luG)). OOA~~·I Panaji, 4th February, 1982 (Magha 15,1903) SERIES m No • .45 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ;GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN· AND DIU

====--~-======~~ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND· DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Department W.,b Division I IBldg •• , North - Panoj;

Tender Notice No. B/A

Time limit Estimated torcom~ C! crt Coot crt Sr. No. Name of wOrk "and p}aCfl cost ~ money tion ....traotor TeDder in l'\Jl>Oe8 calendar n.. in """"'" - da".

1. Construction of compound w~ other minor works in 1,67,900/- 4,200/- 180 days m above 30/- the youth Hostel at campa! PWl3ji. incI. monsOOXl

Te!lders will·be opened at 8.80 p. m. on the same day. The (Rupees five only) will ·be charged extra. Tenders of co""' Earnest money should be deposited in the form of chalan tractors who do not deposit earnest money in the prescribed in the State.Bank of India treasury and receipted chalan form are liable to be rejected. The -contractor must produce should be attached to the t."der on Deposit call receipt of Income Tax Clearance Certificate before the tender are sOld any schedule. bond guarantee in the Reserve Bank of India. to them. Right to aceept or reject any or all the tenders is should be attached to the tender. Conditions and tender forms reserved with the Department. . can be had from the above office upto 12.00 noon on 17~2-82, during working hours. The payment of the cost of tender Panaji, 23rd .Tanuary, ~982.-The Executive Engineer, Sd/m.. (Non .refundable), if required by post an amount of Rs;:5/-

Works Division II (R &- B), Panaji

Tender Notice No. R&B/WD1i/ASW /15/81·82 The Executive Engineer Works Division n (R&B) P. W. Do, Panaj! invites on behalf of the Presid."t of India Item Rate T."ders from approved and eIiglble contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 19-2-1982 for the following works:

Estimated Earnest Tjme limit Cost of Sr. No. Name of work Cost Money including tender Class of mon!!oonin form Contractor Re. Re. days Re.

.J.. . Soll investigation for the proposed Corjuem Aldana 72,700.00 1822/- 180 days 2.0/- IV & above BrIdge (Retendered). 2. SolI Investigation for. the proposed roed bridge con- 00,615.00 1515/- 180 days 20/- IV&above nooting Amana Virdi (Retendered). 3. Soil Investigation for the proposed foot bridge at 44,980.00 =/- 180 days 20/- IV&above Sanvordem Satan Taluks (Retendered).

The tender will be o~ned Immediately after 2.30 p. m. on the saDje day. Conditions and tender form can be bad from the Office during the office hours on all WOrK:Q:1g days upto 17-2-1982 ·upto 1.00 p. ro. Tenders of the contractors who do not deposit eaI'llest Money and produce valier Income "1'ax Clearance Certificate :In the pr....",.Jbed form are llable to be rejected. Right to :reject any or all the tenders without assigiling any reason thereof is !'eBel'Voo tile authority competent _~ , to accept the tender. Panajl, 29th Janu:;try, 1982.·-The Executive Engineer, M.- N, RajU. SERfES III o. 1;fi i , iV Short Tender Notice No. R&B/WDlI/ASW /16/81-82 The Executive Engineer, Worl

Estimated Earnest Time Lindt Coat of Sr. No. Name of work cost Money (including Tender Class ot monsoon Form " Contractors Rs. Rs. in days Es.

1. Construction of road from Caranzalem to .Parampoi 88,417.97 2,211.00 180 days 20/- IV &aliove (Balance Work). /

The tender will be opened Immediately afte~ 2.30 p. m. on the same day. Conditions and tender form can be had from the Office during office hours on all working days upto 5-2-1982 uj)to 1.00 p. m. Tender of the contractors who do not deposit earnest money and produce valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected. Right to reject any or all the tenders without: assigning any reason thereof is reserved with the authorlty competent to accept the tender. ' . . Panaji, 30th January, 1982. -The Execlltive_Engineer, M. N. Raju. , .. ,. ';.,: ;'i;: -:

P.H.E.-North Division, P.W.O.-PlInajiaGo'e f Tlme limit: 180 days including monsoon. 4 . '''\ G?S~!of Tender Rs. 20/ . , Tender Notice No. PHE-N/PWD/ADM/~';/~1.82· 4. Repairs to South Educational Building at Margao Goa. ~stimated cost at Rs. 92,495-08. The Executive E-p.gineer, PHE4North DlVislon~· ,p~ W.- D:, ." : . Earnest Money Rs. 2,312-00. Panaji invites, on _behalf ~f ~he President ,of ;mdia ~ealed ',: Tlp1~ J.lmit:,-J.80 daY?l including mO~Qon: -item' rate'tenders ftom 'th¢_ apprOved',an(l eligibl~ $M~p:Uer-s. "co.~t~ of: 7'~nd~,r ~s.. 20/-. "'" ' : ;., upto 3,00 p. m. on 9·2-1982 for the folloWing supPly:' . 5. Consb:uctldn -·'of OOritrbi"· Room. . for' the ·Sub-Sectiotf.iat "Supply of boundary stones for the work of additional the Hospicio Hospital, Margao. conveying main from., Cu~i to Panaji". Estimated cost at Rs. 26,843-74. '.. ,,.·,Estimated ,cost: 'Rs.' 66~00040o-. Earnest<,:·money: Earnest,MoAf.Y" Rs. 671-00. ··,~,Rs. 1,506~O(;:'"Cost of· Tender FOrni,RS. 20,00' plus Time limlt:' 60 days'including monsoon. ""Its. 10MOn if required bY."po'st. Time "limit: 45 di'iys: " Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. T~ tenders will ~ opened immediately _on the same day Condit10ns and tender '-fonns: ,can' be 'bad from. '{ ,--Dffice at 3:i5'p. ni.:C"onditions~'~ria Ten~er'Forms can','be li

Tendel' Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS/SOUTH/18/81·82 Works Division VIII (Buildings) - Faforda. Maigao ' Executive Engineer 8, Public Works Department, Buildings, Fatorda Margao invites _on behalf of President of India. sealed Tender Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS/SOUTH/H/82 'Item/PerGentage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible Contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on 20-2-1982...... EX~l;utiv:e'.'Engi~er· 8, ,Public _.Wo;rks; Deparlment~· 'Build­ ,-', " " . " . ',",:, - ""'.' ings. Fatorda::M~rga~". ~nvites on .behalf'cof', President .,of' ;ITllIM,RAcrE., India, sealed Item/Percentage Rate Tenders from approved 1. Improvement of the Car Parking place at Calva.. and eligible Contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on 17-2-82- Estimated cost at Rs. 1,70,510-09. 'ITEM RATE Earnest Money Rs. 4,263-00. Time limit: 180 days including monsoon. 1. Repairs to the Building at the Leprosy Hospital Com- Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. ' plex at Macazana, Salcete Goa. ' • 2.;" . 'Construction .of ',Compound' 'wall- for-: TouriSt! JjevelGp~ . 'Estimlited cost at 'Rs.· 2,75,600'38; ment Complex at Molem." .. , ' '. Earnest Money Rs. 6,890-00. ;Time -,limit: 240 days, including -monsoon,'" 'Estimated: cost at. Rs.1,48,905-02.. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. Earnest Money·.Rs. \3,723-00. .' . Time limit: 1:80 days .including monsl?oI4 Constr.lction of Compound wall for Electricity: .Depart­ Cos" of Tender,Rs.3.o/,. .. ment at Panti-Mol Curchorem-Goa. Estimated cost at Rs. 2,26,667-99. 3. Repairs of Civil Court Building at Ponda. Earnest Money Rs. 5,667-00. Estimated cost at RS. 1,38,356-31. Time limit: 240 days including monsoon. Earnest Money Rs. 3,459-00. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. ' Time limit:: 180' days including monsson.' Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. . PE;R<;JENTAGE RATE ; . !' ~ _ PERCENTAGE .RATE Maintenance of Government Primary School Building at Carmona, Ca:velossim, ,c,'Patat"lYIajorda• .v~r~~,_ ,Golva, 4.,. ,CO:Q!:!.tructiq~_ of Cq~pqund ~an Fenc~, .to ,the office and Betalbatini in Salcete Taluka. ' ., of D:\,. 'Captain-of Ports at Marmagoa HeadlAnd .S~d8., Estimated cost at Rs. 99,829-25. Estimated cost at RS. 59,046:06." .. .' .... Earnest Money Rs. 2)496·00. Earnest Mone:Y'Rs. i,476·00. > 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 559

Time limit: 180 days including monsoon. jn Shirvoi Village at Quepem, published vide Tender Notice ,Cost of Tender as. 20/-. No. ID/CDXII/Tech/F.20/13/81-82 dated 24-12-81, extended upto 23-1-82 vide Corrigendum No. ID/CDXII/Tech/F.20/ The tenders wlil be opened immediately on the same day /15/81-82 dated 14-1-82 is now further postponed to 6-2-82. at 3.15 p. m. Conditions and Tender forms can be had from the office upto 12.QO noon till 18M 2-1982 on all' working days. The tender will be opened at 3.30 p.m. on 6-2-82. The tender papers win be sold upto 4.00 p. m. on 4-2-82. The intending tenderer will have to produce Income Tax Clearance Certificate at the time of buying the tender. All other particulars and conditions remains unchanged. The tender of the Contractor who does not deposit the money in the prescribed form is liable to be rejected. 2. The date for. receipt of the tender for fabrication~of box type body and steel cabin for the Ashok Leyland truck Right to reje·ct any or all the tenders without assigning any Tipper Chassis two nos. published vide Tender Notice No. reason thereof js reserved. ID/CDXII/Tech/F.20/14/81-82 dated 4-1-82 is postponed to 6-2-82. Margao, 27Llt January, 1982. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-. The tender -will be opened, at! 3.30 p;_m. on ,6-2-82. The tender papers will be sold upto 4.00 p. m. on 4-2-82. Works O)vision XI, Paiimol-Sanguem All other particulars and: conditions remain unchanged. Margao, 23rd January, 1982. - The EXecutive Engineer, O. Tender Notice No. ID/WDXI/Accts/F.31/4/81-82 S. Jain. The Executive Engineer. I. D., Works Division XI. S.I.P. Earthen Dam Division, Pajimol Sanguem Goa, invites on behalf of president of India, sealed percentage rate tenders Works Division XIII (NH) - Panaii from the' registered contractors for the below mentioned work upto 3:00 p. m. on 24-2-198~. Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXIII/16/81-82 1. Supply of additional Instruments equipment for con­ crete testing laboratory of Salauli Irrigation Project The Executive Engineer, Nati(:mal Highways North-Goa Estimated cost Rs. 45,243-00, E. M. D. Rs. 1,135-00 and (W.D.XITI)P.W.D., Panaji, invites on "Qehalf of President of S. D. Rs. 4,525-00. Time limit 90 days, cost of tender India, sealed Item Zate Tenders from approved and .. eligible Rs. 20-00. contractors for the below mentioned work, upto 3.30 p. m., on February 17, 1982 and the same opened immediately af­ 2. Supply of additional Insturments equipments for the ter that:- concrete testing Laboratory of Salauli Irrigation Project, Estimated cost Rs. 35,320-00, E. M. D. Rs. 885-00 and 1) Reconstruction of damaged Culvert at' Kms. 122 on S. D. Rs. 3,532-00, Time Limit 90 days, cost of tender NH-4A. . Rs. 20/-. Estimated cost: - Rs. 1,60,156-23. Further details can be collected from the Office. of the Earnest Money Deposit: - Rs. 4,010-00. Executive Engineer. '.rime Limit: - 60 days. Sanguem, 22nd Januar.:y, 1982'""7"" The Executive Engineer, Cost· of Tender form: - Rs. 40-00. R, C. Dharwad. . - '-, Tender form can be purchased upto 3-30 p. IU, on February 15, 1982. Tenders not accompanying E. M, D. are likely to be rejected. Contractors must submit valid Income-Tax Clea­ SIP. Canal Division XII. I.D.-Fatorda-Margao {Goa} rance Certificate before issue of Tender form. Right to re­ ject any or all tenders is reserved '\"ithout assigning any Corrigendum Notice No. ID/CDXII/Tech/F.20/16/81-82 }'easonz. 1. The date for receipt of the tender for the construction Panaji, 30th January,- 1982, - The E~ecutive Engineer, of Canal escape from main Canal of S. I. P. at ch. 14.845 Kms. Kondalarao p,

