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cial crisis. Developers will pay a value- THIS WEEK: added tax of up to 60% on new pro- jects. ased on the figures reported by B Bevolking, the island’s census ► After five years of research Par- Table of Contents department, Bonaire’s population in- liament approved a controversial Barracudas on the Road 3 creased last year by 466 persons, draft law on undivided property- Letters Unconvinced and Upset from 13,540 to 14,006. That is the final squatter's rights- applicable to all is- Slow Down –It’s Good Insurance 5 number based on births (123) and im- lands of the Netherlands Antilles last Gear Doc– Orifices 6 migrants (1,129) minus the numbers for week. The law proposes that a judge Bonaire Energy Update 7 Walk-a-Thon Success 8 deaths (46) and emigrants (740). have authority to assign an undivided New Pasa Dia Rincon Canteen 10 The highest number of births, 14, ► This Fokker 100 jet is in the property, or parts of it, to those who are Portraits– Doei Diaz 12 occurred in December; the fewest, 5, in hangar at the airport of Bonaire be- using it. The person in question must Good News for Loras 13 May. ing painted with DAE livery. As soon have been using the property for at least Pelican School Goes Lora Watching 13 The highest number of immigrants, as the 100-seat jet is ready DAE will the past 10 years and residing legally in Diving with Dee—Morays 15 122, occurred in August. Number of start using it on the St. Maarten route. the island territory in question. Lost Dog-Tyson 17 deaths was pretty much spread out Later next month, the second Fokker The law proposes too that persons Shrink Studies SCUBA (Obesity) 22 through the year. The highest number 100 will arrive from Europe. DAE will who aren’t directly using a property, of emigrants, 166, was in July. More permanently move its operation center but by all indications are the rightful WEEKLY FEATURES: Flotsam & Jetsam 2 population figures will be coming from to Curaçao because all the new regional heirs, be named as the rightful users of Biologists Bubbles (Scorpionfish) 3 Bevolking and will appear in future flights will originate from there. DAE the property. The law also deals with Coral Glimpses 3 editions of The Reporter announced earlier that the company possible problems with inheritance; for Picture Yourself (Lake Michigan, US) 14 will start with flights to Colombia, example, in case the heirs aren’t willing Classifieds 14 Straight Talk 14 ► A roundtrip ticket from Cura- Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Suri- to cooperate or the whereabouts of the Pet of the Week (Poogy; Flea Market) 17 çao to St. Maarten should cost nam, and Caracas. heirs are unknown. SuDoku Puzzle 17 NAƒ444 and to Bonaire, NAƒ175, SuDoku Answer 18 demands the new Curaçao airline ► President and CEO of Air Jamaica, ► The Partido Demokratiko Bo- Tide Table 18 Reporter Masthead 18 Insel Air. The proposal made to the Mike Conway, says that replacing its nairiano (Democratic Party of Bon- What’s Happening 19 Transportation Minister, who is taking Airbus fleet with Boeing aircraft will aire -red), Obrero Nobo (the New Movieland Film Schedule 19 her time in answering, is strange con- cut costs by more than US$38 million Labor - blue) and Partido Boneriano Karneval Schedule 19 sidering the fact that Insel Air currently within two years. Air Jamaica cur- Sosial (Socialist-yellow) have again Shopping & Dining Guides 20 charges NAƒ360 for the ticket and 50% rently flies weekly to Bonaire from its decided to join forces against the rul- Born on Bonaire (Emma Sint Jago) 21 Sky Park (Saturn) 23 off for a second person traveling to- Montego Bay hub. ing UPB (Patriot - green) in the up- The Stars Have It 23 gether to St. Maarten and has a very The airline plans to lease nine 737- coming April 20 Island Council Elec- limited flight schedule to Bonaire. 300 and six 757-200 Boeing aircraft tions. The new party is called the Walkathon Competitor Dutch Antilles Express but, in their report to the committee, “Aliansa Demokratiko Boneriano.” (DAE) hasn't asked for minimum tar- some of the airline’s technicians argued UPB Leader Ramonsito Booi warned iffs. Neither has Divi Divi Air. DAE that the new fleet was unable to fly that a vote for the opposition would be charges NAƒ447 to fly to St. Maarten. beyond 1,400 nautical miles and are not a vote against the agreement that Bon- “First they say that we’re going to as fuel efficient as the Airbus, which aire, St. Eustatius and Saba signed to compete, because it’s good for the con- has a longer range. become overseas municipalities of the sumer. Now they want to agree on a "That's not true," said Conway on Netherlands. Bonaire