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1 Securing Peace and Promoting Prosperity in Karamoja Quarterly Report Third Quarter – April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 Submission Date: July 31, 2018 Agreement Number: 72061718CA00001 Activity Start Date and End Date: November 15, 2017 to November 15, 2019 AOR Name: Morris Nsamba Submitted by: David Gatare, Chief of Party Mercy Corps 4th Floor, Embassy Plaza, Ggaba Road P.O. Box 32021, Clock Tower, Kampala, Uganda Tel: Tel +256 (0)414 501 014 | mobile: +256 (0)779 484169 Email: [email protected] Copied to: [email protected] This document was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development Uganda Mission (USAID/Uganda). 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS List all acronyms and abbreviations pertinent to the activity. The first time a word requiring an acronym or abbreviation is used in the body of the report, spell out the word in full with the acronym or abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, use only the acronym or abbreviation. AMELP Activity Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Plan AOR Agreements Officer Representative AWOTID Abim Women Together in Development COP Chief of Party CEWERU Conflict Early Warning and Early Response Unit CRS Catholic Relief Services DADO Dodoth Agro-Pastoralism Development Organization DO Development Objective GBV Gender Based Violence IO Intelligence Officer IR Intermediate Result LC V Local Council Five-District Chairperson NGO Non-Governmental Organization ONA Organizational Network Assessment OPI Organizational Performance Index RDC Resident District Commissioner TH Trauma Healing UPDF Uganda Peoples Defense Forces USAID United States Agency for International Development VAT Value Added Tax Template Last Updated: June 8, 2018 2 ACTIVITY OVERVIEW/SUMMARY Securing Peace and Promoting Prosperity in Karamoja Activity Name: Securing Peace and Promoting Prosperity in Karamoja Project: Activity Start Date and Nov 15, 2017-Nov 15,2019 End Date: Name of Prime Mercy Corps Implementing Partner: [Contract/Agreement] # 72061718CA00001 Number: Dodoth Agro-Pastoralist Development Organization (DADO): Name of Sub-awardees $127,043 and Dollar Amounts: AWOTID: $100,053 Major Counterpart Local Governments, CEWERU Organizations: Geographic Coverage Moroto, Kotido, Kaabong, and Abim (districts. Also note any changes): April – June, 2018 Reporting Period: 3 ACTIVITY INFORMATION 1.1 Activity Description/Introduction Short and concise introductory section that gives a quick overview of the activity, goals/objectives, target beneficiaries, geographical locations, etc. This is a standardized paragraph that can be used in each quarterly report. It should be BRIEF, no more than 500 words USAID’s Securing Peace and Promoting Prosperity in Karamoja Activity is a two-year Conflict Mitigation and Management project made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It is implemented in Kaabong, Kotido, Abim and Moroto Districts of Karamoja, Uganda, and runs from November 15, 2017 to November 15, 2019. The Activity is implemented by Mercy Corps, Dodoth Agro Pastoralists Development Organization (DADO), and Abim Women Together in Development (AWOTID). Objectives: The project brings communities from Karamoja together across lines-of-conflict to address the social, economic, environmental, and political issues at risk of fueling violence. The total population (indirect beneficiaries) targeted is 561,761 (2014 population and housing census for Kaabong, Abim, Kotido and Moroto). This will be achieved through three interlinked objectives: Objective 1: Supports 744 (direct beneficiaries) people who are part of the council of elders, other female and male leaders, and reformed warriors, in their work to help their communities deal with past experiences of violence by re-building broken social bonds and providing mental health and psychosocial support activities. In parallel, Mercy Corps will bring the various leaders together with youth clubs to identify shared interests and design development projects, thereby promoting cooperation across lines- of-conflict. Stronger relationships between communities no longer plagued by trauma will help prevent future violence. Objective 2: Continue to work with 1,280 (direct beneficiaries) council of elders, other female and male leaders, and youth clubs, strengthening their skills and relationships necessary to prevent conflict and de- escalate violent disputes driven by natural resources in general and livestock theft specifically. Objective 2 connects these actors to the wider conflict and early warning network at district, sub-county and parish levels across the Karamoja region. Objective 3: Through 960 (direct beneficiaries) key leaders, boost civil society’s capacities and resources to educate and empower community groups on land rights and advocacy. The goal is to bring together communities, government and the private sector for land use and reform to secure more equitable land access for women and men, and reduce the risk of conflict with government or private sector on land use. The project builds on partners (Mercy Corps, DADO and AWOTID) previous and existing conflict management and resilience projects