Works Division XV IN, H. S. G.) I Fatorda-Margao

Tender Notice No. 103/1/80-PWD-NHSG-ADM/7/81-82 The Executive Engineer, P. W. D. Works Division XV, National 1 Highways South Goa, Fatorda-Margao-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, seale

Bstimated Earnest Cost'- of Class of Uon- Timo Sr, No. Description Cost money tender tractor limit Rs. Rs. TIs.

1. Earthwork along tIle curves and construction of ma­ 42,766-87 1069/- 301- IV 90 days sonry retaining wall on NH-17 between Km. 58/895 to 955.

Conditions of contracts and tender forms can be had from present. Tenders of the Contractors who do not deposit the above Office upto 3.30 p. m. on 12-2-82 on all working Earnest Money in the prescribed maIUler will be- sununariIy ('lays on paying in cash as sho\Vll in above for the cost, of rejected. 'render (non-refUndable) on production of valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate. . Right "to reject any tender Without assigning any reason whatsoever is reserv,ed with the Authority competent to The Earnest Money shown 8 gainst the work should be accept the tender. deposited in any Schedule Bank in the form of Deposit at Call Receipt and enclosed with the tender, which will be opened Margao, 29th January, 1982. - The Executive' E'n,imeer, J. immediately after 3.30. p. m. on the same day if possible in G. RanG- ,-' :: the presence of the Tenderer or his representative who are 560 SERIES III No. '45·


Works Division XIX- {Bambolim ~Complexl

Tender Notice No. A/19/81-XIX/51 The Executive Engineer, Works Division XIX-Bambolim Complex, P. W. D., Panaji, invites on behalf of the President of India sealed Percentage Rate Tenders, from approved and eligible Class (Euilding} Contractors of Goa P.W.D./C.P.W;. D./M.E.S';P&T etc. for the following works upto 3.00 p. m. on 26-2-82.

Earnest Name of work Estimated Money Time Cost of Class Oost Deposit limit Tender set Ra. Rs. Ro.

1. Providing Waterproofing treatment for O.P.D. Part 16,611-47 415/- 60 days 20/- v 'B' Electro Therapy Block for G.M.C. Complex at Bambolim.

2. Construction of Compound wall at- Chapora around 73,490-14 1~37 / - 180 days 30/- IV ...the proposed ,construction of. office l>t¥lding and quar­ ters for Captain of Ports Department.

'.- , Tendres will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. The The contractor must produce a valid Income-Tax clearance' earnest money should be deposited in the State Bank of certificate at the time of issue of tender. India or any scheduled bank in the Form of Deposit at Call Receipt and the receipt of this amount must be enclosed Right to l"ejc'::t any tender without assigning any reason with the tender without which no tender will be considered. thereof is reserved. The conditional and unbalanced tender­ Conditions and tender form can be had from the Divisional may be rejected outright. Office upto 4.30 p. m. on 25-2-82 during workL.'g hours on payment of the cost of the Tender form ,(Non-Refundable) Panaji, 23rd January, 1982. -- The Executive Engineer, if required by post, an amount of Rs.-15/- shall be paid extra. K. V. Nadkarn-i.

Millor .!t;igOlHon Investigation Division Works Division XX

Tender Notice No. PWD/WDXX/ Accts/F.I0/3/1981-82

The Executive- Engineer, Minor'Irrigation Investigation Division (WD~), Irrigation Department, Ponda-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed item rate/percentage rate tenders in PWD Form 8 from approved and eligible contractors of CPWD and those of appropriate list of Union Territories/State PWD/MESjRailways upto 3.00 p. m. on 10-2-1982 for the following works. .

Amount put Earnest Time Cost of Sr. No. XaIlle of 'work to tender .Money limit ··Form in day~ Rs. Rs. Rs.

1. Foundation Exploration work. for the proposed Minor 54,898/- 1,370-00 60 days' 20-00 Irrigation Tank. at Badamal V. P. Uguem,_ Taluka Sanguem-Goa. 2. Foundation Exploration work for the proposed Minor 62,150/- 1,554·00 60 days 20-00 Irrigation Tank at Kumbharim, Sanguem Taluka. 8. Proposed M. I. 'I'ank at Mains in the Jurisdi.cUon of 9,650/- 2,412-50 60 days 20-00 Village Panchayat of Shristal Canacona. Estimate for fixing the boundry stones along the M. W. L. contour of the Tank and al'ong the Main canal, right Bank Canal and left Bank Canal respt.

------~--~---'------~--- Tenders will be issued only to such of the contractors who Tender of the contractors who do not deposit earnest will produce a certificate for having carried out such foun­ money in the pl'escribed manner is liable to be rejected. dation exploration works either in' State PWD/Union Terri­ tories/MES/RaUways. The contractor must produce valid Income-Tax clearance certificate before the tender is sold to h,im.' Tenders will be opened at 16.00 hrs. on the same day. Earnest money against each work should be deposited by Right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning­ each/chalan in the form of deposit at Call receipt to be any reasons is reserved. enclosed with· the tender. Conditions and tender forms can pe had from this Office during office hour~ from 10.00 to Panaji, 13th January, 1982. - The Executive Engineer,_ 16.00 hrs. upto 9-2-1982. K. R. Puranik.

, Stores Division (WDXXIV). Margao 2. Tenders will be opened immediately after 15.00 hrs. on 10-2-1982. Corrigendum 3. Conditions of contract and tender forms can be had No. 14/2/82-PWD/Stores/Adm/26 upto 15.00 hrs. on 9-2-1982. 4. All the other terms and conditions of the tender notice Road: Tender Notice No. 14/2/81/PWD/Stores/Adm-25 dated 14-1-1982. remain unchanged. 1. The date of submission of tender has been extended upto Margao, 27th January, 1982. - The Executive Engineer;: 15.00 hrs. on 10-2-1982, V. Janardhanan: 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 561

3 .. That the said Regional Plan is now- available for Local Administration and Welfare Department inspection at the (a) Office of the Chief Town Plan­ ;ner, Kunj Building, 3rd floor, above Oriental Notific.:%tion Bank of Commerce, Near MuniCipal Market, Panaji, Goa, 403001 (b) the office of the Member Secretary, No'. 11-51-80/LA\VD-Cement : Southern Planning and Development Authority, Muni- nicipal Building, Margao (c) the office of the Member in exercise of the powers conferred by clause 7· of the Secretary, Mormugao Planning and Development imported ,Cement Control Order. 1978. the. Lt. Gover??r ?f Authority, Mendes BUilding, Opposite Syndicate Bank, Goa, Daman and Diu hereby directs that no dealers specifIed In VascoMda-Gama and (d) the offices of the Mamlat­ the SChedule appended hereto ~,laH ::.ell 11 .. ,l)., ,-eLl ,,...... ,!(~ <~ ... dars of the respective Taluka Head Quarters. the prices exceeding those mentioned in: col~ N.D. 3 of the said Schedule with effect from 1-10-1981. '.l"ne prices shown Any person having any comments on the said Regional ill Column No. 3 appended are inclusive of sales tax. Plan may convey the same in writing to the Undersigned within a period of 90 days, from the date of publication of SCHEDULE this notice in the Official Gazette. Panaji, 28th January, 1982. - The Chief Town _Planner, Sr. No. ?;J arne of the Zone Retail price per bag of 50 kg. J. A. IYSouza.

2 3 ------04+---.-.------Rs.Ps. Revenue Department 1. Zone I (Tiswadi Taluka) 32.80 'Inclusive of Sale Tax. In the Court of ,'he Collector of Goa, Panaji Chorao 33.43 Divar 33.38 Case No. RB/RVN/17/72 2. Zone II (Salcete Taluka) 31-16 Sub: - Resumption of, Government land known as Va­ (Mormugao Taluka) 30.75 gadem, situated at Nanoli of Satan assigned to (Quepem Taluka) 31.69 .. Shri Krishna Soma Gaunkar under Title No. l;:W'l (Sanguem Taluka) 31.75 dated 1-S-1943. '

3. Zone III (Ponda "raluka) 32.23 Order 4. Zone IV (Bicholim & satari 32.78 Therefore under the pov/ers vested in me by order N? DFI Talukas) 11161-AGR-65 dated 9-6-1968 read with clause (f) of sub-sec­ .. tion 2 of Section 21 of, the Goa, Daman and D5.u Land Reve­ 5. Zone V (Bardez Taluka) 33.05 nue Code, 1968 and read with clause (e) of Rule 15 of the (Pernem Taluka) 33.97 Goa., Daman and Diu Land Revenue (Disposal of Govern­ 6. Zone VI " ment Lands) Rules, 19'11 I ordeI' that the entire-land admea­ 7. Zone VII (Canacona Taluka) 32.00 " SUrii'lg 18,9448,92 Ha. be reverted to the GovernmE'..nt a...'1d di­ rc.-::t that the possession of the said land he re.stored to the i{ Government immediately. Parties to be infonued. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Panaji, 27th April, 1981. -The Collector, Sd/- (Suman Daman an<:t Diu. Swarup).

f'a..'>1~ji, 22nd January, 1£'82. _.-- Alexandre Pen:ir% ~ Under Se;~retary (Revenue). Office of the Collector, Daman

