Congressional Record—House H1111
March 22, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1111 Frelinghuysen, Martin Frost, Elton Gallegly, Jr., Christopher Shays, Brad Sherman, Don nial Regulatory Review—Streamlining of Greg Ganske, George W. Gekas, Richard A. Sherwood, John Shimkus, Ronnie Shows, Radio Technical Rules in Part 73 and 74 of Gephardt, Jim Gibbons, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Rob Simmons, Michael K. Simpson, Norman the Commission’s Rules [MM Docket No. 98– Paul E. Gillmor, Benjamin A. Gilman, Sisisky, Joe Skeen, Ike Skelton, Louise 93] received March 15, 2001, pursuant to 5 Charles A. Gonzalez, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Chris- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on En- Bob Goodlatte, Bart Gordon, Porter J. Goss, topher H. Smith, Lamar S. Smith, Nick ergy and Commerce. Lindsey O. Graham, Kay Granger, Sam Smith, Vic Snyder, Mark E. Souder, Floyd 1313. A letter from the Special Assistant to Graves, Gene Green, Mark Green, James C. Spence, John N. Spratt, Jr., Cliff Stearns, the Bureau Chief, Mass Media Bureau, Fed- Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., Gil Gut- Charles W. Stenholm, Bob Stump, Bart Stu- eral Communications Commission, transmit- knecht, Ralph M. Hall, Tony P. Hall, James pak, John E. Sununu, John E. Sweeney, ting the Commission’s final rule—Amend- V. Hansen, Jane Harman, Melissa A. Hart, J. Thomas G. Tancredo, John S. Tanner, Ellen ment of Section 73.202(b), Table of Allot- Dennis Hastert, Alcee L. Hastings, Doc O. Tauscher, W. J. (Billy) Tauzin, Charles H. ments, FM Broadcast Stations (North Hastings, Robin Hayes, J. D. Hayworth, Joel Taylor, Gene Taylor, Lee Terry, William M.
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