( REGD. GOA - 5

Panaji, 21st October, 1976 IAsvina 29, 1898) SERIES III No. 30 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA,' DAMAN' AND DIU

Condi,tions and' tender, forms can be had from this office GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN upto 30~10-1976" on all working days. Tenders of contractor'S who do not deposit Earnest Mone.y in prescribed form- are AND DIU liable to be .rejected. The 'contraotor 'should also produc.e Income Tax Clearance !Certificate before Ithe issue of Tender. Right Otto .reject any Or all the Tenders is: ,reserved without Education and Public Works Department assi'gillng any ;reason.

Panaji, 15th October, 19_76. ~'The E.xecutliJve lEng'ineer, M. Public Works Department R. Pise.

Works Division IX (PHE), Tonca·Ca-ranzalem Works Division X?f - Fatorda-MGrgao .

Tender Notice' no. PHE-'IX/PB/F.b2/lO/76.77 Corrigendum The Executive Engineer, Works Division IX(PHE), PWD, Ref. -. Tender Notiee INo. WPXV/1/5/76-77 dated 27th Tonca, Caranzalem, Goa, invit'€'S on behalf of President of Sepfember, 197-6. India,_ sealed Percentage RaIte Tenders from approved and eligible contractors of .c.p.w.n. and those of appropriate list The opening date 'o't :tender has been postpoll'ed to ~O-i6-.76 of Union Temitorties/StMe PWD/M.E.S./Railways, upto 15.00 at 3.30 P. M. The name of' the work, Estimated Cost-- and hours on 2-11-76 for the below mentioned work: -' Earn'est Money menti'oned in the above notice may be read as follows:- Percentage' Rat~ Tender: Name of the work - Special· repairs to National 1. P.roViding and fiXing pumpin'g iDStallrution for Rural Highway 17 between Kms. 60/00 to Km. 64/00 Water Supply S'cheme to v11lage Navelim-Dilwar (Panaji - Polem Section) in Tiswacti taluka. Estimated cost as. 17,007~OO. earnest money Rs. 425/- and time limit wHl be 60 days Estimated Cost ~ Rs. 1,69,898.66 • includling monsoon period. Cost of tender form is Earn'eS:t Money;- Rs. 4,24-8.00 Rs. 20/~ only. If requh"ed by post an amount of Rs. 5/­ will be charged -extra. Tender forms can M had upto. 3;30 P. M. ~. 28-10-1976. All other conditions remains the same. 'l'ender w1ill be: opened at 15.30 hours on the same day. The' Tender conditionS' and tender form CaJl! be had from thiS . Marg'ao, 13th -October; 1976. - The Exe'cutive Engineer, of~i'ce upto 30-10-1976, during working hours. Tenders-of the O. S. Jain. contractors who do not deposit eann:est_ mon~y in the prescri­ bed manner are liable to be rejected. Th:e oonta'aotor must ••• produce- Income Tax Clearance certificate before igsue of tender. ~ Revenue Department Tonca-Caranzalem, 12th October, 1976. - The Executive Engmecl', B. M. _Nadkarni. Cpttectorate of" Goa, Panaji Schedule organised as per section 51 of the, Decree No. 3602 dated 24-11~1917, for the purpose of objections, if any, of the Works Divis-ion XIII (NH) - Panaji interested par.ties which are to. be submitted within 20 days from the date of second publication of this Schedule in the Official Gazette.