Notification Notification

. No. 11-51-80/LAWD-Cement (1) (u/s '6(2) of the Daman (Abolition of Proprietorship of Villages) In exercise of the poweI's conferred by clause 7 of the Regulation, 1962) imported Cement Control Order, 1978 the Lt. Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby directs that imported Cement No. 1/30/76-LND/4962 should not be sold in wholesale at price exceeding Rs. 573.62 In exercise of the powers vested in me under Section 6(2) per tonne; Ex-dock Marmagoa with effect from' 1-10-1981. of the Daman (Abolition of Proprietorship' of Villages) Regulations, 1962, I, Hauzel Haukhum, Collector Daman By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, hereby notify for the general information that the prices Daman !lnd Diu. of paddy or other crops which shall be adopted for deter­ mining the cash equivalent of rent payable under clause (i) Panaji. 22nd January, 1982. - AZexand?'e Pereira, Under of the proviso to Sub-Section (1) of Section 6 of the said Secretary (Revenue). Regulation, shall be as specified in the Schedule attached hereunder in respect of land revenue which has become due for the year 1981. SCHEDULE

Town & Country Planning Department gr. No_ Narne of the crop Price per quintal

1 2 3 Publ.ic Notice

Under the powers vested in me under Sub-section (1) of 1- Paddy 1) Kada Rs. 104/- Section (13) of Goa, Daman.& Diu Town & Country Planning 2) Dangi Rs.112/- ~6->,.ct, 1974 (Act No. 21 of 1975) it is hereby notified that:- 3) Rolam Rs. 128/- 1. The Draft Regional Plan for the District of Goa has 2. Pulses 1) Kodra Rs. 84/- been prepared under the provisions of Sections 9, 10 2) Udad Rs. 240/- and 11 of the said Act. -...... 3) Gram Rs. 216/- 2. That the said Regional Plan has also been approved by the Goa, Daman & Diu Town & Country Planning Daman, 16th January, 1982. - The Collector, HauzeZ Hauk.. Board under Section 12 of the said Act. hum.

= 562 SERIES III No. 45

Shri Shantadurga Devalaya and its Affiliated Sr. No. Name of the Mahajan Age Devalayas. Bicholim 78. Shri Chanekar Anand R. 31 79-. Shri Pandit Gurunath V. 66 List of capable Mahajans of 8hri Shantadurga Devalaya 80. Shri Patnekar Prabhakar S. 49 of Bicholim for the year 1981 published in persuance of Ar~ 81. Shri Patnekar Madhukar K. 31 ticle 25 of Regulation Governing Hindu Temples of Goa, 82. Shri Zantye Dattaram S. t' 62 Daman and Diu, in force, and for the purpose of the Article 26 83. Shri Teli Surendra S. 35 of the said Regulation. 84. Shri Tilve Yeshwant D. 62 Age 85. Shri Mashelkar Dattaram G. 50 Sr. No. Name of the Mahajan 86. Shli Neugui Gajanan R. 44 1. Shri Karpe Pundallk R. 48 87. Shri Neugui Arvind R. 35 2. Shri Kharpe Narayan R. 42 88. Shri Neugui Subhash R. 28 3. Shri Bandekar Vassant S. 56 89. ShI'i Pednekar Manohar V. 36 4-, Shri Bandekar Dattaram S; 51 90. Shri TeU Gurudas R. 46 5. Shri Bandekar Pandurang V. 28 91. Shri Teli Shivdas D. 31 6. Shri Murgadi Shanker E. 42 92. Shri TeU Satish D. 28 7. Shri Dhond Shantaram Y. 72 93. Shri Teli B. 69 8. Shri Dhond Gajanan N. 47 94. Shii Lanzekar Krishna V. 56 9. Shri Dhond Premod P. 35 95. Shri Lanzekar Bhikaro K. :11 10. Shri Neugui Umesh S. 36 96. Shri Teli Shamba V. 69 11. Shri Neugui Govind S. 27 97. Shri Teli Sudesh S. 33 12. Snri Neugui Keshav N. 40 98. Shri Paus~ar, Atmaram 50 13. Shri Sinari Sa.dhashiv R. 44 99. Shri Karapurkar Prakash A. 36 14. Shri Chanekar Balkrishna J. 40 100. Shri Dubie Ravi~dra R. 36 15. 8hri ,Chanekar Dattaram V. 44 101. Shri Ghanekar Sriram N. 51) 16. Shri Chanekax Sitaram R. 36 102. Shrl Chanekar Chandrakant N. 49 17. Shri Chanekar Ajit R. 28 103. Shri Betkikar Dinanath S. 40 18. Shri Chanekar Ravlu V. 63 104. Shri Kapdi Kamlakant S. 39 IS. ~hri Chanekar Ganpat V. 29 105. Shri Pednekar yenkatesh V. 46, 20. Shri Patnekar Balkrishna S. 53 106. Shri Pednekar Ganesh K. 60 21. 8hri Patnekar Shripad K. 27 107. Shri Gauthankar Krishna S. 50 22. Shri Zantye Gurudas D. 33 108. Shri Gauthankar Tukaram S. 43 23. Shri Tilve Prabhakar A. 39 109. Shri Gauthankar Ashok S. 30 24. Shri Kudalkar Ganpat J. 60 110. Shri Govenkar Vassudev S. 54 25. Shri Tilve Mohan A. 36 111. Shri Teli Sadanand K. 48 26. Shri Neugui Anand R. 40 112. Shri Teli Anant R. 33 27. Shri Neugui Suresh R. 33 113. Shri Govenkar Chandrakant R. 41 28.', Shri -Neugui R. 30 114. Shri Hoble Kashinath Y. 46 29. Shri Teli Dattal'am R. 44 115~ Shri Zantye Anant S. 78 30. Shri Teli Shantaram D. 39 116. Shri Prabhu Salgaonkar Srlpad 37 ,31. Shri Teli 'Tulshidas D. 30 117. Shri Pednekar Ani! M. 28 32. Shri Teli Vinayak V. 27 118.. Shri Naik Sitaram G. 58 33. Shri Nabar Vishnu M. 28 119. Shri Tilve Ramesh A. 31 34. Shri Lanzekar Narayan K. 32 120. Shri Naik Kaulekar Shripad S. 64 35. Shri 'Lanzekar Chandrakant K. 29 121. Shri Dicholkar Prabhakar A. 31 36. Shri Teli Promod S. 36 122. Shri Porob Madhukar R. 34 37. Shri Teli Anand S. 29 123. Shri Gaonkar Dhako K. 56 38. Shri Shenvi Karapurkar Satish A. 32 124. Shri Gaonkar Laxman S. 36 39. Shri DubIe Shashikant R. 40 125. Shri Gaonkar. Shantaram M. 41 40. Shri Chanekar Babani N. 51 126. Shri Naik Kaulekar Mohan Y. 29 41. Shri Chanekar L·axman N. 42 127. Shri Porob Shivaram G. 44 42. Shri Betkikar Ladu S. 45 128. Shri Gosavi Damodar M. 40 43. Shri Kapdi Bhiku S. 56 129. Shri Saradchandra V. Samant 41 44. Shri Pednekar Shnpad V. 39 130. Shri Gosavi Bhola B. 43 45. Shri Pedneltar Dilip V. 33 131. Shri Gaonkar Mosso R. 58 46. Shri Gaunthankar Pandurang S. 46 132. Shri Kadkade Promod R. 22 47. Shri Gauthankar Chandrakant S.~ 37 133. Shri Bhartu Ramesh R. 27 48. Shri Govenkar Krishna S. 56 134. Shri Avdhut S. Mandrekar. 23 49. Shri Govenkar Anil K. 31 135. Shri Keshev D. Kudaskar 26 50. Shri. Teli Balkrishna K. 54 136. Shri Gautam Y. Kadkade 36 51. Shri Teli Vinayak R. 32 137. Shri Dhond Prakash S. 26 52. Shri Govenkar Gajanan D. 40 138. Shri Gaonkar Sagun 65 53. Shri Fogueri Bhanudas K. 35 139. Shri Chodankar Devu S. 48 54. Shri Kamat Sadashiv R. 33 140. Shri Chodankar Guru S. 37 55. Shri Kholkar Gurudo..s S. 36 141. Shri Gaonkar Pandurang A. 37 56. Shri Prabhu Salgaonkar Shantaram 60 142. Shri Naik Ani! D. 29 57. Shri Ma...ll.adeo Pednekar R. 56 143. Shri Gaonkar Anant G. 39 58. Shri Pedneka-r Ramdas 53' 144. Shri Gaonkar Tulshida A. 34 59. Shri Neugui Chandramohan N. 30 145. Shri Gaonkar Surya A. 51 60.. Shri Tilve Vinayak Y. 27 146. Shri Gaonkar Gopal N. 31 61. Shri Karpe Ramesh R. 32 147. Shri Gaonkar Vaman D. 46 62. Shri Karpe Pandurang R. 35 148. Shri Gaonkar Arjun B. 52 63. Shri Bandekar Kashinath S. 53 149. Shri Gaonkar Sukdo S. 38 64. Shri Murgodi Mahadev E. 33 150. Shri Porob Gaonkar Bhikaro G. 59 65. Shri Dhond Shamsundar S. 40 151. Shri Gaonkar Vrum J. 61 66. Shri Dhond Shriram N. 61 152. Shri Gaonkar Bhivaji D. 46 67. Shri Dhond Vassudev N. 74 153. Shri Dicholkar Yeshvant G. 70 68. Shri Dhond Pal'll1anand P. 66 154. Shri Dicholkar Soma R. 37 69. " Shrl .Dhond Ani! V. 33 155. Shri Dicholkar Anant R. 37 70. Shri Neugui Narayan K. 62 156. Shri Porob Surya R. 61 71. Shri Neugui Prakash N. 29 157. Shri Porob Shanu G. 63 72. Shri Kolmule Narayan R. 35 158. Shri Porob Narayan G. 55 73. Shri Chanekar Jaiwant B. 51 159. Shri Porob Suresh S. 33 74.! Shri Chanekar Shantaram J. 37 160. Shri Por.ob Gaonkar Vishwanath D. 44 75. Shri Chanekar Bhaskar V. 42 161. Shri Parcb Gaonkar Ashok D. 31 76. Shri Chanekar Yeshwant R. 30 16~. Shri Parcb Gaonkar Prabhakar A. 37 77. 8.hri Chanekar Vassant V .. 59 163. Shri Parab Gaonkar Janardan K. 57 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15,1903) 563

