exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 1 25/09/2017 22:36 DEVON 2018 CALENDAR AND ANNUAL REPORT

Photo: Flora Searson

Bishop Robert talks to customers at Shiphay Market as part of the Bishops in Mission visits around our diocese throughout last year.

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 2 25/09/2017 22:36 WELCOME TO THE 2018 CALENDAR OF THE

tanding in the kitchen of some friends recently I found Each month’s photograph tells a different myself confronted with a huge montage of photos of story and witnesses to our desire to serve family and friends, of places, people and events. They were mounted in a huge frame on the wall above the the people of Devon with joy. Skitchen table. Behind each picture was a story and because I knew several of the individuals depicted we stood there for ages and encounters included in this year’s selection. Each month’s reminiscing about old times and exchanging news, including their photograph tells a different story and witnesses to our desire to joy at the birth of their latest grandchild. serve the people of Devon with joy. Our Diocesan Calendar is a bit like that. Its gallery of family As the weeks and months pass, I hope the photographs and photographs gathered from the length and breadth of the Diocese associated commentary will encourage you in your discipleship as that give testimony not only to the vibrancy of church life in Devon together we seek to put Jesus Christ at the centre of all we do. but to its amazing variety. This is something Bishop Nick, Bishop Sarah and I encountered for ourselves during our year of ‘Bishops in Mission’. You will find photographs from some of our visits

USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS Diocesan Offices: 01392 272686 | Safeguarding: 01392 345909/345910 | Bishop’s Office: 01392 272362

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 3 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 4 JANUARY Photo: SueParks A us alltoparticipate, we enjoyed anexcellentvarietyofspeakers, allowing between theChurchandState.With interpreters Bayeux-Lisieux, foraconferenceonsecularisation andrelations we welcomed fromFrance, sixvisitors includingtheBishopof a biennialconference.Thelastonewas heldinExeter, when exchange visitsintheWeek ofPrayer forChristianUnityand Diocese ofBayeux-Lisieux. Thislongstandinglinkenjoys pulpit WORLD MISSION , Recently we metwithourfriends intheRomanCatholic other asChristiansonthesamejourney of faith. to shareideas, fromeach encourageandlearn companion overseas linkswithvisitstakingplace tohave severals adiocesewe arefortunate |[email protected] diocesan website. linksonthe about allourinternational is moreinformation diocese, aswe pray forandencourageeachother. There historicallinkwiththeAnglican Provinceinformal ofMelanesia. Thika (inKenya) intheAnglicanCommunion.Thereisalsoan andtheGulfDioceseof with theDioceseofCyprus andculture,Church andStateinart healthandchaplaincies. toreflectonsimilaritiesanddifferencesbetween opportunity including animamandapolicefaithco-ordinator. We alsohad Our participation intheselinksenrichesthe life ofour Our participation CompanionLink The DioceseofExeteralsohasatripartite The nextconferencewillbeinFrance in2019. diocese ofThika. school inourlink Children froma 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 31 1 2 3 4 5 6

New Year’s Day Epiphany 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Baptism of Christ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

18-25 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Bishop’s Diocesan Council 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Holocaust Memorial Day Exeter Diocese calendar 2018 grants advert 28 January, February & March29 2018 30 31 1 2 3

181mm wide x 55mm high Homeless Sunday Advert 181 mm x 55mm:

St LUKE’S COLLEGE FOUNDATION Grants for postgraduate studies in and RE

Applications are invited from , RE teachers and others in the service of the church for personal grants towards the costs of university based studies in Theology and RE. The next Round of Awards will be made in June, for grants tenable from September 2018, for candidates who may be starting or continuing their studies next academic year. Completed applications must be received by 1st May 2018.

For further information, and to request an Application Pack, please contact: Dr David Benzie, [email protected] Ÿ 01822 613143 Ÿ www.st-lukes-foundation.org.uk

Location & version: D:\DUsers\David\Sync Folders\St Lukes\Publicity\Devon Diocesan News\B-St Luke's advert Jan-Mar exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd2018.docx (1.0) 5 25/09/2017 22:36