No+;ce 00. PWDIIWDXIi'!/NHfT/4/76-77 Name of the applicant - Shri Upasso Gonsu Gabcar Betorkar, Sancordem, Sanguem. The Executive Engineer of Works DiVision Xil! tNH) of P. W. D., Goa, invites on belu!lf of the _dent of Designati'on of the plot·s-----,·l) "Vonvonrolmo1a". Indta, sealed Percentage Rate Tenders from the approved 2) "Guntiamola". and eligible contractors of Goa P. W.,D.,. upto 3.30. p. m. on Situation of the plots - Situated at Sancordem, Sanguem 2~11-1976 ,for the ,below mentione'd works separately and Taluka. the same will be; opened at 3.3.0 p. m. of the same day. Boundaries -:-1) North:- Government Forest; South: Go· Percentage Rate: vernment land-'and -Goverimient'Forest; East: Government Forest; West: _Government Forest. 2) North: Government 1. Widening of Ghat Seotion for Impl"Oviug sight dis­ land; South: Government, land; East: Government land; tance (kms. 88 to 89, 81)/86 and 92/9&)' on NH 4A. West:' Plot of Custo Fondu Gaoilkar & Vitoba Tana (Retendered) . Gaonkar. 2. Development of «Junotion» at porvonm (Construc­ Areas -1) 3.4045,65 Hectares. tion of Traffic Island). 2) 2.3569,79 Hectares. Esttm:ated co~, eamJeSt money, time lfmirt in; days "and Annual grop.nd rents -1-) Rs. 5-35. c~ of tendei's (non-refundable) are as' follows: 2) Rs. 3·70. 1. Rs. 26,700-05; Rs. 670'00; 120 days ...dRs. 20-00: Collectorate of Goa, Panaji', dated-7th," October, '.1976. - The 2. Rs. 27,641-68; Rs. 695-00; 120 days imd Rs. 20-00.. Collector of Goa, R. N arayanaswami. 244 SERIES III No. 80 ------Directorate of Civil Administration f) In the month of Ashadha on the day of "Ekadashi'" a '(Saptah" of 24 hours shall be celebrated as per usual practice and all the expenses shall be borne by the Bye-:Laws of the Devalaya of Shri Shantadurga of Bicholim Bazarkar Mahajans. and its affiliated Devalayas g) In the month of Shravan on every Monday there shall be "Rangpooja" and Kirtan. The expenses of the CHAPTER I 1st and 3rd Monday shall be borne by the Bazarkar Maha­ jans and that of 2nd and 4th shall be borne by Gaonkal' Reg~ding the ,~evala:fas and its Maha.jans Mahajans. In case there happens to be 5th Monday, the expenses of such Monday shall be borne by the Bazarkar Article 1: In the town of Bicholim Taluka, there exists the Mahajans. c· - • Devalaya of Shri Shantadurga within a land with its oWn boundaries well defined, situated at Gaonkarwada of the same "Gokulashtmi" shall be celebrated by the procession of Bicholim town. There exists also in the vicinity of the said Palakhi starting from the Devalaya upto the Teerth of Devalaya, the Devalaya of Shri Ravalnath,' Shri Calbhoirao N aroa and back as per usual practice. and Shri Bhutnath which are subsidiary Devalayas (affiliated) i) In the month ·of Ashwin the festival of "Navratri" to'the said mam -Devalaya of Shri Shantadurga. -shall be celebrated with Kirtan, Arati, Deeparadhna, Ma­ khar, Anusthan and Samaradhana. Expenses of this Article 2: The General Body of -the Mahajans shall be com­ festival shall be borne by ·Gaonkar and Baza;rkar posed of the persons mentioned in the annexed list and those Mahajans. persons professing Hindu religion, who may, in future, be admitted as Mahajans by the Managing Committee of the j) "Dassera" shall be celebrated in th~ Devalaya of Devalaya irrespective of caste, class, sect or family group to Shri Ravalnath. After performing the usual Pooja of the which such persons may belong, on application made in the "Tarang", it will be carried in procession upto the place form prescribed for the purpose by the General Body of the known as "Aarka". Devalaya on payment of fees mentioned in Article 3. k) The day of "Kartika Poornima" shall be celebrated. Para only: All Mahajans including those mentioned in the consisting of Puran, Kirtan and procession of Palakhi annexed list shall pay the annual subscription mentioned in from the Devalaya upto the place known as "Valwant". Article 3 - immediately after their Mahajanship is approved The expenses shall be borne by the Bazarkar Mahajans. by the ,General Body. 1) "Navosomar" shall be celebrated in the month of Kartika or during the 1st half of the month of Marg­ Article 3 : Every applicant shal pay Rs. ,5-00 as entrance shirsh the latest. This will consist of procession of Palakhi fee alongwith hi'" _aPplication for Mahajanship and, on being from the Devalaya upto the "Saticho Vad" (Bhaili Peth) admitted as ; _____ d.1iiijan by the Managing Committee, shall pay and back. The expenses shall be ,borne by the Bazarkar an ann;u"'A--'ilubscription of Re., 1/~. Mahajans. On the remaining Mondays till the month of , Jestha the limit for the procession of Palakhi shall be ~y;-1'A.rticle 4 : Any Mahajan in arrears in payment of annual upto the Pimpal of Sona.rpeth and return via Sunderpeth. subscription due by him for 3 years in succession shall be disqualified to be a candidate for or to cast vote in an election m) "Tulsi Vivah" shall be celebrated in the month of ,of _the members of the Managing Committee. Kartika. n) In the inonth of Margshirsha "Kala" shall be cele:' CHAPTER II brated on the 1st day of 2nd half as -per usual practice which shall be followed by "Gavalankala" on the next Regarding Worship and Festivities- day. There shall be procession of Palakhi upto "Valwant" and the expenses shan be borne by the Bazarkar Maha~ Article 5: AU those professing Hindu religion, irrespective jans. ' of caste, class, sect or family group shall be allowed according to usage and custom to render worship in the premises of the 0.) Expenses of "Divajache Jatra" shall be borne by Devalaya and also to perform religiOUS acts and to institute Gaonkar Mahajans. festivities and to make donations to .the Devalaya. Such act p} i) In the month of Phalgun on the twelfth ·day cere­ shall,' however, in no way entitle them to claim the Maha­ mony of "Haldone" followe¢ by ('Tarang" on the next janship of the Devalaya. day shall be celebrated. Article 6: The festivities and other ceremonies which are ii) On the previous day of "HoU" a betelnut tree shall celebrated in the Devalaya are: be brought·, from the Village of Mayem in procession by Gaonkars and_shall be kept in the Math for ,the night Worship and on the next day i. e. the day of .Holi shall be carried by the same Gaonkars upto the Devalaya for erection in the a) Every morning the ceremonies of Abhish~k, Neivedya, premises. Arati, Ppoja and other ceremonies according to the religious preceipts and practice observed in the Devalaya of Shri Shan­ iii) In the, same month daily procession of Palak~i tadurga should be performed -by Bhat Pujari. shall be taken out upto the 'premises of Math, _this wlll be followed by entertainment programme during the b) One Nandadeep shall permanently be maintained in the night in presence of the image of Shri Shantadurga and _Devalaya of Shri Shantadurga. shall be taken back to the temple (Devalaya) next mor~ Ding. This programme' will be repeated from Navami to Festivities Chaturdashi. Article 7: In the Devalaya of Shri Shantadurga following -iv) On the day of Chaturdashi, the procession of -festivities and ceremonies will be celebrated:- «Savat!J» shaLl start from Math upto :the «Sa1:iicho Va aoo on return visit «·Math Mahapurush». AU the ex­ a) On the Day of "Padva" i. e. 1st day of Chaitra penses shall be borne by Bazarkar· Mahajan'S, exc'ept "Panchanga Vachan" by Bhat in the Devalaya of Shri «Holi» festival by Gaonkar Mahajans. Shantadurga and by Bhat in the Math. b) In the month of Chaitra the ceremony of "Kalash" Explanation: «Bazarkar Mahajans» are :those Mahajans will be celebrated as per the usual practice. who have been .contribut'ing for the performan-ces of th-e fes­ tiV1itl1-eS above mentioned and are mentioned lim. the respective c) In the month of Vaishakh on the third day i. e. lists of Bhailipeth and Bhiturliipeth. "Akshaya-Tritiya", festival of ('Vassant Pooja" shall be celebrated by Bazarkars Mahajan in the Math and the -CHAPTER III procession of Palakhi of Shri Shantadurga upto the Math. d) In the month of Vaishakh on uPoornima" day Regarding Funds, Income and Expenditure "Vassat Pooja" shall be performed in the Devalaya of Arttcle 8: The funds of the Devalaya con'Si'st of .all the Shri Shantadurga with Puran and Kirtan and procession immovable and movable properties in possession- of the _Deva­ of Palakhi. laya, namely, the lands and build~~s mentioned in _the f0l!0- e) In the month of Vaishakh during the second fort­ whig article all(:~ _ornaments, rehg'i.ous and other utenslls, night there shall be "Anusthan" and other usual ceremo­ mlscellan-eous al1ticles and balance m -cash. All 'Such a.sg;ets nies and Samaradhana. The expenses shall be borne by will be listed with proper_ description .in the Inventory book Bazarkar Mahajans. of the Devalaya. - - . l,~'===-==~""""" .. ------~.------~-'- 21ST OOTOBER, 1976 (ASVINA 29, 1898) 245

Artl~o1e 9: The immovable. properties of the Devalaya are h) At the time' of a pubUc Prasad any relderly Gaonkar a;s follows: will . assist the Bhat· Puja11i :if the said Gaonkar is present a) The buildings of the Dev.aJ.aya of IShv! Shantadurga at the moment.

wIlth the Agarshala and courtyardl Shri Ravallnath, Shri CalbhoJrao and. Shri Bhumath. Article 11: The ~emtmerated' workers' ;refer.red to in the preceding Articles are subordinate to the General Body of b) A prop~rty of coconut plantation k1nown 'as the· Mahajans and .to the Managing Commtittee a:nd they aTe «BAG-DEULACODIL». bound to fulfil their respecive duti-es according. to the prac­ and of c) A p~dy fiield known as- «UL.~ZOR» registered 'in the tice' rules the Devalaya. . Revenue Office under no. 443 and surveyed under Ca­ a). Besides :the services normally done, each one of the destral no. 532. remunerated worke'l\S is bound in duty to render·' occa~ opert'land it, s'lonal services of his or her ·competency according to the d) A house property alongwith an behind customs followed upto .th:e date. .. , .-- situated at Bhiturlipeth of Btchol1im, :re~jstened in. the Revenue Office CMatrliz) under no. 181 and surveyed b) The remuneI'ation due to the said ·workers shall under Cadastra'} number 371 of the Directorate 'Of Land be discr.iminately mentioned in :the annual budget. Survey. ThL'> property lis commonly known as «M'ath» where Bazarkar Mahajans perform durling the year Article 12: The religious· acts such as Abhishek, Neivedhya several festiVities as per thror tralCllition. and other ceremonies that Me to be performed in. .the e) A ~ house consistJing of a room situated at Bhiitur­ «Garbhagar» place where the lidol of Shri Shantadurga is lipeth of BlehoHm, regIstered 1m: the Revenue Office installed, shall be performed only by the respective Bhat (Matriz) untder no. 315 an!d surveyed under Cadastral Pujari on duty. no. 257 of the Directoratie of Land Survey. All sItuated at BichoJim. The said bUlildi'n'g of the Devalaya of Article 13: No person, Mahajan or otherwise, shall. have IShrii Shantadurga and ,the said property «BAG-DEU- access to the Chowk of the Devalaya if he is found drunk. " LACODIL» are registered together d.n the Revenue Office Any MahajaJl.', Bha:t Pujart lOr any person in chairge of ·cult . (Matriz) under no. 411 and sUlweyed under Cadastral and clea:nlin'eSS, of the Devalaya will have the right to no. 442. objec.t to the :entry of such person ito the chowk.

