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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS, Vol 1478 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 February 13, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING THE MEMPHIS HORNS Bringing awareness to type I diabetes not COMMENDING HAYATO ‘‘JACK’’ only combats a devastating illness, but it also YOSHINO FOR HIS MANY CON- HON. MARSHA BLACKBURN saves the country money. Accounting for hun- TRIBUTIONS TO THE PEOPLE OF OF TENNESSEE dreds of billions of dollars in healthcare ex- GUAM IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES penses, diabetes is also responsible for al- most a third of all Medicare costs. Monday, February 13, 2012 HON. MADELEINE Z. BORDALLO Mr. Speaker, type I diabetes is a problem OF GUAM Mrs. BLACKBURN. Mr. Speaker, whether this country cannot ignore. Today, I ask my IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES you find yourself sitting on the Dock of the colleagues and all Americans to join me in in- Monday, February 13, 2012 Bay, with Sweet Caroline, Takin’ It to the creasing diabetes awareness in our commu- Streets, or talking to the Son of a Preacher nities and throughout the Nation. Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Mr. Hayato ‘‘Jack’’ Yoshino for his Man, chances are you’ve heard the soulful f and intense blasts of the Memphis Horns. years of leadership and contributions to the Music is the very rhythm of our culture, and in RECOGNIZING THE LIFE OF people of Guam as the President of P.H.R. the Tennessee 7th, we champion the sounds WHITNEY HOUSTON Ken Asset Management Inc. (Ken Corpora- and cultural treasures of our community. I rise tion) on Guam. Mr. Yoshino graduated from Hitotsubashi today to honor one great treasure: The Mem- HON. LAURA RICHARDSON University of Japan, and, in 1980, began his phis Horns. OF CALIFORNIA career at one of Japan’s largest trading com- Each from simple but musically enriched be- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES panies. He later ventured into the real estate ginnings, Wayne Jackson and Andrew Love Monday, February 13, 2012 profession where he made substantial invest- were more than the trumpet and the saxo- ments in hotels, offices, and housing in the phone behind the Memphis Horns. Playing at Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, it is with a deep sadness and heavy heart that I rise United States mainland. He joined Ken Cor- the beginning for the greats: Elvis, Otis Red- poration in 2002 and moved to Guam where ding, Aretha Franklin, the Horns made a name today to pay tribute to Whitney Houston, a woman whose extraordinary voice touched the he worked to familiarize himself with the is- for themselves as the blended tones of Mem- land’s unique real estate and tourism markets. phis. From the 1960s on, the Horns played for heart of America. Ms. Houston died on Saturday, February 11, Four years later, Mr. Yoshino was appointed anyone who needed that unique shot of Mem- President of Ken Corporation and was en- 2012 in Beverly Hills. She was 48 years old. phis soul. Including The Doobie Brothers, trusted with overseeing several premier hotel Ms. Houston’s musical career began in Peter Gabriel, U2, Jimmy Buffett, B.B. King, brands on Guam and Saipan, including the 1985, when her debut album, Whitney Hous- and Willie Nelson, The Memphis Horns are Hilton Guam Resort & Spa, Hyatt Regency ton, was released and she became an instant the very notes of the south. Guam, Hotel Nikko Guam, Pacific Islands Club musical sensation. She produced some of the When they first came together to form their Guam, Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort, Coun- sound, Love and Jackson wondered what they most memorable music of her generation, in- try Club of the Pacific in Guam, and Aqua Re- would do each year when the tour stopped. As cluding her signature hit, ‘‘I Will Always Love sort Club in Saipan. During his tenure as they released their final project, the Memphis You.’’ president, Mr. Yoshino implemented major Horns need never to worry what they will do Whitney Houston was one of the biggest branding initiatives which introduced hotel next. As members of the Musicians’ Hall of names in the music industry and her accom- guests and tourists to the island’s culture, cui- Fame winner, their place is noted in America’s plishments as a singer are many. In 2009, the sine, and people. And in the midst of eco- history. As one of the great sounds of Mem- Guinness World Records cited her as the nomic uncertainty following the March 2011 phis, their place is secure in America’s hearts. most-awarded female act of all time. Her earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan, Mr. Their legacy is a permanent part of our musi- awards include two Emmy Awards, six