
Electronic Media Newsletter

E-Media Graduates Gather At Meredith Alumni Achiever By Prof. Lytle, Newsletter Editor Rich Harrington (BNews’94) was among six alumni recognized dur- ing Relays Weekend for their career accomplishments and loyalty to Drake. Harrington is owner and CEO of RHED Pixel, a production house specializing in visual communications. He has produced more than 25 books about photography and digital media, LQFOXGLQJFHUWLÀHGPDWHULDOVIRU$SSOH DQG$GREH 0RUHLQ$OXPQL8SGDWHV  „ Lytle Gets Shelley 7LPHKDVEHHQJHQHUDOO\NLQGWRPHPEHUVRIWKH(0HGLDFODVVHVRI who organized an informal reunion on Relays Saturday. The agenda included Prof. John Lytle was recognized by DGHWDLOHGWRXURIWKH0HUHGLWKSURGXFWLRQIDFLOLWLHVDQGDYLHZLQJRIWKH WKH,RZD%URDGFDVW1HZV$VVRFLDWLRQ -0&ÀQDOSURMHFW5RE6RENRYLDN 579· DQG0LFKHOOH %XUGHHQ -DFN- with the organization’s lifetime service VRQ 579· FRRUGLQDWHGWKHSODQQLQJ 5HDG-DFNVRQ·VDFFRXQWRQSDJH award. The surprise announcement FDPHDW,%1$·V0D\FRQYHQWLRQ Going “Beyond the Blue Line”

By Rebecca Altenhofen their life dedicated to hockey in Des Following last fall’s award-winning 0RLQHV SURGXFWLRQ5DGLR79PDMRUVLQ-0& 7KH'HV0RLQHV%XFFDQHHUVDUHSDUW KDGVRPHELJVKRHVWRÀOOWKLVVH- RIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV+RFNH\/HDJXH mester. These students decided to take RQHRIWKHWRSMXQLRULFHKRFNH\ on a lesser known sport than wrestling. OHDJXHVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV3OD\HUV “Beyond the Blue Line” follows \HDUVROGDQG\RXQJHUMRLQWKHDPD- three high school students who spend teur league to improve their chances The person for whom the award is IRU1&$$RU1+/SOD\ named, Jack Shelley, was longtime -0&FODVVGHFLGHGWRH[SORUH QHZVGLUHFWRUIRU:+2$0DQG79 this world. Following the boys to EHIRUHMRLQLQJWKH,RZD6WDWH8QLYHU- games, practices, and school required VLW\IDFXOW\6KHOOH\OLYHGLQ$PHV hours of hard work by the production until his death this fall. Lytle was rec- crew, only to be followed by hours of ognized for, among other accomplish- editing. PHQWVVXUYH\LQJWKH,%1$PHPEHU- The show aired on the College ship each spring about their salaries More Hockey On Page 2 DQGMREGHPDQGV Page 1 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

(Hockey, from Page 1) Prof. Wade “Retires” Radio News Travels Channel and was screened for the Des I’m teaching a First-Year Semi- In what’s become a fall semester 0RLQHV%XFFDQHHUV3UDLVHKDVFRPH nar this fall at Drake. I still work at WUDGLWLRQWKH-5DGLR1HZVFODVV from many viewers including Brian 3UDLULH0HDGRZVDQGKHOSRXWZLWK YLVLWHGZLWK9DQ+DUGHQ 579· DW Werger, director of Communications the I-Cubs. I still announce State the Clear Channel Building on Inger- IRUWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV+RFNH\/HDJXH men’s . VROO$YHQXH

,·PDOVRD'LYLVLRQRIÀFHULQWKH -Iowa District of Kiwanis and travel making presentations and conducting installations for a year. Harden is program director for I did retire mainly for my health. I “I was blown away when I saw the :+2$0DQGVSRUWVWDONUDGLR KDYHÀYHEORFNDJHVLQP\IRXU video, because of how it captured the .;12$0DQGKHFRKRVWVWKH heart bypasses…but none serious VWRU\RID86+/SOD\HUDQGJDYHVXFK DZDUGZLQQLQJ´9DQDQG%RQQLH HQRXJK\HWWRRSHUDWHRQ6R,UXQ an in-depth perspective from the play- 6KRZµZHHNGD\PRUQLQJVRQ minutes three days a week; swim 45 ers themselves. This is the best piece „ I have ever seen put together from a minutes three days a week and bike ZKHQ,FDQ,·YHORVWSRXQGV source outside the League.” 94-1 Sports Update Oh, I had rotator cuff surgery in Within three days of “Beyond the By A. J. Harrison, sports director Blue Line” being uploaded (vimeo. $XJXVWDQG-867FRPSOHWHG37LQ This has been an exciting year for 94 FRP WKHVKRZUHFHLYHG early-December on that. I’ll try to 6SRUWV:HKDYHLQFUHDVHGRXUVSRUWV RYHUYLHZV take some money back from Lytle if I coverage to cover the Drake volleyball With more airings on the College can learn to golf again this spring! team and the Drake softball team. Channel and a thriving Facebook The softball team had a great spring page, (facebook.com/pages/Beyond- and the volleyball team started off 7KH%OXH/LQH  VRERWKRIWKHVHWHDPVZHUHIXQ VWXGHQWVFDQHQMR\WKHLUVXFFHVV to cover. We’re embedded in nine additional VLWHVH[FOXGLQJWKH%XFVDQG86+/ „

J73 Covers Candidates 7KHPHPEHU5DGLR1HZVFODVVHQ- MR\HGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRFRYHUFDQGLGDWHV whose names appeared on the November General Election ballot. )RXUPLQXWHQHZVFDVWVRQ´WKHGRJµ frequently included the voices of Gov. Of course, my heart is with my granddaughter (Chloe) and we travel Chet Culver (he lost to former governor Harrison and Rachel Yancey Call Basketball DQG5HSXEOLFDQ7HUU\%UDQVWDG 86 to Tallahassee more than we should. I KRSHWRVSHQGDPRQWKWKHUHLQ0DUFK Senator (he defeated Our regular sports have been fun as Democrat Roxanne Conlin) and Cong. when basketball is over. well as Drake football had a good fall Leonard Boswell, who swept away a Des Finally, I’ve often dreamed of retir- and both the basketball teams have a 0RLQHV5HSXEOLFDQFKDOOHQJHU ing to read. Not a text, not a research bright future in front of them. 0DQ\VWXGHQWVDWWHQGHG(OHFWLRQ1LJKW article or training manuals! I have read events with their digital cameras and voice ´IRUIXQµERRNVVLQFH,UHWLUHGLQ recorders. 0D\ More 94-1 Sports On Page 3

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94-1 Sports From Page 2 “Pound 4 Pound” Wins )LQDOO\FRYHUHGHYHU\5RRV- By Tony Tracy evelt football game, home and away, 7KHIDOO-FODVVSURGXFHGDPLQXWHWHOHYLVLRQVKRZDVRXUVHPHVWHU so many of our commentators had the ORQJSURMHFW3RXQG3RXQGSUHYLHZHGWKHKLJKVFKRROZUHVWOLQJVHDVRQZLWKD opportunity to see different venues Central Iowa twist. across the metro and state. )RXUJURXSVRIVWXGHQWVYLVLWHGORFDOKLJKVFKRROVWRSURÀOHWKHVFKRROVDQG )RUWKHÀUVWWLPHWKLV\HDUZHSUR- DOHDGHULQHDFKZUHVWOLQJSURJUDP$QNHQ\6RXWKHDVW3RON8UEDQGDOHDQG duced video reports from the games Waukee were eager to see what we would produce and were very helpful with that we call. Our plan for spring RXUSURMHFW semester is to increase our video pres- Our style was what I liked to think of as a cross between two popular cable ence and to also start doing a weekly reality shows. recap and preview show of Drake We mirrored the format for “Deadliest Catch” as a different way to tell the athletic teams. stories of different high school teams and wrestlers with similar concerns and 6SRUWVWUDYHOVWR&HGDU)DOOV practices. We tried to be personal much like “Hard Knocks” with our interview LQ-DQXDU\WRFRYHUWKH'UDNH81, style and in depth individual story lines. men’s basketball matchup and will We wanted the wrestlers to tell their stories. I believe we were successful to also follow the men’s and women’s that end. EDVNHWEDOOWHDPVDWWKH0LVVRXUL9DO- Each student put their own touch on “Pound 4 Pound” and that’s why it came ley Conference tournaments. together. This spring we plan on covering We submitted the show for state and national recognition. softball and we hope to expand the 7KH&RPPXQLFDWRU$ZDUGVJUDQWHGXVZLWKD$ZDUGRI'LVWLQFWLRQ channels we use. ZKLOHWKH,RZD%URDGFDVW1HZV$VVRFLDWLRQDGGHGD)LUVW3ODFH$ZDUGIRU WKHGRJFRPSRVWVRXUYLGHRVSOXV Sports Coverage. our complete sports schedule. „ „ “Studio 100” Fall Semester Review Drake Digital News $VVLVWHGE\-DQG-FUHZPHPEHUVWHQ-79)LHOG3KRWRJUDSK\VWXGHQWV %HQHÀWV(0HGLD produced, live to server with no edits, a half-hour review containing their best reporting. 7KHSURJUDPDLUHGWKUHHWLPHV'HFRQ7KH&ROOHJH&KDQQHO0DQ\RIWKHVWXGHQWV By Abraham Swee, producer ZLOOKHOSSURGXFHDQGGLUHFW'UDNH/,1(·VQHZVPDJD]LQHVGXULQJ6SULQJ $QDOWHUQDWHRXWOHWIRU(0HGLDUHSRUW- ing, DrakeDigitalNews.com has once again posted hundreds of pieces over the last year. 6WXGHQWVLQ-5DGLR1HZV- 7HOHYLVLRQ)LHOG3KRWRJUDSK\- %URDGFDVW5HSRUWLQJDQGWKH- Broadcast News Capstone (“Drake- LINE”) produce Web versions of their on-air stories. Striving to be fast and accurate, I /LYHSURGXFWLRQJHWVWKHMXLFHVÁRZLQJ Which camera? post text with media, including radio actualities, video sound bites, and GLJLWDOVWLOOV6WXGHQWVXVH$XGDFLW\ 3KRWRVKRS)LQDO&XW3URDQG06 Word to prepare their material. ''1SRVWLQJVGXULQJIDOO LQFOXGHGIURP-DQGIURP - „