~he in'come of the Devalaya shal·l consist of: - Article 14: AU the f-es-tivities referred to [n the preceding a) Interest on iloans and deposit of the amounts made Aptlcles will be celebrated as· per the customs. in the Banks. Alrticle 15: In: all the religioUS' and :flestive acts, wh'ether b) Amounts collected for the reli'gi"ous acts performed celebrated by the Mah~jans ~ inlstituted by private parties, in the Devalaya. the Mahajans and vemunerated workers i.nJ gener"al, shall c) Oblat'ions and dona'biOll'S lin :.cash or kind, worth execute their respective duties. Re. 1/- or above. The oblations 'and donations worth less than a Re. 1/~ shall belong to the Bhat Pujari on Article 16: The Mahajans are bound by law a:nd regulations lin and duty on the re'Spec1ji~e day of oblations or donations, . in force a:nd which may be enacted future' undertake except the oblations and idonations on, occa:5Ilons of DLwarli to .contribute towar"M the acts ()f beneficence, in terms of and Kala which will belong totally ito the Devalaya. the governilDg law as applicable to the subject matter. d) Amounts collected by way of entrance and subs­ Alltdcle 17: It !is vested. in the Gen-eral Body of ,the Mahajans cription fees of members. the power to !l'eSOlve the matters dnherent to the worship; e) Income accumulated in .the donation box provli'ded lin resolutions whereof are not specially vested in' the Managing the Devalaya. Committ-ee, as well as to amend and alter the present Articles in accordance and tin the manner established :i-n :the law. f) Income from the ;immovable prop~rties .. g) Annual ·amounts earmarked ·in 'favour of the Deva­ Article 18: In cases for which no provision is made in laya' by Comunidade of Bicholim, Mulgao, Sinigao, Sar­ these presents, the customs followed from the antiquity and van:a and Cudnem. wh'i"ch are not inconsistent wirth the legal provisions shall be observed. h) AmolUlts collected as hire charge'S of the temporary shops allowed on festive occasions. Catalogue of Mahajam; CHAPTER IV S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age Regarding the duties of rtb.ose in charge of the' maintenance of cult and of cleanliness Article 10: a) Bhat 'Shall perform «Panchanga Vachan» 1. Shr.i Karpe PlUl'daI:i.k R. 43 in the Devalaya of !Shl"i Sha'lltapurga and to perform the . 2. Shri Karpe Narayan R. 37 ceremony on «Padva» i,It:~. the 1st day I()f Chaitra and also 3. 'Shr! Bandekax Vasant S. 51 to perform all the dutites as per the custom. He will have 4. Shr.iJ Band"ekar Dattaram S. 45 r.ight to get as ,remuneration the amounts col'lected on the 5. Smi Bandekar Pandurang V. 23 occasion. ' 6, Shri Murgodi Shanka>r E. 3!l 67 b) Bhat Pujat'-i" shal·l perform the daily Pooja. Abhishek, 7. Shti: Dhond Shantar:am Y. Neivedhya, Aarati, Prasad in the Devalaya of Shril Shanta- 8. IShri Dhond Datttaram N. 49 ." . 9. Shr! Dhond Gajanan N. 44 10. Shti Dhond Pramod P. 30 c) Dhobi win carry «Tarang» and cl~n, clothes and dresses 11. Shri Neugui Um".h S. 311 'Of the Devalaya, accompany. Palakhi and take part in all 12, IShr! "Neugu! Keshav N. 35 other activities as customary. 13. 'Shri NeugUii Govind S. 22 d) Any member of the family of Bhavin will maintain 14.. 8hri Smart !SadashiVle R. 39 3& cleanlinCSS! and sweepm:g. tin, the Devalaya, accompany Palakhi 15, Shr! Chanekar Balkrlshna J. and also keep' clean 'all the utenstfLs of the Devalaya and 16. Sh:rti ChanekaID Datta:ram V. 39 perform all the duties and activities as customary. An annual 17. Shnil lChanekar Sitaram R. 31 'rerinmeration: of Rs. 20/- shall be paid to the perlSon perform­ 18. Shri Chanekar Ajit R. 23 ing; such dutieSi. 19. SOO Chanekar Raviu V. 58 20. Shri ChanekaI1 Ga:npat V . 24 . ' 6) Amy member of the family of DevaH. wi.l1 accompany 21. Shr! PaJtnekar Balkrishna 'So 49 the Palakhi with torch and p~form all d1J.ties .and activities 22. Shri Patnekar Tulsh!i:das B. :19 as,. customary. An- annual remuneration of Rs·. 10/- shaJl be 23. Shr! Patneka>r Shripad K. 22 paid to the pel'SOIl! perfol'llllllg such dutleS.'- . . . 24. Shri zantye Gurudas D. 28 34 f} Any member of the family. rof Parwar !Shall perform aU 25. Shri Tilve Prabhakar A. 5(; the dUties and activities as customary, on' an· annual remune- 26. Shr! Kukalkar Ganpat J. ration of Rs. 10/. .. 27" Shri Ti.lve Mohan A. 31 28. Shr! Neugut Anand R. 35 g) «Garhane» on an~. pu])ll~' f.estiVa.-f"QcdaSion;· shaif he 29. Shri Neugui Buresh R. 28 performed by elderly Gaonkar present at that moment... ·30. Sh:r!i Neugui Har! R. 25

._-- ____ I SERIES III No. 30

S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age S. No, ,Name of the Mahajan Age

