WHITEPAPER Driving customer loyalty through mobile WhyForeword the rise of the really matters for your

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. There has been a buzz Large have built whole • communitiesPeople now spend around more utility time onapplications their mobile • According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on around mobile apps in the andphones handset than reading vendor a sponsorshipnewspaper or adeals. smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. Themagazine purpose each of day these – this well makes executed it crucial and for digitalreach 73% space by the end for of 2013.almost half • positionedPeopleyour now applications spend to more have timea mobileis often on their presence. to mobile gain a Smartphonesdecade. enableApps a host are of activities native on consumerphones than mindshare reading a newspaperand real estateor a on • Mobile is set to become the the go that could improve or damage your amagazine consumer’s each lifestyle day – this device makes ofit crucial choice for - smartphone applications core digital channel for local . chances of attracting customers to your theiryour smartphone. businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: thatbusiness. use Potentialthe phone’s customers canin-built now find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • However, many mobile applications features such as GPS and core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all have a relatively short shelf life due the camera. See chart below: through their . to lack of consumerBy 2016, 88%By engagement 2016, of all 88% of all and lack of reasonslocal online to uselocal advertising on online an advertising ongoing basis. At Archantwill be served wewill up believebe on served a twoup on things a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. about apps: firstly,By apps 2016, 88%aren’t of just all for large multinationallocal brands. online Secondly,advertising £27 £27 consumers need a willreason be served to use up on an a app £30 mobile device. £24 £24 on a regular basis. We find rewards are one of the most compelling reasons to £27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 “Rewards£21 are one of local onlinelocal advertising onlineregularly advertising engage with a businesses app. was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile the most compellingmobile devicemobile device £18 £18 This whitepaperAdvertising seeks toAdvertising explore how In 2011, 6.3% of all reasons£21 to regularly a small business owner could execute £15 £15 local engage with an app” was serveda upmobile on a customer loyalty programme.Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 We will also explore how customers with £ in billions £ in billions Advertising restricted budgets can use alternative £15 £9 £9 mobile tactics to drive customer loyalty

£12 StationaryandStationary engagement. Online Online £ in billions £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising £9 Terry McCusker £3 £3 HeadStationary of Mobile Marketing, Online Archant £6 £0 £0 Advertising

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 2 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 Why theMobile? rise ofWhy the Loyalty? smartphone really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. Mobile is a ubiquitous device; the latest The 2013 Maritz Loyalty Report Ofcom Report (Aug • offersPeople some now spendcompelling more time insight on their on mobilea • According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on 2013) states that 51% of UK adults now consumer’sphones than desire reading to a newspaperengage with or a loyalty smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. own a smartphone and penetration of programmesmagazine each using day – theirthis makes mobile it crucial device. for reach 73% by the end of 2013. mobile devices is well over 100%. • SomePeopleyour businesses stats now of spend note to more have illustrated timea mobile on below:their presence. mobile enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a Mobile Marketing is set to become the the go that could improve or damage your • magazine each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all SMARTPHONE USERS VERY LIKELY TOSee DOWNLOAD chart below: LOYALTY APP through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 of smartphone/tabletmobile device. usersmobile device. are interested in interactingBy 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 with their loyalty programs % will be served up on a £30 with their mobile devicesmobile device. £24 £24 73

£27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 £21 local onlinelocal advertising online advertising was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising In 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 £15 local online advertising91% was served uplikely on a to download Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions loyalty application Advertising £15 £9 £9

£12 StationaryStationary Online Online

£ in billions source: 2013 Maritz Loyalty Report £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 £3 Stationary Online £6 £0 £0 Advertising

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 3 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 Why theMobile? rise ofWhy the Loyalty? smartphone (…cont’d) really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services.

People now spend more time on their mobile AccordingREDUCING to Ofcom CUSTOMER 56% of people CHURN own aBY 5% • CANGoogle INCREASE state that PROFITS 40% of all 25-125%searches on • • phones than reading a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. • Peopleyour businesses now spendProfits to more have with timea mobile5% on their presence. mobile churn reduction Smartphones enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a Mobile Marketing(high is estimate)set to become the the go that could improve or damage your • magazine each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businessesProfits to have with a mobile 5% presence. See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a churn reduction Mobile Marketing(low is setestimate) to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all Profits with See chart below:typical churn through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 will be servedwill up be on served a up on a source: www.bautomation.com £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a £30 mobile device. £24 £24