Sr. No. Name of the Mahajan Age Sr. No. Name of the :r.fahajan Age

164. Shri Parab Gaonkar Manohar G. 42 250. Shri Naik Balaji R. 44 165. Shri Parob Gaonkar Dhaku D. 51 25l. Shri Naik Upendra p. 39 166. Shri Sahakari Gajanan V. 26 252. Shri Hinde Prabhakar N. 49 167. Shri Kansar Amrut S. 32 253. Shri Hinde Kashinath P. 56 168. Shri Falkar Ganesh M. 47 254. Shri Hinde Uresh K. 28 169. Shri Falkar Yeshvant A. 50 255. Shri DevUlkar Vassudeo A. 60 170. Shri Parob Kanta M. 40 256. Shri Alvi Dattaram S. 44 171. Shri Mapari Chandrakant K. 38 257. Shri Alvi Gajanan V. 51 172. Shri Pai Dhungat Ranganath B. 50 258. Shri Yarde Valaulikar Shantaram S. 37 173. Shri Gaonkar Pandurang K. 46 259. Shrl Kalangutkar Anand S. 53 174. Shri Chari Pandurang L. 56 260. Shri Govenkar Gurudas V. 28 175. Shri Chari Shrikant S. 32 261. Shri Natekar Rajaram A. 66 176. Shr( Kansar Mohan R. 39 262. Shrl Dangui Sadanand V. 64 177. Shri Chari Sadashiv S. 46 263. Shri Shenvi Kal'apurkar Arvilld 46 178. Shri Kadkade Baburao G. 62 264. Shri Mahambre N arashinhanath P. 68 179. Shri Kadkade Anand B. 42 265. Shri Senai Kadkade Anand V. 56 180. Shri Kadkade Anil B. 29 266. Shri Senai Kadkade Vishnu K. 32 18l. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Vishnu R. 65 267. Shri Kamat Ramchandra M. 59 182. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Jaivant M. 55 268. Shri Kamat Mahadev Ramchandra 27 183. Shri Naik Caulekar Madhukar S. 30 269. Shri Nadkarni Atchut S. 42 184. Shrl Shenavi Mandrekar Klishnanath S. 42 270. Shri Nadkarni Rajendra S. 27 185. Shri Gaun1{ar Laxman F. 41 271. Shri Varde Atmaram V. 43 186. Shri Gaonkar Vasant N. 36 272. Shri Natekar Brahma R. 36 187. Shri Gaonkar Surya K. 64 273. Shri Manerikar Anand S 32 188. Shri Gosavi Narayan Y. 61 274. Shri Govenkar Ramnath . S. 56 189. Shri Naik Caulekar Yeshvant D. 65 275. Shri Govenkar Datta V. 38 190. Shri . Shetye Vasudev K. 50 276. Shri Govenkar Shl'ikant V. 37 191. Shri Dicholkar Babu G. 29 277. Shri Govenkar Chandrakant V. 46 192. Shri Gosavi Babal M. 31 278. Shri Shenvi Karapurkar Mahadev 46 193. Shri Gosavi Krishna S. 54 279. Shri Karapurkar Nilkanth V. 70 194. Shri Chodankar Mukund S. 48 280. Shri Naik Kaulekar Gurudas B. 41 195. Shri Chodankal' Kanta S. 41 28l. Shri Kaulekar Sadashiv N. 58 196. Shri Chodankar Shivram S. 39 282. Shri Prabhu Sinari Shrikrishna D. 38 197. Shri Naik Vasant D. 31 283. Shri Amonkar Nilkant D. < 56 198. Shri Gaonkar Sazulo G. 45 284. Shri 'Amonkar Uday N. 29 199. Shri Gaonkar Anand R. 81 285. Shri Devulkar Govind N. 64 200. Shri Gaonkar Ganpat A. 41 286. Shri Kolmule Shripad B. 57 201. Shri Gaonkar Mahadev R. 72 287. Shri Kolmule Pradeep. S. 31 202. Shri Gaonkar Dayanand N. 27 288. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Gopal D. 79 203. Shri Gaonkar Surya Dattu 43 289. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Mukund G. # 204. Shri Gaonkar Matru D. 52 290. Shri Avate Venkatesh N. 57 205. Shri Gaonkar Nilu V. 51 291. Shri Falari Manguesh K. 50 206. Shri Parob Gaonkar Maso S. 71 292. Shri Vishnu S. 49 20"1. Shri Parab Gaonkar Tukaram S. 41 293. Shri Kapadi Gurudas R. 29 208. Shri Tembkar Ganpait N. 41 2.94. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Sadanand V. 56 209. Shri Gaenkar Shiva N. 82 295. Shri Kamat Prabhakar V. 38 210. Shri Mayenkav Gajanan K. 49 296. Shri Usapkar Manohar R. 50. 211. Shri Dicholkar Raghunath R. 69 297. Shri Poplar Dilip B. 27 212. Shri Dicholkar Gurudas R. 43 298. Shri Govekar Shriram S. 56 213. Shri Parab Ramchandra P. 39 299. Shri Shirodltar Mahendra R .. 31 214. Shri Parab Mohan S. 38 300. Shri Shirodkar Vinayak R. 27 215. Shri Parab Shanu Govind S. 31 301. Shri Chnekar Shambu V. 39 216. Shri Parab Shashikant T. 36 302. Shri Naik Shashikant S. 31 217. Shri. Parab Gaonkar Vinay..ak S. 31 303. Shri Lawatidis Gajanan G .. 69 218. ShIi Parob Gaonkal' Narayan D. 47 304. Shri Lawandis AnU G. 32 21S. Shri Parob Gaonkar Ramuli D. 38 305. Shri ·Kholkar Naguesh G. 38 220. Shri Parob Gaonkar Tulshidas M. 31 306. Shri Naik Sachidanand S. 45 221. Shri Gaonkar Satu P. 31 307. Shri Naik Vasant R. 51 222. Shri Gaonkar Vasant R. 56 308. Shri Naik Pandurang V. 61 223. Shri Ga-onkar Datta S. 37 309. Shri Naik Anant'P. 38 224. Shri Falkar Gajanan A. 46 310. Shri Hinde Kalidas N. 39 225. Shri Mapari Ganesh Y. 32 311. Shri Hinde Ramesh K. 33 226. Shri Parob Gaonkar Gangaram V. 70 312. Shri Devulkar Shripad A. 63 227. Shri Parob Gaonkar Jagdev G. 29 313; Shri Alvi Vinayak G. 62 228. Shti Gaonkar Surya M. 52 314. Shri A~vi Shripad Vaman 62 229. Shri Chari Kanta Y. 37 315. Shri Yarde Valswalker Shanker V. 66 230.. Shri Chari Purushottam R. 59 316. Shri Kalangutekar Shambu A. 71 231. Shri Parob Gaonkar Manguesh Mosso 56 317. Shri Laximikant S. KaIangutkar 43 232. Shri Chari Balkrishna R. 47 318. Shri Kapadi Jaivant R. 35. 233. Shri Kansal' Gajanan R. 47 319. Shri DessaLAtchut S. 60 234. Shri Kansar Shivram R. 34 320. Shri Dangui A vadhut S. 32 235. Shri Chari Rohidas R. 43 321- Shri Parab Wadkar Datt G. 41 236. Shri Kadkade Mohan B. 45 ·322. Shri Sardessai Suryarao Ramesh N. 38 237. Shri Kadkade Sajan B. 36 323. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Prakash K. 36 238. Shri Kadkade Sunil B. 27 334. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Kusumakar V. 53 239. Shri Shenavi Mandrekal' Shantaram M. 56 325. Shri Kamat Naresh R. 31 240. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Ramchandra 43 326. Shri Nadkarni Sunil S. 29 241. ·Shri Chanekar Narayan V. 55 327. Shri N adkarni Sadanand L. 67 242. Shri Chanekar Shambhu V. 27 328. Shri Varde Borkar Vasant A. 76 243. Shri Naik Vinayak S. 35 329. Shri Natekar Narayan R. 48 244. Shri Naik Gajanan S. 32 330. Shri Manerkar Hari K. 46 245. Shri Lawandis Kashinath G. 61 331. Shri Manerkar Shanto K. 59 246. Shri Lawandis Suresh G. 36 332. Shl'i Falari Vishvanath R. 34 247. Shri Lawandis Ra.ianikant G. 27 333. Shri FaIar! Suresh R. 32 248. Shri Naik Shripad V. 70 334. Shri Gove.kar Vasudeo M. 61 249. Shri Naik Varnan R. 56 335. Shri Govekar Shivdas V. 27 564 SERIES III No. 45