Page 3 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010 Alumni (In Order Received) $OUHDG\KDYHKyle Lobner (RTV’05) 0D\IRUFDUHHUDQGFKDULW\DFKLHYHPHQWV$QG coming down with his wife for some Cactus a sweet new addition to our family, my daugh- David Mossner (BNews’84) League , but still have room if anybody WHU+D]HOZDVERUQLQ$XJXVW0\VRQ(OOLRW ,DPHQWHULQJP\ÀIWK\HDUDV'HYHORSPHQW ZDQWVWRH[SHULHQFHDZHVRPHZLQWHULQ0DUFK WXUQHGLQ2FWREHU+XVEDQG-HII(FNRIID Director at Lutheran High School of India- Still staying active in broadcasting with some 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LVVRXULJUDGZULWHVIRUWKH napolis - which involves donor visits, writing, freelance play-by-play work and a new podcast EXVLQHVVGHVNDWWKH'HV0RLQHV5HJLVWHU marketing, and communications - and continue with Travis Monroe (RTV’07). Our „ WRHQMR\WKHFKDOOHQJH7KHMRXUQDOLVPWUDLQLQJ WLWOH"´'6SRUWV$GYDQWDJHµ

Aliza Reisberg (RTV’09) ,ZRUNIRUWKH&%6DIÀOLDWH6DGO\WKH&%6 Evening News with Katie Couric has not ,·PVWLOOLQ'HV0RLQHVZRUNLQJDWWKH86 performed as well as we had hoped, so our 'HSDUWPHQWRI+RXVLQJDQG8UEDQ'HYHORS- evening newscasts remain a solid second place. ment downtown. I also tape and occasionally 7KHPDUJLQDWSPLVFORVLQJWKRXJK edit mass every Sunday at the Basilica of St. VRÀQJHUVDUHFURVVHGIRUDJUHDW)HEUXDU\ John, as I have been doing for over two years Enclosed are some recent shots while taping now. Sam and I got engaged last December, but SURPRVRUMXVWJRRÀQJRII we haven’t set a date yet as we’re waiting for him to graduate from Drake Law School. „

Emily Brady (RTV’10) During spring and summer produced/directed D36$IRUWKH)HGHUDO&RXUW6\VWHPRI,RZD ZRUNHGPHGLDUHODWLRQVIRUWKH867UDFNDQG )LHOG&KDPSLRQVKLSVDW'UDNH6WDGLXP 0HW LoLo Jones!!), worked on a video crew for WebStream Productions to broadcast the Soft- ball Championships from Drake and worked media relations/stat crew at the Women’s 1&$$%DVNHWEDOO7RXUQDPHQWLQ$PHV,DOVR produced/edited media guides for many Drake VSRUWVZRUNHGPHGLDUHODWLRQVDWWKH5H- lays and more! I am employed at St. Catherine of Siena (next to Drake Campus) as parish Barbara Kao (BNews’03) administrative assistant. This position requires ,·PZRUNLQJDW7$,75$ 7DLZDQ([WHUQDO PHWREHWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV¶KXE·IRUWKHSDU- Trade Development Council)Taiwan, as a trade ish, putting out weekly publications, updating VKRZSURMHFWPDQDMRU1H[W\HDUP\WZRWUDGH their website, designing invitations, brochures shows called “Taipei Pack” and “Foodtech & etc. and working with diocesan communica- WLRQVWHDPV,KDYHDOVREHHQFHUWLÀHGDVD Pharmatech Taipei” will be held at the same I’ve become really involved at Furry Friends chiropractic assistant at Norwalk Chiropractic. time. I might not have time to sleep, but well... Refuge, a local no-kill animal shelter in Clive I contribute to PR talks, marketing campaigns, it’s going to be fun. Besides working, I try to VRRQWRPRYHWR:HVW'HV0RLQHV FDULQJIRU GHVLJQLQJJLIWFHUWLÀFDWHV ORJRVDQGZRUN exercise as much as I can, when I have time I the animals, doing outreach, and occasionally RQJHQHUDOFOLQLFFRPPXQLFDWLRQV0\'UDNH play golf and basketball. Recently, I start to photography and videography of the resident HGXFDWLRQKDVDOORZHGPHWRREWDLQWZRMREV MRLQP\IULHQGVIRUPRUHDFWLYLWLHVKRZHYHU animals. Sam and I have adopted two home- that are very rewarding. in Taipei we can usually go to eat, drink, and less cats and fostered a puppy in the last year. I NDUDRNH7KLQJV,OLNHWRIXOÀOO"5HDGPRUH hope to do more photo and video marketing for „ and go back to school, I think...and get mar- the shelter in the near future. Brian Weiss (BNews’93) practices ried...ha... „ 3KRWR%DUEDUDRQWKH*UHDW:DOOLQ%HLMLQJ DUFKLWHFWXUHIRUWKHIRU3DKOÀUPLQ'HQYHU 6HSWHPEHU Weiss contributes to this newsletter each season Karen Fuller (RTV’89) „ with his masthead photo treatments. ,FHOHEUDWHGVHYHQ\HDUVZLWK.&79LQ „ .DQVDV&LW\LQ2FWREHU,PRYHGDIWHUJUHDW \HDUVDVWKHHYHQLQJFRDQFKRUDW.$79LQ Randy Beamer (BNews’81) reports /LWWOH5RFN,Q.DQVDV&LW\,KDYHHQMR\HG with his camera and anchors newscasts for see my children grow and now, attend school. :2$,6DQ$QWRQLR´7KHROGHU,JHWWKHPRUH 7KH\DUHDQGDJLUODQGER\UHVSHFWLYHO\ I realize what you and the whole Journalism We take advantage of the many cultural events School meant. I hope you pass that on to all the city offers, and as a single mother now, I those young kids who may still be interested in also appreciate the many different opportuni- what’s left of news.” (“I now sound like your ties there are to entertain and educate the kids. grandfather.”) Beamer’s won three Emmys DQGDQ(GZDUG50XUURZDPRQJKLVPDQ\ awards. Zach Tecklenburg (BNews’09) „ ,DPVWLOOUHSRUWLQJDW.7,9LQ6LRX[&LW\,·YH Skye Giordano (RTV’99) gotten to interview Chuck Norris and Tom works for Brokaw, among many other interesting people. &DQQRQEDOO$GYHUWLVLQJLQ6W/RXLV+H·V ,·YHDOVRGRQHDORWRIÀOOLQJLQRQWKHDQFKRU helping raise “an adorable 2-year-old” and oc- desk, which I like too. Contract is expiring FDVLRQDOO\WHDFKLQJDW:DVKLQJWRQ8QLYHUVLW\ in less than a year, so hopefully by the next „ holiday newsletter, I’ll be e-mailing you from a bigger market. Check out [email protected]