£27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 The£21 fact that consumers are so willing Moreover and perhaps more local onlinelocal advertising online advertising to engage with loyalty programswas fromserved was up on served a fundamentally up on a we would need to £24 Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 brands,£18 coupled with the fact that consider the nonAdvertising linear purchasingAdvertising In 2011, 6.3% of all virtually£21 all adults use a , cycles many consumers now go through £15 £15 local online advertising mean the case for combining the two was servedbefore up on a making a buying decision.Mobile Pre the together£18 is compelling. mobile deviceexplosion in usage of the internet (fixed £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions Advertising and mobile) many retailers’ attitude to £15 £9 The£9 case for more loyal customers is the buying cycle could be (simplistically) clear. Most business owners will be described as “here’s our ad, see you £12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions £6 familiar£6 with the notion that 80% of Advertisingin our shop”.Advertising As many retailers now their£9 custom comes from 20% of their know the importance of engaging £3 £3 customers and that finding tomorrow’s withStationary customers’ pre,Online during and post a customer£6 is significantly more expensive shopping experience is paramount to £0 £0 Advertising than keeping today’s. remain competitive and relevant.

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 4 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 What should my mobile loyalty Whyprogramme the rise look of the like? smartphone really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. Before we start thinking about any technology channels we get our clients to ask People now spend more time on their mobile themselvesAccording some to Ofcom simple 56% questions: of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on • • phones than reading a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. • Peopleyour businesses now spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile Smartphones enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a What am I trying to achieve? MobileIs it Marketing simple isto set understand? to become the the go that could improve or damage your • magazine each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all We get our clients to put themselves in the shoesSee of charttheir below:customers and find out what through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all their customers wants. This helps us to work towards a simple,local online elegantlocal advertising online solution. advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a A£30 business knows their customers best In simple terms, wemobile take device.the coffee shop £24 £24 - certainly much better than we could analogy and make it work on a mobile £27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 ever£21 expect to know them. However, device. The native features embedded we’ve produced scores of appslocal for online locallocal advertising onlinewithin advertising a smartphone (QR code scanner, was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile businesses and found one rulemobile always device mobile devicecamera and GPS location) enable £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising applies: simple is best. In 2011, 6.3%merchants of all to safely and securely run £21 £15 £15 local onlinetheir advertising own loyalty programme. Customers was served up on a Mobile An£18 example: for clients in the food andmobile devicecollect digital stamps to earn a digital £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions beverage sector we often recommend an voucher. Advertising app£15 that rewards customers after a set £9 £9 number of purchases. It’s not reinventing A key benefit of running a loyalty £12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions the wheel: coffee chains have been programme through a is the £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising running paper-based loyalty programmes ability to send push messages (essentially £9 £3 for£3 years and for very good reason; they in-app messages very similar to text Stationary Online work.£6 messages). When used efffectively, these £0 £0 messagesAdvertising help keep people engaged

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010with2009 2011the 2010app2012 2011and2013 engaged20122014 20132015 with20142016 your2015 2016 business. £0

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 5 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 How can small businesses engage Whycustomers the rise in a of loyalty the smartphone programme? really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. A businesses’ physical premises are the Existing marketing and advertising obvious touch point to engage customers • channelsPeople now - such spend as more newspaper time on their adverts, mobile • According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on in a loyalty programme. Potential directoryphones than listings reading and a newspaper direct mail or cana smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. customers can be engaged through point alsomagazine be augmented each day – thisto include makes it a crucial mobile for reach 73% by the end of 2013. of sale material with QR codes and text • specificPeopleyour businesses now call-to-action. spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile keywordsSmartphones incorporated enable a host into of the activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a Mobile Marketing is set to become the call-to-action.the go that could improve or damage your • magazine each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all Archant app promo pack See chart below: through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a £30 mobile device. £24 £24

£27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 £21 local onlinelocal advertising online advertising was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising In 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 £15 local online advertising was served up on a Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions Advertising

£15 £9 £9

£12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 £3 Stationary Online £6 £0 £0 Advertising

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 6 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 WhyWhat the does rise success of the look smartphone like? really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. Before making any assumptions about the success of a clients’ loyalty campaign it is People now spend more time on their mobile probablyAccording useful to Ofcom to look 56% at of the people average own a stats for• Googleapp usage state acrossthat 40% the of industry:all searches on • • phones than reading a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. AVERAGE APP USAGE ACROSS• Peopleyour ALL businesses now INDUSTRIES spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile Smartphones enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a AVERAGE USER RETENTION• Mobile Marketing is set to become the the go that could improve or damage your magazine eachFREQUENCY day – this OF makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. USE BY WEEK chances of attracting30 DAY customers60 to DAY your 90 DAYyour businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a 54% 43% 35%Mobile Marketingx 3.7 is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all See chart below: Source: Flurry Analytics through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 If you were to drill down further and So Costa, one of thewill largest be served brands up on a in look£30 at usage within specific categories the coffee shop sectormobile has device. an active user £24 you£24 would see that apps which provide base 37.5% and a registered or opted in a£27 functional utility (news, sportsIn 2011,and 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3%user of base all of 20%. The Costa example is £21 £21 weather) are the most frequentlylocal used online local advertising onlinewidely advertising touted as a big success. was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile and have the longest shelf life.mobile Tellingly, devicemobile device £18 £18 1 How Costa Coffee UsedAdvertising Data To AdvertisingDrive Loyalty And , apps that do not give a reason for the In 2011, 6.3%www.fastcompany.com of all £21 £15 consumer£15 to use them on a regular basislocal online advertising was served up on a Mobile have£18 a relatively low frequency of use.mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions Advertising

