideotxa. aa damnable to them as it doea to a - He Is tho tuut M. L\ I shall over be- when vessels may be transferred from that In munition factories the wane* ed for being Intoxicated, was found *iev«i. This Is positive. Ho fcieuht well, tests, hntt Mliown exceptional maQi that she could not submerge. They wouldn't give:alL she has to be wnerw andmany.recited -^peciflc Instance** of M^ hers' 3iBSK dette G. Xewls of the Department of Tjrjjaking-—our bbys^aiidfh6»e of our Allies; by tbe nights that It could be handled i helmet and. a sweater hove gone Woodbory.—The monthly vandevniei Department that b« hats th« appotat- We were toot traveling foi? pleasure. and that they' conldnt catch her, re;- secretary of commerce, has seta prec- Charities and Corrections. •• the „ readily as the smaller battleplani overseas to gladden the heart of mhovr ot the local Moose nas been m«nt of a. principal »nd two alternates women who are backing up the men—snd by the S were on business. 'Our Immediate layed the news to 'certain destroyers. I edent. Mrs. A. O. Stewart of Port Drowns QermarvMade Dolls. After the first explosion the Inmates Jored sfrf* were not mmd* bunnt and answered to_ alL—reo.ulr«ments. some Yank. • called off^on account of tbe closing ot at the MUitary Acad-rmy at West Point. Vlnei&Dd.—&cv. Wni£«in Evet^ | Was to-go away ftoiu there. _ _: ."The destroyers "did the -rest,. I-Richmond, N. T., is the Bret-woman San Francisco.—An officer at llrtl .I were assembleasse d byy the superintendent 1 Other machines of the same type are all places of gathering. Paolsboro^—Bev. James Roger* tot tor of the Ftnc M«tho41«% Protectaat loyal stay-at homes! : Immediate busloesa Was hurried Up, rammed the 0:bo«t, and '•thus honored. Mrs. Stewart was Mr. Civic Center saw' a little girl marched to the yard that tliey and TTynton.-^Commissloners designated bee© appointed, presiding elder of the f?hnr«*h. Xp fill iho_ fllvyer. "wlSi" "clgarelt^~a process—of—manufacture—aad-^vlll- :here wet«-^eiriy--Bll3E-a«tv4VoifeHer- T- yt«*^nAlf1'Kefllteld'a4 ^onHfl-conHdenaaJ l derg tor a riniu- hm'uwuud om; of funnTiiliiH, nil 111— In S p^f***'* *** fri*«tf*r siif^tv be turned out In a steady srreata from diving rudder had probably been dnm—J ber of years. ONION S£ED FOR nco cnoss by Secretary of. State Martin to aid In -chocolate from tho T._M, C A- Waro- parently reluctant to leave, " He When a plan of receiving refugees securing tbe votes of New Jersey aol- PleasantTtne.—Tb« Atlantic Coonty iow on. ,<: . ttgedttoed. The •destroyers pttt her downV I . - and get it back to tho boys-back Texas Grower Makes Present of $20,- restlgnted and ^onnd that the girl ontllned to tbe< inmates they volun dlers stationed' at camps, cantoomettai Historical Society bas saked tbe com> 'WlWwood-—Gewce X Eat. far scars It waa several kilometers .to but she was the prize of Schleffelln 000 Worth to the Organ- thrown several expensive dolls teered to give up their rooms and cU to niton tbe asm* of Main proprietor of tlie Boot Oermsntm Boy War Savings Stamps of Tale and Cutler of HarvnrO. It or military posts in this country mef In *h*i secrelary of state's office for final to Ssore road. '•_..,.-.: —. .... Angl«sM. ud kmin^.to thoosssils $>y the watchr arriviniT In a state df was Ontler'a first fly as a QHot on o "uneonsrfoos" victims and - fo tion with hearty cheers. ~ ancient, 4Seff tollo«ta» a atxoke of ; and speed the day. war patrol-. __ , ! NEAR BODY OF BROTHER instrnctloris respecting their . dutles. AlTentowo.—Wfib tbc withdrawal «f profound calm. We embecs~riaTe.beeol&eln [years"ajco.~~B* wa»dztr^ncn years erlffe, Canary. Islands, has written a soldiers and were authorized against : «xcSted except for a few minor- New Brighton. Pa.—"Today letter'to~th6*chalrman of the-local of the wings, cleaned them thoroughly. ing with tbe harvest on scores of Mon («ld-afid l»-siinFtved by. a widow. He Charleston, W. Va.—Tho spirit J Patriotism. L electioneering In any form. mouth and Burlington cotmty The Whetztena Company. stera. Of course we were- knocking Hesvy Demand for Rubber. | we. were up on the battlefield to chapter ot the Bed Cross, T. A. Austin! 1 left everything in order and, taking member of ttw Bed Men. Etk*. of- cooperation - and- patriotism. 5 A C<»liege av<-nuc. woman was < ; Trenton_-T-Bnrdette G. Lewis, state splinters off our teeth with tho chat- *lho world discarded 183,000 tons of: bury our boys and we found advising him that he had instructed only one blanket, each, marched to an- iconnty agrtcnltural directors pee,pre- IK rtitnpunt throughout tho coal X 1 tulntn^ her,card club- One ot.it commissioner, of charities and correo'' teriag we'felt It our duty io do; we automobile tiros during 1016. Adding; Vernei among the dead. Now, Thomas G. Casey of 09 Warren street. other wing, wrapped themselves in dicting that the farmerette bas come mining regions of southern West »£ -woniun members of the club brop tlon. received from tbe Inside' brands -were a trifle pale, say as pale at* fresh to this the large number of bicycle dad. do not worry' too much. He New York city, to send 95% pounds net their blankets and voluntarily slept In to stay In New Jersey, as long as tb tills place took a trockjhnd of pcacb Vii-i-lnla.- her— son John, about four years! nf the Prisoners*- Aid Society, an organ- need for her services exists. , *mow. Aside from this with our tires thrown nwny every year by their died game. He still held- his of Varela's true yellow Bermnda onion the wtng vacated, and these were used stODea to tlie Camdco IMiadyroartenL X prtMicher and his congrega- along. John got unruly, and his l izatlon of prisoners In the I£xsex cotm- beating* so they sounded Hko a owners, ^t "»appears that the world, rifle In his hands and there seed and one case containing 7-HS in accommodating B19 refugees, of Clayton-—When lento Hmsee Tluwtrfarer-Only. aboot- otte famOj tion voluntoorerJJobe night to dig . t'r put him npstnlrs and told binikl ty penitentiary at CaKlwell, a letter of p camion engine, w*ttlt*' our spends every year at least $600,000.- *wero seven dead Hnns tn front pounds of Vafela's white crystal wax whom 400 lvere women and children^ not return home at dinner IlL.tcsi tt«re haa anj coal la tbe boase, 51 100 tons of coal. Many miners -.'of-.him." -.. Thls-..^was .In a letter sit there nntll he could"boh among'them being about * hundred hearty thanks for his plans to w»e th«* Ute wrapper factory; where be linlr standing^»ut like spines on an uu- 'nntoa seed' of :the present crop to the Bhe procec«l*^d to play bridge.^i bhttrtOT Tmr«-Joc-ltie-l wltb Uulcr prospects of gettlsg any. j after comnlonngtHelrday's work 6,000.000 automobiles are now In xiso * babies. The rcportTjf -Scperlntend«o iVarlng were normal. hont Rncllsh womun, Vvho as vtco ; from hlja son. telling him of the sold by them .nt auction and the pro- burst forth singing "AmerlcaJX^JE ..^g^™, to dig moro coal. Many farmers, with tiros nearly 8S.000 tons of Indt-, . death of another sati oh the ceeds -to be applied to the Red 'Cross |ircsl(lonl of tlio Y. M. O. A. IK ono illntely tt broke up the card gamefiSijI "Qolnp B«ck?» -Sure.- too, put In.a few hours at night .robbtir uru needed every year, und thi :: MaiWbJwttlefleld.^ .:ur-^;.-.. -'_ - The'-donor-- says. tha- ^auction _i With nbnch'nianco wo flllea our ton- of tho hnn!r«tworkorn !n that opr in the mines.~ ,. . --•. ; tbe women stood up untn-Jobn i American nutomoblle ownem pay ever; lid realize $2,000. singing.—irnliBnapolln Hews. neau with euppUoa. UanlrjiMon. Sho (y nlRO rhnlrman-of year as much an $20ti,,000 for tiros •"Going back?^ somebody asked the nptlonal uppeuls commit tec. |.

Kan way if J. Tne«dutly the eauiu UIIHI of "Turn to tlio . .Illghtt" tlio greatest ticularly emtlfylutf tu Ituhwayaiio tu tcrnera. llahway Nkt. 13«nk D1(J«.. tho lilghmt rato paid by any amrtac* The Kaiser as uiu thai nlio poeacaaoO a most dlctri- WITH FOOD SUPPLIES The Rahway Record dlnoaatr tlion* w«*rn fitunil pnn CQIIBPO by strttptu* In your homo loitltutlolS. l Mra. Martin U, GuinlakGr, Jr., onfroo m thn ravtiK^fi of luUuonia and thoand u Uitidly and uiulahlii dlnpoattlon 1 Knew Him wtiau hn won In my ofllco, liatiloiltini and tin* way lii which th«y cocci; and by othord n«rui« with loutz iiloudlus ut tuarn anil duughtor, in tl... f., 1'1_ l llq ft nil tin- AIIUi'l fan's*. „__ "•**,. SKUIAli NO. .0311.' AOVICEJN FLU HEAL ESTATE FOR RENl n In lor, Mrs. \V, U. Wilson, of LCvarott. pnoummila thai followed tSian-tb_t of that won liar a wtflo ctml HdiniUMmly to remov- II tti.r.' witli our own in«o tiui'i>«rt thn hiivoruuiout ut ovory ojj- \v«.. «(.«- ii ..- . jiuonilng taok lo Nowark—for an on- Masci., and OUQ brother, William lOdwitrd ytnlnnf, of llahway oVauuo^ who uro deeply urlovnd by Itor i ing Inn' lui(~niHi Ml.o^-unun.ly wore u In tralnlii At llmt you r*iHiPinlM# "oiitl ^1>Trir nil many im>(li"rn uror* NOTiClQ OV MKCUHTUY. IMUMAltY A«O o&-.-. _ . Quick Perusal occ«nii[ill^1i tiiy Wfjru KOtlRfnrtflrily TitK" »i»rlr«T trom l> I-"" -I" l>*™°». «•'»• * " °la»>lo addition In tho tbonla* ""ltafir*9is~ permnntn." Situ- hi coiirot-utity witti tlie |iru«-i»loi»u t.iri'l'i"! with tlio olf aioiiit parson ot Mlko Donlln. tho former ated U minuj.e»- walk from U. U..<. i tM.MilP.i '.Vti (ft to UetiitlatM UI«i'tlua«t u 11.iy H din nnd iiurnuynninnt ]pt>U n))M did. Wtioti 1 plarP.J rottott' .,.)'! ll" i. II in u* nUiil who tlvwt hnltl;' "Hput' n|i(U->ve»l April 4. 1H0N, lho Ntip^leiiM-ta Mr. Hottloo was born In Walorvlllo, noon. Hor dnughtfif, Mine Murgarot roljt* ID ii«r mouth, nho lnqUt«t1 that aa with the vnry smull ilruplots of luucus, major loosua baaoball star, the cost Btatloni M. V>:O, bos .A* Monlo I*arkf lliiJlclCUli'. uiiieil».|tilpHt« tlmreor, notice hi . MIBH (Jruco-ltowland, formorly of ontu^i-hy Mr. uuif'.AIrpi frpdnri*;!* if mi <.r m*if flt- tint! «poil *U.« Withl." iiiiM huau : on Ihfiuenza." 1»pt<>!.* «IVP1I *( ut tlie -Ulitlrti'i IlurifO-i tt* Mo.i nn. Sill hit probntily oxtxillou by couslilnri ' or •nsealnii. wm 1)o virtually Uio same that ap- itPiilwii i IUMI ICto'tlon 'ti nut) 'fur om'li *1tM»- ~ way-for thlrtyilvo yuaru, Ilu wan one BOH, I'rtvato Jof)a[>h tl tn in or, dlud ut. Houfunuiij of K) LinU<»w ntrofit. "On ti>ii< .iiVui.OiM the City uf IMiiwuy wltl rhiladolphia, Bpnnt a wook an euantti rottmi iiiialnnt hot lips or tonijuo, I i, il.i wllli tills ott tniir.- titili'nrlhu i«t - I'hlMrrli forcoful InlUlivB. olid ilin llUd by • ono lmuro(j at lno Qaloty Thoatro, Erlititirduy mornlim lhalf 'uon, Ti>hn 168 Irving Qtr**^ FUhway, N«W j«r**y UtilUp it it.'MNtT tl> itOlltUJ L'UtlVllHB Ult tb« of tho flrnt afftHiif) and tho first local Cumj' Moadn, Md,, on Out. 13, mitklnti 1 would hnvt. to <-n<-n<*.> tlin cottou In riwliitf.. f.. Hi .< r our military Win, olrooily Ims itio norms of Ilio ills- y for tlltrloan monthgi broaUilis all of Mrn. Jaraort How land, I_.Ue BVOIJUO. uji'^i M yonffl, dlod of pmnmiotilUi fnl Htty ntlitM' matt hi'lVirx' <>Y Rtiiro, Washington, b. O.——Ai- ROOMS TO LET TnutH <|ay "f BeiUemt'or ne-i |iiii|i»nii uf rcuUlcrluu nil (iprHuna .«- ^Woftt—Mitt«i.7*vonuf) hue beau Bpuud- 1 ini.nUiirl.u. ttti.u.irt.t.<>. \V« IniVo tint >•<•* Oliu uf thu vti'ilnw uY it«< Ililiiixusil opl- TO HHNT—Purulsiied room, - NO, IS j Ml.-'l to von- »t tho «if»ultia 1'riiudry «ad ( iiU ponliioii with thai dotupuny njjout futility nrM_JJiu~.imBband and ondoiilii of Lhntr infutit daughter, Mary, work would .MI *' In my own w«y* Unit "• tiiMlllr III IKO!t tmtl iiyulri Oils taiiiimiut', Main otmot, O22 it Hh.M'.lt Wlct Mitll.. Ing u row u*ayti In WaBhlnleou, p. C, ttiinil 17 in oh tha, from thu sumo did- titui %U*1 flniiH i V.-IU ftir"V Kilviui tin- lmrhitroua Unit ' Ittt porofrinancaa at tlia ffoUoual theft- iniiH'r iMiuiH'i'uY i)AY ANO lMUM- iho—tiii.**—thiit—PrtmidoHt Drydon bo- diiuclitfil', Misri Katn Voorhoofl, mid wu AirrHtni U< DAVUJ. D. 3, J Mri». Vrttnk D-nhain, of P_rlh~Am-' "W..U. if you t ucli u i>lnt of It. •li;'»r,V(.i.. Kr.iMli.' Ko». HUlltnlitlotf to uljj uii tin.'*tli.HH Hhil DM ih fr.o* Woohiugtonr —ions_ Uwit- atrrioN PAY, TUUHOAVI H«P- cama RULIVU in tho xjompahy- T4*-rougli fciiii, Kiiiward «ioinor. iniPKi. 'VU\ti iiiakoB throet ohlltlrnii ti'ilk 111 << > Siilt uii tli. 1 VOU lllONT—Two lUrulaliod i-oorno nil •jUb, it)H, b^twaoii tfirrTiijnrt* of 1 dftriof1) t buji| IkO'li .•l^lnn. liiwaiun anil pos- aKOHlfl miii"ll" l ii''<>r.loi' to l.i-ur,. Hull iu. ' olulnt lu ftiilii*"*" «< « "S|»Hl»li[ " .it i VuUbUiW iltn<AY, rortn of Mr. Hculon tho foundation for ,, cM'.iil.ir'y foniS ot and ASl) 1UJH1NKH3 M y ttlvg d Vury tiuuaakooplu^i 1!JO Uemluary avo' 1 IIPI»'-II iit« buui-a «i Mrs, Edward - Thomas, ]''i""n* thai |l r IS.. U.il,...,h, t >!** V W l Hot ttlUti Oiit'O Utd di'Mllli* Will bo- ...... JSU 3 "" ' fofttorday. Innii. *riit>io itJ iir ii your", v.r:~.~"- J.l« : nit wnll as IlUH U- WSNUCU, no v wro tt tin cli to otlu'l'M/' iiuo, ITIOIIB 638-W, u211 4t Mi i:r. M"'. iui iiii.i oVlurk 1'. it. for UM. Mr. and Mra, Juhn J. lioffuiuil, of Almost coliiuidont with tbtrlayltlk iti tilt' inoif ( i^ rpjfului-ly. i>uiiiMiritHMtt foi* t.ity at Hy m'ilourt. ! ooitu* i bi'tkUuboiii th., a quaint and lovabla c_araotars. Uf)H)»i< ut fduiiiletlnii tlia teuUtratlotl of that company in thtac Ity was laid atid John It<>u..nmn wuri h t.rit'ht aiwl XI, Hi.'V ti .r.-l In II..- cm rou Whd ,,|...'- fur fl>« l.pn.u'i.T nlp.-tliM., to root of-hsr . oiotoi' iniaW, Mra, Al- uy ii.ilinliy fl.lloWHij lior lull rmiiitrli^i to> Ihitt •oi Wvr alutll li.ttl What should b« doriv by th< Matluood Wntiupsiiay and Haturday- nt!Nli!l*M'-t0...l1CT!ON t>AY, THI0HDAT IB Woatflold uvonue, wtiicouiod a eonfor matiy yearn dovnlopod hy loups lopiiiui' lud. iin HIIBIKUKI Krtintcllit M. lii' htlmy lir . (..,.-ullnr. A.iiiH fr<)hi the? UMiiat I'hlltlMl pt'tmkd UtiUu> l> utuflOaU" Itiilu- oaloh thi dUeaast mvi'lMiinnr'n, IUIM. i>ui)« up<£ret,t«*it whU'Ii, OtruUyll llli'U tit* j tliit till and hounds uiidat* hin nuU.ftii hund Tiiliiuaa, ngod 28 of 117 linrrlson street, i;oiiliilnln^ b/lmlwlriib^ Uiul i "tt U Very imlLirliuii thiil ovory |»o lQiiU) nieam heati. t^o light houatp ,'I'IIM'U A. M. t" ««r-it u'ulock 1*. M, & /.!;'••*•.'* and Mr>< jool U, MoKetizio, of and wiia had frmjilonliy atjon th ooplnefi . 2i UotnnieroQ Dtreot. ii h,.i.i Fiwiion iH-fi-IIB r "*< I <\Ui not licttinHly tniiot hat until 4 > is our ossr fuutL whlrti tl I'hlltl conttnitri lit _m» ' UiiWiu __i -i. otU't>titlti. u TiiU will hoip U«.o[i uwity Uanu.Tin tiitlch lutnraBtcti hi tiny thing thnt took TO U12NT—Rooms for houeokeeplnit lii« pitrpnno »f hiiiftlntitliiU^atiit «laiiat)d U niaimflot tiiit knl»..r a ouiy At thU imrUculuf tUiui h.s •tinilf tlio llounoinan & McManua Opal boeniUP .ny putlntit^ tii IDIX froui wi i.iitiiin, li>:iiii!ly cam i M«jt«. oUtu^ to III li««« 'j e-.lia, oiii, and la survival! by hat ftilhor. Wll- liiit>rft( hid U<- vUHr.l uiHui iho utitharUoJ U If ho dldn II Mnmi.cfri of ttiti t.eii«riil Aawmbty. iinnl krumor, oi ifttrriaon. Btroet,- t~ihoua&nSm ~ tt «u hw hot cuiMtuir .Ho «5d 1 ucconH that U manifufltod hy row and Ufa With tiio uinoptioil of Olio yoilf "' t.rllllrini mill ovldomw) miltttblR for Utora; In good qohdl lint. WMr«l, Tlir^ffl Jlfil Wttrd, Two 1 «i. 'nhumuiila iilolmnd Cliorloo i'fllllra,' * u -Ilu—AUj*-4~fi,r^«s-iiuai.i-liajl— hili't iifr^i^l. Timy Utiox' iw," 1, 't'lirpol Otl» -Wdi'd. Twi* . Mind Ida Mornn, of t>7 Hoinlnary often tiiicriflood hU personal coni- in tlila city, H«r early Ufa waa Bu«ut ! 1I..U * '^ innr*< ia nlr iiirr' vlnw* oti Ininrfiiitiofml t, —itocoru ir til),-at LafnyollH nlrool. r'oi" IU_ * il l,«ly ijii mm o,.-.jft*i'«(i»J - WARNING, tloni prloo UVOIIUQ, loft'yostorday for n stay with 'ort and Welfare foi' others'< 111 thti MlltiMI Sooilori. MrB. jThomaii Kill' wiiii it yf.iii- liitnirrij it* tlililjj/Ii ulld t*or« b/>t fjultw t c af thu y iLv^^oiitouii-nr J4tli. HUH. tiW Dotuoorntu vlbtiiil 'yiislafday HlbriililK. Ho liatl ( r ion ant ifolnif lu>rn«* wltH ft iltiM hi>L Kkuti. ciii*.'i*t*tly triiliiml ui* h*i* ! it! ^ffTf n«|Hilillci|li tiartlfln will Vlect iniini- dor Bistnr, Mra. Jool tl, MOKGIUIO, ot! Mr, Mcalnri wan dooply devoted Ut iiie Hill, "' ' auf« o hnt>ik np i;..niisj.*,-iw*ii" t>"niiii«- wi.«.>-»i,«-i«ii--iu,i..ir.iortTM.fi»vif, irwao rna oiLjHllx'f-l'BI'kbK Will - btlriltril •run IMKJIJMJ I-I.A*^^ n.r iilo »nrUni» Mrrt. UaiirV Mtuiii, "of 3 Whltti«f nohleiltti hn _wUH ttlwaVti abort I tliB Wiiri B doVotod wift< .aiiii motiinr. pori wiii,«i«^~woj^,' lui^ i,*^*.!! ImTi'ttiwd lia»# •at* aaaoclatlou , tai ba 7abaolul«ly loyal. JWii[I lo_BJ a JWood brtdgojtoad iiiivitiif tif phyaluluii aiiii \cl14.ii, . ywifrt liili-r, li..f- Imlf UhUll||y Ih t-ni,iihrllon Will. liMnmllo dUattUUd^ ^ fr ohd Ctassitifft ntfoot, U tjultd 111. KnirUifiLuiio with Ids lovtidTonori. iris* r.oBBod ii atrong Ciirittliitu charnotor urld lMi.ii.ii ii... tii««l <-ntiiia liaBTir~ThB_ «Jsould bo insaiVd'aisTflruoloIiliaU^PTi _^hs and-Sneezes ttttliUIUi*LKl£'• 110'Ui*1 HtHftw i.f ihn C^ty raiilitfjr Kn.y worm. Uiiill I I wlill,- nnd -SofU;iiiiJJuitJU.aliri_^u-bJu^..ai_w.ii^iiltUtLC!«r!.iBnt!ii»t KI tlHT VVAltl) 1 Klint blitrlo ito Wud uhe ut uoiiftaianUoUri Norvic will i-r«.hla a ti.nr.liiual Un'TontM In (!«• Ut, nli*t lii th»» ultoftiittlvo crtso s Wualiliiulinl Mvl,u,.|. tlmiid mi.toil ! liaw Mrtt* Huipii Hniiulti, of 'Comnierod iuaiiy Btorlihg your oyod Spread Diseases ...... t, tt *!old ci to ..-..- ittMT WAllt>!~-Klrut, ' ii InliVnii II WllloW. ltt r M 1 it..- ihixl.nU'iit th Ut«- wnHcl will ii whatoVoi' tipot cifcunintaudfu. placod moUrrioi! by Ii wl ^frolo of frioiida. ••••miiltialiiii. t,j j,y "u, ,., jC'^," lCImior, inrcha tiiiift'J f"t riioiif. liri».r war and n«r«iasJ* «ad «ara ouou. taku hothlhu for tttut tt Iiuttt upoiiuo. Only niurh hUMil „.. -Hurioy lCladtHo,' Ibi'tt el foot, ill racovofin_ frola ft^ '"f" at tij) r( hot u W'hh'*l.v. liltii tiiid h'ri alwayn hold Uio h!_hdstf«- r doi.th iior aou My ...11- iinijif un-nlo In II.o moat lot«l< od. iCnorey dnil ai• Huniliir iifti-i-"iH.if-iit.li»*:~|i|t -(in.i-T tiil tiirf'^Uii^fliieaiU.nttlKrat '•vt-\ Hunttl of'thu commjinUy* llo wari h liWny Iloapliii ( I tho Ufo of your uoit, yuui hu«- hy tin.' d(M-l«-i\ It IM Cooiliih tu UBU Iha LBOBVUIO tivonuo, TtuUway, It Wofd hus hoow "rooelVbd by Mtri. WiiX tnUoii l(v'-. yi Il Jol.ii iillu.B.ik, l..it I .ir- knoWii aa John Wi< i/.iiv ji<> wiill innlii? up our raliula Timt Aht.'ricu t>J rtlpllntii rtfti ^ HUCOMK wAitiir—I'lrtt, ijlut Woll-ktiOjv/iJ tnoniijoi' of Ifnlon Oouncll, tl.nl tl.i. ijayo 11/ i-ti.-ni/ t,dt am O*«V tind iiuliaiii^ HpiW.iy w[a u. umttur u REAL ESTATE FOR S»LI Wn. \H< JUilloi1 O, It, X.MH -'id idmitl- hlrilclild tn (ill lit Iliriui. l.VHill;, T will Jt.cta whi.il Inllilil^ with Th« onouiy U .oiisajB«>d it u i jjcroUH U\ ttikt? HIM Md^'iUlcd 'mti't), toill s —:lToW ohiakeriH, MWCONU WAMU'l—rt«ii«lilii tlfslrlut I—Ai tho faafo ttrrivaloVdraaad of lini' rion, iiUiii.i( ut IComiig'ti halt yontor- 1^1 nlicit fi»i* bii!tl.» Mt'rvic** IN u unit ttiirmUW toiin}.lU>»i ttiivortlatHi hy lliKi, Milhl iiiiii IVViutf tiiY*«il(j, ! tiati With ti.1l iDOVomolitH tot' tlin •war In thld couiiiry, in trausu Ghftfmbiiry. Lhide Titlltll WA1IIM— 1'lri.t l>l«trl.ii-Ua». I'ntii -Vord, Who-ltf-ii.-the-tf. _.