Sexism at Work: How Can We Stop It? Handbook for the EU Institutions and Agencies Acknowledgements

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Sexism at Work: How Can We Stop It? Handbook for the EU Institutions and Agencies Acknowledgements Sexism at work: how can we stop it? Handbook for the EU institutions and agencies Acknowledgements This handbook was developed by the European The personal stories were collected in person Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). It was or in writing during the drafting of the hand- adapted from JUMP’s handbook Libérez votre book. They include experiences from the EU entreprise du sexisme* by Dorothy Dalton, who institutions and agencies, as well as from bod- was contracted as an External Expert. EIGE co- ies that work closely with these organisations. ordinated the work and provided quality assur- Stories were collected by the External Expert ance (Veronica Collins, Valentina Canepa, Vasiliki during workshops and coaching sessions, as Saini). well as through conversations. All stories are On 20 September 2019, EIGE held an expert real, though some names have been changed meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania, to receive com- to protect identities. EIGE would like to thank ments on a draft of the handbook. The meeting the Directorate-General (DG) for Justice and was attended by EU institutions and agencies, Consumers and DG Human Resources and non-governmental organisations and the pri- Security of the European Commission for their vate sector. The final version of this handbook valuable input, as well as Dr Sonja Robnik, mem- reflects the input of these organisations. ber of EIGE’s Expert Forum. The European Institute for Gender Equality The European Institute for Gender Equality Email: [email protected] (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union established to strengthen gender Tel. +370 52157444 equality across the EU. Equality between women and men is a fundamental value of the EU and EIGE’s task is to make this a reality in Europe and beyond. This includes becoming a European knowledge centre on gender equality issues, supporting gender mainstreaming in all EU and Member State policies, and fighting discrimination based on sex. European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE Gedimino pr. 16 LT-01103 Vilnius LITHUANIA Cover photo: © Nata Studio/ Neither EIGE nor any person acting on behalf of EIGE is responsible for the use that might be made of the following information. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2020 Print ISBN 978-92-9482-621-3 doi:10.2839/290396 MH-02-20-657-EN-C PDF ISBN 978-92-9482-618-3 doi:10.2839/59750 MH-02-20-657-EN-N © European Institute for Gender Equality, 2020 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Reuse is authorised provided the source is acknowledged, the original meaning is not distorted and EIGE is not liable for any damage caused by that use. The reuse policy of EIGE is implemented by the Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (2011/833/EU). * JUMP, Libérez votre entreprise du sexisme, 2019 ( Guide_Sexisme_BE_FR.pdf). European Institute for Gender Equality Sexism at work: how can we stop it? Handbook for the EU institutions and agencies Contents Contents Background 3 Part 1.Understand 5 What is sexism? 6 What is the impact of sexism at work? 7 Where does sexism come from? 9 Sexism at work 12 What happens when you violate sexist expectations? 18 What is sexual harassment? 21 Violating sexist expectations can lead to sexual harassment 25 Under-reporting of sexual harassment 27 Part 2. Test yourself 29 Part 3. Act 33 How can I combat sexism? An ten-step programme for managers 34 How can all staff create cultural change? 44 How can I report a problem? 48 Eradicating sexism to change the face of the EU 49 2 European Institute for Gender Equality Background Background Who is this handbook for? This handbook will be relevant for every organisation and for all work contexts, both in the public and private sector. However, the content has been tailored to the context of the EU institutions and agencies (1). What is the aim of this handbook? The focus of this handbook is to help organisations understand the nature of sexism in work contexts and to provide leadership, management and staff with the tools to tackle it. The focus is on informal mechanisms to foster cultural change. The handbook also touches on ways to deal with sexual harassment, which is illegal, constitutes discrimination and is a form of violence. EU-wide legal obligations neces- sitate formal responses to such behaviour. While informal mechanisms can accompany formal responses to sexual harassment, they cannot replace them. What is the scope of this handbook? The focus is on policies which cover all staff employed directly by the EU (such as the