Radiation Victims April 10-14, 1980

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Radiation Victims April 10-14, 1980 Stichting Laka: Documentatie- en onderzoekscentrum kernenergie De Laka-bibliotheek The Laka-library Dit is een pdf van één van de publicaties in This is a PDF from one of the publications de bibliotheek van Stichting Laka, het in from the library of the Laka Foundation; the Amsterdam gevestigde documentatie- en Amsterdam-based documentation and onderzoekscentrum kernenergie. research centre on nuclear energy. Laka heeft een bibliotheek met ongeveer The Laka library consists of about 8,000 8000 boeken (waarvan een gedeelte dus ook books (of which a part is available as PDF), als pdf), duizenden kranten- en tijdschriften- thousands of newspaper clippings, hundreds artikelen, honderden tijdschriftentitels, of magazines, posters, video's and other posters, video’s en ander beeldmateriaal. material. Laka digitaliseert (oude) tijdschriften en Laka digitizes books and magazines from the boeken uit de internationale antikernenergie- international movement against nuclear beweging. power. De catalogus van de Laka-bibliotheek staat The catalogue of the Laka-library can be op onze site. De collectie bevat een grote found at our website. The collection also verzameling gedigitaliseerde tijdschriften uit contains a large number of digitized de Nederlandse antikernenergie-beweging en magazines from the Dutch anti-nuclear power een verzameling video's. movement and a video-section. Laka speelt met oa. haar informatie- Laka plays with, amongst others things, its voorziening een belangrijke rol in de information services, an important role in the Nederlandse anti-kernenergiebeweging. Dutch anti-nuclear movement. Appreciate our work? Feel free to make a small donation. Thank you. www.laka.org | [email protected] | Ketelhuisplein 43, 1054 RD Amsterdam | 020-6168294 Proceedings of the National Citizens'Hearings for Radiation Victims April 10-14, 1980 Nat ional Committee for Radiation Victim s N ational Committee for Radiation Victims 3 17 Pennsyl vania Avenue S.E ., w ashingt on , D .C. 20003, 2021543· {) 222 The No tionul Co m niittccIor Radia tion Vict ims is <In independent o rgauiz.a tion r-sta blixhvd to xc-rve- tl n- m-c'ds o f vc- n -t- ans, wo rkers. and other nu -m ber.... of tlu- ge!lcral puh lir- ex pos ed to unsafe- k-vc-Is of human-rua d c- ioni/ing rad ia t ion. T he Com mi ttee was for m ed to ("0 IIIiuu c- Lhe work h q.~- u ll a t t he Cit izcn s I /('fl ring.\for R a dia tion C'jet hns, 11t'1<I ill A p ril 1980. Bcc-ausc t lu-rc h as been only limi u -d recog ni tio ll of t he he alt h c-ffc- rts o f ra d ia tio n ('X!l0SlIIT . the Commit u-c- will act as a ce nte r for assista nce to rad iation vic-tims a nd in for m a tion to tilt' gcnera l public. T h e C ornmit t ec- will a c- ti vc lv cnrou rug«. assist a nd coo rdi n a te o rg a n izing o n the c-um munitv h-vr-I. SplTific Xuiionul Com nutteeFur Radm tion Victims ac-tivitir-s in clude : • ,\ ssisting Citizc-ns' I k a r ings in loca l a rt-as • Coo rdinat ing :" at io llal Ra d ia tio n Vic-rims Da y •In itia ting a m aj or medi a ca m pa ig n • P u b lish ing a m ont hl v m -wsh-tu-r . SI' V. \,/i" f' • D ist r ib u ti ng ra di atiou hea lth information • D irect ing T ill' n uck St O/J5 l ierv ca m p a ig n Slt'ering Co rnm ince R obe-r t Alvarez: Environmc-utal Policy Center Da vid Cortright . SAi'\ E Vah-rir- I Icin om- n . ln n-rfaith Coali tio n on Corp ora u - Re spons ib ility .\Iike J!'nd rzejn yk. Fellowshi p of Rccon cilia tion v' X uch-a r \\"eapons Facil ities Projcct Ad a Sanc hc z.. Vu -wpo im Syndicau- Pa m Solo. Am e rican Fri('llds Service Conuuiucc-/ Xurlcar \-\'('a p o lls Fa cilities P roject Xo rrnan Solom on. C o rnmittee- for U. S. Ve te ra ns of H iroshima a nd ;'\agasak i Kilty Tucke-r: Hc-al t h a nd Ellngy l. ea rn ing P rojec-t El r-an o r wah crs. Environmental Policy Ce-n t e- r Kunn \ \"ilso n . X a noua! Co m m it te-e- for Ra d ia tio n Victim s Contents Introdu cti o n . Edited Excerpt s from Nati on al Citizens ' Hearings for Radiati on Victims , 2 Co mm issio n Panel Report 26 Resources 29 Ed itor: Ell i Wa lte rs Acknowledgements Special than ks to Karen Wilson and Mary Black for editing and proo freading assistance, to Lesley Haas for developing the photog raphs , to Nancy M ainland for typesetting the copy , and to Clarity for laying out the final copy . Copyright 198 1 by the National Com mittee for Radiation Victims Portions of the Introduction origi nally appeared in SANE WORLD Special Report, May 1980. Photo credits: Page 6, atomic mushroom/Defe nse Dept. photo (Marine Co rps .) T/ Sgt. Joseph A. , Gudas: page 11. Paducah. Ken tucky/ DOE photo by Ed Westcott; page 15, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory/LLL photo; page 17, uranium miners/ DOE, Grand Junction Office: page 19. Ted Lombard/ Ma ine Times -Tom Jones; page 21, Bikini Atol l (july 1. 