--lii H hi—h ' tnitont IUIMIIOIUO luuhitriicttli'tirti, 1 tuww i\\o U 1 ON YHB MHKkBSl PARM ThAot V CdU H CttlnphoU nll-ool, Uoiiway u. it, Hu Timothy J. borari: H Wt'iipp'-'i . itprOIi Oi' Ituwit "tm» I'omt'l'H Uavt llrilliawluk and oaltud tot Bfirvioo ytmtorday. I Hulur.luy. Min> ieaVoa Uet huabuii iVf"* ' ill III" ''Ity Btrnat (iu|»iut- •1MKI Wl IITIM puiltun,.!....,,,.., ,.. , t i oH-U t'tiluiiltiliiii 'rtllia linn V'i -""-' -""'llhl como' ^j*"*^'""* *^."^ ^- ^-^"V-hnU'ir1 t'ltithiid Whtli* lit til • U..I Oiia Of tlio'-iiibst poplilar-youuK uud .ono diiugiitor, DnrU. Mrt ,«ok dn«n tli " *»-yoar i l Xitinry ClftilW," i>( tho tt* H. Jt IflMtll. ' tor mion. It I nt orico- witli Ibd pollca do- _7 hi.iiOtt'ft* *Tli« UtMtor-l HiutohlciitlottM-j In tho hurtd, *iyc*, ^dr\, hitt'U or othor tilcU tonni tnMl «'U» thtM uit wlhiii UMIV- Mliln utid ifvlitif tatrv.f.F,, nioii ht lho cliy -was ii vlotini AboUl NoVutuhor llrol I uhtlll linvo l'OM OALW-*-pi'ttaticaHy I16W l'roml Dill0*1. City cititliN Onlud, It.iiiwny, U, spoilt thtf Woek nnd with his purontB f th of (lila liiiorx>Httiii( WuU lnii-'lilno «w |utrlu mlimi UUtllilHt hrviiOllilu III iinllU«M- iioUuti. H will coliitiin bath loom til rbaautiabia offer* rafuaod. 'OuU hi rlty an balnea.' to\v*>i*l>.titu>, IDfoot :thonj,bo!h ^Umoi., •yuip'oniB tiUitinuntr ttriiir thrnooi* fiiiif l tt t_» 10 10 1)4. ton fltfotit. ~ 1 K llt ! 1 i\ii>j~tll_t<_tiu t« '"i by wiMtrlit'u tt btnuil^ luiilltloll to tho ttik Rood uUod l-oo'ma, 1 "Put \»ha,iO»nd _Lto_fe_JllJ»>?'««*«.____[ t *" * -HcHoKJ 1 tlrtyi_, lho tmlU>nt Uioil riipldly fwHW-ii - noon 134 Woot draild otroot. o8l Mrri. Margnrot NoiiKobmior^ of^ii uf Hiinliilt c t*hJli2ilo r the world te ***"" « "» ^ iror, I? (lourv>oM; loiiutii t Heveral dayn with hor BUII, AcUn, Illaiillollo (tlsolino, but rauilzod u iiiid-I(ar6ld ^riifilanii, ii^ Maliltf and Ht. C~rTrtiht l i^tb» th« dla g iiiT*ii-r Utl_ Uuiidti ViUU mo 1 ' tndtcatoa ta orbor ana "wl; l.tOt) poiniaw; luaful* !*ma( att. U lAlid WANTIOD AT ooNoin ij*uili.ll 1. 'I'llllt lliii ifll'iit WUHi of th. 'Ohdriotttf, N* G. Ilo haa booh critical Mrs. iJclunoyor wn» a liatlva uf IU1I1' It* I root, iuid thro*) hloiorn, two t>? vAi l> tl">«- 1 »«« ih»T« t ednlo Idtiiiticdl With tint otiUioiitlctt tvf luliiiutl- »»r ot foVoi" of p of. UIOHI ii_ouUtttit ooitutmuUua. uiun City tif ItHtiWiiv liti ufjii tlid UiiiiiM U lioraby muniiUrnil lu tho luvoti oiioirahoiit his (llaliy, Sb« looktxi Vory "w^m^ tuni It »r«iyor. It waa a lyountlni vn«ln,-, O. V. 0. Ciriohu' rotnry» liBllnlly ptxUMclri n poi-uou uualliMt mi T tuMVAJLino WAOB Illyliidcj littil VWO lOloutluii ' Otatl-liitri u ly ill With bnoamonla. ' way arid Uvod jlurd Until ti lew Wookfl ilVrt iirUitt. city'VriiTiilU* othor -In Ki not h«ip oha«r»lii« Ii""" «xtr«tr>elj' Uio- _tt of vnrlli>r your* ti not yot UtioWu. iijird tit-n Uiuiiora boliiK Utjod tliVtiU^h iiodsldfl, "i'vx loit tho fieiit," wna DIAJO that fchtf tiaf. b««f> -ufferinie id th« wmou »«...K.«.<1 iu >»« at- U'<" to popular mVcn cyttiuWH, ioO* horaoivAyoi* j u\u*o<\ w i>thor titlncU «C tho bitum dlm-Uao. /rhli INQUiRH) MUoOOVlOUN Tho Ud Cross unit of tho Klrnt Uap B tho niusl caroful con EpUUMiilc« of thf.u.>nlt(l littvo vUlio( to bo trUo uf 'yiiilliUh hi tHltw " All SLUda .-Xi, allR 1-U. Vrlirtr- i ViVaTt* i)V.iVi«V.' 9 1 icaiwnln, b prayer. It l>««n a dl^., thU country _lnc^ li)4t. It 1- Intoroat- N. 3, oaa-2 tint ciiuruiijwIU moot Thuryday after ilotincloilsliiiiiii (if a uteail and uurighi ponltlon US ^rt^vi-^-^p ^ -'-'^ 1 ""•• ..'•- wl ttu tho cUlaQua lu aouorat 1,100 Tcvl vof uiimitc; ulldlutf uuglc, tt, Ai:<.H>r~*~j IUII^; ttnllr«n<1 froui : ri from the iufitionoa oii)ttoml< S tp .1X rndlus of nction 2^4 ^>our«. tutf to know thnt thin tlrmt- iiptdoh.ld Hortw tbtt KliiU i'f bimlu wUtTorvd "••"•'nf b( .t\vb UouJb, will rocotvd t\v6 WANTflUErv-^aiii>L± i ^•^vv u^ou.uu^ou.iuutt ' p the City Utid tu Main Htreot nnU Kn-t «u_ u6.>. oA T% wotit into tho uUitht>ViT ftu«f«» Ui» wlil*:h they rawlo\Mr 1 Nurtli 0< Die iwiitm Muo'uf tlt« folluwtos' BOTH MEM IN RIGHT PUC£ Abroad ovor (bo country Cot - w_i brought hero from hVut«acU, ttttrttU of luttuonwi O^ & Vory boat .(lUhllty fiiuocb btsj( M)\Iii.ntr«jf JronMiis,'lpi>"«yt"«uU t/omo tn I'luinQol'i, Mrs.' Schmoyor -_3p_ln.—aiuc_-Uh_t^lUiti^luccc_hny«- aira ttJ^^jy'ij ttg - ' Mrs, Iti,.J, Keyholda, of JQ hla Illnono thnro woro many days of ! boG cr 1 -at AitM UnllruAil tii Moflro« Htroot! ftlourua'Btr^si won foruiorly Mlo» Kinio Thomaa nnd At l-tmmt. That Is Llk*ly to De Vw to lmprt>a« the of ovary tho women ° ••»»' *>«» Bptdonilci tot lh« UU- u* ISJCOUt OliU»>*i»ulc~ » Mr_\ Co., It Bomirtary avonuo, frolu MnIn Mtroot Id dr(tti(| Htroot; Orond nuo, haad of Ht. l'aul'a Hod Cross uuit, hoiibfulntiBS us ho i-alilod against tho J \voi.t forth to W«t" \vhth» w 1 H)r.oHtal kitUt-V." ?>v_iieH 'Will h« Htro«E (rotn Mouroo Htr«M 'to Lounlnatoa Was u% inombni ot tUa Clrnt lliiptini did of ThoM Who Toll*. Over In- io « ^ [. iho homo ! <*••• * 'SSO tend IKKi ^•"jjt.d'oiulc ' * . ". -••••• it. ntroot)l lM)iiiiln«tilUiililnutnmn HHlrwI root _,frofrom OraoOrsad hnS boen prosdhtod a ^haudsomo floral dlsuasu, hut it wan uuly for a abort rvinnliHMl brhiiul u* Ua ui -wufte-hajWd" that-art iu botfect phynieab ho about. 1 Vi» iuohuU tu tkfokUotn.. 'rho ho lliihwnhwyy lllvelllvrr froiifrnli LanniDgtuLonningtuna 8tra.Htrat Dloturo to wutor coloro the handiwork period. Hia untlcioly death cams aa 72, Or dor of iCastorn BUr, Hh« wari l aiid nudcti.ttv.itw U.o llohls. [ k •ntftf - f -It particularly bow J^_ « thovoby obtalntui n " *"' * '--'- - flmt to lluut- ifctid i WANTIOD—Stonographor 1 good opr 1.1 ilio city I.I00, shall oiinstuuio tin inr*t of Artist U.S. Wylio, of Now Dovor, a * sroal shook to tho rotative* and v.sitor wan, baliifr; had been brought about rottwir »ndVot tho .ro* oducttted tVuiiw-Rabwa'/ public scb(>ola knoekad at th» i.jot tmtotm tmlZMV itlou capable of ^iroapnting the lintitly niUch'Uucd "HIHUOUJIO Hoard." liorlunlly for uxuorl'onuod party. Ap- IClMiloa uUtrlot -of th* rirsl.WartL. 10 appreciation of hor ouorgotlc and boat of frlonds throughout the cltyT and wart w.*rf. known, und highly ro through a stnto Institution for tholy nm a result of cartalD drugs mhs had klmiB, U l» Import nut that tiio body bo . All Unit hurt 0° tbaPlfaC Word litan n«nno and hi* guide wan aa alTable and bow, aff«r tmoettiag, ttutf fmaHtt- Of kopt »trottst and. abl* to flaht off dU^'lUto U. S. Qovurnmont had f6r^tlio pan I ply lit.otido, Maugano Mfflf. Co., 'IX IC.uit or nun Una of Unlit HlrMt frast antlring isrvlcoE tor tho unit, ,Mt. borun iotvos a widow, formorly ripoctfld for hor exemplary characior1* tolcfrfl Iff ^rty^ffort to avert a tendency ajelr placed tnelr limit «««/, *t th» f tnothor tntro-up of tho dhuuua. Souiinary avonuoT^ ^ ~ „ ^, it MuiiriK Str— t to llsulwood Arannsl Hoitk 1 youog man tram tha. harmless- ward to nvol Ma tie-in which bad d Watson, of 2* Cumpbail iiy. • . • . . •*\-rr . .. _ In front of * padded c-all, well i "Well, Davis, you lmv« kept in* ' nuaaor was panlruJatty noiXcwhlm b«- met be gtveit the tnog motet cooktaf. Bohio nnd proporly •alactod food In •tl aVonuo. o2J-3i LaiililllKtuii Htroot I WMI vf tba te«*tr« UBS ihroo brothars, Edward, William and ihef look*, at a stoat.'* Wtori i_divld- The i-Ijiiri I* tilto In' thl» ebua. VTQU whether bo or ftbo U. dotn« aU that Ii tholr Uvt»a hhd utv- ,^_,___ to botloV- that it orltfluatmi tu connection with dl«t, it (• w^1' *---*- wide, N. J.. half for .th- paiit thfotf|\MIHoi tif lUuiullliitoH Htr«ae truid tba lUsWaT struot, is recovering from un attack hera talkloe «o long you have aioumt , COOJMT Owr kAla«rla oarer ae«m«d (o Hlvor It) (lrun.1 Htroot! Wo.t or th« nntK) Krank Dorun, and two sistorS, Mrs, ual with *a forelock j(Irap*_ horrid aJoatfd" lit cdu_tra'dt.ittf~U.gi»' y A. 11. UuWors Muchlno Shop, Tho many local friondtt at Wllllanl 1'noumonla claimed John W. Wallj • walk through tint Tttrrenritm _ _ cniitra llliii tif Mouroa Mtroot rroin Hili wboro ho had boon living tha oa»tora fTOnt In tha »Vitumor and vt-ry ctoao relation hot WOOD Iti fcproad tho City Of ltilliwoy bo UHit thi) Una U xtot to loam that ho is in a hoopllal *Tf«»; had that -halludiuitlon P-rkf* , i Urft Hombu ._-—~ bocotaio doop\y teoncoriiod prdVuh otU-ioUtly tatttlafaotor.V tot tt liorabv lilyliiod Into trio lOloctlon UlstriffW about night yoarfl, , Ho Wf- formerly sinco taking a roaponsibio position w Hold hospitals, at.d ciihU>oQA tend drcss^ fuiiof XQW* and oVQixrowdod homot, Whllo it Ut WA.S('rHII>—MIIM 'Sr wonjun to oloaa in Washing-toil, 1). 0., sufforfnif from tot nVif yex.r«L wtmtii*rt t vrnst~ci>mfortb STOP ISSUING SUGAR ?«rith tbo ^liyslcat caaditloa of their init Btdtlims, iri tho Y. M. O. A* h\it_-- HtUctio face Tho editor of "Building windows. 17il W. MiUori avonuo. till fnllbWfll iunployotl as druff clerk in tho phar- With tho NoW York Dry Dock and Ho- iho corridor tn anotbe* cell ilot tt> r WAUU. Sineunionla fbllowinit ail attack of in- kaljurin'a phy«.c*lao join*.-«j u_, hndIf «rv«iryttiin-^ wun ait right iar tn*< CANNING CERTIFICATES «H—-^..»* -— do ovory tiilttff ovorywlu^ro, and uu Indiaponsabto ARU,'; \vhlch Iri a vory high class - \ o22-at ' Fli.1 1)1.1 r 1.1. macy of GborKO V, Browfly Main stroot« pairing Company* Brooklyn^ last April. wa» aa old man poring otet a ntmv 1 tlhica ilko tbo prvBunt. to avoid such fluonzn, Tho illnoss was brought there were several raalt null S.irlii or tha .-.•iitro Him of th» about through circumstances c6nuoct< 1 riof young womeo—in hiUirUlniicet tjpoo af enacting Uio hoitlth dan^or and muko cv«ry li-ill UoliSo fnlluwlittfMtt^trifnlluwlittf-Mtt^ratri: Weiitaht AVvillid fruni wao wua ut that tlmo tho oldest buB- Qroad street^ and ono brother, "WhatVtffe mntter with htmT oic« it WUJ* t-thtl City tlHO to tlio Ilitorujctliilt of lir.nij **l'oor chap," laughed thai guides "h* had ha--r war., eat*» »r—bettor- -t>rop*Jniil—taJaco.1 "lint tt^Bhr •ctix»t'~xtitt~i>c~ rt*c'*iiitl*«Ml;--On-: tiwolii* «ntio +oduc«-thi!- liutiiQ -oVrosy^ has porsohaliy uefiUrod Wo In wrftlnst work. Houfil 8 a. m. to* Ittt-iiut liilll Ht. tlo.irito AVnlltldl tll-iltid . Training Corps ol! Howard University. liitiMd in an In iho city, ho succdodod to Charlco Walt who is. oorvlnc with Afteir, I had «nu_iued ttw# «mpr«u b**n toot Itilt to a minimum. Tho vitlUii of fruah \ olBtf Mtl'vat rfilhl Ht. Ouoi'ui) AVniilla tti OllwT thinks tlmt ha has lbvented tt subrao-' £ '***» fcav* -nvtf-fy- the b_ttlc* 'with diacsLso aiid ttptdouilci. *r itundf rvcocnttloU Is easy whortt that Ulahoprto llftard lo ontlroly Batlfl- ply aVonuo. 1 tho buHlnon*. and JLad sinco conducted Battery -JX Eifty-olghth-Artllien^ in and had given xaf ndvicc, iu*i pbytU- Admini*tmrit>rt "vrrlt«>ri(-w«ro hy»torlcaHy Uoitf tilr thn>uuli opott wiutlowd oatinoi bo Mtrautl Ollvni Hiroot frutd Ofillld Htroet to Mulzo had boon vaccinated und wda line-proof ship. The hull of the ship "^ t am v*ry rure/ul v/tmi-1 *at~ eetwrlartttion of Akucri^b n»ttu\uvod. tho is? Id u £r\>up Of CUBCS. tn vontfriist factory-fend practical. Ho ntnlofl tbo in,, city I.luu .hull i-(,ii»iHiito tha vtai drilling tho toilowlntf day a mlio froal a iitui'cla.au pharmacy.. Although ho Franco, .. ~"~ '*""'•.. cino explained to tarn (a _ low voJc« ovor oiuphublzod. im honeycombed with boles; when the 1 my h*aJrh very ci*Moiy,''~- They itttW ovldohc^ii o^ It In th<* tiic- to tho oiHhr>uiU« of ortilndry coUuliH (allowInn in, writln«;. " *_l_hoprlo. WANTED—ABOI Kir.li.,i, bUtrldC of ihn K^roiid Ward. wiia riot conhocted with any lodge* of The decoasod wad born In Mon thxit It Was necessary to l>« eantlotjJi parts f,t nnd ootdsi whtch ^suully ocx*Ur In tho "When ctHuvilltn: tti utinvoUliti>lo, im B».on.l l)l.(tl.t. ' «a&at> and wu.H caught in tho rain with war-head of the torpedo strikes, it tniirfe^d-. tr*,t how worwf*-r?of if U ui'oro closely hutched lu iho lu tho jmhUc bchik>K In oVory Hoard' &ppllod dtroctly to tha studd yoaro or ovar. Btoady position All Unit trt or tho Heciiil Wnnl lylu, olhoi* organizations moutij "county and had lived \~ bore and not do rntjch, o**" ha wa- afraid of cold* numiUs,, tjpldontlca at U\n»ci\v.A Ui alroot fnls, rul» uliould bu.tilkon to UV.I Df tti< I'ollllUylVlllllll Itlillrnitil froai tbp roBUit.that hobocamo'lll, : At last goes Into one of tint bole* and ui held *s to havn «llfy palur«>». Uk/* fli* ind _v«ry _to..doii.'tuHiod tu not to !«• tha City Unu tu Mulll Kir,-I llllit Uil.t of reports ho was said ICWOI. tbo waylkriown arid highly ro.postod. JIo ' fast by IU sldesv** ,- - w doiorm Ar~aiuUt 5 HlH i I'lltl^lltl^jj lltiilltilll Of tlld flllliiWlliiff utf««>utf««>UU ! Abything you o-.Blr broutliod out by'_lMhuprlc Boitnl* rtpplUd ih titlfl Way M.illi Hll.roii frolilt hthil i'uhiiuylvniiln lli.ll To^ocTi^ryr •——. -1-onlarp.rWnK-and educated fn the publfic schools, Kradu "But*** Objocttd -tho'^ii ^ of "wlticts had ^ WANTED^LABORERO t-iii>tM.illli Hto irvliiji Utft! It-vluIt-vlnu ^truaUtrt rrow - betwem. iha jhe «t_p(o(n*(iv "wouMnr*;q»tf« fdvtng -n fu\l dov«Tt>pn..«nt of th* hunmtt j tu iCUiropo tn 'May, Juno hhd wliP glvo UH ~uood u.- Brtila fact too aa >tl to Vaa gradually, winning" th ai»d from tha high sciioSfand attnnd the torpedo strikes **ary, I t of J k MllltK tUroat t iirnml MtN^tl Oriiiid ! Whito or Colored MllltKx t IWIK., ._ I ana«»tfi0tl<.v Hltt^l* not in contiliintiUj iirw chockod " - •> _ . lu any .wf out iuulahnl t*rt- July. Uuroovot*,. U. ih* *.»»o' of ortH- OMpocliilly " iuiilnl-trttlt to be-_Mhotitliju>t _ud tdtb-foi* a stucco faco." I rvltitf Htfout to Oliver Htt'twt! ;.,_ EtXPtOaiON DAMAGES, hl« dlllitont efforts so woll of GOVHnNMBNTWORK Htri>iit i< "In. that case;** said th« gaM« a* he ' stimrt pala wltbotitr Th« cmiy ana**-- then tirttb a -campmoots ouo hiiiy now* S»H* tho nWst nary colilBt^^^JLltc u»*»***rt*t lymptotna tlto "poi-Koii Who oouuhsor KTo"hltthoi* authority "than-tho odltor- rrtnrt..-tirnliil^Mti-^it tii th« • Stopti aro bolna iakoti by tho (L S[•«6rvo, , iHa romovul by death In ji dla won popular with all clamtctf and was can R in ^ <-«rtlflcat** Mitoox*^ wiihaut «stvorln^ hU tnutitii GOOD PAY \.i\y i JIII H, HIllllllI II wl -cnliutltllliviMiNiiiuiili tllunK ' >*4*eona nhook with" laaffhter, "it. wouldn't j thetlc her truijeaty will take ta chjoro- v and uioro coiico_tod con- kpccimoiis of kuutihood oli thu fnco i^f (foVei-. pu!n. depression) uhj hy^tia oT "Oulldhiff Ago" could bo quotad u.8 .C)r,il,,n I>l«trlot of 11.f HMODJ W-rd, tinct iatitt. to tho. city and will be hold In high 6atoora. . . 1 tw««m t.tiy-tttui «lxty. * mul tu\ao. tt itl»n follows that ono <3ovorntn«nt to- sotUo the: damages count and the submarine would be err ! form, I've ndiniaiutnfkd It to her «t of its klUlikm ill thk>lr "UulldihK Ago" VaukB in tho building Night uud day shifts, 8-hour iihou, yw«-tl*iti :i. Nl'liitt tli«* 'jMllrd Wjti*d iit th* mournod.by many* Tho griof-strickoi Intormont will iakv place at tetw-Mia fifty und aizty pala^u* t oniM?t _•( tlud Hiiil thtt Mtnim IH hnre* caii-od to tho variouw townH affoctod titled to another try." \ tinum and I know jost what It moAruL fcoUOratlau tVoni tbt* irxin. «Ultor!ortiiiiN«%'. Aw W huUt^r of trails with *'Tho Sciontiflq-A.tnortcan" Plonty of ovortimo. If you.' Want, a liy i]tvl>l««! l*U)i\l'WiJ lQUirtlCit) DUtHcii ifi family havo the. ttympathy ot all laold Tennent Churchyard, Mon mouth t couid not h^lp thinking; *A. th« re- it 1* yi--jortllhury coUia . do not wproad UH UtUOlt UU |ktK}llhto koop f(ili»wii! \ by tho J^organ explosion, Rahi In the lant celt wa* a middlotoeed ; I'm afraid of heV heart at thU c»i ia tnfvctibti J trict \»rO wr« ferowlniS _ttxMiK*if *i'Vo.%y T In tho Hclontiilc roalm. Now If youHtoady Job and tho best of treatment their-boroaVoinont- ttwric th* fcai*or OCWT-B iaad* to DM» wh«n to pr the conmiunity ao rapidly or oilWtj tttul vvorU^hitps woti allotniont for-datnaco_-»_liaa_. boon. man at o high deAkv -He-looked cp a-: j -Indeed, Ju*t_t-» .»*oti. •*;_! Jstt^jyr^ Jh*x tnlicibz of tbo narstimr in whScl* X_.v*ii.c**m«>u*t tu thtf scton^s^ in u fine ahop.-uppiy. toJCrilnt alvoiy HS dlacod~atr} 1.660;.' So far'as la ki Iturlui wilt tako place Thursday in tlie other* approached and-nodd«d I Into condition I want her to go to -llvl iiit- _ «d-tt -Wttiii?-_ydcciibi_d!_| tioparomont, All thtit i'urt at t)iti\i'Ulfd Ward lytug -porsoh-t akcnualck- .Ho tt__ll-_tlliL_Ci! iltta-Jlb e\o(LilUf_f 0 Ho Wing 1t has not boon ;doiilipmtod^who_Ia_jto^ —Charies-W •*It brw4» SE£_o»fifci_»pace 1» - hi'fiivnic ossontirtHs* huv-o vtiieod Uh intiuture air ak Pluinflold, N. J. . queried tha visitor. flnrry among .. the malrea«. and 1 oll>«r uii'lhoJw Tor tl-o bonoflt ? .J tortnii easy. .. . MUtitn AvoitUfi; tiiitl Milton AVoWid fitun ut, once and take stops to have tholr Vollowintf an illness of ten days, 0^_ Union street, died at tbe Eliia- n. but uttered u**t n. Word V>f rhnr^ * i ~TJs* », .- says the Dattss] ire -11 over. . Muny paticots f«sil "IH all lualtli iiiaiterV follow th« ad* Employmbat Sprvlco. Hid liiti'fiiectlon of1 Comhmrofl Bcr«eKto tbs that he Is an authority on begg«d b«r to have oothlog done that public, toiroliior with Coaiivalsory |>by- j FRANK M. wi damages adjusted,. Tboro Is a,strong -oni pneumonia, John M; Walsh, aged otb General Hospital, EUzabotb, Sun- for my hArtnar alv-e-n op my praetlt* States llxxy, »oh»oi Vohtlt Most of tho tw-vks> of your doctor und ob«y tho wvgiii City tilHa. kbnli conntltnte tba Vjr.r legislotlon.** Asty but to endure txtct anfltering a Uttl« l JUU ti... ioU tho tpi tUrt .)Uirl«i Of (he Third \V_r hoatth LABOR12RS WANTED—Apply Sal 1 ,>Ah/* snld_ th* visitor. "and longer In the hope that of should not bp ,(il.p wod_tp pro lit by'..th.^ :fisterday_ afternoon. The , doceosed hxeo uonK,, Lorpy> Harold and Kugcne As a , w ^ most casod tho ft-lao rouialna r*jiativ< U yol don't yo.u'li apraad dlseaaa. ^ tually suffered tho loss should be his city, and William E, WaUb, of Allen, of 91 Montgomery- street, am the only authority."—Kant (Rip- prevailed upoo. the.patient to poatpoo* t to • *\6W. " - $is^- • remunerated. Most plate glass losses Morthport. XJ. 1,; one - daughter. Miss. nd MiflH Bessie Taynor, of Union the treatment. abundant fcarve HERE'S ANOTHER CHANCE SfENOGRXPHBR H t—asd safe rsaarvea. community. Th« 1 ,n "ID appearance oho ia «truck by th«a are covord by Insurance, but there Helen Walsh, of this city, and two treet, one grandchild, and one sister, Thiji made tha *Vf'fr*' very angry and Part*, of Vlolots. ONLY *37B0 .; I rlencod young woman tor business LITERARY FOUTKtEP BUSY 'The Oerman Spirit. lor ^nVlct,OIi cx tct that the ImtU-nt looks Kick, His ^were.la great many windows, doors lsters, Mrs, Mary Pltklngton. of Ire-Mrs, It G. Adanu, of Plalnflold. - he walked ap and down th« room !m- res aiid tht* lishtf uido of his eycllda Oue (artu of 40 acrea id CallfoniU Soveti room' house In yory iiicollout |.offlco; Kood pay and advancement. patiently. -..•....;.. "Any restitution that ef-i ... xtn 1913 tooA rna—* ta to* v transoms broken that were not of land, and Miss Cells Walsh, of Brook- Mr. Taynor was born in" Somerxot fern to th* ailUa win be offered, TOO „.