Museums in the Park a User's Guide to 10 Great Chicago Museums

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Museums in the Park a User's Guide to 10 Great Chicago Museums Museums In The Park A user’s guide to 10 great Chicago museums. choose your muse. Adler PlAneTArIuM The ArT InsTITuTe of ChICAgo ChICAgo hIsTory MuseuM dusABle MuseuM of AfrICAn AMerICAn hIsTory The fIeld MuseuM MuseuM of ConTeMPorAry ArT MuseuM of sCIenCe And IndusTry nATIonAl MuseuM of MexICAn ArT The Peggy noTeBAerT nATure MuseuM shedd AquArIuM I. IntroductIon mIp Is comprIsed of: do you ever ThInk ABouT goIng To A MuseuM To • adler planetarium see soMe great exhIBit you’ve reAd ABouT, BuT • the art Institute of chicago for soMe InexPlICABle reAson, you oPT for AnoTher • chicago history museum MovIe InsTeAd? we undersTAnd. And we CAn helP. InTroduCIng your very own MuseuMs In The PArk • dusaBle museum of african american history user MAnuAl—A guIlT-free, user-frIendly • the field museum resourCe guIde desIgned To ArM you wITh The • museum of contemporary art Tools And TeChnIques To MAsTer The lIvely ArT • museum of science and Industry of ChICAgo MuseuM-goIng. fIrsT, The fundAMenTAls. • national museum of mexican art • the peggy notebaert nature museum II. what Is museums In the park? • shedd aquarium MuseuMs In The PArk (MIP) Is A fAMIly of 10 CulTurAl Institutions located on Chicago PArk DisTrict Land That sit In or neAr soMe of III. what makes thIs the BIBle Chicago’s MosT BeAutiful parks. our MuseuMs to museum goIng? noT only ProvIde A vArIeTy of exCeptionAl ThIs BookleT (when used ProPerly) wIll forever Programs To ChicagoAns each yeAr, They’re ChAnge family time, date nIghT, sundAy Primary TourIsT attractions In The city, AfTernoons And frIdAy nIghTs. how? By simply welComing 8 millIon guesTs AnnuAlly. That’s remindIng you That The BesT city In The world More ThAn hAlf The PoPulation of IllInoIs. Is Also hoMe To A fAMIly of 10 AMAzIng, wIldly AmazIng, Isn’T it? dIfferenT MuseuMs. And every one of TheM Is ChoCk full of TreAsures, wonders, MysTerIes And delIghTs. you know, The sTuff That makes lIfe InTeresTIng. so, wheTher you’re A novICe, or A Pro, embrace your user’s guIde. Because MuseuM-goIng wIll ChAnge your lIfe. you CAn Book on IT. let the journey BegIn... adler planetarIum adler anecdotes address 1300 south lake shore drive • general admission: $10 for adults, $6 for kids, phone 312-922-7827 web free for memBers and kids under 3. discounts given for Chicago residents. IT’s The fInAl fronTIer. The greAT unknown. • we were the first planetarium in America (that’s The InfInite Beyond. you guessed it, ouTer north And south America). go us! space. And it’s All yours To exPlore. our • we have not one, But three theaters! our Breathtaking sTAr-sTudded PlAneTArIuM Is ouT of ThIs world. definiti space Theater has a 360-degree screen and is And our MuseuM TAkes you on A journey froM The 55 feet in diameter! And our spectacular sky Theater is the only place in Chicago to see a true night sky, BIg BAng To nAsA’s MosT reCenT sPACe exPlorA- without city light pollution. tions, InCludIng An InsIde look at AMerica’s • did we mention we have the Best view of the city–In fIrsT sPACe MIssIons froM The MAIn MAn hIMself, the city? Imagine, a great view from a planetarium. jIM lovell (reMeMBer APollo 13?). exPlore our who’d a thunk? solAr sysTeM As If it were your own backyArd! • Check out the dearBorn telescope, which was once the fly over hIgh-res IMAges of The Moon usIng The largest telescope in the world. Adler’s new InTerACTIve Moon wAll develoPed • get everything on your mission checklist in our gift By nAsA. And don’T you dAre miss our fAr ouT store from in-flight suits to astronaut ice cream. exhIBITIon shooT for The Moon where you can explore our selection of fun and educational toys. take A gianT leap on The Moon or grab The That’s right, we used “fun” and “educational” in the ConTrols To attempt A lunAr lAndIng. so, If same sentence. you’re feelIng lIke you need soMe sPACe, • galileo’s Café serves up great food and a panoramic CoMe on over And CheCk us ouT. lake view from the all-glass sky Pavilion. neighborhood joints 12th street Beach: located right on lake Michigan with a family-friendly Beach for sun worshippers of a different kind. A true after-Adler hotspot in the summer. charter One Pavilion: outdoor concerts with lake Michigan talk the talk for Back up. A rockin’ good time. have you met our neighbors? you’ll love them. the field museum and shedd aquarium are a hop, skip and jump away. say, “of all the newly classified dwarf planets, Pluto is Though many prefer to simply walk. By far my favorite. Though ceres