31. Shri Fogerl Gurtmath V. 42 115. Shrl Gauthankar AshJok S. 25 32. Shri Telt Dattaram R. 39 116. 8hri Govenkar Vassudev 8. 49 33. Shri Tell Shantaram D. 34 117. ShrJJ Teli -Ramchandra K. 54 34. Swi Tell Tulshldas D. 25 118. Shri Teli Sadanand K. 43 35. ShN Nabar M. 23 119. 8hri Teli Anan.tt R. 28 36. Shri Tel> Vdnayak V. 22 120. Shti GoVJel>kar Chandrakaknt R. 36 37. Shri Lan-zekax Narayan IK. 27 121. Shti Hoble Kashinath Y. 41 33. Shri Lanzekar Chandrakant K. 23 122. Shri Zantye Anant S. 73 39. Shri Tell ftamod 'S. 31 123. Shri ftabhu Salgaonkar Shtipad S. 32 40. Shri TeJi Anand'S. 24 124. Sbri: Pednekak.r Anil M. 23 41. iShri ShenvJ. :f{arapurkar Sati'sh A; 27 125. SOO' Naik Sit3Jram G. 53 42. Shri [!)uble Shashlka;nt R. ' 35 126. Shri Tilve Ramesh A. 21> 43. Shri Chanekar Babani N. 46 127. Shri N ai'k Kawekar Shripad S. 59 H. -Shri Chaneka.r Laxman N. 37 128. Shri Dicholkal" Prabhakar A. 26 45. 'Sbri &tkikar Ladu S. 40 129. Shri Porob Madhuka'r R. 29 46. 'Shti Kapdi Billku S. 51 130. Shri Gaonka-v Dhako K. 51 47. Shri Pedriekar Vishnu G. 71 131. Shri Gaonkar Laxman S. 31 48. Shri Pednekar IShripad _V. 33 132. Shri Gaonkar Shant~ram M. 36 49. Shri Peduekar Dillp V. 28 133. Shri Nru.k Caulkar Mohan Y. 24 50. Shrlt Gauthankar pandurang S. 41 134. SIn'i Porob 'Shlvram G. 39 51: Shri GauthaJllkar Chandrakant S. 32 135. SImi Gosavi Damod'ar M. 35 52. Shri Gov..enkar S. 51 136. Shrl GosaVi Bhola B. 41 53. Shri Govenkar Anll K. 2& 137. Shri Gaonkar Sagun 60 54. Sbri Teli Balkrishna K. 49 138. 'Shti Chodaokar D<>vu S. 43 55. Shri Tell Vinayak R. 27 139. Shri Chodankkar Guru S. 32 '56. SMi Govenkar Gajanan D. 35 140. Shri Naik Anil :D. 24 57. StIrl Fog-eri Bhanudas K. SO 141. Shri Gaonkar Anant G. 34 58. 'ShTi Kamat Sadashiv R. 28 142. Shri Gaonkar Auan:b G. 44 59. 8m iKholkar Gurudas S. 31 143. Shrl Gaonkar Panduraug A. 32 60. 'Shti ftabhu Salgaokar Shantaram 55 144, Shri Gaonka-v Tulshidas A. 29 6!. Shri Ped:riekar Mahadev _R. 51 145. Shni: Gaon1mr Surya A. 46 62. ShIi Pednekar Ramda.s R. 48 146. Shri Gaonkar Gopal M. 26 63. 'Shri Neugw Chandramohan. N. 25 147. Shri Gao-nkar Vaman D. 41 64. ShriJ Tilve Vl1ll'ayak Y. 22 148. Shti Gaonkar Arjun B. 47 65. Shri Karpe Ramesh R. 27 149. Shri Gaonkar 'Sukdo S. 33 66. 'Shri Karpe Pandurang R. 30 150. Shri Porob Gaonkar Bhikaro G. 54 67. Shri BaJIldeka~ Kashinath 'S. 48 151. Shrl'Gaonkal' Vassu J. 56 68. Shrl Bandekar ,Naresh V. 29 152. SIirl Gaonka:r Moss-o R. 56 69. Shri Murgodi Mahad<>v E. 28 153. Shri Gaonk",~ Billvaji D. 41 70. -Soo Dhond Shamsunder S. 85 154. Shri Dicholkar Yeshwa'll,t G. 65 7!. 'Shri DMnd Shtiram N, 56 155. Shri Dicholka~ Soma R. 32 72. Shri Dhond Vassudev N. 69 156. Shri Dicholkar Anant R. 32 73. Shri Dhond Parmanand _P. 61 157. ShrJ; Porob "Surya R. 56 74. Shri DhOnd ,Antil V. 28 158. Shri Porob Shanu G. 59 75. Shri N"eugui NBirayan K. 57 159. Shri Porob Narayan G. 50 76. Shl'i Neugui Prakash N. 24 160. Shri Parob Suresh S. 28 77. ShI'li! Kolrnule Narayan R. 30 161. Shl'ii! Gaonkar Tukalm'am M. 52 78. Shri Chanekar Jaiwant B. 46 162. Shr'i Parob Gaonkar Vishvanath D. 39 '79. Shri IChane-kar 'IShantaram J. 32 163. Shri Parob Gaonkar As:Q.ok D. 26 SO. Shr.'i Chanekar Bhaspar V. 37 164. Shr1 Parob Gaonkar Prabhakar A. 32 81. Shri Chanrekar Yeshvant R. 25 165. Shrt Parob J}aunkar Janardan K. 54 82. Shri: 'Chanekar VasanJt V. 54 166. Shri Sahakati Gajanan V. 22 33. Shri Chane-kar Anand R. 26 161. Shri. Kansa,r Amrtit S. 27 84. Shr':i: Pandit Gu~unath V. 61 168. 'Shri -Falkar Yeshvant A. 45 85. Shn PatnekaT Prabhakar S. 44 169. Shri Falkar Ganesh M. 42 86. Shr.i Pamekar Madhukar iI'):. 26 170. Shri Parob Kanta M. 35 87. 8h1'i Zantye Dattaram S. I 57 171. Shr'i Parob Gaonkar Manohar G. 37 68. Shli TeN Surendra 'S. 30 172. Shri Parob Gaoukar Dhaku D. 46 89. Sbri Tilve Yeshvanrt D. 57 173. Shri Mapari Chandrakant K. 33 " 90. 'Shrt Mashelkar [)attaram G. 45 174. Shri Pai Dhungat Ranganath B. 45 91. ShIli Neugui Gajanan R. 39 175. Shri Gaonkar Pandurang K. 41 92. ShriJ Neugui ATaVind R. 30 176. Shri Chart Pandurang L. 51 , '93. Shri Neugui Subhash R. 23 177. Shri Chari Shrikant S. 27 ",94. '8hri Plednekar Manohar V. 31 178. Shri Kansar Mohan R. 34 95. Shri Tell 'Gurudas R. 41 179. Shri Chari Sadashiv S. 41 96. 8hrti Tell Damodar V. 57 180. Shri Kadkade Baburao G. 57 '97. Shri Teli Shivdas D. 26 181. Shri Kadkade Anand B. 37 98. Shri Tel!i 'Satish D. 23 182; Shri Kadkade Anil B.' 24 , 99. Shri Tell Vishnu B. 64 183. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Vishnu R. 60 i 100. 8hm Lanzekar Krishna V. 01 184. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Jaivant M; 52 f '101. Sbri La.nzekar Bhlkaro :K. 26 185. Shri Shenavi Mandrekar Kashinath V. 37 102. Shri Tell Shamba V. 64 186. Shri Naik 'Ca:ulekar' Madllukar S. 25 '103. Shri Teli Sudesh .t 29 187. Shri Gaonkar Laxman Y. 36 104. Shri Pauskar Atmaram 45 188. Shri Gaonkar Vasant N. 31 '105. SM Karapurkar Prakash A. 31 189. Shri Gaonkar Surya K. 59 ·106. Shri Dubie Ravlndra R. 31 190. Shri Gosavi Narayan Y. 56 '107. Soo Charn:ekar Sluiram N. 45 191. Shri Naik caulekar Yeshvant D. 61 'lOO. Shl'l Cha:Dlekar ChandrakaJllt N. 44 192. Shri Shetye Vasudev K. 45 '109. Shri Betkikar Dinanath -18. 35 193. Shri Dicholkar Babu G. 24 "110. Shri KapddJ lKamaiakant 'So 34 194. . Shri Gosavi Babal M. 26 111. Shri Peduekar Vyenkatesh V. 41 195. Shri Gosavi Krishna S. 49 112. Shri Peduekar Gan..,h K. 55 196. Shri Chodankar Mnkund S. 43 ,'113. Shri GauthaJI1kar K;rishna S. 45 197. Shri Chodankar Kanta S •. 36 ':114. Shti GauthaJD.kar Tukaram S; 38 198. Shri Chodankar Shivram S. 34 21ST OCTOBER, 1976 (ASVINA 29, 1898) 247