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Chris Parrish (BNews‘05) content management system than what our Keith Laug (BNews’82) Things have changed a lot over the past year. news site uses? With the amount of time I’m I probably mentioned that I’m a grandpa Six months ago, I was working as the executive spending, I could have built a website using already. Remember I had a baby Senior Year SURGXFHUDW:2,79'HV0RLQHV1RZ,·P a foundation from the old system. I continue when I was a Drake. Now, she’s had a Baby. WKHZHHNGD\SPSURGXFHUDW:+'+79 to use my reporting skills in other areas of my 2OG1HZV ,·YHWDNHQDQHZMREDW$7 7 WKH1%&DIÀOLDWHLQ%RVWRQ6RIDUVRJRRG work. Inside sources with one of the munici- ,·PQRZD3URMHFW0DQDJHUHQVXULQJWKDWRXU,3 palities I cover say I’m on the right track with routers are installed and upgraded around the P\RSHQUHFRUGVUHTXHVWV$OVRDIWHUVHYHUDO :RUOG,W·VDJUHDWMRE,UHPDLQHGWHFKQLFDO extremely tragic crime stories involving chil- and my news reporting skills are put to great dren in a local county, I’m putting together an XVH-XVWWKHIDFW\HDUVQRZDW$7 7 enterprise story on mental health/well-being 0\\RXQJHUGDXJKWHULVDIUHVKPDQDW/R\ROD VHUYLFHVRIIHUHGWRFKLOGUHQDQGWHHQV0\UROH 0HODQLHUHPDLQVKHDOWK\/DVW\HDU,URGH5DJ- DVP\JUDQGSDUHQWV·FDUHWDNHUKDVÁXFWXDWHG with their declining health. I moved back in late June after my grandma unexpectedly died DQGP\JUDQGSDLQDVWXEERUQÀWÀUHGDOORI his nurses. I was more stubborn than he – much to his dismay – and hired several of them back to help care for him during the day while I’m 3URI:DGH 3DUULVK6SULQJ DWZRUN&DQ·WÀQG´WKDWVSHFLDOJX\µLQ0LV- Who knew not driving would feel so good! souri who can tolerate my insane schedule and 0\OHJVDUHQ·WWRRVRUHIURPZDONLQJDQGWKH fanaticism for the Huskers. public train/bus system is great. In September I „ DVNHG&DWLH%LHOHFNL -2¶ WRPDUU\PH:H plan to marry during October. But you make it Shelley (Russell) Skuster EUDLZLWK/DQFH$UPVWURQJ·VWHDPDQGUDLVHG to Boston ... or live here, shoot me an e-mail. (BNews’08) 

Ron and I became new parents again. Clara 0DULHZDVERUQRQ0D\WKWKHGD\ZHSXW an offer on a new house! So with the new baby, the big move and keeping up with Sophia  DQG&KULVWLDQ  WKLQJVKDYHEHHQD little hectic. I am back at work full force now freelancing in the corporate communications &KULVIULHQG$O\VLD-RKQVRQDQG6KHOOH\ UHDOPZKHUHEXVLQHVVKDVÀQDOO\SLFNHGXS ,FRQWLQXHWRHQMR\VSHQGLQJWLPHZLWKP\ DIWHUDFRXSOHRIYHU\VORZ\HDUV$QGP\VHOI KHUH ZLWKQRSD\EHQHÀWLQFUHDVH*RWWDORYH husband of two years, Chris, who still loves started photography venture, EB Photo turned MRXUQDOLVP,·PEXLOGLQJDQHZWRXULVPGULYHQ KLVMREDVDQ2PDKD3ROLFH2IÀFHUDQGRXU LQ0D\DQGLVFRQWLQXLQJWRJURZ ZZZ website that is considered the publisher’s pet- VSRLOHGGRJ0DJJLHZKROLJKWVXSRXUGD\V ellenbakerphoto.com). I consider myself very SURMHFW VRLWPXVWEHSHUIHFW 6LQFH,GRQ·W (or evenings, I should say...). OXFN\WRKDYHQRWRQO\RQHEXWMREVWKDW, have a title, I was brought into the discussions love — mommy, producer and photographer. six months after they started and the website is „ (ellenbakerphoto.smugmug.com) supposed to launch in (early-December). Did 7\SRVRUHUURUV":HKRSHQRW I mention it uses a completely different web EXWLWFRXOGKDSSHQ Page 6 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010


Mark Carlson (BNews’10) 0\H[SHULHQFHLQPHGLDKDVDOUHDG\EHHQYHU\ rewarding. I was fortunate enough to start ZRUNLQJWKH$SULOEHIRUHJUDGXDWLRQ,VWDUWHG DVDSDUWWLPHUHSRUWHUDW.&&,LQ'HV0RLQHV While there I reported on everything from the PRYHGWR1HZ

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Chris Scholl (BNews’85) LQJZHDUHEX\LQJRXUÀUVWKRPH%ULGJHWLV ,MXVWUHXSSHGZLWK&%6(YHQLQJ1HZVDQG the digital strategist for Beehive PR, and I’m FRQWLQXHWRSURGXFHWKH´)ROORZWKH0RQH\µ DUHVHUYHWHDFKHULQWKH0LQQHDSROLV6FKRRO VHJPHQWIRUFRUUHVSRQGHQW6KDU\O$WWNLVVRQ District while freelancing for several produc- We won an Emmy this year for package of WLRQKRXVHV$OWKRXJKZHPLVVWKH(DVW&RDVW congressional oversight stories we did -- one ZH·UHKDSS\WREHEDFNLQWKH0LGZHVW,·YH especially involving Rep. Steven Buyer of also started a weekly sports podcast “D+ Sports Indiana and his questionable involvement with $GYDQWDJHµZLWKJ.D. Fox (RTV’05). DQRQSURÀW%X\HUDQQRXQFHGKHZRXOGQRW Check us out at dplussports.libsyn.com/. seek reelection not long after our story. Beyond WKDWELJJHUQHZVZLWKP\VRQ$GDPZKRLV a White House intern. I’m unbelievably proud Rich Harrington (BNews, RTV’94) of him. Things are clicking along with my company, „ RHED Pixel (though any day the economy would like to recover is okay with me). I John Olson (RTV) and Martha authored multiple books this year: From Still to Chaput (RTV’04) PDUULHGLQ0DOLEXRQ 0RWLRQ0RWLRQ*UDSKLFVZLWK$GREH&UHDWLYH -XO\0DUWKDZRUNVDW2SUDK:LQIUH\·V 6XLWHDQG3URIHVVLRQDO:HE9LGHRDVZHOO new network, OWN, as a production manager. DVXSGDWHVWR8QGHUVWDQGLQJ$GREH3KRWRVKRS John is freelancing as an associate producer DQG3KRWRVKRSIRU9LGHR7KHFRQIHUHQFH and currently working on a show for schedule has been busy with appearances at Lifetime. 1$%WKH,QWHUQDWLRQDO%URDGFDVWLQJ6KRZ 0DFZRUOG'9([SRDQG3KRWRVKRS:RUOG Personally, life is good. Both kids are in VFKRRODQGGRLQJZHOO,DPMXJJOLQJDOOVRUWV of things, but have still managed to take a 3KRWRIURPWKH0DF'HOOD&RRSHU)RXQGDWLRQ·V YDFDWLRQEHD&XE6FRXWOHDGHUDQGHQMR\ “Fashion Week Finale Party.” time with my wife. I was deeply honored to be „ QDPHGWKH'LVWLQJXLVKHG

Chris & Sarah anchor election coverage Travis Monroe (RTV’07) :HDUHH[SHFWLQJRXUÀUVWFKLOGLQ-DQX- Bridget and I started the year by leaving our ary! We’re so excited and so are the viewers MREVWRSXUVXHQHZLQWHUHVWVLQ1HZ

