CQG Data Factory Accurate. Complete. Powerful. Questions? < North America: 1 888-233-1173 CQG Data Factory < Europe: +33 1-44-88-21-00 CQG offers end-of-day data, including trade volume and bid/ask size! Access < Email:
[email protected] decades of historical data, as well as intraday data starting from 1987: < Price and volume data from more than 60 exchanges worldwide Worldwide data < Time and Sales (tick-by-tick, including bid/ask and settle) Futures Exchanges < Intraday Bar Data (1-240 minute intervals) Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros (BM&F) < Daily Bar Data (open, high, low and last) Bourse de Montreal (BdM) CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) < Daily volume and open interest Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) < Trade volume with bid/ask size Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX) Eurex (EUREX) & Eurex US Do you need it? We have it. Euronext (EURNXT) CQG Data Factory offers a wide variety of categories: Euronext.liffe < Futures (financial and commodities) GLOBEX International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) < Cash (commodities, currencies, and equity indices) Italian Derivatives Exchange (IDEM, CEDBOR) < Equities Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBOT) < Treasuries London Commodities Exchange (LCE) MEFF (MEFFRF, MEFFRV) Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE) New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) Coming Soon: New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) < Depth of Market OneChicago (OC) Osaka Securities Exchange (OSE) Singapore Exchange (SGX) Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) CQG Data Factory is online! Toronto Futures