radio talk shows minimum price. What’s still good for Friday. "The airplane has a greater pas- recently have aired the concerns of the consumer then?” asks DAE director senger and cargo capacity as well as a some people that closer ties with Hol- Floris van Pallandt. The minimum price range of over 2,000 nautical miles [and] land would not be in Bonaire's best is not much lower than the current low- can fly any route we fly with the excep- interest. est fare. The Curaçao press quoted him tion of London and Los Angeles." It should be a good race. as saying price fixing is absolutely Conway said that on full Airbus A320 wrong. “You would go to jail for this flights from the northeast US it was not ► Crime among young Antilleans in America.” Insel Air alleges that unusual for Air Jamaica to leave up to is on the rise in Rotterdam, the Dutch Bonaire-based (not much longer, see 100 pieces of luggage behind. newspaper NRC Handelsblad reported next item) Dutch Antilles Express The aircraft swapping will take place last Friday. According to the study An- (DAE) has ties to KLM that would al- on a staggered basis over an 18- to 24- tilleans are especially involved in vio- low it to operate below cost to kill off month period, beginning in the second lent crimes and crimes related to drugs. the Curaçao airline. half of this year. Conway noted that Young Antilleans, mostly hailing Boeing was prepared to give Jamaica a from Curaçao, are also generally more good deal on the 15 new planes. involved in murder and manslaughter. Of the youngsters born in the Antilles, ► Royal Dutch Airlines, KLM, is ages 12-17, almost one in five has reducing the fuel surcharge on its come into contact with the law. Crime tickets in response to continued de- among Antillean adults has decreased creasing fuel prices. The fuel surcharge slightly in the last two years. will be reduced by five euros, about Antilleans living in Rotterdam have NAƒ12, per stretch on all intercontinen- criticized the study as being based on tal flights, including those between outdated information and inaccurate. Amsterdam and the Netherlands Antil- About 20,000 Antilleans and Arubans EZ Air Harbin aircraft les. live in Rotterdam, where they consti- tute 3.4% of the city’s population. ► The Papiamentu language daily, ► Recent Bonaire Reporter columns Extra, reported that many DAE per- have discussed the escalating cost of ► An important precedent-setting sonnel on Bonaire must transfer to housing on Bonaire and its impact on lawsuit is underway in Curaçao. Peo- Curaçao because DAE is moving ad- local people. China came up with its ple living “under the smoke” of Cura- ministration, reservations and main- answer last week. Foreign home buyers çao’s Isla oil refinery are suing the op- tenance there. Currently DAE and in Beijing will have to prove they have erator, Isla, (subsidiary of Petroleos de Divi Divi Air fly daily between Bonaire lived in China for a year for work or Venezuela), the Antillean Government, and Curaçao. Insel air flies at the end of study and will be barred from renting the Island Government-owned holding the week. Soon a new "commuter" out the property, the Beijing Morning company “Refineria di Kòrsou” and the airline, EZ Air, organized by former Post and China Daily newspapers said. Build Own and Operate (BOO) energy DCA/ALM pilot Rene Winkel, who China's government is trying to restrain plant of the Curaçao Utilities Company also used to run the Air Ambulance, a jump in housing prices and cool an (CUC). The plaintiffs want the court to will begin flying with a 14-passenger, investment boom that Chinese leaders order the operations to halt the pollu- Chinese-built Harbin airplane. worry could spark inflation or a finan- (Continued on page 4) Page 2 Bonaire Reporter - February 9 to February 16, 2007 (a bit of information about corals presented each week by naturalist Dee Scarr) orty-four Bonaire Barracuda lthough flower coral doesn't F swimmers participated in the 3rd A build massive formations, the Annual Bonaire School Swimming polyps grow and split like the polyps Championship on Sunday, 28 January. of massive formations. The polyp(s) in One week later six Barracuda team the center of the photo is (are) in the members were “on the road again” trav- process of splitting; three split polyps eling to Curaçao for the Curaçao Swim- surround it (them). ming Federation 5th Open Swim Meet Captions & photos by Dee Scarr. held at Sentro Deportivo Korsou on Dee’s Photos restored by Jack Drafahl Saturday, 3 February. of the Oregon Coastal Digital Center Barracuda swimmers continue to show See also Dee’s article on morays, (Continued on page 5) Rooske Wagemakers swims the 100 page 11.