Brendan Mark (BNews’06) George Norman (BNews’93) Kelly Edwards Barash $IWHU\HDUVDW.797LQ'DOODV)RUW:RUWK $IWHUZRUNLQJIRU:&&279IRU\HDUV (BNews’01) I moved to Nashville to become an executive DQGWKHEXVLQHVVDERXW,ODQGHGDJUHDWRS- ,PDUULHGDQGKDGDEDE\$DURQZLOOWXUQ SURGXFHUDW:609 SRUWXQLW\DW7DUJHWDVDSURMHFWPDQDJHULQWKHLU months old on Christmas. Ben, and I married „ 0HHWLQJVDQG0HGLD3URGXFWLRQGHSDUWPHQW in a small ceremony at the Chicago Cultural 0\GHFLVLRQWROHDYHWKHEURDGFDVWLQJEXVLQHVV &HQWHU:HFRXOGQ·WEHKDSSLHUZLWK$DURQDQG Clay Paciorek (RTV’10) involved timing and opportunity. I knew, while our adorable two and a half year old shiba inu, I recently moved to Baltimore and am re- my passion for news has always been a part $NLQD sponsible for creating all of the video content of my interests, I had reached a point that new IRUWKH/R\ROD8QLYHUVLW\0DU\ODQG$WKOHWLF challenges and opportunity were important. Department. We have a brand new stadium and To date, I’ve been working with production VWDIIRQERWKLQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDOYLGHRSURM- ects, some of which you can see on the in- store channel which plays on their video wall in the electronics section. So far it’s presenting fun and new opportunities and I look forward to seeing where this path takes me. The nice part LVWKDW:&&279VLWVULJKWDFURVVWKHVWUHHW IURPP\RIÀFHWRZHUDQGP\FRPPXWHZDV „ VKRUWHQHGE\RQHEORFN'UDNH8QLYHUVLW\·V- School provided an outstanding foundation. Barrett Tryon (BNews) moved to „ &RORUDGRLQ0DUFK scoreboard that I’ve gotten to play with and Jennifer (Grannan) Johnson all the videos for. I am loving everything (BNews’02) about making videos for sports, Baltimore, and $WWKHHQGRI)HEUXDU\P\KXVEDQGDQG, MXPSLQJULJKWLQWRWKHYLGHRÀHOG ZHOFRPHGRXUÀUVWEDE\&XOOHQ0DWWKHZLVD „ happy and healthy little boy who makes every day exciting! While he’s a tiny little guy, he Sarah Gordon Hamilton (RTV’02) has quickly taken over our home. We put our I’m in my fourth year of teaching in Des 0RLQHV,·PDOVRWKHGHEDWH0RFN7ULDODQG speech coach and assistant drama coach. Each year I’m feeling a little more comfortable with the assignment, but I never imagined I would be coaching debate and helping with plays. ,·PWKHGLJLWDOFRQWHQWGLUHFWRUIRU.5'279 Last year, my Readers Theatre Speech team WKH$%&DIÀOLDWH LQ&RORUDGR6SULQJV)DQF\ ZDVQRPLQDWHGIRUWKH$OO6WDWH&RPSHWLWLRQ title for running the website and social media and for the past three years, my Radio Broad- for the station. I’m also the web/technology cast Speech team has advanced to the State UHSRUWHU$GMXVWLQJWROLIHDQGWKHDOWLWXGH$OVR Competition. I’m amazed at this accomplish- WKHSURXGSDSDRIDSRXQGFKLKXDKXDQDPHG PHQWDV,ZDVDMRXUQDOLVPPDMRU QRWWKHDWUH  Bentley. EXW,NQRZP\5DGLR79PDMRUKHOSHGSUHSDUH „ me to be ready for anything they throw at you! house up for sale and accepted an offer within Shane Luitjens (BNews’96) wrote „ two weeks. We will hopefully be into our new GXULQJ)HEUXDU\WRVD\KHHGLWVLQÁLJKWPDJD- home before Christmas! I continue to work at Sara Van Aernum (BNews’01) ]LQHVIRU$LUWUDLQ0LGZHVWDQG9LYD$HUREXV Creative Communication & Design, a market- Things are great here in D.C. Won an Emmy 0H[LFR +HZRUNVLQ1HZ

Mark Stevens (BNews’10) Jason Hays (BNews’07) Justin Cosner (BNews’09) works in Rockford, Illinois, as a one-man band reporter/ ·VEHHQDEXV\\HDUIRUPH,FRPSOHWHG ,KDYHEHHQZRUNLQJDVD

Page 10 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Kristen (Foster) Fink (BNews’06) Apryl Richard (BNews’96) celebrated Scott Gojkovich (RTV’97) is program ZDVNLQGRIDELJ\HDUIRUWKH)LQNV KHUWKELUWKGD\GXULQJ-DQXDU\ZLWKDVXU- GLUHFWRUIRU6WDULQ'HV0RLQHV+H·V ,ÀQLVKHGP\ÀUVW\HDURIWHDFKLQJDW6D\GHO prise party orchestrated by her sister, Lysette offered great assistance in sorting out some +LJK6FKRROLQ0D\WKHQZHSDFNHGRXU %DLO\ &%3$· 5LFKDUGLVZRUNLQJWRZDUG RI(0HGLD·VDXWRPDWLRQLVVXHVGXULQJWKH OLYHVLQWRER[HVDQGPRYHGIURP'HV0RLQHV a master’s degree in marketing from Loyola, past year. Wife Heidi (Biedermann) to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. I am teach- Chicago. (BNews’98) is a loyal visitor to the LQJWKWKDQGWKJUDGHKLVWRU\DQGWK „ capstone class and serves as KCCI’s executive grade communications (we’re studying producer. mass media next quarter!) at the Discovery Adam Ghassemi (BNews’04) School, and my husband Chris continues ,W·VEHHQDQRWKHUJUHDW\HDUDW.$78:H to telecommute for Principal Financial. have achieved, and are maintaining, ratings dominance in nearly every show. This year I DFFHSWHGWZRDZDUGVIURPWKH2UHJRQ$VVRFL- DWHG3UHVVVW3ODFHIRU%HVW1HZV:ULWLQJ and 2nd Place for Best Hard Feature Story. I picked this photo because it shows me freez- LQJRQ0W+RRG&U\VWDODQG,DUHGRLQJJUHDW LQ3RUWODQG $GDPVLWVRQ6-0&·V1DUWLRQDO „ $GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH  Andrea (Froehlich) McMaster (BNews’98) will continue to provide PHGLDFRQVXOWDWLRQIRU7KH1HEUDVND0HGLFDO Center despite a move back to her hometown EHIRUH&KULVWPDV7KLV\HDU$QGUHDZDV So far we are really loving Honduras; the honored with awards for her writing and press weather is gorgeous and the people are incred- PDWHULDOVIURP356$RI1HEUDVNDDQGWKH ibly friendly. We are cataloging our adventure 2PDKD3UHVV&OXE$QGUHDDQGKHUIDPLO\ on our blog (www.teguciwhat.com) if you’re ORRNIRUZDUGWRUHWXUQLQJWR0LQQHDSROLVWREH interested in what we’re up to. „ closer to grandparents as they are expecting „ Mary Bock (BNews’86) their third daughter at the end of January. I actually went through the graduation ceremo- Tony Tracy (BNews’10) has accepted Q\DW3HQQLQ0D\ EXWWKHGHIHQVHKDGEHHQLQ a production assistant position at KCCI, Des 2FWREHUVRLW·VUHDOO\QRWQHZV ,ZLOOEH 0RLQHV+LVRYHUQLJKWUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVLQFOXGH spending the next year turning my Ph.D. dis- camera operation and printing scripts. sertation into a book but really, it’s been quiet, „ Paul (Taylor, BNews’84) and I had dinner in San Francisco in November during WKH1&$FRQYHQWLRQ+H·VVXSSRVHGWRVHQG Audrey (Reed) Granger \RXWKHSKRWRJUDSKLFSURRI %RFN·VSDJH (BNews’96) dissertation focuses on one-person reporting.) „

