Oliver's Army

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Oliver's Army James Scott Wheeler. Cromwell in Ireland. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999. x + 305 pp. $55.00, cloth, ISBN 978-0-312-22550-6. Reviewed by Martyn Bennett Published on H-Albion (August, 2000) Nothing allegedly epitomises Britain's colo‐ thor points out that the principal full-length nial policy in Ireland as much as the campaigns of works on Cromwell's Irish campaigns were pub‐ Oliver Cromwell in 1649-1650. The unarguable lished in the last century, the twentieth century brutalities of the New Model Army at Drogheda has seen some excellent brief studies, but nothing and Wexford seem to summarise not only the in the way of a full-length study had been under‐ colonial experience, but also the attitudes of the taken (Reilly's book was in production as Wheeler man who was to become the leader of the British wrote). and Irish Republic, towards the Irish. For James Cromwell in Ireland is a fast-paced military Scott Wheeler the task here was not just to write history. I was initially reminded of Charles an up-dated account of the campaigns of Petrie's detailed volumes on Napoleon's cam‐ Cromwell, his immediate predecessors and his paigns written in the nineteenth century, but this successors, but to rewrite a story "everyone was illusory. Petrie's work was immensely de‐ knows." Cromwell's stay in Ireland is part of the tailed and heavy of touch except for the battle de‐ myth of the relationship between Ireland and scriptions; Wheeler's book never loses pace. The Britain and has informed the attitudes of many of reader accompanies the leading participants the citizens of one and the subjects of the other. around Ireland with grace and style. This series of known truths had been re-ex‐ The book begins with an assessment of the amined in recent years. Recently Tom Reilly has links between the wars across the British Isles, questioned the spectre of Cromwell the ogre, fol‐ from the outbreak of the Irish Rebellion in 1641 lowing the example of University College, Dublin until 1648. This is an important element to the graduate Jason McElligott. In the inaugural edi‐ work. Cromwell's appearance in Ireland was not tion (May 2000) of BBC History, Professor John arbitrary, but the beginning of the fnal stage of a Morrill questioned whether Cromwell should be twelve-year war between the Catholic Confedera‐ considered a war criminal.[1] Reilly and McEllig‐ tion of Kilkenny and the English/Welsh regimes ott considered that Cromwell's reputation needed and the Kingdom of Scotland. The second chapter reassessment, and Morrill argued that treating begins to focus on this fnal phase, whilst the third Cromwell as a war criminal would be anachronis‐ details the preparations and Cromwell's arrival. tic. James Scott Wheeler's book comes at a propi‐ More than this, Wheeler sets the scene for tious time; a full-length study of Cromwell's cam‐ Cromwell's arrival by echoing the situation. paign, set against the context of the twelve years of war in Ireland is very much needed. The au‐ H-Net Reviews Perhaps the most important battle fought be‐ ry Ireton and Lord Broghill, a collection of Eng‐ tween 1649 and 1653 happened before Cromwell lish, Anglo-Irish, and Gaelic Irish commanders arrived in Ireland. At Rathmines, south of Dublin who all behaved at least as barbarously. Wheeler on 2 August 1649 Michael Jones defeated the army is able to go beyond the military narrative, of the Confederation-Royalist alliance. This victo‐ demonstrating why Cromwell was a man of his ry not only took pressure off the deep-water port times with regard to his brutality and how the of Ringsend where Cromwell would soon land, war linked into the politics of Charles I's three but also defeated the only major attempt to unite kingdoms and the emergence of the frst British the various military forces in the alliance. The and Irish Republic. The account of Cromwell's hu‐ three succeeding chapters analyse Cromwell's miliation by the brilliant Hugh O'Neill at Clonmel campaign, from Drogheda until he embarked for is particularly good. This is a great book, deserv‐ England in late May 1650. The book does not end ing of a wide audience, and James Scott Wheeler there, for three more chapters Wheeler continues deserves praise. his analysis of the war in Ireland, frstly under Note Cromwell's son-in-law, Henry Ireton, and then un‐ [1]. T. Reilly, Cromwell an Honourable Enemy der Edmund Ludlow. The fnal chapter examines, (Dublin: Brandon Books, 1999); J. McElligott, J., briefly but effectively, the results of the conquest. Our Chief of Enemies (Dundalk, Ireland: Dundal‐ The structure may at frst seem surprising. Of gan Press, 1994). ten chapters, Cromwell really dominates the Copyright (c) 2000 by H-Net, all rights re‐ scene only in three. But this is deliberate. Part of served. This work may be copied for non-profit the myth of Cromwell has been his centrality. For educational use if proper credit is given to the au‐ scholars of the mid-seventeenth century, thor and the list. For other permission, please con‐ Cromwell is always problematic. The early at‐ tact [email protected]. tempt to define blame and redirect recrimination in the aftermath of the Restoration was to shift Cromwell very much to the centre stage, not just for the period when he was the leader of the Re‐ public (1653-1658) but for the entire civil war pe‐ riod (defined here as being 1641-1660). In Ireland this tendency has been all the more resilient. Wheeler's book is concerned to demon‐ strate the illusory nature of this. A side-effect is that it also re-addresses Cromwell's brutality, not head on as Reilly, MacElligot and Morrill's article do but by clearly locating Cromwell's campaign within the context of the twelve years war. Drogheda and Wexford did witness horrible bru‐ tality; civilians and clerics were murdered along‐ side disarmed and defenceless soldiers. At Drogheda, Cromwell was responsible by commis‐ sion. At Wexford, he lost control of his men. Terri‐ ble actions indeed but they sit alongside the bru‐ talities of Lord Inchiquin, Sir Charles Coote, Hen‐ 2 H-Net Reviews If there is additional discussion of this review, you may access it through the network, at https://networks.h-net.org/h-albion Citation: Martyn Bennett. Review of Wheeler, James Scott. Cromwell in Ireland. H-Albion, H-Net Reviews. August, 2000. URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=4390 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. 3.
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