Electronic Media Newsletter E-Media Graduates Gather At Meredith Alumni Achiever By Prof. Lytle, Newsletter Editor Rich Harrington (BNews’94) was among six alumni recognized dur- ing Relays Weekend for their career accomplishments and loyalty to Drake. Harrington is owner and CEO of RHED Pixel, a production house specializing in visual communications. He has produced more than 25 books about photography and digital media, LQFOXGLQJFHUWLÀHGPDWHULDOVIRU$SSOH DQG$GREH 0RUHLQ$OXPQL8SGDWHV Lytle Gets Shelley 7LPHKDVEHHQJHQHUDOO\NLQGWRPHPEHUVRIWKH(0HGLDFODVVHVRI who organized an informal reunion on Relays Saturday. The agenda included Prof. John Lytle was recognized by DGHWDLOHGWRXURIWKH0HUHGLWKSURGXFWLRQIDFLOLWLHVDQGDYLHZLQJRIWKH WKH,RZD%URDGFDVW1HZV$VVRFLDWLRQ -0&ÀQDOSURMHFW5RE6RENRYLDN 579· DQG0LFKHOOH %XUGHHQ -DFN- with the organization’s lifetime service VRQ 579· FRRUGLQDWHGWKHSODQQLQJ 5HDG-DFNVRQ·VDFFRXQWRQSDJH award. The surprise announcement FDPHDW,%1$·V0D\FRQYHQWLRQ Going “Beyond the Blue Line” By Rebecca Altenhofen their life dedicated to hockey in Des Following last fall’s award-winning 0RLQHV SURGXFWLRQ5DGLR79PDMRUVLQ-0& 7KH'HV0RLQHV%XFFDQHHUVDUHSDUW KDGVRPHELJVKRHVWRÀOOWKLVVH- RIWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV+RFNH\/HDJXH mester. These students decided to take RQHRIWKHWRSMXQLRULFHKRFNH\ on a lesser known sport than wrestling. OHDJXHVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV3OD\HUV “Beyond the Blue Line” follows \HDUVROGDQG\RXQJHUMRLQWKHDPD- three high school students who spend teur league to improve their chances The person for whom the award is IRU1&$$RU1+/SOD\ named, Jack Shelley, was longtime -0&FODVVGHFLGHGWRH[SORUH QHZVGLUHFWRUIRU:+2$0DQG79 this world. Following the boys to EHIRUHMRLQLQJWKH,RZD6WDWH8QLYHU- games, practices, and school required VLW\IDFXOW\6KHOOH\OLYHGLQ$PHV hours of hard work by the production until his death this fall. Lytle was rec- crew, only to be followed by hours of ognized for, among other accomplish- editing. PHQWVVXUYH\LQJWKH,%1$PHPEHU- The show aired on the College ship each spring about their salaries More Hockey On Page 2 DQGMREGHPDQGV Page 1 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010 (Hockey, from Page 1) Prof. Wade “Retires” Radio News Travels Channel and was screened for the Des I’m teaching a First-Year Semi- In what’s become a fall semester 0RLQHV%XFFDQHHUV3UDLVHKDVFRPH nar this fall at Drake. I still work at WUDGLWLRQWKH-5DGLR1HZVFODVV from many viewers including Brian 3UDLULH0HDGRZVDQGKHOSRXWZLWK YLVLWHGZLWK9DQ+DUGHQ 579· DW Werger, director of Communications the I-Cubs. I still announce Iowa State the Clear Channel Building on Inger- IRUWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV+RFNH\/HDJXH men’s basketball. VROO$YHQXH ,·PDOVRD'LYLVLRQRIÀFHULQWKH Nebraska-Iowa District of Kiwanis and travel making presentations and conducting installations for a year. Harden is program director for I did retire mainly for my health. I “I was blown away when I saw the :+2$0DQGVSRUWVWDONUDGLR KDYHÀYHEORFNDJHVLQP\IRXU video, because of how it captured the .;12$0DQGKHFRKRVWVWKH heart bypasses…but none serious VWRU\RID86+/SOD\HUDQGJDYHVXFK DZDUGZLQQLQJ´9DQDQG%RQQLH HQRXJK\HWWRRSHUDWHRQ6R,UXQ an in-depth perspective from the play- 6KRZµZHHNGD\PRUQLQJVRQ minutes three days a week; swim 45 ers themselves. This is the best piece I have ever seen put together from a minutes three days a week and bike ZKHQ,FDQ,·YHORVWSRXQGV source outside the League.” 