Sr. No. Name of the Mahajan Age Sr. No. Name of the Mahajan Age ,..' 336. Shri Karapurkar Atmaram p. 61 422. Shri Salgaokar Dattaram Moge 69 337. Shti Shenvi Karapurkar Krishna S.' 51 423. Shri Dhond Sadanand S. 31 338. Shri Salgaokar Raghoba Y. 62 424. Shri Kapadi Vithal J. 56 339. Shri Naik Kaulekar Umakant B. 44 425. Shri Shetye Padmanabh PUTUshotam 66 340. Shri Naik Kaulekar Narayan V. 29 426. Shri Kanekar Vithal S. 58 341. Shri Dessai Sadashiv R. 61 427. Shri Kanekar Gajanan Jaya 31 342. Shri Amonkar Dilip N. 30 428. Shri Kanekar Ratnakar Pandhari 35 31:~. Shri Devtilkar Rajaram P. 58 429. Shri Kanekar Dattu P. 31 344. Shri Devulkar Suhas R. 29 430. Shri Dhond Govind Subraya 59 345. Shri Kolmule Balkrishna S. 33 431. Shri Dhond Kamlakant S. 54 346., Shri Kolmule Ajit S. 27 432. Shri Shetye Krishna Raghunath 77 347. "Shri ShenYi Kadkade Raghunatll 54 433. Shri Shetye Anand Krishna 46 348. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Shripad D. 63 434. Shri Shetye Ashok K. 35 349. Shri Falari Vasant K. 47 435. Shri Sadguru K. Shetye 27 350. Shri Arabekar Shivdas S. 30 436. Shri Fogueri Krishnanath V. 31 351. Shri Kapadi Ramchandra S. 58 437. ShIi Fogueir Ravindranath V. 30 352,. Shri Kapadi Sureshchand~ R, 34 438. Shri Shenvi. Khandeparl{ar, PundaHk 63 353. Shri Kapadi Sakharam V. 47 439. Shri Neugui Kashinath D. 51 354, Shri Kadkade Ajit S. 27 440. Shri N eugui Mohandas Dattaram 47 355. Shri Kamat Sudhakar V. 36 441. Shri Sardessai Jaiwantrao J. 68 356. Shri Moye Krishna L. 67 442. Shri Sardessai Shashikant J. 45 357. Shri Popkar Vishnu S. 30 443. Shri FaiaIi Gopinath Shivram 45 358. Shri Gad Govenkar Pandurang 61 444. Shri Falari Bhagwant Shivram 43 , 359. Shri Shirodkar Prakash R. 33 445. Shri ,Kapdi Vishnu Govind 38 36'0. Shri Shirodkar Vidhyadhar R. 29 446. Shri Pavse Shivram Narayan 49 361. Shri Amonkar Vasant K. 58 447. Shri' Kamath Narayan Laxman 28 362. Shri Varkankar Baburao Gano 56 448. Shri Kamath Anand' Krishna 27 363. Shri Laad Dattaram La."I:man 17 449. Shri Govekar Ravindra V. 40 364. Shri Prabhu Zantye Harish Chandra N. 44 450. Shri Govekar Vinayak Narayan 365. Shri Tilve Ramchandra Y. 55 35 451. Shri Govekar Jaidev V. 366. Shri Tilve Vivekanand Y. 27 28 452. Shri Karpe Hiranand C. 361. Shri Kansar Vinayak Narayan 31 44 453. Shri Chodankar Pandurang S. 368. Shri Alvi Jaidev N. 49 79 454. Shri Chodankar Shankar T. 76 369. Shri Alvl Madhukar Jaidev 52 ·370. Shri Alvi Manohar J. 455. Shri Chodankar Tukaram P. 29 47 456. Shri. Vernekar Narayan Anant 371. Shri Haldankar Rajaram M. 67 57 457. Shri Govekar Chandrakant G. 46 272. Shri Haldonkar Mohan R. 39 373. Shri Shetye Dattaram S. 458. Shri Cho-dankar Kalidash Mahad'ev 35 40 459. Shri Go-vekar Vassudev Govind 374. Shri Mashelkar Raghuvir N. 65 38 375. Shri Mashelkar Umesh R. 460. Shri Govekar Dattaram Narayan 44 30 461. Shri Govekal' Devidas N. 376. Shri Mashelkar Vasant D. 46 42 377. Shri Mashelkar Manohar D. 462. Shri Govekar Kalidas N. 39 49 463. Shri Govekar Damodar N. 378. Shri Siveshar Cadoba A. 90 35 379. Shri Siveshkar, Umesh L. 45 464. Shri Go-vekar Premanand Mahadev 53 465: Shri Govekar Anand Mahadev v 380. Shri Naik Narayan S. 48 49 Shri Govekar Ashok Premanand 381. Shri Naik Halamkar Shripad V. 61 466. 27 Shri Gauns Shivaji K. 382. Shri Naik Prakash 36 467. 38 383. Shri Salkar Mahadev Manguesh 58 468. Shri Usgaonkar Shivram BabIc 77 384. Shri Salkar Sunil M. 29 469. Shri Usgao!1kar Chandrakant S. 39 385. Shri Salkar Arun M. 27 470. Shri Dhavlo Rama Raul0 55 386. Shri Salkar Sudhir M. 29 471. Shri Gaude Ramesh Mahadev 28 387. Shri Salkar Shivram M. 54 472. Shri Gaude Shantaram Yeshwant 31 388.. Shri Shetye Gajanan Shivram 46 473. Shri Morajkar Manguesh L. 38 389. Shri Karapurkar Suhas G. 32 474. Shri Naik Sadashiv. N. 60 390. Shri Narvekar Ramchandra Manguesh 80 475. Shri N aikvitto Pandurang 37 391. Shri Narvekar Dattaram R. 53 476. Shri Kharbe Yeshwant H.arne 41 392. Shri Narvekar Dinanath R. 50 477. Shri Kharbe Narayan Rama 49 393. Shri Narvekar Gajanan S. 51 478. Shri Nailt Mahadev V. 37 3R4. Shri Narvekar Pradeep U. ,29 479. Shri Naik Shantaram 49 395. Shri Chanekar Shripad Anand 61 480. Shri N aik Manohar· K. 37 396. Shri Chanekar Govind A. 46 481. Shri Nailt Bhanudas Shiva 42 397. Shri Chanekar Motichandra S.- 36 482. Shri Amonkar Narashinha Krishna '60 398. Shri Chanekar Vinod S. 33 4-83. Shri Amonkar Ramdas N. 39 399. Shri Chanekar Anant S. 27 484. Shri Amonkar Gajanan N. 31. 400. Shri Naik Vassudeo Baburao 6(i 485. Shri Gaude' Arjun Harichandra 37 401. Shri Chari Ramchandra A. 42 486. Shri Dhavle Tukaram Vaman 40 402. Shri Chari Damodar A. 44 487. Shri Dhavle Suryakant V. 27 402. Shri Falari Narayan P. 33 4S8. Shri Teli Narayan B. 32 404. Shri Kotkar Bablo P. 64 489. Shri Nail-{ Bholanath 32 . 405. Shri Vernekar Shashikant V. 36 490, Shri Mandrekar Narayan Y. 42 406. Shri Vernekar Chandrakant V. 31 491. Shri Mandrekar Gajanan y. 12 407. Shri Kamat Pandurang Ramchandra 68 492. Shri Mandrekar Vishnu V. 35 408. Shri K~t Gurudas P. 2'{ 493. Shri Mandrekar Vassudev Raghoba 38 409. Shri Mantri Shashikant V. 42 494. Shri Mandrekar Surya Antu 41 410. Shri Amonkar Manohar S. 42 495. Shri Mandrekar Covind Bablo 46 4.11. Shri Amonkar Gurudas S. 5S 496. Shri Mandrekar pundalik Mukund 27 412. Shri Amonkar Anand Govind 44 497. Shri Mandrekar Shiva Bubu 51 413. Shri Amonkar Mohandas G. 42 498. Shri Mandrekar Shripad Shankar 32 414. Shri Naik Yeshvant D. 56 499. Shri Gaude Krishna V. 41 415. Shri Amonkar Suresh S. 32 500. Shri Mandrelmr Bhudaji Bhiva 66 416. Shri Amonkar Ravindra P. 36 501. Shri Mandrekar Shantaram S. 64 417. Shri Amonkar Jaiprakash P. 31 502. Shri Mandrekar Raghuvir 45 418. Shri .Amonkar Vishnu P. 27 503. Shri Mandrekar Rama Ganesh 28 419. Shri N'aik Vasudev Yeshwant 56 504. Shri Lokare Sitaram Daji 31 420. Shri Marathe Yeshwant Kashinath 32 505. Shri Lokare Ankush K. 33 421.- Shri Kurdikar Shripad S. 19 506. Shri Lokare Daji R. 55 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 565

SI.'. No. Name of the Mahajan Age Finance Department (Revenue and Control) 507. Shli Lokare Babuso R. 50 508. Shri Lokre Yshwar Y. 43 Office 0+ the Commissioner of Excise 509. Shri Lokre Kanta Kalnath 40 510. Shri Lokre Mohan Shantaram 28 51l. Shri Lokre Prakash Kalnath 3D Excise Station - Tiswadi Taluka 512. Shn Jadhav Bhagvat Daji 60 513. Shri Jadhav Yeshvant Daji 37 , Notice Shri Jadhav Madhu B. 30 514. The following quantity of Indian Made Foreign liquor and Shri Rajpot Gopal S. 15 515. be the of Shri Rajpot Anand Ranoji 35 Country liquor will auctioned in premises Excise 516. Check Post at Dodamarg, at 11-00 'a. m. on 10th February, Shri Rajpot Kashinath R. 37 517. 1982 to the bidder who offers highest price. If necessary, the 518. Shri PatH Ramchandra Ramnath 64 auction for the 2nd & 3rd time of the liquor in question will 519. Shri PatH Kanta Ramnath :aB be held at 11-00 on 11th February, 1982 & 12th February, Shri PatH Bappa 45 a. m. 520. 1982 respectively at the above mentioned place. 521. Shri PatH Ramnath V. 43 522. Shri Govekar Motiram Baburao 50 Only the licensed vendors of liquor will be allowed to par­ 523. Shri Pawar Ba..'1.irao Ranoji 55 ticipate in the auction. 524. Shri Pawar Naroji R. 45 525. Shri Raval Raulo B. 50 Case, No. CE/GOA/80-81/1 dated 20-3-8(): 526. ,Shri Raval Pandurang R. 35 527. Shri Raval Narayan Vassu. 37 1. 18 Bottles of Khodays Five star Brandy. 528, Shri Raval Anant Babi 50 2. 24 Black Knight Malt Whisky Quarts. 529. Shri Raval Bhima Yeshwant 41 3. 20 Bonnie Scot Malt Whisky Quarts. 530, Shri Raval Chandra Yeshwant. 56 4, 24 Arlem Beer Bottles (Lager). 531. Shri Rawal Bhikaji Sonu 38 5. 24, Arlem "Beer Bottles (Lager). 532. 8hri Mandrekar Vishnu B. 58 6. 24 Old Barrel .ooconut Feni Quarts. 533. Shri Govdo- Govlnd R. 41 7. 32 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 534. Shri Govdo Vishnu Mahadev 75 8. 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 535. Shri Govdo 1\j'"arayan B. 65 9, 32 Valente Feni Coconut liquor. 536. Shri Govdo Krishna Vishnu 50 10. 36 Khodays Five Star Brandy Quarts. 537. Shri Popkar Mukund S. 27 11. 24 Shashi Coconut Feni Quarts. 538. $.hr1 Morajkar Ramnath 40 12. 6 Khodays Five Star Brandy. 539. Sl1ri Kudalkar Uday G. - 27 6- ~hodays XXX Rum. MO. Sllri Kudalkar Gurudas G. 22 6 Binnies Aristocrat V\,"hisky Quarts. 511. Shri Halarnekar Dayanant Shripad 33 6 ;Diplomat Whisky Quarts. 542. 8hri Naik Halarnekar Brahamanand S. 24 13. 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 543. Shri Naik Halarnekar Parmanand 32 14, 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 544. Shri Parab Rama M. 52· 15. 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 545. 8hri Parob Govind M. 48 1 Valente Feni Coconut. 545. 8hM P.rabhu Mukund Nilkant 45 16, 28 Old Barrel Coconut Feny Quarts. 547. Shri Salkar Vallabh Shivaji 23 17. 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 548. ShM Chanekar Prasad Sriram 23 18. 12 Real Port No.5 (Wine). 549. Shri Narvekar Mahesh G. 23 12 Real Black Barrel Feni. 550. 8hri Kadkade Mahesh Sripad 24 19, 24 Black Knight Malt Whisky, 551, Shri Kadkade Paresh Sripad 22 12 Maceira Old Brandy. 552. Shri l{adkade Uday R. 27 20. 30 Valente Feni (C. Feni) Quarts. 553. Shri Velinker Subhas Bhasker 32 21. 22 Bonnie Scot Malt Whisky Quarts. 554. 8hri 8ardessai Uday Raghoba 32 18 Maceira Brandy Quarts. 22. 555. 8hM Kotkar Mohan Bablo ' 32 12 Valente Feny (C.-Feni) Quarts.- 556. 8hri Vernekar Vithal SajL 19 OI.d Barrel Coconut Felli Quarts. 26 23. 60 Dlplomat Whisky Me Dowell. 557. Shri Joshi Ganesh Anant 27 24. 32 Valente Feni Quarts. 558. Shri Harmalkar Zilu Datta.ram 27 25. 32 Old Barrel C. Feni Quarts. 26. 559. S11r1 Shirodkar Anand Pandurang 26 10 Valente Feni Quarts. ' 27. ;,}60. Shr1 Bandekar Gurudas Kashinath 25 27 Valente Feni Quarts. 28. 27 Old Barrel Coconut Feni. G61. Shir Samant Vijay 3U 562. 8h1"1 Naik Vasant B. 3 Old Barrel Coconut Feni. 50 29. 30 Valente C. Feni Quarts. 563. Shri N eugi Gurudas Ramchandra 27 30. 30 Sh~shi Coconut Feni Quarts. 564, 8hri Mashalkar Narayan R. 26 31. 30 Old Barrel Coconut F~ni Quarts. 565. 8hri Chanekar Sripad Anant 32. 30 Bandog Cashew Fern Quarts. 55 33. 566. Shri Desai Ramnath P. 30 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Quarts. 32 34. 567. 3.6 Black Knight Malt Whisky Quarts. Shri Naik Halarnekar Sadanand 8. 42 35. 30 Bandog Cashew Feni, Quarts. 568. 8hri Pednekar Anil M. 30 36. 28 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 569. 8hri Teli Danlodar _V. 62 3 Old Barrel C. Feni Qts. 570. Shr1 Joshi Moreshwar A. 33 37. 36 Zembo Coconut Feni Qts. 38.; 14 Maceira Real Old Brandy Qts. 57l. _ Shri Pednekar Deelip V. 32 572. Shri Chanekar Arun S. 15 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 30 39. 573. Shri Narvekar Kishor D. 36 Bonnie Scot Malted Whisky Qts. 27 40. 12 Bottles of Arlem Lager Beer. 574. 8hri Narvekar Prakash Y., 33 41. 12 Bottles of Arlem Lager Beer. 575. , Shri Lele Madhav G. 35 42, 5 Doctors Brandy Qts. 7 Bandog Cashew Feni. 576, 8hri Tilve Nishakant Y. 34 43. 12 Shashi Feni Quarts. 577, Shri 8ambrekar Shankel'S. 40 578. Shri Malgaonkar Arjun R. 44. 12 Bottles of Arlem Lager Beer. 25 45. 579. Shri Karapurkar Prakash 12 Bottles of Arlem Lager Beer. 30 46, 36 Haywards Brandy Qts. 580. Shri Kamat Auduth R. 25 47. 12 Champion Whisky Qts. 581. Shri Natekar Venkatesh 31 48. 24 Haywards Whisky Qts. 582. Shri Natekar Sadanand R. 31 49, 24 Old Barrel Coconut Feni Qt.'3.- 50, 6 Old Barrel Coconut Feny Qts. Bicholim, 9th December, 1981. - The President, Yas8Udeo 3 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. K. She!ye. 24 Bandog Cashew Feny Qts. .. ~ V. Nc>. 5249/1982 12 Golden Grape Brandy Qts. 566 SERIES III No. 45