*» ojanrsnc* tor tSIA toot sopTSflasv i»y be allchtty biood»hot,' or Von-Is tiovotod almost entirely to; th«location about ..two tntnutes wallc to Address Albert Leon, Perth Amboy. at tbe Koiirtit Ward of^tb* .English and American Men of Lattara ." be said. T» got Doctor t» unless tn .very homo thcr* U a wlwaf of \-ioiets. :.i«'»)iir tho anxhrne U hccebT plate glafln. It would - be well for lyn, . • '' • . .. „.. ^._ — - •county and had lived In this city for - Pslthfoily "Doing Th.lr Bit- to may b« stir*. la tta spirit «f Grtczx" ' "' '—-—— • _ustc_/ as tho doctor* say. Ttioro trolloy line and about' six minutes Oct. 18-2t Election t>ldtrlcta mm to com* In on a Sunday *il*r- «lr. and «tlort »o tolp »ucl> a rnovo-, ^ property owners who have losses of Help Win War. Ther spaa^fr was- ICdwsrd Bnsgar- CoejMi* tit* .tn&y bo runhlns; from the nose, or from ' R. R. station.' House contains Mr. Walsh was a native of Ireland the past s_t years. The greater part} noon. uad you want to be In shape; for ihor« may bo sotne couch. These alcpa ford tse ^.aiftrertlsina; mwat IA—aa army at four mlli'nn mnff— . Vet Another Geddest all Improvements and..aas slato roof. HELP WANTED MAl*B—Platora a_- _._e to Investigate and learn if and had. lived'ln_ this country forty- •f his life had boon spent in Plainfleld. tbe ball on- Tuesdayv and now yoo of a cold Rinytiot be nwHiM: ocver^ v Sere tl SMM Coaalp aboat Ut«ra/Y "Grtggs sort Mia*." n« went on. most &• £*d from t&£* year's one. VFtieix Ht i* cbiiiidorod. timt fifty-' Sir* toEodworth-JiJeuv, whoa ho asked Blfltant. Good pay, atoady^^workr 'their losses are covered. If the danv nine years,* the last twelve of which lie was a member of the Junior Order wont have anything doae! Thafc thv ibeiess ih*j jwitlenC looks and feel* very The lot Is about' 38 ft. by 110 ft. The folk as condensed by a N«w York *wer» kldnaprd by haadlta« and start two per centra tb,- kmalli chtldren of j why th4" ih tho houao of comtnona tveentiy if aplendld chance for odvancoment. were spent In Rahway^ For the past United American Mechanics,: and the way with the house would coat. at least $3700 to w 'Presbyterian wrlt«r: ' "_ • op in titu Drove* itHat tkl. city «cro toot uj. .to Iho aormaU tWro was _ot_otio_Jctiay.;<3oddc9 W-iO Apply poraonally. THE_ ARMOR the UfOQ-at .wenty-flve years he had held an im-Daughters of America, of Plainfleld. ln au.iilioxi-to ino-app«arajic« and huUdttOdtheJotla wprtii at least»600 r 1 h«i th. t*«.nl V^hltttS threw a stool at a bishop,"douutlesa portant position"- wiUT tlte Barber~Aa Ho was connected witb tba y p *Welt DfTls, Tea sorry to have irpotXcd : tlM aymptoms -as already described, —making a total ot $4300. it can now BR0fraB7C07rttarwbodrNrj;~ would on oft.' nw)«a«d Missct- "aUagy toswdt0BO «tlon.tV,bioo4^nuiy ••.-••" -"• .."'•• " • '' . ' odS-St." flgurcfl, aro, too low. jtl any phalt Company, of Perth Amboy. He cent." _ - ' '•'"- | th* tome B«nOT. for the H U piatoly evident: that tht»r.-U hctjrtit of fnshiou to la SC Giles*- cathedra.r"£dlnhttrff~iD ho-bouslitjQr_$37BO_9 easy .terms.. room, ttpp*rently moch prow>Bi«d-— I =a r aid th* physician in rrH^niiinc •Span- FRANK H. TRDSStER.- )_ for th>.local was a promfllenf mem*l>er"orBl**~SI*SrK»+ wife died^SooX. seven'-yeass., ago, Tower* and other novels. Is now lira, ' Th>y "»in. e5T ^*~TSlaS«7rf3 j>t«rtunHy tor ottcrii aSonS I 1GST, whetlthe EncUah Llturcy WAS in HELP "WANTED MAJLEJ—Plator-B a*; 1 felt I hsd almost witnessed * family t&oaghtfnXI;. • • ' '?- j flw the army iaa tnlSucuta;* for It has been tound troduc«d asuinst' tho Will of Uu» SciUs- ; vnnia itnllrourt. •bull constttuto tbo Kir*, s to b« on th© alert and church. . .Mr, Walsh waa a cano'Dla I Mr, Taynor was-a man of ! Forbes Dennis, wife at an officer In <|iieUxaatinj:.«j>L-! : El*rtlo» »ic*rt*t *>f tU* Voaritt Ward. aoxs will-* . •• . ••'. . that Co this disease ~ the number of work: in our planter I>ept. for;ol«a~.- gets a fair nnd rea and faithful employe, a klog/<&ther and upright character and wu blclily th* British army. X ose-atory adobdb e should be. a *trons And in-j and Jenny, a tnufjEet.woman, thrvw her mm that whatever hopes th* ks{s«r whltv coniusol**a shows-little or np In stool et in* hoadSotlh.fi dean—uoi the. SAJLE—House; cheap; also four Inar and retouch ina: plaster easts. and loyal friend. Hu cared little for sapected by all who knew him. borne oC mtgtxt eatartaln of one day domlo pealed, a ten-«po* ttrma M» fc "letion" •ta~wory".tKally that i : croaac uhove tho normal.. It'U t>o«sl- bishop—-on his coxuationclns to read the rooms tor rent. inQUlre 1SS Jlew Good pay to start with splendid op- public Jife and was greatly attsxhed to The'funeral wtl! b« beld tomorrow O. 's naw-fanx>aa jooroaliatle toe fi^f wirifli lie t>*itft~pT'f yet ajCcnlxetS. flkem U mncJJ \iat cai ko done tn «aih 1 NOTICE Me that the laboratory tnvestlttatlons "Here, Mias*.- b* said. *hess Uthat setMc«w J- tablet by tlit COIUUK'UII ISrunawlclc avenue^. .^- . ipl-tf . portunlty to loam -aodeUlns.. THJ? his home and family. He was held In at J* o'clock at the bome of tha A»nth~ ventor* Tbe Eolllng State/ was re- A ta his own tumse- Iiomo io Ji=p.v>v«*aod maintain the i oroby ctvou that ihc now Ketu£ made throosh the National cently demolished to make way for tan dollars r*» been owla' yea for «o orates her ncttua as "that of **a brave UEL FREEMAN A OON. 1SQ IRVING '- ARMOR BRONZE CO.. Qarwood, the highest esteem by a host of tcr, Mrs. George D. Alias. 91 Mont- twMl ^ssaJUi of U>. variou. o«nb«. of the ltesvarcli Council and the United In NewT Zealand modern proanen in tha shape of m taf*>- loo*.'- . " ... . • . IUh 1 GoJt U nt Scotswoznan," fUzhtln. for liberty.—• STREET. Nv J. olB-3t «>mlly and fariicuiarly t I "*" * '>' « Company to tates Hyclcnlc Lat>orotory 'will ftir- acclimation societies, orga "friends and was a jmost goinery atreet. th» Bar. B. S. Crow- tm'tlrtlny Ftv» stnrle« bT John ^dih nTT7^~i~rty^*hthtdi for_Uw ^arpoae or prqtectiug ttrt; cltlsen. . roft. pastor" of tha J-Irmi iiethoAM Galsworthy, who recently refused tA* Mia iUMsato—. - inR Fire- * Liability. Itsnrmnce WANTED—Qlrls tor work In- our Ufe ofthe .country and In trod u Interment will be ^fsT*Tst Wftlt M >.utac y«ur will bo hoid on Monday ridual oases of th>« disoaso ctnb« 1 The funeral .will be held toaiorrow honor of kaJgblhoofl offered Mm 6y 'Ha was always noaTTrrs; same. Hi*. . - • Companies — C^M^tlTn^Ptfi^. Rartfordt Polychrome Dept. with aome know- protecting nctv Kume birds' " and in GvergreeD cemotery. Plainfleld. 8he arrivaoT In bar own ear. Its as- aanatarav and on* day empEoxsd a ^o«wl>rt < 191s at tho otllco of COOK GETS FORTUNE nd bnzioi will be In SL Mary's cetne- the British government Inv« been pob- proacb am yhffraHvil Uf tbm tapertAl Ocor tne tajt by boarty Sloo.ooo »»>- Commordal Union, Sprlncflold. Na- ledge of. water color- painting: or mals. The oodnties are all chart* ip. o: Priends desiring to vlerw. the re-Usbed osder the title of ~tT« TaJea.' jnwaiogSreto trast.Igge— op. la oade^I to j Ob people dlo of It7 BUT STILL ON DUTY •on. John Av Walsh, died, on Oo- mains may do so this evening st 91 which utter wi ernment supervision. They havo In aeter of my boy to tbe camp* thaa to tornwfc'ml was esntSaUr neatvad by tlio F»—rth Liberty Lo*_u tiojsjiito tho i •^Orjinariiy; - ih*- f«>ver ia_ts frotb Pituburc. Automobllo In* Co, Ka- Apply personally. THE ARMOR from pneumonia- , . f-^ontgomery~ streat. : . tor rhs kaiser, and not i Cnmp Sorter, Greenville. S. C trodnced Into the colony a large Btaro any eollegv or cnlTerdty I know." aay» , t_© 5>eAce talk a_d"_b.o ex-j thrvo to four day* knd the patient-i*-- 3 Uonal LJb/rty. National ttnratyCo ^BRONZE CO.. Qarwood. N. J. 015-St the kalaerln waa aUowad to one It. ^1L H. Miles, cook at tho pa-' ber of pheasants of different varietlea, in.-Tbe New ~ " - " 3 a4 3alorica.s tii« ^<-*M cotntnlitec ! Socr«tary covet*—. Uu! while tho pro'iwrcloh - of ticnta* kitchen base hospital. Aetna t A£cld«nt. &-. UablUty Co, -OaUfornta qoall, Australian opoaanzns, Oeoraa Ryan. Mrs. Wilbur i_ Priest olS 2S 19 Travelera, Ocean Accident & Goax> H1SCEU.&ME0US as UM partaC pmi 1 t—e twjnh £-«__ KnccJt-t»"\r!tJi"- h« to the tvrvsent eikltle^mlo has here, received notification re- woodcock, rainbow trout, salmon, etc- nrt Illness from psea- Only a. few days ill with pnemnonia,. j th* snbicet of moca aarcasm c^iKTuHy tvoen lo\v. In some itlncea the antoo Corp- m28-tf - After book descrtblag the life at tbe that war 6» w»'*t*m aSSefis, _a_. Every city iind .town-[ NOTICE cently that a -distant relative Tbe aoriedejt pay bounties for the de* monla* George Kjjan, aged 33 years, ol Mrs. V/Ubnr EL Pries, aged 23. of 10 ! tii» proletariat, who gatlrfcaUy pnt It b ta* treaeaasi Out I Kiis Wn severe kind deaths died, and left him $180,000. LOST At Westneld Junction. Satur- •traction of hawbs and other enemir- and tbe effects of military training as U> the wonU: -Cel«l»«aJat-XaytB." th CJI1CI_ oo__ty v 97 West Grand street, died at the Bah- Fulton atreet, died at the Skhway "Itat that BlztVT* objected aexMsa at* strwe iai . ^ hiv« Wn num«*roiui." When dtith oc- day. Oct.. 19—sold watch, initials our somig taen. Tne Hundred Bestt | aa atltMtoo to the irr>m^»« ct Use royal Miles is --till cook ftt the t»ta- JOHN J. COFPEY, 142 IRVING ST. 4ims«1. of ihem. That the American poopie . ^y Kiv mt aafgnborty. t»Uoitirt-.'** chatico his career even If he mobtlo and l*lablUt?s4xisuranco. repre- to RutUser. 600 ft. south of Clark »T6 onltediy betind the coveraiscnt : »Pocn!ble .far any dohts contraci^d b; Keep Teeth CMan.. one son. Harold, six years old, M: Price ia also by her j aotbors and book collectors to What ciu^ei the dl*ea«« »nd ho*« •» could. Miles* homo la ftt Tar- 8ontlne the County. Insurance Com- Township school. Valued as keep- they were im«ds was* tte —TU-BIOL to the p«»ecadoa of the »-ar Is Indl-l rioa or *Jter that datodl l ' It spread? • ' baro. >I. O. He has spent sev- u An ElngUsb physldarf has o4Tence<3 Ryan had lived ln this dty er twi Mr. and 3£rs, John Boylan. of 10 FU1-ona marked gap eacn IK tbmSr atMlvtss ' MICHAEL. SALECI?!. w oral ycura In tho army and the theory that Uie Julceaor the moutt Hi too. street, and two slaters, the Misses for tha basest of tba Erillia Red ! plainly by la>£>rovtjios th> words: . Il_rt«Tl4kU>j:l*«ts who have studied tn- Royal.. B^chanco. Liverpool. XjOndon years, coming here frosx poioplisiii Uje:Un;ted fo»» subscribed- IS fiucna" lypidcm.ca-zInrit!**„:;f*an"t•;.^*J* ^tf« Intended-to lKsep_^e teeth. J*«m- hv thw H Maxgaret-J i~ltM\) Puylaii. and oneCrasa. tiTrn—'f gBV ftfig- |T**S5; & Qlobo. New York Undorwriter* sad not to p«lpaiI*^>6*~«or *** »nnm*Tint nr 'CbA Xittla sfSftis*- tothelnum. Could there be'a" stroncer | foumi in many of the c»--s * very READ THE ftECORD. Company. H» wa» a truBted brother. Philip 3. Boylsn. of 103 Colon' •or Iwaefc piAicxtiia of the recocnltion rad-shapfMl cerm c_lLe

Tuo^diy \fternupn *ftcfnoaao tliorti wore fniinil |moimit«"occt, (,o|| ^ Bm.UQfl8 p.—#ho~-«onoratlou tomeyai Rahway Nat. Dank Bids.. The Kaiser as niu that nbo ponn4.-i*iod; a mont rllctti' lioto iliut tllij poopio of tho city aro UNCLE SAM'S Uio hlghoat rats paid by any saving, Nliort illnasa from pnouiuonla. Tha Mm, Edward Qtalner' . Altar Oiillil and olhur (shufuh aocslatleili WITH FOOD SUPPLIES New Jersey Advoculc tha'iioriua of iiibnr pneumonia. ***•'• , " Uahway, N. J." bank In the Btoto. Open an account torlai luaiiii*'!', which wail qulto in c1 " gouuiuo slags classic In its doft I lii • i In a tiri'iif • luiiiift, lining nn IV gnalAIi NO. «=o putitotlMiil rtlid thu wuy ill \viih:b tb«y In your homo lmtltuttou. Jlyl-tf SOCIAL NOTES Mra. Martin 11. Ounilulior. Jr., ouo from tha rnvngbii of ilifiudtun and tlin ami II Uiniily niul umlubd. dinpoaition I Knew Him Wbtiu iiD-wnn ill thy ofllca. : ADV1CEJJN FLU cocci,.ami liy "others norms wllli loud dluu uf loam and .duuchlor, fi* ft£«L ESTATE FOR REM1 Hi" fioi'l I iililla i.f nil Ibn Allloil fnri'H*. Ciund .1 Ilia It.Uw.y. N J. Vostomca •• | yiiUptirt thri ^ovorumoiit lit oVory «I>- Blotor, Mra, W, H. VVllouii. of lfivorott, piidumuula that foitownd than that of thnl Wiiii hor u, wlflo oirtll" of friumla •sound ,'UM' Ul.illcr. uuiler tb«. «ctob«r 3, 1U17. tiortUllHy. "No inattor what particular kind of KiiUQUiout beginning tunlght at tho KOtl HIONT—In Manlo Park, brlok *v$ of Local Interest lOiiwiiril llicllioi', of Uahway ayoliitai I lliU ll.'i' bili-""iiiiil ubo Uaunlly worn a In Irnllilnr At- llmi you r.nni'IMl>«r Notice of Hection! Uoaloti, of Norfolk Downs, Mass., alau Curtorot, Ii Bhort dlHturiro"froln tbo For Foaiteen : I Inrjfi. t-n« witb ii vi'll—but fmnily ylolil- U. S< Public Hoalth Scrvioo Issuos aonn cnuaoa tho ••pM'-mlc. It la no* Uroail St. tljtiatra, Nowarit. ! *i rfin.'i'rtM'ii many nifitliora w tho OffioialHoaiWBultqtln aiir-'ud "from "p"Imm" to rmrsnn.- th« | aviation narviuo in franco,' . illdd rrom pnoiinionla nftor a aiiort ill ,"~I.;(>iimjf two rhtiitrnrrhy rinnth wllhln , IV »' i inn I wii atod 3 mlnutao walk from 11, It. iViVi.ilfi.l-ulllr willi tli» i.ruvUliiiiS uf in -— -Years : Ind tl .11 llii. j-liltd." im" on Infiuonza. . ntation. M. V. O. Vox 6 Monlo Park, M].,.I"veil April 4, U»H. tiio mlpi>leiuonia Mlaa draco ltowland, formorly of J rniin In iiiir liiotitb, ftiio inniatpil that aa „,,,, with th« Vury aiiiull drotiiota of inucua, lllnJor laaguo baaoball atur, tho coat .mw!i;il liy Mr., liiul Mri Irroddrliik M, ..):...! niul ilii.y of Ibolf flt- Railway Pub ishlng Corporation fn r i Illlili V jvilni; Slit hci-proiinlily tlM utlil UUiflilunlelltfl tli«r«.if, tiotuo la Ala,, .dud had boon a rosldoiit of. llah;. Uteliisf l«trl> t lloanla of Uahway, and 34nl68 Mcdonlgld, of T ilri'il way for Ibirty Itv'o yonrM, lio was ouo non, I'rivnld Jootipb titoincir, illod at WoiiniiiiiM, uf 111 i.ililh™' alronl. Oil 1 tea Irving Street^ Flahway, New Jersey IIUI •,l inilbri 'winVrllllf I" i fiM forcofill iiilkintf, and tho Ilka by olio poarad at tho (lately Thoatru, Now Ill-Hint i! .iml Blwtloti t» aurt fir ou< Ii elw- I'hlladolphla, s'paai'a Wddk an guonto \ roltiiii tiuilliint lidt tlpfl or innuuA, 1 Dint I.ml n In* " l'« IUI wllli tbl» Huh .iiitii. i»ln Uie.Ciiy •>» ii.iiiwiijr will oi~tl»ji: lii'^t httoiiU ami tiio ilrat local WnliiriiuV iiiuriiliiij tholr anil. John In (.lira*** tbo cottoii in iliinmuiy ntlii'r hum li.'fiiru or niii<-»', Waahlhtfton. T>. G.— <8pocittD— Al' who olrnody lni« tin) dornia of tiio dla- York, fur thirteen.mouths, brottking all tniikn ii ii.iiiMr. tn- Ituiiflo t'liiivunii mi tba of Mm, Jamon Uowland, taUo avonuo. ('unip Mond'<. Mil,, oil Oct, 12, making •liniiu.' fur Hi" l»i'ii*>r. Our inllitary v 1 ROOMS TO LET i Hlir ut utliiultiv J URKII II yonra, IlliJll l»f tilihUIin.lllil, foi- M. »TII.r.M-»" Uiiytf l>r." AY Mt?K»y Jordnn ~ In—ii« ihniluh King Alfonso of-tlpain—wa«- "Pil»u. Ttipy'Triny-nluo bo enrried-uboiit rocorda of that popular playhouao. -at—K)» Jiilitirininiidoiit. for tiio l'riidoiitial ln Ihroii lioutliM In Hin family wilblu toil riifit UlUiW OIIM nnd lifivfi tatl4"It tt 1 UANU Ttm. 1 luwoii t-t4iiilda'y. moiuili^.-,by. tlm. Mllllllllll'lilU MllUIIKlHi'. VVii lluW imi yt't Ulin nf tin- vliMliil* of .ii»' tiiliilonSil opl- hi tlm Hlr In ilio forni of dual colillnjf i all l^irmina aa. turatico (!ompaiLy In thin oily, taking ilnyri. Tbo iilii'vlvlhp moinbora of liid i'ly but (Irmly tlml my iiiriiiii: Illiln:: (>••• •)••• I.IIIUM" foo'ls— vi< u 1 l'roaldoilt Wllaon attoudod oho of ) HlllNf—furniahod room, No. 18 !;'|',i,VV;!"v"'.i.i"'l"ifio"°n'.'Xi l'rliniiry sa' Wont Milton iivonuo. had bomi opond" liwl t*titlr<-ly- thi' hiirliiifous ldi'ii Ihut •li'inli.' in IW'-'i nliri"iignlri I'll" suiuiii"! . fi'illil lll'li'd hViii-ils', from wiciltiiliitf Iilid Ilia poHitloii wltli Oiut tioiupitiiy about riiinlly. iifii lhi< buobuiid-_-4uid olid •l.iutii nr tliflr Infiiiit littUehldr, Mary, ii'in*i In ,iiy Wi.y, Ihlll li. u. auLLiK«i)N llirparofrinan.cos at tha National thaa- Main Btroet. l I 1 1 J''l Ing a fow dayn in Waahlntemi, P' ''• Mtiillllnh lllltlllil'llloa ropilillntn iiK) from cnrrlcaii |v.!ivplii who i'"ni"» i' '"iiiiV< ii MTiiY iiAr ANI> rniN tho timik titiit I'ronldoiit Drydon bo' ilnuuilliil'. Ml.no Kat» Vonriiooa1, nild iiKi'il 17 iilonllm, fronl thu oamo din AirrHUH U, DAV13. D. D. 3. itini §iw firm ity ttciiiil<'n'*«iii, mldiiiii: • (iKi.llliiiry i.ilv !..|-li,nntH .ivttfk, It l« llt'conmiry t» iiuillali ii child i'lin- on tin. liiKir niul ml iboulili-wniU. lid, Waablnrilan/.-tudra than a yoai' AHV HIIIBCTION HAY. TI.IOMUAY, HIdMlflll1 Mra. lfrahk Uuiilitti", of l'orth Am- clilllll til ^illilxllKii iia II "tipnnlah" ills- itUH miii, IUI1. Uiitweon tlip lii>l>nr< o of uanio nullvn In tbo udmpany. ThroUKii init.ii Tiilo niUl«i>ii^_t2irdl. Inlilldroil 'VvVnll. If you ii.NUc tmnTii of Kri'iii li, Kng- villllltiy lii' ordoi" to ItisUro thlli h« 4 1U0NT—Two furniabod room'* all p li<,ii, I'iilward iildliior. AnnatJa u. uouus Au In ollior I'lltl'lllliK !iln"iiai'ii. 11 ^o and during - a rocont roturu tin l . tl of uU lioy, was iho tuoot of Mrs, 10, Clai' luquiiin anfl po#- ..IIU... If Him |IMt|lld (if tilt" ••Olinlry lio v.iui I*. "»i, niul nil 'iiiufii tlin Imlntnlliuiliiii and ontnrlirlolni; of. lilnl Mr. Iilid Mrd. Jloiiaiuaii bava lonl io UlKH AND UUUINIUU il ultrmld lioiMiiu' n wliiu mid vlUPtiuii ! who liuu unly u iiillil uiUii.'U of Hliduisilit at tiio aamo thoatro ' bd lionvonidncoa, ouo uultablu tor light buurnd MordU, of IBO Hamilton atroot, ?.*I,liy of this* noi tdli« fitrit tho PiiUliitnli-' will iio- ftieroNi itWiiiWTitv tiAv 'ltiEBiiir. forla of Mr, tiiiuiod iho foundation for iiy tlin ouiiiii lilftoSiiS wllhlil li Iliilo AHTIlUtt U, WKKI)BU< limli. Thoro Iw.h.t child lhuV^*"t"rVoil .| i,.nm. hliiiMiilf limy LIVO a Vory houaakooping. 120' Momlnary nvd' Mre,^^dvward Thomda, tMiii^ «« wlili'Biiivrtii tln'ouniinul lini ,|ld anio baok to ronow aoqualntanao with H"l'OllliJlt- ay,- IDlH, libtWi.-Rli llip bifiirl of ivinplailtiU (••« Ifiillatratloa of Mr. and Mr*, John J. lloffuiail, of Almost coliiciddui with tha luylnt' lit iiif iiilii-n uf * K.(dliurlyr- Il-r <>'i' tlsllc lui,ib boi or itl.lil. limy urn |.i-< uiliir. OVI'IAilllQK 0, luitt, l'.,)|a HIM M from ala **v "OB-Thursday. Mchuol uiiii Wiiii ii'iiiiiitil'or of tbo Ii'lral. t 1 Subscription Rat* t2.00 par year, pay- fcynitiiilliy litiil »inl«>r»tiiiiill«if, w« ! "11 la vory liiipnriiiiit tliiit ovory |i»r. uibiitnj atddxn heat. Ko Heht hoiiao* 'lili'U A. M. lii DavBil ti'cliii It 1' \1 and lioiiiula umlor liln akillful band' lioiuao, Hgoil 2H of !l7 lliirrinoil Jslroot, *Th« Kiil«r«rtf»j wlrtiM nnd Ix.illl- '<•« !