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 6 FEBRUARY Photo: FloraSearson T local communities and external agencies to findsustainablemissional,local communitiesandexternal thepeopleofDevon withjoy.new disciples andserve Marian Carson, GtRC Project Manager |[email protected] GROWING THE RURAL CHURCH We do this by supporting rural Mission Communities to partner with Mission Communitiestopartner We rural dothisby supporting their churchbuildingstoenable themtogrowinprayer, make Communities todevelop theirresourcesand, inparticular, his isanew initiativebeingspearheadedby ourdiocese. Growing the Rural Church works with rural Mission withrural Growing theRuralChurchworks are drawn MissionCommunities. intothelifeofourrural churches andtheirlocalcommunities arestrengthened, andmorepeople managed andremainopen andavailable. Relationshipsbetween ourrural church buildings, andextended use, bothforworship aresustainably can benefitthewholecommunity. community, commercialorcultural usesfortheirchurchbuildings, which Through this, we ensurethat thepublicspacesofferedby ourrural Church inBeaford. children ataMessy with Church working Growing theRural 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 28 29 30 31 1 2 3

Candlemas 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Diocesan Education Sunday 7-14 Marriage Week 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Ash Wednesday Racial Justice Sunday Shrove Tuesday Valentine’s Day 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Exeter Diocese calendar 2018 grants advert 25 January, February & March26 2018 27 28 1 2 3

181mm wide x 55mm high26 Feb-11 March Fairtrade Fortnight Advert 181 mm x 55mm:

St LUKE’S COLLEGE FOUNDATION Grants for postgraduate studies in Theology and RE

Applications are invited from clergy, RE teachers and others in the service of the church for personal grants towards the costs of university based studies in Theology and RE. The next Round of Awards will be made in June, for grants tenable from September 2018, for candidates who may be starting or continuing their studies next academic year. Completed applications must be received by 1st May 2018.

For further information, and to request an Application Pack, please contact: Dr David Benzie, [email protected] Ÿ 01822 613143 Ÿ www.st-lukes-foundation.org.uk

Location & version: D:\DUsers\David\Sync Folders\St Lukes\Publicity\Devon Diocesan News\B-St Luke's advert Jan-Mar exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd2018.docx (1.0) 7 25/09/2017 22:36

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 8 MARCH Photo: FloraSearson O • • bybestir ourselves committing theChurchofEnglandinDevon to: balsam trees, We thenbestiryourselves”. arerespondingtothatcall Book ofSamuel, “Whenyouhearthesoundofmarchingintops staying thesameisnotanoption.AsDavid was toldby Godinthesecond VISION

bring hope and transform thelivesofthose aroundus; bring hopeandtransform make new disciples, tofindnew ways of sharing theChristianstory, to he hascalledustobe; grow inprayer, tobringourlivescloserGod andbecomethepeople about embracingchange, even whenitispainful, because thepeopleofourcountywithgenerosityandjoy.serve Itis and that isfittomeetthechallengesof21stcentury ur visiontopray, isaboutcreatingaChurch growandserve

and Twitter feeds, foruptodatenews onhowwe arerollingoutthevision. good andsharethehopewe have inJesusChrist. handhow together forthecommon first we canwork communities tolearn The Bishopshopetospendqualitytimeconnectingwith peopleand andexploringnew modelsofchurch. simplifying ourgovernancestructures with thepeopleofDevon, ornot. We whetherregularworshippers willbe anglican.org butfor2018we willbefocussing on listeningandengaging •

Keep aneye on thenews sectionofourwebsite andonourFacebook are availableMore detailsaboutthevisionandstrategy onwww.exeter. communities ofwhichwe arepart. thepeopleofDevon withjoy,serve the inordertotransform Okehampton. Youth Eventin at Connected with youngpeople Bishop Nickmeets 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 25 26 27 28 1 2 3

Women’s World Bishop’s Diocesan Council St David’s Day Day of Prayer (tbc) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Mothering Sunday Diocesan Synod 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Exeter Diocese calendar 2018 grants advert 25 January, February & March26 2018 27 28 29 30 31

181mm wide x 55mm high Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Advert 181 mm x 55mm:

St LUKE’S COLLEGE FOUNDATION Grants for postgraduate studies in Theology and RE

Applications are invited from clergy, RE teachers and others in the service of the church for personal grants towards the costs of university based studies in Theology and RE. The next Round of Awards will be made in June, for grants tenable from September 2018, for candidates who may be starting or continuing their studies next academic year. Completed applications must be received by 1st May 2018.