94-1 Sports Update Oh, I had rotator cuff surgery in Within three days of “Beyond the By A. J. Harrison, sports director Blue Line” being uploaded (vimeo. $XJXVWDQG-867FRPSOHWHG37LQ This has been an exciting year for 94 FRP WKHVKRZUHFHLYHG early-December on that. I’ll try to 6SRUWV:HKDYHLQFUHDVHGRXUVSRUWV RYHUYLHZV take some money back from Lytle if I coverage to cover the Drake volleyball With more airings on the College can learn to golf again this spring! team and the Drake softball team. Channel and a thriving Facebook The softball team had a great spring page, (facebook.com/pages/Beyond- and the volleyball team started off 7KH%OXH/LQH VRERWKRIWKHVHWHDPVZHUHIXQ VWXGHQWVFDQHQMR\WKHLUVXFFHVV to cover. We’re embedded in nine additional VLWHVH[FOXGLQJWKH%XFVDQG86+/ J73 Covers Candidates 7KHPHPEHU5DGLR1HZVFODVVHQ- MR\HGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRFRYHUFDQGLGDWHV whose names appeared on the November General Election ballot. )RXUPLQXWHQHZVFDVWVRQ´WKHGRJµ frequently included the voices of Gov. Of course, my heart is with my granddaughter (Chloe) and we travel Chet Culver (he lost to former governor Harrison and Rachel Yancey Call Basketball DQG5HSXEOLFDQ7HUU\%UDQVWDG 86 to Tallahassee more than we should. I KRSHWRVSHQGDPRQWKWKHUHLQ0DUFK Senator Chuck Grassley (he defeated Our regular sports have been fun as Democrat Roxanne Conlin) and Cong. when basketball is over. well as Drake football had a good fall Leonard Boswell, who swept away a Des Finally, I’ve often dreamed of retir- and both the basketball teams have a 0RLQHV5HSXEOLFDQFKDOOHQJHU ing to read. Not a text, not a research bright future in front of them. 0DQ\VWXGHQWVDWWHQGHG(OHFWLRQ1LJKW article or training manuals! I have read events with their digital cameras and voice ´IRUIXQµERRNVVLQFH,UHWLUHGLQ recorders. 0D\ More 94-1 Sports On Page 3 Page 2 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010 94-1 Sports From Page 2 “Pound 4 Pound” Wins )LQDOO\FRYHUHGHYHU\5RRV- By Tony Tracy evelt football game, home and away, 7KHIDOO-FODVVSURGXFHGDPLQXWHWHOHYLVLRQVKRZDVRXUVHPHVWHU so many of our commentators had the ORQJSURMHFW3RXQG3RXQGSUHYLHZHGWKHKLJKVFKRROZUHVWOLQJVHDVRQZLWKD opportunity to see different venues Central Iowa twist. across the metro and state. )RXUJURXSVRIVWXGHQWVYLVLWHGORFDOKLJKVFKRROVWRSURÀOHWKHVFKRROVDQG )RUWKHÀUVWWLPHWKLV\HDUZHSUR- DOHDGHULQHDFKZUHVWOLQJSURJUDP$QNHQ\6RXWKHDVW3RON8UEDQGDOHDQG duced video reports from the games Waukee were eager to see what we would produce and were very helpful with that we call. Our plan for spring RXUSURMHFW semester is to increase our video pres- Our style was what I liked to think of as a cross between two popular cable ence and to also start doing a weekly reality shows. recap and preview show of Drake We mirrored the format for “Deadliest Catch” as a different way to tell the athletic teams. stories of different high school teams and wrestlers with similar concerns and 6SRUWVWUDYHOVWR&HGDU)DOOV practices. We tried to be personal much like “Hard Knocks” with our interview LQ-DQXDU\WRFRYHUWKH'UDNH81, style