••" «' " . ""» "' "( "••"" Oubiinio Confidonoal 'I'lltl <)I'I'*ICICK III b« llllu.1 i II I rolad r '' Mr. and Mrs. Joel 11. Moli,U lu ' diKbfJ >>'•' (•r<-|i«re«l will, il.n thought 1 Oliilr, llko iiioat BUmii boy*. \vaa r III mil.l Ililot'tiiill llt» lia «i,l|.»»l liOUlaburg, N, 0,, forraorly of tlllU oily, liiKHhll iiwuy yoiitdriiay iirtoriiootl. Tli«j fiiult which ii i-lillit coininiia itt dll<- ! tllfnriuntloll :ohi:oi-iilti^ Sprint*' liiliU' aliiiuld iio hoiiio ul oni'tf olid iio to bed. Tim adli] l'rliuiiriiry llalsi'llij.i ati ill I.a for Of luto y.Hirs Im had bonil liila printing luminous ami iirovloiia irlih phniliiioiiia. Hhd loaVnU tt hii«i- Uuallii tiurvlc eoiiiplkdtions_9i>il will, at tbo aitin. Lawronon Ilohnli, Madlaon Hill Hodd •J (InlltMl Mlnlcu S ~ tho arrival of a. noil, llobort MorBB Me i,f llm lIuiiBiiuioil Si. Mi'Mjinun O bocnuitf.ny pill I Mil, I'll l»li, from Wlil< II iuoitiin i, tl^iiiiliy catiitf nlmilariy Inii, un in Holihoi* I-II»<) ubiiilld ti >iln j ">u u. S l ( itdllH grdhdruthor tutpltuliod to bd tmulliiK ta hla I nut Ulimoo woji a oompoaltor at hiid aiid oiid BOU, Kdiitiotb, i yoard and Weotiloid avonUB, oiS-3t Kamlo, oil Friday, Cainliany• lri~tfvTniririrt>«l, lloaiiioo tliu liinfl f.h NiiP Visited Hi" morU of l»«t J4u fJt'riiiiin vVnr. fat£ Any- which hot'his bo vl»llo.i uiwut «ho ' iimlim-Uod-UKi following hla bdaa. - Attcit biili.a'i-opontodly told IioatlM, ha Nioholaa ITOOB, lMalnllol.l, In nil 'irifauil l» oUrviVod by hot ftttbor, Wll- o. H uy J arlmtfa Coraoii, of tho U, U. Mavy, itf tnl«>rftt;iiiaj' rntloiD -*• : oDont tho wciok oud with hU parohta, Unhappy, nud | -Whit la Spanish Infl ,t« In iha ahhio hwlii wjtlj l llll o |)U' Btand liiicfc-noo":bftho"BUe»t» Maid! FOR SUf ir«! ua fiillowra lllownd n dnvotloii tu duty and an in- biirvivoti. tory, it rnay b»* tninlrUnt trf« r«i<-»ll tliiif TUESDAY, OLrOUUlt aj othorwl Mr, and Mi-Bi Jojili' Q^ tiofaon; - of. ltJO . Mid. Tbrifiinh WiM'tt.Hatfvn of.Oaalii' lit Ini-fif, 'I'" il« win, orrt itotlilnu hawt Dobs It -tlbiit, Ju-Jiictj™iio_oitB but Uio MUrai* "Daii't you kiioW you'll not htunli If .•no I.au wmd,_iwoi -1^1. tiin l»nliW niiirrlml bill', lii jWll. ttliutilil bo hllowod In Iho room. ^ou «rd not eorofuVI" lid «ald:, "Aw; i'OH" SAfclC—LBTKO—oylindtir—aiovoi INiiinliililmri tlli fdllii iS^iit Ward llirats *MGI»ICAN PEPCNSB BOCIBTV olihur uniiniijillioiiiJ or Tiio l Ifd With Hid o*noptiort iif oiio your "brililimt hill] «vl' to nil' luir vl« i ini..ri,iiiil,iml ,,i lirtii a* i>"' Allldd tun:** liwn yio—« nil—»i*M' r —lion; prioe »1O^" IiiQuiro ndooTir Jll 111* I*rlliiary~niaetl7>"ri~to Ba'iiaM TnaS-" uvotiue, loft yoatoruay for a stay witn illdlia Auatrlau iu tho tlliy, Kdptouilidi' UJtli, 1010, tlitf lltfiitiM ritus fort and Welfare* for othorii, lii thii Mlltfin iioottou. ' Mta, Thomas' WilIM l,lii i]uiif ICvury Oortuau hi. not Ulud ilioulil bo (iiUi-ii that nil oiidi ill" lilTioo. it vltitlbi. ytioliirdiiy iiiornliiii. lie h'ad Imf hlisbillid. Hlii' (:i.iiiliiiilil!rtl Ii" ruir- viiiM i.o>n^ with ft tlliif lliMilit)lli.|lli tiiirtleN "Will «lmt luam- hof niiitoi', Mrs. Jiioi U. MoKoriiio, of iB WUFI dooply dovotod io I nd liuoil a tuhinhur nf lit I' iil'a niid fcii** Woa fiol Tb«"w' ittvtl «r« U l* iiiioil iit UlH IllialillUl Silllliif i»t Ik-illiii- Wiiilllll i'lllll WiiS illil MB |ir<'|MM n«w fi«-i tiafiii thn''t will Draw on thai fl-iiMii.V.* -l.oulnirarifrN.-CI. . iioiiid tilid fttinlly mid duriui; iiib t»pura IIIK lloiy _('omrorini i fitiri b «_ Him aiisocluttou lu bo absolutely loyal, inn. In tlui llr»t It 1- 111-] or fun nr r uiijiklny nnd hiiriiw). I'Oit HAJjlfl—Throo fluo PIK«. Apply i (,4>l'ilil|l1, Ui4 iiili* Also ri»Mian» /ttmnl' ^it I'LArlOM !<>? Ilia varliHia Mrif. )i«riry Mitllii, of » - Whilfiof liltlj ilil wild tiiwayu about Ilia hull Siiiil fliollilli l.l.ttor tlmulj Iw itooliid u« « potential spy. aiders niid o_jl<«Hiryit i, WoodbrldaoJtoaii. /nnljCllritlui llliiut l ICliK'tLtliJl H 1'lRlrl.i™ v( tha (Ity Wutl it di'vntml wlfu aiid li I hor, l>oo ISi IlijiT, lu-r iavai Sneezes 1 wlti, tU*ut*ailt< pllitlaiiiiU'itt, tttnl lil llii* ulloruilllvtf wilier to '( ttllllWHy Hl-^i i ntroot. U ililito lii. ilHtony wltii~hla ioviid nnon lilt* imnod a hlrong Clirlalliin t bnrai tor liiul TOinf i-nti.ik ii«bU/ on..the aiorl. your byod If Ml Mr WA tllntrl. tl —A« illiln iifill B/ifti'iii'll iii-r" lu O«rmnny timi v will Spread Diseases liriiik. w t'old vanilirdaa- lo tlii* for.-liddd MrsritalpU UoliUlti, of doinnioroin.'ily. I'OU iinil DlalrMI ilrodt7"ls.raoovoiintfii"" _•* ' 'fa at H(iH.t*!lfeUu»MttiK p nournnM~by~a~wt ^ I* " '* 'rmiiilrf ,*nt hit*"- war nnil n*c SUlda Otti ~Tfraiitod'. ICnoruy urid aiartnoi»«. ^uay rliiH 'iiiiiuld bo alvi-ii uu lu iiruaiirlhou Vi'lW WAHDl—Mo Any doiiioiiiitratloB. JiilO imoli. 8B CttV riitlltlllaiilliiiai'd Uit iiia ilH uln] I lack of iuftUdnzd. lilnl aiiil hti tilyjiyti hold Ibo hleliont rn Immndluliily /lini" dn[.lli-kof bin My l)r»l IlitiiMllU'lll' itt the aavo the lifn of your ami. your hua liy llif dtu'lnr. II lu fimlluli lo usli Ilia Millil atirot. Johh lies to Yt> Illatrlctl-^ i.AU:xirriiil i.lli-- iiiliitliiy •f or your hroihor. Tillit Alii.irkil lu iiiiniiil.i ot ttiialgilliltf l tu |vivB<'i'll>.> mill imiy lio 'Inn LodBvltlo liVoiilie, lliiiiWay. it MlCONII WA Word bay boot! ,«««..«.roublvod. b~.y Mrs• .Nunilt of lliii cOuimiihlty. Ho wan « wi.n liilinu li X HnllWny llix follll HlliiiidiiU,'blitfBf * membt l.'l'iiliUllli M.'IIIHII, li.l-llll linl nil ml ll..rlln i,,ill|i.. wliLCM I hil'l i Tho onamy la ougagod iu tnakitiG liUtl building uiii^Hly Mluulo tjdittor utr-' livnVuu to litltu tliu liii-ciill.Ml 'aiifo, utiro HUI'IIIMII VVAIII11—Mri'lilli OUtili tl— AC Jouliiia Kord, of H Nowtori otriiot, of Woll'ku<)Wil irioirtbiir of Onion f'uuni 11 II Im' rrinii^/n utlmk (if li'Tlii .. nKri 1<)t hiltlli* Hi'rvico lii ov^doiit niul liiirhiliW ivliiuilli'it lidvorllBod by Millie, Mlllll illlit IfvllIU >iti'« lli nnfri arrival oVorsoab of li«i" oon, Mil. lit, JUiilof O. If. A. M., mid Idoiill tllliilii^ Ul tt. C&'i 1 1 Oil,In, tell ll|> tlii' Hllil.l'Wiis' flH' friiiii Ibo HoivUiitiitin iipooti nciiut, ro* puitint iiH'illi'lit*. niiititifiii:tiirora^ livd wolijiit. eiiaruibury, tlndon Tlltun WAiliJI—i'ir«t l>l»trl 111 lii tbo II, H. mioriiluK. f 11d bdiiio I ti>M'lliiaJ "If 1tii< luiiKMtt IM MO Bltuitioil ttuit liVallUd, nottr W.hllUaf.btr'odt. 'i'hiilli fufo uiiii' boat ihldfoiitri^of tliii city, iitowlil^ It Nlifirt IHiiofi from iiimil' >6ll as iioa about the ivntly put throiiKli rlultl lrat» with fho Tlllltl) WAIiril—Mol'iiilli IllKlltill—taak' raiilry. lio loft thU olty throo nioiitha olut.o niul Im bii'i li Him; for in.'. MM In' nttKiiili'd only by wmid nim wlio ' " P2B-St wny tllul. Holiuiil, Cililililitill ntroot lii, Mm. Alliiliiid 11. Mciir.ioy.ir- liUVnt Hdtlsfnctoi'y I't'iillUti, buyM Scloil- auo for (iatniillUhiphroyii, Va,, aiid rWiniit, will b« Iti Htihwuy iiomn with -pltiiliViiiiiilii "vv'i.ll, liuvl^," Im inlii, "1 nniui uliio liiiiU Bf'twf otliiirn In Hi* fin"- 1'dtlilTif WAUtll-'r'Iral DUlrli «l—HI tlrle Amorlcnn. l»llot.'d hjrllrrt-Axsm W. .MIUiill itvoiiud, lliiliwuy iilkl UIIILU uvnr was latbr:. trdliitfiirfod_ti> p;, ....,.„.... lory. jorly of tlilii city, ill oil at tliu willow. Ii'jir uiiviirul ^ lini i^ Hilhilliy itlon UioVhcnt ta? (orcba. • Uy, II la inlvKiililo iliutiitieli mU'iiilniit A UlSi&ND NEW HoUse Pbft aALE I'OH HAlilli—Tollut, of work hurnon I', II. It. Mtlltltiil. : i III, tills llttIO lllllchllH. UBWli.l.Mi tl> Tl.- 1 Mfltilohl>Fi B~l(oi"plKtr~TfiliifrniarTV auapielooa ael or dla wuiir it .wiauuwr, it|iroii or liuwti nvor ON TMir tjiiickBn^PARM T«ACT Odll 'Ii Olitupbdll Utroot, ItttllWriy l^OTtltTlr "AV"A1t1> I~Hei?nnit I lUtrtrt— Mra—-JedfdV-oUioi B6il^Oharlaa;-W4it 1)00 foot .Ud U. Ih. «'.»H1. 1 i'liliniitilill) Miijiiinl, Mew llmnim-lLk and Timothy J. DoraH for you, but. 1iit mrwlfi<» j, j, erni>od out ord cornea Us youf t otlco com U tlm oiNlliilfy liiiUHU tflotliua- wlillu In tliu ONLY »3doo t.aiind fiii* ttiirvlcd yoiitorday. Him inui'iiB imr in tliti fity HiM'iii 2T hllllUiva. tjln tt.iiiol'ill^opoclllcHttoilli ; hi liio btiiil) »y»a, oof*. hiicU or other R, Of, ' .- • , oS-tf IlllWIWiuitl UVaillloi, Diio l>f tliu IiiOfit popular' yoliuij btia ouco with Iho polioo do- aluU tHioni mul Blip tills oiT whuii luuv- |i'll'"l'll WillUI-i'hml IlloUlttl- Ulora, -Ilonry OiaUNOlaUN, of ibtiioo UU..- ti.ti. AArmr y ulill (>il« duiieiittii', lidrli*. Mra, lB of Oiia liiUiruiiilim •||tll«Tnim"lilnd wvo imrlu of tho body mid u. ftf.'lliitf of no- tiiU to liiolt itflor Uiu nllmi'ii. About Novtimbur llrat I ulidll Imvd Kliilll Ililil Ifvllltf Htl'tidtri, luiimi ml'ii of thli city wnii it victim 9*1 wil1" iho looal 1'blt BAtiifl—i?rttatiBuUy Bow 1'romlor Ulltillt, City Cl«rUii Uflli'S, ltilllWny, N 1 , pont thd Wodk oild with h1o paroiimtit i na foUowu: ypttiiiiimwi* ttlitiii*. ai ivvll 1 vuisi Bi<;kiio»«. lu wont of th» fiiada-_thB "Niihii'rt uiiii attuliilullta will do Wall uouipldtuil a brand how olirooiiL Hiiiiiuiniiiir ibtli, ii'ia, Ki piiiitiintiiilii lit Ibn Itahwuy fittlin'f, Clilirlort A. TiiOiiiiia, I>f ~ dUto body _dhd ono-mlin top. No 1 MMrr, nnd Mro. Aunilot fifaUo, of 31 JTila lovvui- pluno, 11) fi>«i4-ci)Urd, both plilUoa, iyiilptiiliia iil««pporir uftor tl.Wio or tuilt to jjtliird uuulimt bl'oiltlilliK Iti tiil|iu»b ! unit, "B fjtMFD^tuchuih l i ! lldyal . tlll d prtlloill l thoith l Wlildlldly Vd oui dlaoUBu ijoi-ma by wviirlnit u ulniplo alx: Igood alitdd roonla, mill 111 111 34. itli«d 31 yaarar'uasded' to Ilia Urodt il« A. 'i'riivla, Hillisditlo; Mi»s lr00 itdiiltloU to thd liniiil 134 Wddl" drdHd atrdot, o tJouKdbauor, of 0 ••nut *i * 17 . i l fold of imu«o or tiiaak wblld nody Uio Mr>i, MafiiJ'fol yoiid. Itn had boon ilf abodt tW fiiiillH, ot Maplil iiVoniio; tW6 broth ««i' In ovef nil, 18 foot! height of luuchtnu Hot'dlop piUHniionln, or lulldiniiiHtlon Hdlldilt." CAN^bC DOME It4 HOMES rt, by HO ft. umt In luuiitdd at (lio Eiccfion Districts in City ol Rahway 1 WoakU nnd mmlo a liai'il Iliillt uunln «rri, iC(iWarirTbonittHntt j Will a l>«r«on v»h»~bao had Inriudnlta" HELP WANTED Of BBYoral duya With hoi BoH, 1 ov^r-«ll. 8-fftof l> hwii^^; ri"i wolHJit! ^ of Iho vAV. or >iionlnifitla.'itnd taintiy of mr .if .tuff.ii'aiin liViitinn mill Hitin. lu«Jllj*—liita—cui ilbaliftlnlcl^by tin (iml.lllMid dlaoiiHd, but roalllod lulu Ifitroid 'riioiiiilfi, f'f Riiu TK~iirl Tflorgonnt ICuirTNitUKobaiiorrxif'— - ompty, 820 poiiniU; iir»iaa Wolubt, loiid- j Ibsao comiillciiloii I'lisoa dlo. Wbollior 11 ton uiront, lh<< hiiUad fronting oil uf lilii (Julilliluu Coiltli-il HW Iho Uilori tltliii liitforo lll« dnulll tbut ill Ooor^d HvniTuott lCrroi, at tho Child WeUa.ru W'urk In "It la wall kliowU ilitll nil ntlncli of niMlrlulu—lu—tlio Llty-uf Uab 8;—Avintiorr dorpd now iitaUonod--iii nTiv^B^nrB cd. A,1«) , uaoful loiid, iml.' tlila Ho-callsd 'sSiittiit«!«' InHuvUu la lluiutltoii nti-out; ThM hotiad will bd oiid v/a« iiiiprqaiihliie aa ho faintl CIaran• if, - r«, 1(W horu<>|uiwor { «i>i»6d oilier ditijck nt tbd oubiO dl»,m»o. Thla ibiril uUf timhiird bulult Uiidit thiiiUuli bodaldd, "i'Vii loit tb.n fieiit," If Wiiy arid llvodlliiro Until i foW Wi !(«/ Iii tliltf <;liy iiiiii Ibi) othtti III KHza to popular r»aorv»a tho tuoat caruful "Kpliiomlca of lullUf.Hin tlavo vlaltod INQUIUM MttodOVHIKN & filllowu: WB« pi«ln Ihof ah* had !<•«« dofforinir rnngo. lin-A4 hi. h, t>> ^ clUiibhig apood i f «lb I ~*51UB*-W-.UtlJ Th« Itd'droiw Unit of tho First Ua| fac'od tli« orid calmly niid with thi ago wiioii bar bii»band rnalKnod praver. It lafccti n dllion from tho cltisntis iu geuorol «if.ti. •WOO teat p<>r uiluutoj glldihg uliglu, this country altico !t)4?. II la Imoroat- Mr.i liUirlfl . ..,m| . . tUt church witl Wool Thursday nftoi of it tiioari and upriati tionltiou iitj ffie^*jfl»'** wl(Hont from tho ttittuonia upidomlc 8 tp t! rnaius of ncUoii 2U hours. ; )»« io ktiowrihoi this ttrai optdomlc- pnrinit a "Manual of (JmbrolilnM to anctr *w«iuut spread ovor th*i country for broUght horo froni ^Vdloncla, ^ft /|, iotont Auutrlnv 'hii^'llilil lioi only _ _ Mra. Harry, to .Ono ^ t few woaku. Tho opldonilc s Fojilorday It \vns only tho hion ^rho yihod -that tluio—Ihoro \pBrHTWlriydaro . miv was , lo impntaa tho mind ot ovory been numerous opl** henco but into a hopeless war. Thti protoctioii uKulmt tbo rain ovor slnco for throo mo... ^ mr Mit forlii^lo Wiir wltilo tho women Poroy hbhliiadu. Aviation Jorpa. Mvon T. 'Williams, Modlcal Coriw.-' f\l Uio groat uhod «f roaring; oasa. lii 1SS1) and Woro iioinq aomradoa bo had fought anybody cuil romombfrr, yot tho only cent, of threo moriihflrv^ roaialned bohhid lo lcji up iho homo Soraoant Wllllahi J. Robinson, Ma- l'hlllp Wllllamii, Army. ' Katd ovpr 8,0.0 Koj g nania demoralisation that had lad our , y y "'ron that aro aa toorfoct physical* of inOuonr- with In tho valloy of Chnmpagno, ii llttlo tnoro than i.OOO.dob In 1014. Euroiinnn Alllon to connont to a com' Alao notlnni]' lo (tot ori wnf w;(i)k o-. , >OOB«O s and eultlyiilo tin- tlolda. Txvlny the chino Quh Company. Oorpdral Joorgo D. WitBon, Arla- tiling thoy buvo really loarnud lo ubl0 v^iuioiisiili U*H»P Up iliolv Claroiioo llobhiaou, Army. tidn Oirps.. ' .: •• uer » . fc--\V»!SSjj® ''' ofVroonnting tho tuikod ti! old Vordiill, ' i moral fibre to auch an oxtont that thoy woil l» to looo utnbrollm, Mo two Vatiery—Vot a\i monthd from Oct 1 t , 8ornoant,Froil IS. rtoodlgor, Army, Lloutouaut bornard A. WUsonU Kav; 1»18 agalliBt 18.000,000 in 1014. Soya nons, not oven lovors, can walk Under DOm yg, boll, bolb, ;»nd nuru of rv Thoy fonijht tiio niimo old batlo would mttko llttlo more than tha goa- curtailed to do por cont, of ajit months' I -rv\< t>avld Xlolv^Naval lloaorvtt. VriiliU O, Wllnoii, Army. bouh oil, of which Qortalri sradfiii aro ono umbrolia without gottlnR wot, and> 1CrAli, .-'"-• "flabriel" went their way, J, duB^S^rouda, Army. . us thoy sat Iboro Iti tho sun, aVullublu for food, thounh lnrgoly turo' at war. Wo, meanwhile, uhoulil production in 1017, Uogiraohtal Supply Boraoant lloland Sorgoaht Cha'rlos G. Woefei, Army. ralncoatn probulily woro first devisod : f brc* —'"' ** iaat with thorn wont our peaco Hoaom.. Jamoa 0. Lints, Army. . Thoy puliltodVivld~pI6tUraVof tho'bat uHodiri nrorfnaaBtrtbtj,"um(>nHiod to ioaBarmsa campri6mtnoPSoraolo yi —1'adlc.k Industry—; HosBoil, Artiiiory, Waltor Woodruff, Navy, w Bfi Horbort It. Qohrins, Army. tloli uf ArraH, tho Atlantic with a Navy some throe from Oct, 1. ciifriio..*„,» ^ • » month* * ^^ —-. •«-- •» ^* . auvw *a^f vV€P ISliaworth Laouord, Hodicai Corpa, .Wilbur Hoaaoll, Ambulahoe Gorpv, haipt A. Woodward, Coast Artillery. US7,000,000 pounds In 1018 Imports c ith a Na brolla over bin wlfo's hat Robert L.ltracb«r. Ahabulwc* Corp* Miiriln V: Oaltiiicn, Army, Thiiy tulkod of tunka und iioroiilanoa aeninat 10,000,0011 hi Of cacao, tlri it t i O uinod tu 70 por cent, o bad, instead of motor aignals, a roar, 1 Corporal Ctirl LdVtiuon, Army, Sorgoant l'ay liussoll, ' Coriioral Clifford Worth, Army. tlmori its .prosont size. Our..present What o^cuao la tboro to? tbn ''tntiX*! Potty Otacoi Joaoph M. Dr%dy, NaTT i'lu-uio dtannochinhl, Army. ' * mul (if tlm phhroii itaii. hi' coooa^ thu Importations of 1018 ' production, inif fauna of «h« straot*. Thoir namo. ljursoattt Jdnida D. Lnokhurat, An John J, UowaU, Army. .Sorgoant Jbaao V. Wralght. Avla' taioo would bo a mors trlflo to Buildora* hard woro pure camouflage, We bad ta- Jamaa- Ku»«oU Brady. Army. Soritt. CamiUo A. airond. Interpratar bubinco Corpa '"OonUl hiii'O, you itrayod-halrod Worti 400,000,000 liouniiii ni a crowdou' atroo waro—Vor tin months WUllam Brannoy. Army. Qoorgt) Uowloy, Modlcol Corpa. tlott Corps. •".','- • z. ^ boldlnif an umbrella boforo him in from Oct. 1, curtailed,to 40 pof cent, of vivif/cd the prehistoric trtbo ot the Aitrod dlroud. Army. Kiialffn O.Urfnrrt W. l.«iilow: tlli; olil Wbli crioil with trie 000,000 iii 1014, trthnnirn bellowin- —g^ an— — ^d howlin"^ ^ if Mg0 dinosaurUlUUVavUf,: Uu| tiV. Army. Sorgoant .Claronco V. Ludlow, Aria- To n Hiiii-bydd man who utood uliino Nothing tcf have boon nog ionnngfl tiaodln491^d< ilfrcil C. Brooks, HonplUil Onll r Sorgoailt Max Uublu, Army, • doon bol dxootly moot tha roqulro- "rnaifodoD, tb« dJpiodocao, tho tricar*- nlondennihs, Mavy. — buiiuuUi.iin. -uppld-trdii _iodlu(l-lu-tha_uudrch..of_ tha-world for Stop ladders—BU months from Oct. tops, and Income -- ilo'v Gljcsal Corpa. " - - • Tnonta nftor tbo top of an umbrella rih Charlojj Brookn. A»my. Ccr\vir«J Edward C. dodtray. Avia- I'Don'l HlHml tlmro you old.fo«y uii Ifayuiliiblo food luuturiiil. lloami im* Ircurtalied to-two-thlrdsof: six'tnonthi j^rsioiuau Luiborry. Navy. WiilUin Ruddy. Army. J. Wilbur hda boon thruat into some one's eye, loose upon the world, to tajto "th« brannoy. Army. tion Corpa. yoii'rii lii'n traiico, portad in inlH nggroEatud ovor i.oon,. of 101* production, «*y paying; by check. Your pocket Majoiv3t.Ja*ai Corpa. t^rank Soaff, SlaVal Reaerra. poumiu, uBiilimt :i,Goo,ooo In 1014 Of out Ilka a sixty-foot telephone polo on recording Scales, curtnllod to CO perwill not alway* be allowed Lo screech, Chas. Row'and 1 thotl to Marylttndl.._•...... hoiioy tliu ahortnEo'lu-BUgar causod : Chaster t-. Buckioy, Air Service. J. CilfforJl Tdaddon. Army. Borsoant Harold-H; Soatt Army. Carpomi-Johii-J, Muivey, infantry, a fifteen-foot truck. •— - - —' cent, of aii months' of 1917 produc- or bellow, or shriek, and generally to Lester Malt, Army. killed lu . action la Franco Thoro I mot boys from Kanmin tho Importation, of niarly $1,000,000 John Franklin Burt Arsxy. dWyS Army. William D. SScatf, Ai-my. , - ^urthormoro, wet umbrollas never tion; (4j scientific, scale*, not to beindulge hi* proclivities for mafcln* a W. Mall Army. July IS. from tho Ooldon Oato, worth in 1018, iifuhmt $40,000 worth iu tway National Bank Tbom&s V. iJiirioa. Army. Chartoa II. Schaofor. Army. woro intondod—as-purtltionii batweon curtailed. noise, when we have ion* since Harry Halt Jr.. Clxrk Townshin, J ioi4. •-•;•.' Anton Scholko, Mumlcian In Nary llpys from far^.away,. Wyoming and ttoats', oven . at a motion picture banned the cock tnar crows, eh« dog'i Array. Private Mariano D'Aueolo. Engtuoor Sporting arm. and ammunition— v Toay .aiaaolUi' Army. Wiiiiam Schmidt, Army. ."'~ froni overy otbor stato. " thpatrorrTiiere isTio~dooiro"lb distract that harkd, the hawker who shouts, Corporal Pr«Ecii T. llally. Avtatlon. Corps, dtod July 7 in SVa iibjcct. to rovlaion, cUrtalwJiT'oJV tbe ' . " • . •/ Irving St tad Vail Place Corporal Thomaa doorjre Mahtiow^- Navy. .Albert Schott. Army. Thoy Woro all liko grown-Up"brotb THE CRIME OP WA8TEPULNE8S tho beat bruln» of tho country from nn Bocauaa Si Caldleoti. Army. Russell D. Manllow, Artillery. MHltia. lu action In v Franco. Sept. 1«, army hover knew, cordahed with a gonoral farm custom ncodod.