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Lloyds & Bank of Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Very important: please read

Apply by 1pm on 16th April 2021

Do I need to answer the Equal Opportunities questions?

At the end of this application we'll ask you to complete a short equal opportunities form. This information helps us better understand who we attract to our programmes. You don’t have to answer this section, but it will help us become a more inclusive organisation if you do.

We care about diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our work and beyond. We care about the students we recruit, the content of our programmes, the way they are delivered, and the people delivering them. We are also committed to learning and assessing our progress. We cannot assess our progress unless we collect this data.

Please be assured that your monitoring completion is not tied to your application in any way and is separated from each application we receive. We want a fairer society, we want to be inclusive and we want to fight bias at every step. We’d be really grateful if you could spare the time – thank you.

How to apply

You have the choice to answer this online application form either:

In writing

Or a voice recording (max. 6 minutes)

Or a video (max. 6 minutes long; you can submit this in British Sign Language if you prefer)

Please read the application guidance on how to send a video or voice recording.

All formats (written/video/voice) will be assessed equally. If you are submitting a video or voice recording, we also need some details from you which will require you filling in some sections of this form. Please add the link to the VIDEO or VOICE RECORDING in the voice/video section of this form. Please make sure your video/voice recording answer all the questions in section E, section F, Section G and section H section H.

We want to make sure you feel comfortable using the format that works best for you so if you need any support with this please contact [email protected] or call 0207 089 9120.

We understand that COVID may have had a significant impact on your current situation and future plans. We will take this into account when we assess your application.

Our inclusion commitment:

We encourage and welcome applications from social entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and are looking to make a real difference to the lives of their local communities. We want to make sure this programme supports communities that face systemic barriers.

We welcome applications from everyone with priority given to:

· those working in deprived areas

· people of colour and from minoritised ethnic backgrounds

· disabled people

· LGBTQ+ people

· and/or organisations supporting these groups.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions at [email protected] or 0207 089 9120.

All the best,

The SSE Team

What about data protection?

The School for Social Entrepreneurs (“SSE”) is committed to protecting your personal information and acting in line with your rights under data protections laws and will treat all data in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.

To process your application, SSE will collect and use personal information provided by you in this form or separately, or which we otherwise lawfully obtain about you. We may use this information to;

• process your application and manage the selection process for this programme

• conduct due diligence on you and your organisation

• contact you about your application for this programme by phone or email

If your application is successful, we may also use your information for:

• managing your participation in the Programme

• matching you with a mentor

•sharing and promoting your story and the story of your social enterprise

• other lawful reasons

We may share your information with our funders and partners, including Lloyds Bank Group and the National Community Lottery Fund for reporting and impact measurement of the programme. They will also only use your information for the reasons above.

F th d t il i l di h h i f ti d i ht l ti t Further details, including how we share your information and your rights relating to our use of your information, can be found under our Data Protection Notice, a copy of which is available here: https://www.the-sse.org/your-data

In proceeding with your application you agree to us processing your application in accordance with our data protection policy.

We want our programmes to be as accessible as possible.

If you require reasonable adjustments in order to take part in an interview or to participate in the programme due to a disability, caring responsibilities or any other reason, you will be able to give details below or contact us by phone or email to discuss further.

If you identify as neurodiverse please refer to the application guidance FAQ for information.

No educational qualifications are needed to join our programmes. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Throughout this form a * indicates a required field

Please try to answer all the questions as fully as possible. We know you may not have everything in place yet so if you don’t know something, please say this or write “N/A” rather than leaving it blank in order to move to the next question.

Important: The form has an auto-refresh after 24 minutes and any unsaved data will be lost. Please press ‘save for later’ at the bottom of each page regularly to ensure your form saves. Once you have filled in your email address below and pressed ‘save for later’ you will receive a URL (link) to save. You will also receive a copy by email (please check your junk mail if you don't receive it).

Section A: Your personal details


First Last

What is your preferred name, if different from the above?

Your date of birth – We need this for ID check purposes only.

