
Communication Chemistry—A European Journal doi.org/10.1002/chem.202002581

& Cascade Reactions Photochemical Approach to the Cyclohepta[b]indole Scaffold by AnnulativeTwo-CarbonRing-Expansion Dina ChristinaTymann, Lars Benedix, Lyuba Iovkova,Roman Pallach,Sebastian Henke, David Tymann, and Martin Hiersemann*[a]

pounds (7)and finalized by N-acylation to deliver photochem- Abstract: We report on the implementation of the con- istry-competent vinylogous amides 8.The subsequent com- cept of aphotochemically elicited two- homologa- press-and-expand phase consists of aphotochemically trig- tion of a p-donor–p-acceptor substituted chromophore by gered formation of atransient[2+2]-cycloadduct that subse- triple-bond insertion. Implementing aphenyl connector quently collapses to deliver the 6,7-dihydro-cyclohepta[b]indol- between the slide-in module and the chromophore ena- 8(5H)-one 4;hence,the actual ring-expansion merges excited- bled the synthesis of cylohepta[b]indole-type building state with ground state chemistry to an unprecedented one- blocks by ametal-free annulative one-pot two-carbon ring pot process. expansion of the five-membered chromophore.Post-irra- The experimental procedures and characterization data for diative structural elaboration provided founding members the products 8 of the fuse-phase are provided in full detail in of the indolo[2,3-d] family of compounds.Control the Supporting Information (29 examples). The results of our experimentsincombination with computational chemistry study on the photochemically triggered two-carbon ring-ex- on this multibond reorganization process founded the pansion of 8 are summarized in Tables 1–3. We adopted our basis for amechanistic hypothesis. previously optimized conditions forthe alkyne de Mayo reac- tion withoutthe necessity of optimization. Hence, solutions of the N-protected vinylogous amides 8a–ab (0.16 mmol) in de- The N-heteroacene cyclohepta[b]indol[1] (1)features the basic gassed 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE, c =0.03m)were irradiated in scaffold of avariety of man-madepharmaceutically activecom- sealable quartz tubes using the low-pressure mercury vapor [2] [3] pounds and natural products, for example, alstonlarsine A lamps (Emax = 254 nm) of acommercially availablephotoreactor. (2)[4] (Figure1). To address the challenges associated with the Reactiontimes refer to reactor running times. The appearance synthesis of cyclohepta[b]indol-type building blocks, awell-di- versified portfolio of enabling synthetic methods is already available.[5] Variations of reactions,[6] of (m+n)-cyclo- additions,[7] and of the Cope rearrangement[8] have proven par- ticularly valuable. Notably,however,organic photochemistry has not yet been exploited to access perhydrocyclohepta[b]in- dole-typebuilding blocks (3). To complement the existing methodology,weaimed for a Figure 1. Motif (1), Variation (2), and Building Block (3). fuse–compress–expand sequence to 6,7-dihydro-cyclohepta[- b]indol-8(5H)-ones 4 that exploits an unprecedented photo- chemically triggered two-carbon ring-expansion (Figure 2).[9] Fusing is accomplished by Sonogashira cross-couplingbetween o-iodo (5)and terminalalkynes (6), followedbycon- densation with five-membered cyclic 1,3-dicarbonyl com-

[a] Dr.D.C.Tymann, L. Benedix, Dr.L.Iovkova, R. Pallach, Prof. Dr.S.Henke, Dr.D.Tymann,Prof. Dr.M.Hiersemann FakultätfürChemie und ChemischeBiologie TU Dortmund, 44227 Dortmund (Germany) E-mail:[email protected] Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the au- thor(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202002581.  2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH. This is an open access article under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial- NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, pro- vided the originalwork is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no Figure 2. Fuse–compress–expand strategy to 6,7-dihydrocyclohepta[b]indol- modifications or adaptations are made. 8(5H)-ones.

Chem. Eur.J.2020, 26,11974 –11978 11974  2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH Communication Chemistry—A European Journal doi.org/10.1002/chem.202002581

of yellow colored reaction mixtures served as an indicator for Table 2. Two-carbon ring expansion:Varying R2. product formation and progression of conversion wasdetected by TLC analysis. Representative examples for aliphatic and aromatic substitu- ents at C-10 were initially screened (Table 1). Ring expansion proceeded for R1 =octyl- (8a), 4-hydroxylbutyl- (8b)and 4-si- loxybutyl (8c)todeliver 4a–c in useful yields (85–92 %). Some- what unexpectedly,hydroxylmethyl-substitution (8d)triggered decomposition under irradiation. No defined degradation product could be isolated. The nature of the decomposition pathway(s) remains speculative. Fortunately,irradiation of the corresponding silyl ether 8e delivered the ring-expansionpro- duct 4e in 86%yield. 2-Aminotolane-derived 8f was suscepti- ble to ring-expansion at prolonged reactiontimes anddeliv- ered the R1 = phenyl substituted 4fin moderate yield (52%). For pharmaceutically relevant cyclohepta[b]indoloids, sub- stituentdiversification at C-2 is frequently found.[2] Conse- quently,wemoved on to study effects for R2 Hat 1 ¼6 C-2 and using R =CH3 at C-10 as aprototype for alkyl substi- tution (Table 2). Methyl- (8g), trifluoromethyl- (8h)and tert- butyl-substitution (8i)atC-2 were tolerated and 4g-i were iso- lated in valuable yields (75–91 %). 4-Aminobiphenyl-based 8j

