Submitted to the Board of Examiner In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department









َو ِم َن النَّا ِس َم ْن يُ ْع ِجبُ َك قَ ْولُهُ فِي ا ْل َحيَا ِة ال ُّد ْنيَا َويُ ْش ِه ُد ََّّللاَ َعلَ ٰى َما فِي قَ ْلبِ ِه َوهُ َو أَلَ ُّد ا ْل ِخ َصا ِم

Artinya: “Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang ucapannya tentang kehidupan dunia menarik hatimu, dan dipersaksikannya kepada Allah (atas kebenaran) isi hatinya, padahal ia adalah penantang yang paling keras” [Al-Baqarah:204]1




In the name of Allah SWT most gracious merciful and the Prophet

Muhammad SAW, the inspiration of Moslem’s life, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father, Agus Joko Suyitno and mother Mas Ayunis, you are my hero and thanks for your praying. My sister and brother you are my strength, thanks a lot for your supports, encouragement, patient, helping. i love you all. And also dedicated for my supervisors Dr. Alfian, M.Ed and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd who always given support, guide, and suggestion for the writer finish this thesis. I feel so prestigious because living around the super skillful and wise people as you are all.

For my best friends who cannot be said one by one. I would like to say thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are given to me as long as my journey in writing this thesis. The last for all people who have helped me in writing this thesis,

I would like to say thank you so much. I love you all as always.



Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Loving and Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of the study the writer can finish his thesis. After that, Shalawat and salam be upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’at later at The Last Day. To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su’aidi Asy’ari, MA. Ph.D as a rector of the State Islamic University of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. 2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as a dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 4. The Head of English Literature Department Ulfatmi Azlan, SS., MA. 5. The secretary of English Literature Department Dian Mukhlisa, MA. 6. My supervisors Dr. Alfian, M. Ed and Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd. I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer in accomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank who have helped, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis and finish this thesis. 7. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.




…… Pribadi, Ega, 2019 : Code Switching Used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on NET TV English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd

This thesis analyzes the code switching in English to Indonesia or vice versa as found in Breakout Music Program on Net TV. This study aims to determine the types of language transfer that are used of Boy William in Breakout Music Program on Net TV and what are the reasons for language transfer used of Boy William in Breakout Music Program on Net TV. The writer uses several theories in this writing namely Romaine and Hoffman. This research is descriptive qualitative because data is collected, analyzed and explained in the form of words. The data in this study are the utterances of Boy William as the host that contains language transfer. The results of this study indicate that the first are three types of language switching, where the types of code switching are proposed by Romaine. These types are inter- sentential switching (code switching occurs between sentence boundaries or clauses), intra-sentential switching (substitution of phrases in sentences), and tag switching (transfer of interactional filler codes) and the reasons for the use of code switching is talking about a particular topic, interjection, repetition used for clarification and intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor.

Keyword: Code Switching, Types Code Switching, and Reason.



…… Pribadi, Ega, 2019 : Code Switching Used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on NET TV English Literature Department Adab and Humanities Faculty, The State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Chandri Febri Santi, M.Pd

Skripsi ini menganalisis pengalihan kode dalam bahasa inggris Indonesia atau sebaliknya seperti yang terdapat di program musik Breakout di Net TV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe pengalihan bahasa yang digunakan di program music Breakout di Net TV dan apa alasan pengalihan bahasa yang digunakan di program musik Brekout di Net TV. Penulis menggunakan beberapa teori dalam penulisan ini yaitu Romaine dan Hoffman. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data dikumpulkan, di analisis dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah ujaran Boy William sebagai pembawa acara yang mengandung pengalihan bahasa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa yang pertama terdapat tiga jenis pengalihan bahasa, di mana jenis-jenis alih kode diusulkan oleh Romaine. Jenis-jenis ini adalah: inter-sentensial switching (alih kode terjadi antara batas kalimat atau klausa), switching intra-sentensial (substitusi frase dalam kalimat), dan tag switching (pengalihan kode pengisi interaksional) dan alasan penggunaan pengalihan bahasa yaitu Berbicara Tentang Topik Tertentu, Mengutip orang lain kata seru, Pengulangan digunakan untuk klarifikasi dan mengklarifikasi isi ucapan.

Kata kunci: Pengalihan Kode, Jenis Pengalihan Kode, dan Alasan



SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam UIN : Universitas Islam Negeri STS : Sultan Thaha Saifuddin E.g. : Example Etc : Et cetera CS : Code switching TCS : Types of code switching RUCS : Reasons of use code switching ISS (1) : Inter-sentential switching ISS (2) : Intra-sentential switching TS : Tag switching TAPT : Talking about a particular topic I : Interjection RUFC : Repetition used for clarification ICSCFI : Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor



COVER ...... i APPROVAL…………...……...... ………………………………………..ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION………………………………………… iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT……………………………………iv MOTTO……………………………………………………………………v DEDICATION……………………………………………………………vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………….vii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………….ix ABSTRAK…………………………………………………………………x LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS…………………………………………..xi TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………..xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem ...... 1 1.2 Formulation of Problem ...... 3 1.3 Limitation of the Problem ...... 3 1.4 Purpose of the Research ...... 4 1.5 Significance of the Research ...... 4 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Sociolinguistics ...... 5 2.2 Bilingualism ...... 7 2.3 Code Switching ...... 9 2.4 Types of Code Switching ...... 11 2.4.1 Tag Switching...... 12 2.4.2 Inter-Sentential Switching………………………….13 2.4.3 Intra-Sentential Switching...... 14 2.5 Reasons of Using Code Switching ...... 15 2.5.1 Talking About a Particular Topic...... 16 2.6 About Breakout Music Program...... 17 2.7 Review Related Research ...... 18


CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Design of Research ...... 19 3.2 Source of Data ...... 21 3.3 Technique of Data Collection ...... 23 3.4 Technique of Data Analysis...... 24 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS ANALYSIS 4.1 Findings...... 26 4.2 Analysis...... 27 4.3 Types of Code Switching...... 28 4.3.1 Tag Switching...... 29 4.3.2 Inter-Sentential Switching...... 29 4.3.3 Intra-Sentential Switching...... 30 4.4 Reasons of Using Code Switching...... 31 4.4.1 Talking About a Particular Topic...... 33 4.4.2 Interjection...... 35 4.4.3 Repetition Used For Clarification...... 37 4.4.4 Intention of Clarifying the Speech…………..38 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusion………………………………………………39 5.2 Suggestion……………………………………………….40 APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3



A. Background of the Problem Indonesia has one national language and many vernaculars. In addition, Indonesia also use International Language (English) for some conditions. In a conversation, young people often switch from Indonesian into English. It can be influenced by social, register, education, trend, environment, or certain conditions. So, they speak two languages in one speech and it is called bilingualism. Bilingualism is an individual’s ability to use more than one language variety. It is the ability to use two languages. This phenomenon usually is called code switching. Before discussing about code switching, we have to know what the code is. According to Wardhaugh, code is the particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion2. In the other word, code is variant of language which is used by language society not only depends on the background of the speaker and the listener but also depends on the situation and the condition. The code can be fickle. It can be code switching and code mixing. When someone uses English, then he switches it into Indonesian to continue the speaking. It is called code switching. Code switching is the use of more than one language by communicants in the execution of a speech act3. So, code switching occurs if someone speaks one language and then he switches it into another language in the first, middle and the end of their speech. Code switching phenomenon becomes a trend or style of speaking in society. This style is called code switching in sociolinguistics. As the alternative, code switching uses two or more languages in the same utterance or conversation. Code switching can be found in events or conversations on Indonesian television programs. In television programs, there are many phenomenas of code switching. The presenters excellently can speak English. The presenters or public figures appear

2Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. (Fifth Edition: Blackwell Publisher. 2006), p. 101 3Jendra, Made I Irawan. Sociolinguistics, The Study of Societies Language. (Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu. 2012), p. 74


and do a conversations on television shows. Sometimes, they use various languages to present their programs by switching the languages from English into Indonesian or otherwise. On television, there are many music shows. One of them is Breakout on Net TV. It is one of Indonesian television music show that the hosts deliver the term of hosting the program by switching the code. In addition, it is the only music show in Indonesian local television that provides English as the term of hosting in their utterances. It presents many musician as the informant. It is not only national or local musician but also international musician to be interview as the informant. Therefore, it is entertaining and educating. Unconsciously, it also can help to improve the English skill. Breakout has one host and one co-host of Breakout music program on Net TV. Those are Boy William as the host and Sheila Dara as the co-host. The writer only focuses on Boy William utterances. The writer often watched ‘Breakout’ on television. In the program, the writer saw Boy William using two languages. He spoke so unique. He easily spoke Indonesian to English or otherwise. So, it was interesting to be a research. That was why the writer chose code switching. The types of code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV can be seen at the example below : “Kira-kira lagu favorit kalian ada gak di chart kita? Let’s hope with takes around in the chart, oke. Kita mulai dari posisi dua puluh.” In the utterance above, Boy William uses one of types code switching that is inter-sentential switching. The sentence shows that he mixes two languages in his utterances between sentences. In the first sentence, he says Indonesian utterance “kira-kira lagu favorit kalian ada gak di chart kita?” then he switches to English utterance “Let’s hope with takes around in the chart, oke”. After that, he says Indonesian utterance again “kita mulai dari posisi dua puluh”. In that sentence, he hopes the viewers can find their favorite song by taking around in the chart in this episode and it starts from twentieth position. From the example above, the writer thinks if this case will be interesting to be a research in code switching. So, this research is aimed to investigate code switching


in the utterances of Boy William, as the host of “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes. The reasons why the writer chooses this title because as we know, Boy William is often as the host or guest star in a program on television, especially in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. In that program, he is not rare to use code switching. From that explanation, the writer are interested what are the reasons of Boy William using code switching. The research is needed to know the solutions of this case. So, this research is expected to give some useful contributions to the theory of sociolinguistics, particularly the theory of code switching. The findings of this research are expected to give some useful insights to English Literature Department students in order to get better understanding of the use of code switching by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. As mentioned above, the writer choose to analyze and study about code switching under the title “Code Switching Used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on NET TV”.

B. Formulation of the Problems Based on the explanation above, the writer finds the problem that interests to be researched as seen below : 1. What are the types of code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV? 2. What are Boy William’s reasons using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV?