Sheldon Ripson (BNews’83) is news 2XUROGHVWJLUOVDWDJHVDQGPRQWKV GLUHFWRUIRU:579,QGLDQDSROLV5LSVRQ·V „ newest hobby is preparing to train a new gener- al manager. Ripson’s station has expanded its 5 Kyle Lobner (RTV’05) recently started SPQHZVFDVWE\PLQXWHVJodie Moser his third year as managing editor of Brew Crew (BNews’06) is managing the extra time Ball (brewcrewball.com). He writes about the and “…has become one of our key producers. 0LOZDXNHH%UHZHUVHYHU\ZHHNGD\LQVHDVRQ $QRWKHU'UDNHVXFFHVVVWRU\µZULWHV5LSVRQ DQGRXW·VKLJKOLJKWIRU%UHZ&UHZ%DOO 6LQFH$SULOSULQFLSDOLQFKDUJHRISXEOLF „ FDPHLQ-XQHZKHQ.\OHEHFDPHWKHÀUVW relations and marketing for Stratosphere Cre- QHZPHGLDZULWHUFUHGHQWLDOHGLQWKH0LOOHU ative, Dallas. Kevin Haas (BNews’08) wrote in Park press box. Kyle and his wife, Laura, live „ -DQXDU\WKDWKHZDVÀQLVKLQJDQLQWHUQVKLSZLWK LQ$SSOHWRQZLWKWKHLUPLQLDWXUHGDFKVKXQG the media team. He was then (Gorman), and Kyle passes his spare time by Paul Taylor (BNews’84) wrote last hired for a media position with the Chicago inventing recipes for his food blog: macand- holiday season that he was working as a nurs- Blackhawks. “Networking is what really saved cheesemaestro.blogspot.com. LQJDVVLVWDQWDWWKH9$+RVSLWDOLQ0DUWLQH] PHµDIWHUÀYHPRQWKVRIMREVHDUFKLQJ „ &$ „ „ Jennifer Marnowski (BNews’89) David Sargent (BNews’83) wrote about a year ago that she’d left CNN- Gary Parker (RTV’89) 9LFHSUHVLGHQWRIWKH&KLFDJR&RQYHQWLRQDQG $WODQWDPRYHGZLWKKHUIDPLO\WR'HQYHUDQG Producer, Television Games Network. Tourism Bureau. ZDVSURGXFLQJWKHSPQHZVFDVWIRU.0*+ Page 11 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Sam Alvelo (RTV’03) Michelle Lustig (BNews’08) Erin (Moody) Kiernan (BNews’96) This past year has been exciting professionally KDVSURYHGWREH\HWDQRWKHUJUHDW\HDU Things at work have been great - we’re seeing and personally. I’ve been living and work- for me. I left the world of broadcasting after IDQWDVWLFJURZWKLQWKHDQGR·FORFN LQJLQ/RV$QJOHVIRUô\HDUV,·YHEHHQ serving time (as I like to call it) in Sioux newscasts and I’m blessed to be able to keep ZRUNLQJDVDVHWSURGXFWLRQDVVLVWDQWRQÀOPV City, Iowa where I was a general assign- doing a lot of fun and rewarding reporting. I 79VKRZVDQGFRPPHUFLDOV,Q-XO\, PHQWUHSRUWHUIRUWKH$%&DIÀOLDWH$IWHU ZRQWZR5HJLRQDO(GZDUG50XUURZ$ZDUGV acquired enough days to become eligible to returning to Chicago I took on a position - one for Continuing Coverage, the other for MRLQWKH'LUHFWRUV*XLOGRI$PHULFD,KDYH with theWit Hotel in their sales department. 9LGHR1HZV6HULHV7KHFRQWLQXLQJFRYHUDJH EHHQDQ$VVLVWDQW'LUHFWRUPDLQO\RQ&RP- VWRU\IRFXVHGRQDIDPLO\·VÀJKWIRUGHQWDO PHUFLDOVWKLV\HDULQFOXGLQJ0F'RQDOGV insurance - one that had been going on for a 7DUJHW'LUHFW79+DUOH\'DYLGVRQDQG7DFR GHFDGH,WDOVRZRQDÀUVWSODFH(ULF6HYDUHLG %HOO7KLV\HDU,ZRUNHGRQWKHÀOPV.QLJKW $ZDUGLQWKH+DUG)HDWXUH&DWHJRU\9LUWX- and Day, Larry Crowne, Horrible Bosses, DOO\HYHU\SKRWRMRXUQDOLVWRQWKH&KDQQHO and Battleship. While working on Battleship VWDIIKHOSHGZLWKWKHVHULHV´&DUHVµ,QLW I shot on location for a month in Oahu. You we highlight the positive things groups and FDQDOZD\VVHHZKDW,·PXSWRRQ,0'% individuals are doing in Central Iowa. It’s a 0\SURIHVVLRQDOKLJKOLJKWIRUZRXOG simple concept, but the response from viewers be working on Larry Crowne, whose writer, KDVEHHQJUHDW,WKLQNWKH\MXVWOLNHVHHLQJ SURGXFHUGLUHFWRUDQGVWDULV7RP+DQNV$OVR some good news once in awhile! The series ,ZDVWKHVW$VVLVWDQW'LUHFWRURQD0XVLF ZDVDOVRQRPLQDWHGIRUDQ(PP\2QWKHÁLS 9LGHRZLWK1DVDQG'DPLHQ0DUOH\´$V:H side, things in my personal life have been re- Enter”, which was a great experience as well ally scary! EHFDXVHLWZDVWKHÀUVWWLPH,ZDVD)LUVW$' RQVHW,ZDVÀQDOO\DEOHWRWDNHVRPHWLPH of for myself and visited Puerto Rico during Combining my love for communication as well -XO\$PRQWKFDQEHDOLWWOHH[FHVVLYHEXW, as entertaining I’ve found that the hospitality MXVWQHHGHGLW,VSHQWPRVWRIWKHWLPHZLWK LQGXVWU\LVDÀWWLQJHQYLURQPHQWIRUPH,Q my grandmother whom I hadn’t seen since DGGLWLRQWREHJLQQLQJDQHZFDUHHUSDWKLQ graduation. It was the vacation of a lifetime. I managed to complete my fourth marathon, EHFRPHDQDXQW3/81*(GRZQWKHVLGHRID VWRU\EXLOGLQJYLVLWIULHQGVDQGIDPLO\DOO over the country as well as becoming an active PHPEHURIWKH5HVSLUDWRU\+HDOWK$VVRFLDWLRQ RI0HWURSROLWDQ&KLFDJR5+$0& „ Dave Melone (RTV’67) visited campus during September to witness changes in our 0HUHGLWK+DOOSK\VLFDOSODQWDQGFDWFKXSRQ 0\KXVEDQGDQG,VSHQWWKHÀUVWVHYHUDO VWRULHV8QWLOUHFHQWO\0HORQHZDVDFXVWRPHU PRQWKVRIWKH\HDUWU\LQJWRÀJXUHRXWZKDW VXSSRUWHQJLQHHUIRU4XDQWHOLQ&KLFDJR ZDVJRLQJRQZLWKKLVKHDOWK$IWHUWULSVWR Photo of me on the set of Larry Crowne during „ YDULRXVGRFWRUVIRUYDULRXVWHVWV0LFKDHOZDV our last day of shooting. I almost got added to a diagnosed with a parotid tumor. In “non-doc- Glen Biermann (RTV’89) is a frequent scene with Tom. tor” speak, that means he had a tumor growing FRQWULEXWRUWRWKH-0&)LHOG3KRWRFODVV „ in his saliva gland. He had surgery over the His usual topic is news lighting. Biermann summer in Iowa City and was lucky to have LVDORQJWLPHSKRWRMRXUQDOLVWIRU.&&,'HV been treated by one of the best head and neck Chris Rooney (BNews’04) was plan- 0RLQHV RQFRORJ\VXUJHRQVLQWKHFRXQWU\0LFKDHO QLQJWRWREHJLQZRUNRQKLV0%$LQWKH7ZLQ „ is cancer-free and on the mend and we are &LWLHVGXULQJ+HZRUNVIRU0HGWURQLF SUD\LQJIRUDUHDOO\ERULQJDWOHDVWRQWKH ,QF5RRQH\DQG5RELQ7\OHU 0DUNHWLQJ·  Carl Sundermann (RTV’05) has health front! (Photo from Erin’s visit with the married last year. MRLQHGWKH:HVW'HV0RLQHV6FKRRO'LVWULFW Broadcast News capstone class during Febru- DVDSHUVRQDOFRPSXWHUWHFKQRORJLVWDW9DOOH\ ary.) High School. “It gets back to my techie roots. „ )L[LQJFRPSXWHUVSULQWHUVSURMHFWRUV«EDVL- cally anything that plugs into the wall.” Sun- Chuck Reed (RTV’85) works as PR dermann also says he may be able to help the PDQDJHUIRUWKH$PHULFDQ&DQFHU6RFLHW\ district expand its multimedia instruction. 0LGZHVWJURXS+HNHHSVDKDQGLQVSRUWV „ production, recently reporting sideline ob- servations for the Iowa High School Sports VA (Hayman) Barber (BNews’99) 1HWZRUN·VWHOHYLVHGIRRWEDOOÀQDOVIURP&HGDU ZRUNVIRU-RKQVRQ :DOHV8QLYHUVLW\LQ'HQ- )DOOV ,Q$RYHUWLPH'RZOLQJ&DWKROLF ver as director of experiential education and &LW\+LJKRI,RZD&LW\  career services. Page 12 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Abbie Hamilton (RTV’09) Laurel (Bower) Burgmaier Tami Wiencek (BNews’84) wears I am working full time in the production (BNews’95) VHYHUDOPDUNHWLQJDUHDKDWVIRU0XVFR/LJKWLQJ department ONE at Optimus in Chicago. We’re 2XUGDXJKWHU+DOOHWXUQHGD\HDURQ$XJXVW in Oskaloosa. She’s also teaching and develop- becoming better known and trusted in the LQJFXUULFXOXPIRU:LOOLDP3HQQ8QLYHUVLW\DV community. ONE at Optimus is only a couple their director of the Digital Communications years old, so the six of us in the department program. get to tackle a wide array of responsibilities. I mostly wrangle data and manage our video ÀOHVEXWODWHO\KDYHVWHSSHGLQWRWKHSURGXFHU UROHDELWFRRUGLQDWLQJVPDOOQRQSURÀWMREV that come our way. Eric (RTV’08) and I are doing great as well.