When the calendar appears, click on the date text between the arrows to select year, month, then date*

DD/MM/YYYY  Name of your organisation

Your role in the organisation

Your preferred phone number for contact regarding this application*

##### ######

Mobile number (if different from above)

##### ######


Your organisation's address*

Street Address

Street Address Line 2

City County Postal / Zip Code

Website of your project (if you have one)

Facebook page for your project (if you have one)

Instagram account of your project (if you have one)

Twitter handle of your project (if you have one) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Section : Basic Eligibility

You must be able to answer 'YES' to the following questions

I am a resident and eligible to work in the UK.* Please Select 

I am committed to attending the full programme* Please Select 

I confirm that my organisation is at least two years old and with at least two paid

members of staff (including myself)* Please Select 

If my organisation winds up or closes, any remaining money or assets will be

redistributed for social or environmental purposes – not to individuals.* Please Select 

You must be able to answer 'NO' to the following questions

Are you currently declared bankrupt, or under a Debt Relief Order?* Please Select 

Are you barred from acting as a company director or charity trustee?* Please Select 

Do you have an unspent conviction for fraud?* Please Select 

If you are keen to apply but think you may not be eligible please contact us on [email protected] or 020 7089 9120 to discuss your application before completing the rest of this form. We may be able to help you this programme, or to identify other programmes that might be a better fit for you.

Section C: Connection to SSE

Have you or anyone else from your social enterprise previously applied to the School

for Social Entrepreneurs?* Please Select 

Are you connected (financially or by family) to anyone who is employed by or is a director of SSE or any of its host organisations, , or National Lottery Community Fund? If yes please give details*

Section D: Your organisation

What is the main impact area of your organisation?* Please Select 

If you selected 'other', please give details:

Which sectors does your organisation most closely align with? Please select  If you selected 'other', please give details:

What are the main planned services or products of your project? It's okay if you don't

know yet, please choose the most likely Please select 

If you selected 'other', please give details:

In which local authority are your main activities/services delivered?* Please select 

Please specify the region that your organisation covers or is based in:* Please select 

Who are your main beneficiaries? Choose the main beneficiary group from the list

below* Please Select 

Please add the postcode of where the main project/organisation activities are based. Please only add the registered postcode of your organisation if this is where the main activities take place.*

If you selected 'other', please give details:

Do you provide services for children under the age of 18 or do you work with adults who are in a vulnerable situation (e.g. providing counselling, health and care or to adults)? If yes, please upload your Safeguarding Policy at the end

of this application form.* Please select  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

You have the choice to answer the following section E, section F, Section G and section H either:

In writing using the word limits specified or A voice recording* (max. 6 minutes) or A video* (max. 6 minutes long; you can submit this in British Sign Language if you prefer)

If you are submitting a video/voice recording, you will then need to complete the remaining sections by filling in the requested details.

If you submitting a video instead of a written application please add the link to your video here. If you are not submitting a video please add N/A.

If you submitting a voice recording instead of a written application please add the link to your voice recording here. If you are not submitting a recording please add N/A

Section E: About you Tell us about yourself, including your background, skills and experience (max 150 words) If you are sending video/voice recording please add the link here.*

Do you feel you have personal experience of the social issue or cause you are trying to

address? Please select 

Section F: Organisation purpose and impact

Please give a brief summary of your project/organisation. Please include the social or environmental purpose (max 50 words)*

Please give a brief history of your organisation/project. How and why was it set up? (max 150 words)* What positive changes or impact has your organisation achieved so far? What is the difference you are making? (max 150 words)

If you have any statistics, quotes, and case studies or other information which demonstrate the impact or positive changes, please upload the supporting documents at the end.*

Approximately how many people benefit from your organisation each year? (max 50 words)*

How many paid staff including yourself does your organisation employ? (max 25 words)*

Who else is involved, e.g., as volunteers or committee members? (max 25 words)* Please tell us about the impact of Covid on your organisation, and how you have you adapted your strategy, activities and finances in response to this.

(max 150 words words)*

Please tell us about plans for your project/organisation over the next 12-24 months and how you are planning to increase trading income. Please see FAQ for what we mean by trading income 150

(max 150 words words)* 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Section G: The learning programme

Why do you want to take part in the Scale Up programme? What do you hope to be able to do differently as a result of this programme? (max 150 words)

Section H: The grant

How do you plan to use your grant to support your learning and grow your organisation? You may change this later if necessary, but it helps to understand your current plans.

Please read the application information guide carefully on what you can use the grant for. (max 150 words)* Section I: Organisation leadership

This section is about the leadership of the organisation. Please only answer the following questions if you feel comfortable to do so.