C. Limitations of the Problem In this research, the writer wants to analyze the specific problems about code switching that is used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV and then to find the answers of the problems based on code switching theories. The writer only limits on the English-Indonesian and Indonesian-English code switching. The writer only focuses on Boy William’s utterances to be researched. The writer also limits this research on the types of code switching and the reasons of Boy William


using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. This research obtained data taken from the utterances of Boy William found in ten episodes in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018. The reason why the writer chooses ten episodes because the writer feels that the writer has been enough to know what is the most dominant type and what is the reason mostly often used by Boy William of using code switching.

D. Purpose of the Research According to formulation of the problem above, the writer wants : 1. To find out the types of code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. 2. To know Boy William’s reasons of using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV.

E. Significance of the Research This study is theoretically expected to enrich theoretical perspective on code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV and an important thing is how to analyze the utterance of language research using code switching theory as that shown by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. This study practically can be employed to help the reader in analyzing code switching that is used in the program. It is also expected to provide empirical source for further researchers and the readers are interested in sociolinguistic studies. The writer also expects that this study will be more developed by the further researchers who are interested in the field of sociolinguistic especially in code switching.



A. Sociolinguistics As International Language, English has role in the socioeconomic, political, social, and cultural lives in several countries. Language can be various in heterogenic societies because it has some differences in habitual and social background. Code switching is related to the language and social. Code switching study cannot be separated with sociolinguistics because code switching is the part of sociolinguistics phenomenon. Sociolinguistics is the basic of theoretical framework to study code switching. Therefore, sociolinguistics has to be explained before we learn code switching. In communication, when people interact with others in society, they must use a language anywhere and anytime. When they do their activities and toward the others without a language, they will find some troubles. No people or no society without a language. The role of a language among the people in this life is very crucial. Language is used by the human to speak in society. People use language to show their feelings, opinions, or idea. According to Fishman, sosiolinguistic is the study the characteristic of their function and the characteristic of their speaker as these three constantly interact, change and changes one another within a speech community4. According to Holmes, sociolinguistics is the study of language and society5. Based on that statement, a term sociolinguistics is etymologically a derivational word. There are two words forming it those are sociology and linguistic. Sociology refers to a science of society. It is the study of the nature, growth of society and social behavior. Then, linguistic refers to a study of language. So, sociolinguistics is the study of language in any aspects of society. The word sociolinguistics contain of two words. First is society which means any group of people who are drawn together for certain purpose and the second is

4Fishman, A. Joshua. Reading in the Sociology of Language. 1972. p. 4 5Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. (New York: Routledge. 2013). p. 1


language which means the members of particular society speak6. Sociolinguistics is the study of kinds of language used is social context. There are so many phenomena to the function of language that can be found in our society. The common phenomenon that can be found is code switching. The phenomena exist because there is the social context which allows people communicate in more than one language. Ronald Wardhaugh defines that sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society, whereas the sociology of language is the study of language in relation to language7. In the other word, it states that in sociolinguistics, we study language and society in order to find out as much as we can about what kind of thing language is, and in the sociology of language, we reverse the direction of our interest. Based on that explanation, sociolinguistics is related to society and the sociology of language is related to language. According to Ronald Wardhaugh, sociolinguistics as the study that is concerned with investigating the relationship between language and society with the goal of better understanding of the structure of languages function in communication8. Based on that explanation, the writer can conclude that sociolinguistics is the branch of linguistic that learns about the relation between language and society. It concerns on the use of the language, the object and also the aim of it.

B. Bilingualism and Multilingualism The phenomenon of people having more than one code (language) is called bilingualism or multilingualism9. Prefix “bi-“ means “two” and suffix “-lingual” means “language”. So, bilingual is an ability using two languages. In the other word, bilingualism can be defined as the ability of speakers to speak or to communicate in two different languages.

6Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 1 7Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 13 8Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 13 9Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 101


According to Haugen, bilingualism is at the point where the speaker of one language can produce complete, meaningful utterances in the other languages10. Chin & Wigglesworth define bilingualism is the use of two languages or the native- like control of two languages11. Bilingual or multilingual speakers often mix or switch their language from one language to another. Especially, when the speaker knows both of languages well for example, they can mix their local language with national language or national language with English language. They tend to change their language as long as the conversation. Most people as speakers usually occupy more than one language and require a selected language whenever they choose to speak with other people. When two or more languages are used alternately by the same speaker, it can be said that those languages contact each other. Events are using two or more languages alternately by a speaker called bilingualism12. According to Myers-Scotton, bilingualism is the use of two or more languages sufficiently to carry on a limited casual conversation13. To clarify the term bilingual or multilingual, Spolsky defines a bilingual as “a person who has some functional ability in the second language”. This may vary from a limited ability in one or more domains, to very strong command of both languages14. People begin bilingual when their fluent in one language and could produce complete meaningful utterance in the other language15. There are three reasons why someone becomes bilingual, namely membership, education, and administration16.

10Haugen, Einar. The Norwegian language in America. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1953), p. 7 11Chin, et al. Bilingualism In Advanced Resource Book. (New York: Routledge. 2007), p. 2 12Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 101 13Myers-Scotton, Carol. Multi Voices : An Introduction to Bilingualism. (Malden MA : Blackwell Publisher. 2006). p. 44 14Spolsky, Bernard. Sociolinguistics, An Introduction To Language Study. (New York : Oxford University. 1998). p. 45 15Romaine, Suzanne. Billingualism (second edition). (Oxford, UK : Basil Blackwell Ltd. 1995). p. 11 16Hoffman, Charlotte. An Introduction to billingualism. London : Longman. 1991). p. 3


The example of membership reason is the use of French by European aristocracy to signal the membership of the elite. The example of education and administration reason is the use of English by Indonesians, Scandinavians, Germans, and dutches in discussing their technologies, academics, or business. In many countries and communities, bilingualism is a normal requirement for daily communication and not a sign of any particular reason17. In other words, since the members of a bilingual community vary in the capacity of mastering the languages used in the community, they have to be able to set a condition where they can communicate effectively. This condition leads them to do code switching and code mixing. People occasionally speak languages when master in daily use. When they know more than one language, they may use both of which in their conversation. They use more than one language that occurs in situation of social context, which is a situation where they learn a second language in their communities. In situation where a person learns a second language, they can be divided between the situation of language learning, language acquisition and people who learns the language. Bilingualism is an individual’s ability to use more than one language variety. According to Wardhaugh, bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. Such people are likely to be immigrants, visitors, or children of ‘mixed’ marriages and in that respect ‘marked’ in some way, and such marking is not always regarded favorably18. Many countries in this world are called bilingual because it has more than one language and it also has an ability to speak more than one language. In this time, bilingualism has become a common phenomenon. Social interaction always involves communication among the society members by using language. While in the social interaction, the society members often use more than one language variety on their bases language. It is done by purpose to convey what they mean in communication. This phenomenon is called the development of communication. It commonly happens in almost area of people’s life.

17Hoffman, Charlotte. An Introduction to billingualism. London : Longman. 1991). p. 3 18Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 96


There are three reasons why someone becomes bilingual, namely membership, education and administration. The example of membership reason is the use of French by all European aristocracy to signal the membership of the elite. The example of education and administration reason is the use of English by Indonesians, Scandinavians, Germans, and Dutches in discussing their technologies, academics, or business. In many countries and communities, bilingualism is a normal requirement for daily communication and not a sign of any particular reason.19 Bilingualism can occur because of existance of the society. It means the bilingualism proceed from language which is used as the medium to communicate. It gives some effects such code switching and code mixing but in this case, the writer will only discuss about code switching. Multilingualism is society has that some languages. We know that the growth of language, from monolingual, then bilingual, and finally become multilingual. This happens because of some factors. The modern development of technology communication, globalization, and the education development make the need of language society change. And the modern era indirectly has contributions to the change of language society. Multilingualism is the ability of speakers to speak or to communicate more than two languages. According to Jendra, the term multilingual is also sometimes used to refer to the people who can use more than two languages. When people can master two languages in interacting to others, they become bilingualism20. Sridhar says, “Multilingualism involving balanced, native like command and of all the languages in the repertoire is rather uncommon. Typically, multilingualism has varying command of different repertoires. The differences in competence in the various language might range from command of a few lexical items, formulaic expression such as greeting, and rudimentary conversational skill all the way to excellent command of the grammar and vocabulary and specialized register and style21.

19Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. (New York:Longman. 1991), p. 3 20Jendra, M.I Indrawan. Sociolinguistics. (Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu. 2012) p. 8 21Sridhar, K. Kamal. English in Indian Bilingualism. (New Delhi: Manohar. 1989). p. 50


C. Code Switching They are several definition of code switching proposed by some linguistics. Myers-Scotton stated that code switching is the use of two language varieties in the same conversation. Code switching is the use of two or more language in one conversation where the speaker or at least understand the language into which switching occurs. Code switching is the change from one code to another code. When people at the first time use A codes (for example English) and then change the B codes (for example Indonesian), it can be said that phenomenon as code switching22. Code switching is a communication that uses more than one language in conversation. Code switching is a means of communication involving a speaker alternating between one language and another at the level of sentence. It is to move from one code (language, dialect, or style) to another during speech for a number of reasons such, to signal solidarity, to reflect one’s ethnic identity, to show off, to hide some information from a third party, to achieve better explanation of a certain concept, to converge or reduce social distance with the hearer, to diverge or increase social distance or to impress and persuade the audience23. According to Romaine, code switching can be defined as the use of more than one language variety, or style by a speaker within one utterance or discourse or between different interlocutors or situation24. Code switching is one of a number of the linguistic manifestations of language contact and mixing, which variously include borrowing on the lexical and syntactic levels, language transfer, linguistic convergence, interference, language attrition, language death, pidginization25. Code switching can occur quite frequently in an informal conversation among people who are familiar and have a shared educational, ethnic, and socio-economic

22Myers-scotton, Carol. Multi voices : An Introduction to Billingualism. p. 239 23Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. p. 44 24Romaine, Suzanne. Bilingualism (Second Edition). p. 110 25Poplack, Shana. Code-switching (linguistic). In International Encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, ed. By smelser, N & Baltes. Elsevier Science Ltd. 2011). p. 4


background. It is avoided in a formal speech situation among people especially to those who have little in common factors in terms of social stats, language loyalty, and formality26. As we know, code switching occurs if the speaker switch one language to another language. Code switching often occur in an informal conversation among people and it is too avoided if code switching occurs in a formal speech situation. Code switching can occur between different languages, dialect or styles within one sentence or adjacency pair27. From the explanation above, code switching occurs where there is a change from one clause of language to another clause of language in a sentence or more because it occurs different languages, dialect or styles. Hymes states that code switching has become a common term for alternate us of two or more languages, varieties of language or event speech styles28. According to the previous statement, code switching has become a common and regular term in an informal conversation. From theories above, it can be concluded that code switching occurs when someone switches the language and also changes dialect or speech style.