53. 12 Arlem Lager Beer Bottles. 127. 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qts. r-- 54. 16 Old Barrel Cashew Feni Qts. 128. 94 Pipa Nova Fine Whisky Nips. 8 Black Barrel C. Feni Qts. 12 Pipa Nova Fine Whisky Qts. 8 Valente C, Feni Qts. 12 Black Knight Whisky Qts. 55. 6 Maceira Brandy Qts. 129. 48 Zembo Feni Qts. 7 Old Barrel Cashew Feni Qts. 130. 24 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 7 Valente C. Few- Qts. 131, 48 Black Knight Whisky Qts. 3 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 132. 15' Valente Feni Qts. 6 Zembo C. Feni Pints. 133. 48 Khodays XXX RUm Nips. 3 Moghal Cashew Feni Pints. 134. 12 Old Barrel Country liquor Qts. 56. 30 Haywards Whisky Qts,. 135. 24 Wood Barrel Country liquor Qts. 57. 36 Khodays Five star Brandy Qts. 136. 12 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 58, 12 Khodays Five star Brandy Qts. 137. 12 Maceira Brandy Qts. 59. 24 Old Barrel C. Feni Qts. 138. 12 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 60. 22 Maceira Brandy Qts. 139. 32 Valente Feni C. Liquor Qts. 61. 24 Valente Feni Qts. 140.1 60 Valente Feni C. Liquor Qts. 62. 19 Valente Feni Qts. 141. 75 Bandog Feni C. Liquor Qts. 8 Shashi Coconut Feni Qts. 142. 24 Bandog Feni C. Liquor Qts. 5 Old Barrel Cashew Feni Qts. 143. 53 Maceira Brandy Qts. 63. 12 Haywards Whisky Qts. 144. 48 Khodays Brandy Qts. 64. 73 Burma Doctor Brandy Nips. 145. 12 Diplomat Whisky Qts., 24 Sovereign Pure Brandy Nips. 146. 48 Aristocrat Whisky Qts. 65, 4 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 147. 48 Diplomat Whisky Qts. 4 Real 72 Cashew Feni Qts. 148. 24 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts.- 66. 22 Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 149. 24 Special Vats C. Liquor Qts. > 2 Maceira Brandy. 150. 53 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 67. 36 Impala Doctors Brandy Nips. 151. 72 Doc. Brandy Nips. 5 Maceira BrandY Qts. 152. 18 Maceira Brandy Qts. 68. 12 Khodays Five Star Brandy Qts. 153. 24 Black Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 69. 12 Diplomat Whisky Qts. 154. 60 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 70. 22 Maceira Brandy Qts. 155., 20 Palm Feni Valente C. Liquor Qts. 71: 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 156. 24 Palm Feni Valente C. Liquo~ Qts. 72. 24 Valente Feni Qts. 157. 50 Shashi Feni C. Liquo.r Qts. 73. 48 Khodays Five Star Brandy Nips. 158. 80 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 74:. 30 Valente C. Feni Qts. 159. 192 Doc. Brandy Nips. 75. 10 Golden Eagle Beer Bottles. 160. 96 Diplomat Whisky Pts. 2 Arlem Lager Beer Bottles. 161. 40 Khodays Brandy Qts. 76. 30 Coconut Coffee Feni Qts. 162. 54 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 77. 30 Special Vat Blended Feni Qts. 163. 50 Maceira Brandy Qts. 78. 48 Khodays five star Brandy Nips, 164. 68 Bandog C. Liquor Qts. 79. 30 Bandog ,Cashew Feni Qts. 165. 36 Valente C. Liquor Qts. 80. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 166. 67 C. Liquor Qts. 81. 30 Special Vat Blended Feni Qts. 167. 34 Maceira. Brandy Qts. 82. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 168. 50 Valente Feni C. Liquo'r Qts. 83. 24 Valente Feni Qts. 169. 25 ·Maceir.'=t Brandy Qts. 84. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 170. 50 Old Barrel C: Liquor Qts. 85, 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 171. 48 Diplomat Whisky Qts. 86. 24 Maceira Brandy Qts. 172. 52 Maceira Brandy Qts. 87. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 173. 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qts. 88, 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 174.. 75 Valente Feni C. Liquor Qts. 89. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 90. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 175. 40 Maceira Brandy Qts. 91. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 176. 48 Aristocrat Whisky Qts.· 92. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 177. 48 Khodays Brandy Nps. 93. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 178. 24 Valente Feni Qts. C. Liquor. 94. 30 Old Barrel- Coconut Feni Qts. 95.: 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 179. 35 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts.- 96. 12 Goa Doctors Brandy. 180. 41 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 97. 12 Goa Doctors Brandy. 181. 36 Valente Feni C. Liquor Qts. 98. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips., 182. 48 Diplomat ViThisky Qts. 99. 48 Five Star Brandy Nips. 100. 11 Impala De Luxe WhisJty. 183. 60 Valente Feni C. Liquor Qts. 101. 32 Old Barrel C. Feni Qts. 184. 34 Old Barrel C. Liquor Qts. 1'02; 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. 185. 17 ·Qts. Shashi C. Liquor. 103. 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips.: 186. 48 Bandog C. Liquor Qts. 104. 24 Real 72 Cashew Feni Qts. 8 Jumbo. ~~" 105. 11 Khodays XXX Rum Qts. 187. 35 Jumbo C. Liquor Qts. 106, 24 Bonnie Scot Whisky Qts. 107. 24 Haywards Whisky Qts. 188. 56 Mixed Brandy Qts. 108; 24 Zembo Feni C. Feni Qts. 189. 26 Maceira Brandy Qts. 109. 24 Special Vat C. Feni Qts. 190. 36 Mixed Qts. 110. 30 Shashi Feni Qts. 191. 36 Mixed Qts. I.M.F. Liquor. 111. 24 Bonnie Scot Whisky Qts. 112. 24 Valente Feni Qts. 192. 60 Valente Feni 'Qts. 113. ,,-2;4 Real 72 Cashew Feni. 193. 56 Valente and Shashi C. Liqu9r Qts. 114._,,:_,,48 -Khodays Five Star Brandy Nips. 194. Mixed 30 Qts. C. Liquor. 1=!.5~ -,', ~~8 Five Star Brandy Nips. 195. Mixed C. Liquor and I.M.F. Liquor (40) .. 116. 48 Qld Barrel Coconut Feni Qts. 196. Diplomat vVhisky 15 Qts. 117. 72 Khodays Five Star Brandy Nips. 118. 12 'Bandog Cashew Feni Qts. 197. Mixed I:M.F. Liquor 50 Qts. 119. 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qts. 198. Mixed C. \~iq4or and I.M.F_. Liquor. 120. 48 Mc Dowell Whisky Qts. 199. Mixed Pints C. Liquor 20. 121. 12 Md Dowell Whisky Qts. 122. 12 Mc Dowell Whisky Qts. 200. 24 Qts. Mixed C. Liquor. 123, 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qts. 201. 24 Qts. Mixed C. Liquor & I.M.F. Liquor. 124. 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qt•. 20 Pts. Mixed C. Liquor & I.M.F. Liquor. 125, 48 Khodays XXX Rum Nips. Panaji, 21st January. 1982. - The Excise Inspector, 126. 12 Me Dowell Whisky Qts. Gopala ..4. Rau Valaulicar. 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 567

Excise Station - Bicholim Case No. Exc/SO-S1/32 dt. 26-7-19S0 One plastic container containing 2 gallons of palm feni approximately and One plastic container containing in it Notice one gallon of palm liquor. ' Case No. Exc/SO-S1/33 dt. 30-7-19S0 The following quantity of Indian Made Foreign Liquor and Country Liquor will be auctioned in the premises of the One hand bag containing six nip bottles of Adega de Excise Check Post of Dodamarg. Dodamarg Bicholim Goa Velha Brandy. . at 11 a. m. on 10th February, 1982, to the bidder who offer Case No. Exc/SO-S1/34 dt. 2-S-19S0 the highest price. If necessary, the auction for the se«;ond Six quart bottles of Old Barrel Extra Special Palm feni. and third time of the liquor in question will -be held at 11.00 a. m. on 11th and 12th February. 1982, respectively, at Case No. Exc/SO-S1/35 dt. 6,S-19S0 the above mentioned place. Four quart ,bottles of Doctor Brandy and Twelve pint bottles of Doctor Brandy. . Only the !incensed vendors of liquor will be allowed to par­ ticipate in the auction. Case No. Exc/SO-S1/36