She is a very bright, happy baby girl! I’m still at Iowa Public Television and loving LW,·PRQHRIÀYHSURGXFHUVIRUWKHZHHNO\ 0DUNHWWR0DUNHWSURJUDP2QHKLJKOLJKWZDV SURGXFLQJDWZRSDUWVWRU\DERXW)DUP$LGDQG interviewing founder Willie Nelson this past :LHQFHNYLVLWHGWKH-FODVVGXULQJ)HEUX- fall. ary to observe and also share highlights of her We are in the same apartment on the north side careers in television news and politics. She also of the city that we moved into after I graduated VLWVRQWKH6-0&1DWLRQDO$GYLVRU\&RPPLW- from Drake, and we will probably stay there tee. IRUQRZDV(ULFMXVWVWDUWHGODZVFKRROWKLV „ year. We got a little traveling in this year, in- FOXGLQJDPLQLYDFDWLRQZHWRRNWR/$WKLVSDVW David Lubbers (BNews’86) sits on fall, where we saw our good friend Sarah 6-0&·VQDWLRQDODGYLVRU\JURXSDQGFRQWULE- Smith (RTV’09). utes to classes through occasional visits and „ sending samples of his work as a full-time contractor for ESPN.

Tricia (“TP”) (Polhert) Hoffman 7KHDQQXDOFRQFHUWMXVWFHOHEUDWHGLWVWKDQ- (BNews’98) sells real estate in the Dallas niversary. I’m currently working on a develop- DUHDIRU7HDP1HOVRQ$IRUPHU'UDNHVRIWEDOO ment grant from Humanities Iowa to produce scholarship player, T-P, husband David and DGRFXPHQWDU\DERXWWKLVGLIÀFXOWWLPHLQ their two children hosted Drake’s softball agriculture. I will apply for production grants, players and some parents during a February with the hope of airing this program on PBS. stop in nearby Denton, Texas. Thanks for the /DXUHORFFDDVLRQDOO\YLVLWV-0&WRGLVFXVV air-checks, T-P! her work.) „ „ Lee Konfrst (RTV’96) Dan Bolsem (BNews’97) brought 6WDUWHGDQHZMREFDUHHUZLWK1DWLRQZLGH VHYHUDOVWRULHVWRWKH-FODVVGXULQJ2FWREHU ,QVXUDQFHDVD6HQLRU$UELWUDWLRQ6SHFLDOLVW for “Show-and-Tell.” Lubbers says that when he travels to Connecti- It’s been interesting to utilize all I’ve learned cut to help edit his investigations for “Outside in media, policy, and law in this new position. the Lines” he also prepares cut-down radio Finished up a fantastic year with Leadership YHUVLRQV'DYLGOLYHVLQ'HV0RLQHV Iowa where I learned even more about our „ great state and developed some great friend- VKLSV-HQQLIHULVVWLOOH[FHOOLQJDW,379DQG John Walters (RTV’84) and Dave we celebrated her honor as one of the Business Zawilinski (RTV’05) regularly contrib- 5HFRUG·V)RUW\8QGHUWKLV\HDU0LGGOH XWHWR-)LHOG3KRWRJUDSK\DVWZRWKLUGVRI 6FKRROORRPVQH[W\HDUIRU(OOLH  DQG WKH:2,796SRUWV'HSDUWPHQW7KHLUWKLUG -DPHV  VWLOOHQWHUWDLQVDQ\RQHLQHDUVKRW member, Joey Donia (BNews’07) „ MRLQHGWKHVWDWLRQGXULQJ „ Did we miss you this year? Send %ROVHPD\HDUSKRWRMRXUQDOLVWIRU.&&, professional and personal updates 'HV0RLQHVZDVUHFRJQL]HGZLWKRWKHUVWDII Dr. Grant Tarbox (BNews’91) to [email protected]. members with a Regional Emmy for their bliz- ZRUNVIRU$HWQD,QVXUDQFHLQ'DOODVDVWKHLU zard reporting last season. southwest region medical director.