Continuing£15 the coffee shop theme; lets £9 £9 examine usage of a loyalty card for £12 StationaryStationary Online Online £6 £ in billions a large£6 chain of coffee shops, Costa. According to Kevin Hydes, Costa’s UK AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 Marketing£3 Director: “Of the 8 million cards so far issued, 3 million are active Stationary Online £6 £0 (have£0 been used within the last six Advertising months) and of those 1.6 million are 2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016 registered, meaning they have provided email£0 addresses to receive twice monthly Cost Club Card e-mailings.”1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 7 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 WhyWhat the does rise success of the look smartphone like? (…cont’d) really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. Looking at the registered user-base of Archant app customers, some interesting trends People now spend more time on their mobile comeAccording to light: to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on • • phones than reading a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. ARCHANT APP USER• Peopleyour TRENDS businesses now spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile Smartphones enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a Mobile Marketing is set to become the the go that could improve or damage your • magazine each day – this makes it crucial for AVERAGE ACTIVE USERS coreAVERAGE digital channelPUSH ENABLED for local USERS advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businesses to have a mobile presence. 32.5% See chart below:75.5% business. Potential customers can now find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, read customer reviews, get price • It is worth noting that Archant only consider a user ‘active’ core digital channel for local advertising. comparisonsif they have and interacted read recommendations with the app in the last all30 days See chart below: Source: Rippll through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a What is even more interesting is that we £30 mobile device. £24 have£24 seen these numbers (active users

and£27 average push enabled users)In 2011, remain 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 £21 consistent over a sustained periodlocal1 online. local advertising online advertising was servedwas up on served a up on a By£24 any measure, having 75% of the Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising user base who have actively agreed toIn 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 receive£15 messages from a , shouldlocal online advertising be considered a success. was served up on a Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions Advertising

Why£15 are the figures so high? £9 The£9 majority of Archant’s clients are small£12 local businesses - these types of StationaryStationary Online Online £6 £ in billions £6 businesses tend to have very high levels AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 of £3brand equity and trust from their local customers. Afterall, you become a Stationary Online £6 £0 regular£0 at a pub or restaurant because Advertising you like the like food, the staff, the service 2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016 or all three. £0 1 |Over a period of several months these figures remained within 2% (stats from www.rippll.com) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 8 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 Can businesses embark on a loyalty program Whywithout the investing rise of the in app?smartphone really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. There are alternative options for a local Here’s a fairly simple use case: business that don’t involve customers • People now spend more time on their mobile • According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • •Google A business state thatowner 40% encourages of all searches on downloading a native app. phones than reading a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobilecustomers are for to local sign goods up to and a VIPservices. Club using magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. an SMS keyword and shortcode to Peopleyour businesses now spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile The humble SMS provides one simple • collect data (phone numbers) option Smartphones that Archant enable recommend. a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a • Mobile Marketing is set to become the Althoughthe go that reward could andimprove loyalty or damage can’t beyour •magazine A text is eachsent day out – to this his makes opted-in it crucial user for corebase digital offering channel a discounted for local advertising. offer trackedchances in ofa data-drivenattracting customers way as to via your a your businesses to have a mobile presence. See chart below: mobilebusiness. app, Potential anecdotal customers evidence can nowfrom find a Mobile Marketing is set to become the staffstore, and read owners customer should reviews, be able get price to • core digital channel for local advertising. indicatecomparisons whether and an read SMS recommendations campaign is all See chart below: payingthrough dividends. their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a £30 mobile device. £24 £24 SMS may have negative connotations £27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 for£21 some consumers due to the perceived AVERAGE RESPONSE RATES local onlinelocal advertising online advertising privacy implications. For example,was served was up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile most of us have received an annoyingmobile device mobile device £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising message from a PPI reclaim company In 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 at£15 some point over the last few years. local online advertising was served up on a Mobile However,£18 using the VIP Club analogy, themobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions crucial difference is that the consumer Advertising has£15 actively opted-in to receive messages £9 £9 from a brand. £12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising SMS is also one of the most effective £9 £3 ways£3 to drive a response from a Stationary Online consumer:£6 £0 £0 Advertising

Source: Mobile Date Association 2011 2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 9 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 WhyConclusion the rise of the smartphone really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services.