D. Types of Code Switching According Romaine, there are three types of code switching29. Each of types is explained below : 1. Tag Switching Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag from one language into an utterance which is otherwise entirely in other language. Romaine in Susanto states tags used easily inserted in speech at a number of point in monolingual utterance without break syntactic rules. For example :

26Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. p. 113 27Brown & Attardo. Understanding Language Structure, Interaction, and Variation : An Introduction to Applied Linguistics and Sociolinguistics for Nonspecialists. (United States:University of Michigan Press. 2000), p. 84 28Hymes, Dell. Foundations in Sociolinguistics : An Ethnographic Approach. (Philadhelpia:University of Pennsylvania. 1974), p. 103 29Romaine, Suzanne. Billingualism (Second Edition). p. 122


oh, ya, saya tau. Di sebelah selatan sana tu, ya? (Oh, yes, I know. On the south side over there, is not that?).

Tag question may be used as a polite request or to avoid the impression of a firm order, for example, “jendela ditutup ya, sebelum tidur”. (Shut the window, will not you, before you sleep). Further supported by Poplack in Hofmann, it is exclamation or tags which is serving as an emblem of the bilingual character. For example : 1. An adult Spanish-American English speaker

...Oh! Ay! It was embarrassing! It was very nice, though, but I was embarrassed. 2. Inter-Sentential Switching Appel & Muysken state that inter-sentential switching is the switch involving movement from one language to other between sentences. This situation may also include a switch from a whole sentence or more than one sentence produced entirely in one language. Inter-sentential switching may serve to emphasize a point made in the other languages in conversation. According Jendra, the following example shows inter-sentential switching from one language to another language :

“Ini lagu lama, tahun 60an. It’s oldies but goodies, they said. Tapi, masih enak kok didengerin.”

It shows Indonesian bilingual switches from Indonesian to English30. Further supported by Hoffmann, inter-sentential switching is the switch from one language into another language which occurs between sentences or speech acts. 3. Intra-Sentential Switching Intra-sentential switching concerns language alternation that occurs within a sentence or a clause boundary. Sometimes it includes mixing within word boundaries. Since inter-sentential switching occurs within sentence/ clause/ word boundaries/ phrase. For example :

30Jendra, M. I. Indrawan. Sociolinguistics, The Study of Societies Language. (Yogyakarta:Graha Ilmu. 2012), p. 76


“Dari jam sepuluh empat lima tekan jam sewelas seprapat kan? (From ten fourty five to eleven fifteen, isn’t it).

Further supported by Hoffmann that it is the switch that occurs within sentence. It is often occured when someone uses one language and suddenly switches into another language in a sentence.

E. Reasons of Using Code Switching When code switching occurs, the reasons of the speaker are an important consideration in the process. There are a number of reasons for bilingual person to switch their languages31. Those are: 1. Talking About a Particular Topic People usually like to use one language to discuss certain kind of topic. That is why a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express his emotional feelings in a language that is not his everyday language. As bilingual, we often find it easier to switch from one language to another language. The first example, when we are in conversation, we often speak English to ask lifestyle or to talk about music. It is probably changed to Indonesian when we talk about family. The second example, Indonesian student going together in English-speaking countries tend to use their language with each other. It occurs because the technical topic is firmly associated with particular code and the topic itself can trigger a switch to the appropriate code. 2. Quoting Somebody Else In telling some news, people like to switch the code to quote a person. People often quote word, sentence, and expressions that likes from well-known person. In quoting a person, we do not need to have the words the same as the first speaker. We sometimes quote from different language such as English wise word. The purpose of using it because they usually want to express and emphasize sometime to look better or to give an accurate impression.

31Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. p. 116


3. Showing Empathy About Something

When someone talks a language that is not his native language and he suddenly wants to be emphatic about something, the speaker intentionally or unintentionally will switch from his second language to his first language. On the other hand, the speaker switch from his second language to his first language because he feels more convenient to be emphatic in his second language rather than in his first language. 4. Interjection (inserting sentence filler or sentence connector) Interjection is inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector word or expression and it is inserted into sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamination like: Darn!, Hey!, Well!, Look!, etc. It has no grammatical value, but the speaker quite often use it. It usually is used in speaking than in writing. Language switching among bilingual people can something mark an interjection. 5. Repetition Used For Clarification People often do repetition. It means that they try to repeat a sentence which has been said in one language. On the other hand, repetition literally serves to repeat a message from one code to another code in modified form. It does not mean that they make comprehension better. It is used to emphasis and style of their language they used. 6. Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content For Interlocutor When a bilingual person talks to another bilingual. There will be a lot of code switching occurs. It means that a message in one code is repeated in the other code in somewhat modified it to make the content of the speech run smoothly and understood by the listener. 7. Expressing Group Identity Code switching also can be used to express group identity. The way of communication of academic people in their disciplinary groupings is obviously different from the other groups. In other words, the way of communication of none communication of none community is different from the people who are out of the community.


F. About Breakout Music Program Breakout is one of music program on Net TV. It is broadcasted five times a week from Monday until Friday at 5 pm. It delivers music review and show popular music on billboard. One of the hosts in “Breakout” music program on Net TV is Boy William. He delivers his utterances to the viewers using two languages. Those are English and Indonesian.

G. Review Related Research The writer finds some researches talking about code switching from the internet. There are many researchers who have already conducted the study on code switching, such as Sherly who examines “Code Switching Used by the Presenter on RCTI Quiz Program “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. She focused on Tantowi Yahya’s Utterances. She analyzed between Indonesian - English, Indonesian - Javanese, and Indonesian - Arabic code switching. The writer recorded three episodes and transcribed the recording. She used Holmes theory. She found that the use of English language is quite dominant in the whole result which is 60.6 % from the whole switch, and non-standard language also has big number of percentage, 35.3 % from the whole switch, while Javanese language only appeared 2.7 % and Arabic language 1.4 %. Irwansyah investigates “Code Switching Used by AFI 3 commentators in the concerts of AFI 3 on Indosiar”. The writer analyzed three commentators of AFI 3 Indosiar. The writer uses theory of Bloom and Gumperz, Dell Hymes in Rahardi, and Poplack. The writer analyzed the type and characteristics of code switching used by AFI 3 commentators in the concerts of AFI 3 on Indosiar. The result of his study shows that there are five kinds of code switching used by the commentators of AFI 3 on Indosiar : situational code switching, internal code switching, metaphorical code switching, external code switching, and inter-sentential code switching. Another researcher is Christina. She studied code switching in Ni Hao Ma Program of Suzana Fm in Surabaya. She analyzed between English - Japanese code switching. She only studied conversational code switching in Ni Hao Ma Program


of Suzana Fm in Surabaya. She used the theory of Gumperz to analyze the data. She found that there are six functional types of conversational code switching. Based on the description above, all of the researches talks about code switching. In this research, the writer also talks about code switching. Different from the researches above, the writer only analyzes between English - Indonesian and Indonesian - English code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. The writer only focuses on Boy William’s utterances in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. The writer only chooses ten selected episodes “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018. In this research, the writer uses Hoffman’s theory. The method of this research is qualitative. The formulations of the problem are what the types of code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV and what are the reasons why Boy William using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV.




A. Design of Research In conducting the research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative as a research method. It is the process of learning that tries to describe. Qualitative research is a research procedure that represents a descriptive data such as words in written or oral from the people and behaviors that can be observed. These data are described in the form of words, sentences, or paragraph related to the text which the writer finds during the process of the study32. This research is classified as descriptive qualitative method because it analyzes the data in the form of utterances descriptively. Qualitative research is used to describe and analyze code switching used by Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. Descriptive qualitative method is appropriate design in conducting this research since it is aimed at describing code switching found in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. Besides that, the data are interpreted and displayed descriptively and systematically based on the supporting theory used in this study. In this research, the writer does not only describe the reasons why Boy William using code switching in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV but also describe the types of code switching.

B. Source of Data In this research, the writer tries to analyze the types of code switching and the reasons of using code switching of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV. So, the data used in this research is the utterances contained the types of code switching based on three types of code switching explained by Romaine, those are tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential switching. While the reasons of using code switching explained by Hoffman, those are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, showing empathy about something, interjection, repetition used for clarification, intention of clarifying the

32Lexy, J. Moleong,. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. (Bandung:PT Remaja Rosdakarya. 2006), p. 3


speech content for interlocutor, expressing group identity, to soften or strengthen request or command, real lexical need, and to exclude other people when a comment is intended for only a limited audience. According to Arikunto, a data source is a person, something or place that provides information for a piece of research. Sources of the data are subject who gives the data or information or where the data are gotten from33. The data of this research are taken only part of Boy William’s utterances in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. To know the real context and to get all of the data, the writer has to download from internet as the public facility and then the writer has to listen repeatedly. In telling about the program, Breakout first aired on Saturday, May 18, 2013. In this time, it is still broadcasted. It has many episodes until now especially in 2018 but the writer only chooses ten selected episodes “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018. Then, the utterances are analyzed according to the research questions : the types of code switching and the reasons of using code switching.

C. Technique of Data Collection To collect the data, the writer uses documentation method that is based on the transcript and also the video taken from internet. According to Ary, qualitative researchers may use written documents or other artifacts to gain an understanding of the phenomenon under study. Additionally, he also explains that documents may be such kind of personal, such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official, such as files, reports, memoranda, or minutes; or documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos34. The technique that used to collect the data in this research is based on some steps, those are: 1. Watching the video of Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018.

33Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. (Jakarta:PT. Rineka Cipta. 2006), p. 129 34Ary, et al. Introduction to Research in Education. (Wardsworth Publishing 8th Edition. 2009), p. 442


2. Understanding the context and checked the data based on transcription. 3. Selecting the code switching that can be found in Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018. 4. Analyzing and interpret the referent or meaning of the data found based on three types of code switching.

D. Technique of Data Analysis According to Miles and Huberman, analysis can be defined as consisting as three current flows of activity those are data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. In this research, the writer uses Miles and Huberman’s theory in analyzing the data. So, there are three steps to do, those are35: 1. Data Reduction Data reduction becomes the first step to do in analyzing the data in this research. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data in written up field note or transcript. In this research, the data is in the form of video and transcription of Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV. Based on the theory above, the writer firstly analyzes the data by watching the music video, listening carefully and checking the data by reading the transcription to see the context in this step. Next, the writer selects the sentences or utterances of Boy William which contains the code switching to be analyzed. After that, the writer categorizes the data based on three types of code switching, those are : tag switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. The writer not only takes some notes related to the theory and code switching found in the transcription of Boy William in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV but also makes summaries to make easy in analyzing the data for continuing the next steps.