underwent the ring-expansion slowly and sluggishly to provide [a] PhB(OH)2 (1.5 equiv), Pd(PPh3)2Cl2 (0.05 equiv), PCy3 (0.1 equiv), Cs2CO3 4j (26%) in low yield. Bromo or fluoro substitution enabled (1.5 equiv), 1,4-dioxane(297 equiv), 808C, 5.5 h, 92%(226 mg). access to 4k (83%) or 4l (83%). Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling of 4k with phenylboronic acid under carefully optimized con- ditions delivered 4j (92 %);thus 4k may serve as arelay com- pound for post-ring expansion structural diversification (vide infra).[10] p-Donor (R2 =OCH )and p-acceptor (R2 =CO Me or 3 2 1 4 CN) substitution allowed the formation of 4m (57 %), 4n Table 3. Two-carbon ring expansion:Varying R À andZ. (86%), and 4o (86 %). However,noconversion was observed 2 for R =NO2 (8p,not depicted). We proceeded to study substituent effects at C-3 or C-4 for 2 1 R =HatC-2 and R =CH3 at C-10. (Table 3). Subjecting vinylo- gous amides featuringmethyl (8q), fluoro (8r), or chloro (8s) substitution at C-3 to the ring-expansion protocol afforded 4q (90%), 4r (83 %), and 4s (86%) in valuable yields. Ring-expan-

Table 1. Two-carbon ring expansion:Varying R1.

Chem. Eur.J.2020, 26,11974 –11978 www.chemeurj.org 11975  2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH Communication Chemistry—A European Journal doi.org/10.1002/chem.202002581

1 3 sion of m-aminobenzoic acid derived 8t (R = CH3,R= CO2Me) lected 6,7-dihydro-cyclohepta[b]indol-8(5H)-ones 4.The corre- required strikingly prolonged irradiation (60 h, 4o:7h) and de- sponding lithium enolates were treated with N-tert- livered 4t (66%, 4o:86%)inmoderate yield. Degradation was butylbenzenesulfinimidoyl chloride[11] to deliver Boc-protected 4 [12,13] observed for R = CH3 (8u); in the event, we speculate that indolo[2,3-d] 9. Purificationofthe thus prepared „steric hindrance“ interferes with the photochemical compress- cyclohepta[b]indol-8-ones 9 was complicated by intractable phase of the ring-expansion process. 2-Aminonaphthalene- impurities of N-(tert-butyl)-S-phenylthiohydroxylamine. Alterna-

based 8w resistedirradiation (96 h) and was re-isolated (96 %), tively,the enolateof4k was treated with I2 to deliver Boc pro- whereas irradiation of the 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2-aminonaphtha- tected 9d (79 %);aryl bromide 9d is anticipatedtoserve as a lene-based 8v proceeded reluctantly to afford tetracyclic 4v relay compound for scaffold extension as exemplified by (50%) in moderate yield. 5-Aminobenzo[d][1,3]dioxole-derived Suzuki cross-coupling with vinyltrifluoroborate to 8x successfully underwent the ring-expansion to yield tetracy- afford 9e (70 %). Removalofthe Boc protecting group deliv- clic 4x (52 %) in reasonable yield. Finally,weturned to chromo- ered 10 a (68%) and 10 b[12] (91%)representing founding phore diversification. Irradiation of N-acetyl derivative 8y yield- members of the indolo[2,3-d]tropone (10)family of com- ed the ring-expanded product 4y in 86%yield after only pounds.[14,15,16] 2.75 hofreactor running time. When irradiating tetronic acid- We used experimental and computational studies to gain 1 originated 8z (R =CH3, Z= O), no conversion was detected by mechanistic insightsinto the ring-expansive multibond reor- 1 1 TLC. Tetramic acid-derived 8aa (R =CH3)and 8ab (R = ganization process. Experimentally,irradiation (350 nm) of 8k

Si(CH3)3), however,could be converted into the desired ring-ex- in the presence of atriplet sensitizer (xanthone) triggered for- pansion products 4aa (51%) and 4ab (41 %) with moderate mationof4k;onthe other hand, formation of 4k was sup- success. pressed at 254 nm in the presence of atriplet quencher (2,5-di- We are interested in utilizing indole-tropone-fused cyclohep- methylhexa-2,4-).[17] On this basis, we assumed a[2+2] ta[b]indol-8-ones (indolo[2,3-d]tropones, 10)asscaffold ele- on the triplet surface. To gain furthermechanistic ments for the synthesis of extended N-heteroacenes, N-hetero- insights, we performed (TD)DFT studies using the model com- helicenes, and as building blocks in natural product total syn- pound 11 (Figure 3).[18,19] Our calculations on the B3LYP/def2-

thesis (Table4). Thus, we explored the dehydrogenation of se- TZVP level of theory predict avertical excitation of S0-11 to an 1 upperSn-state (+112.6 kcalmolÀ )that is followed by internal

conversion (IC) to the S1-11 state (n,p*character with respect Table 4. Two-carbon ring expansion:Varying R2. to the a,b-enone segment) and intersystem crossing (ISC) to [20] the T1-11 state. Our computations suggest p,p*character for

