Official Gazette ;Government of Goa, Daman· and Diu
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luG)). OOA~~·I Panaji, 4th February, 1982 (Magha 15,1903) SERIES m No • .45 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ;GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN· AND DIU ====--~-==============~~ GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND· DIU Works, Education and Tourism Department Public Works Department W.,b Division I IBldg •• , North - Panoj; Tender Notice No. B/A<lm. 8/50/81-82. The Exe<mtive Engineer, Works Division.l (Bldgs), North P. W. D. Panaji invites on behalf of the President of India sealed percentage/Item rate tenders from approved and eligible contractors of Goa P.\ .-.D.jCPWD!MES/Railway etc. for the folloWing works upto 3.00 p. m. on 19-2-82. Time limit Estimated torcom~ C!oM crt Coot crt Sr. No. Name of wOrk "and p}aCfl cost ~ money tion ....traotor TeDder in l'\Jl>Oe8 calendar n.. in """"'" - da". 1. Construction of compound w~ other minor works in 1,67,900/- 4,200/- 180 days m above 30/- the youth Hostel at campa! PWl3ji. incI. monsOOXl Te!lders will·be opened at 8.80 p. m. on the same day. The (Rupees five only) will ·be charged extra. Tenders of co""' Earnest money should be deposited in the form of chalan tractors who do not deposit earnest money in the prescribed in the State.Bank of India treasury and receipted chalan form are liable to be rejected. The -contractor must produce should be attached to the t."der on Deposit call receipt of Income Tax Clearance Certificate before the tender are sOld any schedule. bond guarantee in the Reserve Bank of India. to them. Right to aceept or reject any or all the tenders is should be attached to the tender. Conditions and tender forms reserved with the Department. can be had from the above office upto 12.00 noon on 17~2-82, during working hours. The payment of the cost of tender Panaji, 23rd .Tanuary, ~982.-The Executive Engineer, Sd/m.. (Non .refundable), if required by post an amount of Rs;:5/- Works Division II (R &- B), Panaji Tender Notice No. R&B/WD1i/ASW /15/81·82 The Executive Engineer Works Division n (R&B) P. W. Do, Panaj! invites on behalf of the Presid."t of India Item Rate T."ders from approved and eIiglble contractors upto 2.30 p. m. on 19-2-1982 for the following works: Estimated Earnest Tjme limit Cost of Sr. No. Name of work Cost Money including tender Class of mon!!oonin form Contractor Re. Re. days Re. .J.. Soll investigation for the proposed Corjuem Aldana 72,700.00 1822/- 180 days 2.0/- IV & above BrIdge (Retendered). 2. SolI Investigation for. the proposed roed bridge con- 00,615.00 1515/- 180 days 20/- IV&above nooting Amana Virdi (Retendered). 3. Soil Investigation for the proposed foot bridge at 44,980.00 =/- 180 days 20/- IV&above Sanvordem Satan Taluks (Retendered). The tender will be o~ned Immediately after 2.30 p. m. on the saDje day. Conditions and tender form can be bad from the Office during the office hours on all WOrK:Q:1g days upto 17-2-1982 ·upto 1.00 p. ro. Tenders of the contractors who do not deposit eaI'llest Money and produce valier Income "1'ax Clearance Certificate :In the pr....",.Jbed form are llable to be rejected. Right to :reject any or all the tenders without assigiling any reason thereof is !'eBel'Voo tile authority competent _~ , to accept the tender. Panajl, 29th Janu:;try, 1982.·-The Executive Engineer, M.- N, RajU. SERfES III o. 1;fi i , iV Short Tender Notice No. R&B/WDlI/ASW /16/81-82 The Executive Engineer, Worl<s Division II (R&B) P. W. D., Panaji invites on' hehalf of, the President'of 'Indhi. '.' Item Rate t_ender from approved and eligible contractors ,upto'.2.30 p. m. on 6·2-1982 for the following. work: Estimated Earnest Time Lindt Coat of Sr. No. Name of work cost Money (including Tender Class ot monsoon Form " Contractors Rs. Rs. in days Es. 1. Construction of road from Caranzalem to .Parampoi 88,417.97 2,211.00 180 days 20/- IV &aliove (Balance Work). / The tender will be opened Immediately afte~ 2.30 p. m. on the same day. Conditions and tender form can be had from the Office during office hours on all working days upto 5-2-1982 uj)to 1.00 p. m. Tender of the contractors who do not deposit earnest money and produce valid Income Tax Clearance Certificate in the prescribed form are liable to be rejected. Right to reject any or all the tenders without: assigning any reason thereof is reserved with the authorlty competent to accept the tender. ' . Panaji, 30th January, 1982. -The Execlltive_Engineer, M. N. Raju. , .. ,. ';.,: ;'i;: -: P.H.E.-North Division, P.W.O.-PlInajiaGo'e f Tlme limit: 180 days including monsoon. 