35Miles, B. Matthew & A. Michael Huberman. Qualitative Data Analysis. (London:Sage Publishers. 1994), p. 10


2. Data Display The second step is data display. Generally, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. In this step, the writer shows or displays the data which contains the code switching, not only as generally but also specifically and clearly. The writer shows which sentences or utterances contains code switching. The sentences or utterances contain what are the types of code switching then the reasons of using code switching in those sentences or utterances found in “Breakout” Music Program on Net TV in 2018. 3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification After finished doing data reduction and data display, the last step is to analyze the data in this research is drawing conclusion. A final conclusion may not appear until data collection is over, depending on the size of the corpus of field notes, coding storage and retrieval methods of the funding agency, but they often have been prefigured from the beginning even when a researcher claims to have been proceeding inductively. In this step, the researcher concludes the result of the research based on the research problems and code switching theory that are used.



In this chapter, the writer analyzes the types of code switching and reasons of using code switching. After the writer analyzes the types of code switching and reasons of using code switching, the writer counts all data and finding what the type and reason of using code switching mostly using are. A. Findings In Music Program on Net TV entitled Breakout uttered by Boy William is used as the source of data. There are three types of code switching based on Romaine’s theory. Those are tag switching, inter-sentential switching and intra-sentential switching. Data findings of the types of code switching will be illustrated in the following table :

Table 4.1 Data Findings of Types of Code Switching.

Boy Types of Code Switching Total of William’s Tag Inter-Sentential Intra-Sentential Data Utterances Switching Switching Switching

Data 20 15 92 127

Percentage 16 % 12 % 72 % 100 %

Based on the data above, the writer found three types of code switching. Those are 20 (twenty) data of tag switching, 15 (fifteen) data of inter-sentential switching and 92 (ninety two) data of intra-sentential switching. The writer found that intra- sentential switching is the most dominant used by Boy William. As we know, intra- sentential switching occurs within a sentence or a clause boundary. It often occurs because Boy William uses one language and he suddenly switches into another language in a sentence.


After explaining about the types of code switching, the writer also explain about the reasons of using code switching. There are seven reasons of using code switching based on Hoffmann’s theory. Those are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, showing empathy about something, interjection (inserting sentence filler or sentence connector), repetition used for clarification, intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor and expressing group identity. Data findings of the reasons of using code switching will be illustrated in the following table :

Table 4.2 Data Findings of Reasons of Using Code Switching.

Total of Reasons of Using Code Switching Data Interjection Boy Intention of Talking (Inserting William’s Repetition Clarifying About a Sentence Utterances Used For the Speech Particular Fillers or Clarification Content For Topic Sentence Interlocutor Connector)

Data 80 27 9 11 127

Percentage 63 % 21 % 7 % 9 % 100 %

Based on the table above, this research also found the reasons of using code switching. In collecting the data, the writer found several reasons of using code switching. The writer only found four of seven reasons of using code switching. The writer found 80 data of talking about a particular topic, 27 data of interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector), 9 data of repetition used for clarification and 11 data of intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor.


In this findings, the writer found that Boy William mostly used talking about a particular topic. The writer found that Boy William often used talking about a particular topic because he wanted to make the meaning more clear and to transfer the information to the listener in an affection way.

B. Analysis After findings all of the data based on the types and the reasons of using code switching, the writer analyzes all of data of Boy William’s utterances based on the types and the reasons of using code switching.

C. Types of Code Switching Romaine states that there are three types of code switching36. The types of code switching are found and described as follows : 1. Tag Switching Tag switching occurs when a bilingual inserts short expression from different language at the end of the utterances. It uses easily in inserting speech at a number of point in monolingual utterance without break syntactic rules. There are 3 of 20 data of tag switching of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes explained below :

36Romaine, Suzanne. Billingualism (Second Edition). p. 122


Example 1 :

Picture 1

This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Breakout Space” Episode on 23 October 2018 and the time is 3:58.

TCS 115 : “I can’t wait for Rihanna’s come back. 4 tahunan gak?”

From the utterance above, Boy William uses tag switching. He says English utterance “I can’t wait for Rihanna’s come back” then he switches into Indonesian utterance “4 tahunan gak?”. He inserts “4 tahunan gak?” as a short expression by changing the language from English into Indonesian in his utterance after he says “I can’t wait for Rihanna’s come back”. Based on the utterance above, Boy William wants to tell to the listener especially to the Rihanna’s fans that he can not stand waiting for the Rihanna’s newest song because she has not released a song for 4 years. As we know, Rihanna is a popular singer. She is one of the world’s best-selling music artists. She has many fans in the world. In career, she had won numerous awards. She had sung many songs. One of her popular songs is Diamonds.


Example 2 :

Picture 2

This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “20 Breakout’s Chart” Episode on 9 Oktober 2018 and the time is 2:36.

TCS 30 : “Galgadot is almost perfect. She is almost perfect. Ya nggak sih, bro?”

Based on the data above, Boy William uses tag switching. He says English utterance “galgadot is almost perfect. She is amost perfect” then he switches into Indonesian utterance “ya nggak sih, bro?”. He inserts “ya nggak sih, bro?” as a short expression by changing the language from English into Indonesian in his utterance after he says “galgadot is almost perfect. She is almost perfect”.


Example 3 :

Picture 3 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “20 Breakout’s Chart” Episode on 9 Oktober 2018 and the time is 8:20.

TCS 42 : “You know it’s so just easy tanpa mikir gitu, iya kan?”

Based on the utterance above, Boy William uses tag switching. He says English utterance “you know it’s so just easy” then he switches into Indonesian utterance “tanpa mikir gitu, iya kan?”. He inserts “tanpa mikir gitu, iya kan?” as a short expression by changing the language from English into Indonesian in his utterance after he says “you know it’s so just easy”. Boy William thinks Anne-Marie sang this 2002 song very easy to be sung. It seems she knew the lyrics of the 2002 song very well. 2. Inter-Sentential Switching Inter-sentential switching occurs when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language. There are 3 of 15 data of inter-sentential switching of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes explained below :


Example 1 :

Picture 4 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Breakout Space” Episode on 23 October 2018 and the time is 2:16.

TCS 02 : “Welcome back. Sekarang kita akan ngasih tau siapa yang menduduki nomor lima belas sampai sebelas. Let’s get it do it! Ariana Grande Breathin”.

From the utterance above, Boy William uses inter-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in his utterances between two sentences. In the first utterance, he says English utterance “welcome back” then he switches into Indonesian utterance “sekarang kita akan ngasih tau siapa yang menduduki nomor lima belas sampai sebelas”. After that, he says English utterance again “let’s get it do it! Ariana Grande Breathin”. In that utterance, he wants to tell the singers who occupies the fifteenth position to the eleventh position. By starting from the fifteenth position, the singer occupying the fifteenth position is Ariana Grande with Breathin.


Example 2 :

Picture 5 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “September Chart” Episode on 19 September 2018 and the time is 3:50.

TCS 102 : “So, I get a way. Karena apapun yang Clean Bandit bikin. It’s gonna be good.”

Based on the utterance above, Boy William uses inter-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in his utterances between two sentences. In the first utterance, he says English utterance “so, I get a way” then he directly switches into Indonesian utterance “karena apapun yang Clean Bandit bikin”. After that, he says English utterance again “it’s gonna be good”. In that utterance, Boy William thinks every new song released by Clean Bandit is a good song. As we know, until now Clean Bandit had released many songs. Many Clean Bandit’s songs were good to be listened.


Example 3 :

Picture 6 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Top 20 Chart” Episode on 13 March 2018 and the time is 4:08.

TCS 71 : “Berikutnya di nomor dua belas. Wanna my favorite jams. Sekarang sebelum gua kerja, sebelum gua tidur, bangun pagi The Chainsmokers.”

Based on the utterance above, Boy William uses inter-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in his utterances between two sentences. In the first utterance, he says Indonesian utterance “berikutnya di nomor dua belas” then he directly switches into English utterance “Wanna my favorite jams”. After that, he says Indonesian utterance again “sekarang sebelum gua kerja, sebelum gua tidur, bangun pagi The Chainsmokers”. In that utterance, Boy William thinks every new song released by Clean Bandit is a good song. As we know, until now Clean Bandit had released many songs. Many Clean Bandit’s songs were good to be listened. 3. Intra-Sentential Switching Intra-sentential switching is when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language found within the sentence in a base language. There are 3 of 92 data of


intra-sentential switching of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes explained below : Example 1 :

Picture 7 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Breakout Space” Episode on 23 October 2018 and the time is 9:22.

TCS 05 : “Tapi guys, you know we will be right back besok.”

In the utterance above, Boy William uses intra-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in a sentence. He says English utterance “you know we will be right back” and he directly switches into Indonesian utterance “besok” in a sentence. In that utterance, he wants to tell that if he will be back for the next episode or meeting, he will give some news and a new chart.


Example 2 :

Picture 8 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “20 Breakout’s Chart” Episode on 9 Oktober 2018 and the time is 5:03.

TCS 35 : “No brainer. Itu dia judul lagunya very nice.”

Based on the utterance above, Boy William uses intra-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in a sentence. He says Indonesian utterance “Itu dia judul lagunya”. It is as the dominant word in the utterance. He directly switches into English utterance “very nice” in the utterance. In that utterance, he wants to tell that Dj Khaled featuring Justin Bieber, Chance the Rapper, and with No Brainer is a very nice song and it is good to be listened.


Example 3 :

Picture 9 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Top 20 Chart” Episode on 13 March 2018 and the time is 4:30.

TCS 78 : “I personally kurang suka lagu The Weeknd yang ini.”

Based on the utterance above, Boy William uses intra-sentential switching. It shows that he mixes two languages in a sentence. He firstly says English utterance “I personally” and he directly switches into Indonesian utterance “kurang suka lagu The Weeknd yang ini” in the utterance. It is as the dominant word in the utterance. Based on the utterance above, Boy William does not like much The Weeknd’s song.