—Indianapoila Hewtf, Harry Hnkiipion, Army. William H. Marbach. Army. Thoy worked from oarly morning large amount ot- Covcmmon«t^ worwurKk r REFORMERS, - ' Campbell. Army. —Dahtol Schwoltisr. Army? ^1 in tho Canadian as wol] aH. In tho and John J. llalnoa, Army. LJeutenant-J.H. Philip Slirbaci. ~ uriUrihe'Bun'bad'dlod, •--——"=;- now being^dpne by the N'ational Coah I Wo hava reformer. -Jn- OUMOWP _.V ,_-4ft Army. -Army- fnrm Corporal WUlot a Hand. Army. -C—Wi O. Lamacchla. Infantry, died Thoy worked and gayo tha boBt they CHANCES Heglster Company, IU production of .. Wonder how long th«y w.,! stay j NicolaNi . CaxaXs. Army. Prank Uarcrey, Na»y. ,jjta, nftor sotting auldo Bufflciont_utrav. Alexander Haney. Havy. aerve, ^ 1918. at Camp Moodo had to keep you boys supplied. ib roglsters_iorj*l* month* ttom-"••'-'"--" -- - - ' ' General Contractor Arthur Carlaom. KfaVal Serseant be>t 3. afaraon, ATtatlon ; for their own uso, burnod tho appar' '«—t Ereratt B. Martin, coxiwaln, Dressed BOldlar ha* P'anty of chances of coin- Habban] P. Cbaplb, Anillcxy WlllUtn R:«au.wil-Ul. Nary. aferc«r Skldmore, Artillery. •Wa^inftje chlorine and and phos has hecomo a nocessary raw-material, tailed, to. SO j«,r "cent, of 1917 produc- crook to an office will Ia*t. fteaorret •• ' ~ Influenza Epidemic Stops All Branchos ing out of the war unscathed, or" attion, . • . Save and Serve Rovard J. C^axloa, Naral Bawm UoUioniLbt Uoy.R, Hawthorne; Slg- Sergeant George 8immanroth. AvU phortms~ and made tho dread M. O and tho ordor: prohibiting its dostruc* It 1* alwajrs the same old story of bo« Residence. Whittie» St, { Daniel M. Martin, Army. o* Production In Country least not badly injured. - Boy Chapman, Army. . ^_ toal Corps. * tion Corps. Wo woro always 6ut-,there battling tion may bo followed by another for- Men tint and animal trap*—For mix thus we "ought to plan &ay Martin. Merchant "*rlnt practically tho ontiro motion pie- Based on the mortality statistics of montha from Oct. 1, curtailed to 66 Call HtHiry Heaiy, Aviation Corpa. Sergeant Henry f^. Bi«imw>J with that dreaded unseen, too. biddlns tho wholesale burning of air To save the old town we live In bj Frank Mastandrea, Army. turo Industry of America has boon | Command n-Hention every- per cent- of six months' of 1917 pro-j 8a>oond -Jame* Heaiy, Army. termaator"s Dept. If a little . drop of any gas ~ tamn loavos, Instead of. using; them the allied armies, a soldier's chances electing the reformer, mafi. - Jamea alaye. Amboiance Obrpe. shut down for a mouth becauBO of the are as follows j luctlon. • "l Army. John T. Heaiy. Army. £> Clifford B. 81mmen, Navy. touch tho hand or face. for.^ fertilizing . purposes.—Christian where —- especially those . our town official* areall corrup r A. J. McCoy. Qnartermaatcr^ DapC tmrcharcU ciaoia, afarincav Michael Haldt.'Army. serious condition-brought about by In. "Scloncfr-Monltor. Twenty-nine chances of . coming Talking machine needles—For «lx John J McCcriddon. Army _' Sirst Lioutonant Clinton P. Simpson. It .meant a speedy'-auto ride and long men who have liad thfeir and the only thing to do ~ ~<^ Alfred J. CSark. Army. Oooree L. Belsutadter, ••"ft—y ;fiuonea,_ Acording to flsures.- given home to one chance or being killed. •months from Oct. 1, curtailed to SO j This Bank will kelp you Plavd MoOoo. Army. ; I« to makB the town Serss&nt Frank M. dark. ATtatkm Corp*. O. Siuuathora. Army. out by tho National Association of the - A pal ot ralno was working at the Mr. A. tCasle says: clothes ~" hand -tailored from Forty-nine chances of recovering 60 per cone of 1917 production In ton{ »r. at Cluiw Edward Mclatyre, Army. Motion Picture Industry 00 por cent, with reformers, captain and crew. Ooxpa. ^ Corporal AlheH Henaricksna, Rollo Smiih, Navy. filling plant one night. "I certainly was amaied with the- from wounds to one chance of dying nage. I HI Errloa- UlHt Busene p, McMahon. Army. of the movio producing plants from reliable all pare wool, fab- We have reformer* In our town-^tt's do both. Oorporal Basry M. CiaraX, Army- tary POUM^ Army. Richard Smith, Nary When a poison shell exploded and my rejralt ot BAT-SNAP. It did the work from them. Ice cream freezers—Por six montha Edward McMahon. AmboUnce Corps and no time -was lost. Ifs nevor any tough on th* town you'll a/Imlr. Henry W- Cloary. Pred Hoerei'u 'Quartermaster Corps. O. Prod Smith. Army. tho Atlantic to the Pacific aro af- dear pal lost his sight. rics, because they wear One chance in 500 of losing a limb. from Oct. 1. curtailed to <0 per cent. M Ji effort for me to say a good word for Especially to have the reformers that —William- O.—Smith. Canadian En- f octed-by_the- epidemic. -- Ho. suffered untold agonies, for the the exterminator And anyone an- WUl!_.Uye_flY»_ years longer, because ^>f •l*_months' of 1?I7 production. Harry McCheaney, Marines. Tho studios" "where photoplays aro longer; look better;and cost: 1 ore alway* out for their bit. llerman. Cniaji iila—i j glneer Corps. . poison "entered deep. noyed with snch peats should not de of physical training, is frear from dis- Electric vacuum cleaners—For air W* have heard ho-w our money waa Drop is and talk it overf James f. McCartnov. Army. manufactured and filmed were closed lay a minute while there is such a ease ih the army than in civil life, and month* from Oct. 1. curtailed to 76 per f Co£fey, £nciiioer Corpa. - H. M. Smith. Army. It was "a -sight to- make bravo men atop aqnandered and what a reformer —Patrick-J. MTO. Army. preparation as RAT-SNAP on tha ^ . .-- ™—w ,w vm* ; aouanaered and CoiedC Array. Herman, Army, Julius Rmllh. Army. from Fort Loo to Califorua. and all in tholr tracks and weep. has better men lea I care at the frou Charles Cdvrard Melkie, Clark omployoos wont on vacations. -During market.- Sold by T. H. Roberta, than at home, . cent, of.alx mnmhs of 1917 prodactlon.! -won!* tfo- Tr«B«ttlxat\^ Corporal .VtrrtaiJ Coilina. Army. alax Herman. Army. . September Soloqulna. Army. Thus many a pal whom wo loved Hardware store. Rahway. N. X. How the town Would b» b«ter to live Townahlp. Nairy. Owen W. Spencer. Mart^ea tho month's shut-down (which may be Silk fabric and allied Indnstry—Ef- Lumbago quickly CQXCord Cozxier. Kaval Michael. Hennas, Army. well passed over the great divide. Ladies and Gent's In other wars from ten to In—It sounded too good to be true. Harry Meinxer, NaraJ Reserra. Francesco Spins. Army. longer If. the influenza situation does fective Dec i. and for six month* TJW<» y. f>rti^p*fi Corporal Daniel 3, Httyboro. Avlav They gave tholr life, and with a smile, men died from disease to one from bul- But we who were'"not the ntonatn Second lieutonant, bcrRen S. Mer- Louis Sptrlto. Army. not Improve) no new picturo^wlU bo thereafter, curtailed In production to jobs Ccanpina. Amy. tion Carpal to help ciur righteous side. Rahway Fire Alarm Station lets; in this war one.man dies from began tty thick of. tiu& paat. rill Wold Artillerj". . c^ugenio Sporaxlo, Anhy. released. About the only business will - Suits disease to e^ery ten from bolleta. SO per cent, of »lx ' months of their IUHWAY TRUST CO. They dld'lhelr bit and T know I did 'Phone 209 for still alarm. , Of retormtrs wto toM the usu story Serseaot Georcs 8. Meyer, intaatry. Second lieutenant. Prayak Stacy, be the distribution of old pictures. For those of onr ftgniln£ men wbo average production for the years ISIS Ordnance Dept mine, ' • IS—Main and Cherry Streets. ! to Measure ! : 1»1«. and 1917. and gave us Idem* thavt were vast. Henry Meyer*. Kavy. Uarry Stacy. Army. And helped push the enemy ovjer' tho do not escape acathless the Govern- Bastwrt RolUnjca, CaTaOry. Walter Miaaieton. Amt. 13—H&zelwood and Loosvtlle Avenues. Class bottles and glass Jars—ForThat the attfry soomja well la the taO- DILi/S ,V Hlacy. Army.—.— NEWSPAPFRft HIT BY WAB ' Rhino—- . •—, ^_ ment under the soldier and sailor in lng. but if a qaqallr ttotaiag Bttt gaff. Christciphar Middleton, Army. w glrea UIUUMUUIB lo six months from Nov. 1_ l»lft:eixrt»u«aS cal , Oeorse HolUnCa, Jr Naral Vtnconio Stetania. Army. - • The. war's .effect .upon, newspapers So tako oft your hat to Iho boys — —~ — — ~-w •«- ww s^* • ^Hitr ay* "*i^i llifja W \VtV . — _.. ^ ^Bors.. to v H. tester MUler. Army. Mow Brunswick and Uke Avej. —"=——"- Cleaning: and T And It were better li in. tha " - John Edward CosaoUy. Marine*. CorporaJ. Harry J. Hoof-. Infantry. blanchard H. Stall. Army, was told Tuesday at a, mooting of tho who tu-d no chance. J wounded and their .dependent* and to 7» per cent, of six months; for beer.! ?ercy W. MUlar. ArtlUary 22—Haiolwobd and Jaqnes Avenues. ".J* _ we had started by treating tBr£< Army. Coxswain Edcar UUnea. Nary. the tost. , 33—Main Street and Elisabeth Ave ... — -* °* 1**7 pro-; ami reform Is mostly a. blind .Captain Ralph, d. Stlllman. V A sues One aaoau coction. • • •;'••• •, , • • • • • Cnarlea -9z Bsmlanm, Array. ditions had forced the consolidation .Solefs got'to«eUiet.M.soldlers_truet 36—Grand and' Inrins Streets. ._. _ Clinton MoSett. Army, . Dnlt. No. S. of 2S0 daily papers in-; the United Clifford Humlaton. Clark Townahlp. r Rollins - Moor* ^aartannaatara* And give three cheers for the Red.43—Milton Ave. and Montgomery 81. »" Ghas. Chalcont fiAT-SNAP. Ifs his first meal • and For s«rfajne, hAlr ttmtcm, and toUist^"^ "" dwt-tf Mtrtst. Ki&nrmA, ICY" " " Baser EL SttUman. Army. States and the suspcmslon of 850 Whits and Blue.—Written by watera. cnztall«d.to 4O per cent, of «&! Sayar TbM HAT-flSAP wh^f. I pm-. Army.- ^_ •. • - '' Depl,1 -.- . • 43—flrand. Bond and Monroe Streets. his tut. And then. It rhenrlrally \BITVAL nk William W. Stoll. Army. papers since tho war "began. Predic- George 'London. ' 69 Irving St. tnnmfnltyB the carcaas: Docsnt hrnve month*' of ISIT ferodactloa. ~ Y . Yaaag'a OfTke) to be mixed with ortuir food. Wont . CoxaD-ux—» " ' — '^y C»Ta»^—-«^ perCecs^** a.a^^atj —«-Haaaaa^^aai j ^*^f. ritjlli «MfflIH Ooraos. KMT Army. . • . • . 51-^-Ceptral ATS. and Maple Ta: IM. It killed off sU the rmtav aast mies> tm DiU's Coush Syrup V«mon L Morrln Arm- —iTnrtrn ^StranT«rt-Amty.-~ •would-reach—$Sd- ar -ton Boon, an frtt~ ~ " ' t blow away, dry up or decay. Surest. - Turn. -•• . " Hnnter, Army. Ocorge Hawlej. ot SB Bast Ilanelwoad- - - • • - - to B11 rala STProperty Propert y -*££*£«£' Dill's Worm Syrup "Lt£» la noe tr TT cwmuj. John Moraa. Coaat Artlllary. Frank StreaewaU. Aviatloa Corps. crease of Jlu over the present price- t>s—ennrch and Hamilton streata. The dl«l of a t-r.-Qct. cluck la p«r- state thah t II couMai dWscc Ota -tig s oaera Ing**,-, amjs as. todW CkutM CmreU, FntteawT Oarpa. W. Hnchea. Army. ^'5—Grand and Tjt^irtnjrffHj Straeta. Telephone 471 and mica. Four sixes. ISc tec, (140 foratrxl iuid b^biiul It are biimh^rvd mU' KJda»y Flnst Lieutenant Ellsworth Moraa. Chief Pctty'Offlcar Thomas H. Eolll Delegates . were . present-, at the. 61 an. Bat iaar tsaoct It tut' ?o-ur tlnsm. to «B proporty owaaa. for tt tt* AUSGBBA Bksv tSs ctIe*Brt« so Stal and dlgAstlon, alaep lotnidly and enjoy 66—N. J. -Befoxmatory. drww an awy etafaa toe « a*.Ar£T.\ Wamntil B. Morton. Array, Sarseaut Cornellns f. Michigan, Iowa, Indiana, Ullnola. Ken- TMat tUCOII0b~ g. pajo. Kary Ufa, use Burdock Blood Blttexa, tha th*> flgrsreii through ttw J -xuiua icil Mi ilaymond aforu«&. UartzMa. Army. ucky, and. Missouri. family aqratom tonic Prioa. *1^S- MtAD TM»t

^g^g^^..;,,^.^,;.^^ „, .... ' '• • ^ ^- '"V •«>

Ranway RecordTTuesday Afternoon, October 22 , I0J5 T ' Kanway Kecocd. Tueaday Afternoon. October 2?. . - I , NOT SO EASILY FOOLED Fred Dale. Merchant Marine. Cbnrlfr L Iflll Army we stnsuld groan undo-until OUT soe TYRANNOUS AUTOCRAT Captain Thomaa Mowbray,- CorporaLJTiUlp SoIUvaa. Army. AN UPHIGHT Frank Danburjr, Army. Tony Issi, Army LARGER IMPORTS NEEDeD. — with Oermaty waa settled once for all. James V. D. Mulchaher. Army. -Walter Sullivan, Army. The Motor Horn Makes Abject 3lav«* j a«rmjn Camouflaos to Awold Aflar-1 RAHWAY BOYS IN Edmontl J. David, Army. J " • . has not altered Its char- William Mullor. ' qtiartamustaT MORE INOUStRIES Corporal Austin J, Sully. Infantry Tribute to exemplary Character of mimw. PEACE of U» All. War Boycott la NulllB«»er war an* the r.poila production Must be Reduced I course, that in these aay». wh«sn to Ruisoll Daly, Navy. His llfo was an example of devotion meatsi flab, butter, cheese and mlik Beat Ihe Prussians to Their of war, and won trTe~honor of beln£, after tho Wir have been adopted by On a Cold Shivery Morning Ordnanoe Dopt. I Cbarlett I'. Mtirlneer', Army. Corps^ potty tyrannies, are adHod isupertyran- Voiiiutcered "au oatablishmcnt *>£,^J*. Malthown. DalyT Army, tion (T6f" fresh beef from ' th« t7Mted" Writes Gertrude**berfon- _ War Essentials.._ Ai*«-boiin«i-iip-'wUi> flghliDg-tli& *Fo4v»34i Gift Your trirsl fjeutomaut John H. Johnson, \ George Nagle, Navy. William Taylor, Army. obstacle /and thoy wore many) worse." today.' Is "any" onerreaHy" so? no-W national trade mark for alt ^wUa foscph Deflnney, Army States in iho flscaJ-yoar.-.of 1918 were cjf them all. wo a,r« .liable to sceat a Ordnance DepC. EdwarJ Nelson, Navy, * l^irtiy Tarnor, Army. courageously he overcame them all. Innocent aa to imagino that sh« would exports, Albert Demarcst, Nuvy. 370,000,non ' pmimisr Against 6,000,000 tyrant at every turn of tho daily- roH- Mother or Sister Woald Appreciate More? About tV34 Railway boys are alr-QAdy LouU Johnson* Army. Bmll Neusebauer, Avtatiou Oorpo. ato^art Tonill. Navy. lie permitt«Hl nothing, not oven seri- have a chanee^Df heart Jn our time? K' Priorities Division ai tfa« War j - Th* ra«ui*ti*ma provide., that use of John DenbleyJtar, Navy. in 1914; of canned salmon 111.000,000 Somf time ago tho people 6i this ^ tlne. Fiut the motor horn r tn Uncle Sam's tiorylea iii Various 0. Fnnton Johnson, Army. Rosa M. Nichols, Army. ' Bnsign Harold M. Terrlll, Submarina ous physical disability to curb his In VCA, when tho leopard changes his f Industries Board has Issued another : " 1- th« trade martC be confined to firms I'ltllli) benbtsykei', Artillery. pounda, a«aiiist 88.iioo.000 in"1914: of country might have been divided ticuiarly flagrant typo. Do what wo Alexander Jbhobowskj, Army. Joe Nai Service. domltable. spirit. spots to tho gold stars of sacrifice. 3ho [long list c.f the loss os^ontlal Indus- j two-thirds of Whose capital Is Swiss, "branches, flighty l>«r tout, of theul en- Oulseppe .Denolll, Army. clinnae -J4.000.fiOO . pounds In 1918. roughly Into two dashes: Those that, Ills great ambition was to own his would whip Russia into sh'ipo. and l will to dodge t, w'o 'ari y^ if and ia gnods* that actually aro maUle In listing before tho draft call Wart Untied Corporal Ellsworth TerTlll. Army. rood about th« *^ar and those that tries which inuJi hereafter curtail !• WlllUm Dlckman. Army. K against 2.K00.6(>0 .pounda four years - thoii, hedfJ down, charge the world free from it.' It reaches us Swttierland exclusively by the Swiss. W&Ue a~nuuil»or of Ut©m~ biTviTliflmT Tu .Kenneth Tlllman. Anay, home and there'rear a family which their output In order to release ma Never before have we had such a Edward A. DIUorao. ATEiy. nfl'>;—of—auszzLt 53fi.0GO.flQO pQundit.^ avld Oltarab, Kngine community. That ambition was grati- lions of trainod fighting" tasa bohir.d • tlon faciiiUes to expedite war work. -Ing tn tho crtuatry which aro ostensibly relatives or frlnnds of lioyn hi tin. Ohnrtes Id. Ditniars, Army, Russell Thomaa. Army. „ As U roRiilt of this extraordinary., but again may be-divided into two Borcoant Edward h. Kearney, Avia- Corps. fied, though It entailed many a rea.1 her. "' • ; . I ! keopa Up IU hideoiis . cacophony. -it« country's service nollco Any omissions bado tl. Dondto, Army. John Thomas, Army, t la^es Those that think and thoso An appeal also is made to tho fcaaniv patterns are new~-different-~very de- tion Corps. sacrifice on hi» :part. outflow of foodstuffs, of which tie Thore would bo' ho doubt whatovor I raucous demand, ita threat and coun' nun -capital, or acquired jfrom thoir > tU the appended Ual Thn Uooord Arthur C. Ovontreet, Army. Corporal Wm. Tletalhaum, Iniantry that do not—ot cannot. facturers affected to urge all workers Clifford L,. botiklierly, aao Warfare 1 people of the United'States were In !S.v, ! terthroat. Us expostulation airti blame, sirable. We~bought them early, and Charles fi. KootluK, .When this Government called for about the fat© of Europe, We should who can bo spared to go Into tho war Original owiterd by German. im&nu^a.c- Would appreciate! being noUHod of Harold Dlckeraon^ Army. Oeorsa Tlmberlako, Army. the past u£CUat6mo'd to utilize n large •4t in only thoso incapable of graap- i ITS roAr and blatarcy. It1* hIjast"orNb.owI, { . Chor'aa Kollor, Army. aid he gave tip willingly m>ny things have a hotter chance of resistance, Industrie* and to ca-ooerato With tho turors, in orrfor that a-h apparently Same. -The list of Rahway boys QQ- Harry Dubln, Medical Corps. Carl von Todenwarth, Army. share lit horn*.', sundry food articles Inj5 this ereat war tn Its entirety, of ,-JE- ha.rU: or WhUtl^, bidding Us to cat i now that they are here they seem Corporal Josouh K. Kelly, UnnJiiuVil i'achman, Karinea no that ho might subscribe liberally to but none whatever' of conQUost,- not United-States Employment* Service b"1 •neutral outlet Dalght bo Socurod for listed and takan by the BGIOOUVG tirafl Willlard Dumbach. Cavalary. Waller Turner, Army. are now being brought In increased looking beyond tha mere casualty lists "'-•C of that do a i ot -. way. Mo matter! Corps. Maiuuol Pachmao, Aviation Corpa. overy Liberty Loan, Cheerfully he etfon If we ftanW tho Gorman Mavyj brinfiring this about. In that corn/ Gnrman-mafia jroods th tho postwar even more "beautiful than when we thus far Is as follows: — I. AIrr«"•'*'Ion mji'Ia b/the National over our Koen wiw> are delighted to ^hs but -that tho chambor la allvo to the Army. Cliurles W. Parks, Enjineort Corp* only noeds time and care arW re- -months our military forces Will be en- i\^ tnotor horn ia. at heart'a law UeiiL J. blonchard Durand, Infa&try CorpM. Abraham Vandarwende, Navy. Me was a good citlxea. an Industry City Hank of Maw York shows re- _. c»ver there and-doing their duty, can h6 probability of Improper Use of_ the. and Indian patterns, simply made. Corporal Jl. Earl Albriiht, Army. Hntoiid Lieut C. W. a. Paraona, - cuperative rest—something the O. J£. i^.b7-ttt l^t XOOO.000 men. and:"| ,.f i ^., thou«h there were daya. Btielbert Albrlsht Ordnance Deni. Corpora] lCdwiu Durabd. Leonard Vaodarwende, Navy. Otis' and efficient employee and a faith' markubb' llK .r:d7ififi7Tn tho i'mportatipn ^ W-sUencedVwe- stand -a-fair-chanc© pt leaa el o trado tnark, and Swiss manufactur«ra Lawrence Kbtllier, Navy ...- Hlnual Corps. .. _. now yearns forrr-to b« stronger .than the tnaiority-of. these rocruit3_masthfticyon.day9>.whon Corps. John Vandnrwende, Naval Boaarvo. ful- friend,- Humbly-bnt-uprtghUy"Tie 6i?--food ortlclGs produced. in-Other: winning thawar next year by nheer Dainty robes in floral blanket ma- Cantata Alaxandor S. A Alfred J Ketttior, Navy. fli-at Lieut. S. Bhervjood Parsons, ever again. * g&>**^..- n t 7 '- Abraham Durst, Army. Howard Vanetta;-Armyj — partu nf tln< wwlil. Tanlorn. for «!• ^r^ority f*f IT^In)T)^r~* fl ^ fffttioTfti* ; _ ilorps. ~ John Kliiasckoi', Navy. Ordnanca Dapt. 1 By -thI*-Um»—Mr—''wouW.—-eem_tbat 1 Loyal and-uevotod to the very end pfdilUCftd froM~thS"~r6ot~of- the" Hfp^ smaahlna the mmtary~iaa"ct.1no _ ispentting~"ntnxr— to~ricall~ tb,kt- •com"-j- terial,; tenesomeiyJ:rimiiiedwithl)ands Cfcarlos E. Alien. Fiold Artillory. D JoBdua at. Klelch, Army, Jidward PeiliBBoi'r Clark Township. Berseant Krnost Van flebesoat the dmisoat person in the United p!unt, jjrown In l^ati ,nd chaalnaf the wicked ambitious and plote; coHapae, otf the Indastrial war paraljiVG ag* Of innocencfl whon_t 1 Quartormaster*s Dapt. he was n true Christian and tho world of satin. Some collared, others collar- NiBola Alfan tialiiii C Elliott, Cmuliy. :— -Louia AvIaUog — Army , 1 Captain Wm V IB. Alnavorth, Army OharleU Van Pelt, Cavalry, Is better for hla Ufa, unscrupulous povera that alone^ axe 1 t-sa&y-—"Ohildreii tu> w adAys Roborl W. telllott, Y. M. C. iL Work. tiorps. Orbau 1'ollinaer. Cavalry. 