Welcome to the Reverend Steve Jones - Our New Team Rector !

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Welcome to the Reverend Steve Jones - Our New Team Rector ! WELCOME TO THE REVEREND STEVE JONES - OUR NEW TEAM RECTOR ! Thanks to the amazing in Tiverton linked Steve technology of the in Marldon with us in our ‘Zoom’ organisation, the homes, including Steve wizardry of the team led and Denise’s son in the by Matthew Jackson and USA, (a first for us all. Louise Prideaux, who Even the Archdeacon of mixed the solo home Exeter was taking part in performances of more a Zoom licensing for the than 20 musicians to first time.) Once lead our singing, not to underway the service mention the prowess of proceed smoothly with our Team Vicar opportunities for us all to Benedict in controlling participate and pray for us all, over 60 people Steve were able to be part of Steve’s Licensing as the Team Rector of the Mission Community. At the end though there was no bunfight, much loved by Anglicans, we were able to greet Steve as we left the The service led by the Bishop of Crediton from her home service. Another strange though moving experience. The Archdeacon of Exeter Bishop Jackie - Bishop of Crediton The Revd Steve Jones MISSION COMMUNITY INFORMATION CHURCH SERVICES Holy Trinity, Exmouth St Margaret & St Andrew, Littleham Sunday Sunday 8.00 am Holy Communion (Prayer Book) 10.00 am Sung Eucharist with Wholeness & Healing (5th) 10.00 am Sung Eucharist Breakfast Praise – (3rd) at Littleham 4.00 pm Sunday@4 (informal family service, Leisure Centre) ( see Link for dates) (Child Friendly) (non Eucharistic) 5.30 pm Open to God (See Link) 6.30pm Choral Evensong (3rd in the Lady Chapel) Bring and Share Tea - 5.30pm contemporary informal worship from 6.00pm with praise songs, Weekdays bible teaching, prayer, film and guest speakers) Monday 7.30 pm Hard Question Café Weekdays (3rd - check posters Net & Link) Wednesday 11.30 am Eucharist (Prayer Book) Thursday 10.30 am Holy Communion (Prayer Book) The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Lympstone MORNING PRAYER OUR CHURCHES ARE CLOSED is said Sunday Monday to Friday 8.30 am at Holy Trinity 9.00 am at Littleham 8.00 am Lay Led Morning Prayer (all except 3rd)) Said Eucharist – 3rd PRAYERS FOR THE MISSION COMMUNITY 10.00 am Sung Eucharist - Every, except 1st and 3rd are said in Family Holy Communion (Child Friendly) 1st Littleham Chantry Chapel Wednesdays—9.00am Morning Praise – non-Eucharistic 3rd FOR PASTORALWeekdays CARE PLEASE CONTACTSacred BENEDICT Space—Holy Trinity OR HallHUW Monday 9.30am Quiet Prayer - (Every 2nd & last) every Monday 9.00 am in Term Time Wednesday 11.00 am Holy Communion (Said) CLERGY— READERS—STAFF Clergy Day Off The Revd Steven Jones Team Rector 263681 01395 266442 Friday The Revd Benedict Cambridge Team Vicar 263681 office 07535480077 Thursday The Rev Huw Ryden Assistant Curate 263681 hours 07549284038 Friday Licensed Readers Readers and Clergy who also play an active role in the Mission Community Readers: Ann Hurley, Mrs Elizabeth Burren 264010 Michael Lewis, Pauline Mortimer (PCC rep), Di West Mrs Demelza Henderson 272243 Clergy: Revds. Preb. Margaret Cameron, Maureen Douglas, Lesley HolmanThe Ven. Canon Dr Trevor Youth and Family Workers Jones , Tony Mortimer, Peter Nickols Rawle, Canon Mrs Brooke Haycock, 263681 (Sat. & Wed - Days off) John Philpott, Canon Ian Pusey & Geoffrey Wrayford. all who can be contacted via the Mrs Fionna Upchurch 263681 ( Works Fri, & 1 Sun) Mission Community Office 2 Speaking personally, I cannot describe how much I From our new Team Rector... miss celebrating the Eucharist at a church altar, and praying over someone during a time of real crisis in their life. In these days, I believe that God is refining and honing His Church. This process of ministry development and rationalisation, whether we yet realise it or not, is working to make us more intuitive and nimble as a Church. Rather than lockdown being a crisis for the Church, as some have said, it is actually the preparing of our seed bed, which will soon position us for vitality and growth. Changing Seasons We are now closing a chapter, and a new one is opening before us. It is not surprising to me at all Beyond the immediate threat of corona virus, that I write in the season of Ascension and some Christians are finding these times Pentecost; another time of monumental closing and opening. In Acts 2, at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit unsettling, in that they are concerned how our came upon a small group of disciples in immense beloved Church will bounce-back after an power, and through their obedience, courage and extensive period of lockdown. loving service, God changed the world forever. What enabled the power of the Holy Spirit to work Will our attendances, our finances, and our in and through them, I believe, was the fact that in effectiveness at mission be badly hurt by the the ten days between the Ascension and Pentecost, necessarily-enforced cessation of our gatherings? the first disciples gathered, opened their hands and Today, I am less concerned about those questions, their hearts to God, and waited upon Him in prayer. because I sense the emergence of something new and The message they gave to God was, ‘Lord, your hope-giving. I notice a distinct changing of the servants are listening and waiting for Your seasons, a change in the wind, in all of our lives. visitation.’ And look what happened when God responded to that petition. When Spring arrives each year, it brings with it a So in these next weeks of transition, can I invite you palpable sense of new beginnings, and fresh hope. all to join Denise and me, wherever you happen to And I believe that Spring is here once again, but this live or work, in regularly stopping in a moment of year, in a profoundly spiritual sense as well. What silence, opening your hearts and hands to God, and God offers His Church in these days of transition is a telling Him that His Church is ready to receive His developing opportunity for real progress and growth. visitation once again. ‘And as we do this, can I That opportunity arises, I think, because our situation remind you that God can respond to such prayers has provided us with closure over some key things, pretty quickly. I have seen responses to making and deep reflection on others. You cannot start a yourself wholly available to God literally within new chapter of a book until you have closed the minutes at times. former chapter; nothing will fully make sense if you Concluding this article now, just three days after do otherwise. having moved into The Rectory, we have already had unexpected encounters with eight unchurched For the last six months God has been closing my people open to the looking at the Church of Jesus ministry in Totnes; my work here is done. For the last Christ in a new and fresh way. God is busy and at four months, God has been closing your interregnum. work in our Mission Community. Let us, then, God has also been closing the long-prevailing sense of intentionally make ourselves available to God, uncertainty about how the Church of England can to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and see in move forward in mission and ministry. As in the War whose life God is already at work!’ Years, lockdown has forced us all to innovate. In the past few months we have made huge strides forward in loving and engaging with people in new and diverse ways, of Every Blessing releasing God’s people into new areas of ministry, and we have rediscovered what is really important to us as Christians. Steve Jones Lockdown has forced us to reflect deeply on what the foundation stones of our lived-out Faith really are. 3 Mission Community News UNTIL WE CAN MEET AGAIN (In Church) MISSION FOCUS COMMITTEE The Mission Focus Committee recently had a Zoom Littleham & Holy Trinity Churches have now meeting at which it was decided how the tithe from last implemented on-line giving via Givealittle to enable us to year’s giving should be allocated. There is a total of receive donations via the web address below £17,017 to be shared between the 6 mission agencies we support. Because of strains being experienced by our own https://givealittle.co/campaigns/6aaf5d40-c621-4f2d-b240 church’s finances it was decided to give away only 75% -99c3f1f6e88a at this point. Thus, having taken of a little for visiting speaker expense there was £12,642 to be given away where you can give via Debit/Credit Card and also gift now. Of this £3890 has gone to CMS for the support of aid your donation. the Sharlands in Arua, Uganda and Ruth Sayers in Devonport plus some for the general fund. The Church Lympstone congregation should contact their Parish Army, Open Door, MAF and the Barnabas Fund will be Treasurer - John Lupton to discuss donations . sent £1945 each and CMJ £972. Now that we only support six mission agencies instead of the nine PLEASE DO NOT use the above link if you wish your previously each is getting more. £4375 will be given as money to go to Lympstone Church. the Covid-affected giving to Littleham and Holy Trinity allows. Mike Goom Churchwarden Heather Sharland features in the current edition of CMS’ Annual Report for 2019 published by magazine The Call. Against a background of too many young girls getting pregnant and dropping out of education in 2015 she launched a youth programme called Wise Choices for Life. Through a mixture of teaching, peer encouragement and mentoring she is getting girls to have a better picture of themselves because Jesus himself believes that they are important.
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