and 2003 uB313 are charming in their own ways.” Art Institute of Chicago Identity submission 05-05-2008 the art InstItute of chIcago address 111 south Michigan Avenue aIc fyI’s phone 312-443-3600 web • general admission: $18 for adults, $12 for kids, students, and seniors. Children under 14 and memBers are always free. ThIs Is BIg! wITh The AddITIon of The renzo • Art for lunch — join us every day at noon for a PIAno–desIgned Modern wIng In 2009, we now hAve gallery talk. over one millIon squAre feeT And house over 300,000 oBjects (makes us The 2nd biggesT • stop By the garden Café for lunch or drop By the Standard Logo Small Logo Modern wing’s Balcony Café for a quick pick-me-up. or, MuseuM In The CounTry)! Climb The Nichols For reproduction when the logo is 0.75" wide or greater For reproduction when the logo is 0.5" widefor fine dining and stunning views, Be sure to visit BrIdgewAy froM The heArT of MIllennIuM PArk Terzo Piano, on the third floor of the Modern wing. To The Modern Wing And CheCk ouT what’s new. • Be your own tour guide with one of our many free The 13 Matisses, 18 Picassos, 11 Dalís, 7 self-guides. download them ahead of time at BrânCusIs, And 5 kAndInskys Are jusT A sTArT. or pick up a family Move BACk Through TIMe As you heAd BACk To guide at the information desk (also availaBle for kids and in spanish). The hIsTorICAl MIChIgAn Avenue BuIldIng. YOU ARE HERE yes, All your fAvorITes Are sTIll here— • navigate the museum via our interactive touch-screen AMerICAn goThIC By grAnT wood, A sundAy on Pathfinder kiosks. AvailaBle on our weB site too! lA grAnde jATTe—1884 By george seurat, And • share a picture Book or play interactive computer nIghThAwks By edwArd hoPPer—Along wITh works games with your kids in the vitale family room in the ryan education Center. Always free! froM ACross The world And over 4,000 yeArs of Creativity. BrIngIng The whole family? Kids • every year we host over 30 exhiBitions and over under 14 Are free! droP By The ryAn eduCATIon 1,400 events and programs CenTer for sTorIes, gAMes, And ArT ACTIvITIes for Toddlers Through Teens. or, TrAvel To A neighborhood joints lIllIPuTIAn lAnd wITh The Thorne MInIATure enjoy any one of our new outdoor spaces — Cool off rooMs (68 rooMs CreATed on A one-InCh-To- in the shade of the Modern wing’s flying carpet in one-fooT sCAle). the pritzker garden or take in the rotating sculpture exhibition and striking skyline views on the open-air talk the talk Bluhm family terrace. you can also take a stroll down the 620-foot-long nichols Bridgeway into millennium park for a summer say, “the modern wing’s ‘flying carpet’ roof works concert or ice-skating in the colder months. in tandem with an automated lighting system to create optimal natural light for art viewing while still protecting the works from overexposure.” chIcago hIstory museum address 1601 north Clark street phone 312-642-4600 web Allow us To InTroduCe ourselves. we’re The hIstorIcal facts ChICAgo hIsTory MuseuM. hAs A nICe rIng, doesn’T • Admission: $14 for adults, $12 for seniors and students. IT? we’re newly-renovATed And we’re The MusT free for memBers and children age 12 and younger. see, fIrsT sToP for Those who lIve In, vIsIT • The Chicago history Museum is the city’s oldest And love The greAT CITy of ChICAgo. we’ve goT new cultural institution. Makes sense, right? gAllerIes And exhIBITIons, And A redesIgned • Change is good. Make sure you check Back in with MuseuM sTore And CAfé. sTeP InsIde And IMMerse us often. we offer new and exciting rotating and yourself In Chicago’s rich pasT. see how The temporary exhiBitions throughout the year. great Chicago Fire ChAnged The city forever. • swing By for any of our amazing lectures and seminars exPlore The dAzzlIng white City of The world’s and hear aBout historical events straight from the ColuMBian exPosITIon of 1893. TrACe The PAThs of experts’ mouths. immigration To see how it shaped The city’s • host an event Chicago style. we’re the perfect dIversity. ImagIne The city’s BusTlIng sTreeTs site for parties, corporate functions, weddings, By sTepping InTo our MuCh-Beloved l’ CAr no. 1. anniversaries, the works. we’ve goT over 22 millIon amazIng Artifacts • enjoy a Bite to eat at our north & clark café featuring And doCuMenTs relATed To ChICAgo’s hIsTory. a menu inspired By chicago neighBorhood classics. (TrusT us, we CounTed.) And They’re All where They Belong. In hoMe, sweeT hoMe ChICAgo. neighborhood joints stroll along north avenue and choose from neighBorhood spots featuring tasty fare from Italy, south America, Asia, france, Mexico, Ireland and the good old u.s.A.
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