in Karamoja and the Karamoja Cluster as a whole. The USAID- funded Alternatives to Conflict in Karamoja & Turkana (ACKT) addressed causes of cross-border conflict between the Ik and Dodoth of Uganda and the Turkana of Kenya. Building Bridges to Peace promoted inter-ethnic cooperation through ecological projects, which increased trust and perceptions of security. Growth, Health and Governance (GHG) bolstered local capacity to improve governance and mitigate conflict. AWOTID has implemented (as part of GHG) activities with a focus on building the Template Last Updated: June 8, 2018 4 capacity of land management structures in Abim. In PEACE III, Mercy Corps and DADO are working with Pact Kenya to strengthen conflict management capacity within and linkages between local, national, and regional actors to address cross-border conflict. Currently the project has initiated collaboration with Mercy Corps Apolou, another USAID Food for Peace project implemented in the Karamoja region. Photo: RDC of Kaabong District talking to Activity supported Losilang Youth Group in Kotido on handing over more guns to the security agencies. 5 1.2 Results to Date Table 1(a): PMP/Project Indicator Progress - USAID Standard Indicators and Project Custom Indicators DO 1: Community and household resilience in select areas and target population increased Quarterly Status – FY Baseline data FY 2018 Annual Comment(s) 2018 Performan Data Annual ce Indicator Annual Source Cumulative Achieved Year Value Cumulative Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Planned to Date Actual target1 (in %) Intermediate Result (IR) 1: Women leaders and youth empowered to provide trauma healing and advance reconciliation. Trauma healing (TH) sessions Event 0 0 120 4 0 0 4 3% Loyoro, Sdok conducted by the project forms and Lolelia sub trainees counties Percent of individuals who have Event 0 0 15% 0% 0% 0% 0% % undergone trauma healing forms working with former protagonists Projects implemented by 4 0 0 0 0 0% 0 0 formerly conflicting parties Sub-IR 1.1: Capacities of women and youth to conduct trauma healing sessions and provide psychosocial support improved Number of individuals trained 0 0 64 60 0 60 0 94% Trauma Attenda in trauma healing and Healing nce psychosocial support Facilitators sheets training PS.6.2-4 Number of people 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0% Annual target participating in USG-supported Event events, trainings, or activities forms designed to build mass support for peace and reconciliation Number of Women and Youth Attenda 0 0 30 8 0 0 8 27% Loyoro, Sidok facilitating trauma healing nce and Lolelia sheets 1 When applicable Template Last Updated: June 8, 2018 Sub-IR 1.2: Youth groups empowered to actively to engage in peace-building initiatives. 6 PS.6.2-2 Number of USG- 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0% funded events, trainings, or Event activities designed to build forms support for peace or reconciliation on a mass scale Intermediate Result (IR) 2: Formal and informal structures to prevent and resolve natural resource disputes and livestock theft strengthened. Number of community Event 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0% structures with trained forms mediators involved in dispute and mediation Attenda nce sheets Number of Disputes mediated 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0% Event by community structures with forms trained mediators Sub-IR 2.1: Women’s role in early warning mechanisms strengthened Number of local women 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0% participating in a substantive Event role or position in peace- forms building process supported with USG assistance (F 1.6-6) Sub-IR 2.2: Dispute resolution capacity of peace building actors enhanced. PS.6.2-3 Number of USG 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 25% Mediators supported events, trainings, or training activities designed to build Event support for peace or forms reconciliation among key actors to the conflict PS.6.2-1 Number of new 0 0 4 1 0 0 1 25% Losilang youth groups or initiatives created group through USG funding, Event dedicated to resolving the forms conflict or the drivers of the conflict Intermediate Result (IR) 3: Improved collaboration between communities and other actors on land. Number of Action points or 7 0 0 0 0 0% Event 0 0 Resolutions resulting from forms consultative process Number of Implemented 5 0 0 0 0 0% 7 Event 0 0 undertakings resulting from forms consultative processes Sub-IR 3.1: Improved community awareness of their land rights and land laws. Number of Community 0 0 2000 23 0 0 0 1.2% members attending awareness Event sessions on land rights and land forms laws Sub-IR 3.2: Improved capacity of Area Land Committees & District Land Boards in land administration % of the DLBs and ALCs Event 0 0 30% 0 0 0 0 0% trained in land administration forms and management. and Attenda nce sheets In the table, include the Project Management Plan (PMP) and project relevant indicators that are required for quarterly reporting. Include Intermediate Result (IR), sub IR, and Guiding Principles indicators that apply to the activity, special Initiative indicators, F-standard indicators, and activity specific indicators.