Fall 2015, Volume 24. No.2 NASSRNEWSLETTER north american society for the study of romanticism Executive Committee James Allard (Brock) Secretary-Treasurer Chris Bundock (Regina) David Collings (Bowdoin) Angela Esterhammer (Toronto) Tilottama Rajan (Western) Elizabeth Effinger (Penn State) Newsletter Editor Ex Officio Frederick Burwick (UCLA) Michelle Faubert (Manitoba) Richard Sha (American) Future NASSR Conferences The NASSR Newsletter prints news items that will be of interest to the NASSR conferences are now planned through to 2018! Romantic studies community, such as members’ recent book The 24th Annual NASSR Conference (2016), addressing the topic of publications, calls for papers, conference announcements, and “Romanticism and its Discontents,” will be held 11-14 August 2016 in website and journal information. California at the University of California, Berkeley. Please send announcements to the Newsletter Editor, Elizabeth Effinger (
[email protected]). The deadline for the next NASSR NASSRNewsletter Newsletter is 15 April 2016. !1 Fall 2015, Volume 24. No.2 Organizers invite consideration of any aspect of discontent with and within Romanticism, a field they construe in broad, international terms. Participants might address the misfit between a concept and a practice; explore writers’ representations of disaffection, their resistance to contemporary norms (aesthetic, political, economic, social, or cultural), or their desire to reassert those norms; discuss the deficiencies of “Romanticism” as an ideological or historical category