D. Reasons of Using Code Switching When code switching occurs, the reasons of the speaker are an important consideration in the process. Hoffmann states there are a number of reasons for bilingual person to switch their languages37. Those are : 1. Talking About a Particular Topic People usually like to use one language to discuss certain kind of topic. That is why a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express his emotional feelings in

37Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. p. 116


a language that is not his everyday language. There are 3 of 80 data of talking about a particular topic of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes explained below : Example 1 :

Picture 10 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “20 Breakout Chart” Episode on 13 November 2018 and the time is 10:41.

RUCS 09 : “Welcome back, now we wanna talk top ten. Di nomor sepuluh ada Bebe Rexha I’m a mess.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is talking about a particular topic. When he only speaks a topic, he feels free and more comfortable. It occurs because the technical topic is firmly associated with particular code and the topic itself can trigger a switch to the appropriate code. In that sentence, he informs that the singers who occupy the top ten of the chart. In this episode, the singer who occupies the tenth position is Bebe Rexha with I'm a mess.


Example 2 :

Picture 11 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Congrats Blackpink!” Episode on 16 October 2018 and the time is 1:40.

RUCS 18 : “Rihanna’s nineth yang akan dibantu sama Calvin Harris.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is talking about a particular topic. When he only speaks a topic, he feels free and more comfortable. It occurs because the technical topic is firmly associated with particular code and the topic can trigger a switch to the appropriate code. Based on the utterance above, Calvin Harris is helping in making a new Rihanna’s album. This Rihanna’s album is nineth. Boy William is so excited for Rihanna’s come back because after four years, Rihanna never releases an album.


Example 3 :

Picture 12 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net TV “Congrats Blackpink!” Episode on 16 October 2018 and the time is 0:18.

RUCS 14 : “Kali ini kita mau baca request dulu sebelum we get in to the chart.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is talking about a particular topic. When he only speaks a topic, he feels free and more comfortable. It occurs because the technical topic is firmly associated with particular code and the topic can trigger a switch to the appropriate code. Based on the utterance above, Boy William wants to read the request of the watcher or listener. After that, he read the top 20 chart. 2. Interjection (inserting sentence filler or sentence connector) Interjection is inserting sentence filler or sentence connector word or expression and it is inserted into sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamination like: Darn!, Hey!, Well!, Look!, etc. It has no grammatical value, but the speaker quite often use it. It usually is used in speaking than in writing. Language switching among bilingual people can something mark an interjection. There are 3 of 27 data of repetition used for clarification of


Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net TV in ten episodes explained below : Example 1 :

Picture 13 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “Congrats Blackpink!” Episode on 16 October 2018 and the time is 0:53.

RUCS 17 : “Hey! Informnya apa tuh kemaren yang lo cerita ke gua.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is interjection. Hoffmann states interjection is inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector word or expression and it is inserted into sentence to convey surprise, strong emotion, or to gain attention. Based on the utterance above, he said an interjection ‘hey!’ to Sheila Dara as the co-host. It is inserted to gain her attention. In that utterance, he is so curious about the information told by Sheila Dara as the co-host of Breakout.


Example 2 :

Picture 14 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “20 Breakout’s Chart” Episode on 9 October 2018 and the time is 5:51.

RUCS 36 : “Lu mau nyanyiin lagu siapa diantara lima itu? Justin bieber, let’s do it! alright anything for you.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is interjection. There is an interjection (!) in the ‘let’s do it!’ utterance. Interjection occurs because the utterance is inserted a sentence filler or sentence connector word or expression. He utters ‘let’s do it!’. ‘Let’s do it!’ means ‘mari kita lakukan!’. ‘Mari kita lakukan’ means that he wants to invite the listener to see Sivia sings. He wants to hear Sivia sings because Sivia likes and often sings then Sivia also is not often to be a co-host in Breakout. In that utterance, he also wants to hear Sivia sings after she chooses a song of five artist or singers that they had heard. The singers are Marshmello, Ariana Grande, Zayn, Justin Bieber, and . Then, she chooses to sing Love yourself song by Justin Bieber.


Example 3 : This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv on 7 November 2018 and the time is 4:14.

RUCS 49 : “By the way, update nih tentang James Arthur.”

Based on the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is interjection. There is an interjection in that utterance. The interjection is ‘by the way’. ‘By the way’ is a sentence filler. Interjection occurs because the utterance is inserted a sentence filler or sentence connector word or expression. In that utterance, he utters ‘by the way’. ‘By the way’ means ‘omong-omong’. Boy William utters ‘by the way’ because he wants to switch the conversation. He switch the conversation to James Arthur news. 3. Repetition Used For Clarification People often do repetition. It means that they try to repeat a sentence which has been said in one language. On the other hand, repetition literally serves to repeat a message from one code to another code in modified form. It does not mean that they make comprehension better. It is used to emphasis and style of their language they used. There are 3 of 9 data of repetition used for clarification of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net Tv in ten episodes explained below :


Example 1 :

Picture 15 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “20 Breakout Chart” Episode on 13 November 2018 and the time is 0:50.

RUCS 06 : “The chainsmokers baru aja merilis lirik video ya yang judulnya Siren yang berkolaborasi sama Aazar tanggal 26 Oktober, bagus loh, it is really good.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is repetition used for clarification. In that utterance, Boy William repeats an utterance. He firstly says “bagus loh”. He directly says “it is really good” means “ini sungguh bagus”. He repeats an utterance which has been said. Based on the utterance above, he wants to recommend the chainsmokers’s newest song to the listener that the song is really good. Example 2 : This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv on 7 November 2018 and the time is 2:45.

RUCS 72 : “Hold on-hold on apa bedanya?”


From the sentence above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is repetition used for clarification. In that utterance, Boy William repeats an utterance. He firstly says “Hold on” means “tahan”. He directly says “Hold on” again. It refers to Girls like you song sang by Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B. He repeats an utterance which has been said. In the previous utterance, he said that Girls like you second volume song sang by Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B is in seventeenth position. Based on the utterance above, he wants to know what is the difference between Girls like you first volume and second volume song sang by Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B. Example 3 :

Picture 16 This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “Special Sheila on 7” Episode on 19 February and the time is 1:41.

RUCS 109 : “Keren banget, man. Sheila Gank is great.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is repetition used for clarification. In that utterance, he repeats an utterance which has been said. He firstly says “keren banget” and he directly says “Sheila Gank is great”. “Sheila Gank is great” means “Sheila Gank itu sangat bagus”. So, it occurs repetition used for clarification. Hoffmann states repetition


means that they try to repeat a sentence which has been said in one language. On the other hand, repetition literally serves to repeat a message from one code to another code in modified form. It does not mean that they make comprehension better. It is used to emphasis and style of their language they used38. Based on the utterance above, “keren banget, man. Sheila Gank is great” refers to Sheila Gank. Sheila Gank is Sheila on 7 fans. He wants to tell that Sheila Gank is great. He praised Sheila on 7 and Sheila Gank because in the previous utterance, he had been in Bali together with them eating in the restaurant. They ate sitting on the floor. Even though they had been very famous but they were still modest and down to earth. 4. Intention of Clarifying the Speech Content For Interlocutor Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor means that a message in one code is repeated in the other code in somewhat modified it to make the content of the speech run smoothly and understood by the listener. There are 3 of 11 data of intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor of Boy William’s utterances in ‘Breakout’ Music Program on Net Tv in ten episodes explained below : Example 1 :

Picture 17

38Hoffmann, Charlotte. An Introduction to Bilingualism. p. 116


This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “Breakout Space” Episode on 23 October 2018 and the time is 4:10.

RUCS 04 : “Bikin Bohemian Rhapsody itu jadi baru. I may actually think that there person is quite good. Gak ada yang bisa ngalahin Queen but versi mereka lucu kok.”

From the utterance above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor. In these utterances “I may actually think that there person is quite good” means “sebenarnya mungkin aku berfikir bahwa orang-orang tersebut cukup bagus” and “gak ada yang bisa ngalahin Queen” refer to the Bohemian Rhapsody song remade by Queen band. In that utterance, Boy William repeats, clarifies and modifies the utterance that Queen band is quite good in remaking the Bohemian Rhapsody song. Based on the utterance above, he informs that the Bohemian Rhapsody song remade by Queen band is like a new song. There is no one better in remaking it than Queen band. Then, he says that the Bohemian Rhapsody song of Queen version is cute. Example 2 :

Picture 18


This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “20 Breakout’s Chart” Episode on 9 October 2018 and the time is 8:13.

RUCS 42 : “You know it’s so just easy tanpa mikir gitu, iya kan? Let’s play, i like it.”

From the sentence above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor. In these utterances “you know it’s so just easy” means “kamu tahu ini hanya terlalu mudah” and “tanpa mikir gitu” refer to the 2002 song sung by Anne-Marie. In that utterance, Boy William repeats, clarifies and modifies the utterance that Anne-Marie is too easy in singing the 2002 song. In that utterance, Boy William informs that in singing 2002 song, Anne-Marie sings like without thinking. It means that she has memorized it. So, she sings like everything is out of her mind. In the previous utterance, he very like 2002 song sung by Anne-Marie. Many singers are covering or remaking it. Then, in a long time, he has not heard anymore a song with a melody that is as easy as 2002 song sung by Anne-Marie. Example 3 :

Picture 19


This conversation occurs in Breakout on Net Tv “Top 20 Chart” Episode on 13 March 2018 and the time is 4:30.

RUCS 79 : “But it’s heading the chart really-really hard. Di Amerika juga kenceng banget masuk chartnya. So, maybe i like it.”

From the sentence above, the writer analyzes that the reason of Boy William using code switching is intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor. In these utterances “but it’s heading the chart really-really hard” means “tapi ini menuju daftar lagunya sungguh-sungguh keras” and “di Amerika juga kenceng banget masuk chartnya” refer to Pray for me song sung by The Weeknd featuring Kendrick Lamar. In that utterance, Boy William repeats, clarifies and modifies the utterance that In United States, Pray for me song sung by Anne-Marie is too easy to enter the chart. Based on the previous utterance, this song was in eleventh position at the chart and Boy William uttered that he did not like much this song. In the utterance “so, maybe i like it” means “jadi, mungkin aku suka ini” that Boy William starts to like this song even though in the previous utterance, he personally did not like much this song. The writer thinks he changed mind because in Indonesia, this song had been in eleventh position at the chart in Breakout and in United States, this song was too fast to enter the chart.


