
Unit 1—Chapter 6, Section 2 The Enlightenment in Europe

Thinker Views of Impact Human is evil and requires order; people enter Absolute needed Many and () into social contract with to keep order countries were ruled by strong ruler to gain way of monarchy safety/security People’s natural need Critical of absolute Natural rights (life, to be protected by monarchy, favored idea of Fundamental to U.S. (England) , ) government -government; feels DOI; foundation for government is obligated to modern protect the natural rights of the people or be overthrown Guaranteed in U.S. of , Intolerance should be Opposed absolute power BOR and French () religion, and expression combated at all costs Declaration of the

Political liberty is France, United States, Baron de maintained when A government is best American nations (France) government power is structured when its power is use SOP in new balanced/separated divided

Civilization corrupted Viewed direct democracy as people’s natural goodness the best form of government, Public election of Jean Jacques Rousseau freedom by imposing unjust ; whereby a social contract president and Congress (France) social contract among free among free in United States individuals for the common made orderly and good of all functional Laws existed to preserve Guaranteed in U.S. Criminal , social order, not avenge A government should BOR; outlawed (Italy) abolishment of torture crimes; opposed torture, promote and uphold rights or reduced in nations of cruel/unusual punishment, of the accused Europe and the unfair trial proceedings Americas Women should have same access to and Women’s rights groups Women’s equality right to participate in N/A form in Europe and (England) as men North America

Unit 1—Chapter 6, Section 2 The Enlightenment in Europe

1) What was the Enlightenment?

A cultural and philosophical movement that grew out of new methods of inquiry developed during the era of the Scientific ; the basic premise of the Enlightenment was the superiority of to explain and reform society.

2) Who were the ?

Thinkers who use and reason to investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and morality.

3) In the table below, explain the core of the philosophe philosophy.

Concept Explanation

Reason could be discovered through rational thought and use of logic

Nature What was natural was also good and reasonable; much like the physical world, the laws of and politics were natural as well

Happiness A who lived by the laws of nature would find happiness and avoid misery

Progress Through use of reason and the society could be perfected

Liberty Society could be set free through the use of reason