Page 13 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Geoff Greenwood (BNews’88) Rob Sobkoviak (RTV’90) (I’m sure I will miss the snow come Christmas $IWHUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVDVDUHSRUWHUDW.&&, I continue to work at Discover Financial Ser- 'D\ %HFDXVH,·PMXVWPLQXWHVIURPWKH ,WRRNDMREDVFRPPXQLFDWLRQVGLUHFWRUIRUWKH vices at the corporate headquarters in River- EHDFK,WHQGWRJHWDORWRIYLVLWRUV$PRQJ ,RZD$WWRUQH\*HQHUDO·VRIÀFH6LQFHPXFK woods, Illinois as an enterprise architect in the them, Drake best friends Treyva Estler of my reporting career has focused on law Business Technology group where I’ve been (RTV’02) and Kari Fass RTV’02). enforcement and courts, it seemed like a good QHDUO\\HDUV,Q1RYHPEHU,ZDVFHUWLÀHG They visited at the end of October for our an- ÀW$QGLW·VZRUNHGRXWUHDOO\ZHOO0\SRVLWLRQ 72*$))RXQGDWLRQOHYHO72*$)LV7KH nual “Sisterhood Reunion.” is appointed, so I must admit I was sweating it 2SHQ*URXS$UFKLWHFWXUH)UDPHZRUNDQGLVWKH ,ZHQWKRPHWR0LQQHVRWDIRU7KDQNVJLYLQJWR RXWGXULQJWKHHOHFWLRQ%XW$WWRUQH\*HQHUDO LQGXVWU\VWDQGDUGFHUWLÀFDWLRQIRU(QWHUSULVH welcome my new nephew to the world. 7RP0LOOHUPDGHLWWKURXJKMXVWÀQHDQGVR $UFKLWHFWV,·YHWDNHQXSELF\FOLQJDQG,ORRN Graham has already stolen my heart! By the too, did I. It’s been a good career change and forward to getting back out on the road in the way, we always have tons of openings, if any new set of challenges. It’s also been interesting spring. of your grads are looking! interacting with my former news colleagues in „ „ DFRPSOHWHO\GLIIHUHQWFDSDFLW\$QGLW·VEHHQ a challenge dealing with national news media Kelli Lawrence’s (RTV’89) biggest Ellie Bastian (RTV’10) and business media. Someone will call on QHZVVWHPVDURXQGWKHUHOHDVHRIKHUÀUVWERRN During college I gradually decided that I’d like almost a daily basis to ask about the nation- 6NDWLQJRQ$LU7KH%URDGFDVW+LVWRU\RIDQ to document environmental issues, so an intern- wide mortgage foreclosure investigation that 2O\PSLF0DUTXHH6SRUWIHDWXUHVFRQWULEXWLRQV ship at any environmental organization would my boss is running. On the personal side, our IURPRYHUVRXUFHVRQDLUSHUVRQDOLWLHVWR be a good start. Finally I received an interview NLGVDUHJURZLQJIDVW0\GDXJKWHU0ROOLH GLUHFWRUSURGXFHUVWR79H[HFXWLYHVDPRQJ at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge, LVDOPRVWDQGLVDIUHVKPDQ6KHPDGHWKH WKHP LQFOXGLQJDIRUHZRUGIURP&%6·V9HUQH DERXWKDOIDQKRXUHDVWRI'HV0RLQHV7KHLQ- varsity swim team and, I regret to inform you, Lundquist). The book is scheduled for release terviewer started wrapping up the conversation VKH·VVWDUWLQJWRGULYH6RQ-RKQLVDQGLV E\0F)DUODQG3XEOLVKLQJLQWKHVSULQJRI with, “Well, I guess that’s it...” when I sprang LQWKJUDGH+HLVDVSRUWVIDQDWLF+H·VDOVR Kelli continues working as a freelance writer- WRDFWLRQ´$FWXDOO\,·GOLNHWRDVN\RXDIHZ busy with Boy Scouts, and as a Scout leader I producer as she’s done for nearly a decade. Her questions,” I said, and rattled off a laundry list get to spend time doing some fun things with main gig is with Chicago publisher B G + H, of problems with their website. “You know, it KLP0\ZLIH&DUULHVWLOOZRUNVSDUWWLPHDVD where she contributes regularly to B2B publi- would be a lot more attractive with solid video pharmacist and cracks the homework whip full- FDWLRQVVXFKDV$'9$17$*(DQG$PHULFDQ stories and podcasts. I’d love to do those.” I time when the kids get home. That’s the news, %XLOGHUV4XDUWHUO\,QWKHSDVW\HDUVKH·VDOVR started work the day after graduation. With a weather and sports from this former news guy. produced corporate video for Sam’s Club and source of income guaranteed for three months (Geoff was the interview source for a National WKH8QLWHG:D\.HOOLOLYHVLQ,QGLDQDSROLV (which turned into seven months), I nearly 3XEOLF5DGLRUHSRUW1RYDERXW,RZD·VDW- where she and husband raise their two kids, drained my savings account to buy a camcorder torney general testifying in Washington, D.C. DJHVDQG DQGUHODWHGJHDU$IHZPRQWKVODWHU,ZDV „ hunkered down next to a huge pile of bison dung, shooting a story about bison researchers Melissa (Gundlah) Hintz on the refuge. (BNews’86) ,KDYHEHHQDW6WUDWHJLF$PHULFDIRURYHU years, doing the media thing. We’ve been able to keep all our personnel and have even DGGHGDIHZQHZFOLHQWVWKLV\HDU$IWHU years, I decided to put my political science minor to good use, as a member of the Board of Education for the Newton School District. I DPHQMR\LQJWKHFKDOOHQJH6RPHRIWKLVPD\ „ have stemmed from my involvement in the 6-0& 1DWLRQDO$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH0D\EH Amber Lee Schindeldecker someday when I tire of the corporate world, (BNews’03) ,PRYHGWR)RUW0\HUVIURPWKHPLGZHVWDWWKH I’ll go into academia. I probably should get my ,Q2FWREHU,MRLQHGWKH%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVRI HQGRI0D\,ZRUNDW:,1.79DQGSURGXFH PDVWHU·VÀUVW,KHDU'UDNHKDVDJRRGSURJUDP the Friends of the Prairie Learning Center, the RXUKRXUORQJSPQHZVFDVW,WZDVDQHDV\ 2XUWKJUDGHGDXJKWHUDQGDQGJUDGHVRQ QRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQZKLFKZRUNVZLWKWKH transition and I am loving the warm weather. NHHSXVEXV\2XUQHZSURMHFWLVUHVWRULQJ UHIXJHDVWKHLU0HGLD6SHFLDOLVW0\ÀUVWMRE P\GDG·V0XVWDQJ&RQYHUWLEOH,W·VLQ redesign that website, add more videos. The pretty good shape despite 5 years in his barn in internship triggered ideas about potential docu- :HVWHUQ3$0D\EHVRPHGD\ZHZLOOGULYHLW mentaries, so I applied for a Fulbright Scholar- LQWKH'UDNH5HOD\VSDUDGHZLWKWKH0HUHGLWK ship. This would take me to Russia to shoot a basement dwellers on board. documentary about the effects of globalization on rural Russia’s agricultural sector. But even if I don’t receive the Fulbright, I’ll be work- ing on a documentary through this spring and VXPPHU/DVW$XJXVW,PHWDQDWXUDOLVWZKR wants to document his motorcycle ride from Oklahoma to North Dakota, hitting remnants of $PEHUDQG*UDKDP DOOWKHPDMRUSUDLULHW\SHVDORQJWKHZD\ Page 14 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Anamarie Rebori (BNews’09) RQDLUSUHFHGHQFHQDWXUDOO\ $IWHUVHDUFKLQJ KDVEHHQDQHYHQWIXO\HDU$WWKHEHJLQ- Matt Bolger (RTV’03) IRUW\SLFDOSRVWJUDGXDWHMREVWRSD\WKHVWXGHQW QLQJRIODVW\HDU,ZDVIRUWXQDWHWRODQGDMRE 7KHELJJHVWQHZVLVP\ZLIHDFFHSWHGDMREDW loans, I discovered how lucky I am. Every day working as the communications assistant for WKH8QLYHUVLW\RI,RZDVRZHZLOOEHPRY- is its own challenge and opportunity; every 6HQDWRU&ODLUH0F&DVNLOORI0LVVRXUL ing back to Iowa in the summer. Other than GD\,ORRNIRUZDUGWRWKHMREWKDWLVQ·WHDV\EXW that, I’m in my second year as radio-television never feels like work. The times are tough, but teacher at Bishop DuBourg High School in St. broadcasters are tougher, and I’m learning the Louis. Some of my students won a statewide value of doing what you love (and paying the contest last year for a video entitled, “How bills later). I’m occasionally on stage with my to Get a Girl.” I’m also still coaching girls sketch comedy group, Banana Punch (available basketball. We got 2nd in districts last year and for gigs, birthdays, and bar mitzvahs), and with DUHRIIWRDGHFHQWVWDUWWKLV\HDU$YHULHLVQRZ my guitar and song-writing efforts. 2 and quite independent. I’ve been teaching her some Iowa Hawkeye cheers, so she’s ready to make the move. „

Shawn Gannon (RTV’92) visited 0HUHGLWK+DOOGXULQJHDUO\0D\

%HLQJD0LVVRXULDQP\VHOIDQGDSROLWLFDOQHZV MXQNLH,FRXOGQ·WKDYHDVNHGIRUDEHWWHUÀUVW 0D[ZHOOVXUURXQGHGE\KHUVWXGHQWQHZVDZDUGV MRE,WZDVZHOOZRUWKWKHULVNRIPRYLQJWR '&GHVSLWHQRWKDYLQJDSHUPDQHQWMRELQ „ place at the time! During my time working in Congress, I’ve had the opportunity to work Jessica (Roberts) Lown ZLWKVHYHUDOORFDODQGQDWLRQDOMRXUQDOLVWVZKR (BNews’04) are covering topics my boss is also working Jessica works at the Iowa Department of on in the Senate. Having interned for news Public safety as one of two Public Informa- organizations while at Drake, I’ve been able WLRQ2IÀFHUV6KH·VUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHGDLO\ WRRIIHUERWKDMRXUQDOLVWLFDQGSXEOLFUHODWLRQV public relations efforts of the state’s largest law viewpoint to each story or situation we’ve „ enforcement agency. Over the last year Jessica FRPHDFURVV$GGLWLRQDOO\P\ORYHIRUVRFLDO has worked closely with agents and troopers to media has grown exponentially as I’ve worked We spotted Kuebari Lemea (RTV’10) share information with the public on a variety closely in maintaining our YouTube, Facebook in an editing room at Iowa Public Television of cases, like the State Film Tax Credit inves- and Twitter accounts. I’m constantly trying GXULQJD-ÀHOGWULSKRVWHGE\,3793UR- WLJDWLRQVHYHUDOKLJKSURÀOHRIÀFHULQYROYHG to learn as much about the digital world as GXFHU'DYLG0LOOHU VKRRWLQJVDQGWZR$0%(5$OHUWV6KHDOVR possible. Overall, it’s been one amazing year. I provides video production and photography couldn’t have picked a better time to be at the services for the Department and is devising a forefront of politics. social media marketing plan for DPS. „

Iowa Public Radio’s Rick Fredrickson visits the Radio News class nearly every fall. Following a broadcasting career with the $UPHG)RUFHV.517$079 ODWHU.&&,  and CBS News, Fredrickson concentrates these days on long-form reporting for an expanding QHWZRUNWKDWLQFOXGHVVWDWLRQVLQ$PHV,RZD &LW\DQG&HGDU)DOOV+HUHVLGHVLQ8UEDQGDOH Lemea was wrapping up his internship prior WR'HFHPEHUJUDGXDWLRQ$WWKHFRQWUROVRIWKH $9,'HGLWRU²Neal Kyer (RTV’95). 2QHWKLQJVKHOLNHVDERXWKHUMRELVWKHIDFW „ that she works with talented Drake grads: MRXUQDOLVWVZKRFRQWDFWKHUIRULQIRUPDWLRQ Rebekah Maxwell (BNews’10) public relations professionals, and attorneys If my years at Drake taught me anything (and I prosecuting various cases! Jessica and her maintain they have), it’s the value of versatil- KXVEDQG-RHO $G¶ OLYHLQ'HV0RLQHVZLWK LW\,·PZRUNLQJDW1HZVUDGLRLQ'HV WKHLUFDW'XNH7KH\HQMR\FRRNLQJDQGWU\LQJ 0RLQHVDVSURGXFHURIWKHOLYHGULYHWLPHWDON out the many great restaurants in the metro. show. I’m also a weekend reporter/anchor, and -HVVVHUYHVRQWKH6-0&1DWLRQDO$GYLVRU\ OLNHPRVWRIRXULQWUHSLGVWDIIRQWKHMREDW Committee.) any hour (that the don’t take