Case No. Exc/80-81/55 dt. 11-11-80 Case No. Exc/81-82/7 dt. 29-4-81 Two bottles of capacity 75"0 mI.- and one bottle of 125 ml. One b>unny bag contaning in it twenty quart bottles filled with coconut feni without seal. of Old Barrel blended palm f€-ni and blue Suit-case contai­ Case No.. Exc/BO-81/56 dt. 22-11-BO ning in it ten quart bottles of Old Barrel blended palm fem. Five quart bottles _ of Bandog cashew feni and three The s_uccesssful bidder will have to pay the Excise Duty quart bottles of Port Wine; leviable if any, on the above mentioned quantity of liquor Case No. Exc/BO-S1/57 dt. 27-11-BO as well as the price immediately. 1. One plastic container hlack in colour of two gallons The bid will be final only after the approval by the Com-:­ capacity and filled upto the neck with palm feni. missioner of Excise. The Government however, reserves the 2. One plastic container blue in colour of one gallon right to reject the bid without assigning any reason thereof. capacity filled upto the neck with palm feni. Bicholim 25th January, 1:;182. -- The Excise Inspector; Case No. Exc/SO-S1/5B dt. 3-12-80 Moducora B. N. Dessa1·. One plastic container black in colour having in it two· gallons of coconut -liquor. .----••~>----- Case No. Exc/BO-B1/61 d~. 30-12-S0 SlX quart bottles of Real 72 cashew fern, Two pint bottles of Doctor Intimate Brandy and one quart b~ttle Adver Iiscm,cnts of Doctor Brandy. Office of the District Magistrate of Goa Case No. Exc/SO-B1/62 dt. 3-1-S1 Two quart bottles of Real Cashew feni and one quart > botttle of palm feni without seal. Notice Case No.. Exc/SO-B1/63 dt. 6-1-S1 No. 9/3/81/MAG(II) Six bottles of Kingfisher beer of 650, ml. each and three M/s. Salgaokar Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Vasco-da-Gama quart _bottles of' Blue Star Palm feni. have applie~ under the Petroleum Rules, 1976 for No Objection Case No. Exc/$0-Sl/64 dt. 12-1-S1 Certificate to re-commission the existing- Diesel ConsumeL· T ....vo white tins containing in them twenty four pint bott­ Pump in the name of M/s Shantil8J Khushaldas & Bros. Pvt. les of Blue Star Palm F'eni. Ltd., at Digashi Plot in Sanguem Taluka. Case No. Exc/SO-81/65 dt: 31-1-S1 The site plan is available for inspection in the Office of the Mamlatdar of Sanguem. One quart bottle of Napoleon Deluxe Cashew feni; One quart bottle of Crusader Extra Dry Gin; One quart bottle A public notice is hereby given that any person having of Real Red Wine and One quart bottle of Grandpas any objection against the re-commissionrng of th(> cited Con­ Doctor Brandy. sumer Pump at Digashi Plot should file his/her objection in this Office within 15 days from the date of publication of Case No. Exc/80-81/66 dt. 11-2-S1 -this notice. Two quart bottles- of Real's cashew feni; Four quart bottles of Valente palm feni; Twelve pint bottles of Va­ Panaji, 18th January, 1982. - The Additional District Ma­ gistrate, R. f. Jai, lh"a;-.;ush. lente palm feni and- six nip bottles of Grandpas Doctor Brandy. V. _No. 6696/1932 Case No. Exc/80-81/69 dt. 23-2-S1 Thirty nip bottles of Blue Star palm feni. ·In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Divisi~n ·at Panaji Case No_. Exc/SO-81/70 dt. 24-2-81 Eighty four nip bottles of Grandpas Doctor Brandy. Spl. Civil Suit No. 109 of 1981/A Case No. Exc/SO-S1/71 dt. 3-3-S1 Mrs. Bebeana Maria da Fatima Vaz, alias - Plaintiff. Foul' quart bottles of cashew feni without seal. Mrs. BebiaI).a de Couto, major housewife, Case No. Exc/8(}"Sl/'12 dt. 4-3-81 rio Santa Cruz, C/o Mr. R. J. Vaz, near Canara Bank, Santa Cr'uz. Twenty four bottles of Arlem beer of 6~O ml. each. Vis Case No.. Exc/SO-S1/73 dt. 9-3-81 Twelve bottles of Arlem beer of 650 ml. each and Six. Mr. Cornel do Couto, ASSist Engineer, - Defendant. pint bottles of Blue Star palm feni. major resIding at D-3 Kadamba Apart­ ments. Dr. Atmaram4 Borcar Road Case No. Exc/SO-S1/74 dt. 21-3-S1 Panaji Goa. - , Twenty four pint bottles of BI,ue Star Palm feni. , N.otic;:e Case No. Exc/SO-81/75 dt. 21-3-S1 2 It is hereby made known to the public that by judgment Twenty four nip b.ottles of Grandpas Doctor Brandy. and decree dated 11th January, 1982 passed hy this ('.,ourt Case No. Exc/BO-B1/76 dt. 26-3-S1 the marriage of plaintiff Mrs. Bebeana Maria- da Fatima Three quart bottles of cashew feni without seal. Vaz alias Mrs. Bebiana de Couto. rio Santa Cruz, Ilh~.8 Goa, and defendant Mr. Cornel do Couto residing at Case No. ·Exc/SO-S1/77 dt. 27-3-81 D-3 Kadamba Apartments, Dr. Atmarama Borcar Road Thirty six nip bottles of Grandpas Doctor Brandy. Pa~ji Goa, registered under entry No. 140 in the Marriag~ Case 'No. Exc/S1-S2/2 dt. 11-4-S1 Regl~tration Book of the Civil Registrar, Panaji is dissolved by dIvorce and the .said registration is ordered to be- cancelled. One white plastic container cont~ining' in it six: quart bottles of palm feni and One white plastic container con­ Given under my hand and th.e seal of the Court, Panaji, taining in it six quart bottles of cashew feni. 23rd January, 1982. Case No. Exc/Sl-82/3 dt. 13-4-81 Pinto Soares) Civil Judge Senior Division. Thirty pint bottles of palm feni. V. No. 6682/1982 Case No. Exc/S1-S2/4 dt. 15-4-S1 Eighteen quart bottles of Blue ~tar palm feni. • Case No. Exc/S1-.S2/5 dt. 20-4-81 Office of the Civil-cum-Sub Registrar and Notary ex-officio Twenty IOur quart -bottles of Arlem -Lager Beer of 650 of fhis Judicial division (comarc~) of "has of Goa mI. each. Case No. Exc/81-S2/6 dt. 21'4-S1 Balcri~a Sadassiva Sinai Vagle, Civil Registrar-~um_Stib_ -RegIstrar and Notary- ex-officio of this JudiCial division One -white plastic container containing six quart bottles of Dhas. of palm feni and Four quart bottles of plam feni of 650 3 is hereby announced in accordance with the ml. each (loo-se seal). ·it provi~ sions of para first of Art. 179 of the Law no. 2049, dated

--~------~===;;;;;;;";;.;;'N~"_""'=~,~""" 0';:;;;;';;;;;;:' _""~===-~_"_'''_'~~''''''''''"'''''_O'G'' 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 569

6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para second of the same plot bounded on" the east by the plot of Comunidade, applied A.-t. 179, th8,t by deed dated 27tl:t January, 1982, drawn by on permanent lease by Smt. Isabel Travassos in the file and before' me,- at page E onwards of the notarial book No. 56/1967, on the west by., the property of Joao Luis Fer­ no. 615 Smt. Rosada Gonsalves alias -Rosada Gonsalves e nandes, on the north by the property of Isabel 'Fernandes Rodrigues, service, married to Filipe Rodrigues, of full age, and on the south by the' National Road which from Margao from G-oa Velha and residing at Bombay, has been qualified directs to Quepein. - F'ile No. 59/1979. as sole and universal heiress, as the .only chUd, of he.... late It is further announced that the contesting bidder will parents Cristovrun Gonsalves and his wife Vincentinh8, Rod­ have to prove by certificate issued by the escrivao concerned rigues, who were from Goa Velha and . expired, at Bombay, that he or she does not possess in that Comunidade any on 19-9-1956 and 25-8-1973, respectively, without will or any plot on permanent lease for house construction, in terms of other disposition of their estate and leaving behind them as ,§ 2nd of Art. 326 of. Comunidades Code in' force. their sole and_ universal heiress; the said Smt. Rosada Gon­ salves, their only child and as estate, the immovable property Margao, 18th January, 1982. - The Secretary, Siurama ~entioned in the deed. Sinai Ede.

Panaji, 27th January, 1982. - The Notary ex-officio, Ba.l­ Seen. - The Administrator, Vi.s~u Sinai Priolcar. cri::"'11a Sada..<>8"h;a Sinai Vagle. V. No. 6883(1982 V. No. 6807/1982

(Section of MormtlgClo Comunidades) Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registr.r and . NO"'ary Public (x..OHicio, S.,lcete-Margao Nonce Domingos Antonio Conceicao Morais, Civil Registrar-cum­ -Sub-Registrar and Notary Public Ex-officio, Salcete at 7 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose Margao. established in article 330, of the Code of ComunidadeS in force, it is hereby announced that Shri Jose Philip, Govern­ In accordance with para 1st of the Art. 179 of Law ment Officer, resident of Panaji, has applied for grant of No. 2049 dated 6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para 2nd of a plot of )and known as "Galleancho Dongor'~_ Sub-Division the same Article, it is hereby made' public that by a Notarial No. 193, belonging, to the Comunidade of ChicaIim, in the Public Deed of Succession dated 14th January, 1982, drawn area of 400 sq. metres, on lease for construction of house. at pages 97 onwards of Book of Deeds No. 1289 Smt. Elvina '1'he said plot of land is rocky, uncultivated and unused and Frislandia Augustilia da Piedade lVlenezes, widow of Diogo it is bounded on the east by Sub-Division Nos. 199 and 200, Manoel Caetano Carlos Alberto Miranda and Filomena Ivone on the west by proposed road of 20 ms., on the north by Cannen Miranda married to Carlos Francisco Placido Dias, Sub-Division No. 194 and. on the south by Sub-Division residents of Portugal, Guida Pulqueria do Rosario Miranda, No. 192. married" to Joao Antonio Guilherme Pinto, residents of Bombay, Elvina Piedade Miranda, spinster, resident of If any person has any objection against the proposed lease, Margao, Diogo Sebastiao das Dores Miranda, bachelor, resident he should submit his objections, in writing, to the Adminis­ of Margao, Fernando Eurico da Neves Miranda, bachelor, trator of Comunidades of Salcete, Margao. through the above­ resident of Margao, Mario dos Milagres Miranda, bachelor, said Section. within 30 days, counted from- the date of second publication of this Notice in the Official Gazette. - File resident of ~argao and Mareazita Melissa de Jesus Miranda, marrie9.- to Julio- Excelsio Soares, residents of Bombay, have No_ 41/1981: been qualified themselves respectively as widow-moiety and Vasco da Gama. 8th January, 1982.-The-Secretary, Siu- heirs of the deceased the said Diogo Manoel Caetano Carlos ram.a Sinai Ede. _",- Alberto Miranda, domiciled at Margao, who died intestate V. No. 6872(1982 at Margao on 3rd August, 1975, in the status of married, there being no one else who could pref~r them in _the suces­ -_ .. -_.-+--._- sion of the estate of their husband and father. According to the said Deed of SUccession dated 14th January, 1982 no one else is in position to claim any right to the inheritance of Administration Office of Comunidades of Barde. the said deceased.

