Hull Configuration
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Europaisches Patentamt J European Patent Office © Publication number: 0 678 445 A1 Office europeen des brevets EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION © Application number: 95105964.1 © Int. CI.6: B63B 1/04 @ Date of filing: 21.04.95 ® Priority: 21.04.94 US 230640 Rogestien No. 4 N-3189 Horten (NO) © Date of publication of application: 25.10.95 Bulletin 95/43 0 Representative: Altenburg, Udo, Dipl.-Phys. et © Designated Contracting States: ai DE DK GB NL Patent- und Rechtsanwalte Bardehle Pa9enberg Dost Altenburg © Applicant: PETROLEUM GEO-SERVICES AG " . Drammensvn. 302 Frohwitter . Geissler & Partner, N-1324 Lysaker (NO) Postfach 86 06 20 @ Inventor: Ramde, Roar D-81633 Munchen (DE) © Hull configuration. © A new displacement hull configuration providing provided with a slope surface forming an angle of for homogenous flow of water under the stern includ- below about 14° between the base line of the ship ing side-hull bulges that are relatively constant in near mid-ship and a line extending from that point to size from the bow to mid-ship and tapering off to another point on the surface to about 0.2L from the about zero at the stern. Additionally, the hull is stern, where L is the length of the ship. oo CO FIG. 1 Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services (3. 10/3.09/3.3.4) 1 EP 0 678 445 A1 2 BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION: and heaving. The earlier Ramde patent taught the use of This invention relates to ship hull designs, and certain relationships which have been found to be in particular to hulls made of the sinusoidal water- non-optimal. Also, other differences have been line variety, an example of which is described in 5 found that make substantial improvements in the European Patent 0 134 767 B1, issued to Ramde, performance of ships designed according to the incorporated herein by reference. Hereinafter, such earlier Ramde patent, as well as curing problems a hull may be referred to as a "Ramform" hull. found in the use of such ships. Such a hull, in comparison to conventional hull designs makes it possible to improve a vessel's w SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: deadweight tonnage, transverse stability, naviga- tional and sailing properties and to reduce stresses The seagoing properties of the hull configura- on the hull beam whether the vessel is sailing in tion of the present embodiments of the invention quiet water or into the waves. are improved, such that the hull's pitching and As explained in the Ramde patent, at given 75 heaving movements are reduced, compared to the main dimensions of length, breadth and depth to movements of conventional hulls travelling at the the design waterline, conventional hull configura- same rate of speed, as well as the previous Ram- tions can obtain greater deadweight tonnage by form hulls, and these movements are also retarded increasing the fullness of the underwater portion of such that the improved hull does not exhibit cor- the hull, thereby increasing the total displacement. 20 respondingly large movements until the wave To improve the transverse stability of a convention- length/hull length ratio is more than twice as large, ally formed hull, expressed as a higher initial while at the same time the improved hull's resis- metacenter, the breadth of the hull can be in- tance to propulsion is reduced to a similar degree. creased to obtain a greater moment on inertia at Also, the present invention provides for very the waterline, optionally also raising the volumetric 25 smooth, substantially homogeneous, two-dimen- center of gravity of the underwater hull. sional flow of water under the hull and past the However, changes of this nature (increasing stern, resulting in very low turbulence, and very displacement and beam), as demanded for trans- quiet running. Further still, the present invention verse stability and speed increase, will eventually provides for an improved propulsion placement to result in an unacceptable increase in a conven- 30 take advantage of the smooth water flow. tional vessel's resistance to propulsion in quiet According to various embodiments of the waters as well as in heavy waves. present invention, there is provided a ramform-type To improve the seagoing properties of a con- hull with a sloped surface forming an angle of ventional hull configuration, expressed as the ves- below about 14 degrees between the base line of sel's angular movements about a transverse axis 35 the ship near the centerplane and a line extending (pitching), vertical movements (heave), accelera- from the transom stern to another point on the tions and the amount of increase in propulsion surface at about 0.2L from the stern, where L is the resistance compared to the resistance in quiet length of the ship. Further in accordance with var- seas, one seeks to alter the vessel's natural fre- ious embodiments there is provided a Ramform- quency of pitching and heaving so that this fre- 40 type hull with a Froude number of between about quency, insofar as possible, does not coincide with 0.1 and below about 0.35, and a bulge on each the frequency of the wave lengths which the vessel side of the hull is formed near the bottom of the encounters. ship, being relatively constant in size from the bow In the case of conventional hull designs, struc- to midship and tapering off to about zero at the tural alterations result in only slight improvements 45 stern. Further in accordance with embodiments of in the seagoing properties of the vessel, and ex- the invention, the two bulges continue beyond the treme pitching and heaving movements and a great bow to merge into an upward tilting member sub- increase in the resistance to propulsion will occur stantially below the design waterline and extending when the ship is sailing into the waves when the to about the surface of the design waterline. prevailing wave length is approximately equal in 50 According to still a further embodiment of the in- the ship's length at the waterline. vention, there is provided a ship of a displacement Depending on the type vessel and its rate of type with a Ramform type hull, having squarely cut speed, such synchronous movements always make off longitudinally approximately sinusoidal water- it necessary for a conventional ship to reduce lines; a sloped surface at the bottom of the aft part speed or alter course in relation to the waves, 55 of the ship, formed between a base plane and the thereby altering the cycles of encounter with the stern of the ship; said sloped surface forming an waves so that the wave period does not coincide angle with the base plane and tangentially extend- with the natural frequency of the vessel's pitching ing into said base plane approximately at L/2; said 2 3 EP 0 678 445 A1 4 angle of said sloped surface related to the base section. According to still a more specific embodi- line and a line connecting a first point in a longitu- ment of the invention, the ship has an L/B ratio of dinal ship section parallel or equal to the center- between 1 .4 to less than 2, for example, 1 .8. plane section at the lower edge of the transom According to a still further embodiment of the stern and a second point in the same section as 5 invention, the ship includes a dieselelectric power the first one in the sloped surface at 0.2L. Accord- plant, which is arranged in a power station located ing to a specific embodiment, the angle of said at the forepart and uppermost deck of the ship, and sloped surface is about 12.5°. According to a still the ship further includes an increased deck area, further embodiment, the Froude-No. of the ship is which is prolonged up to the aftmost extension of between about 0.1 and about 0.3. io the fins, and which is supported by an extended According to still a further embodiment, there hull structure above the waterline with an open is prodded a ship of a displacement type with a transom stern. Ramform type hull having substantially squarely According to still a further embodiment of the cut off longitudinal and approximately sinusoidal invention, there is provided a ship of a displace- waterlines comprising; a sloped surface on the 15 ment type with a Ramform type hull, comprising a bottom of the ship, formed between a base plane squarely cut off longitudinally approximately and the stern of the ship; said sloped surface sinusoidal waterlines; a sloped surface at the bot- forming an angle with the base plane and tangen- tom of the ship, formed between a base plane and tially extending into said base plane approximately the stern of the ship; said sloped surface forming at L/2; and a bulge on each side of the hull ar- 20 an angle with the base plane and tangentially ex- ranged from the bow to the edge of the transom tending into said base plane approximately at L/2; stern According to a more specific embodiment, the bulges on each side of the hull arranged from said bulge is relatively constant in size in the range the bow to the edge of the transom stern terminat- from the bow to L/2 and continuously decreasing in ing at about the stern area of the ship by merging size from L/2 to nearly about zero towards the 25 into each other forming a tongue-like shape with a edge of the transom stern. Further, said bulge at flattened upper surface and raising up to about the the transversal midship section (L/2) has a maxi- waterline.