CHAPTER V CONCLUSION This chapter consists of conclusions and suggestion, the writer concluded based on the findings and analysis and gave some suggestions to the readers. A. Conclusions Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: 1. The types of code switching uttered by the Boy William in Breakout on Net TV was mainly in three types, where the types of code switching proposed by Romaine. The writer found three types of code switching. Those The Writer found 127 data consist of 20 (twenty) data of tag switching, 15 (fifteen) data of inter-sentential switching and 92 (ninety two) data of intra- sentential switching. The writer found that intra-sentential switching is the most dominant used by Boy William. As we know, intra-sentential switching occurs within a sentence or a clause boundary. It often occurs because Boy William uses one language and he suddenly switches into another language in a sentence. 2. This writer also found the reasons of using code switching. In collecting the data, the writer found several reasons of using code switching. The writer only found four of seven reasons of using code switching. The writer found 80 data of talking about a particular topic, 27 data of interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connector), 9 data of repetition used for clarification and 11 data of intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor. In this findings, the writer found that Boy William mostly used talking about a particular topic. The writer found that Boy William often used talking about a particular topic because he wanted to make the meaning more clear and to transfer the information to the listener in an affection way. B. Suggestions From the result of the research, there are still many possibilities for further research regarding to code switching and code mixing topic in the future. Since this research only analyze the type used and the reasons according to the relevant theories. Therefore, the researcher suggest for those who interested in


this topic to analyze the impact of using code switching and code mixing toward their attitude and perception about the mixing and switching the code. There are many possibilities to take the sample of Indonesian – English code switching and code mixing research not only from music show but also from another media such as radio, magazine, advertisement, reality shows, social media, even the classroom and many more. Thus, there will be some variations in code switching and code mixing research in the future.


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APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 : TCS Name of Data Data Analysis Hari ini seperti biasa kita bakal jamming dan The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 01 ngasih tau kalian Breakout Chart dari nomor 20 switching. sampe nomor 1. Welcome back. Sekarang kita akan ngasih tau siapa yang menduduki nomor lima belas The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 02 sampai sebelas. Let’s get it do it! Ariana switching. Grande Breathin. Sebenarnya itu lagu Queen tapi dulu ada film The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 03 namanya Suicide Squad, I think isi lagi. switching. Bikin Bohemian Rhapsody itu jadi baru. I may The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 04 actually think that there person is quite good. switching. Gak ada yang bisa ngalahin Queen. Tapi guys, you know we will be right back The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 05 besok. switching. The chainsmokers baru aja merilis lirik video ya yang judulnya Siren yang berkolaborasi The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 06 sama Aazar tanggal 26 Oktober, bagus loh, it is switching. really good. Itu lagu enak. It is very nice. Kalian harus The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 07 dengerin. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 08 Ke Indonesia, gak? Come on Ariana come. switching. Welcome back, now we wanna talk top ten di The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 09 nomor sepuluh ada Bebe Rexha I’m a mess. switching. And now we are gonna play a song and kalian The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 10 request terus. This is attention by Charlie Puth. switching. Let’s turn it down! di awal lah kayaknya lucu The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 11 deh. switching.

We wanna take back one song ini ada lagu The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 12 yang bikin semangat banget. switching. We are gonna try changing a little bit The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 13 membikin agak slow dikit. Ehmmm! This song switching. is countly noted. Thanks for watching guys. Kali ini kita mau baca request dulu sebelum we The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 14 get in to the chart. switching. Siapakah yang akan menjadi number one hari The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 15 ini? Dibaca dulu sama Sheila. switching. Uuh! K-pop, baru awal-awal langsung curious, The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 16 let’s do it! check it out! switching. Hey! Informnya apa tuh kemaren yang lo cerita The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 17 ke gua. switching. Rihanna’s nineth album yang akan dibantu The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 18 sama Calvin Harris. switching. Kita akan puterin salah satu video klip dari list The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 19 itu we play this one, check it out! switching. Alright, now gua akan masuk ke nomor 15 The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 20 sampai nomor 11, number fifteen Balvin, J. switching. Balvin, guys. I love that song. Oke, gua ada info tentang Marion Jola congratulations my friend menang di AMI The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 21 Awards (Anugrah Musik Indonesia) sebagai switching. pendatang baru terbaik tahun ini.

Dan sekarang gua mau kasih lagu ini karena The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 22 menurut gua it is perfect for today dan setelah switching. ini, Sheila will go on with the next chart.

Number two ada 5 Seconds of Summer The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 23 Youngblood. switching. Welcome to Breakout Space. Barengan TCS 24 The sentence is inter-sentential sama the band, ada untitled band. Here, switching.

there are untitled. They do not have a name. It is untitled. All we do is just sing whatever, The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 25 jamming, keren banget guys. switching. Tapi hari ini nih kita mau ngebahas chart The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 26 dan Sivia tuh excited banget mau ngebahas switching. hari ini. TCS 27 Oke. Let’s start! Di nomor 20 ada siapa? The sentence is tag switching. Jadi bukan video klip yang horizontal tapi yang The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 28 vertikal gitu, kan lagi jaman nih ya sekarang switching. full dance gitu.

The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 29 Nomor 16 we have Maroon 5 Girls like you. switching.

Galgadot is almost perfect. She is almost TCS 30 The sentence is tag switching. perfect. Ya nggak sih, bro?

The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 31 Let’go! let’s sing to Maroon 5, yuk. switching. It’s like it crazy talk untuk mengatakan say hai The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 32 dari kisah seorang pria yang sedang jatuh cinta. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 33 Ini lagu very smart, ya guys, yeah. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 34 Number twelve, boys, ada siapa? switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 35 No brainer. Itu dia judul lagunya very nice. switching. Lu mau nyanyiin lagu siapa diantara lima itu? The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 36 Justin bieber let’s do it! alright anything for switching. you.

And number ten we have..., number nine, The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 37 semangat. switching.

Nomor tujuh ada Charlie Puth featuring The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 38 Kehlani, Done for me, Oke, yes that’s right. switching. But you know what gua lagi demen banget The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 39 sama lagu Anne-Marie yang 2002. switching. Dan banyak yang lagi cover you know tapi The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 40 emang udah lama kita gak ngedenger melodi switching. yang segampang itu. Hey! our number two spot kita ada the most The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 41 famous boyband in the world, Idol. switching.

You know it’s so just easy tanpa mikir gitu, iya TCS 42 The sentence is tag switching. kan?

Dan oke our number one, song of the day is The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 43 Electricity. switching.

Electricity, I like it. Electricity or Electriccity. The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 44 Banyak yang, it’s like. Yes. It’s controvercial. switching. Oke, alright sekali-sekali kita harus makan TCS 45 The sentence is tag switching. sehat guys, ya kan? Wow! Gokil lagu-lagu K-pop lagi happening, TCS 46 The sentence is tag switching. ya? Nomor tujuh belas Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B, TCS 47 The sentence is tag switching. Girls like you yang volume two, what’s way? TCS 48 Lagu ini menceritakan deep apa, ya? The sentence is tag switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 49 By the way, update nih tentang James Arthur. switching. Let’s do! Maroon 5 banyak yang request lagu The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 50 Moves like jagger. switching. Hebat. Orang-orang hebat, oke, langsung aja The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 51 ini number fifteen to eleven, go Sheil. switching. Oke. We’ll be back jangan kemana-mana. Kita The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 52 puterin dulu yang ini. switching.

Very good food enak sekali, guys tapi kita akan The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 53 kasih chart nomor sepuluh sampai nomor switching. enam. By the way, guys, Nicki Minaj dan Willy The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 54 William merilisnya tanggal dua puluh dua. Gua switching. ingat. Pasti udah pada nunggu-nunggu nomor lima sampai nomor satu. Let’s do it! Nomor lima The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 55 ada Sigala, Ello Eyre, Meghan Trainor dan switching. , Just got paid. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 56 But, anyway, yang gua happy banget nih ya. switching. Kumpulin poinnya kalian sebanyak-banyaknya The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 57 karena you guys may just win some vouchers. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 58 Ayo play Netplay sekarang. switching. Siapa nih yang belum ngikutin Netplay? For you guys have to. Karena buat kalian yang baru The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 59 gabung nonton, kalian masih bisa kok untuk switching. ikutan yang namanya Netplay, seru banget. It’s right nah langsung aja kita ke nomor lima The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 60 belas ada Bazzi featuring Camila Cabello with switching. Beautiful. Jadi, Raisa udah pamit cuti kemaren di farewell The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 61 concertnya yang bertajuk Fermata Intimate. switching. You know what? Up this kita akan lebih keren TCS 62 The sentence is tag switching. lagi musiknya jangan kemana-mana, right? Seru banget meskipun ada yang salah but that’s oke, it’s oke. You’re human. You’re human, The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 63 alright. Berikutnya langsung kita masuk ke switching. nomor sepuluh sampai nomor lima.

Di nomor sepuluh kita ada Cnco, Meghan The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 64 Trainor, Sean Paul with Hey Dj. It’s very good. switching. Jangan pergi kemana-mana. Wah, enak banget, Breakout Space kita bawain The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 65 yuk! Let’s do it! Will you do it? Kalau ada switching. Breakout Space, ya! The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 66 Nah! Maksudnya it’s like. switching.

Dan hasil vote chart dari kalian nih ya bakal The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 67 kita bacain minggu depan, deal? switching.

Oke, langsung aja nomor dua puluh sampai The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 68 enam belas Sheila takes over. switching. Gua suka banget lagu itu tapi gua suka lagu ini, The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 69 nih yang gua puterin and gua head more to the switching. chart, come on! Mungkin belum begitu terkenal nih lagu tapi The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 70 ini enak banget, guys you really-really check it switching. out. Berikutnya di nomor dua belas. Wanna my favorite jams. Sekarang sebelum gua kerja, The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 71 sebelum gua tidur, bangun pagi The switching. Chainsmokers. TCS 72 Hold on-hold on apa bedanya? The sentence is tag switching. TCS 73 Bedanya volume one sama volume two, why? The sentence is tag switching. TCS 74 Deep love gitu, ya? The sentence is tag switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 75 Dan lost dan losing somebody, yes. switching. Kalau kalian ngefans, dia ini lagi mengerjakan The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 76 up coming album barengan sama Brian Tenner, switching. ada juga Justin Panther, dan juga Max Martin.