Staff Regulations of Officials and Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union), highlighting specific good practices and pinpointing gaps. This handbook cannot present all internal policies and informal measures within all EU institutions and agencies. (1) This handbook is designed to inform and does not constitute a legal text. Sexism at work: how can we stop it? 3 Part 1. Understand Part 1. Understand Sexism at work: how can we stop it? 5 Part 1.Understand What is sexism? Sexism is linked to beliefs around the fundamental nature of women and men and the roles they should play in society. Sexist assumptions about women and men, which manifest themselves as gender stereotypes, can rank one gender as superior to another. Such hi- erarchical thinking can be conscious and hostile, or it can be unconscious, manifesting itself as unconscious bias. Sexism can touch everyone, but women are particularly affected. Despite legal frameworks set up across the EU to prevent discrimination and promote equality, women are still under-represented in decision-making roles, left out of certain sectors of the economy, primarily responsible for unpaid care work, paid less than men and disproportionately subject to gender-based violence (2). Sexist attitudes, practices and behaviour contribute to these inequalities. Within the European institutions there is no specific definition of sexism. Sexist behaviour is partly covered under Article 12a of the Staff Regulations on psychological and sexual harassment, where sexual harassment is defined as: … conduct relating to sex which is unwanted by the person to whom it is directed and which has the purpose or effect of offending that person or creating an intimidating, hostile, of- fensive or disturbing environment (3). Sexist practices are prohibited under Article 1(d) of the Staff Regulations, which prohibits discrimina- Definition: sexism tion based on sex (among other forms of discrimi- Sexism is linked to power in nation), as well as under Article 21 of the Charter of that those with power are typi- Fundamental Rights of the EU. cally treated with favour and However, while some sexist behaviour may those without power are typi- breach these anti-harassment and anti-discrim- cally discriminated against. ination rules, some does not reach that thresh- Sexism is also related to ste- old. Additionally, the European Court of Auditors reotypes since discriminatory has found that while the ethical frameworks of the actions or attitudes are fre- European Parliament, the European Council, the quently based on false beliefs Council of the European Union and the European or generalisations about gen- Commission are largely adequate and staff rate their der, and on considering gen- own ethical knowledge highly, less than a quarter der as relevant where it is not. believe their colleagues would not hesitate to Source: EIGE (5). report unethical behaviour (4). (2) Directive 2006/54/EC on the implementation of the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and occupation outlines provisions Member States are obligated to take to stop sexual harassment in the workplace, as well as direct and indirect discrimination (3) Regulation No 31 (EEC), 11 (EAEC), laying down the Staff Regulations of Officials and the Condi- tions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community ( 2R0031-20140501). (4) European Court of Auditors, Special Report – The ethical frameworks of the audited EU institutions: scope for improvement, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019 (https:// (5) 6 European Institute for Gender Equality Part 1.Understand What is the impact of sexism at work? Sexism is inefficient Sexist assumptions and practices can hold employees back and channel them into the wrong roles. Women may be shut out of senior positions or diverted into roles seen to require stereotypically ‘feminine’ skills. Men have been found to rapidly leave jobs dominated by women due to social stigma, with some preferring unemployment (6). This is a waste of human resources. Sexism harms employees Less than half of EU citizens believe Sexist expectations and behaviour gender equality has been achieved at have been shown to negatively affect work. employees’ performance, sense of be- Source: Eurobarometer (7). longing, mental health and job satisfac- tion (8). Sexist behaviour and practices, when frequent and normalised, have been shown to be as detrimental to employees’ occupational well-being as sexual harassment (9). Sexism damages an organisation’s image When employees feel that sexist be- haviour and practices persist in spite of 94 % of EU citizens believe gender efforts to build an inclusive workplace, equality is a fundamental right organisations can be accused of ‘gen- Source: Eurobarometer (10).
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