University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 1-7-1869 Letter of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 14th ultimo, information in relation to the late battle of the aW shita River Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation S. Exec. Doc. No. 13, 40th Cong., 3rd Sess. (1869) This Senate Executive Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 40TH CONGRESS, } SENATE. Ex. Doc. 3d Session. { No.13. LETTER nF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR., COMMlTNICATING, In cornpliance with the resolution of the Senate of the 14th ultirno, informa tion in relation to the late battle of the Washita river. JANUARY 7, 1869.-Referred to the Committee on Indian Affa1rs and ordered to be printed. DEPA.RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Washington, D. C., January 6,1869. SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Senate reso lution of the 14th ultimo, "that the Secretary of the Interior be requested to communicate to the Senate all reports, papers, and other information in the department connected with the late battle of the Washita river," and in reply thereto herewith enclose a copy of a letter from the Com missioner of Indian Affairs, dated the 5th instant, with accompanying papers, which embrace all the information in .possession of the depart ment called for by said Senate resolution.