1 luifi inTioant^d In tho Imports tit idlS insatiably greedy^ mad for' world labor not- now so be shifted horse driver predominated, when noth- 1 Alfred Q. viola, Army During the past summer he endured responsible for this hideous acoarge, tbo prftpor/ respect ti"> ajtO less—all with substantial rope girdles. Kltner Armstrong, lioapltal tJnit, Ktaill Riser, Unclneera' Corps. poworV consumed with hatred erf her ' aa possible from Industries l : Lloutouaut Carl tl. lslta«ou. Avl&tlon Oeorea MnQeid, St., Naval Resorro. to ^ft.ti'iO.flOO^ftS against $1.&00,600 ' In ' inij. Worse thAft-tfio comparatively la- — *Ah(i t »appos« that ttix Sargoant Arthur Armstrong. Avla- l'^rodorlck Voorhios, Aviation Corps. a long mid painful Illness. With forti- into a iJttifto'froTn which they nevef Corps. Ohirios 11. Kiiror, Mniineer Corp*. HMwurd O. I'oboda, Army. Ml 4", v.'izn. ift wealth—an4—importance—as i gr«at deal.*"*—Boatoa Tran' Uon Corps .-.-^^^_^ —— tude he faced the end and without ruthlosa and savage under,.a thin Cozy comfy eiderdown robes in -I'eroy-kinch. Army; : •• • - . -W •porfoi] fliinly fi-orr. CMna umounted In ".or. Industrial ltnportanco. \isocl tA aou^d^ri. end's _e s fear he fell aslaep. ( The--fntnre of the World lttaraily Karry Armstrong, itavy, ^«plaln ijtahley tetsesaaJi, QoarioJ Ollv.ii- khidi, Army. Soreoaut Thomas' J. Pollsrd. Army. _ veneer'aa.-tha .ancient-Hax.sJt_Jwlth. oaL Sorgeant Bernard Wipn, Army, '•Far "down i)iVwest~otiiPBiows~lW ra~rrf~th e~"h oilo-w~of—our~hanrasiry Signal Corpa. Save Bornooiio at the bars. lOi'i; of codfish which wo imported those iron flnEors* relai before Prussia rnliltary service, to enroll themselves never penetrate. Sergeant Charles T. Archor, Army UUinion. CL-trUs Ktioch, Ambulance Corps James lincocoy, Enclnoor Corpa, yet yoU" hear constantly—for* the ..less aii." Hi.* \ Charles Wall, Artillery. Whose full heart, quivering to thotthtc?,ly from aw nijjghbord at the Jm- Is on h«r knoe« begging (or taiercy, with the employment service and ac- Louis W. Auge. Naval Reserv*. Albert; %V. Ernst, Army. Charloo ICoonli, Navy. Joim Randolph, Army. Intelligent of Americana are Incur Thomas B". Walsh Army. ' brim, Aiudloto jjorth. tho quantify brought in and wij may- as well raalce her a cept the employment which It wlil -of- Ooorgs O. Ause. Naval Stum. Prancla R. KrnDC Army. Frank Krttils, Aviation Corps. Vrtttik It. llttiidolph. Navy. wble optimists—"Olvbe sure she has Exceptionally low priced, every one Sergoailt Thomaa Walsh, British Plows over in-it hymn. Iii 1U18 way D-l.ftOO.000 noutida. ti^itlnrit present (with Impressive ceremonies,' fer, aAauring; thetn.tha,t such, employi ^TUndertaker fc^mbalmer Corporal hatltord Aysra. A' ,. lSslorly. Movy Commissary Sareoiint UMward Kraiis, Army. Hobatt W. IliinilQlirli, Heavy Ar- bad enough. - Her l>eopl« neirer will Ahim"hnmou, Column. fiends' its' sifattgejy solemn lldd 40,000,006 In 1&14; oi trdb m«at. •on a golden plat>«j> of modern civili- ment will enable; to tender a Obrii«. } . Tony Krosi, Army. tlllory. . • Htand for another war. She really Of Jlallelujahl!, wjciffl^- •_. ' ehlofly froni JtiDnH. titiWriy zation, including those mere aide maximum nation- In -ifllmfcr llandolpli,- Sergeant Tfa6mds WaltonapiaX sires peace now,-.ahd-recojfnlzes^herl nrofls the fields, and iip ati tar (1,000,000 poumte. ugalnst ono-halfthat Issaea; deraocrac3rand~tndtvidijai~free- W_allac8 i^ Ariny. ~~~~' ' •»«\»*ftka ln P^UOKW the world Into As-to-thf) tarthorest alar. fcwtity tout yoarri hgo. dom; and have"done^witb" it. 'A-com' employes-eo- 1 vurd r*my. Navy. •••>•<—• Uuaaoll H. Hood, Nuval Uosorre. *Vod WardrArmyr '•""• Wft. * the never dreamed it would Janies LaUir. >-•»' rt»o: Bauer, Army. Corps. Coorgo Wobor, Navy. thoy arc obtained. Cocoamit Mi, iof 1 Security League.) i'?&rry l^ltsnlmnionH, Kfavy. Sainuol C. Klchardaon, Army. - lorn a and Prussia In power and an possibly Substitute Iwomen worker* ted Hpringa. One simply obilged it .Oarpnrill JnhU....Iiilllltti))l. lUridl lq Werrter. ArtlUarT.- "A VEYEhAN OP EDCSEWOOD," which la lartioly turned Inte- ~t»rlBTo1ihi5rngtoBarason7 Army. -(0*—r^*tc—t&~-iltr~*&,—and—tbtwt—release c!a3a_ N.va Wllllatn Wettor, Navy. iir ft v tng Tn" IE5 tjBit5"3 t\>rd, ICn^lnoor Corpiu support her,, it wlli be because of a those war Industries Hghtiul to obey a.uch a kindly disposed" John Lono, Army. Percy a. Rikor, Army. Adolph Wloso, Army. thah forty years,, 8hoia?iic[ .a total Importation > w ;nt A. Konnoih. Baamann. tn 8B iol Fo«B. ravulrv. breakdown - * morale on the part KenriBtll Rlt^hln. Arm*. Corportfl—Otto—ilj;— all Tha Honicti !^. t^ra^afi, M4rine« y has let them Seems Quito 1 Andrew J. Laako. Army. Jr., Machine rows mid Its toars. 74.600.000 In 1914. while of copra. But x day c6m**s. a lfaeb. GfCO naaBT Corporal Stanley B. Wlldrlck, Tank peace 3 Manual of i 'coin Kook and Ladder CompanyVi^, William Prater, Knginoor Corps- dun The Ifl Corps- Thn Holdlora' homo WM crowdod witin trota which cocoanut oil Is obtained. then be picked U]> at the headquarter*q \'c ^everythin; g changed. John Praxdr, Army. saddle With the"jwjjiaiR"'" fcr John T. Loary. Enulnoor Corps, ">. Hitler, Artillery. Isaac C. Wllllama, Army. hooroii at th« paHt, tho liflDortutlon IB 191S Was 487.000.- ^"screechy" and the-"rattleanake," Howard T. ftlttdr, Special Military Who hiid *-foutcht bouoath Old Glory 000 poundEl. &Kalii3t 45.600,000 In BAKER'S promises to poD«- ^ron-iroru ' Philip L'Amhiacckla, Army, Anouria R. Williama, Army. Our NEWA.RK.-N. ut/ no "benefactor prarjrr— It l'*«° » Jont from U.' limll Ijdcuroujt MouhiUilc, Q. M. 0. ' —...... 1/i• TOO in,..- OroHrMpo^lthorldg-* Navy. that Jiborty tojgiit ia&t. 1M4. Othor vogotablo oils available Hiiiiard R. r "prodded/ gouged, or i church the completed the proceosion Will r,-,^*,, L~- Ql«tom Q&se. William P. Lelchtnam, Clark Town' "'"•• "T norta (iltliu KlIIKIIIB oorf SpillSpnu buffered at) V* r ^imy. .r6mi- '•— L.f.1. latter. Army. C0ui4t Ot fcdalno I>oajiut oil Imported in 1918 aggre- hence..*—* *nto a, hopeless war. Tho protection against the rain ev.er since haB/ v ^ honor system in turther; hoi>t tho groat »ht ^ "" I -"Pn^jtiPercS AnlilhttAy HoblnaonU ft wj^4i.», «Avihi.uo JorpB. Kvan T. Willlnma, Medical cent, ot three moc-'.na. -^^^^ ^ pneumonia. Mra. Harry Oscar ft_^/niitri»i ltiH-ii up tho homo case. In 1830 auu Woro nonio comraddn ho had fought gated over 8,000.000 Kallona. againsr j»ame ; that had led our anybody can remember, yet the only e roirun thai, ore as fro Sorsoant AviUiain X^ilobinson* Ma- - _Alap_n.otine4—1-0 .K«t_ on War woa£ed 2i years, paaaed a«v' 1 tt •my tv thp IW'ldx. Tndiiy~tho of Influent" •with In tha valioy of Champaeno. tt-]lttlo—moro-than 1,000.000 in "1914. — Earopeao Alllea to consent to a com-^hinflf- --boy—havft *rpally ~~^ftsim^d --tO"" dO' or.!t— possible and I ^ chlno OUh Gotajiony. Jan, 1. IS19.' (fav.|-*ailili!n_llll k«!Jl Uli Corporal 3sorgo D. Wllion, Avia- thoy talkud of IJOHB and Llllo—they and of poanuls 76,000,000 poiinda in DromJao would have relaxed their Weil i».i* lose umbreHaA No two per' I fore their oy-^jn to the food supply of: ( Iho oiiiclul*"cit&Uo"ii*"inany, tion Cjrp". v talked of old Vordufi, '•: . r I9i8 oealrist 18,000,000 In 1914. Soya snoral fibre to such, an extent that they sons, not even lovers, caVsWal]£ nnder Pottery—For si* months from, Oct. 1 the tmW,--' ,***-•' * "" "' i puh'iniuul !n Tho itocotVger; Atmy, LrriLli«rfr™Kn ™,™ ^.i.< „**.,. __.,_na t MIa3«3 Marion and Lloutoimnt fiornard A, Wilson. Nary •rhoy fought tbo aamo old battes bean oil, ot which certain grades aro would mater little more than the ge»- ooa umbreUa. wl|hont gaitr\g wet, and curtailed to BO i»r centw, of sit months'I,rtc- hbusea of wtig:;ir, broad, etc.. were railway sup; loforrlnis io h!a buhig naiiiub\ 1 Woodbridae. and two IVaiik O. WiiBon, Army. avallublo for lood, though largely tare of wax. We, meanwhile, should raincoats probably were mist devised production ln IS17. capture«I—«noii*h for a. winter's sun- •- "Racolved roiir latter of Au«uat 2^' lilbtiuguthhuil—^ofvlctt—Ctosa—tiu—j'ui; aa they sat thoro- In tho sun. brothers. Edward Kath, ot the V. a. C. Woefol. Army. j Padlock: Industry—5"or DI Thoy palntod vivid, pictures of tho bat used. !n. tbo. industrled^ amounted to be an armed c ip from the Pacific to by" a man who tried to carry art Una-' Navy, and Martin .Kath, of Wood- *"' ' : -- . >-=-{*"' "veninx. Vea. mother, we- "«ra tn J eoursa and fcoap tha schools » e(H ar>. tvra ior» or o •. 1 Uii.u over two ulaya. Thou wo roatod lov/c; ' ' '. r York cl^P?wttfc. a Nary some three brella over hia wife's hat. trota Oct. l.,9"5r ie"s'' pf~'a bridge. " "-.- . • • Mother.. I had the honor p.f.gofa* Q>» Twancy sixth Division. By thfa j Snothar weolc. j. nmahar of tho the OUers. TSpr^Ka, «o..report from ^^ . 6 M t hJWoiI ltoottly nV Coi-poral lEiBWOrth or^oVrlll, of tit> nealnst IC.000,000 in 1914. Of cacao, times iQ, pro sent size. Om-Jjureaent What excuse is there tor tn« »••<»« AS^the best_and to "the Major Tromboy tor tbo.jmb Ic health \ ^ ^.^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ fona-rty a ^SS^^ *f hoy talkod of tanks arid aeroplanos Ino3t Mrs. Groves was a native oj Wood' over the tor> on the first wave at a tima yoa ahnuld "havfl rs^elveij-nniny c«achers huv» rundared valaaote niS. %v«' (rom CUrsdeo Litlow. H« la' homes. of u trench and y«i . l'Vanei), wook Clli' KnElneef Stttioftds studying at Poiinlngton Prop, ychool LhaVe been St. one ouul vll- \ l\'.o^ss Ehds'tho BbUt. Corporal Torrlll's rlttht hand autl arm Whol sj? •-«;•-- - InThonor.'of her aeventysoc6ncf birth* «w fy)ll this year, apont tha wuak^and with hl8 >en selected a* y hoarjftajaosnrcM: . saaaannex establ&6ij|f ot thorn aro a wwek. | MM, S. 11. Moras of B? Bamlnary uvu- of a, feronado durtHU an onomy raid "Essex street. Wait tende-ro^tf'pleaa* w« "went, down the 56792; now floor in c-oal bin at 'water rnueh Improved. .Tjie"soata have been "nd tha Bolice dfipartmoBt lira Invited w Mt "Qued Ui a wltllo wo moot nutiui t>£ niK', u ivriiduuta oi llio Huhwuy Hlch Into our lliios. Ho placed hly Injured •^ant surprise party last evening by rearranged aa that the people Will face to participate In the parade and Cele- that won W'man7frtend"«a Lie , "' *"' « * ' ^w* <*<• ^.^ American Army ha. capeu,*, «.3t Mary-, hajl. Thto Blan-was car- works. SSxiS; KohcraTi \i.alar dUlrlbu- Th# Main Quoution. L-oin Veal Chops w.ta held In th« highest «at«oin by a.lt P 1 Ch G a> 0 1 thalM ( r&maia I tho boVti troni lowri itud It M\vo hall loam, haa hot lost his llkluii for port it, wont ovor thu top with his j maUuit you fool gooil. I met Bill through lily utmmich." Whow hitva Sirloin Steak Corps and friendVat the home of Mr. been provided with cusbilona. A new'he Seminary avenue Brehouaa. Oerxnandrau out to th.i l&tz Hi UJ aud 'ly Bvrt thouaanti alon«. tt> iib« ttnax ni KoBniji's han. TSie> loads, $*2J29 outdoor li^orta. Hrt iinUstisd Ia9t May eomiradoB and Jolnod In tha ourault of and Carl H. Grassing, ' JjfloJLulbaiim olid mornluc a»t! ho vir. >• -ho«Mi luMinni; that I'm* But Charles A. Carroll, of 110place for 'bo Pulpit has been secured i'ollowltttt!! thha parada there MI be threw up their haiiC! • tlliS. I In thti Coattt Arllllfiry, re»orthtir for Eay ^Jcolt avenue. The time waa After b«ilng an Intense suf^efctf from o£ and other arrangements made which""the" cuatomiry JoHlncatlon in the varf- 1 atarteX M«all Uaolt* liouWn'f "have tijjo and liJ far a a w& coiiid inn«x.i:i. whicn- w«ra handled Juty'nt Fart Slocum, N. Y. SIned tholl throwing hand gronadoa with hla loft Chuck Pot cancer for cv«r a Srear Cart II. Graa- Uiae thlA } vv-'ait tU«s first onti troiil UaliWay ho had LoulyvUlo Courldr-Joni-nnl. *el4ntfall4 y spent *ith aa attractive wlll .make the room more .attractive ous flrnhouacs in the rlUfereai: sections &toppoci. th«i boy» that taorninii*'. Xh ^° dirmanu wera hurrilajr' thaj **& *;oop^ra£loa of the Ra£*way ho hua hron shlftetl-to various trulnhig baud as h« followod thoni back to »Uft age.i antl Is now with tha Abicrlcan own Ihioa." Blade Rib Roast avenue, died yeutenUy -tnornlnfif. tla | "\V*ii. fcet elKUiSjlto-ri tt.iid tohaccf Adam C. Blair, Blal^A W»t-«hbu»e« mental music, dancing and refresh light flltures take the place of the bid «W be.cirrjed Out, general saelablllty two days, the mmi knot* iio»p iii aoino bight loarf th.i aky waa a.1 da they mamiierniaaxiwrs of the boarboandi ;xL i dao She r hoii VfOok i Bxiioilltlouniy l?orcua abroad, having 1 leaves, a widow"; one dauxhUr, Mra, tt> ui) aiid sometime!* chdcolntoa ^ oiiielal citation was tho only Saya: This la my third ordor In th* ments'.' The feature of tho latter was Dlacea1, on they want Th.i airpUhoa ilred thsjir* ^niDpiieii tin«l tude waa «ij>raaa»i>l by1 tha offlcUifa far" Mrout - at tha- ex and often lrkhrdnc», It Is an oxperlbtiuu inauy1 and had been a resident In thLi bivi hcaftS flx>m mi thU ald U written by a Ifdupltal attendant at tho I rtver used. Sold by T. H. Uoberrs York; mandolin selections by Robe] church and" fief-Organizations will be "uld was aisp on .The Hecord staff for have to he told, about Idtur, butl thn • *'Xh«» tfurpriii** at _tha off* ceilrint aarvtou rootlarett by Dr. Harry «!oa«r ^irJv !'• - 1 ^- °- tio yomig. man' should tntas. It do- country for over tnlrty-flve years, for City Clerk Chiles Jl"Hubert. ClTj I ^'^J ^bo^rikftiroa. SydlaWlH dictation of Corporal •fofrtlH. It glvog Knvrtwurn Store. Rithwnv! W. *" Pig's Feet - 12c 1b Stephens;: songs,-James Coman and in full swing, ? : some time, iiaa now accepted a very IIuu. hada't time . to' niak« uh orderly apoakd very wail for tha Xm- R. Wldmar, at TrW Cllncau awanaa. vtilops th« body, felvosi a. broad out- a first hand doseHptloa of the_ thrilling *nany yeara he *waa a resident of jpttta-- F. \V- Sinionis. Walor tin-, ,, ,. „ , Charles Carroll* piano numbers by responsible and iocrative "position as retreat this tim«« They were taken. Army. Of courao. we all knaw j M'jwurtf, urni t5r. G- -H. :Paim«r a£ PV.i.^f ,.,.. soiidibu Id all of th a o rflotAbors In aor- look ou llfo, atrotigthobs tho - xvll! town i^nd came to this city only a few B t times througli which Corporal Torrlll Pork Kidneys 12c lb Miss Katherine Carroll and'Mrs. Mary the editod r of ihe Ohio,/ News, by sarpris*. -tho "contemntlhi^ Uttle «*oming off nearly a .month Oranuu, both of whoni vtultad. the. hns sdaoer David Gate. Ais««iof WUUim: , » , , Stowor and eroatos many traits of char- SYNOD TO MEET MOV. It, weeks ago- For flvo years he served ~J k ~~ ^k . . . „ . , ; vlctf. liad It »uro 'twas (rroatiy ibp passed and roveals the truo Yankoo % Peck* The home "was prettily decqr- succeeding Editor Steen, president of American army^ had beconia a hurri- ^amor" run wild a.n«l w l>ital a-nu'(|t.»a_twiiw *3ach day and. glv fr WrteSit and Ho»)(h Offlcef i^rod Si. I i , , > \,.. ^^ . • • * HK d. t>oven monsboirs or tn»3 actur that will tirovd of. inustlmablo The Synod of {fa* Jersey, the State With credit In the TJ. 3. Regular Army. 1 ln grit -which thd American bo'ya are ed ln_ th.e national colors. , Mrs. 1 aUo al cane. Through woocta and fields wo Nst camp, and hiked vory ni^ht all | JJ . "patlunc^ earHfut WIHUms. ; . i , • 1 organization of.... tha. Presbyterian „ f ° . Association of Editors. , _ - i ar^j In itorvlco UP *?- ' u valuis ui>osi a rutura to clvl! llfo. . the a Ho had a host of friends tn Plttatowa > Lynch .was. the • recipient of a number t^ J '"I™ who hahass beebeenn callecalledd h-^ithhi^ithee n».ra traveled all day, night and aXupt la thn w " i in th*» 4ay - -'> marttsr hx>V loxtjr their Dractlca ux Wel| Pp church, and which meets' annually : and vicinity by whom he waa highly m£ . birthday— tokens. for era, ducking in; a shell hola hero and other outiita, «e "kmsw tjieir home cidua kept tiiam tha two Tel. 403 ROTH^GO. lei. 403 City respected.—rHe yaa'aotember-of-th.ft Andstaricd out to hunt iho Hun; ~ Corporal TorrlH la a moinbor of T present were-;—Mrs- y •tn'gre~-'as^ to thia dry,i afCaa Boys liil Ain^Mil«nc« Corps: Wearied, at tho close of day> Company H» 115tli Infantry. James October, has adjourned its session to Grange and was formerly, connected h •f New York; Jlrg. Sarah t,ynch. Mrs. quarters tnrNew York. Mr. Dodda will w tl1 *.f^: * ^^^iaa son.'.TfcSa. would quick- Ur-. Some of-the boya who wwro at S unuhlti to get hiiro until far int*» Ho raot 'the Kaiser on tho «ay. Rahway! Monday, November li; owing to tho ? jthe Royal Arcanum. Interment tllbtcs. Robert Stephens. asume hia new duties next week. He ly be sarroanded aad captured or hospital, havtnu been- w-oandtii't at Influenza, epidemic Tho moderator, **"**"" will be"in the Bahway.cemetery ; aiichc. y*'t thay ' tiama. * Thu cen- : la AilibuSine*' BEING STANDARDISED "Halt! and glyo tho counloruiim to Ruddy._j^of--*-Semlnary avenue* are JCrs.. Mary - E,. Peck, .Mr. and M: stopped for cood. i tit** second bade of tho Marco, hail It Rev, Nelson B. Chester, ot CaidweU; e coQ£ratnlationa and b«st aina: iif tlio H«v«re . <:aaua In C=H S-o- S3, *Wc>i hi* te«a ia ior%le* j a*™*a" aevnU seeking to obstruct iu«" A' • , members of the satno comjjatiy and $100,000 Frank Aszman, Miss Alberta Aszman, "In the eyeamff w© maJj» & alee aaul whiapered in their eara that tha 2Hth annuxuEt aid^d «rtiat^<^ tn to Frajic* for s^veri! taasth*. at* h*v- i lSl* **»*asloii of Amorlcan trade have participated In the battles In which the cleik of Synod, Rav. John T. Kerr. •'-• Robert Voorhees. S Frank Aszmau. Jr., Mrs. Marion Mar- so well deserves. capturing elghty-tiiree in one bonctu would ba the first aver, Needleas to- taj£. Corporal Terrill won the official cita- Over our Quota for D. D. of Elizabeth, and a few other Four members of the family taken lilt «o=t! «xeids£ ifcicl is tadlcjll.vd; »dvantae«l oi ihe *ldo ditfef- tin, the Misses Marlon and Charlotte Soma of them were very yonng boya ail In t r t members met Monday.at Atlantic City. Since leaving Bahway he has been on w«il at once and attention S>y » 3e:ter ia»t r»ceiv«J by Mr. Hid j ; -'' * b"=tto<-*H tradis mark taws of tion. Corporal forftli waa at home the 4th Liberty Loan EXTRA SPEGIALS Martin. Mrs. Albert Paplrnlk, Mrs. by death within ten days Is the el* I They constituted Synod and then ad- and tha that aptdemfe Mrs. Goorx* S3. MacWtisbey. of »1« i ;v aai South Ataorici aid thoroby "W'foiic," crlod Johunlo, ivIUi a Krln, last Christmas just previous _to his is a record to be FOR Alvah Van Vllot, Mrs. Jesse Vander- journed to the date agreed upon. No • outllta at onctt. 3cm£ rnma on. ; Ainorieau njorcivanoi to "Rlsht about face, toe'lt taVe you Ihoro. going to Franco. Tho last better re- 1 koven, Mr. and Mrs. James Coman. vember 11.. TUe boys traveled ao Caat tliey even tlaio and others were JuaC too. late. In p: -n^ upnreeiiitlan aC Braoft. who,. "witii Wtlbur Itoijuill, ' >"»* rulnou* prices for rococnltioii of J3a£ and hojiEaco, hldo and hair; CoSvod by his mother previous to his proud of ! nue, Carteret. The last ln the family Charles and £dgar Lynch, Charles and PNEUMONIA CASES Cook a German band prisoners. Tne Maybe rhw latter weren't sore, wnotbtfd ba4" (iuae to- coat* wllli t&tt Jtairiw Uroberj; and j ti5cir »"^« 'n Latta-AsScriean. .coun- We'll Jralso Old Qlor}- rfet" your town- Going Inlo battle contalned-the follow- to paiia away was Rooert^VoorHei S- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Katherino Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. J There steady decrease in captured GSnnan officers are astoslslL-! "Tola caner I'm wrltinif oa 1» cap> enidemic. none anu in. Eor-g trte Abd your dirty Writi Wag pull dowu." lt»c: "4 ahall ihlnlc'about you all tho aged 23, son-in-law, who died at 3 Knocit iii .