The Morning Star The Anglican Parish of St Bede’s Semaphore Nurturing the Soul of Semaphore ISSN 2652-6883 September, 2020 2020 Sand dune restoration at Semaphore South using sand from Largs Bay. The Anglican Parish of St Bede’s Semaphore Nurturing the Soul of Semaphore Parish Priest: The Ven. Dr Ruth Mathieson, Archdeacon of Sturt. 0408 353 781 Churchwardens: Mrs Fay Warren 0415 364 757 Mrs Brenda Beer 0400 053 527 Pianist: Mrs Jennette Hand Organist: Dr Deborah Osmond Parish Councillors: Colin Lehmann (Treasurer), Ros de Garis, Karen Fagan, Luise Humby, Greg Manning, Jill Rivers, Dorothy Thorpe, Kathleen Wilson. The Parish Council usually meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm. Parish Office: In the hall at 200 Military Road Semaphore. Parish Secretary Fay Warren is available when the office is open: Tuesdays 9.00am-1.00pm and Thursdays 8.30am –1.30pm. Telephone 8449 5064 Email:
[email protected] Website: and Facebook: stbedessemaphore Karen Fagan Bede’s Bazaar Co-ordinator: Brenda Beer 0400 053 527 Community Garden: Contact St Bede’s on 8449 5064 for details. St Bede’s Drop in Centre Co-ordinators: Jill Rivers, Rev. Ruth Mathieson The Morning Star Editor: Dorothy Thorpe 0457 501 397. The newsletter is a monthly publication of St Bede’s Anglican Parish, PO Box 111, Semaphore SA 5019. Services for September Holy Communion: Sundays 8.00am and 9.30am (Morning tea on the 2nd and 4th Sundays after the 9.30am service) Wednesdays 10.00am Holy Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Funerals, Ministry with the Sick, Confession and Reconciliation by appointment with the priest.