Diplo akan tampil di acara festival musik pada awal tahun 2019 yaitu Festival Life in Color The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 77 2019 di Miami dan gua happy banget karena switching. pasti itu pecah. I personally kurang suka lagu The Weeknd The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 78 yang ini. switching. But it’s heading the chart really-really hard. Di The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 79 Amerika juga kenceng banget masuk chartnya. switching. So, maybe I like it. This is video klip yang sering di request sama The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 80 kalian, check it out! switching. Very classic strawberry milk shake people TCS 81 The sentence is tag switching. kayak ini lebih ke sirupnya mas, ya? Mumpung sebelum gue mau blender, kita The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 82 bacain chart dulu kali, Sheil, yuk let’s go! switching. TCS 83 Do you like that song? Yang iceskating? The sentence is tag switching. Alright, that’s a milk shake, man. Udah, udah TCS 84 The sentence is tag switching. jadi gini doang? Here we go! ini dia hasil yang kita buat classic The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 85 strawberry. switching. I love this episode karena banyak banget yang The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 86 baru, keluarin yang baru. switching. That’s right. Dan di lagu Baby ini, guys. Kalau The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 87 kalian suka sama Luis Fonsi, you can look the switching. Latinos Style. That’s right dan lagu ini sudah trending The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 88 number one dimana-mana di beberapa part of switching. list. By the way, di dalam video klip itu yang Willy The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 89 William itu Goodbye. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 90 Oke, we’ll be right back jangan kemana-mana. switching.

It’s gonna be a duet between D’masiv dan juga The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 91 Chrisye. switching. That is right dan juga Charlie Puth akan konser The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 92 di Jakarta nih, guys. switching. I think she too. Kayak menurut gua bagus juga The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 93 nih lagunya. Like I think he is. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 94 We’ll be right back jangan kemana-mana. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 95 So, check them out! ini dia. switching.

TCS 96 CL one bagus, bagus gak lagunya? The sentence is tag switching.

The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 97 Lu suka? I love it, too much. So good. switching. Yes, that’s right tapi sebelumnya ini ada The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 98 request nih. switching. Jadi, kalau kalian mau rumahnya seperti rumah The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 99 Dj Khalid with all pernak-pernik switching. kemewahan,yes the furniture ask again. Anyways! Quavo juga baru merilis album The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 100 solonya yang bertajuk Quavo Huncho pada 5 switching. September kemaren. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 101 I love this video klip so much. switching. So, I get a way. Karena apapun yang Clean The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 102 Bandit bikin. It’s gonna be good. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 103 I play this song aja deh 2002. switching. Oke! And number five langsung aja kita masuk The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 104 ada Charlie Puth with Done for me. switching.

Kalau mereka ini gak menerima satu The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 105 interviewpun dari media manapun selama switching. mereka akan tur. Hari ini, ini episode salah satu favorit gua The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 106 karena kita mau tribute ke salah satu band switching. papan atas tanah air. That’s why I can relate it everybody seperti The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 107 lagunya yang judulnya Sahabat Sejati dan juga switching. ada Sebuah Kisah Klasik. You know what’s making them also famous The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 108 karena meskipun mereka udah ngetop nih ya switching. dari tahun kapan sampai sekarang. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 109 Keren banget, man. Sheila Gank is great. switching. Oke! we’ll be right back with more Sheila on 7 The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 110 jangan kemana-mana. switching. Alright! kemaren nih ya kita sempet interview The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 111 Sheila on 7. switching. Sekarang nih ya Sheila on 7 akan membacakan The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 112 pertanyaan dari Twitter pakai hashtag Sheila switching. on 7 on Breakout net. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 113 But versi mereka lucu kok. switching. Kalau kalian belum dengerin please, jump The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 114 push, really nice. switching. I can’t wait for Rihanna’s come back. 4 TCS 115 The sentence is tag switching. tahunan, gak? The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 116 Pokoknya it’s a really good movie. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 117 Jadi, kalau kalian ngefans just wait for that. switching.

It’s related a New Year Concert meskipun gua The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 118 gak disitu tapi videonya gua yakin pecah. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 119 Tapi lagunya for me it’s like yeah good. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 120 I know gua,I’m not. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 121 It’s so weird, so epic tapi goosh. switching. Jadi, mereka tuh mau fokus sama The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 122 performancenya. switching. Mereka tuh tetap, apa sih, sederhana down to TCS 123 The sentence is tag switching. earth, ya kan? Gue pernah di Bali sama mereka makan The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 124 ngeleseh-leseh di nasi pedesnya Bali like chill switching. gitu, man, don’t care chill, down to earth. Wow! you did, not me. Gua padahal pengen The sentence is inter-sentential TCS 125 banget. I love Sheila on 7. switching. The sentence is intra-sentential TCS 126 Gimana-gimana, how the go? How the go? switching.

TCS 127 Tapi after this jangan kemana-mana, right? The sentence is tag switching.

APPENDIX 2 : RUCS Name of Data Data Analysis Hari ini seperti biasa kita bakal jamming dan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 01 ngasih tau kalian Breakout Chart dari nomor 20 particular topic. sampe nomor 1. Welcome back. Sekarang kita akan ngasih tau siapa yang menduduki nomor lima belas The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 02 sampai sebelas. Let’s get it do it! Ariana sentence filler or sentence connector). Grande Breathin. Sebenarnya itu lagu Queen tapi dulu ada film The sentence is talking about a RUCS 03 namanya Suicide Squad, I think isi lagi. particular topic. Bikin Bohemian Rhapsody itu jadi baru. I may The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 04 actually think that there person is quite good. the speech content for interlocutor. Gak ada yang bisa ngalahin Queen.

Tapi guys, you know we will be right back The sentence is talking about a RUCS 05 besok. particular topic. The chainsmokers baru aja merilis lirik video ya yang judulnya Siren yang berkolaborasi The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 06 sama Aazar tanggal 26 Oktober, bagus loh, it is clarification. really good.

Itu lagu enak. It is very nice. Kalian harus The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 07 dengerin. the speech content for interlocutor.

The sentence is talking about a RUCS 08 Ke Indonesia, gak? Come on Ariana come. particular topic. Welcome back, now we wanna talk top ten di The sentence is talking about a RUCS 09 nomor sepuluh ada Bebe Rexha I’m a mess. particular topic. And now we are gonna play a song and kalian The sentence is talking about a RUCS 10 request terus. This is attention by Charlie Puth. particular topic. Let’s turn it down! di awal lah kayaknya lucu The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 11 deh. sentence filler or sentence connector). We wanna take back one song. Ini ada lagu The sentence is talking about a RUCS 12 yang bikin semangat banget. particular topic. We are gonna try changing a little bit The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 13 membikin agak slow dikit. Ehmmm! This song sentence filler or sentence connector). is countly noted. Thanks for watching guys.

Kali ini kita mau baca request dulu sebelum we The sentence is talking about a RUCS 14 get in to the chart. particular topic.

Siapakah yang akan menjadi number one hari The sentence is talking about a RUCS 15 ini? Disbaca dulu sama Sheila. particular topic. Uuh! K-pop, baru awal-awal langsung curious, The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 16 let’s do it! check it out! sentence filler or sentence connector). Hey! Informnya apa tuh kemaren yang lo cerita The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 17 ke gua. sentence filler or sentence connector). Rihanna’s nineth album yang akan dibantu The sentence is talking about a RUCS 18 sama Calvin Harris. particular topic.

Kita akan puterin salah satu video klip dari list The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 19 itu we play this one, check it out! sentence filler or sentence connector).

Alright, now gua akan masuk ke nomor 15 The sentence is talking about a RUCS 20 sampai nomor 11, number fifteen Balvin, J. particular topic. Balvin, guys. I love that song.

Oke, gua ada info tentang Marion Jola congratulations my friend menang di AMI The sentence is talking about a RUCS 21 Awards (Anugrah Musik Indonesia) sebagai particular topic. pendatang baru terbaik tahun ini. Dan sekarang gua mau kasih lagu ini karena The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 22 menurut gua it is perfect for today dan setelah the speech content for interlocutor. ini, Sheila will go on with the next chart.

Number two ada 5 Seconds of Summer The sentence is talking about a RUCS 23 Youngblood. particular topic.

Welcome to Breakout Space. Barengan sama The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 24 the band, ada untitled band. Here, there are the speech content for interlocutor. untitled. They do not have a name. It is untitled. All we do is just sing whatever, The sentence is talking about a RUCS 25 jamming, keren banget guys. particular topic.

Tapi hari ini nih kita mau ngebahas chart dan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 26 Sivia tuh excited banget mau ngebahas hari ini. particular topic.

The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 27 Oke. Let’s start! Di nomor 20 ada siapa? sentence filler or sentence connector). Jadi bukan video klip yang horizontal tapi yang The sentence is talking about a RUCS 28 vertikal gitu, kan lagi jaman nih ya sekarang particular topic. full dance gitu. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 29 Nomor 16 we have maroon 5 Girls like you. particular topic. Galgadot is almost perfect. She is almost The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 30 perfect. Ya nggak sih, bro? clarification. The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 31 Let’go! let’s sing to Maroon 5, yuk. sentence filler or sentence connector).

It’s like it crazy talk untuk mengatakan say hai The sentence is talking about a RUCS 32 dari kisah seorang pria yang sedang jatuh cinta. particular topic.

The sentence is talking about a RUCS 33 Ini lagu very smart, ya guys. particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 34 Number twelve, boys, ada siapa? particular topic.

The sentence is talking about a RUCS 35 No brainer. Itu dia judul lagunya very nice. particular topic.

Lu mau nyanyiin lagu siapa diantara lima itu? The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 36 Justin bieber let’s do it! alright anything for sentence filler or sentence connector). you. And number ten we have..., number nine, The sentence is talking about a RUCS 37 semangat. particular topic. Nomor tujuh ada Charlie Puth featuring The sentence is talking about a RUCS 38 Kehlani, Done for me, Oke, yes that’s right. particular topic.

But you know what gua lagi demen banget The sentence is talking about a RUCS 39 sama lagu Anne-Marie yang 2002. particular topic.

Dan banyak yang lagi cover you know tapi The sentence is talking about a RUCS 40 emang udah lama kita gak ngedenger melodi particular topic. yang segampang itu. Hey! our number two spot kita ada the most The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 41 famous boyband in the world, Idol. sentence filler or sentence connector).

You know it’s so just easy tanpa mikir gitu, iya The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 42 kan? the speech content for interlocutor.

Dan oke our number one, song of the day is The sentence is talking about a RUCS 43 Electricity. particular topic. Electricity, I like it. Electricity or Electriccity. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 44 Banyak yang, it’s like. Yes. It’s controvercial. particular topic.

Oke, alright sekali-sekali kita harus makan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 45 sehat guys, ya kan? particular topic.

