UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MARG New Delhi – 110 002 Submission of information by State Private Universities For ascertaining their norms and standards A. Legal Status 1.1 Name and Address of the University Guru Kashi University Sardulgarh Road Talwandi Sabo District Bathinda (Punjab)- 151302 1.2 Headquarters of the University Sardulgarh Road, Talwandi Sabo, District Bathinda (Punjab)- 151302 1.3 Information about the University: Information about the University: a. Website: a. b. Email: b.
[email protected] c. Phone Nos.: c. 01655-324777, 324888, 94172-34072 d. Fax Nos.: d. 01655-221534 Information about authorities of the Information about authorities of the University: University: a. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and a. Dr. J.S. Dhaliwal, 98155-43432, email of Chancellor:
[email protected], 0172-5094173 b. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and b. Sh. S.K. Ahluwalia, 99880-01705, email of Vice Chancellor:
[email protected], 01655-221534 c. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and c. Dr. Narinder Singh, 98159-12753, email of Registrar:
[email protected], 01655-221534 d. Ph. (including mobile), Fax Nos. and d. Mr. Gourav Kumar, 98883-57717, email of Finance Officer:
[email protected], 01655-221534 1.4 Date of Establishment September 12, 2011 vide Guru Kashi University Ordinance, 2011 (Punjab Ordinance No 11 of 2011) published in Punjab Government Gazette Extraordinary dated September 12, 2011 and subsequently the Guru Kashi University Act, 2011 (Punjab Act No 37 of 2011) published in Punjab Government Gazette Extraordinary dated December 26, 2011 Page 1 of 52 1.5 Name of the Society/Trust promoting the University Balaji Educational Trust, Talwandi (Information may be provided in the following format) Sabo, District Bathinda (Punjab).