4 . '''\ G?S~!of Tender Rs. 20/ . , Tender Notice No. PHE-N/PWD/ADM/~';/~1.82· 4. Repairs to South Educational Building at Margao Goa. ~stimated cost at Rs. 92,495-08. The Executive E-p.gineer, PHE4North DlVislon~· ,p~ W.- D:, ." : . Earnest Money Rs. 2,312-00. Panaji invites, on _behalf ~f ~he President ,of ;mdia ~ealed ',: Tlp1~ J.lmit:,-J.80 daY?l including mO~Qon: -item' rate'tenders ftom 'th¢_ apprOved',an(l eligibl~ $M~p:Uer-s. "co.~t~ of: 7'~nd~,r ~s.. 20/-. "'" ' : ;., upto 3,00 p. m. on 9·2-1982 for the folloWing supPly:' . 5. Consb:uctldn -·'of OOritrbi"· Room. for' the ·Sub-Sectiotf.iat "Supply of boundary stones for the work of additional the Hospicio Hospital, Margao. conveying main from., Cu~i to Panaji". Estimated cost at Rs. 26,843-74. '.. ,,.·,Estimated ,cost: 'Rs.' 66~00040o-. Earnest<,:·money: Earnest,MoAf.Y" Rs. 671-00. ··,~,Rs. 1,506~O(;:'"Cost of· Tender FOrni,RS. 20,00' plus Time limlt:' 60 days'including monsoon. ""Its. 10MOn if required bY."po'st. Time "limit: 45 di'iys: " Cost of Tender Rs. 20/-. Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. T~ tenders will ~ opened immediately _on the same day Condit10ns and tender '-fonns: ,can' be 'bad from. '{ ,--Dffice at 3:i5'p. ni.:C"onditions~'~ria Ten~er'Forms can','be li<ia fr6m on any working 'day upto 4.00- p., ID. Oli 8-2-1982. ' the office upto 12.-{)"O"noon:·tfll,·15-2':82 ;ori"aU,~·workirig days. Tender forms will be issued on' 'production of valid Income "fhe 'intending tenderer wlll have to produce Income Tax Tax Clearance Certificate. Tenderers or suppliers who do Cl~arange Certifi'c~te at the tirn,e of buying the.~ender. not, deposit' Earnest -,Money fu prescribed' fol'ltl, ,are, liable , The t~de~' of ih~' c~~tracior wh~ do~s·.'·~~t \l~P'~Sii..::k~e w be rejected.: .', money in the prescribed, form is liable to be rejected . The~ Executive Eniineer, reserves, the r:i,ght·;to &ccept or 'Right'to: 'reject -'ariY.:",or'~.all ..the tendeis" wit~ou~ assignin_g' to reje.ct aI~y:or- all. the tenders without assigning. any creason any- reason' is' ,r~~er-ved. - ." ." , thereof. " Fatorda;'].jIargao, 20th January,. 1982. - The . Executive Pana.ji, 8tl;t_, January" 1982. ----:-" The. Executivr Engineer, Engin'eert Sdl-. ::' M. -P.'PadmanabTuin: Tendel' Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS/SOUTH/18/81·82 Works Division VIII (Buildings) - Faforda. Maigao ' Executive Engineer 8, Public Works Department, Buildings, Fatorda Margao invites _on behalf of President of India. sealed Tender Notice No. PWD/EE8/BLDGS/SOUTH/H/82 'Item/PerGentage Rate Tenders from approved and eligible Contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on 20-2-1982. ...... EX~l;utiv:e'.'Engi~er· 8, ,Public _.Wo;rks; Deparlment~· 'Build ,-', " " . " . ',",:, - ""'.' ings. Fatorda::M~rga~". ~nvites on .behalf'cof', President .,of' ;ITllIM,RAcrE., India, sealed Item/Percentage Rate Tenders from approved 1. Improvement of the Car Parking place at Calva.. and eligible Contractors upto 3.00 p. m. on 17-2-82- Estimated cost at Rs. 1,70,510-09. 'ITEM RATE Earnest Money Rs. 4,263-00. Time limit: 180 days including monsoon. 1. Repairs to the Building at the Leprosy Hospital Com- Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. ' plex at Macazana, Salcete Goa. ' • 2.;" . 'Construction .of ',Compound' 'wall- for-: TouriSt! JjevelGp~ . 'Estimlited cost at 'Rs.· 2,75,600'38; ment Complex at Molem." .. , ' '. Earnest Money Rs. 6,890-00. ;Time -,limit: 240 days, including -monsoon,'" 'Estimated: cost at. Rs.1,48,905-02.. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. Earnest Money·.Rs. \3,723-00. .' . Time limit: 1:80 days .including monsl?oI4 Constr.lction of Compound wall for Electricity: .Depart Cos" of Tender,Rs.3.o/,. .. ment at Panti-Mol Curchorem-Goa. Estimated cost at Rs. 2,26,667-99. 3. Repairs of Civil Court Building at Ponda. Earnest Money Rs. 5,667-00. Estimated cost at RS. 1,38,356-31. Time limit: 240 days including monsoon. Earnest Money Rs. 3,459-00. Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. ' Time limit:: 180' days including monsson.' Cost of Tender Rs. 30/-. PE;R<;JENTAGE RATE ; . !' ~ _ PERCENTAGE .RATE Maintenance of Government Primary School Building at Carmona, Ca:velossim, ,c,'Patat"lYIajorda• .v~r~~,_ ,Golva, 4.,. ,CO:Q!:!.tructiq~_ of Cq~pqund ~an Fenc~, .to ,the office and Betalbatini in Salcete Taluka. ' ., of D:\,. 'Captain-of Ports at Marmagoa HeadlAnd .S~d8., Estimated cost at Rs. 99,829-25. Estimated cost at RS. 59,046:06." .. .' .... Earnest Money Rs. 2)496·00. Earnest Mone:Y'Rs. i,476·00. > 4TH FEBRUARY, 1982 (MAGHA 15, 1903) 559 Time limit: 180 days including monsoon.