For further information, and to request an Application Pack, please contact: Dr David Benzie, [email protected] Ÿ 01822 613143 Ÿ www.st-lukes-foundation.org.uk

Location & version: D:\DUsers\David\Sync Folders\St Lukes\Publicity\Devon Diocesan News\B-St Luke's advert Jan-Mar exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd2018.docx (1.0) 9 25/09/2017 22:36

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 10 APRIL in Sidmouth. Hospital Victoria with apatientat Bishop Sarahchats T concerns, andwe provide areraised. adviceandguidancewhereconcerns in responsiblepositionsare suitablytrainedandequippedtorespond themindeveloping safeandeffectivepractices,support toensurethose We acrossthediocese withparishesandchurchofficers, aimtowork to appropriately.and respondingtoconcerns Itisaboutresponsible caring. Safeguarding Team SAFEGUARDING The fourstrongteaminthe safeguardingofficedeliverthe and safe. inourchurchfamilyiswelcome ensuring thateveryone he DioceseofExeteriscommittedtosafeguardingand Safeguarding isaboutrecognisingvulnerability, beingalert |[email protected] team on:01392345909or [email protected] or sufferingabuse, pleasedonothesitatetocontacttheSafeguarding areas requiringimprovement. which willallowusreflectontheprogressmade, ourstrengthsandany oftheNationalChurchEnglandprogramme, aspart arrangements as safeandwelcoming places. training arefindingitinformative, enablingthemtopromotetheirchurches training programmeandarepleasedthatthemany peopleattendingthe If youhave any aboutsomeone you thinkmightbevulnerable concerns In November 2017we welcome anauditofoursafeguarding Photo: FloraSearson 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Easter Day Easter Monday 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Vocations Sunday 29 30 1 2 3 4 5

J. WIPPELL & CO LTD Clerical Outtters & Church Furnishings Since 1789 President - The Right Revd. , Special Oer For the finest quality clerical wear 1 39/41 St David’s Hill for Ordinands including cassocks, cassock albs, Exeter, EX4 4DA years of Christian service traditional albs, surplices, cottas, 172 01392 410530 SAVE shirts and collars visit us instore or young people supported ymcaexeter.org.uk 15% online: www.wippell.co.uk 1000 every year in their time of need Registered Charity Nos. 803226 & 1162431 on clerical 88 Buller Road, EX4 1DQ. Tel: 01392 254234. wear instore* *Available at all UK stores. For T&Cs see website.

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 11 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 12 MAY Photo: NickShutt F Rev Hannah Alderson, Vocations Development Officer lives andcommittingtolet Him leadtheway. And it’s aboutlisteningtoGod, seeking Hisdirectiononour Himinaway thatonlyweGod hasgivenustoserve cando. that -livingabundantly. It’s aboutusingthegiftsandskillsthat abundantly” (John10:10).Fulfillingourvocationisabout just VOCATIONS Judith and her husband Peter live on a dairy farm and farm Judith andherhusbandPeter liveonadairy Jesus said:“Icamethatthey may have life, andhave it unique ways. Godandoneanotherin peopleserving extraordinary and fromPlymouthtoPaignton; ourdioceseisfullof toBoveyrom Barnstaple Tracey, toTavistock Tiverton [email protected] theconversation. tostart contact Rev HannahAlderson, Vocations Development Officer, at bed andbreakfast. Tavistock, andBrentTor Gulworthy atthe alongsideherwork rural life fulfils herpassionfor by ministeringinthebeneficeof Judith was ordainedDeacon in September2017andnow seek God’s direction, andwas selectedtotrainforministry. said shewas Butshecommittedto “abackground person”. asked ifshehadever consideredordainedministry, she bedandbreakfast.WhenJudith’s afarmhouse Judith runs Would youlike totalkwithsomeoneaboutyourvocation?If so, |[email protected] on her dairy farm. on herdairy Judith withacalf 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 29 30 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ascension Day Rogation Sunday May Day Holiday World Fair Trade Day

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Bishop’s Diocesan Council 15-21 Dementia 14-20 Christian Aid Week Awareness Week