We are clearly in the middle ofPeople a digital now spend more time on their mobile According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on • • phones than reading a newspaper or a shift.smartphone High in the street UK. This retailers is predicted to have mobileadopted are for local goods and services. magazine each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. once niche digital channels, like• Peopleyour mobile businesses now spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile Smartphones enable a host of activities on phones than reading a newspaper or a Mobile Marketing is set to become the andthe go put that couldthem improve at orthe damage heart your of their• magazine each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. chances of attracting customers to your your businesses to have a mobile presence. customer engagement mix. Afterall,See chart below: business. Potential customers can now find a • Mobile Marketing is set to become the yesterday’sstore, read customer high reviews, street get price retailers are core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons and read recommendations all tomorrow’s digital retailers. See chart below: through their mobile device. By 2016, 88%By 2016, of all 88% of all local onlinelocal advertising online advertising will be servedwill up be on served a up on a £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. Archant believe that harnessing mobile By 2016, 88% of all local online advertising £27 £27 techniques does not need to be the will be served up on a £30 mobile device. £24 exclusive£24 preserve of big brands with £27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 £21 deep pockets. We havelocal online manylocal advertising online happyadvertising was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 clients£18 who have leveraged mobile to AdvertisingAdvertising In 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 £15 local online advertising keep their customers comingwas served back up on a Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions more regularly. Advertising £15 £9 £9

£12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions £6 Your£6 customer’s have gone mobile.AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 Have£3 you? Stationary Online £6 £0 £0 Advertising

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 10 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03 WhyHow theArchant rise ofcan the help smartphone really matters for your business

• Google state that 40% of all searches on mobile are for local goods and services. • Mobile marketing on its own is not Archant’s mobile marketing services team the answer. However it is increasingly • canPeople offer: now spend more time on their mobile • According to Ofcom 56% of people own a • Google state that 40% of all searches on part of the answer in how you address phones Mobile than strategy reading consultation a newspaper or a smartphone in the UK. This is predicted to mobile are for local goods and services. consumers as part of the media mix. magazine SMS campaigns each day – this makes it crucial for reach 73% by the end of 2013. • Peopleyour QR businessesCodes now spend to more have timea mobile on their presence. mobile • We Smartphones have a highly-experienced enable a host of activities on phones Mobile-optimised than reading a sitesnewspaper & search or a • Mobile Marketing is set to become the teamthe go that that can could help improve with or formulating damage your magazinestrategy each day – this makes it crucial for core digital channel for local advertising. achances comprehensive of attracting mobile customers strategy to your your Mobile businesses app design, to have astrategy mobile presence. & build See chart below: covering:business. Potential customers can now find a Multi-platform mobile CRM campaigns Mobile Marketing is set to become the store, Brand read awareness customer reviews, building get price • core digital channel for local advertising. comparisons Customer acquisitionand read recommendations and retention all Uniquely Archant has access to local See chart below: through Data collection/loyaltytheir mobile device. newspapers,By 2016, magazines, 88%By 2016, of all 88%websites of all and Increase in transactions/sales mobile siteslocal attracting onlinelocal advertising hundredsonline advertising of Multi-channel approach thousandswill of belocal served willpeople up be on served a every up on day a and £30 £30 mobile device.mobile device. mobile, online, print and in-store can extend your marketingBy 2016, 88% campaign of all across different platforms.local online advertising £27 £27 will be served up on a £30 mobile device. £24 £24

£27 In 2011, 6.3%In 2011, of all 6.3% of all £21 £21 local onlinelocal advertising online advertising was servedwas up on served a up on a £24 Mobile Mobile mobile devicemobile device £18 £18 AdvertisingAdvertising In 2011, 6.3% of all £21 £15 £15 local online advertising was served up on a Mobile £18 mobile device £12 £12 £ in billions £ in billions Advertising

£15 £9 £9

£12 StationaryStationary Online Online £ in billions £6 £6 AdvertisingAdvertising £9 £3 £3 Stationary Online £6 £0 £0 Advertising

2000 2001£3 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 20072009 20082010 20092011 20102012 20112013 20122014 20132015 20142016 2015 2016


For more2000 2001 information2002 2003 2004 please2005 2006 contact:2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 WhitepaperWhitepaper | Mobile Marketing | Mobile ForMarketing Small and For Medium-Sized Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Businesses 03 03 [email protected] 020 3002 2809 archantmobile.co.uk

Whitepaper Driving customer loyalty through mobile 11 Whitepaper | Mobile Marketing For Small and Medium-Sized Businesses 03