Page 15 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010

Andrea (Johnson) Gamache Lelia Tran (BNews’97) Larry Burkum (RTV’80) (BNews’05) Producer, Screaming Flea Productions, Seattle. ,·PVWLOODSURGXFHUIRU.635WKH$%&DI- I’ve been swamped with work and haven’t had ÀOLDWHLQ6SULQJÀHOG02:H·UH´PDQDJHGµ a chance to e-mail you back for the Holiday E\WKH1%&DIÀOLDWHVWDWLRQDQGPRYHGLQWR newsletter, but I wanted to let you know about DQHZDGGLWLRQWRLWVEXLOGLQJMXVWRYHUD\HDU DVKRZVSHFLDOWKDWLVSUHPLHULQJ 'HF RQ DJR.635ZDVWKHÀUVWVWDWLRQLQWKHPDUNHW the Discovery Health Channel! It’s called to broadcast entirely in HD. I produced that ´:RUVW7KLQJ7KDW(YHU+DSSHQHGWR0Hµ ÀUVWQHZVFDVWRQDQHZVHW&RLQFLGHQWDOO\WZR 7KLVVKRZLVDOOPLQH²,FDVWÀHOGSURGXFHG \HDUVHDUOLHU,SURGXFHGWKHÀUVWQHZVFDVWZLWK managed all the recreations, managed the our new newsroom set and new anchor team. editing – you name it. Working on a show with ,SURGXFHWKHZHHNQLJKWSPQHZVFDVWVEXW UHFUHDWLRQVZDVDÀUVWIRUPHDQG,OHDUQHGD KDYHGRQHVWLQWVSURGXFLQJWKHSPDQGWKH ORW$Q\ZD\,·PVXSHUSURXGRIWKLVVKRZDQG DPFDVW%HVWSDUWRIHDUO\PRUQLQJLVWKH format allows constant updating with break- I returned to St. Louis after graduation and hope that you (had) a chance to watch it. LQJQHZV:RUVWSDUWLVLW·VIURPWRLQWKH ZRUNHGIRU.029&KDQQHOIRUDFRXSOHRI ZZZVFUHDPLQJÁHDQHW PRUQLQJ$WP\DJHWKHERG\FORFNVLPSO\ years. For three years now I’ve been working „ GRHVQ·WDGMXVWWKDWHDVLO\:HXVHDQDXWRPDWHG IRUD73$ÀUPDGPLQLVWHULQJ N 3ODQVIRU production process with robotic cameras and companies. It’s completely different than the Ryan DeRoos (RTV’03) MXVWWKHGLUHFWRUUXQQLQJDFRPSXWHUOLQNHG MRXUQDOLVPZRUOGEXW,ORYHLW,JRWPDUULHG ,OLYHLQ6DQ$QWRQLRZRUNLQJDVDWHFKQLFLDQ video switcher, audio board and character 6HSWHPEHUWR-HII*DPDFKH:HMXVW for the San Pedro Playhouse. One highlight JHQHUDWRU7KDWSXWVMXVWWZRSHRSOHLQDFRQWURO JRWDGRJLQ$XJXVWKHUQDPHLV$XJJLH2WKHU KDVEHHQUHFHLYLQJDQ$7$& $ODPR7KHDWUH room that used to have 5. In some instances, WKDQWKDWZHDUHMXVWHQMR\LQJOLIH,KDYH $UWV&RXQFLO *OREH$ZDUGIRUVHWGHVLJQIRU ZHGRQ·WHYHQXVHDÁRRUGLUHFWRU,W·VJUHDW attached a photo of the three of us taken at this WKH86SUHPLHURIWKHSOD\´0RUQLQJ'RYHµ when everything works. One morning we \HDU·V1RWUH'DPH9V3LWWVEXUJKJDPH by Emil Sher, and receiving 2nd place for ORVWRIRXUFDPHUDVDQGDOLQNWRWKHDXGLR „ FRVWXPHGHVLJQIRURXUÁRDWLQWKH6DQ$QWRQLR Holiday river parade. I’ve also been working ERDUG1RÁRRUGLUHFWRUVRWKHSURGXFHUKDGWR Danielle Sauka (BNews’09) RQD0DVWHU·V&HUWLÀFDWHIRU$UW*DOOHU\DQG operate the one camera while the director slid ,·PSURGXFLQJWKHSP SPQHZVDW 0XVHXPVWXGLHVZKLFKOHGPHWRLQWHUQZLWK across the control room to run the audio board :+%) &%6 LQWKH4XDG&LWLHV2XUVWDWLRQLV $UWSDFHWKLVSDVWIDOODORFDODUWJDOOHU\WKDW and the automated system. The producer and transitioning to HD right now, which is a very H[KLELWVORFDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDODUWLVWV7RÀOO director communicated via cell phone because interesting process! I’m looking forward to the the rest of my time I’ve kept busy taking care the intercom went down. We now have a new equipment and the new look. Our station RIWZRGRJVDQGRQHÀDQFHDQG,·PVORZO\ “backpack” live unit that allows us to transmit ZDVUHFHQWO\GHFODUHG´7KH8QGHUGRJ:RUWK planning a wedding. audio and video from anywhere we can get a Watching” by a local bi-weekly newspaper, „ cell phone signal. It’s better than a sat truck and ZKLFK,·PSUHWW\SURXGRI,·YHHQMR\HGP\ ORRNVDOPRVWDVFOHDQ$QGLWOLWHUDOO\ÀWVLQD producing experience so far and I’m hoping Treyva Estler (RTV’02) backpack. Just attach the high def camera and WRWDNHZKDW,·YHOHDUQHGEDFNWR'HV0RLQHV This past year was full of new beginnings! I mic. (Burkum advises future graduates to be when my contract is up in June. became engaged to my longtime boyfriend/best well versed in multimedia production.) „ IULHQG0DWW1RUWRQ:HORRNIRUZDUGWRD „ ZHGGLQJLQ,DOVRWUDQVLWLRQHGIURPHGLW- Molly Nelson (RTV, BNews’03) ing National Geographic Channel’s “The Dog Kristi (Van Ekeren) Shepard ,QODWHP\KXVEDQG.ROH3HWHUVHQDQG, :KLVSHUHUµWRHGLWLQJIRU%DOO3URGXFWLRQV (BNews’88)LVFRPSOHWLQJKHUWK welcomed our son, Joseph, to the world. I still WKHFUHDWRURI´7KH%LJJHVW/RVHUµ :LWK FDPSDLJQZLWK8QLWHG:D\RI'DQH&RXQW\LQ ZRUNDW.&&,79'HV0RLQHV,·PDUHSRUWHU Ball, I edited a six-part special called “What’s 0DGLVRQ:,DVGLUHFWRURI/HDGHUVKLS*LYLQJ for the morning show, so the alarm clock goes Eating You” for E! Entertainment. Currently, It’s been a tough year as a Hawkeye fan among RIIDWDP,HQMR\WKHZRUNDQGWKHKRXUV DOVRZLWK%DOO,·PHGLWLQJDQHZVKRZIRU the Badgers, but I continue to wave the Iowa allow me to spend afternoons with my son. 079FDOOHG´,8VHGWREH)DWµZKLFKSUH- ÁDJ$QXPEHURIDVVRFLDWHVKDYHFKLOGUHQ PLHUHV'HF0DWWDQG,OLYHLQ´7KH applying to Drake (none so far in Journalism) 9DOOH\µRI/$ JRLQJRQÀYH\HDUV ZLWKRXU ZKLFKLVH[FLWLQJ0\KXVEDQG5RELQ DQ,RZD three dogs. Together, we run a small landscape/ 6WDWHUZKRLVD'UDNHZDQQDEH LVÀQLVKLQJ custom carpentry business. XSKLVWKLUGEHHUERRNWKLVRQHRQ0LQQHVRWD breweries, so I’ve been assisting with research. 3RUWHURXU\HDUROGSRWEHOOLHGSLJLVGHDO- ing with all of the issues related to aging but is holding her own and usually receives more communications than do we. We’ve had a fun year with lots of Brewers baseball and are counting down the days to Spring training. „ 0ROO\DQGDEDE\DOSDFDDWWKH6WDWH)DLU „ Pat Parris (BNews’87) 6HHQRIWHQEHIRUHDQGDIWHUPDMRUVSRUWLQJ Brad Ehrlich (BNews’03) reports for HYHQWVRQ)R[6SRUWV0LGZHVW3DUULVZRUNVLQ &OHDU&KDQQHO·V:+2$0'HV0RLQHV St. Louis. Page 16 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010