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 27 28 29 30 31 1 2

Trinity Sunday Spring Holiday

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exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 13 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 14 JUNE companion Tess. sleepout, with during hisLent Deighton Rev Gary with others. Reverend Gary DeightonfromGoodringtonparishchurchdid Reverend Gary with others. doing theunexpectedby steppingoutofourownexperiencestounite ofthewordgenerosity.understanding profoundlyabout They spoke very Iwasliberating. speakingwithyoung peoplerecentlyabouttheir please seetheparishgivingschemepageondiocesan website. a discipleofJesus.Ifyouwouldlike todiscover moreaboutjoiningup ofyourcommitmentas who have ofPGSaspart consideredmembership Katie Stevenson, Mission Resources Adviser GENEROUS GIVING Being financiallygenerousasacalltodiscipleshipcan feelincredibly month throughthisdonationsystem.Thankyoutoall ofyou Giving Scheme, andchurcheswere receivingover £145,000a Devon. ByJuly, 160churches were registeredtotheParish reallywas017 anincredibleyearforChristiangenerosity across |01392 294960 |[email protected] your church, pleasedogetintouchwithme. more aboutintroducingfinancial generosityasacalltodiscipleshipin generosity videoisnowavailable onthewebsite. Ifyouwouldlike tolearn as alivingsacrifice.According to Paul, The thisisouractofworship. the video, whenshequotedStPaul whocommendedustoofferourselves inherconclusionto Sarah echoedthismessageofgivingfromtheheart the widow’s mitewhendescribing whatgenerositymeanttohim.Bishop take usto challenging places. asareminderthatlivingoutourfaithcansometimes generosity serves the homelessnesscharity, ShekinahMission.Thisinspirationalact of just thatby sleepingroughfor thedurationofLenttoraisemoney for When filmingforourgenerosityvideo, of apasser-by quotedthestory 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 27 28 29 30 31 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Environment Sunday 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Open Farm Sunday 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Father’s Day 18-24 Refugee Week 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

International Day in support of Victims of Torture Armed Forces Day

Quality Resources for all ages and JOHN MAYNE - STONEMASONRY LTD Join the CONSERVATION, RESTORATION & REBUILD SPECIALIST stages of faith conversation! For all your Lectionaries, Bibles, Hymn Books and Children’s materials. Plus competitive prices on all bulk Follow the Diocese of orders. Just call us for a quote. Exeter @CofEDevon Support your local Christian bookshops. on Twitter and Contact us or call in now. 3 Okehampton Street, Exeter EX4 1DW. Tel: 01392 427171 Instagram or search Email: [email protected] “Diocese of Exeter” Churches, historical & listed buildings. New build 1 Deer Park Drive, Teignmouth, Devon TQ 9HE on facebook Tel: 01626 776931 Mobile: 07951 967101

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 15 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 16 JULY in Exmouth. The BeaconSchool Prayer Pals at T all over the country and bursaries areoftenavailable andbursaries tolowincome all over thecountry toexperienceChristiancamps. Pre-organisedoneshappen an opportunity and bringsgreatjoys! love ofGodthroughChrist.Itislifechangingexperienceforallinvolved increasing numberofchildrenwhoarediscovering andexperiencingthe giveupalotoftime,paid workers amongan money towork and energy A vastnumberofvolunteers, alongsideasmallminorityofdedicated forchurch growth. discipleship ofchildrenandyoungpeopleiscrucial activities suchasretreats, growth.” campsorconferencesreported Paul Reisbach,Paul Diocesan Youth Work Adviser Katherine Lyddon, Diocesan Children’s Ministry Adviser CHILDREN’S WORK A giftany churchcanofferistogiveyoungpeople and/ortheirfamilies Round theclock, throughtheyearcommitmentfromadultstowards to adults: “Three quarters ofchurcheswhichofferyouth to adults:“Threequarters found wherethereisahighratioofchildrenandyoung people programme ‘From AnecdotetoEvidence’showgrowthis he findingsfromthe2011-2013churchgrowthresearch |[email protected] |[email protected] Reisbach, DiocesanYouth Work Adviser. of KatherineLyddon, DiocesanChildren’s Adviser, Ministry andPaul children oryoungpeople, doremembertouseyourFREEresources children andyoungpeople. Christians canbesignificantindeveloping life-longdiscipleshipfor age, whatever thevenue, whatever theactivities, timeaway withother and LeeAbbey areallequipped tocaterforallages.Whatever the churches goaway together. Places suchasHeatree, Manor Brunel a few. andSPREEcampnearCrediton(8-17s),Dartmouth to namebut camp, juniormix, seniormixandfamilycampofferedby DCYCnear (11-14s); aFalcon campheldatLeeAbbey (8-11s), camp, agirls boys households. WithinDevon, therearetwoCPAS campsnearBarnstaple For further information onthisorany with information other aspect ofworking For further Equal amountsofdiscipleshipandfuncanbehadwhen whole

Photo: RebeccaPaveley 25/09/2017 22:36


8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Sea Sunday 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Disability Awareness Day Bishop’s Diocesan Council 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31 1 2 3 4