and in depth individual story lines. men’s basketball matchup and will We wanted the wrestlers to tell their stories. I believe we were successful to also follow the men’s and women’s that end. EDVNHWEDOOWHDPVDWWKH0LVVRXUL9DO- Each student put their own touch on “Pound 4 Pound” and that’s why it came ley Conference tournaments. together. This spring we plan on covering We submitted the show for state and national recognition. softball and we hope to expand the 7KH&RPPXQLFDWRU$ZDUGVJUDQWHGXVZLWKD$ZDUGRI'LVWLQFWLRQ channels we use. ZKLOHWKH,RZD%URDGFDVW1HZV$VVRFLDWLRQDGGHGD)LUVW3ODFH$ZDUGIRU WKHGRJFRPSRVWVRXUYLGHRVSOXV Sports Coverage. our complete sports schedule. “Studio 100” Fall Semester Review Drake Digital News $VVLVWHGE\-DQG-FUHZPHPEHUVWHQ-79)LHOG3KRWRJUDSK\VWXGHQWV %HQHÀWV(0HGLD produced, live to server with no edits, a half-hour review containing their best reporting. 7KHSURJUDPDLUHGWKUHHWLPHV'HFRQ7KH&ROOHJH&KDQQHO0DQ\RIWKHVWXGHQWV By Abraham Swee, producer ZLOOKHOSSURGXFHDQGGLUHFW'UDNH/,1(·VQHZVPDJD]LQHVGXULQJ6SULQJ $QDOWHUQDWHRXWOHWIRU(0HGLDUHSRUW- ing, DrakeDigitalNews.com has once again posted hundreds of pieces over the last year. 6WXGHQWVLQ-5DGLR1HZV- 7HOHYLVLRQ)LHOG3KRWRJUDSK\- %URDGFDVW5HSRUWLQJDQGWKH- Broadcast News Capstone (“Drake- LINE”) produce Web versions of their on-air stories. Striving to be fast and accurate, I /LYHSURGXFWLRQJHWVWKHMXLFHVÁRZLQJ Which camera? post text with media, including radio actualities, video sound bites, and GLJLWDOVWLOOV6WXGHQWVXVH$XGDFLW\ 3KRWRVKRS)LQDO&XW3URDQG06 Word to prepare their material. ''1SRVWLQJVGXULQJIDOO LQFOXGHGIURP-DQGIURP - We saved this PDF at its smallest ¿OHVL]HWRDVVLVWHPDLOGHOLYHU\ '7&·VPXOWLPHGLDJXUX-DPHV0F1DEGLUHFWV -VHOHFWHGWZRRIWKHLURZQWRFRDQFKRU Page 3 E-Media Holiday Newsletter 2010 Alumni (In Order Received) $OUHDG\KDYHKyle Lobner (RTV’05) 0D\IRUFDUHHUDQGFKDULW\DFKLHYHPHQWV$QG coming down with his wife for some Cactus a sweet new addition to our family, my daugh- David Mossner (BNews’84) League baseball, but still have room if anybody WHU+D]HOZDVERUQLQ$XJXVW0\VRQ(OOLRW ,DPHQWHULQJP\ÀIWK\HDUDV'HYHORSPHQW ZDQWVWRH[SHULHQFHDZHVRPHZLQWHULQ0DUFK WXUQHGLQ2FWREHU+XVEDQG-HII(FNRIID Director at Lutheran High School of India- Still staying active in broadcasting with some 8QLYHUVLW\RI0LVVRXULJUDGZULWHVIRUWKH napolis - which involves donor visits, writing, freelance play-by-play work and a new podcast EXVLQHVVGHVNDWWKH'HV0RLQHV5HJLVWHU marketing, and communications - and continue with Travis Monroe (RTV’07). Our WRHQMR\WKHFKDOOHQJH7KHMRXUQDOLVPWUDLQLQJ WLWOH"´'6SRUWV$GYDQWDJHµ<HVZHZHQW at Drake continues to pay dividends each day. there. Check us out on iTunes. $IWHU\HDUVDVDQLQGHSHQGHQWSURGXFHU Biggest personal accomplishment? Rhonda and Neenah Ellis (RTV‘77) has become I have now been married 25 years and both of the general manager of public radio station our boys are on their own! Tony Lorino (RTV’03) :<62)0LQ<HOORZ6SULQJV2KLR $VP\JLUOIULHQGWXUQHGÀDQFHH.DWH9DVFRQ- $IWHUJUDGXDWLRQIURP'UDNH(OOLVZRUNHGIRU FHOORV 'UDNH$6¶ PDWFKHGIRUKHUVXUJLFDO National Public Radio in Washington, DC, as a Jeff Marcus (RTV’85) takes us on a mu- UHVLGHQF\DW.80HGLFDO&HQWHULQ.DQVDV ZULWHUDQGÀHOGSURGXFHUIRUWKHQHWZRUN·VÁDJ-
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