1954 )/DOE photo. A. II other photog raphs copyright 1980 by Doug Magee. NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR RADIATION VICTIMS Sce nes from th e Nati on al Citizen s' Hearings for Rad iation Victims. A pril 10-14, 1980 .'. _.'I / \ ... \ . , . , I r r- CITIZENS' HEARINGS FOR RADIATION VICTIMS Introduction T he C itize ns' H earings for Radia tion The Hearings' fellow ship beca me That evening , people aga in gathered Victims we re uniq ue. They we re histor­ ce nt ra lized as J ean Ra lph rose to in the hotel lob by. This time , however , ic. For t hos e ra d ia tion vict ims. c ro wded welcome th e partici pants. Ral ph's la te th e re were no awkward sile nces .In less int o a w ashi ngt on . D.C. hotel lobby. hu sb and was ex posed to ra d ia tion wh ile th an 24 hours, no one wa s -c-or would they rep rese nt ed a n en d and a beg in­ serving as part of the occu pation/clean­ be - a lone again . T he conversa tions and ning of im m en se iru portu nce . up force in Nag asak i in September informal mee ti ngs co nt inued until th e The I le a rings ' .... ('TC a n en d [0 the iso­ 1945 . l Ie d ied a pa inf u l, ea rly d ea th of morning ho urs. lat ion of those people - a tomic vete ra ns, hone m a rr ow ca ncer. Ilis wife a nd nucle ar workers. dow nw in d residents ch ildren have re cei ved no co m pensa tion and ot hers -, wh o have suf fe red from from th e gov e rn ment he had served in April 13, 1980 human -m ade radia tio n a nd ha ve t he n wa rt ime. [<In.' <1 a brick wa ll of gove rn men t a nd " Welcome," she sa id , " You are whik- th e Com m ission panel met to ('()r poratl' ind iffe rence. am ong friends . \\' t' a re here to show our prepa re a report fro m the testimon y it T he )' were a lso a bcg inn ing . A new str e ngt h and ou r beli efs. If ou r beli efs heard th e day before. I lea rings' partici ­ a re strong- enoug h , t ha t wa ll will soon coa liti on - the N ational Co m mittee fo r pa nt s we re involved in workshops on Radiation Victims -was crea ted , for ged crum ble." health effec ts . ha za rds of m ining, local in t he co m m onality of painfu l ex pert. A J apa nese vict im of the Nagasaki comm un ity orga nizing , and com pensa ­ (· IK C . which d ecla red itself in an in te nse bom b ing - a l liba kush a - struck a com ­ tion claims. At om ic vetera ns met to resolve to st ruggle on to wa rd justi ce for mon chord a m ong all th ose in the ro om. formula t e thei r own age nd a a nd to the victims o f radiation a nd p rotecti on " w e a re witn esses ." he sa id . "of the reco rd th ei r expe riences as radiation for fu t ur e genera tions . d ange rs of the nucl ear program: ' fodde r a nd nuclea r gu inea pigs. The Jh-a rings participant s were fro m A speci a l p rese nt a tion by Penny Ame rica's hcartland : the soldi e rs, till' Bernstein, co - producer of Paul [ aco bs p a n·lll s.
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    Policy Statement on Claims for Ionising Radiation Related Conditions ` Overview 1. This statement sets out the Department’s policy on deciding claims for war pensions where service- related ionising radiation exposure is alleged to have caused disablement or death. It also provides the reasoning and evidence on which the policy is based. Situations where claims covered by the policy would be expected to arise include: participation in the UK atmospheric nuclear tests in the Pacific and Experimental Weapons Programme in South Australia, or the subsequent clean-up operations, prisoners of war held near Nagasaki or Hiroshima during the Second World War, accidents on board nuclear submarines, employment as an industrial or medical radiographer. 2. War pension may be claimed for any disablement by anyone who has served in the British Armed Forces before 6 April 2005. Claims may be made at any time from service release. Decisions are medically certified and evidence- based and each case determined on its individual merits. Taking into account the burden and standard of proof applicable to the claim, entitlement may be certified where the service and medical facts and the contemporary medical understanding of the condition claimed show a causal link between service and the claimed condition. For ionising radiation cases, entitlement will be considered where there is reliable evidence of service exposure to ionising radiation and there is a recognised causal link between the claimed condition and such exposure. 3. Service-related ionising radiation exposure will be accepted where, as a result of service, there is exposure to a measurable level of ionising radiation as determined by a radiological dosimetry specialist report and derived from direct measurement or estimate.
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