S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age

199. Shri Naik Vasant D. 26 285. Shti Caulekar Sadashive N. 53 2~0. ~hri Gaonkar bazulo G. 41 286. Shri Prabhu Sinari bhrikrishna D. 3& 201. Shri GaonKar Anant R. 76 281. Shri AmonKar Nilkanath Dattaram 51 202. Shri GaonKar Ganpat A. 36 288. Shti Amonkar Uday M. 24 \ 203. Shri Gaon.rar Mahadev R. 67 289. Shri Deul~,ar Govind N. 59 204. Shri Gaonkar Dayanand M. 22 290. Shri KolmuIe Shripad B. 52 ~ 205. Shri Gaonkar burya Dattu 38 291. Shri Kolmumle Pradip S. 26 206. Shri Gaonkar Matru D. 4'1 292. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Gopal D. 74 207. Shri Gaonkar NUu V. 46 293. Shri Shenvi Kadkade Mukund G. 39 208. Shri Porob Gaonkar Maso S. 66 294. Shri Avate Venkatesh N. 52 209. Shri Parob Gaonkar Tukaram S. :16 295. Shti Arabekar Shriram V. 57 210. Shri Tembkar Ganpat B. 36 296. Shri Falari Manguesh K. 45 21l. Shri -Gaonkar Shiva N. 76 297. Shri Vishnu S. 44 212. bhri .M.ayenkar Gajanan K. 44 298. Shti Kapadi Gurudas R. 24 213. Shri Dicholkar Raghunath R, 64 299. , Shri Shenvi Kadkade Sadanand V. 51 214. t)hri Dicholkar Gurudas R. 38 300. Shri Kamat Prabhakar V. 33 215. Shri Parob Ramchandra P. 34 301. Bhri UsapKar l\f1anohar R. 45 216. Shri Parob Mohan S. 33 302. Shri Popkar Dilip B. 22 217. &hri Parob Shanu Govind S. 26 303. Shri Govenkar Bhriram S. 51 218. Shri Parob Shashill::ant T. 31 304. Shri Shirodkar Mahendra R. 26 219. Shri Parob Gaonkar Vinayak S. 26 305. Shn Shirodkar Vinayek R. 22 220. Shri Parob Gaonkar Narayan D. 42 306. Shri Chanekar· Shambhu V. 34 221. :::;hri Parob Gaonkar Ramuli D. 33 307. Shti N aik Shashikant S. 26 222. Shri Parob Gaonkar Tulshidas M. 26 308. Shn Lawanis Gajanan G. 64 223. Shri Gaonkar Satu p. 26 30~. Shri Lawanis Kashinath G. 56 224. Shri Sahakari Gajanan V. 51 310. Shri Lawanis AnU G. 21 225. Shri Gaonkar Vasant R. 51 311. Shri Kholkar Naguesh G. 33 226. Shri Gaonkar Datta S. 32 312. Shri Naik Satchitanand S. 40 227. Shri Falkar Gajanan A. 41 313. Shri Naik Vasant R. 46 228. Shri Mapari Ganesh Y. 27 314. Shn Na.lk Pandurang V. 56 229. Shri Parob Gaonkar Gangaram V. 65 315. Shri ·Naik Anant P. 33 230. Shri Parob Gaonkar Jagdev G. 24 316. Shri Hinde KaUdas N. 34 231. Shri Gaonkar Surya M. 47 317. Shri Hinde Ramesh K. 28 232. Shri Chari Ranta Y. 32 318. Shri Deulkar Shripad A. 58 233. Shri Chari Purushottam R. 54 319. Shri Alvi Vinayak G. 57 234. Shri Parob Gaonkar Manguesh Mosso 51 320. Shri Alvi Shripad Vaman 57 235. Shri Chari Balkrishna A. 42 321. Shri Yarde Valawalkar Shankar V. 61 236. Shri Kansar Gajanan R. 42 322. Shri Kalangutkar Shambhu A. 66 237. Shri Kansar Shivram R. 29 323. Shri Laximikant S. Kalangutkar 38 238. Shri Chari Rohidas R. 38 .324. Shri Kapadi J aiwant R. 30 239. Shri Kadkade Mohan B. 40 325. Shri Desai Atchut S. 55 240. Shri Kadkade Harishchandra B. 31 Shri Dangui A vadhut S. 27 22 326. 241. Shri Kadkade Sunil B. 327. Shri Parob Wadkar. Datta G. 36 242. Shri Shenvi Mandrekar Ramchandra V. 38 328. Shl'i Sardesai Suryarao Ramesh N. 33 51 243. Shri Shenvi Mandrekar Shantaram M. 329. Shn Shenvi Kadakade Prakash K. 31 244. Shri Chanekar Narayan V. 50 Shti Shenvi Radakade Kusumakar V. 48 22 330. 245. Shri Chanekar Shambhu V. 33l. Shri Kamat Naresh R. 26 246. Shri Nail< Vinayak S. 30 Shri Nadkarni Sadanand L. 62 27 332'- 247. Shri Naik Gajanan S. 333. Shri Nadkarn:i. Sunil S. 24 248. Shri Lawanis Kashinath G. 56 Shri Yarde Borkar Vasant A. 71 31 334. 249. Shri Lawanis Suresh G. 335. ShIi Natekar Narayan R. 43 250. Shri Lawanis Rajinikant G. 22 41 65 336. Shri ManerkaJ". K. 25l. Shri Nail< Shripad V. Shri Manerkar Shart!to K. 54 51 337. 252. Shri Naik Vaman R. 338. Sh.:I'.i: Falari VilShvanath R. 29 253. Shri Naik Balaji'R. 39 27 34 339. SM Fala.ri Suresh R. 254. Shri Naik Upendra P. 341). Shri Govenkar Va.s-sudev M. 56 Shri Hinde Prabhali.ar N. 44 255. 34l. Shfii Govenkar 'Shivdas V. 22 Shri Hinde Kashinath P. 51 256. 342. Shri Karapurkar Atmaram P. 56 257. Shri Hinde Umesh, K. 23 46 55 343. Shri Shenvi Karapurkar Krishna S. 258. Shri Deulkar Vassudev A. Shri Salgaonkar Raghoba Y. 57 Shri Alvi Dattaram Sitaram 39 344. 2W. 345. Shri Naik Caulekar Umakant B. 39 260. Shri AlVi Gajanan V. 46 32 34&. Shri Naik rcaulekar Narayan V. 24 261. Shri Yarde Valawalkar Shantaram S. 56 Shri Kalangutirar Anant S. 48 347. Shri Desai Sadashiv R. 262. Shri AmonMr Dilip N. 25 263. Shri Govenkar Gurudas V. 23 348. 61 349. Shri Deulkar Rajaram P. 53 264. Shri Natekar Rajaram A. 24 265. Shri Dangui Sadanand V. 59 350. Shri Deulkar Suhlli~ R. 41 351. Shti Kolmule Balktishna S. 30 266. Shri ShenaVi Karapurpar Arvind 22 Shri Mahambre Narasinhanath P. 63 352. 8h1"'i Kolmule Ajit S. 267. Shri Shenvi Radaka.d.e Raghunath 49 268. Shri· Senai Kadkade Anand V. 51 353. Shti Senai Kadkade Vishnu K. 27 354. Shri Shoo"; Kadkade Shripad D. 58 269. 42 270. Shri Kamat Ramchandra M. 54 355. 8hri Falari. Vas ant K. 271. Shti Kamat Mahadev Ramchandra 22 356. Shri Arabekar Shivcias S. 25 53 272. Shti Nadkarni Atchut S. 37 357. Shrti Kapadi -Ram chandra S. Shri Nadkarni Rajendra S. 22 358. Shri Kapadi Sureschandra R. 29 273. 41 274. Shri Yarde Atmaram V. 38 359. Shri Kapadi Sakharam V. 275. Shri Natekar Brahma R. 31 360. Shri Kadkade Ajit Sadanand 22 276. Shri Manerikar Anand S. 27 36l. Shri Kamat Sudhakar V. 31 277. Shri Govenkar Ramnath S. 51 362. Shri Moye Krishna L. 62 278. Shti Falari Gurudas R. 35 . 36& SOO Popkar Vlli"ilnu S . 25 279. Shri Govenkar Datta V. 33 364. Shri Gaad '.Govenkar Pandurang 56 280. Shri Govenkar Shrikant V. 32 365. ShI1i Shirodkar .p.raka.shR. 28 281. Shri Govenkar Chandrakant V. 41 366. ShI1i' Sbiro