City of Plymouth Credit Union

Savings and loans in your community www.cpcu.co.uk

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 17 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 18 AUGUST T in cafes, parks, schools, andinchurches, inviting peopletopray and of prayer. in awidevarietyofways anddifferenttraditionsexpressions Day andPentecost Sunday involving individuals andchurchcommunities good news ofJesusChrist.Ithas taken place between Ascension Barry Dugmore,Barry Diocesan Mission Advisor Kingdom Come. attheendofThy service Cathedral foraPentecost Devon areplacedinExeter Prayer boxesfromacross PRAYER AcrossDevon, churches have openedup prayer stationson thestreets, expectation thatmorepeoplemay cometoknowthe by ago, bothof our Archbishopstwoyears in hopeand ofagrowingecumenicalprayer movement launched part hy focusonprayer, KingdomComeisaninternational now

| 01392 294920 |[email protected] this andotherideasforreaching outintoyourcommunitycontact: a largemapofthecounty. evening, peopleplacedtheirprayer boxes collectedfromallover Devon on as theculminationofandcelebrationthisspecialperiod. Duringthe andprayerof worship withdifferentprayer stationsandinstallations, people torequestprayer. Special prayer boxeswere used atmany oftheseevents toencourage share theirconcerns, withschoolpupilswritinghundredsofprayers. Look outfordetailsofour TKC celebrationandevents in2018andfor On Pentecost Sunday, ExeterCathedralhostedaspecial ‘BeaconEvent’ Photo: FloraSearson 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 29 30 31 123451 2 3 4

5 67896 7 8 9 1010 1111 12

12 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 19

19 2020 2121 2222 2323 2424 2525 26

26 2727 2828 2929 3030 31 31 1

Bank Holiday Summer bank holiday bbey a ee l Come to life hs: Jane Willis and and Willis Jane hs: P

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exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 19 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 20 SEPTEMBER Photo: RebeccaPaveley T • • • responsibility for: acceptcorporate School Governors skills areimproving thelifechancesofnextgeneration. responsible andrewarding ways tovolunteer–knowingthatyourtimeand ofcommunity, andbeliefintheimportance worth dignityandrespect. Sarah Owen EDUCATION

Serving asaGovernor inoneofourschoolsrepresentsthemost Serving sure itsmoney iswell spent. ofthe organisationandmaking overseeing thefinancialperformance of staff; of theorganisationanditspupils, management andtheperformance toaccountfortheeducationalperformance holding executiveleaders ensuring clarityofvision, ethosandstrategicdirection; attain knowledge, wisdom, hope, aspiration, asenseofself- 22,000 children.Ourschoolsprovide ameansforpupilsto 132ChurchofEnglandschoolsthateducateover serves he DiocesanBoardofEducationsupports, challenges and | 01392 294938 |[email protected] serve thecommongood. serve to secure, develop and maintain thereligiouscharacterofschoolto Christian distinctivenessof ChurchofEnglandschoolsandarewilling skills, andvaluethe areexpectedtounderstand foundationgovernors of ExeterasFoundation Inadditiontohaving Governors. the appropriate • • • • • • • hardtofind, include: which areparticularly of expertise Skilful governance isthekey toachieving successfulschools. Theareas

Many inourchurchschoolsareappointed by governors theDiocese health andsafety IT legal premises andbuildingsrelated finance andHR personnel marketing outstanding SIAMS. School celebratingits Chardstock Primary 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 26 27 28 29 30 31 1

1 Sep-4 Oct Creation Season 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Bishop’s Diocesan Council UN International (tbc) Day of Peace 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Peace Sunday 30

CHURCH OF ENGLAND DOWNLOAD DEVON This week sign-up to receive daily emails to inspire your prayers and rayers action throughout the season of P Creationtide (1 Sept – 4 Oct). This year’s theme is ‘Inspiring Earth’. Go to https:// Fri 1st – Sat 9th September ecochurchsouthwest.org.uk/creationtide