Margao, 25th January, 1982. - The Civil-Registrar-cumwSub­ Notices -Registrar and Notary Public Ex-officio, Domingos- Antonio Conceicao Morais. 8 In' accordance with the terms .and for the purpose V. No_ 6827/1982 established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is~hereby announced that Harichandra Apa Ambecar, resident of Tivim,_ has applied on lease for construction, of • residential house, the hilly, uncultivated and unused plot 9f Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, Ponda land named "CajuaI de Querem", lote No. 403, situated at Tivim and belonging to the Tivim' Comunidade, covering 5 Damodar C. Madkaikar, resident of lvIarcaim ncar an area of 375 sq. metres. - It is bounded on the east by Ravalnath Temple, Post Mardol MadkRi Goa, desires to private property, on the west and south by road that leads change his name contained in registration of his birt.h "Gopal to Querem, and on the north by nat~orial road Mapusa- Chandracanta Modvol" to "Damodar Chandrakant JI;!adl-{ai:{ar." -Bicholim. -.File No. 262/1980_ . Therefore, any person having any objection is required to If any person has any objection against ~e proposed file 'the same in this Office as required under Article 178(3) lease, he should submit his objection in writing to the of Civil Registration Code in force within 30 days from the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days date of publication of this notice. from the date of second" publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette. " Ponda, 27th January, 1082. - The Civil Registrar-cum­ -Sub-Registrar, Ashalata P. Dessai. Mapusa, 24th October, 1981. -- The acting Secretary, V. No. 673211982 N orson Xav"ier 'l'1·huladp-. V. No. 6470/1982

(Repeated) AdministretiO:1 'Office of the Comunidades of Salcete 9 For the purpose of article 330 of the Code of Comuni­ dades in force and in view of the application of 8hri C. G. Notice Hede, resident of Panaji, dated 12-11-1981 it is hereby announced that in lieu of. the plot previously measured to 6 It is hereby aru1.ounccd that on 26th February 1982, at him, the plot "under the letter A., comprised in' lot no. 154~ 11 a. m., auction will be held at the door of this Office situated at Alto de and belonging to the Comunidade premises of the plot of land known as "Pulamola" part of of Serula, has been measured in an area of 600,00 sq. mts. lote No. XLII, belonging to Curtorim Comunidade, in the for construction of a house with the following boundaries.: area of 557,40 sq. mts. applied by Smt. Angelina Fernandes, on the east by the plot upder letter B.,_ on the west by the resident of St. Jose de Areal for construction of house, on land of the Comunidade reserved as open space, on the north upset price of yearly lease rent of Rs. 696-75 Ps.• being the by the property- of State Bank Sf India Colony and on the 570 SERIES III No. 45

south by the strip of the land reserved along the road that 13 .l? ac~ordan:e With the terms and for the purpose leads to Britona. - File no. 121/1981. establlsned ill artIcle 330, of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that SlJi Pradosh V. Goltekar, If any person has any objection against the proposed lease resident of Siolim, has applied on lease for construction o.t' he should submit his objection in writing to the Adminis­ residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land trator of Comunidades of Bardez within 30 days from the named "Setiroo lango do cajual Doro", lot No. 396, situated d2,te of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. at Siolim and belonging to the Comunidade of Siolim, covering Mapusa, 20th January, 1982. - The acting Secretary. an, approximate area of 500 square metres. It is bounded on by Ne<-so-n Xavi.m' 'i"i~ndodc. the east and west the remaining portion of the said lot, V. No. 6559/1982 a~d on the north and south by the roads. reserved by Co:rnu­ mdade - File No. 2/1982. (Repeated) If any :person has any objection against the proposed lease he should submit his objection i1i writing to the Administrator \ a For .the purpose of article 330 -of the Code of Comuni­ of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of dades in force and in view of the fresh application of Shri second publication of this notice, in the OffiCial Gazette. JVL:mol1ar V ..S. Borcar, resiiient of Panaji, dated 12-11-1981 Mapusa, 27th January, 1982. -- The acting Secre... tary, it in is hereby announced that lieu of the plot previously Nelson Xavier TT'indaiie. measured to him, the plot l.ulder letter E., comprised in lot no. 154. situated at Alto de Britona and belonging to the V. No. 6708/1982 COmunidade of Serula, has been measured in an area of 60:),00 sq. rots. for construction 0:[ a house wit.~ the following 14 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose by boundaries: on the east by the plot no 1, on the west established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades in the plot under the letter A., on the north by the property force, it is her~by announced that the Sarpanch of the Vniage of the State Bank of India Colony and on the south by the Panchayat Rels-Magos (Verem-:eetim) has applied free of > ship of the land reserved along the road that leads to charge for construction of playground and other development Britona. - File no. 120/1981. of the village, the uncultivated and unused plot of land If any person has any objection against the proposed Lot No. 317 "Unico de Cajual Aradio", bearing survey No. 184 lease he should submit his objection in writing to the Admi­ (parte), situated at Verem and belonging to the Nerul Comu­ nistrator of Comunidades of Bardez within 30 days from nidade, covering an area of 18.000 square metres. It is bounded the date' of publication of this notice in the Official Gazette. on the north by the public road, on the west and south by the land of the same Comunidade, and on the east by the plot Mapusa, 20th January, 1982. ~- The acting Secretary, of Joao Francisco Fernandes. - File No. 20/1975. Fiel8~;!! .Y{(.1:ie-r '[,';:,dade, V. No. 6560/1982 ~ any person ~as any objection against the proposed trans­ actIOn, he should submit his objection in writing to the Admi­ nistrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of second publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette. 11 Tn accordance with the ternis and for the purpose established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in Mapusa, 25th January, 1982. ~ The acting Secrei:a-..-y. force, irt is hereby announced that Shri Bhalchandra V. N e180n Xavier Trindade. Jambheker, resident of Assonora, has applied on lease for V. No. 6735/1982 construction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Simechi- Datti", 1m No. 77 and plot No. 102, situated at Sirsaim and belonging to the 15_ In accordance with the terms and for the purpose Comunidade of Sirsaim, covering :om approximate area of established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades in 500 square metres. It is bounded on the east by Assonora force, it is hereby announced that Shri Ullhas 'Ananta Por~bo, village, on -the west by plot No. 101, on the north by plot resident of Anjuna, has applied on lease -for construction No. 97, and on the south by the proposed road of 6 metres of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of width. File No. 205/1981. land named "Bar" lote No. 461~ 'talhoo' No.8, of sub-division plan, situated at Soranto of Anjuna and belonginO" to the If any person has any objection against the proposed lease ~<\nj~na Comunidade, covering an area of 550 squ-ar: metres. he should submit his objection in writing to the Adminis­ ;,It is bounded on the east and north by the roads reserved trator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the by Comunidade, on the west by 'talhao' No. ,7 and on the date of second publication of this notice, in the Official south by 'talMo' No.6. - File No. 3/1982. Gazette. If any person has any objection against the proposed­ Mapusa, 15th January, 1982. ,- 'The acting Se<:retary, Nel­ lease, ,he should submit his objection in writing to the son Xavier Trirulade. Administrator' of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days V. No. 6642/1982 from the date of second publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette.

1·7 '. In accordance with. the te11l'lt&,~d fo.r the purpose e!3ta~ aDevalaias»; '. bUshed in article 33.0, of the -~e of-Com~dade8.·lD, ,~otce, it is.hereby annoUnced ~t Smt~_ Rosa:Maria Britto, -resident ·.SHREE ·,KAMAKSHI SAUNSTI"!AN, SHIRODA·GOA of Slolim. has applied Qn lease ,,for construction of n:sidential house, _ the uncultivated. and unused plot of land named­ 22 A meeting . or- the GeneriLl Body. (Mazania) of this "Sudirvadachi Muddy", lot-No. '·73,' Situated at Nacblnola ana Saunsthan is heremr· calIed:_on :.14~h. Fepruary. 1982 at belong\llg to the .-Gomunidade of Nachlnola, covering .HJl after the publication of this notice in Official Gazette; Identified by me: Deponent at 10 a. m., in order to give its opinion on the file no, 171/1981, wherein Atmarama Ancrum Vast, resident of Mapusa, has Sd/· applied on lease for construction of reSidential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of land named "Deuladi", lote / no. 465, talhao no. 82, situated at Anjuna and belonging to Solemnly affirmed before 'me this Comunidade, covering an area of 360 square metres. It is bounded on the east by talhao no. 84, on the west by the Sd/· SdI· road reserved by Comunidade, on the north by talha.o no. 83, and on the south by the road reserved by Comunidade. Ex Municipal Counclllor The Executive Magistrate. Monnugao Taluka Anjuna, 15th January, 1982. - The Secretary, Vitoba· Sinai . Vas\X>-da-Gama . ·Goa; Vasco-da-Gama. Priolwfro , V. No. 6867/1982 V. No. 6549/1982 572 ".~: ' -~-~-,~-'---'---'------,------~

Nctiu~ tinder Section 72(1} of '~he It'ldian Partners~ip Ad J932 ~ duly constituted and appointed by Power of Attorney, drawn on 12-6-1961, before tbe Notal.'y of Margao, Raul Santa 25 Notice:1s hereby given that the 1011ow1ng partners: Rita Vaz, wishes to renew 13 share' certilicates of' Nos. 202 to 214, tbe laet being of one share of No. 1204 1. Shri Narcinv" Manohar Dbon" and , and the remajnjng of ten shares each of NOB. 1084: to 1093; 2. 8hri Satlsh lianohar Dhond 1094 to 1103; 1104 to 1113; 1114 to 1123;' 1124 to 1133; 1134 to 1143; 1144 to 1153; 1154 to 1153; 1154' to 1173; have r~ured fr';'" MIS. 'M. S. Dhond & So"" witbeffect fr

,GOVT. PRJ:NTING PRESS-GOA (Imprensa -Nacional- Goa) PlUOE-Rs, 1-65 1'", '