i c 248 SERIES III No. 30

S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age

370. Shri Pl'abhu Za1l't:ye Harishchandra N. 39 455. Shri Pavse Shivram Narayan 44 371. Shri TilV1e Ra"mchandra Yeshwant 30 456. Shri Kamat Narayan Laxman 23 372. Shri 'I'ilve Vivekanand Yeshwant 23 457. Shri Kamat Anand Krishna 22 373. Shri Kansar Vinayak Narayan 39 458. Shri Govenkar Ravindra Vinayak 35 374. Shri Alvi Jaidev Mahadev 74 459. Shri Govenka!" Vinayak Narayan 50 375. Shri Alvi Madhukar Jaidev 47 4~0. Shri Govenkar Jaidev Vinayak 22 376. . Shri Alvi Manohar Jajdev 42 461. Shri Karpe Hiranand Chandrakant 26 377. Shci Haldankar Rajaram Mahadev 62 462. Shri Chodankar Shankar Tukaram 71 378. Shri Haldankar Mohan Rajaram 34 463. Shri Chodankar Pandurang Shankar 44 379. Shri Shetye Dattaram Shanker 35 464. Shri Chodankar Tukaram Pandurang 24 380. Shri Mashelkar Raghuvir Narayan 60 465. Shri Vernekar Narayan Anant 52 381. Shri Mashelkar' Umesh Raghuvir 25 466. Shri Govenkar Chandrakant Govind 41 382. Shri Mashelkar Vas-ant Darnodar 41 467. Shri Chodankar Kalidas Mahadev 30 383. Shri Mashelkar Manohar Damodar 34 468. Shri Govenkar Vassudev Govind 33 384. Shri Siveskar Ladoba Ana:nt 85 469. Shri Govenkar Dattaram Narayan 3>1 385. Shri Slveskar Umesh Ladoba 40 470. Shri Govenkar Devidas Narayan 37 386. Shni Naik Narayan Sitamm 43 471. Shri Govenkar Kalidas Narayan 34 387. Shri Naik Halarnkar Shripad V. 56 472. Shri Govenkar Damodar Narayan 30 388. Shrl' Sa!Jt.a,r Mahadev Manguesh 5:> 473. Shri Govenkar Premanand Mahadev 48 389. Shri Salkar Suml Mahadev 24 474. Shri Govenkar Anand Mahadev 44 390. Shri Salkar A.run Mahadev 22' 475. Shri Govenkar Ashok Premanand 22 391. Shri Salkar Sudhtr Mahadev 2;; 476. Shri Gauns Shivaji Krishna 34 392. Shri Salkar Shivram Manguesh 49 477. Shri Usgaonkar Shivram Bablo 72 393. Shri Shetye Gajanan Shriram 41 478. Shri Usgaonkar Chandrakant S. 34 394. 8M Karapurkar Suhas- Gajanan ';,7 479. Shri Punalkar Vasant GoVind 51 395. Shri Narvekar Ramchandra Manguesh 75 480. Shri Dhavlo Raulo 50 396. Shri Narvekar DatJtaram Ramchandra 48 481. Shri Gavde Ramesh Mahadev 23 397. Shr.i· Narvekar Dinanath R. 45 482. Shri Gavde Shantaram Eshwant 26 398. Shri Narve·kar Gajanan Sadashiv 46 483. Shri Morajkar Manguesh L. 63 399. Shri Narvekar P.radip Dattaram 23 484. Shri Naik Sadashiv Navso 55 400. Shri Chan'ekar Shnipad Anant 56 485. Shri Naik Vitto Pandurang 32 401. Shri Chenekar Govind An-ant 41 486. Shri Kharbe Yeshwant Rama 36 402. Shri Chanekar Motichrund Shripad 31 487. Shri Kharbe Narayan Rama 44 403. 'Shri Chaneka,r Vinod Shripad 28 488. Shri Naik Mahadev Vitthoba 32 404. Shri Chanekar Anant Shripad 22 489. Shri Naik Shantaram Kashinath 44 405. Shri Naik Vas,sudev Baburao 61 490. Shri Naik Manohar Kashinath 32 406. Shri Chari Ramchandra Anant 37 491. Shri Naik Bhanudas Shiva 37 407. Shri Chari Damodar Anant 39 492. Shri Naik Bhollanath 27 408. ShI'J Falari Narayan Pundali-k 28 493. Shri Amonkar N arasimha Krishna 55 409. Shri Kotkar Bablo Pandurang 59 494. Shrl Amonkar Ramdas Narasimha 34 410. Shrl Vernekar Saji Keshav 51 495. Shri Amonkar Gajanan Narasimha 26 411. Shri Vernekar Shashikant Vithal 31 496. Shri Gavde Arjun Harishchandra 32 412. Shri Vernekar Chandrakant Vithal 26 497. Shri Dhavle Tukaram Varnan 35 413. Shri Amonkar Uday Nilkanth 25 498. Shri' Dhavle Suryakant Vaman 22 414. Shn Kamat Pandurang Ramchandra. 63 499. Shri Dhavle Vishnu Krishna 52 415. Shri Kamat Gurudas Pandurang . 22 500. Shri Teli Narayan Bhalchandra '27 416. Shri Mantri Shashikant Vitthal 37 501. Shri Mandrekar Narayan Yeshwant 31 417. Shri Amonkar Shantaram Govind 61 502. Shrl Mandrekar Gajanan Yeshwant 37 418. Shri Amonkar Manohar Shantaram 37 503. Shri Mandrekar Vishnu Vittthal 30 419. Shri Amonkar Gurudas Shantaram 53 504. Shri Mandrekar Vassudev Raghoba 23 420. Shri Amonkar Anand Govind 39 505. Shri Mandrekar Shripad Shankar 27 421. Shri Amonkar Mohandas Govind 37 506. Shri Mandrekar Surya Antoo 36 422. Shri Naik Yeshwant Dattaram 51 507. Shri Mandrekar Govind Babal 41 423. Shri Amonkar SUresh Shantaram 27 508. Shri Mandrekar PundaUk Mukund 22 424. Shri Amonka,r Ravindra Pandurang 31 509. Shri Mandrekar Shiva Babu 46 425. Shri Amonkar J aiprakash P. 26 510. Shri Gavde Krishna 36 426. Shri Amonkar Vishnu P. 22 511. Shri Mandrekar Budhaji Bhiva 61 427. Shri Naik Vassudev Yeshwant 51 512. Shri Mandrekar Shantaram Sonu 59 428. Shri Naik Prakash Rama 31 513. Shri Mandrekar Raghuvir 40 429. Shri Marathe Yeshwant Kashinath 27 514. Shri Mandrekar Rama Ganesh 23 430. Shri Kurdikar Shripad S. 34 515. S~ri Lokare Sitaram Dajii 26 431. Shri Salgaonkar Dattaram Moge 64 516. Shri Lokare Ankush Kalnat 28 432. Shri Dhond Sadanand Shantaram 26 517. Shri Lokre Dajl Raghunath 50 433. Shri Kapadi Vitthal Jaidev 51 518. Shri Lokre Babuso Raghunath 45 434. Shri Shetye Padmanabh Purushottam 62 519. Shri Lokre Ishwar Kalnath 38 435. Shri Kanekar Vitthal Sitaram 53 520. Shri Lokre Kanta Kalnath 35 436. Shri Kanekar Gajanan Jaya 26 521. Shri Lokre Mohan Shantaram 23 437. Shri Kanekar Ratnakar Pandhari 30 522. Shri Lokre Prakash Kainath 25 438. Shri Kanekar Dattu Pandhari 26 523. Shri Jadhav Bhagvath Daji 55 439. Shri Dhond Govind Subraya 54 524. Shri Jadhav Yeshvant Daji 32 440. Shri Dhond Kamiakant Subraya 49 525. Shri Jadhav Madhu Bhagnath 25 441. Shri Shetye Krishna Raghunath 72 526. Shri Rajpot Gopal S. 40 442. Shri Shetye Anand Krishna 41 527. Shri Rajpot Kashinath R. 32 443. Shri Shetye Ashok Krishna 30 528. Shri Rajpot Anand Ranoji 30 444. Shri Shetye Sadguru Krishna 22 529. Shri Patil Ramchandra Ramnath 59 445. Shri Fogeri Kashinath V. 26 530. Shri Patil Kanta Ramnath 23 446. Shri Fogen Ravindranath V. 25 531. Shri Patil Bappa Vitthoba 40 447. Shri Shenvi Khandeparkar Pundalik 58 532. Shri PatH Ramnath Vitthoba 38 448. Shri Neugui Kashinath Dattaram 46 533. Shri Govenkar Motiram Baburao 45 449. Shri Neugui Mahitndas Dattaram 42 534. Shri Pavar Bajirao -Ranoji 50 450. Shri Sardesai Jaiwantrao J. 63 535. Shri Pavar N aranoji Ranoji 40 451. Shri Sardesai Shashikant J. 40 536. Shri Raval Rauio Babani 45 452. Shri Falari Gopinath Shivram 40 537. Shri Raval Pandurang Raolo 30 453. Shri Falari Bhagwant Shivram 38 538. Shri Raval-Narayan Vassu· 32 , 454. Shri Kapadi Vishnu .Govind 33 539. Shri Raval Anant Babi 45 21ST OCTOBER, 1976 (ASVINA 29, 1898) 249