T1-11 with spin- being located above and below the 1 a,b-enonesegment. Subsequent low-barrier (+4.8 kcalmolÀ )

5-exo-dig cyclization to T1-13 via 12 is predicted to be highly 1 exoenergetic( 21.1 kcalmolÀ ). T -13 was calculated to be À 1 almostisoenergetic to the doublebond isomeric T1-14 1 ( 0.5 kcalmolÀ ); T1-13 is interconnected with T1-14 via alow- À 1 barriertransition state (+ 1.8 kcalmolÀ ,not depicted). Rapid

ISC of T1-14 to S0-14 is followed by an almost barrier-less (+ 1 1 1.1 kcalmolÀ )and highly exoenergetic ( 42.1 kcalmolÀ )cycli- À zation via 15 to the (2+2) photocycloadduct 16.According to gas-phase DFT calculations, the p-donor–p-acceptor substitut- ed cyclobutene segmentof16 is susceptible to aslightly en- 1 doenergetic (+2.8 kcalmolÀ )concerted bond reorganization 1 via the transition-state 17 (+24.1 kcalmolÀ )toafford 18 fea- turing a trans-a,b-enone moiety.[21] The stereochemical result of the modeled conversion of 16 to 18 is in accordance with a bond reorganization proceeding by aconrotatory 4p-electrocy- clic ring-opening. Althoughpredicted to be highly exoenerget- ic, attempts to localize apathway leading from 18 (or 16)to the model compound 19 for the experimentally observed ring expansion-productsbygas-phase computations were futile. The scale of the predicted barrierheight (+24.1 kcal) for the conversion of 16 to 18 encouraged experimental studies to identifythe [2+2]-cycloadduct. However,efforts to detect the [a] LDA, THF, 788C, then tBuNS(Cl)Ph, 788C; [b] LDA (1.5 equiv), THF, À À 788Cto 508C, 1h,then I (1.6 equiv), 508Ctort, 0.5 h, 79% elusive[2+2]-cycloadduct from 8k by (preparative) TLC or by À À 2 À (207 mg);[c] TFA(28 equiv), CH2Cl2,408C; [d] CH2CHBF3K(2equiv), NMR experiments in deuteratedsolvents failed. The ring-open- Pd2(dba)3 (0.1 equiv), P(tBu)3·HBF4 (0.1 equiv), Cs2CO3 (3 equiv), 1,4-diox- ing was then re-modeled by considering explicit - ane-H2O(10:1), 60 8C, 30 min, 70%(108 mg). bondinginteractions between two molecules of 2,2,2-trifluor-

Chem.Eur.J.2020, 26,11974 –11978 www.chemeurj.org 11976  2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH Communication Chemistry—A European Journal doi.org/10.1002/chem.202002581

non-p-resonating a,b-eniminium-enolatezwitterion that we could not locate computationally without considering the tran- sition-state stabilizing interaction with TFE. Experimentally,at- tempts to perform the two-carbon ring-expansion of 8k in

CH3CN or CH3OH led to considerably lower isolated yields of

4k (CH3CN:61%;CH3OH:33%). In both cases 4k was contami- nated with unidentified inseparable impurities. To furtherstudy the apparent solventeffect, control experimentswere run in 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropanol(HFIP). Much to our initial sur- prise, the resultingisolated yields were considerably lower (HFIP:66%,TFE:83%) 4k but free of detectable impurities. We later realized that the comparatively lower yields in HFIP can be attributed to the cleavage of the Boc protecting group in HFIP [22] which slowly proceeds even at ambient temperature without irradiation. In summary,wereveal aconceptually novel approach to the cyclohepta[b]indole scaffold.Irradiation (254 nm) of modularly assembled vinylogous amides from 2-alkynyl anilinesin2,2,2- trifluoroethanol at ambient temperature triggered an intramo- lecular one-pot annulative two-carbon ring expansion to deliv- er 6,7-dihydro-cyclohepta[b]indol-8(5H)-ones.The process merges exited-state [2+2]-cycloaddition with ground-state 4p- electrocyclic ring-opening. Computational chemistry suggests that solventcooperativity is fundamental to the successofthe overall multibond reorganization process. We also report the post-irradiative synthesis and characterization of founding members of the indolo[2,3-d]tropone family of compounds.


Financialsupport by the TU Dortmund is gratefully acknowl- edged.Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Keywords: cascade reactions · cyclohepta[b]indole · indole[2,3-d]tropone · photochemistry · ring expansion

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Chem. Eur.J.2020, 26,11974 –11978 www.chemeurj.org 11978  2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH GmbH