Please tell us about the makeup of your senior management and board. If available,

please select the approximate percentage who are Female (including Trans Woman). Please select 

Please tell us about the makeup of your senior management and Board. If available, please select the approximate percentage who are people of colour and from

minoritised ethnic backgrounds. Please select 

Please tell us about the makeup of your senior management and Board. If available, please select the approximate percentage who are from are from the LGBTQ+

community Please select 

Please tell us about the makeup of your senior management and Board. If available, please select the approximate percentage who consider themselves to have a

disability. Please select 

Please tell us about the makeup of your senior management and Board. If available, please select the approximate percentage who consider themselves to have direct lived experience of the issues that your project/organisation deals with? A leader

with lived experience is someone who personal or first-hand experience of the issue. Please select 

Section J: Organisation structure

Are you are planning to change your legal structure OR are you hosted by a larger organisation? You will need to have a legal structure in place by the start of the programme.*



This information is included in my video or voice recording. If you are planning to change your legal structure or are hosted by a larger organisation, please explain here. Please refer to the application guidance for what we mean by hosted organisation. If, no, please add N/A to progress to the next question

Please select the current legal structure of your organisation* Please select 

If other, please tell us more here.

When did you first register your organisation?


Company/CIC registration number (if applicable)

Charity number (if any)

Other registrations (if any) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Section K: Financial information

Please provide the following information where possible for your last financial year and your current financial year. If you do not have details, please provide estimates and indicate this. (If it is easier, you can attach this information as a separate file at the end of the application form. Please clearly label the financial year each document relates to.)

Instead of entering N/A, please enter 0 when needed.

For you are applying with a video or voice recording, you will need to complete the finance section. Please contact us if we can assist.

Your organisation’s turnover (income and expenditure) for your last financial year?*

Net profit or loss for your last financial year*

Net assets (reserves) at the end of for *your last financial year. ** Please provide a breakdown of income sources for your last financial year e.g. grants, sales of products, contracts, etc.

Your organisation’s turnover (income and expenditure) your current financial year?*

Net profit or loss for your current financial year*

Net assets (reserves) for your current financial year*

Please provide a breakdown of income sources for your last financial year and your current financial year e.g. grants, sales of products, contracts, etc.

If there is anything unusual in your accounts, including significant debts or unusual entries, please explain here (if not explained in the accounts).

Does your organisation have any significant assets, such as property or intellectual property?*



Don't know 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Section L: About private benefit

Does your organisation…

· Pay any dividends (payments to shareholders)?

· Pay rent to people who are on or have a close connection to anyone on your board or committee?

· Pay anything more than out of pocket expenses for volunteers and voluntary board members?

· Pay salaries to members of the board?

· Pay interest on loans to members of the organisation?

· Make any payments to for profit companies run by any of your board members or senior staff?"

(max. 200 words) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Lloyds Bank & Bank of Scotland Social Entreprenuers Programme Scale Up 2021 Application Form

Section M: Document Uploads

Please upload your most recent accounts

These should be full accounts, not abbreviated accounts. If you are running a project that is part of a larger host organisation, please provide a copy of both the host organisation’s accounts, and a breakdown of your project’s income and expenditure for the last financial year.

Please name the file in the format 'Projectname AccountsDoc' e.g 'FreshStart AccountsDoc'

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here

Please upload your governing document if you have one.

Please name the file in the format 'Projectname GoverningDoc' e.g 'FreshStart GoverningDoc'

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here Please upload your income & expenditure for the last financial year and current financial year, if applicable.

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here

Please upload your income projections, if applicable.

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here

Please upload your safeguarding policy, if applicable.

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here

If you wish to provide any additional documentation, please upload it here. Please name the file in the format 'FirstnameSurnameFilename' or 'ProjectnameFilename' - e.g HelenBrookerAccounts

Choose File No file chosen Choose files or drag here

If you have any problems uploading documents here or wish to provide us with anything at a later date, please email [email protected] using the file naming guidelines outlined above.

Please state your full name and the name of the programme you are applying to in the subject line of the email e.g. 'Jane Smith Trade Up programme additional documentation'

Where did you hear about this programme? Please select one. SSE - event or in person 

If you selected 'other' please give details Please click 'Preview submission' below to review your application in read- only mode - you will need to do this in order to proceed.

If you wish to make any changes, just click 'Go Back'.

Once you're ready to submit your application, click 'Submit'!