Shri Dineshwar Gana Tad» to «SrlIDi 'Esvanta Gana Cho­ S. No. Name of the Mahajan Age dankar, Shrli lSurya Gana Chodankar and ShI'li Dine'Shwar G.aro.a Chodankar», respe;c~L'vely. Whereas formaUfies prescl'ibecf for the purpose 1n IN o. 3 540. Shri Raval Bhima Yeshwant 39 Of Art. 178 of the «Codigo do Regisbo CiV1il» have been com­ 541. Shri Raval Chandra Yeshwant 51 pl'i:esd w..;;th by publ:ica!tion of notice of change of names from 542. Shri Raval Bhikaji Sonu 33 «Shrt Esso Tari, Shri Suria .Tar! and lS'hri! Denesv'ar Gaua 543. Shri Mandrekar Vishnu Beklo 53 Tam» to «Shri Esvanta Gana ChOd.ank!ar, ShI1f Surya Gana 544. Shri Gavdo Govind Rama 36 Chodankar and' ShrL Din-eshwaT Gana Chodankar», ['espectf­ 545. Shri Gavdo Vishnu Mahadev 70 vely, as per the Government's No Objection. 546. Shri Gavdo Krishna Vishnu 45 547. Shri Gavdo. Narayan Babuli 59 lNow, therefore, the request mad:e by the saj'd Smt. Cho­ 548. Shri Popkar Mukund S. , 22 dankar :is granted and she is hereby authorised to pub1i'sh 549. Shri Morajkar Ramnath 35 this Order in the Offlc',i'al Gazette and apply for eIl!d'ol'Sement 550. Shri Amonkar Uday NUkanth 25 ill' the respective registration as per no. 4 of the said Art. 178 01 :the «Codigo do Reg'isto Cilvil».

Panaji, 3rd July, 1976. - The Direc;tor, R. Narayanaswami. By order and ,in the name of the Administrator of Goa. Daman amd DIu. V. no. 4619/1976 Panaji, 7th October, 1976.- K. O. D. Gangwcmi, Law Se­ cretary. ••• V. no. 4732/1976 local Self Government Department ...

Forest Department Advertisements Civil Registration Office - Mapusa-Bardez Tender Notice Sealed tenders sup-eliScribed "Tenders for :the Supply of Public Notice Water Pump Sets" are ~nvited by the Conservator of Fol."'eSts, GOvernment of Goa, Daman and Diu, Junta House It

Panajd, 8th October, 1976. -~ The ConservaJtor of Forests, S. S. Bhattee. Notice 2 In accordam.'ce with the terms and for .the purpose ... establiIshed in article 330, of the COde of Comuniidald'es, lin force, -it is hereby announced that Chandrakant Betu GauiDso, resid'ent of NaV'elim, BichoHm Taluk!a, has appli:oo' on lease Urban Development Department for construction of residential house, the uncultivated and unused plot of 1and known as «Todeacodtl Borodo», situated Office of the Collector of Goa at Navelim and belongitng ;to the N'aveNm 'Comunidade, covering an area of 600 square metres. It 'll; bound'ed on " the north and east by the cashew garden Todeacodil Borodo, on the south by the public road that from NaveHm leads to Notification Amona and on the west by the plot applied on lease by Sadananoo Shanu Gaunso. ~ File No. 16/1976. No. COL/ELN/MUN/39015/76 If any person has any objection agaUn-st the proposed l'ease, In pursuance of the provisIons of Sub-Sect'ion (1) of Sec­ he should submit his objection in writlilng to the Adffilin1s­ tion' 21 of the 'Goa', Daman and Diu

••• Notice law and Judiciary Department 3 In accordance with the terms IBnd for ;the purpose establlished .m atitic1e 330, of - the 'Code of Comunii

- 250 SERIES III No. 30

Amona on the east by the plot applied' on lease by (~han­ Notice drakant Betu Gaunso and on the west by the building of Gram Panchayat of Navelim. - File No. 15/1976. 7 In accordance with the terms and for the purpose If any person has any objection agalinst the proposed lease, established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in he should submit his objection in wriifiizlg to the Admm1s­ force, it is hereby annoUnced" that- IDlas -Krisna Narvenkar, trator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the resident of Anjuna, has applied on lease for· cOnstruction date of second publication. of thIs notice, ijn the Officlal of .residential house, the uncultivated and uimsed plO¢ of Gazette. ]and known as "DeuIadi", talhao No. 159,"" lof No. 466, situated at Anjuna and belonging to the Anjuna 'COmunfd8.de, MapU'sa, 28th September, 1976. - The a:cting S'ecretary, covering an. area of 600 square metres;" It is" bounded on IV els011i Xavier Trindade. the" east by the land of Coni'unidade, -on the west by the V: no. 4575/1976 public road, on the north by 'taIh§.o' ~ No. -160 granted on (Repeated) lease "to Jaiwant Keshav Narv-enkar and -on "the south -'by 'talhao' No. 158 granted on lease to Sonu Arzuna Calangutcar. "-File no. 127/1976. ' , , Notice If any person has any objection against the proposed 4 In accordance with ;the terms and for the purpose lease, he should" submit his objection an writing to' the Admi­ established in article 330, of the Code of Comunidades, in forc~. nistrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from it is hereby announced that Pracaxa Visvanata N arvenkar, reSI­ the date of se~nd publication of this notice, W the Official dent of Mapusa, has app]led on lease for cons~on' of Gazette. residential house, the hilly. uncultivated and -unused plot of M3!pusa, 17th Septe'mlber, 1976.-The a:cit-ing Secretary, land without special denomination, «lote reservado no. 126», N e18011. Xavier Trindade. situated at Alto de Porvorim and belonging to the Serula ComuIDdtade, coverling an area of 600 square metres. It 'is v. no. 4660/1976 bounded on all sides by the remaining part of the same lot. - (Repeated) File no. 144J1976. If any person has -any objection ag8Jinst the propose~ lease, Notice he should submit his objectlion in writing ;to the AdminIstrator of Comunidades of Bard,ez, within 30 days from the date of ,8 In aCCOrda~'Ce with the terms and for the purpose second publicati-on of ,this notice, lin the Off.icial Gazette. established in. artmle 330, of the Code of Comunlidaldes in force, iIt is hereby anll'ounced that Gang8!dhal' S. K:aKWct.e, Mapusa, 5th October, 1976. - The acting Secretary, Nelson r-e'Sident of Colvale, has applied. on lease for :constructilon of Xavier Trindade. resid'fflltJ"lal house, the wncu.1tivated and unused plot of land V. no. 4629/1976 known as «Toleacho Sarvo», situated at Oolvale and belonging (Repeated) to the Colvale Comunidade,