Yoshino worked to sustain the operations at cal soul and their unique sound and uplifting Grammy Awards, 30 Billboard Music Awards, each of the corporation’s properties. notes will be trumpeted for a great long while. and 22 American Music Awards, among a Mr. Yoshino devoted his time and expertise I ask my colleagues to join with me and cele- total of 415 career awards in her lifetime. to developing Guam’s visitor industry and local brate the quintessential Memphis Horns as Houston was also one of the world’s best- community. In 2009, Mr. Yoshino became a they receive the Lifetime Achievement Award. selling music artists, having sold over 200 mil- member of the Guam Visitors Bureau Board of f lion albums and singles worldwide. Directors and was elected chairman of the Ex- She will always be remembered as one of isting Markets Committee. In this capacity, he RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE the greatest voices who ever graced the worked closely with industry leaders to pro- OF DIABETES AWARENESS AND Earth. To have heard the voice of Whitney mote Guam as a world-class destination for PREVENTION Houston was to have witnessed singing per- visitors traveling from the Philippines, North fection. My heart goes out to her daughter, America, Micronesia, and Taiwan. He is an HON. ANN MARIE BUERKLE Bobbi Kristina, and all of her family and active member of the Guam Chamber of Com- OF NEW YORK friends who are mourning the loss of this re- merce, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES markable woman. and the SKAL Club of Guam, an international Mr. Speaker, where do broken hearts go? association of tourism professionals. Among Monday, February 13, 2012 Millions of hearts broke at the news that with other contributions to our community, Mr. Ms. BUERKLE. Mr. Speaker, today I would her passing, we lost one of the greatest gifts Yoshino took an interest in public safety and like to call attention to type I diabetes, a dis- of all; the pure joy we felt whenever Whitney donated equipment to the Guam Police De- ease that is plaguing the citizens of our great sang one of those songs that made us get up partment. Nation. This disease strikes not only our and want to dance with somebody. I join our community in recognizing Mr. youths, but the ailment is affecting much more Yes, we almost had it all. Whitney Houston Yoshino for his leadership, his service to our of our population. In the last 30 years, the left us too soon, but her remarkable voice will community, and for his work in promoting our number of people known to have diabetes in live in our hearts as one moment in time we island’s unique history and culture. On behalf the United States has quadrupled to more will never forget. of the people of Guam, I extend my heartfelt than 26 million. Another 7 million Americans I request a moment of silence in her honor appreciation for Mr. Yoshino’s generosity, and are estimated to have undiagnosed diabetes. and memory. I wish him the best in his future endeavors. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:43 Feb 24, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E13FE2.000 E13FE2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 13, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 1 1479 RECOGNIZING THE INNOVATION who work with the aged in order to improve to RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE AND HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE ensure contemporary education, quality and OF MARRIAGE OF THE BOEING 787 DREAMLINER implementation of services and support pro- vided to senior citizens. The organization HON. ANN MARIE BUERKLE HON. JERRY F. COSTELLO holds monthly workshops and programs which OF NEW YORK OF ILLINOIS have had a positive impact for two decades on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES those who work with the elderly. Issues such IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, February 13, 2012 as health care coordination, housing and resi- Monday, February 13, 2012 dential issues, home health care, financial Ms. BUERKLE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Mr. COSTELLO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to concerns, transportation, social life, emer- take this opportunity to recognize National ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing gency services, food and nutrition, senior vol- Marriage Week 2012. As our country faces the production and delivery of the first Boeing unteer options, and many others are regularly challenging times, the value of a strong family 787 Dreamliner airplanes and to congratulate discussed and areas for cooperation and im- is undeniable. Marriage is the foundation of everyone at The Boeing Company on this provement are identified.
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