Precambrian Ores of the Northern Part of Norrbotten County, Northern Sweden

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Precambrian Ores of the Northern Part of Norrbotten County, Northern Sweden 26th International Geological Congress Paris 1980 Precambrian ores of the northern part of Norrbotten county, northern Sweden Guide to excursions 078 A+C, Part 1 (Sweden) Edited by Rudyard Frietsch Geological Survey of Finland Espoo 1980 26th International Geological Congress Paris 1980 PRECAMBRIAN ORES OF THE NORTHERN PART OF NORRBOTTEN COUNTY, NORTHERN SWEDEN Guide to excursions 078 A + C, Part 1 (Sweden) EDITED BY RUDYARD FRIETSCH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND ESP00 1980 Frietsch, Rudyard (Editor), 1980. Precambrian ores of the northern part of Norrbotten county, northern Sweden. Guide to excursions 078 A+ C, Parf l (Sweden). 26" International Geological Congress, Paris 1980. The following Precambrian ore deposits in northern Sweden and their geological setting are described: the Kiirunavaara, Luossavaara, Nukutus- vaara, Rektor, Gruvberget, Kiilavaara, Saivo and Mertainen iron ores, and the Viscaria, Gruvberget and Aitik copper ores. Key words: economic geology, ore deposits, metallogenic provinces, iron, copper, Precambrian, Northern Sweden Rudyard Frietsch, Sveriges geologiska undersckning, Box 670, S-75128 Uppsala, Sweden ISBN 951-690-115-8 Helsinki 1980. Valtion painatuskeskus CONTENTS Precambrian ores of the northern part of Norrbotten county. northern Sweden -Budyard Frietscb ................................................ Introduction ...................................................... Geological setting ................................................ Ore deposits ..................................................... Iron ores .................................................... Copper ores .................................................. Geology of the Kiruna area -- Pad Ford and Lisbetb Godin ............... Geology and ores of the Svappavaara area -- Rtldyard Frietsch .............. Geological setting ................................................ Ore deposits ..................................................... Saivo iron ore -- Rtldyard Frietscb ...................................... Mertainen iron ore -- Rdyard Friefscb .................................. Aitik copper ore -- Ham ZweifeZ ...................................... Introduction ...................................................... Geological setting ................................................ The ore ....................... ........................... References ...................... ..................... DAILY ROUTES Excursion 078A: 27th June-5th July, 1980 Excursion 078C: 19th July-27th July, 1980 In Sweden (Part 1) First day 27th June 19th July Kiruna area . 13 Second day 28th June 20th July Kiruna area.. 19 Third day 29th June 218t July Kiruna-Svappavaara-Saivo-Kiruna 20 Fourth day 30th June 22nd July Kiruna-Mertainen-Aitik-Gallivare . 27 In Finland (Part 2) Fifth day let July 23rd July Galhare-Kerni-Oulu . 6 Sixth day 2nd July 24th July Oulu-Vihanti-Oulu . 14 Seventh day 3rd July 25th July Oulu-Otanmaki-Kuopio . 25 Eighth day 4th July 26th July Kuopio-Outokumpu-Kuopio . 33 Ninth day 5th July 27th July Kuopio-Kotalahti-Kuopio-Helsinki 42 Excursion leaders: In Sweden: Paul Forsell, LKAB Prospektering AB, 3-98104 Kiruna, Sweden Ru&ard Frietsch, Sveriges geologiska undersokning, Box 670, 3-75128 Uppala, Sweden Lisbeth Godin, L KAB Prospekterifig AB, S-98 104 Kirama, Sweden Hans Zweife, Boliden Metall AB, S-93050 Boliden, Sweden In Finland: Auh Hiikli, Outokumpu Oy, Box 27, SF-02201 Espoo 21, Finland 0le Lifidholm, Rautaruakki Oy, Ampubaukantie 4, SF-90250 Oulu 25, Finland Excursion route and daily stops. PRECAMBRIAN ORES OF THE NORTHERN PART OF NORRBOTTEN COUNTY, NORTHERN SWEDEN - by Rudyard Frietsch Introduction and Malmberget have been known since the latter part of the 17th century. Most of the iron Within the Precambrian in the northern part ore deposits were found at the end of the 19th of the county of Norrbotten, some of the most century and during and immediately after the important ore deposits of Sweden are found. First World War. Early in the 1930's some This region contains about 80 % of the iron ore copper deposits were discovered of which the reserves of the country (4 billion tons out of a most important is Aitik. More recently several total of 5 billion tons) and about 95 of the iron ores and some copper ores such as Viscaria iron reserves (2 billion tons out of a total of at Kiruna, have been found. 