Wow! Gokil lagu-lagu K-pop lagi happening, The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 46 ya? sentence filler or sentence connector). Nomor tujuh belas Maroon 5 featuring Cardi B, The sentence is talking about a RUCS 47 Girls like you yang volume two, what’s way? particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 48 Lagu ini menceritakan deep apa, ya? particular topic. The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 49 By the way, update nih tentang James Arthur. sentence filler or sentence connector). Let’s do! Maroon 5 banyak yang request lagu The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 50 Moves like jagger. sentence filler or sentence connector). Hebat. Orang-orang hebat, oke, langsung aja The sentence is talking about a RUCS 51 ini number fifteen to eleven, go Sheil. particular topic. Oke. We’ll be back jangan kemana-mana. Kita The sentence is talking about a RUCS 52 puterin dulu yang ini. particular topic. Very good food enak sekali, guys tapi kita akan The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 53 kasih chart nomor sepuluh sampai nomor clarification. enam. By the way, guys, Nicki Minaj dan Willy The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 54 William merilisnya tanggal dua puluh dua. Gua sentence filler or sentence connector). ingat. Pasti udah pada nunggu-nunggu nomor lima sampai nomor satu. Let’s do it! Nomor lima The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 55 ada Sigala, Ello Eyre, Meghan Trainor dan sentence filler or sentence connector). French Montana, Just got paid. The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 56 But, anyway, yang gua happy banget nih ya. sentence filler or sentence connector). Kumpulin poinnya kalian sebanyak-banyaknya The sentence is talking about a RUCS 57 karena you guys may just win some vouchers. particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 58 Ayo play Netplay sekarang. particular topic.

Siapa nih yang belum ngikutin Netplay? For you guys have to. Karena buat kalian yang baru The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 59 gabung nonton, kalian masih bisa kok untuk the speech content for interlocutor. ikutan yang namanya Netplay, seru banget. It’s right nah langsung aja kita ke nomor lima The sentence is talking about a RUCS 60 belas ada Bazzi featuring Camila Cabello with particular topic. Beautiful. Jadi, Raisa udah pamit cuti kemaren di farewell The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 61 concertnya yang bertajuk Fermata Intimate. the speech content for interlocutor. You know what? Up this kita akan lebih keren The sentence is talking about a RUCS 62 lagi musiknya jangan kemana-mana, right? particular topic. Seru banget meskipun ada yang salah but that’s oke, it’s oke. You’re human. You’re human, The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 63 alright. Berikutnya langsung kita masuk ke clarification. nomor sepuluh sampai nomor lima. Di nomor sepuluh kita ada Cnco, Meghan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 64 Trainor, Sean Paul with Hey Dj. It’s very good. particular topic. Jangan pergi kemana-mana. Wah, enak banget, Breakout Space kita bawain The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 65 yuk! Let’s do it! Will you do it? Kalau ada sentence filler or sentence connector). Breakout Space, ya! The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 66 Nah! Maksudnya it’s like. sentence filler or sentence connector). Dan hasil vote chart dari kalian nih ya bakal The sentence is talking about a RUCS 67 kita bacain minggu depan, deal? particular topic. Oke, langsung aja nomor dua puluh sampai The sentence is talking about a RUCS 68 enam belas Sheila takes over. particular topic. Gua suka banget lagu itu tapi gua suka lagu ini, The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 69 nih yang gua puterin and gua head more to the sentence filler or sentence connector). chart, come on!

Mungkin belum begitu terkenal nih lagu tapi The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 70 ini enak banget, guys you really-really check it clarification. out. Berikutnya di nomor dua belas. Wanna my favorite jams. Sekarang sebelum gua kerja, The sentence is talking about a RUCS 71 sebelum gua tidur, bangun pagi The particular topic. Chainsmokers. The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 72 Hold on-hold on apa bedanya? clarification. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 73 Bedanya volume one sama volume two, why? particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 74 Deep love gitu, ya? particular topic. The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 75 Dan lost dan losing somebody, yes. the speech content for interlocutor. Kalau kalian ngefans, dia ini lagi mengerjakan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 76 up coming album barengan sama Brian Tenner, particular topic. ada juga Justin Panther, dan juga Max Martin. Diplo akan tampil di acara festival musik pada awal tahun 2019 yaitu Festival Life in Color The sentence is talking about a RUCS 77 2019 di Miami dan gua happy banget karena particular topic. pasti itu pecah. I personally kurang suka lagu The Weeknd The sentence is talking about a RUCS 78 yang ini. particular topic. But it’s heading the chart really-really hard. Di The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 79 Amerika juga kenceng banget masuk chartnya. the speech content for interlocutor. So, maybe I like it. This is video klip yang sering di request sama The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 80 kalian, check it out! sentence filler or sentence connector). Very classic strawberry milk shake people The sentence is talking about a RUCS 81 kayak ini lebih ke sirupnya mas, ya? particular topic.

Mumpung sebelum gue mau blender, kita The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 82 bacain chart dulu kali, Sheil, yuk let’s go! sentence filler or sentence connector). The sentence is talking about a RUCS 83 Do you like that song? Yang iceskating? particular topic. Alright, that’s a milk shake, man. Udah, udah The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 84 jadi gini doang? clarification. Here we go! ini dia hasil yang kita buat classic The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 85 strawberry. sentence filler or sentence connector). I love this episode karena banyak banget yang The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 86 baru, keluarin yang baru. the speech content for interlocutor. That’s right. Dan di lagu Baby ini, guys. Kalau The sentence is talking about a RUCS 87 kalian suka sama Luis Fonsi, you can look the particular topic. Latinos Style. That’s right dan lagu ini sudah trending The sentence is talking about a RUCS 88 number one dimana-mana di beberapa part of particular topic. list. By the way, di dalam video klip itu yang Willy The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 89 William itu Goodbye. sentence filler or sentence connector). The sentence is talking about a RUCS 90 Oke, we’ll be right back jangan kemana-mana. particular topic. It’s gonna be a duet between D’masiv dan juga The sentence is talking about a RUCS 91 Chrisye. particular topic. That is right dan juga Charlie Puth akan konser The sentence is talking about a RUCS 92 di Jakarta nih, guys. particular topic. I think she too. Kayak menurut gua bagus juga The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 93 nih lagunya. Like I think he is. the speech content for interlocutor. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 94 We’ll be right back jangan kemana-mana. particular topic. The sentence is interjection (inserting RUCS 95 So, check them out! ini dia. sentence filler or sentence connector).

The sentence is talking about a RUCS 96 CL one bagus, bagus gak lagunya? particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 97 Lu suka? I love it, too much. So good. particular topic. Yes, that’s right tapi sebelumnya ini ada The sentence is talking about a RUCS 98 request nih. particular topic. Jadi, kalau kalian mau rumahnya seperti rumah The sentence is talking about a RUCS 99 Dj Khalid with all pernak-pernik kemewahan, particular topic. yes the furniture ask again. Anyways! Quavo juga baru merilis album RUCS 100 solonya yang bertajuk Quavo Huncho pada 5 The sentence is interjection. September kemaren. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 101 I love this video klip so much. particular topic. So, I get a way. Karena apapun yang Clean The sentence is talking about a RUCS 102 Bandit bikin. It’s gonna be good. particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 103 I play this song aja deh 2002. particular topic. Oke! And number five langsung aja kita masuk RUCS 104 The sentence is interjection. ada Charlie Puth with Done for me. Kalau mereka ini gak menerima satu The sentence is talking about a RUCS 105 interviewpun dari media manapun selama particular topic. mereka akan tur. Hari ini, ini episode salah satu favorit gua The sentence is talking about a RUCS 106 karena kita mau tribute ke salah satu band particular topic. papan atas tanah air. That’s why I can relate it everybody seperti The sentence is talking about a RUCS 107 lagunya yang judulnya Sahabat Sejati dan juga particular topic. ada Sebuah Kisah Klasik.

You know what’s making them also famous The sentence is talking about a RUCS 108 karena meskipun mereka udah ngetop nih ya particular topic. dari tahun kapan sampai sekarang.

The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 109 Keren banget, man. Sheila Gank is great. clarification.

Oke! we’ll be right back with more Sheila on 7 RUCS 110 The sentence is interjection. jangan kemana-mana. Alright! kemaren nih ya kita sempet interview RUCS 111 The sentence is interjection. Sheila on 7. Sekarang nih ya Sheila on 7 akan membacakan The sentence is talking about a RUCS 112 pertanyaan dari Twitter pakai hashtag Sheila particular topic. on 7 on Breakout net. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 113 But versi mereka lucu kok. particular topic. Kalau kalian belum dengerin please, jump The sentence is talking about a RUCS 114 push, really nice. particular topic. I can’t wait for Rihanna’s come back. 4 The sentence is talking about a RUCS 115 tahunan, gak? particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 116 Pokoknya it’s a really good movie. particular topic.

The sentence is talking about a RUCS 117 Jadi, kalau kalian ngefans just wait for that. particular topic. It’s related a New Year Concert meskipun gua The sentence is talking about a RUCS 118 gak disitu tapi videonya gua yakin pecah. particular topic. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 119 Tapi lagunya for me it’s like yeah good. particular topic.

The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 120 I know gua, I’m not. clarification.

The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 121 It’s so weird, so epic tapi goosh. the speech content for interlocutor.

Jadi, mereka tuh mau fokus sama The sentence is talking about a RUCS 122 performancenya. particular topic. Mereka tuh tetap, apa sih, sederhana down to The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 123 earth, ya kan? the speech content for interlocutor. Gue pernah di Bali sama mereka makan The sentence is intention of clarifying RUCS 124 ngeleseh-leseh di nasi pedesnya Bali like chill the speech content for interlocutor. gitu, man, don’t care chill, down to earth. Wow! you did, not me. Gua padahal pengen RUCS 125 The sentence is interjection. banget. I love Sheila on 7. The sentence is repetition used for RUCS 126 Gimana-gimana, how the go? How the go? clarification. The sentence is talking about a RUCS 127 Tapi after this jangan kemana-mana, right? particular topic.


• “Breakout Space” 23 October 2018 • “20 Breakout Chart” 13 November 2018 • “Congrats Blackpink! Breakout Chart” 16 October 2018 • “Breakout Chart” 7 November 2018 • “Breakout Chart Congrats Exo!” 4 Desember 2018 • “20 Breakout’s Chart” 9 October 2018 • “Breakout Top 20 Chart” 13 Maret 2018 • “Kolaborasi Musisi Keren” 15 November 2018 • “Breakout September Chart” 19 September 2018 • “Breakout Spesial Sheila on 7” 19 Februari 2018