->! Ihi* ciiy. are In.j "- ' •-.•• \. , . ..:.:.... -AT :. ... :• •...... Charles Carroll, of IRahway. LAST REGISTRATION DAY ... ] ftaenza cases In this city bat a number i tinae. I ICTTO you mother doar, and a. m. Wednesday at St. EUzabetlx. ed. Wnare iid the AemericaoA come tortul German, paper. Koiii it ti^ the praise than Mayor Dnvtd: H_ Tremhtar, ^S"V^-'i«**"»-vg^'"V«T""1trt— f hUclsiix* >ir tasAer In a statement S*ush" on" boys7~you ilf'^othlnj£~iackr Don't Forget— All citizen* of Rahway who desire of those who have been afflicted with h fehali-fisht hardrnot only forthd*gToar iap.ttal, V-ityaimfi^ from pneumonia. from? Where, did they leant to us&t Ii«ht ami you. axa. anc tha German and Pranlt W. >"-H and Miss Mlle» rea4y .bees" .riled. Ut bravery toder .'".<"** y &>> >atem»tlon») Sligb; CoiB- Thd. eouutr>''s yourrf, whun you t? PITV to vote at the general electlon'^on NOT, the disease hare suddenly developed i r an'a glorious U. S. A., but for you, BO Uke~>tfiti»; They cant mate out how watermark. Th« hoy» all oava aTtmncn "P~—inrtnc tlia- Haaway Iloapital A»« Bre by tbe cosminiiat E«aeriL .£,.) toisaloa-aiBoUbcln* that .roeroai I* MEET TOMORROW S and who have not already registered pneumonia and there are several very thut; t may Sroturu home aoon. I may the boys did lt» bac beUeve me, they'll of aauv«ni». iron cro&nasv Aaa&rlnn soctatlon. Thar worked laca trca tie Setltr ar« ai follows: ( bcini toado Id ratification by Atnori- GREENSPAN'S Owing to the fact that there was no should register at Uu> osnal polling severe cases of this disease In differ- ly -Mi^s stelner. aod two 1 Cut a few scratched, but leave ft to hie have plenty of "Ujne. t» mafce it oat crosses, belts, ringa, watcnas. etc. -1 iSos ! kfio* Wielbej- I'll bo ibl«1 "^ aatlboa -of th« convenlloo estab- 4uonim present yesterday afternoon places for their districts next" Tuesday small children. Tho death of Mr. and day In whatever I'll come back all right, so don't worry Wednesday ent sections of the city: now, back worklac with a oicfc and Many cfausy Prussian sniked hoimeta my lelwr u W« are kit' llaolnjr two trade Jnark r«sistraUon Voorheea was preceded by the paaaln£ coaid beat servo and: *'*'*' 122 Main St., Tel. 536-Rahway &.t & o'clock, the time set for tiie week- between the hourse of 3 p. m. and 9 shovoL ""' •' | wero cantared. Tou atumld tea tie JOT a tUtio ciiixrt-t and' b>^oaui. on« for'North ind Central CORP, TfRRtt bticaUati if you do I shall Worry too." p. m. away of Mra. Edward Stelner on Tue&r- much., bftoa avercomfisAt urn asty i»- *'-. "-! ly meeting of the Board of City Com- TOPS QUOTO'BY C1O7.1Q0 "Our advance- was so rapid that a- boys parading around with. them. They bbatactesv Bwmrk o£ V-i Liid--thai West IndUa ro- anlssloners^Mayor David H.-Trembley. day; Mlaa Margajet Steiner. -oa Vn- Surely a boy Who goon Into battle CHUGK ROAST or 4-quart-Basket „ Final.flBOTes.ror-tha Fourth Hherty : ixovti. right la pajt oar- ll iv» a. Mg braaa qagig orr a>er fcuul of atatsra-- was afdrot tim aantarttSe* i>"bilc« and the oiSet for South with such fcoiitlmentsi- is cortaln to tho only member of the board present, COMPTON PROPERTY SOLO Loan show that Bahway went over day, 6ct IS. and Private Joseph I rc2:e3Lr&£^s ^rcr < -• TELLS OFF T "Economy Day" POT ROAST Red or Yellow llrifn tn- an ^rniricnn Ford and was thorn. We have also bean smokinji j nmmpijjf' oaout thtoo eptiiatntegiiteaiic a»s» t Aaorica, Steiner at Camp Meade. Md^ on Oct. t is * Bociie >li£e just * give a cood account of, himself. Kfo 7 adjourned the meeting to Saturday The residence at 64 West Milton Its quota by 1107.100. The required stopped by oar cnartL He laokad oat Cwnnan cigarettes aad tobacco the r cttlved datt credit Cram to* i .wqa^Bf tho Gormaws^buy , ihje, Amori- at this store pound 24c ONIONS - afternoon at 2 o'clock. Besides the avenue of Mrs..N. V. Compton and the amount *<76j;oo, while IM3J0O is. " - ._• ! .. ' ______25c .ftnd —ftfaotxted: •" ""O^lcisn" "' The" suard" htsc four days. • • ' • ' { of the- boards' • • FEW DRUG USERS bet (Continued From ^mgm One) cahs fight like demons, for they have Maybr there were other official pres- late Assessor N. V. Compton has been was subscribed as follows: National Reports t&s.t tuillions 6t-t>*r»oiiS tii BRISKET 4-qaart Basket James EdwvO MeaoKer. ' •' ' i. . j "Welt, mother, tha American army | Ona restnctlaa was ixngoaad hy Oka "i'icklug tiiyKt-H ui» and hbpnlug on rij;bt and justice on their sldo and ent, including City Clerk Charles H. purchased by Mrs. wmiam N. Hornby Bmilr. S333J00: Trnsl Compaay, J170.- j iio Cnltod Smttii SJ« xirae addicts. deeplr grieved by. his *""yb j ha* come into its own. Those at homo [ board upon- th« local tew uzoam am£ hl& motor ono Irir I u-uiit Into iho duicout. Thort» aro fighting for Idealu of which tho CORNED SWEET Lambert. Assessor William H. Wright, and family, of 35 Essex street. They "00; Savings Institution, $75,000. James Edward M"-fi"'. ased S3. of &nd that miry tnc-ri called In tile draft The funeral axrangements. hsvve not wtxo it had come too lato or soda dealnrs and Oat la to I.cot two Kr*juadc£, ijliicliij; oiui undor IIUUB . lievci* dreamed.'.; ' " " . • • - - 10 per cent. POTATOES Chief of Police David H. Rainsey. City take possession at once and will move 2S Main street, passed away at 11 BEEF, lb 18c 33c boon completed. not an to atandant caa now crawl that they .nrovldar chjs txtdl-wiiDal i tJiM oi£MM cus- H« tie* iva my fi^ht armi'lt uiid thi? other In iiiy Corporal Torrlll.U only 21 years old P. W. Hlmonds. 'Water Rn- to their new home this week. '. • BUYS GEORGIA STREET HOUSE o'doclt today afLer azt HTn**«^ of lesa off on all purchases. '*•"•*• -SM fts.itr.i ~i;ui~t;-tiurV~,*itaiT BEEF or Hebe Diaud slneer David Gage and Health Officer Toe uonss at S Georgia street be- Loiii« Stampf. military Im«Uie«nc« branch of tho anmarried and is sarvtved by tarB« tts strenjrjUt ami ananry. Uwnx .iualora iaaoUed b.'cij-d tht* *boli liad In ihcf direction tius to tho United States ontorlnff tho SaVc for ^ our Liberty Evaporated Skimmed |O1 _, Fred M. Williams. -; ' GAME CANCELLEB longing to Sim- Ida. Paterson. of West Pneumonia caused tiler death VEAL for brothers, Tnomas ?, Jo2ui J_ end ot WTUia the Franch and: B_»llalt ar» co- vfiie'sutna/'ttaa'acD wllH Xiiti i»t>ci.c* bad '%£>&#, I soo3 itaw themWar. — Milk, lib can net \Ll\j Actins on the advice of the school Mlltba avenue, haH a been y Louis Stampf. aied 3 yean, 3 moatlia tn« «trong its Uxe Taolt Uxat ffiita Loan Subscription 25e r Forcc Pierce A. Meashsr. all of this city; CoEac ovt-r iho top aiid carryingJ&eir Jlev. Jaines M. Maro, senior division Stewing. Ib Pftrcy Roblnaon. of 34 Fulton street. and. IS days. ot.ta» aomnltal annex at faara tatar- TJury strtk* and a 'physician. t£s Board o Sdacatlini and - »«"> »*lt take po* also four atstcrs. llrs. M. Those preseot at tba mtmtlBe of atm tx*aira4eS- which I had "shot, VowaVd chaplain, formerly a Baptist clorgy- LENOX SOAP wh<};ls to the V. S. Aviation,aerrice J* Kimlg'* hail t Th dd BUY HERE. . Fresh Beef Liver or taculiy decided today to cancel tho Miss Marjaret Meajner. of .Si n hall ymtaruay. Th«v deceased hanL tatar or ctear, it makes ao lw«r, per cake oothall same schedaied for tomorrow CHURCM FEDERATION TO MEET street; Mrs."tfUl___ Darrah. Newton Cummiaslnner Jtawpa O&- to in* very far *«> I thought i could %at Id ihls^ city.. roconUy Wroto to Mru. ] tn Englard for several months, / •. afternoon at Riverside Park between Elchard Stampt of 17 West Grand tham. Amurica shoubt ba Brood today The monthly meeting.of tha Feder- street, and Mrs. M. Carney, of Ma- ±h Officar Fruit _. W_tom«. ihata A*tih a tT'eiJj.J^: so I throw tii^as Tv)-riJi in jiartas follows: j . pound IJu While"they last Rahway and Cranford Hl£h School ; $25.00 REWARD. atlan of dmrches will be held on Son rnrhon street. ' t- snra would UJw to h»v' « teen'. Sfaw"l Sdyor D»vtit a. TtwaWejr. and Btaak **I—fomul" a taiittibtrr of tbvbojrs" of i elevens.. The Rahway Shade' Tree Commis- Mr. Meagher had been a life l_tt_c 1*h«t whem th»-oew* at the victory j V- S2aii and SCas **u",ht:i.h' Vay UueV li> the dufioul conviction of the person or persons Mayor David U. Tremblcj,t__ Issued Report was made' at police... head- as a sprlnjcmaker at DeUnoj'a New- year*, ion of &*r. and Mr*. Aar-mest i*'«il cut iip and BO mo of tbclr number taey-aro. saonls) Sack home will sacrt As. tike. Sum has tMsn. mtc£ D^'tBsisf whei'« I haj tonio bajidastii, 1 lay -who recently maliciously damaged sev- a warning to all citizens that the full quarters this afternoon by* Dr. ark. He was a member of St. Mary's ^iU Qtbt tio morti, but 1 am glad to Suits, Coats, Etc. OYSTERS and Dwmnocento. of 73 Lawrence street. Board ot HeaitH tttara will bar tils* down on iu'y l>unk acd ttiirttd to b.-iri- eral trees on Maplo avenue with penalty provided by law-will ha 1m- Westlake, of Elm avenno. that some church and was hizhly respected by tay ibxit ibo tne tuber of your house- j dlaxt this macainit. Interment will bo- aaaal autaaesi Sunday moittlnp **• ng to teAcb n«xt JF«*X.*—} dace cay right-arm, w&Tcb was bloed hold, Vnilo dUablcJ for ibo duty of 128 Main St. . -natchct or axe. posed on persons' found eullty of miscreant had cut his clothesline In alL His 'disposition asd at St. Alary** cBttvatary" ' f dozen __JQEJN*B MIIXKR, Sacrtary.I lettLag ares to flaids. bfustt or any r

FlRINQ LINE EXPERIENCED o my rlfiht leg. which was also \ nploudldly* und It in only a question of I CARD OP THANKS «2B.OO REWARD. ^ qtlltn bad.. It wa» qulto a job but X Ilttlo tiruo when ho will wrlto you Wo doairo to oxpross our Bmco'ro Tho Rahway 'Shade True CommU Morrlo Lttt -Telia of Some Ordoalo ELWOPD WRIGHT managed It,— liy-thnt ttnio I was wouk pnmonally. Ha la .wotl cared forf tlmnka and approbation, for tho many fllon will pay a~Voward of $26.00 for APPOINTMENT OF Through Which Soldlora Paam and drunk a'cantuau t>f water. As I choorful. and I personally ooo that kind ucta and sympathy shown to ua Information leading to the arrost.oad An tnltllujr of v'lot tho boyri In lay thoro tliliU^11^ what to do. 1 won* nrytblnff needed for his comfort Is by friends and neighbors In connec- conviction of the porson or personji ithnici lighting tai. Qi' tho Slnra und fl'ASJLOSE CULL darad If tho Uochofl word ntlll In tho ing provlud. He has a good ICngllah tion with our groat Uorgavomont In who recently maliciously damagod BOY- altlpei-ftro enduring find oyrarcomlng tronohGB und If Ihuy wouid. couio into rdo und a nurgoon and sorgoant of tho death of husband aud fathor. eral troos on * Maplo avenuo wlt& CITY. ATTORNEY Irt-tlioir ntrugglo tor (ho iiroaorvatlon Hull Bullet Pd^es <-Throu|*h tha dugout or1 turtjw urniiadon In thorn, thn Amorican Modlcal Corpo, who aro MKS." EHNEST UUOWN, SONS hdtchot ormto- ot Hborty and democracy Id given tn BO grubbing, a. rlfln Whtoh had boon l«ift looking after his comfort,'' AND DADOHTER9, ' K17QKNI0 MILLER, Secretary, The 1 Commissioner Furbrr Claims im intnroHtliig lottof Juflt -rocoivoii by His Clothing — Oilier Ex- by HOmmmo lu tholr haata* I umior- Kahwny, N. J.< Oct. 22, 1018. o23-4t Hoiiry tiit, thn w.at known Main tooit to uo*i If (t was loaded, it was. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES IHcw 3crscp Hbvocatc 1 poricnecs in France _ tho Itohway Hleh School football j i City Needs One at Once. Htreat iiowadaaior , from hid, 'brother; "WhoUuii' I could, havo used It or- Paper Qlielf. mi liaa boon l.ttndlcapp«d eo-far thia , Nonce arl tli«i following-: rnad sh nmch about tho treatment of has not as yet oponod Its saason as order, of. a swlnjy nheif, havlnu the PRICE TWO CENTS fxporimiiiotJ urrt contained til n IGUOI4 Onind, Central nvniiuo, Whlttlor, STREET REPORTS AND "Alii hi Old boat of health and Alilod uriflouor* by the CJarmaua. the first two schcdulod games were shelf In Hlnt« about two Inches just r««!olvod by AuReHnov ttihi Mrs. and tJiroe inctmn apart. The p£ Church, Fulton. _ RAHWAY-TO GET MORE COAL uplriLi). This id niy tli'st day out of Hnnllslng I was still blooding and both cancoiled by tbo opposing teams' R6D CROSS XMAO PARCELS Wliiiaui H. Wi-luhi. oV VM Central Objections tnust bo Hied In writing OBITUARY OTHER MATTERS Iho liroiiotniri. It iiortninly tnukod aio noodad iittmitlon I got Up and dtartod- nUVoiiUd, fi'Ohi Uialt Moii, Corporal' W. With commraalon"p'rlof to'Novomhor OriQlnai AMotmant increased by Or dor fool good broalhiitj? Iho air through to Walk toward diiothar ducoiit, Tho ban placed by tho board of JJoalth INTEIAINMENT Lucrotla Darllna- List of Principal Articlo*) Oarrttd from the bunclies can bo put la a COXDT of Anthraolte Committee FIREMEN PARADE 101 wood Wright, of Company IX First wlittih lio tahoMij ttl'O flying. Vot tho trRiichou W(ira tjulto littered with trdo oil silCh activities la lifted. i'noiiinoula claimed as Its victim tho Malig by Poot OfTlco, INFLUENZA BAN ready to soil. EU0KNB MILLER, Socrotanr. Thai 'Hallway is to got an additional - Urging tha necessity of immodliiU •pitut month wo havo booh ott tho U. H. lfliitilncjitrn. ACCQ.HIpdiiyhiK tho The big1 annual RahwayDattln-game It Bocond child In. tho family of Mr. and Tho following la a iiot^of tho prin- brunchi>^ and dirt making U hard to allotmnnt of' unthruoltn' coal to what appointment of a city attorney Com firing lliio lumllmiotiwiy You nan jiwt loltur-iii it utrlp uf Uhaki Utkeu from Whlch"wa5 -scheduled for. Columbuo Mm. 'Leoa DarllUff. of SS WJUtUor cipal ciflBflod of artlolod wh(rb aro Uri Eot by. Ouo placo I canio Co I coiitd ATK_OfCllUT w«» originaHy apportioned to tho city1 misslouor James IV Furbor at the Initifilim what work wo- word ufc> Corpora] Wrluht'M pocUot bunrlnts tho Day ailcTVas Unable to bo played will stroot. on Wodncsday, whoa Miaa Lu- i tiot WttlU by and bad to back up to (a ovldoiit by action just taken hy the OVERJHE TOP iualiublo: *~- -1 bullat tuurka Ilitit liiiI!ciU<*d uito at hla moo tins of tho Board of City ComtuU li^aliinl driving Iho Oarmariti hack. Of tho trot* briihcboa and fall ovor back- probably bo atagad at a data at the crotla Parli-%)-aged 10 yoare, was . ISMINDED Anthraclto. Com ml t too of tbo United AU ttpiriluoud, yinoufl, toaltod, for- liOlirao till tho iiat»nrri hi thn titutofl narrow biicutrnM if rota Ilutt uullotrf. oud of the season. A game for Satur- tttkon. Just ton days provious to her eloaors on Saturday : morning daMi wurrt lut'Mhiit around iitad catchlue Removal of Ban Enables Re-States l^uol Admiuiatratlon, which 1 luiVii hkid account i* tmblttihad. Thoy- -THd lottur from Corporal Wright waa Annual Event in Celebratiofi doath bor broth or, Cliffords 7 yoara Lester Hail Tells of Thrilling mohtod or othoi- Intoxicating liquors^ "The Btatuto requires a city^/- ^mey myaolf on odd foot n.a 1 canio dowii. day is scheduled with Craniord High We Ii, Bealtb Board Aathofizcs Re- hits dlroctod producers and distrlbu- old, diod of tbo aamo dlsOaso. Bosldoa AM kinds of poison and all artlcUa cmciuJnly do not -gtvo you folUu hnlf wflltni) Oil Hopl. L»i tiud ojttracta from t liepl_oil UOlU 1 roaCliod thd dugout, School, but It la doubtful whether it sumption oi Pleasant Diver- the same as it raqu)r«d throat., _,_',. .. tord to incrouHo shipmonts to Bixtoon of Election of Chief and As- tho paronia thero is on© daughter Experiences and and compoaltioni containlna; poison. Ihn actual midorculncfl—oJf-Ainir Imyn. M nr« UH follo\\*n: iiuliig-iii amd lyinji-bn: a. bunk* —-_ _ will bo playad, opening of Placest Ordered ot tho Board of AkaoaaorBraird we ar* lMcumTTitf ohanhig tho u't>rtlto ihfoiigT conimuniiloa In this etato, Ilabway ho- surviving, KrnosUne, who 1* 4% years . KxploalvQa ulLa.ll ktnda —Bcrnr Mwthntr—9ti11 wdl tiiid Kolug During the first Week after school sions for Soldiers sistants on Hallowe'en Operating 'Without «»j* logajiy qualified Uio-np*!M IdniK RiilnK without foud fo "I wnllod until tho aorgoant eamd In He|p ¥oii Pay Your lug 0110 of thorn, TUia is basod oh tho old. Lucrolia was an attraotlTo Ilttlo Spirit Shown liiflainmablt> inato rials, Includlrirf T Closed ichQheckSpieai ~~ lilrotuj- Mtivn b«)«?n IMVIMH MOHU* v«ry who told uia thoro Was a stretcher out* closed practices" \voro Hat} hi the 7 attornoy and It jmtn us In ah awkward dnyrt, tirt It cortaltily Id lirtfd for III ti^oltltu: tluH'H Ititt'ly, but httvo cahio previous^ allotment fop", tho 1918-19 miss who calebratod hor tenth annl- friction tnatchuh: ; Hhjo. I Waft then quHo Weak aiid had nioruiiigrii but Coach Walter has now DOttltton. Thoro la no DUO with whom tt'itUniinrfH It) koop \lp. IlirouKli itll MIITcly, Ltial Mtty ltt it coal yoar aiid hi accordaiico with tho vorsary on Tuesday. Sept. 24, sur- Infernal marblnas umt mochanlt to bu plckad up from tlio liUiik ami dismissed thd dally Work-out na ho Liberty Loan Subscription •W A R WORK C0J1M1HEE We can consult and there aro matten> little miKnttntiumt with thu Qnrniutib Hchodulo for "unthracito distribution *0 GTE'OF PARAJE AS roundod by a company of youns peo- HAS FIGURED IN SEVERAL »:hohli games will-bo played ^tll aclibor ro< } lut PDBLIC SCHOOLS WfLL nuL on tha strotchor. t vrd» carried to for N«w Joraoy tin subrhtitod by Stato i ? *''° 'o 'S»Ii»d ^that aha. would ulijonfl wbli'h tnsy lifnU*f or1 tixplodi'. > ? \ thttt ought tn ho Inkn.i up. 1 >nl UF4 fqUoWri Will) Rot OUtUiny I'tiiiio vuvy-Huur t;i*ttlug uui, au op oil a. A fIho Ugh tho BpuadMa-* PROVIDES PROGRAM 1 i bo called frotu_tboir mldat to the BIG BATfLES (tfnilof tltlii cIuArfitlriitlAh' woii roaBOafor-lult taking .Without wouj(da or other trouble arc "^ri5iriTlri~fmr"«iR!lB»lnjf wilt OPEN NOVEMBER 4 on Boyona^o soon iauer..Qush-t:to.bo.HGU.l6d-iWith«rl«nv« T ov<>r lnul til tho Utthwuy National~Ilan1c for ' tmi rocroation"but, Cioionin;"wiU bo oqj^lon and winning ways and hor tifitjoit mtlod twny. It waa t 1 thu (lormana from tbolr tttron^ost ilocidod id lift tii"*i ln/iuAnz '"UiiVv* tint ohaugnd t«y- olothort In huiipnnud fcamnod oa Monday . Wodiiosday ancl IHO Of tho Infliionza cpldoinic it has* donth brined griof tn tj fragf-Hr*'*** .*Tf In any wis hii'rC harm or Injure I tiVti Wnoltx. 'aitii wVwH did tint ywhiQVff ut tun diiyw itjjo whuit -r*nrrov for:... Camdon an dacidooflt c«i n few ttnya ngo i»y Mr", hiwl Mm. mlity,. Oct. 24. otx. tiiy~«hooB -lit — ihtti-' Hhi«~- Oiii1 boyiJ btiii uftiif all. [ hftn h«uM_ prop- j count of which_1incarod4ii-Th.o-Ueoord wont -footbaii-^toinnT—la—qttictery—rqeenroring i—wan,-'ni—lo- heksf hftVo 4 molto-wlttaU-tuey airt try- tin- tn» with tho '/Just wliod Tga to tho Hit OH Friday* Xlo-saldj:JT didn't d timid tunka tibout ilvo olf \m to u. tank. Wo ti'otd Ilia brokdil shoulder. Thursday , Joyablo entortainniont' program of a th« wiii 4UK to fulnlt to the tulldat bxtont and know...