1. 1. On this first day of the ‘Season of Creation,’ Patteson, martyred in Melanesia and from dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of this Diocese, and on 23rd pray for the AND PRINT all life, we pray: God said, ‘Let there be light.’ Melanesian Mission AGM and Festival day. IPPELL O TD Eternal God, we thank you for your light and 7. For the Central Exeter Mission Community, your truth. We praise you for your fatherly their priest Sheila Swarbrick and for all who J. W & C L care in creating a universe which proclaims live and worship in Central Exeter. your glory. Inspire us to worship you, the creator of all, and let your light shine upon 8. For the Chudleigh Mission Community, their our world. clergy Paul Wimsett, Martin Fletcher, Readers Arnold Cade, Sheila Fletcher, Helen Harding 2. For the Braunton Mission Community, their and for all who live and worship in Trusham, priest Anne Thorne, Reader David Rushworth Chudleigh Knighton and Chudleigh. and for all who live and worship in Braunton 9. In our link with Thika pray for the Bishop 3. 3. For the Brixham Mission Community, their Julius Wanyoike and his secretary James CHURCH OF clergy Ian Blyde, John Gay, Angela Sumner, Kamura. Give thanks for the work of the Readers Susan Shaw, Wendy Emlyn and for Mothers’ Union – the powerhouse of the all who live and worship in Lower Brixham, Church – and pray for Esther Wanyoike Clerical Outtters & Church Furnishings Since 1789 All Saints, Kingswear, Churston Ferrers and the president and Cecilia Mwaniki the co- Brixham St Mary. ordinator. 4. Pray for all our clergy, senior staff and all those attending the clergy conference in Cirencester until 7th: that it may be a time of learning together, reflection and fun so that all those involved come back inspired and renewed to serve their communities. 5. Pray for all those attending Safeguarding ENGLAND training today in Torquay and on 7th in Exeter, 14th in Barnstaple, 26th & 27th in Plymouth and 28th in Barnstaple. 6. In our link with Melanesia we are asked to pray for the Archbishop of Melanesia, George Takeli as he attends the clergy conference. Special Oer For the finest quality clerical wear On 20th remember Bishop John Coleridge DEVON ... .:: WWW.EXETER.ANGLICAN.ORG :: TWITTER.COM/COFEDEVON :: FACEBOOK SEARCH DIOCESE OF EXETER ::. for Ordinands including cassocks, cassock albs, traditional albs, surplices, cottas, Your monthly diocesan news and SAVE prayers in a wide range of accessible shirts and collars visit us instore or magazine, pewsheet or poster online: www.wippell.co.uk formats, or view and share our 15% online flipbook. on clerical 88 Buller Road, EX4 1DQ. Tel: 01392 254234. wear instore* *Available at all UK stores. For T&Cs see website. www.exeter.anglican.org

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 21 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 22 OCTOBER T their church to grow. It has been particularly helpful for rural helpfulforrural their churchtogrow. Ithasbeenparticularly anyone inalocalchurchinvolved withorwanting tohelp for growth.Itisleaders, lay andordained, teamsand stories, experiencesandconnectingchurches inpartnerships and signpostingtootherresources, andareplacesforsharing of GodgrowacrossDevon. growing asmission-shapedcommunitiesthathelpthe Kingdom all aboutsharingour‘tools’–gifts, skillsandexperiencesfor and enablinggrowthtoflourishinourgardens.Mission Shedis is aplacewherewe keep thetoolswe useforcreating, tending ofresourcehubsacrossourdiocese.Ashed through anetwork Barry Dugmore, Barry Diocesan Mission Advisor MISSION SHED Mission shedsmeetlocallyfourtimesayearoffering training renewed expressions(Re-expressions)ofchurch new ways ofbeingchurch(Fresh Expressions)and affirming, equippingandenablinggrowthinboth he visionof‘MissionShed’involves encouraging, |[email protected] resolve tocontinueinthis work.” Shed events hasstrengthenedourabilityaswell asour Above atMission all, tosharewithothers theopportunity ofmission thatthisinitiativehasgiventous.understanding empowered andbetterresourcedby animproved and outsideourchurches.Asaresult, we feelaffirmed, within said: “MissionShedhasencouragedourministry more hubsin2018. on theMissiondevon Facebook page.We arebusyplanningfor dates andlocationscanbefoundonthediocesanwebsite and Okehampton, Barnstaple, Honitonandmid-Devon. Detailsof and workshops. andavarietyofseminars contributors annually withexpert churches. We alsohostonelargerMissionShedcentralevent Sally andChristopherPancheri, inBrentor, Readers locatedinPlymouth,Mission Shedhubsarecurrently Photo: Barry Dugmore Photo: Barry in Barnstaple. at MissionShed Sharing ideas 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 30 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

7-13 Prisons Week Diocesan Synod 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

International Credit Union Day 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Freedom Sunday 28 29 30 31 1 2 3