2.35 billion tons). About 85 of the total iron ore production of Sweden comes from Norr- Geological setting botten; in 1974, 30.5 million tons iron ore, con- centrate and pellets were produced, and in 1976, In the Precambrian of the northen part of 25.5 million tons. The Aitik copper deposit Norrbotten county supracrustal rocks (including contains about 10 % of the metal content of the gneisses derived from these) and igneous rocks sulphide ores of Sweden and produces about have approximately the same aerial extents (Fig. 60 % of the annual quantity of mined sulphide 1). The supracrustals form belts orientated ore in Sweden. Other deposits are of such size N-S and NNE-SSW with a less distinct NW-SE and quality or have such a geographical position orientation. The internal relationships between that they cannot be exploited economically. the different rock types are uncertain and radio- Limited mining of limestone-dolomite, feld- metric age determinations are few. However spar, quartzite and ultrabasic rock also takes regional mapping conducted during the last place. decade (Offerberg 1967, Padget 1970, 1977, Several hundered deposits and occurrences of Witschard 1970, 1975, Eriksson and Hallgren ore are known of which the earliest discovered 1975) have elucidated many of these problems were the copper ores at Gruvberget, Svappa- so that a relatively detailed stratigraphic division vaara (in 1654) and some others further north can now be ascertained. in the latter part of the 17th century. At this The earlier subdivision by Odman (1957) of time some iron ores were also known at Masugns- the Precambrian into an older, Svecofennian byn (in 1644) and Gruvberget, Svappavaara (in cycle and a younger, Karelian cycle has been 1654). At Masugnsbyn a blast furnace was abandoned in the light of radiometric age datings. erected a few years later and was the most At present the Precambrian is divided into two northerly situated blast furnace of its kind in main units. The first is the Archean fold belt, the world. The vast iron ore deposits at Kiruna more than 2 700-2 800 Ma old, covering a I J K L M Fig. 1. The iron ore and copper ore deposits in the northern part of the Norrbotten county. restricted area in the north. Younger than this formation is the lowest part of the Greenstone is the Svecokarelian fold belt which makes up group, formed as an epicontinental facies in the the rest of the Precambrian. In other parts of Svecokarelian development. The Greenstone Sweden the Svecokarelian folding came to an group is dominated by spilitic, often pillow- end about 1 800 Ma ago. In Norrbotten some bearing effusives of basaltic composition. In igneous and volcanic rocks were formed 1 500- addition andesites and peridotites are present. 1 600 Ma ago thus indicating a clear post- All these rocks are sub-alkaline to alkaline orogenic age in relation to the Svecokarelian. As (Frietsch 1980) and hypabyssal rocks of similar these rocks have been folded and metamorphosed composition occur sporadically. In the basic it means that post-Svecokarelian orogenic events volcanics, mostly in the higher stratigraphic may taken place. The metamorphism is possibly parts, occur intercalations of tuff, tuffite, phyllite, related to the formation of late granites about graphite-bearing schist, limestone-dolomite, mar1 1 500 Ma ago. and chert. These formations were deposited in a All rocks suggest intermediate metamorphic closed basin environment at the border of the conditions dominated exclusively by amphibolite Archean craton during the evolutionary phase facies assemblages. A typical feature for the of the Svecokarelian orogeny. Similar rocks in northern part of Norrbotten county is that the Finland have yielded radiometric ages in the rocks rather commonly contain scapolite result- 2 000-2 200 Ma range. ing from a relatively late stage regional meta- The Greenstone group is overlain by mica- somatic process. schists and conglomerates of moderate thick- To the north of Kiruna the Archean (pre- nesses. This Schist-conglomerate group (Paha- Svecokarelian) basement is found. It is a biotite- kurkkio group, Kiilavaara quartzite group) is of bearing, weakly schistose, rnicrocline-porphyritic restricted extent but forms a distinct marker granite with a U/Pb radiometric age of about horizon. Examples exist at Kiruna (Kurravaara 2 750-2 800 Ma (Welin et al. 1971). Farther to conglomerate) and include the metasediments at the north and to the east, adjacent to the Finnish Tiirendo (Padget 1970) and Lainio (Witschard border, vast areas are covered by gneisses which 1970). also possibly belong to the basement (Lindroos The Porphyry group, which is the following and Henkel 1978). In the northernmost area, unit in the sequence, is composed of predorni- abundant dykes of serpentinized ultrabasites nantly sodic or sodium-potassium intermediate, occur which are not deformed by the Archean rhyolitic and trachytic rocks of sub-alkaline to folding and possibly represent an intraorogenic alkaline composition; all the acid rocks are sub- magmatism, pre-dating the formations of Sveco- alkaline (Frietsch 1980). The Porphyry group karelian age. occurs mainly in the western
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