-JLhbpo-JL-Wlll £0 10 a_~t o JLeatcf- tho cotumlaRionera' mooting on Thvirti- rffoVd lltd -Hocho nil day aiiil thoii 110 hiiti hliia*arf m romoVod from tha HllngT, -fey- -h.sh -standard wacT provided ^by tho Daniel W, Johnston W< IE Mtiiim |jii«o la ki)))L Up 'wo will f«iull«d Hattr homo Ha tuat you till call 20,29i; toiit*, which .will mako a 7.000- Ifvan, AttsJulani Chlofd Charloa Dum- ot'thu iOltit Xnfuntr-y, Twenty sixth Di-1 QOVS ENTER SERVfCEJ j day because I did hot baVe sufficient stUtlod litiwn for tha' night. During End the doctor states' that In a few War Work Activities Corifriiittoo, Undortaltor Daniol W. Johnsifm, Hiihlii, Which Iri "Htlavoiir ii«ll oi* itti- ttiui Hoa md, ton Jiicraafto. Mufloahado, iioiir Mor- bach and Johri IJiiKhorf, who naMiiino vUIotr, which hud tieurod In aiivsral of iir^ Jiftbway hayu Wont into ^ notice. Tho matter Was known oit Hid nliilit tin* Infantry wont tihtutd BUU diiyu It wlU ba bgaln In Use. Oharlos MotKlor, chairman, at tJarratt h<> had a iila£» of hu»lnasfl in Irving bok«*» by OhHalniiiri," iaitl thoy Moan "Although If would like to go hi the wiifcot i.o&rttiriif, a aoot thfdr duti«(i oii Nov. 1, Buccoodlojf thiri W00W. On Tuo«- Thuraday (ho probably tuoant Wednes- It. Wlillo writing thU wo jimt furthor und ttbout S it. m. thm tnnkH Tho high Bohoal boys aro Watching Your Money at Home Council, No. 1,213, Knlehts of ^iwni' root thltf city for tJoVfiraT mdiithV Utihciicd tigalu niid got aiiuthar shot at ton boOflt. Albhu'rt totmgo is tnnhittntt Chiof Jamori McColium and Aiialstant Ond MiiriMi iind thn clearlrfK of tho Eft. hiirhirf J. I-^ord, of 22 Mowton day although bo ilWu't say it) ftt.1I ( ill tlitit mii* boyi* Crtplurod tititriod. All ihtil day wo kopt Rotiig ptttlaiitly tho coniplotion'oiC the bow. is, from West Now York/ ~*~ oaHy thlri y«ar, diod ut tho Klizabotb thbao trlcUy IliiiiM I CiiiUio'. botiauea It We Have with Lhut of Vulcanite, Which wilt got CJilofi. WiiHiitri Godfrey uiiij Charlod Mlhj«.-1 tiaHoiit, to-jnthftr with othor Ytadnrick C, Squfof, Jfi*., of 3t Would havo accepted a telephone call oti»»ri» In' ono s'octor. but tho Infantry want ali«utl ao fatit Y. U. C. A. building. It Is hoped that I Thoro wpro fliio seleoUoniJ by tho iiant\ ilospital, W^odijOBlotcd: orco stroot. loftT for j * ""' -fiet~il»—favor of—calling niooilrign rim! a town will* tw-*r UHud Gtirnitui bhmUuta. m.u Gutuiiiii tho fallows Iti tares tad Iti basketball, following^ Character eoiigrt, "William !«-rtiiiih((f ufJtnbllshTnont-. in Morris nffnetrit!. Now 1 don't want you to Othoi*tt!Oiiiiniinitl()ri on tlio lint In- ] Tho procession wli MtriH froni thcryp- part UH follows: ; ^'»rl Huuc^cli^ Tboi«rd»y Ku^h Shaa- t'hloknn, potutodtt, briititl, blucbworBt, Morrison^ asaistod by M vonuo; Klizaboth, up it> thn tlnio of ort, 6/ 30 Kaitci strait, Wont to l^ort k Wti MIH'« tlnio whllo Itydor; comedy adn^a, Miari cludo'ldllstttbotli, which will fcgt_9_4,i3ii t-Jitiikbtiffu JiL HotuinuryJiiiveiilift is-Jast .ilinosd*~~^its .wai(. 24 ^yaaja-oiii-, if n hi tAS—lUH 4if-« ill QU t—SiU U Jil! dil—Cli;u!ri tyiim to-rtjpvtiaoht tha-hlfeh-BUhool thla 1 •*/« bohlinar your brwatb aiid WOrryJntf I Howard, and todfiy Abo Millar, of 11S> Tho honrti i it tunt(Ml. but It tlM. liot latu lontl fool flmi ou"t¥IHo ~~oi~ liAvIsfu{~~Ot" Service First HuocoUn, with MJBS Alado nikor, nc- j~lbnai fellzabothport, SV* tons; procoad to tho htiridqiinrtorrt of ^**°" ^iio appointmont of an nil tohntvo." xmiBOii oii thu ha.akotbn.ll court. rid thd son of MrB. /Una Johnsidli* o^ your houil off watching tho dally eaaU' Main strool, loft for Jt'pri Dul'ont. i^fltlons in thl - t , h. t nm uuiiiK tt Oermun pouoll wounds. Tlifiy ttrci Iti u vury feo •ompanlat; buck and wing dancing )ld, sa.OOO tons; I*orlh Amboy iYotoctlort Wodo Company hi Joeeph V, tit thirty huura until 'aaaalc, arid tho W'Atny, W»ilted: ban ha iOt* 'lumllni? In franco I lmvo nutrki'd tibotit thu chiuuuutitj ot my A. W, FOSTER CO., oroheBtra; McCarty Kidri, laid tuchmi, 10,77ii* toils; Dunolloi Into lino. *The tnitrch will thoit bo • f Thn Virut UtaihnriUr i-Vdiidtitud-tkii—aohool,—Iii—otliori-cltlaH-] Tli 1 ^Corp ral Philip SliTTlvan •^voTHRl^r^irTlini'trTrorrjT"!" ^t 11" btr al 1 tons; Now"Egypl7X566~toilri nnd Mln-coutlnUfld ttlonK Main Stroot to ICaat yrrf. Jl» 1—rrt—wr UJIJ^ 1110 - -Cho Tror!dr«t clasa. NaVUihoiit pay. al Front oil nix I'rtnttW uud on throu of thls-Mport hotda a« Itiipotts^ of Kolth circuit, iti and city. XJoaldof* his inothei' - ho Jroatl Street^'Cofitef IVlilton Avenue itiola. 6S3 toriM. 21 Line! SorVlco 1M P WO haVfl \\\\}\flt\ nff rlnht ttoort. I. am ttHcloalug xl lltlla •RHlHtn.t T>y M Milton aVenUo, wh&rti Mi^^J?!^??**:?. _ofia brotbor and onet. th« (ititmun KUiiii (lf»wti htcli I cut cut of tha t (.ill. A it or a la into of over two uionths 1 popular fiongd, tooniVolly aiid Duhii J Hoort* and WaahlnKtOii Chomical lin- Ho waa a raumbor of St. Miordfn.eih.Jm. Wiotrtoi , Army. 1 Wart hoar thotn. 'Thoy'rn t Mr. uml Mrs. Tltohnis Sullivan, of 2' popular nirri, Johti llog'Jrrii assl»tod by SERVICES RESUMED irJ «lnit Cbrapaiilofl will join. Tht* tin* MothodlEtt church, 'fyrinn Lodgo, r\*ot, hiivd rticolvod a ~ *ho Kohoo orchestra, coin Hook aiid Laddor" Company will d A. M.; Daughtors of ad Btia aftoi* gun heait aaina victory for thft A»nori- from th«*ir BOH, Corporal Philip AU of tbo numbora woro AlthouKh tho . recant oxpl them bo picked up at tho haadqtiartord of America, V, O. ti, A. vail, who til u tuouihut* of Oonipuuy A, rend or od and *tor wall on the cfln^army. Our division cai»lur«'i imiuy 3llth infantry, which look nueh a .on the -^'IilfW to th« tyAWJi hun- CBSMKZSR A. m. • part In the righting tlurhig ( hind that othorwlsd would havtj tho liVttmr .-mrtjaf Huplomhcr. teeot$i0you become uiiiity frloiid avt Wholesome. rij^ tbo hotiof uy&toiu in further- oal on Sunday wv ottor ha follows: opldeirtlc* of* the illft* liri a Nutshell . J. This first payment is troti] B«ci«tsrr riu'tall. Ho uf 't.ho._ii Percy tlobinsbu* i 1 every week K»TAT« OF VALMNTIVC it. The Nation^ .l}£gt^B('W* To8oph"Mo'Kf. f your purchaso |v>0c. The balance -"Wbllo, howovor , t^~ th** Jioldri, ^3lffr« toopolo. tratos Sorgoant VlrtlU»«jk?i •.«»•: i forecolDg- la 1th tho boat l lito. 1 « m» «»1>T »* I'ftKl > by tne GOT- SODA WATEi^^ Tffl: .".I.-;...' ;>ii' -1 .••r**rii!5rfr==!rfi5L'*... ._. ? ; "Vocation c*k>abl<3 oi ulNOt Burroitato of tbv Oounty of Popular-Priced tho eotlntry ls( of tiiuch au !Jirr ihfn vidoi toolai workorm, Irticroalioii load- 1th th« orijtloul nl*d In taf ofllr« oa lt» Union, mad* oo tbe Tw«otr-n«T«atfa day of is. solicited, we can please you id goods ind price» that you scarcely realize it. . lIltjMi'"! "'•Ji'-'rr ih-fn* id other points froqentod by onlistod AUffuat A. DM 1019, tapon th» appUoanon .. Gulbranson Player'•- Piano. yet ouf groatetit prldo (s In th(* Hood JJR* .lUrtburg. at tho clo»o of iho or*, liliyaieal dlrootora. anC csJotorla .xtMntstoanth dad«y of July, AJL. OJ).. 1818, on, information booths whore they o« mamtDlnv on (11* tharetnretn. ,_ of. tta« undaralfOMd. aa AdmlataCratnr of —Cash-prfce instead ~^o.f iifac- —You are thus getting.tho use of a highVclass conduct and tho splendid spirit ot F. CxBawc/'s Store IN TKTKBTIUONT T WWUBHEIOPU i I th*^«atata of Bald dvcaaaad. ootlo* la hara- r ntervlow ospociaUy Voquoaiod tho tx>-1 tuaho4ron( tor tho thousands of AmeH- l»y cl«ia to tha r& who !X26 irvini Sm proaa- —Siat moriths' tree exchanges . 'shall follow thma! XV« b«MoVo that th& ! houaea, \Vhon hocoaaary, tho- War cutlDV or racoTarlDaT %h+ aaim a«alust tba To Club Members HUCCAS^—of—this 'tarrri entorprlao is ' b*l —^Tcn-yeai' double guaranceo Four thi Loan. Cuhip Community Sorvico opohg clubs HOCUMATION DT VtIB OOVBBMOB. • , ~ f —Noll Cabinet (illustrated). I dtifl, a'iiiong "other" thliigai-.in Hit* idoiilti j Jit, it;—feathu;—oujoy * maiccr's and our owny, "TTjf~hTiWJf~\vliTcir~nic" rcfoTmatory bi*ii j buy soft drinks or obtaUt lodfi , DKl'AltTMDNt. r -We •—I2-Rolls- ', your choice. J.BTfri/RJR, WlIKHBAH. JOHN II. CAl'STICK, Was, ^Freo'delivery •."•" — .fcoulcht to toacb/and wo Jfurtbtor; feol{ New >t tb« trcnernl *l«otion b«l«I \Si» thi Toff —Delivery; ~ • thai thw.roforrniitor'y baa us nearly an j holt taltor th» (Int Mofliliiy In No- Include —Tuning, "~--^ " A foatuvo of the work of this or •ot. In tb« iroar ktaetwia buhdrad and Ideal hdtifjf nykUiixi uii 1st- poablblo lii ' eH, »leo(ad hy Ih« Voter* of tha Flftb Vi«;« Preaidazit ttitulautloti In to cVtock liotuQstcVuo^u rM«luh«l iMatrlct tii trapPaaant i an luaLitULlbd^bf ihlu klndv Open to Women HftRRY L0HN1ILLER Clrr..4TKIt (•. i Iti tint HvttiM \>t llepre«cntntlT«ui of Eimphaslzo Pereonal Reaponslbliity This in daiiri through invIUtitf the knou [tit!i«4l Btntea, tthd kUbnoq^abtiy duly I'J Mull. St., Kaliway, NEWARK, N J 0tqur- Money Back Request Coupon Permanent Position* as Conductors ta vUlt botiioa whare Ut«*y luiVo Uonio Irtitd bluisolr B«- »UcU ttoptviutntnttva, "Wa i Hd tiftor *\\c\t moctxaa tihtl tjuallllcittloti, ifiSissatisfiedJsJhe actual..splritjthat If you ca-nnor~COWc~ln~fighnrway, -filf cookiid iLWiila, Vlaltors to eatups, os- frit, on tb« lRov*hta«ntti tiny of Us^ch, tho Idea, that If'ha la td ! HE llllfl? SJ1GJ 8 on PuMic Service Cars, at same hieh ...tetiMtn btimlrod aiid altfbtoan, departed out this blank request for more details. Beeraury pocliilly hi Ihtf "oafly ataijos of Uie tiU Ufa, thoretiy oittialnn » vadhhey to Mait and 'Phone Orders Receive Careful and, protects every member In this club. t S-cforra" hlmtfelf; th^t the hiaET- vvag«is paid to men. tvalnltig, hftVo found thid to bo oua tint tu tba hBt>r«i«cnUitloh of tbU Stat* Without any obli'Kation on hiy pai"f, tun^was fao tnagld poWor; that it can "The Bank of Strength" t- llieu-Iibli«a;-uC -ltepteaantiitlTa* of tb* - Prompt: Attention Any timo_ within |:llia"rad4r"Important pllaaos of Hvlt! send-me a)l details of youf club-plairr ] only~fili*rilsh:^bhn ~wli"h~i"be tools wuhT UUtsiber b^ yhn^l £ tetri ftblti lo DAVlU —Gorri e-F-M a s n- a nHsbed this ! --pc cent, interest paid, compounded s&nt-aanuail. Special Quarters. ° ^coctnhiMtloil. tQ do tbo \o«o of wloctltttf il taiottttver' of that you have paid will be refunded. own tijsponaiblJlty. It places him lloii«« or H*pnm»nWtln!« to Oil tho"T»^ 3,98, 5S ircrvv" holding satisfaeiory- situations as and "athletic work alouij tuo Hues oi •V cntiaml by th« dvath of tho aald vtc1lierviee> oniltir hy hilud «n th* individual citxen of the country must biiiirt! .tipoclaUze^i on trlmmod, latgo or small collars, pockotfl, cord'alMles standL It magnifies tn« man as ao 1 . ur tbo Stnto of ^Jox Satlno trlmmod robe, with or without collar; beautiful coloiinn, the niaMy yountf Jowlah ineii who haVo a*yt ut trwton, tbt« Sixteenth .,„_ Patriotic Positions for Patriotic (t., B.) o* July, tn tba^yeor of~on* tK»td all trimmed in contrasting colors. Rose, Copon Blue. Gray. Fink* dlyldoalv It gives him a sreater sense not bsoti in this country very lonjg— On« ^tboiiMtid bln«? bwndrad and of his own Importance and Jjjs own «lffbt*ea iintl of tho 1 ndapaadanca Lavender. Dresden Blue. • All sizes, 36' to ;46-, Women. thoUfih long ehoueh to Jdlu-thA col6r«. „ ur tho Unttatl State* tha Una bun- . ^Children's &ath Robea—G to. 14 years, 3.49; A large assortment. runwajr-to tiie alleys prove(| much into tbo I^ad and finished seventy to personal obligation* as a member' of drod and forty-tblrtl. "~~^ i^utthut Xhuni In touch with -American' RAHWAY MUTUAL FIRE ^Wbmon's Flannelette Klmonas. 1.70 ta" £49. more sllpperj^Uian usual and bothered tbo good. Tbe Ildenus team' average society^ It is self-government of tb* WALTER Si ELWJE, Oomroof. Women's Knitted Vests, with sleeves; pink, bine and white, £00. (deaU and hUtory, perfecting tholi ILUERANSiMAKEf, : Apply at any *-* tb« <1oT*roor. -•' • .r; the pinners' of~bpJF|Kj.teainB'~ consider^ was'506T2, while tio Kortb Kndji .had individual by himself and not'by leach! tig hi any to *"«»<* a^d MAHTIN. Womon's Jupanosa Quilted Vests, sleeveless. 1.2S. y of Kt-nt^ ": ,_ Women's. Bpencers. made ot 0ne wool; &£&. 4^0, ably, causinji f a numbeb r df-fpaitif to tw 857^ organlxatlonv It makes him atroocer 1 RttbwwY Nallowal Bank . *yynTn«n'q flplf Vftifrw H>ir\rt nf hip 4nngt>iM hlitnlr_ .w|]^^ *^P^ CTflTi 2-2S to 3.88. ' - • . A CLFAIt SWEEP made, I^iirSitftcerOfficecor-Gmted-States fow of tho Vays ih which tho boal MA.ttTlM There were four doable century f Stat -Women's Bllpraxer Sweaters, sleeveless; Rose, Copon bine and 'After winning the flr«t same in the Jowlsh soldier taoro Vaiu and : ..mark* made during the contest, of The North End averages weret Van Insure T20O7 "• THERE'LL be no "business as usual''until tbe Emjptloyment Service Office. able to Ainerica an Actual Colt, leading their opponents by sfxty-one of the match, his average being 216.1 •cores follow; Tho organization also bridges di UBUEDT CERTIFY tbat tba tonteolaM la Lamb Wool Silk Covered Sloevolesa Vests, alia' with uavres, Game Tie, Locals_Win sreonces betweoh tho Jowbih an< a trua copy of Proclamation by tba Oov 3^8 and 7.88, -•••. •--*••••'In the thir• d same it- was nip and all_of bis game* »boTo the 200 j. ._ I1BEBAU CLCB------Thorooghlw licked— ^ •mocj-mtid tba ondoraetneoti th«reoa, aa Roll-Off ~ and tuck the North Ends leading at entile soldiers, bato&uat-dinC tho tha name, Iw taken from wad coaKparad mark, Alioth waa next In line tor the Miller ..,...•,.,,.».. 1M . 17<" US the end of the first half. In the ninth Behind the lines a» well as in the trenches. rixhla of the former \rh\V His Christmas '^Gvcr^Thcrc" winners with an average of 1S2-2; Mil- Howard ...,,,...... 169 J05 1« -As BOOS as you^irer the Uttlo. box from the Red' Cross thai iM to thorn into better Understand and tenth frames the Dderana pulled ler, 172.1; Howard, 170; Black, IC9.1. Alioth ...... IS1 17» US . " Licked until their helliabnes* anpeara as vile, carry aa much choor and loving thoUKht to. Yoar Soldier, brins It to After belnf Idle two weeks owing to Injt . with thief ehristiaii fellows-ii Plants, where you'll' find the following sifts—gifts such, as * soldier. Black ,-..•..,.. XM 177 1*1 as hideous, at damnable to them as it does to a arms. 'There are hoy tooro than nrty mlgh.t choQBe tor himself, with, which to 011 It: the State Board of Health ban the Mooney 201 22S 223 huts in operation, and 100 additional Khaki Wool SUp-on Sweaters, 5.00 and 6.00. - bowling matches In the Athletic Bowl' civilized \*orld oa which they are now only a csn- Units are. planned. Tho trorkors Gray and Nary Wool Sllp-on Sweaters, BJXX Total* .....,..,.. »S1 Khaki and Gray Helmets. 2.50 and 3-Qft. Ins League were resumed according to Ml SS9 _ceroos excrescence. BAUER home eamfra numbcf £(H>> whllo 10 WoolWriBtlets. gray and khaki. 69o to 1JO.. - XU1B Khaki Wool Shirts, a.00 Raldwin tnen and tho same buxnbor of Uderan Club waa In action on its own vi^ Telephone 325 125 Irving Street aro Boinc sont overaoaji. Khaki Cotton Shirts. 1^0 and 2J0. ^v-. Harper 17« 305. 153 Khaki Silk Poplin. 9JB0 and 4.00L ^^^ alleys and.althoogh the team did not bu-ainess take olf the khaki and SUel 159 158 - 146 return to the SaVe and Serve Khaki Wool Mufflers. 2£0 and aio. ^ have its naual Une-up delivered the WE1GLE WINNING SUCCESS Gray Wool Mufflers, &ao..a»d..S4O.....^ Van Btukirk Ml 149 144 peaceful prosecution of trade. -Wool Cashmere Hose. Khaki, natural and black, 886 to iia. goods in tha most approved style. Mahar .... 15« 191. »'~ YO«"CAN KEEP AVELL _ ... Machine Knltt ¥tpse;-,-ln khakLandLoxfordJiSJuiiUJO. maacins-a-clean-Mreep- against—the Wool Gloves in kbakl and gygray, , SSc to 1.S5S5. . strong North End Club, ot Newark. I Totals SSI K. at C«mp Johnitott* Florldfli lien'li s SServic e ClotCh h Gloves i n khkkhaki and dark oxfords, 1.2s to be tbe same old world we used to know. It will BY E4TISG ODR The first game was a thriller endine] la the Ociobor I7ih issuo of Trea< 1J65. ' • " : bo a World purified by firgL cl«n«H Ky prirot^. Men's Uned-OloTes.-t.80-to-7.g6. : — —;— •> jFoihiisiaii, IFiorldij Under Monoy Belts. 1-00. the llderans won by a single pin. The Sahway tire Alarm itajion made better by the sacrifices that our boys are This Bank will help you Biack'Tles. 65o to SJJO. roll-off waa (or a single tamo and "Open JLir Mo^tincs t*roylaj Aviator Vests of Ajngpra Wool, 7.00 and 1O0Q, 209 for mtlll alarm. making-—our boys and tho»« of our Allies; by the *o^uU.r" credit is' K*rori resulted as follows: nderan—Miller, Men's Colored Wool" Double-Breasted Shirts, 2.78 to 460 each. Radiant warmth! ' 12—Main and Cberry Streets. women whdare backing up the men—ond by the ICECREAM Charles T Wolc^a cvancoUat do both. ,; Abdominal Bands In natural color, 7£c> to 1^5 each, j^Howard, 8; Aliotti. 20; Black, Ii—Hazelwood and LeesvQIe Avenoas. ——All-wool overcoats. —— loyal stay-at ho meal . • - Trench Mirrors. 50c to 1.00. "Pure! vVtidlespme! KefresliTng "winter of lSl>, for the effective^ —Baldwin,JO;^Harper. JSOi Steel.-18; Tobacco Poucheop39<* td 3.Bd. Fall weights. Winter 1&—^New' Branswlck * and ^Mjkm Ana A clean, fair, honest world of business, at hist. ncf irt which Ibo is r«&chin£ the Drop in and talk it Leather Cigarette Cases. 25c ta HJBO. Van Bosklrk.,17; Mahar, J7; total. .vcights. Sizes for both men S3—Haulwocd and Jaquca Avenues. All the Standard Flavors! ~ of tho tnan in the camp and tfa< PiesUn Chanee Purses. 75e to 1.60. :; - _ "•2. •• • • . .'ycr' '•• ^._ 24—Staple and ~St. George* Aivnbo. food he U dolnj;. ** The account in Men's Colored Wool Shirts and Drawers 2.50, 3.O0. 8-7B and BixC ' Aa previously noted Charlie. McCor- and boys. 15—Milton Avenoe and Errant {Street. Buy War Savings Stamps" "Trench and_ CaLmt>" is as follows: Xeather BUI 5"oldii, 59c t3 7.98. - ^ mlck. owing to war work was mot in MeneybarkU 31 "'The oi^en-iiir rt'Uciou* aerriccs at Picture Vtames. 50e ta S.50. • • • — Full Assortment of Gandy. Fitted K1U, 1-OO to 6.95. the Uno-ap. • W. 8. Martin, tho reliable ^3—Grand Street and St. Ceorc* Avet and speed the d V. ii. C X. >Co, 2 Givcij Sunday evoninc Military Watchos, 10.96 to S7.5d. anchor for the nderana. was also out S3—Main Street and EllooeUi Ave. b*vt? crown, in inier«3t kn3 tho toen Solid. Gold Photo LockoU. 6.00 to 8.OS. "7™^ tobseor in Packages of alt of the gamo because of hia old trouble 3S—Crand and Irrtss Stree^L-- „ u,. of till s.*»ciloni of tbo camp journey RAHWAY TRUST CO: Gold Filled Photo Lockets. 1.00 to 2.00. ROQBBS PEBT COMPAKT with a strained tendon In one limb, iZ—MUtoo Ave. and Montgomery St. L-eading Makes. Up to heal* SU.»cretJU-y Weicle in his Storllnc Silver ClBMotto Cases, 7.50 to 15.00. which pnt him out of the game a-year Broadway «1—Crand. Bond and ttanttm Streeta. Tha Wkaaimna Company tJLlk* to the • tnea. l^ast Sunday the; Op«n1A.M.to3 P. M.' ttally. Sutur»laj«. H to IV Noon StorllnC Silver Mtttch, Cases. SJM to S.0fl. at l>th St. —Tbm av^thSk Identification LockoU-and Qhaitis, 1.7fi to 2.50. or two ago. "Dick" AHoth, the leader 44—ninbeth and Jarksaa Anoaaa. crowd VM one of llie larccst tha.t h SlolilU] Kveillui;* S to 8.HU o'clocU Four IdenUflcatibn Wrist TacS,..1.7S. ' of the Ilderan. -Comity League team, Cornttnr' SI—Central An. »nd Mania Timw. BUY YOUR THRIFT STAMPS HEREL ever ajuiembiexl &t camp to hear Khaki or Fancy Plcured.llath Kobea, 6,95 to 18.5a filled HcCormack's place" In fine style. 52—Chorea and Baaittus tttrmuq. ~ rclijjious cervi(,*_and tb^y »cre._ not \ Wauts—Main t=*looi'. s while 'Tom" W&lQtjp.n » good ac- S3—Crand and L^onlDcton Sir MO. dis&xipolntod for Mr. Weijei* tl-ft. George A*e.. Klnaww Coraar.

»*-'ifel*,:5S':'.'" " ,"" .(* - Cor. Main Street and Elwtbtih