Quality Resources for all ages and Join the stages of faith conversation! The Cathedral Shop For all your Lectionaries, Bibles, Hymn Books and Children’s materials. Plus competitive prices on all bulk Follow the Diocese of Stockists of items by producers including orders. Just call us for a quote. Emma Ball, Becky Bettesworth and Dartington Exeter @CofEDevon Support your local Christian bookshops. Crystal, together with a wide range of on Twitter and Christian cards, gifts and CDs. Contact us or call in now. 3 Okehampton Street, Exeter EX4 1DW. Tel: 01392 427171 Instagram or search Email: [email protected] “Diocese of Exeter” Exeter 01392 271354 on facebook Cathedral [email protected]

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 23 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 24 NOVEMBER H Chris Forster,Chris TPTDevelopment Worker health inequality. financial resilience, migrantvulnerability, and childpoverty Thesearesocialisolation, focus fortheinitialwork. Following consultation, five key areas were agreedasthe response tothePlymouthFairness CommissionReport. and thechurchesinPlymouthwas setupasadirect beganattheendof2015. far sincework Transforming PlymouthTogether (TPT)initiativehas achieved so TRANSFORMING PLYMOUTHTRANSFORMING TOGETHER TPT isajointventurewithChurchUrbanFund, ourdiocese planning arejustsomeofthethingsthat tohelppeoplewithfinancial courses running issues, and holdingaDementiaCarolService osting aconferencediscussingPlymouth’s social

| 07710 096210 |07710 |[email protected] could sharenews about TPTwiththeirchurches. andwho is lookingforTPTadvocates withideasforfuturework the city. with differentcommunitygroupsandagenciesacross up ofnew activities,and projects, services incooperation of olderpeople.Thishasledtothesetting debt, wage levels, foodpoverty, discriminationandtheneeds responding toissuessuchasfamilywell-being, loneliness, get involved withtheircommunitiesatgrassrootslevel, withlocalpeople andchurchesastheyForster isworking of EcumenicalTrustees, TPTDevelopment Worker Chris But thereismuchmoreto do andtohelphiminthis, Chris oftheBishopPlymouthandaboard With thesupport

summer holidays. children duringthe and healthy foodfor to offeractivities community centre churches and by TPTandthe This was setup Budeaux, Plymouth. project inSt Hope4Summer and foodatthe a warm welcome Families aregiven 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 28 29 30 31 1 2 3

All Saints Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Remembrance Sunday 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 1

J. WIPPELL & CO LTD Buckfast Abbey Bookshop Clerical Outtters & Church Furnishings Since 1789 We stock a large range of religious books and Special Oer For the finest quality clerical wear resources. We also sell religious gi s, music and for Ordinands including cassocks, cassock albs, cards. For unusual gi s visit our Monastic Shop traditional albs, surplices, cottas, for a large range of items from monasteries and SAVE shirts and collars visit us instore or convents from Europe and beyond online: www.wippell.co.uk 15% Telephone us on: 01364 645506 or visit our on clerical 88 Buller Road, EX4 1DQ. Tel: 01392 254234. wear instore* *Available at all UK stores. For T&Cs see website. website: www.buckfast.org.uk

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 25 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 26 DECEMBER Photo: RebeccaPaveley T and the appointment of Barnabas Hurst-Bannister asthe Hurst-Bannister and theappointmentofBarnabas the interiorofbuilding. any Cathedralinrecenttimes, raising£7.5milliontotransform Cathedral, whereheoversaw themostcompletemakeover of Wakefield experienceofrunning brought withhimtenyears’ EXETER CATHEDRAL There have alsobeennew appointments to Chapter He tookuphisnew roleintimeforAdventand takes over fromprevious DrJonathanDraper. a new Dean, theVery Rev JonathanGreener, who he last12monthshave seentheappointmentof |01392 255573 this wonderfulbuilding. have over livedandworked andworshipped thecenturiesin inplacetohelptellthestoriesofpeoplewho interpretation reality. reality ThismeanstheCathedralwillhave somevirtual the forefrontofresearchintovisitorexperienceandaugmented ofExeterputtingitat withtheUniversity project inpartnership the future. Cathedral’s governingbodyis reinvigorated andlookingto new ChairoftheCathedralCouncil, whichmeansthe The CathedralhasalsolaunchedamajorEuropean-funded choristers. by Cathedral are welcomed wife Pamela Greener and Dean Jonathan 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 25 26 27 28 29 30 1

World Aids Day Bishop’s Diocesan Council 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

First Sunday in Advent 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Second Sunday in Advent UN Human Rights Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Third Sunday in Advent 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fourth Sunday in Advent 30 31 Christmas Day Boxing Day