- 21ET OCTOBER, 1976 (ASVINA 29, 1898) 251 ------Siriguo-Mulgao «Oevalaias» 11 The ahove menti'onecl Comun,idades are convened to meet ,in an - extraoroin"ary l11-eetling in fits Meeting Hall on Pevctsthan -Shri Datta Mandir of Amona .3rd Sunday after "the publicaVlon - of this nottce m Official Gazette at 10 a. m. the Comunidade of iSlil"Jgao and at 3 p.- m. Notice the Comunidade of Mulgao dn .ollder to approve the accounts 18 N'Otice is hereby given' to all Mahajan members 'of in view of the order of the Administrator of the Comunidades. l';hq J:)O>1:ta Mandi1\ .0fAmona.-Bicholim.Talul>a, that a meet­ of Bardez Taluka·. ing is proposed to be held on 31-10-76, at 3' p.m; ln, the Sir!igao, . 11th October, 1976. - The Olerk, Vamona Zoixi. Temple of said D-evasthan, to discuss on the subject 'Of «Government Policy» as regards, «Bye-laws» of the. said _V. M. 47561:1976 Devasthan. Xelvona Amana, 15th October, 1976. - The President, NUJTtU1,ev _ 12 The _auction of :income litems .of f,ishety f~r th~_ p~rio~ Vaman Fotto. of 1977 to 1979w!l1 be held OIr the 3rd Sunday after the V. no. 4819/1976 publflc:at'iOll of th~s notice in the Off:iolal, Gazette, at -10 a. m. in the Meeting :tIall under t~.e conditions and base according Shri Nagesn Mahar_uclra- ,'Dev~Utan; Bandora -, . to the respective estimatJlve approved by the authority. 19 An exbraordinary_'-meeung' -of tne- Mahaja.ns' of. :th~ Xel'vona, 8th October, 1976. --:- The Clerk lin charge, Bal· aforesaid DeVa&than- 'is hereby conveyed on 7th Noven1oor, criS'1U! G. R. Dessai. 1976 _(Sunday) at 10.00 a. m, In. its meeting hall to discUss V. no. 4763/1976 the following matters: , l---:.Aotion to -be _taken ,in connection 'Mrth,the comp-Ie':' MapusQ, tion of the Agra,.shalas con:structi'on work arid 'the 13 . The above mentioned Comunidad:e is hereby convened procedure t9 be ad()p1:ed for utilization'.. of 'the- Agra~ for an extraordinary meetllng at :its Meeting HraH on' 3rd 'sha:l-as alrea4y in ex!isten.ce;' and . .., Slind3.y after the publ,fcatdon of thli!S notice :in the Offfc:ial 2 ~ Celehration of ,the -very important' relig,i'oUs: ~t:eni9ny GazeUe, at 10 a. m. 1n oI'der to deliiberate on the following: of the «A'l1lRUDRA ·S\VAHAKAR» suggested by some'Mahajans, without any financial burdtm on;' ~ 1st .Letter no. RD/COM/83/70-76. dated 12th August. 1976. Devalaya. -, -- of ~:evenue Dep'artment, attached at page 29 of !the papers :rela.t1ng-'to the payment of honorariu_m -for preparation- of -The presence of the Mahajans in large uumoors ~, '8. fu~~. th_e, proj~t_ and construction' ot: 'the; offIic~ building, submitted hyth~ Arct;itect R. S. Lawande; totalling Rs. 18.358-18:p. Bandont, 18th Oot9bel";_1976. ~-T1ie Olerk of th-e COlumiftee, ::-',D'onaU-on . to .. be· rri·acte-"·in -the', favour - of' -Goa "Cari'

Xli Chamundesvari of Varqao Vitoria da Bragan~a Cunha, who was forom Margao and now 22 Notice 18 hereby given to aU Mahajan members of said belonging to her (Ines) and Jtransfer all Ithe above share Deva.sfuan that a meeting is proposed to be held on 31-10-76, certificates in her name with a right to collect the unpaid at 3 p. m. ·in the Temple of said Devasilian, to discuss on dividends of the said shares from the above Comun.[dade. the subject of «Government Policy» as regards «Bye-}aws» Thooe who wash to claim may do ISO, before the competent of the above Devasthan. authority, w>th!n legal time of 60 days. Vargao, 16th October, 1976. - The SecretaTY, K'l'ishna SifItH. V. No. 4774/1976 Tam_ Gonvekar. V. mo. 4946/1976 24 Dom..inic Joseph Martins de Souza, from Calangute, intends to collect :firom fthe comunidade of Cala:ngute, tl1e sum • of Rs. 267"()3 PS. 'the dividends of the shares of the years Private advertisements 1972 to 1976 belonging Ito his I"te mother !Delfina Martins ..-e Sotiza, ~who was' from the same- place and invites cla!lm within the· legal time limit. 23 Ines Rodrigues aJias Ines Rodrigues Cotta Carvalho, V. M. 4802/1976 widow of Ligor,io Cotta ICarvalho, from -Margao, wishes to get renewed. for having lost the share certificates nos. 764 t6 _- _782, -cOllltaining ~h ten shares and share certificate 25 Elvira Helena Anasrtasia Fonseca e Dantas f,rom Ucas­ no. 783 contaln:ing one share of Sarrora Comunidade, share saim intends to transfer in her name 4 shares Nos. 1183 to ooItificatea nos. 4{)2: to 410 and 418, contafning each ten 1186 contadned in ,titles Nos. 376 to 379 respectlLvely of Comu­ shaves, share OODtificates nos. 411 Ito 415. containing pach nid'aJdle de PaUem and their dfvJ:d-ends upto 1976 belonging 'one shane .qf Dramapur ComuIlii{lad~; share certificate no. to heD late husband Ca. 4814/1976 md 359, containing eaCh ten sha.:r.es of-'Chandor Com'tmidade; 'share certificates nos. 158 to 1&3, conItaining -each- one share of Cavordm Comunidade; share certificaJtes nOS. 59; 60~ 416 26 Madeva Sinai ViEilingcar, married, iI'eSident of Panaji, to 423; 424; 425; 42&; 374; 708; 709; 735; 73&; 61 and 62, announces for due purpose run hliS' capacilty as the interested containing each ten shtlires; share certificCL'tet'l nos. 359 and party thEllt he wishoo to col:1ect f.rom the Comunidade of 65 contain1Iig each three shares, share certif·icates' nOS. 66; Vellnga the .sum of Rs,385-17; cOITeSponding to the dividends ,427; 737 and 738. conrt:aimng each one- share and share of shares .registered iti_ the name of his late -- grand-father certificate no. 65, containing four shares (4th to 7th) cof SIm! Roguvir PWldolica Sinai Veiingcar, lIIOt barred by CueHm 'Comuhidade, standiug


) GOVT. PRINTING PRESS-GOA (Impren.s8 Nacional - Goa) PRIOE - lIB. 1-05 Ps.
