ENVIRONMENT COURT OF NEW ZEALAND In reply, please quote reference 23 March 2020 ENV-2020-314-000001 By email: Please see attached party list Dear Parties ENV-2020-AKL-000005 Te Mata Mushroom Company Limited v Hastings District Council & Hawke's Bay Regional Council ENV-2020-AKL-000007 CDL Land New Zealand Limited v Hawke's Bay Regional Council Topic: Appeal against a decision relating to an application for consents for existing facilities at Brookvale Road, Havelock North (discharge contaminants into air, land use consents) I refer to the joint memorandum of counsel for the respondents dated 20 March 2020. The presiding Judge, having read and considered the correspondence, has directed as follows: In light of the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19, it is unlikely that the Court will have any mediators available over the next four weeks. Accordingly, the parties may wish to continue discussions between themselves. A mediation date will be allocated for mid-May 2020, subject to further review. Kind regards Alice McIntosh Hearing Manager Direct Dial: 09 302 8307 email:
[email protected] Environment Court of New Zealand Specialist Courts and Tribunals Centre | Level 2 | 41 Federal Street | DX CX 10086 | PO Box 7147 | Wellesley Street | Auckland 1010 Telephone: 09 9169091 | Fax: 09 9169090 LIST OF PARTIES Lodgement: ENV-2020-AKL-000005 Te Mata Mushroom Company Limited v Hastings District Council & Hawke's Bay Regional Council Initiator Te Mata Mushroom Lara Blomfield, Sainsbury Logan & Williams, PO Box 41 / Company Limited