Savings and loans in your Churches, historical & listed buildings. community New build 1 Deer Park Drive, Teignmouth, Devon TQ 9HE Tel: 01626 776931 Mobile: 07951 967101 www.cpcu.co.uk

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 27 25/09/2017 22:36 exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 28 JANUARY 2019 Photo: FloraSearson F Sally Farrant, Social Responsibility Officer Goss,Martyn Director of Church andSociety none may hunger and that the produce of the Earth issharedequitably none may hungerandthat the produceofEarth of humanendeavour. Inparticular, we also callforfoodjusticesothat ofthenourishmentalllife. importance central symbolforlove, justiceandpeace, churcheshave emphasisedthe FOOD When we eatwe mightrememberfoodasagiftofGodandtheproduct references tobreadandtheinstitutionofHolyCommunion asa guidelines foragriculturalpracticeinLeviticus toJesus’ about howitistobegrown, sharedandeaten.From the ood isakey Christianpriority. Thereismuchinourtradition |01392 294918 |[email protected] |01392 294924 |[email protected] and policiesforabetterfuture. Plymouth, Food ExeterandIlfracombeFood to develop activities Network toaddresssuchissuesinprayerful,partners practicalandpoliticalways. arevitalforustoconsider.poverty transported, howwe sustain securityofsuppliesandchallengefood and fairly. We suchasFood thereforeencouragelocalfoodprojectsand networks withothercommunities and includesworking Our ChurchandSocietywork So questionsaboutwhereourfoodcomesfrom, howitisgrownand in Plymouth. allotments community St Budeaux at holders with allotment Goss Martyn 25/09/2017 22:36 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 30 31 1 2 3 4 5

New Year’s Day 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Epiphany 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Baptism of Christ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 1 2

Holocaust Memorial Day

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 29 25/09/2017 22:36 FINANCE REPORT 2016 - 2017

Where do we spend Mission the money we receive? & Ministry he Bishops in Mission visits support: to each deanery during Every £10 we receive 66p 2016 – 2017, provided is spent as follows: the opportunity to share Tthe diocesan vision more widely, as we strive to be people who together are: Ministry • growing in prayer; Selection • making new disciples; and & Training: • serving the people of Devon with joy. 48p Enabling more people to come to know the love of Jesus Christ and the sacrifi ce He made for us all is the key

EXPENDITURE Education focus in how we allocate our resources. Clergy, & Education Nearly 70% of our income comes including Chaplaincy: through the voluntary contributions that housing: parishes make towards the Common £7. 24 39p Fund and we have seen a small fall in the percentage of contributions Breakdown of ‘other received in each of the last two years costs’ category: which has impacted on the level of our reserves. The current way Common Other costs: Finance 14p Fund requests are calculated is under 94p Synod/Board/Committees 11p Diocesan Management review, to ensure it remains a fair & Administration Services 11p system for all. We should all be very Safeguarding of thankful for the level of generosity vulnerable people 11p shown, as without this, we would not Church & Society support 9p Payments Communications 8p be able to provide ministry and support Total to the Diocesan Advisory Committee 7p mission across our diocese. expenditure: Human Resources 5p National Church: £13.573m Diocesan Registrar/ 29p Chancellor 4p Other costs 14p

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 30 25/09/2017 22:36 Where do we get All our money from? Churches We are also reviewing the longer Trust: term fi nancial plan for the diocese, Every £10 we receive 12p which will involve addressing a number is made up as follows: of challenging issues, such as the continuing fall in the number of people in our worshipping communities, the deployment of clergy across the Parochial Reserves: diocese, the outcomes from the Fees: INCOME 44p Growing the Rural Church project and 52p the continuing delivery of the vision.

We continue to be excited by the way parishes have continued to sign up to be members of the Parish Giving Scheme, with over 2,000 individuals giving to their parishes through the scheme each month, returning in excess of £1.75 million a year to parishes.

The fi nancial climate remains very Rental Common challenging, but we remain confi dent of Housing: Fund: in our vision to work together to grow 59p £6.42 the church and make new disciples for Jesus Christ.

Neil Williams, Director of Finance | 01392 294925

Based on total income of Investments National £12.970m plus & Glebe Church: £605k contribution income: from reserves: £1.05 86p £13.573m

exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 31 25/09/2017 22:36 Front cover: 14 new ordained at Exeter Cathedral, 2017 (photo by Adrian Hough)


exeter-diocese-calendar-2018.indd 32 25/09/2017 22:36